Constitution 1973 Notes by Sanaullah

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The National Assembly of Pakistan passed the Constitution on 10th April, 1973, the President of the Assembly
authenticated it on 12th April, 1973. It was promulgated on 14th August 1973. It has 280 articles, 12 parts and 5
schedules (previously 7 schedules, two were omitted in 18th amendment).
Part-I Article: 01 to 06
Part-II Definition of the State Article: 07
Chapter: 01- Fundamentals Of Rights Article: 08 to 28
Chapter: 02- Principles Of Policy Article: 29 to 40
Part-III Chapter: 01- The President Article: 41 to 49
The Federation Of Chapter: 02- The Majlis-e- Shoora Article: 50 to 89
Pakistan Chapter: 03- The Federal Government Article: 90 to 100
Part-IV Chapter: 01- The Governors Article:101 to 105
Provinces Chapter: 02- Provincial Assemblies Article: 106 to 128
Chapter: 03- The Provincial Government Article: 129 to 140A
Part-V Chapter: 01- Distribution Of Legislative Powers Article: 141 to 144
Relations Between Chapter: 02- Administrative Relations Between Article: 145 to 152
Federation and Federation And Provinces
Provinces Chapter: 03- Special Provisions Article: 152A to 159

Part-VI Chapter: 01- Finance Article: 160 to 165A

Finance, Property, Chapter: 02- Borrowing And Audit Article: 166 to 171
Contracts and Suits Chapter: 03- Property, Contracts, Liabilities and Article: 172 to 174
Part-VII Chapter: 01- The Courts Article: 175 to 175A
The Judicature Chapter: 02- The Supreme Court of Pakistan Article: 176 to 191
Chapter: 03- The High Courts Article: 192 to 203J
Chapter: 04- General Provisions Relating to Article: 204 to 212B
Part-VIII Chapter: 01- Chief Election Commissioner And Article: 213 to 221
Elections Election Commissions
Chapter: 02- Electoral Laws and Conduct of Article: 222 to 226
Part-IX Article: 227 to 231
Islamic Provisions
Part-X Article: 232 to 237
Emergency Provisions
Part-XI Article: 238 to 239
Amendment of
Part-XII Chapter: 01- Services Article: 240 to 242
Miscellaneous Chapter: 02- Armed Forces Article: 243 to 245
Chapter 03- Tribal Areas Article: 246 to 247
Chapter 04- General Article: 248 to 259
Chapter 05- Interpretation Article: 260 to 264
Chapter 06- Title, Commencement and Repeal Article: 265 to 266
Chapter 07- Transitional Article: 267 to 280

