Huron Case Solution

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Cost Under Proposal 1 Cost Under Proposal 2

S. No Department Labour Overhead Total Cost Labour Overhead Total Cost

1 Casting/Stamping 21.6 31.37 52.97 21.6 31.52 53.12
2 Grinding 18 30.14 48.14 18 28.75 46.75
3 Machining 25 62.52 87.52 25 61.5 86.5
4 Custom Work 22 40.48 62.48 22 41.06 63.06
5 Assembly 19 21.19 40.19 19 20.14 39.14

Product Cost for CS 29 (Proposal 1)

S. No Department Hour Consumed Labour Overhead Labour COverhead CTotal Cost

1 Casting/Stamping 21 21.6 31.37 453.6 658.77 1112.37
2 Grinding 12 18 30.14 216 361.68 577.68
3 Machining 58 25 62.52 1450 3626.16 5076.16
4 Custom Work 0 22 40.48 0 0 0
5 Assembly 35 19 21.19 665 741.65 1406.65

Total Cost of 100 C 126 2784.6 5388.26 8172.86

Product Cost for Spare Parts

S. No Department Hour Consumed Labour Overhead Labour COverhead CTotal Cost

1 Casting/Stamping 304 21.6 31.37 6566.4 9536.48 16102.88
2 Grinding 270 18 30.14 4860 8137.8 12997.8
3 Machining 1115 25 62.52 27875 69709.8 97584.8
4 Custom Work 0 22 40.48 0 0 0
5 Assembly 0 19 21.19 0 0 0
Total Cost of Spare 1689 39301 87384.08 126685.48

Cost for Work for Other Division

S. No Department Hour Consumed Labour Overhead Labour COverhead CTotal Cost

1 Casting/Stamping 674 21.6 31.37 14558 21143.38 35701.78
2 Grinding 540 18 30.14 9720 16275.6 25995.6
3 Machining 2158 25 62.52 53950 134918.2 188868.16
4 Custom Work 0 22 40.48 0 0 0
5 Assembly 0 19 21.19 0 0 0
Total Cost of Spare 3372 78228 172337.1 250565.54
Current Proposal
Hours Total Per Hour Cost Total Cost
126 55.96 7050.96

Difference 1121.9

Current Proposal
Hours Total Per Hour Cost Total Cost
1689 55.96 94516.44

Difference 32169.04

Current Proposal
Hours Total Per Hour Cost Total Cost
3372 55.96 188697.1

Difference 61868.42
Cost Under Proposal 1 Cost Under Proposal 2
S. No Department Labour Overhead Total Cost Labour Overhead Total Cost
1 Casting/Stamping 21.6 31.37 52.97 21.6 31.52 53.12
2 Grinding 18 30.14 48.14 18 28.75 46.75
3 Machining 25 62.52 87.52 25 61.5 86.5
4 Custom Work 22 40.48 62.48 22 41.06 63.06
5 Assembly 19 21.19 40.19 19 20.14 39.14

Product Cost for CS 29 (Proposal 2)

S. No Department Hour Consumed Labour Overhead Labour Cost Overhead CTotal Cost
1 Casting/Stamping 21 21.6 31.52 453.6 661.92 1115.52
2 Grinding 12 18 28.75 216 345 561
3 Machining 58 25 61.5 1450 3567 5017
4 Custom Work 0 22 41.06 0 0 0
5 Assembly 35 19 20.14 665 704.9 1369.9

Total Cost of 100 CS 29 Batch 2784.6 5278.82 8063.42

Product Cost for Spare Parts

S. No Department Hour Consumed Labour Overhead Labour Cost Overhead CTotal Cost
1 Casting/Stamping 304 21.6 31.52 6566.4 9582.08 16148.48
2 Grinding 270 18 28.75 4860 7762.5 12622.5
3 Machining 1115 25 61.5 27875 68572.5 96447.5
4 Custom Work 0 22 41.06 0 0 0
5 Assembly 0 19 20.14 0 0 0
Total Cost of Spare 1689 39301.4 85917.08 125218.48

Cost for Work for Other Division

S. No Department Hour Consumed Labour Overhead Labour Cost Overhead CTotal Cost
1 Casting/Stamping 674 21.6 31.52 14558.4 21244.48 35802.88
2 Grinding 540 18 28.75 9720 15525 25245
3 Machining 2158 25 61.5 53950 132717 186667
4 Custom Work 0 22 41.06 0 0 0
5 Assembly 0 19 20.14 0 0 0
Total Cost of Spare 3372 78228.4 169486.5 247714.88
Existing System
Hours Total Per HTotal Cost
126 55.96 7050.96

Difference 1012.46

Existing System
Hours Total Per HTotal Cost
1689 55.96 94516.44

Difference 30702.04

Current Proposal
Hours Total Per HTotal Cost
3372 55.96 188697.1

Difference 59017.76

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