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Grade 2 School years: 2022-2023

Preparing date: 16/09/2022.
Unit 2. In the backyard
Lesson 1 (1,2,3,4)
I. Objectives:
1.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :
- correctly pronounce the name of letter K/ k and the sound /k/ in isolation.
- Say correctly the words kite, kitten, bike
- say the sentence pattern: He’s/ She’s ________(V-ing) in a chant.
* Disabled students: Ss will be able to correctly pronounce the name of letter K/ k and
the sound /k/ in isolation.
2. Skill: listening , reading, speaking, writing
3. Attitude:Educate Ss to become studious and obedient students, love learning
4. Forming abilities : + Communicative and collaborative competence
+ Problem-solving competence
+ Self-studying and self-control competence
+ Problem-solving and creative competence
II. Methods -Communicative Language Teaching
-Total Physical Response
III. Preparation:
1. Teacher: Pictures, words cards, worksheets, flashcards, objects, recording,
computer, projector.
2. Students: Tieng Anh 2 students’ books, pens, pencils, crayons, notebooks.
IV. Class organization:

Vu Thi Kim Anh Phan Boi Chau primary school
Grade 2 School years: 2022-2023
Class Date of teaching Absent students
2A4 13/9/2020
2A5 15/9/2020
V. Procedure:
1. Warm up and lead in (3’)
- Aims: Game: Guessing game
- Method: - grouping, miming, ask and answer.
- Procedure:
Teacher’s activities S’s activities

-Have ss to look through 3 pictures( which is closed). SS listen and play game.
- opens each piece of each picture for ss to guess
about the pets and then read aloud name of the food.
- checks and have ss read all the words.
- Say “Open your book page 9 and look at Unit 2,
Lesson 1”
2. New leson
2.1 Listen and repeat:
Aims: to correctly pronounce the name of letter K/ k and the sound / k/ both in
isolation and in the words kite, kitten, bike
- Method: techniques in teaching listening and speaking, individual, pair works, ask
and answer…
- using flashcards, recording, pictures…
Teacher’s activities S’s activities
- Have ss look at the picture and draw ss’ attention to -Look at the picture and
the letter K/ k, the words next to the things and the listen.
colour of the letter K/ k.
-Ask ss to point to the letter K/ k Have them listen
and repeat the sound of the letter K/ k more than
Vu Thi Kim Anh Phan Boi Chau primary school
Grade 2 School years: 2022-2023
once, if necessary. -Point, listen and repeat.
-Tell ss to point to kite . Ask them to listen and
repeat the word.
-Repeat the same Procedure: with the words: kitten,
-Ss repeat.
bike, Give further support to those ss who find it
difficult to do the task. -Ss listen and repeat.
-Play the recording again and have them listen, point
to the letter K/ k and the kite, kitten, bike and repeat
-SS listen, point and
until they feel confident. Correct pronunciation, if
-SS say in front of the
-Play the recording again and call some ss to say the
letter K/ k and the words kite, kitten, bike in front of
the class.
Output: Ss can correctly pronounce the name of letter K/ k and the sound /k/ both in
isolation and in the words kite, kitten, bike
2.2. Point and say:
Aims: to correctly identify and pronounce the name the words kite, kitten, bike
Methods: - techniques in teaching listening and speaking, pair works, ask and
- using flashcards, recording, pictures…
Teacher’s activities S’s activities
- Have ss look at the picture again and ask them to - SS listen and play game.
describe the picture again (in Vietnamese). Draw
their attention to the letter K/ k, kite, kitten, bike
if necessary.
- Get them to point to the letter K/ k and say it. Let -SS open their book.
them point to the word and say,
- Give further support to those ss who find it -Look at the picture and
difficult to do the task.
- Follow the same Procedure: with other things.
Vu Thi Kim Anh Phan Boi Chau primary school
Grade 2 School years: 2022-2023
Give further support to those Ss who find it
difficult to do the task.
- Ask ss to work in pairs or in groups to point to
-Point, listen and repeat.
the picture and say the sound of the letter K/ k and
the words. Go around and offer help or correct -Ss repeat.
pronunciation, if necessary.
-Ss listen and repeat.
-Invite two or three ss to point to the picture and
-SS listen, point and
say the sound of the letter and the words in front of
the class.
-SS say in front of the
- T gets feedback.
Output: Ss can correctly identify and pronounce the name the words kite, kitten, bike
2.3 Listen and chant:
Aims: to correctly pronounce the words kite, kitten, bike and say the sentence
pattern: He’s/ She’s ________(V-ing) in a chant.
Methods: - techniques in teaching listening and speaking, individual, pairworks,
groupworks, ask and answer…
- using flashcards, recording, pictures, worksheets…
Teacher’s activities S’s activities
- Have ss look at the chant on p. 10 in their books Ss listen.
and draw ss’ attention to the first line and explain
its meaning. Ask them to pay attention to the letter
K/ k and the words: kite, kitten, bike. Check -Ss listen and repeat.
- Play the recording of the first verse for Ss to
listen and to get familiarized with the tune.
-SS listen and chant.
- Play the recording again, ask ss to listen and
repeat the first line. Then play the recording for
them to listen and repeat until they feel confident.
- Follow the same Procedure: with the other verse.
Show ss how to chant and clap their hands.

Vu Thi Kim Anh Phan Boi Chau primary school
Grade 2 School years: 2022-2023
Correct pronunciation, if necessary.
- Play the recording all the way through. Ask ss to -SS chant.
listen and repeat the chant individually and in
chorus. Give further support to those ss who find it
difficult to do the task.
- Select some ss to the front of the class to chant -SS chant in front of the
and clap their hands. The rest of the class may sing class.
the chant along and clap their hands.

Output: Ss can correctly pronounce the words kite, kitten, bike and say the sentence
pattern: He’s/ She’s ________(V-ing) in a chant.
2.4 Listen and circle:
Aims: to recognize the words kite, kitten, bike and the sentence pattern: He’s/ She’s
Method: - techniques in teaching listening
- pairworks, ask and answer…
- using recording, pictures…
Teacher’s activities S’s activities

-Have Ss look at two pictures and say what they -Look at the picture and
can see. Draw ss’ attention to the boxes next to the discribe.
letters a and b. Check comprehension.
-Encourage some ss to point to the pictures and
say the words in front of the class . E.g. 1a: kite, -Point and say
1b: bike
- Play the recording for ss to listen and tick the
-SS listen and do the task.
- Let ss to listen again and check .
-T gets feedback.
*Keys: 1.b / 2.a

Vu Thi Kim Anh Phan Boi Chau primary school
Grade 2 School years: 2022-2023
Output: Ss can to recognize the words kite, kitten, bike and the sentence pattern:
He’s/ She’s ________(V-ing)
3. Summary:
- Retell the content of the lesson.
VI. Evaluation:

Vu Thi Kim Anh Phan Boi Chau primary school

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