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1. As per Article 1 of the Constitution territories of Pakistan shall comprise: The Province of Balochistan, KPK,
Punjab Sindh, Federal Capital and FATA
2. Article 02 states Islam to be state religion
3. Article 2A makes Objective Resolution substantive part of constitution deals after amending article 2 Before, it
was preamble part of 1973 constitution.
4. Article 3 is about elimination of exploitation.
5. Article 4 states that every individual of Pakistan shall deal with due process of law.
6. Article 5 deals with loyalty to state.
7. Article 6 is about high treason.
8. As per Article 6(3) ______ is empowered to provide punishment of persons found guilty of high treason. Majlis
e Shura(Parliament).
9. Definition of the State is provided in Article _____ of the Constitution of 1973. 7
10. Article 8 to 28 are about fundamental rights.
11. No person shall be deprived of life or liberty save in accordance with law as provided in article 9.
12. Safeguards as to arrest and detention is provided in _______ of the Constitution. Article 10
13. Article 10-A of the Constitution deals with right to fair trial.
14. Article 11 deals with prevention from forced labour.
15. Article 12 of the Constitution of 1973 provided protection against Retrospective punishment.
16. Article 13 of the Constitution protects from double punishment
17. Article 14 deals with inviolability of dignity of man.
18. Article 15 deals with freedom of movement.
19. Freedom of assembly is provided in Article 16 of the Constitution of 1973.
20. Freedom of ______ is provided in Article 17 of the Constitution of 1973. Association.
21. Article 18 of the Constitution, 1973 deals with freedom of business or profession
22. Article 19 deals with freedom of speech.
23. Every citizen shall have the right to have access to information in all matters of public importance subject to
regulation and reasonable restrictions imposed by law is provided in Article 19-A of The Constitution of 1973.
24. Article 20 deals with freedom of religion.
25. Article 21 of the Constitution, 1973 provided safeguard against taxation for the
purpose any particular religion.
24. Article 22 deals with prevention from imposition of religious education to non religious in institutions.
25. Article 32 deals with promotion of local government.
26. Article 36 deals with rights of minority.
27. Article 37 deals with social justice.
28. Article 39 deals with participation in armed forces.
29. Article 45 deals with president's power of pardon related to state not personal.
30. Any person who possesses all qualification for president may become president for two times.
31. Article 50 tells Constitutional name of Parliament of Pakistan is Majlis e Shura. It includes president and two
32. Article 51 deals with national assembly and its composition.
33. Speaker and Deputy speaker of national assembly are elected under article 53.
34. The session of either house or both houses is summoned by President of Pakistan under article 54(1) of the
35. National Assembly shall meet for atleast 130 working days in each year.
36. President may address either house or both houses under article 56(1).
37. Article 58 deals with dissolution of National Assembly by president on advice of Prime Minister.
38. Article 58(2) deals with dissolution of National Assembly by president on vote of no confidence against Prime
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39. Article 59 deals with Senate and its composition.
40. Age of senator should be 30 years.
41. Article 60(1) and 62(2) deals with appointment of chairman and deputy chairman and their office term
42. Article 62 deals with qualification of member of Majlis e Shura
43. Article 63 deals with disqualification of member of Majlis e Shura.
44. Ordinary bill needs simple majority of votes of members to be passed.
45. Constitutional amendment bill needs 2/3rd majority of votes of members to be passed.
46. Money Bill is passed only by national assembly. It will not move to Senate but only for suggestions not for
47. President may appoint Attorney General under Article 100
48. Article 101 deals with appointment of governor by president and his qualification.
49. Provincial governor's age should be not less than 35 years.
50. Speaker and Deputy speaker of provincial assembly are elected under article 108.
51. When a bill is presented to the governor for assent, the governor shall assent the bill or return to provincial
assembly for reconsideration.
52. The total strength of the provincial cabinet shall not exceed fifteen members or eleven percent of the total
membership of a provincial assembly.
53. C.M may submit his resignation to governor.
54. C.M shall not appoint more than five advisors.
55. Provincial minister may submit his resignation to governor under article 132(3).
56. Article 136(1) deals with Vote of No confidence against C.M that should not be less than 20% of total votes of
members of provincial assembly.
57. Governor shall appoint Advocate General for the province under article 140(1).
58. Advocate General may submit his resignation to provincial governor under article 140(4).
59. Article 140(A) deals with conduction of local government election.
60. CCI Council of Common Interest is appointed by President under article 153(1). It shall consist of: *P.M( The
chairman of the council). *C.M's of all provinces. *Three members from federal government nominated by P.M
time to time.
61. National Economic Council is formulated under article 156 by the president. National Economic Council shall
consist of: *P.M (Chairman of the council), * C.M's and one member from each province to be nominated by C.M.
*Four other members as P.M may nominate from time to time.
62. Article 160 deals with NFC- National Finance Commission constituted by president. Shall consist of finance
minister of federal government, finance minister of provincial government and such other persons may be
appointed by president after consultation with provincial governors.
63. Article 168 deals with Auditor General of Pakistan, appointed by the president, take oath before chief justice
of Pakistan. He holds office for four years from his office assumption till 65 years.
64. Article 175(1) deals with formation of Supreme Court, four High Courts and one ICT High Court.
65. Article 175(A) deals with judicial committee for appointment of judges of Supreme Court, High Courts and
Federal Sharia Court.
66. Article 177 deals with appointment of Supreme Court judges by president and eligibility for appointment.
67. Article 192 deals with constitution of High Courts.
68. Article 193 deals with appointment of High Court Judges
69. A Judge of Supreme Court or High Court may submit their resignation to President under Article 206(1).
70. Article 204 deals with contempt of court means Supreme Court or High Courts.
71. Article 209 deals with Supreme Judicial Council. It is the forum where impeachment of judges is done and
trials against misconduct of judges are made.
72. Article 213 deals with appointment of Chief Election Commissioner by the President. He takes oath before
Chief Justice of Pakistan. Chief Election Commissioner and his members hold their offices for a term of five years.
Chief Election Commissioner may submit his resignation to the President.
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73. Article 218 deals with establishment of Election Commission of Pakistan.
74. Article 228 deals with establishment of composition of Islamic Council and its composition. Members shall be
appointed by the President. The members (having knowledge of principles and philosophy of Islam enunciated in
Holy Quran and Sunnah) should not be less than 8 and not more than 20.
75. Article 232 deals with proclamation of emergency by the President on account of war, internal disturbance
76. Article 234 deals with powers of the President to issue proclamation of governor rule in case of failure
constitutional machinery in a province. In such situation, powers of provincial assembly is exercised by Majlis e
Shura (Parliament).
77. Article 235 deals with financial emergency proclaimed by the President with consultations of governors.
78. Article 238 deals with amendment of constitution. Amendment bill needs 2/3rd majority of total members.
No amendment of constitution shall be challenged in any court on any ground. There is no limitation to amend
any provision of constitution for Majlis e Shura (Parliament).
79. Article 242 deals with establishment of Public Service Commission and appointment of Public Service
Commission i.e: Federal and Provincial. Chairman of FPSC shall be appointed by the President on advice of Prime
Minister. Chairman of Provincial Public Service Commission shall be appointed by governor on the advice of C.M
80. Article 243(1) states that Federal Government shall have control and command of Armed Forces.
81. Article 243(2) makes the President the Supreme Commander of Armed Forces.
82. Article 245 deals with acting of Armed Forces in aid of civil power when called upon by Federal Government
to do so.
83. Urdu is national language and English is official language under article 251.
84. Article 257 deals with state of Jammu and Kashmir.
1. The president takes oath before Chief Justice of Pakistan under article 42.
2. Prime Minister takes oath before president under article 91(5).
3. Federal Minister or Minister of state takes oath before president under article 92(2).
4. Speaker of National Assembly takes oath before ___ under article 53(2).
5. Deputy Speaker of National Assembly takes oath before ___ under article 53(2).
6. Chairman of Senate takes oath before ___ under article 61.
7. Deputy Chairman of Senate takes oath before ___ under article 61.
8. Member of National Assembly takes oath before ____ under article 65.
9. Member of Senate takes oath before ____ under article 65.
10. Governor of province takes oath before Chief Justice of High Court under article 102.
11. Chief Minister takes oath before governor under article 130(5).
12. Provincial Minister takes oath before governor under article 132(2).
13. Speaker of Provincial Assembly takes oath before ___ under article 53(2) and 127
14. Deputy Speaker of Provincial Assembly takes oath before ___ under article 53(2) and 127
15. Member of Provincial Assembly takes oath before ___ under article 65 and 127.
16. Auditor General of Pakistan takes oath before Chief Justice of Pakistan under article 168(2).
17. Chief Justice of Pakistan takes oath before president under article 178.
18. Judge of Supreme Court takes oath before Chief Justice of Pakistan under article 178.
19. Chief Justice of High Court takes oath before governor under article 194.
20. Judge of High Court takes oath before Chief Justice of High Court under article 194.
21. Chief Justice Islamabad High Court takes oath before president under article 194.
22. Judge of Islamabad High Court takes oath before Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court under article 194.
23. Chief Justice and Judge of Federal Shariat Court take oath before president or a person nominated by him
under article 203C(7).
24. Chief Election Commissioner takes oath before Chief Justice of Pakistan under article 214.
25. Member of Election Commission takes oath before Chief Election Commissioner under article 214.
26. Members Armed Forces take oath under article 244.
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Amendments to the Constitution of Pakistan 1973

