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Nama : Putri Arifa Nur’aini

NRP : 464211052
Bahasa Inggris Kelas KALK 4 Bravo
Assignment 3

Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

1. What are the main duties in Logistics and supply chain?

2. Why is logistics important?
3. At which type of company would you like to work? Why?

A. Suppose that you get the following profession, please describe your job!
Don’t forget to use the subject “I” to show as if this is your work! one has
been done for your reference.


1 Logistics Coordinator I work to arrange the transportation of goods

from one place to another, I prepare outgoing
shipments and facilitate incoming shipments
for a company, I communicate between
people working in sales, distribution, and
manufacturing to ensure the shipment process
is productive for all involved.

2 Shipping Administrator I have responsible to processing and

coordinating shipment requests and assist of
any documentation needed to complete the
shipments. I also provide customer service
support to the organization by obtaining,
analysing and verifying the accuracy of order
information in a timely manner.

3 Purchasing Manager I work to manage the the purchasing activities

of the organization. Contract and price
negotiations are important aspects of my job.
To design, plan, and implement the strategies
for sourcing and purchasing are my main job.
4 Transport Manager My job has responsible to coordinating and
managing activities such as dispatching of
cargo, routing of vehicles, preparing drivers
roster, maintenance and repairs of vehicles to
ensure their load and roadworthiness to
ensure their smooth flow.

5 Inventory Manager I work to manage a team of inventory and

logistics employees while tracking inventory
and shipments. I also oversee the movement
of stock from warehouses to consumers or

6 Supply Chain Manager I have responsible to efficiency of the

company’s supply chain and logistics. It is
involved with inventory transportation and
storage at all levels of the production process.
I need to develop relationships with suppliers
and vendors to help maintain and improve the
supply chain.

B. Find at least 5 verb and noun words of each from the text and write down
the definition in English!

1. to deliver = to bring or to transport something to its destination
2. leave = go away from
3. make = form (something) by putting parts together or combining
substances; construct; create
4. perform = carry out, accomplish, or fulfill (an action, task, or function)
5. Arrange = organize or make plans for (a future event)

1. customer = a person who purchases or receives a product or
2. product = an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale
3. company = a commercial business
4. information = facts provided or learned about something or someone
5. organization = an organized body of people with a particular purpose
especially a business, society, association, etc


Following are some verb phrase examples where the verb phrase is the
predicate of a sentence. Underline the verb phrase in each sentence.

1. She was walking quickly to the mall.

2. He should wait before going swimming.

3. Those girls are not trying very hard.

4. Ted might eat the cake.

5. You must go right now.

6. You can't eat that!

7. My mother is fixing us some dinner.

8. Words were spoken.

9. These cards may be worth hundreds of dollars!

10. The teacher is writing a report.

11. You have woken up everyone in the neighborhood

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