S# Amendment Enactment Date

1st Redefined the boundaries of Pakistan and removed references to East Pakistan May 4, 1974
2 Defined a Muslim and declared the status of Ahmadis as minority and non-Muslim September 7, 1974
3rd Extended the period of preventive detention February 08, 1975
4th Decreed (direct) additional seats for minorities. It also deprived courts of the power to November 21, 1975
grant bail to any person detained under any preventive detention.
5th Widened the scope of restriction on the High Courts. Made powers limited of High Courts September 5, 1976
to respective provinces.
6th Provided that Chief Justice of Supreme Court will be retired at 65 years age and High December 22, 1976
Court Judges will be retired at 62 years age.
7th Enables Prime Minister of Pakistan to obtain a vote of confidence (referendum) of the May 16, 1977
people of Pakistan on any national cause or issue.
8th Changed Pakistan’s government from a Parliamentary system to a Semi-presidential November 11, 1985
system by giving the power to President to dissolve the National Assembly unilaterally by
inserting article 58(2)(b).
9th To impose Shariah Law as the Supreme law of land. The bill was passed by senate but 1985
could not be passed by National Assembly. Not Passed
10th Fixed the interval period between sessions of the National Assembly to not exceed 130 March 29, 1987
11th Revision of the reserved seats for women in National and Provincial Assemblies. The bill 1989
was withdrawn in 1992. Not Passed
12th Created speedy Trial Court for 3 years. 1991
13th Reversal of 8th Amendment [removal of 58(2)(b)] 1997
14th Allowed party chairman to dismiss his party member of parliament if he/she finds July 3, 1997
involved in horse trading or defecting (leaving one’s political party and joining opponent
group or party for personal interest)
15th Same as 9th Amendment to impose Shariah Law as supreme law. 1998 Not Passed
16th Increased the term appointed for quota system as per 1973 Constitution from 20 years to 1999
40 years.
17th Reversal of 13th Amendment and revival 8th Amendment- article 58(2)(b). 2003
18th Remove article 58(2)(b) of dissolution of N.A by the President and grant provincial April 8, 2010
autonomy. Restore actual parliamentary system again.
19th Provided the procedure of appointment of SC Judges by parliamentary committee. December 22, 2010

20th For free and fair elections. February 14, 2012

21st Created speedy Trial Military Courts to deal with terrorism for 2 years. January 7, 2015
22nd ECP powers and changes in qualification of Chief Election Commissioner for allowing June 8, 2016
technocrats and bureaucrats besides retired H.C Judges to be appointed as Chief Election
23rd Period of Military Courts extended for more 2 years till 6th Jan 2019. January 7, 2017
24th Reallocation of seats of N.A among federating units after 2017 Census. Seats of Punjab December 22, 2017
were decrease, 3 extra seats for Baluchistan and 5 extra seats for KPK were granted due
to increase of population in Baluchistan and KPK.
25th FATA merger with KPK. May 31, 2018
26th It amended 25th amendment by allocating seats to Tribal Districts(Ex-FATA): increase of May 13, 2019
12 seats in National Assembly and increase of 24 seats in KPK Assembly. It received 288
votes in favor and none in against.
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1. Eighteenth Amendment is also known as 18th amendment Act 2010 drafted by 26 members committee under
Raza Rabbani.
2. On 8 April 2010 Eighteenth Amendment of constitution was passed by NA. The Bill was presented by advisor to
PM Mian Raza Rabbani.
3. On 15 April 2010 Eighteenth Amendment Bill was passed by senate
4. On 19 April 2010 President Zardari put his signature on Eighteenth Amendment Bill.
5. Members of National Assembly voted in favour of Eighteenth Amendment- 292 out of 342 which was 2/3rd
majority. In senate, 90 votes out of 100 were in favour and none in against of 18th amendment.
6. How many clauses are there in Eighteenth Amendment-102
7. After Eighteenth Amendment, the powers of president have been curtailed in
a: dissolving the parliament unilaterally through article 58(2)(b).
b: declaring emergency rule in any province unilaterally
c: appointing the head of Election Commission
8. Substitution of article 58 (dissolution of National Assembly by president if so advised by P.M and N.A).
9. Substitution of article 59 (seats of senate were increased from 100 to 104).
10. Through Eighteenth Amendment the name of NWFP replaced with KPK, name of Baluchistan was replaced
with Balochistan and name of Sind was replaced with Sindh.
11. 20 articles were subtituted through Eighteenth Amendment.
12. Eighteenth Amendment amended 4 schedules of the 1973 constitution.
13. Right to Fair trial is granted by Article 10A, of the Constitution of 1973 which was added by Eighteenth
14. Substituted Article 17 (freedom of association subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the
interest of sovereignty or integrity of Pakistan).
15. Article 19A (right to information) was inserted.
16. Article 25A (right to education) was inserted.
17. Substitution of article 46 (president to be kept informed by P.M on internal and external affairs).
18. Substitution of article 112 (dissolution of provincial assembly by the governor if so advised by C.M)
19. Article 140A (local government elections to be held by Provincial Governments) was inserted.
20. Article 175A ( appointment of judges of Supreme Court, Federal Shariat Court and High Courts by Judicial
Commission) was inserted.
21. Amendment in article 193 (Chief Justice of Supereme Court and Judges of High Courts shall be appointed by
president in accordance with article 175A).
22. The ban on becoming 3 times P.M and C.M was lifted.
23. CCI was modified with P.M as its chairman and it shall meet at once in 90 days.
24. The provinces were allowed to get local and foreign loans.
25. In 18th amendment, concurrent list (powers shared by both federal and provincial governments) is omitted.
All powers of concurrent list are given to provinces to make them autonomous.
26. Provinces were made autonomous by transfering ministries from Federal Government to Provincial
Governments. The ministries include: Education, Social Welfare, Special Education, Tourism, Culture, Special
initiatives, Population Planing, HEC, Local Government and Rural Development, Zakat and Ushr, Youth Affairs,
Livestock and Dairy, Food, Agriculture, Sports, Minorities' Affairs, Labour and Man Power, Environment and
Health with certain exceptions
27. After 18th amendment, federal government will only control five subjects: Finance, Defence, Foreign Affairs,
Communication and Revenue.

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1. NFC Award
Article 160 deals with NFC- National Finance Commission constituted by president. NFC is proposed to be held at
the interval of five years. It shall consist of finance minister of federal government, finance ministers of provincial
government and such other persons may be appointed by president after consultation with provincial governors.
The NFC award is meant to distribute financial resources between the federal government (vertical distribution),
and the provinces (horizontal distribution).
The NFC award includes the distribution of taxes collected by the federal government which form a divisible pool.
This pool includes taxes on income including corporate tax, sales tax and export duties, etc. First National Finance
Commission Award was announced in 1975. The 7th NFC Award was signed on 30th December, 2009.

2. Supreme Judicial Council

The Supreme Judicial Council of Pakistan is a body of judges empowered under Article 209 of the constitution of
Pakistan to hear cases of misconduct against judges. The Council shall consist of, (a) the Chief Justice of Pakistan;
(b) the two next most senior Judges of the Supreme Court; and (c) the two most senior Chief Justices of High

3. Council of Common Interest (CCI)

The Council of Common Interests (CCI) is a constitutional body in the Government of Pakistan. It is appointed by
the President on the advice of the Prime Minister. The CCI resolves the disputes of power sharing between the
federation and provinces.
Under article 153
1. There shall be a Council of Common Interests, in this Chapter referred to as the Council, to be appointed by the
2. The Council shall consist of -
a. the Prime Minister who shall be the Chairman of the Council;
b. the Chief Ministers of the Provinces; and
c. three members from the Federal Government to be nominated by the Prime Minister from time to time.
3. The Council shall be responsible to Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) and shall submit an Annual Report to both
House of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament).
4. CCI shall be constituted within thirty days of P.M's oath taking. It meets at least once in ninety days. If federal
government or provincial government is dissatisfied with a decision of council, it may refer the matter to Majlis e
Shura (Parliament) in a joint sitting whose decision on this be final.

4. Council of Islamic Ideology

Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) is a constitutional body of Pakistan, responsible for giving legal advice on Islamic
issues to the government and the Parliament. Members shall be appointed by the President. It's members are
nominated for three years. Its composition includes minimum 8 and maximum 20 members (including the
Chairman) representing various schools of thought, having knowledge of the principles and philosophy of Islam as
enunciated in the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah or having understanding of the economic, political, legal or
administrative problems of Pakistan with at least two of the members to be sitting or retired judges of the
Supreme Court/ High Court and one member to be a woman. And with at least four members to be scholars who
have been engaged in Islamic research/instruction for at least 15 years. (Article 228 of the Constitution of the
Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973).

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5. National Economic Council
National Economic Council is formulated under article 156 by the president. National Economic Council shall
consist of: *P.M (Chairman of the council), * C.M's and one member from each province to be nominated by C.M.
*Four other members as P.M may nominate from time to time. NEC shall review overall economic condition of
the country and advise federal government and provincial government to formulate plans in respect of financial
commercial, social and economic policies. The meeting of NEC shall be summoned by the chairman or on a
requisition made by one-half of members of NEC. NEC shall meet at least twice a year. NEC shall be responsible to
Majlis e Shura and shall submit annual report to each house of Majlis e Shura.

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1. Act- An act is a bill. It is a codified law passed by legislature means parliament of any state.

2. Ordinance- It is legislative capacity or power of president under article 89 of 1973 constitution to pass
ordinance to meet the situation of emergency i.e: Parliament was dissolved by any reason or Parliament was not
in session. It is valid for only 4 four months until it is identified by the parliament. Ex: Anti- terrorism ordinance,
Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority Ordinance.

3. Order- It is executive authority of president to pass order when parliament is dissolved and constitution is
suspended or in abeyance.
Ex: LFO 1970, PCO issued by Musharraf, LFO 2002, Qanun e Shahadat Order 1984.

4. Article- It is complete provision of law which independent and superior. Different sections combine to make an
article. Further article is divided into sections.

5. Section- It is not a complete provision of law. It is dependent and subordinate. It is part of the article.

6. Schedule- Schedule is that part of constitution which carries the details of constitution e.g: constitution says
Objectives Resolution is part of Constitution, but the body of OR is in schedule. Similar is the case of oaths and
other details.

7. Written Constitution- It must be passed by parliament. It is codified means contains articles and sections. It is
consolidated means joined together in a coherent way. It is rigid Ex: U.K constitution

8. Unwritten Constitution- It is not passed by parliament means in conventions(agreements). It is not codified

means not contains articles and sections. It is not consolidated. It is flexible Ex: U.S.A constitution

9. Amendment- It is a minor change or additional design to improve a text, piece of legislation.

10. Federal form of governmenent: In a federal form of government, the central government shares its powers
with the various constituent units of the country. There are 25 countries in the world having federal form of
government. E.g: Pakistan, Canada, Switzerland, India

11. Unitary form of government: A unitary state, or unitary government, is a governing system in which a single
central government has total power over all of its other political subdivisions. A unitary state is the opposite of a
federation, where governmental powers and responsibilities are divided. E.g: U.K, Saudi Arabia, Japan, France

12. Parliamentary form of government: Parliamentary system, democratic form of government in which the
party (or a coalition of parties) with the greatest representation in the parliament (legislature) forms the
government, its leader becoming prime minister or chancellor. In this, Prime Minister is responsible/answerable
to parliament. Prime Minister has executive and legislative powers. E.g: India, Iraq, Bangladesh, Switzerland,
Germany, Austria, Singapore

13. Presidential form of government: A system of government in which the president is constitutionally
independent of the legislature. A presidential system, also known as a single executive system. The President is
elected directly by the people and is answerable to the voters not to parliament. President has executive powers.
E.g: USA, Phillipines, Turkiye

14. Concurrent List: At the same time, powers belonging to both federal and provincial governments.
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15. Federal List: Those powers belonging only to federal government.

16. Residuary List: All remaining powers that Federal Government transfers to provinces

17. Nation: A nation is a large population that shares the same culture, language, traditions, history.

18. State: A politically organized body of people usually occupying a definite territory. It is an independent
political entity with clear geographic boundaries. A state cannot exist without a government but it is possible to
have a government without a state.

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Province General Seats Women Seats Non- Muslims Total Seats
Balochistan 14 03 _ 17
Khyber 35 08 _ 43
Pujab 148 35 _ 183
Sindh 61 14 _ 75
Federal Capital 02 _ _ 02
FATA 12 _ _ 12
Non Muslims _ _ 10 10
Total 272 60 10 342


Province General Seats Women Seats Non Muslims Total Seats
Balochistan 14+2=16 03+1=14 _ 17+3=20
Khyber 35+10=45 08+2=10 _ 43+12=55
Punjab 148-7=141 35-3=32 _ 183-10=173
Sindh 61 14 _ 75
Federal Capital 02+1=3 _ _ 02+1=3
FATA No Seats After Merger with KPK
Non Muslims _ _ 10 10
Total 272-6=266 60 10 342-6=336


Province General Seats Women Seats Non Muslims Total Seats
Balochistan 16 4 _ 20
Khyber 45 10 _ 55
Pujab 141 32 _ 173
Sindh 61 14 _ 75
Federal Capital 3 _ _ 03
Non Muslims _ _ 10 10
Total 266 60 10 336

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Province/Type Federal Balochistan KPK Punjab Sindh *FATA
General 02 14 14 14 14 08
Technocrats 01 04 04 04 04 ___
Women 01 04 04 04 04 ___
Non Muslims ___ 01 01 01 01 ___
Total 04 23 23 23 23 08
*Tenure of senator is 6 years. Last senate elections were held in 2018. All senators of FATA will complete their
tenure in 2024


Province/Type Federal Balochistan KPK Punjab Sindh FATA
General 02 14 14 14 14 NO
Technocrats 01 04 04 04 04 SEATS
Women 01 04 04 04 04 MERGER
Non Muslims ___ 01 01 01 01 WITH
Total 04 23 23 23 23 KPK



Province/Type Balochistan KPK Punjab Sindh

General 51 99+16=115 297 130

Women 11 22+4=26 66 29
Non Muslims 03 03+1=04 08 09
Total Seats 65 124+21=145 371 168

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1. Prime Minister of Pakistan is appointed through article of 91(4)
2. Article 50 of the Constitution established bicameral parliament.
3. According to article 232, president may issue a proclamation of emergency on account of war or internal
disturbance etc.
4. Supreme judicial council was established under article 209 of the Constitution.
5. The session of either house or both houses is summoned by President of Pakistan under article 54(1) of the
6. Article 31 of 1973 constitution is related to the affairs of Zakat.
7. Article 51 of 1973 constitution was amended through 24th amendment.
8. The concept of acting in aid of civil power by armed forces has been laid down in article 245 of constitution of
9. According to article 234 of 1973 constitution Governor Rule is imposed in case of failure of constitutional
machinary in the province. In governor rule, powers of provincial assembly is held by Majlis e Shura (Parliament).
10. The First Constituent Assembly” to frame the constitution and to act as a federal legislative assembly was
formed under the Indian Independent Act, 1947
11. Which article of constitution 1973 declared Urdu language as National Language ? 251
12. After ……….. days of general elections Prime Minister is elected, according to the constitution of 1973? 30 days
13. Pardon can be tendered by President under article… 45
14. President takes oath before Chief Justice of Pakistan according to article…42
15. Prime Minister takes oath according to article………91
16. Governor of Province takes oath according to ,……….. article? 102
17. Emergency may be declared under article....232
18. Deputy speaker & Speaker of National Assembly are elected under article....53
19. President addresses the joint sitting of parliament under article- 56
20. Article 25 deals with equility of citizens.
21. Article 8-28 of 1973 constitution of Pakistan deals with fundamental rights.
22. Article 5 of the constitution is about loyalty to the state is the basic duty of every citizen.
23. Article 50 of 1973 constitution deals with Majlis Shura(Parliament) consisting of President, National Assembly
and Senate
24. Senate's composition and powers are established by the article __of 1973 constitution. 59
25. Notification is issued by parliament at least before 21 days for calling session of Parliament.
26. Article 6 of 1973 constitution deals with High Treason.
27. Islam is declared state religion according to article 2.
28. Which article in the 1973 constitution deals with Jammu and Kashmir? 257
25. Which article of 1973 prohibits all forms of slavery forced labour and child labour? 11
26. Which article of 1973 constitution provides freedom of the press and freedom of expression? 19
27. Right of information is provided in the article ___ of 1973 Constitution. 19-A
28. Total articles in 1973 constitution are 280
29. Total schedules in 1973 constitution were seven 7 but now five sections after 18th amendment.
30. Which amendment relates to Sharia Bill? Nine 9
31. Article 51 of constitution deals with National Assembly composition of seats according to population.
32. Which article of 1973 Constitution of Pakistan deals with election by secret ballot? Article 226
33. NFC was constituted under which article of 1973 Constitution? 160
34. According to which article of 1973 Constitution members of senate are elected? Article 59.
35. A Judge of SC or High Court may resignation to President under article 206(1).
36. President can dissolve national assembly with advice of prime minister under article 58(1) and 48(1)
37. Which article of the constitution deals with Vote of No Confidence against Prime Minister of Pakistan?
Article 95
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38. After 18th amendment, The council of common interests CCI is worked under which ministry? Ministry of Inter
Provincial Coordination.
39. Before 18th amendment CCI worked under cabinet division.
40. CCI is a constitutional body established under Article 153 of 1973 constitution.
41. According to constitution, Pakistani federal cabinet including ministers and ministers of state cannot exceed __
members. 49
42. P M cannot appoint more than 5 advisers.
43. According to 18th amendment Article 92(1). Total strength of the cabinet does not
exceed 11% of the total parliament members including Senate and National Assembly
44. 18th amendment bill was passed by NA on April 8, 2010.
45. Central government of Pakistan speculated to take control of Karachi by invoking Article ___ of constitution.
46. There are 5 High Courts in Pakistan.
47. The governor under 1973 constitution of Pakistan takes oath before Chief Justice of the respective High Court
48 Provincial Assemblies of Pakistan are unicameral and Federal is bicameral.
49. Under 1973 constitution, if no political party commands majority in the Provincial Assembly then Governor:
dissolves Provincial Assembly
50. Article 140 of 1973 constitution deals with Local Government
51. Article 219 of the Constitution of Pakistan deals with Function and duties of the election commission.
52. How many members of NA are required to present a no confidence against a prime minister? At least 20 percent
means 68 members
53. National Assembly is bound to convene the assembly session within __ days after submission of a no confidence
vote. 14
54. President can remove chief justice of Pakistan.
55. The most rigid constitution of the world is U.S constitution.
56. The most flexible constitution of the world is U.K constitution.
57. Judges of Supereme Court may be removed by Supreme Judicial Council.
58. Chief Justice is nominated by PM and appointed by President
59. The oldest high court of Pakistan is Lahore High Court, established on 21 March 1882
60. There are two types of courts in Pakistan. The superior or higher courts and subordinate or lower courts. The
superior courts are composed of the Supreme court of Pakistan, the Federal Shariat Court and five High Courts
including Islamabad High Court. The Subordinate Courts are composed of Family courts, District Courts, Civil Judge
cum Judicial magistrate Courts, Special Tribunals Courts and Juvenile Court.
61. Provincial minister takes oath before governor under article 132(2).
62. Provincial minister may submit resignation to governor under article 132(3).
63. Governor takes oath before Chief Justice of High Court of respective province under article 102.
64. Appointment of judges of Supreme Court, High Courts and Federal Shariat Court is made by Judicial Commission
under article 175A. The commission shall consist of: C.J of Pakistan (chairman), four most senior judges of Supreme
Court (members), a former C.J or judge of SC nominated by CJ of SC in consultation with four members judges for
a term two years (members), Federal minister for law and justice (member), Attorney General for Pakistan
(member) and a senior Advocate of SC nominated by Pakistan Bar Council for a term of two years (member).
65. Appointment of SC judges shall be made under article 177. Eligibility for SC judge is: citizen of Pakistan, remains
High Court judge for five years, remains High Court Advocate for fifteen years.
66. CJ of SC takes oath before president.
67. SC judge takes oath before Chief Justice.
68. Retiring age of SC is judge is 65 years.
69. Appointment of High Court judge shall be made under article 193. Eligibility for High Court Judge: citizen of
Pakistan, remains ten years as an advocate of High Court, having ten years experience of holding judicial office in
Pakistan, having ten years experience as a member of a civil service related to law.

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70. CJ High Court and other judges take oath before governor of province. However CJ of ICT High Court takes oath
before president and other judges of ICT High Court take oath before CJ of ICT High Court.
71. Retiring age of High Court judge is 62 years.
72. Federal Shariat Court established under article 203A. It is consisted of 8 Muslim judges including CJ to be
appointed by president. The period of FSC is three years and may be extended by president.
73. The function of FSC is to examine any law or provision of law is repugnant to the injunctions of Islam as laid
down in Holy Quran and Sunnah.
74. Quoram required for National Assembly is one fourth of total membership.
75. 17 Member bench of SC has declared NRO null & void and unconstitutional all cases withdrawn under NRO
reopen with immediate effect on 16th December 2009
76. In the absence of President, who becomes the acting President of Pakistan: Chairman of the Senate.
77. The prime minister may resign from his office by writing under his hand written resignation to president.
78. Any retired judge of Supreme Court or High was appointed as Chief Election Commissioner. After 22
amendment, technocrats and bureaucrats may also be Chief Election Commissioner.
79. On completion on N.A and P.A tenure, next elections are to be held within 60 days.
80. On dissolution of N.A and P.A, next elections are to be held within 90 days.
81. In 14 days, elections results are to be declared.
82. Care taker P.M and C.M is selected under article 224(A). Committee of 6 members for care taker C.M and
committee of 8 members for care taker P.M is formulated for their appointment within 3 days.
83. A person is appointed judge of the Supereme Court if he has been judge of a high court for at least 5 years.
84. Which article of 1973 constitution deals with security of a person? Article 9
85. Which article of 1973 constitution deals with protection against double punishment?
Article 13
86. Which article of 1973 constitution deals with freedom of movement? Article 15
87. Which article of 1973 constitution deals with trade, business and profession? Article 18
88. Which article of 1973 constitution deals with participation of people in armed forces? Article 39
89. Which article of 1973 constitution deals with disqualification of member of Majlis e Shura (parliament)?
Article 63
90. Which article of the constitution deals with freedom of speech? Article 19
91. Which article of the constitution deals with right to information? Article 19-A
92. Which article of the constitution deals with freedom to profess religion and to manage religious institutions?
93. Which article of the constitution deals with equality of citizens? Article 25
94. Which article of the constitution deals with right to education? Article 25-A
95. President may be removed from his office on physical or mental incapacity or on violating the constitution
under article 47
96. Which article of the constitution deals with chairman or speaker may perform functions of president in his
absence under article 49
97. Under the Article __ of the constitution of Pakistan, Supreme Court shall, to the exclusion of every other courts
have original jurisdiction in any dispute between any two or more Governments. Article 184..... ( SPSC lectureship
98. The power and function of Supreme Judicial Council is hearing the cases of misconduct of judges......(Spsc
lectureship 2021)
99. The body of law which defines the relationship of the different entities within a state namely the legislature,
the executive and the judiciary is called Constitutional Law......(SPSC lectureship 2021)
100. Which system was adopted in the constitution 1956? Unicameral
101. Which article claims that president would be head of the state? Article 41
102. Election Commission of Pakistan was established under_____Article? Article 218
103. Under which article governor can dissolve provincial assembly? Article 112
104. Speaker of provincial assembly may act functions of governor in his absence under article 104
105. Speaker and deputy speaker of provincial assembly are elected under article 108
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106. Governor may dissolve provincial assembly under article 112.
107. Under article 90 federal government is composed of the Prime Minister and his cabinet.
108. In __ case, martial law was justified. State v/s Dosso
109. The constitution of 1956 have drawn its inspiration from the ___ style parliamentary government.
110. According to objective resolution, there will be ___form of government. Federal
111. According to objectives resolution, judiciary shall be independent.
112. The State Bank of Pakistan remained Parliament House for how many years? 14 years
113. Who was appointed the head of the Constituent Assembly during the Bhutto era? Abdul Hafeez Pirzada
114. In which Constitution of Pakistan, the Ministers were neither members of the parliament nor answerable to
Parliament? 1962
115. When General Elections were held on franchise basis for N.A on: 7 December 1971
116. When was the Qisas and Diyat ordinance enforced in Pakistan? October 13, 1990
117. Who was the first speaker of Pakistan’s National Assembly? Quaid e Azam
118. According to Basic Principle Committee Report Pakistan shall be a: Federal State
119. According to the 1973 Constitution where the President has limited authority? in legislation
120. When Malik Ghulam Muhammad dismissed the cabinet of Khawaja Nazin-ud-Din? 16 April 1953
121. According to the 1962 constitution judges of the high courts were appointed by: legislatures
122. According to which article of 1973 Constitution, the Federal Government is composed of the Prime Minister
and his cabinet? Article 90
123. Who is the titular (having a perticular title or status but no real power or authority) head of the country
according to the 1973 constitution? President
124. Which Resolution is guideline for all constitutions of Pakistan? Objectives Resolution 1949
125. During Bhutto rule when the Constitution Committee presented the draft constitution before National
Assembly? 2 Feb 1972.
126. Who has the authority to issue emergency in the country due to tense situation? President
127. During the Bhutto era when the Martial law was lifted from the country? 13 April 1972
128. When was the Pakistan’s first Constituent Assembly constituted? 10 August 1947
129. To deal with specific types of cases, what is/are constituted? Special Courts and Tribunal Courts
130. General sales tax, under 1973 constitution of Pakistan is Federal Subject.
131. Under the Constitution of 1973 who has the authority to dismiss any member of the Cabinet? Prime Minister
132. Hudood ordinance enforced on 10 February, 1979.
133. On the advice of Prime Minister and Chief Minister, President and Governor are bound to dissolve the
assemblies within: 48 hours
134. First report of BPC was presented on 28 September 1950.
135. Second report of BPC was presented on 22 December 1952.
136. When Bogra formula approved by assembly? 7 October 1953
137. In Bogra formula, Bahawalpur State has ___ seats. 7
138. How many points Ulema have a great concern over the constitution presented in objectives resolution? 22
139. Appeals from judgments and orders in Hudood cases lie to: Federal Shariat Court
140. According to Bogra formula, how many seats have lower house? 300
141. Under which Article of 1973 Constitution Supreme Court of Pakistan was established? Article 175
142. Total passed and enacted amendments of 1973 constitution are 22. Last is 25th amendment. 3 of them (9th,
11th and 15th amendments) are not passed by the parliament.
143. In every district of a province there is a District and sessions Judge who has civil and criminal jurisdiction
144. For speedy justice to the doorsteps of the people, which of the following courts are established? Qazi Courts
145. In Bogra formula, East Bengal has ___ seats. 165
146. According to Muhammad Ali Bogra Formula, the seats of the National Assembly of Pakistan were equally
divided between the east and west wings of the country. 300
147. The Basic Principles Committee (BPC) was set up by ___. Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din
148. Which city was made the capital of West Pakistan during one unit? Lahore
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149. The Constitution of 1956 was consisting __ Articles, and __, parts. 234 Articles 13 parts
150. Constitution of Pakistan, 1956 declared Pakistan as Islamic Republic of Pakistan
151. Definition of the State was provided in Article __, of the Constitution of 1956. 3
152. Part __ of the Constitution of 1956 was granting fundamental rights. Two
153. According to the Constitution of, 1956 there shall be ___ form of government in country. Parliamentary
154. According to the Constitution of 1956 __ was the Head of State. President
155. Minimum age to become President was held ___, year in 1956 Constitution. 40
156. According to the Constitution of 1956 there shall be ___ legislature in country. Unicameral
157. Under 1956 constitution, for the first time, the president was given the power to appoint the prime minister
at his own discretion.
158. According to the Constitution of 1956 __ was the highest Court of country. Federal Court
159. According to the Constitution of 1956 ___ were declared as National Languages. Urdu and Bengali
160. Strength of Membership of National Assembly According 1956 Constitution was. 310
161. Constitution of 1956 provided ___ form of election. Direct
162. Constitution of 1956 provided ___ citizenship of the citizens of the country. Single
163.. According 1956 Constitution powers and authorities were divided between in the hands of center and
164. Constitution of 1962 was consisting of 250 Articles, and 10 parts
165. Constitution of 1962, provided __ form of government. Presidential
166. Constitution of 1962, provided __ election for President. Indirect
167. According to Constitution of 1962, age limit to cast vote was: 21 years
168. According to Constitution of 1962, President was elected through electoral college.
169. According to Constitution of 1962, minimum age limit for President-ship was 35 years
170. Article ___ , of the Constitution of 1962, empowered President with power of dissolution of National
Assembly. 23
171. Under Article 13 of the Constitution of 1962 ___ can be impeached. President
172. The Constitution of 1962, held __ religion for Speaker of National Assembly. No restriction upon
173. The Constitution of 1962, provided Federation consisting centre and __ provinces. Two
174. Total strength of Members of National Assembly according to Constitution of 1962, was 218
175. Justice Shahab–ud-din was the Head of the Constituent Committee formed by Ayub Khan.
176. In initial name of the Country in 1962 Constitution was held Republic of Pakistan
177. According to Constitution of 1962 __ was the Chief Executive of the Country. President
178. Term and Tenure of President Office in Constitution of 1962, was five years
179. According to Constitution of 1962, __ was the highest Court of the country. Supreme Court
180. Constitution of 1962, provided __ Legislature. Unicameral
181 As per Constitution of 1962 age limit for Judge of Supreme Court was sixty five years 65
182. As per Constitution of 1962 retiring age of High Court Judge was sixty years
183. As per Constitution of 1962, __ were held National Languages. Urdu and Bengali
184. Constitution of 1962 declared ___ as Capital of the country. Islamabad
185. Article 29 of the Constitution of 1962 empowered President in absence of National Assembly to promulgate
an __ with the same powers and force as an Act of the Legislature. Ordinance
186. Constitution of 1962, was abrogated on 25 March 1969
187. Constitution of 1962 was abrogated by General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan.
188. Constitution of 1962 was replaced by Provisional Constitution Order of 1969.
189. The Constitution of 1962 is also famous as one man show
190. 26th amendment- It amended 25th amendment by allocation of seats for Tribal Districts (Ex- FATA): increase
of 12 seats in National and increase of 24 seats in KPK Assembly. It received 288 votes in favour and none in against.
191. When was the Pakistan Constituent Assembly constituted? 20th July, 1947
192. The constitutional chief of a province is governor.
193. Under Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din type of Government resembled. Cabinet Government
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194. In Sections of Pakistan Penal Code, Section 295 B- Defiling of copy of Holy Quran punishment: imprisonment
for life
195. Under article____ of 1973 constitution of Pakistan, Supreme Court shall, to the exclusion of every other court,
have original jurisdiction in any dispute between any or more governments. Ans: 184.....(SPSC)
196. In Pakistan, President can hold office for ......... consecutive periods. Two
196. How many General seats each province have in the Senate? 14
197. In Pakistan, President can hold office for ......... consecutive periods. 2 times
198. Constitutional history of India begins with Government of India Act 1935
199. Which political party accepted the Act of 1919? Muslim League
200. The Princes were associated with the administration of India for the first time under The act of 1919

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