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A Prince of Tennis Fanfiction—Into the Thin Air

Disclaimer: usual disclaimer applies.

Character(s): Echizen Ryoma / Seigaku
Genre(s): Angst/Hurt/Comfort
A/N: I know I said that I wouldn’t be writing for Tenipuri again, but ah… idk. Suddenly I feel this urge in
all of sudden to write again… and I’ve betaed my WAHFOA and… thinking that maybe I really shall
update and finish it… who knows! Maybe I shall surprise you all in this mean time!  now enjoy this
another angst fic from me.
He choked for air desperately.
His breathing was ragged. Slowly he averted his eyes around the court, tightening his grip on the
familiar small, round cylinder on his hand. He didn’t bother to listen to his surroundings to acknowledge
the current situation he was in, he concentrated his mind only to his body. He shut his eyes closed with a
painful groan when felt a sharp, cutting jolt ran through his whole body. He could hear a dull thump from
across the court; he knew that instant that he had made it through. He could hear a faint euphoria
exploded around him, but he couldn’t understand anymore. Trying to ease the panic that slowly growing
inside him, he opened his eyes and narrowed them to gain him a clearer surroundings, which came to no
What’s going on?
He could feel couples of arms landed on his shoulders; on his back. And then he could feel bodies
surrounded him, giving him no space for air he was badly needed. He was hyperventilating.
No, he pleaded in his mind, please, help me. I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. No, please, don’t…
Suddenly he could hear a terrifying scream right on his ears as if someone had turned on a radio in
full volume. He didn’t understand until he finally realized that it was his own voice, What…? Why…?
“W-what’s wrong?! Ochibi!”
“What happened? Why is he screaming? Hey…!”
“Echizen?! What’s wrong?!”
He still could hear the scream, but he couldn’t comprehend anymore. A strong, calm voice broke
through the agonizing scene, “Everyone, stand back, now! Give him some air! Kaidoh, go call an
ambulance right now! Inui, fetch Coach Ryuuzaki, and then you give a call to Echizen’s parents. Fuji,
Momoshiro, help me to get him out of here. He needs to be taken away from crowds. Quick!”
The scream still continued, he had lost his strength completely and dropped whatever he was holding
on to the ground. He felt his legs gave in and embraced himself for the impact of falling to the ground, but
he never was. Firm hands seemed to have supported his body, and he coughed harshly, and the scream
stopped. A melodious, soft, calming voice came to his ear, clearly, “Now, calm down. Take a deep breath,
and exhale. Inhale, exhale. Slowly. Calm down, calm down, everything is okay, you’re okay; you can
breathe now. Come, slowly, breath, deeply. Steady. Nothing’s wrong. Everything’s okay. Steady. Come
on, again, breath in, deeply, you’re okay. Nothing’s wrong, nothing’s wrong.”
He had never felt so relieved in his whole life like now, and slowly he could feel air again rushing
into his lungs. His trembling hand looking for a comfort he needed, and when he got it he squeezed them,
tightly. It gave him a comfortable feeling that he was not alone, that someone was watching over him to
make sure everything was fine. I’m fine, he chanted to himself, I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine…
His eyes drooped heavily and he didn’t struggle for it, for he needed to vanish into the nothingness…
into the thin air so he could banish all of his pain into a grain of dust.
And then he remembered no more.
"Now we will announce the next match, the singles one. Yukimura Seiichi will representative
Rikkaidai and Seishun Gakuen will be represented by Echizen Ryoma. Both players, please step on to the
Echizen smirked as he walked to the court confidently, staring at his opponent. Yukimura Seiichi
eyed the younger boy across him carefully, trying to grab as much information as he observed the young
boy's confident figure. He took it as an average to defeat this freshman, but then Yukimura knew almost
nothing about the so called prodigy.
He has good eyes, Yukimura noted on his mind as he bounced the familiar green ball. Maybe he can
come up with something interesting. I haven't been able to fully feel my adrenaline and my senses pushed
to my limit...
Yukimura served a quick one and scored. Soon Yukimura found that the freshman would give him
some difficulties. He admitted that Echizen was a very good and talented player, but something was off
about him. Echizen had somehow sent him a very uncomfortable aura that made him scared. Echizen's
every movement was flawless, natural, as if he was tennis itself, he was indeed a very well trained athlete
and had anything that a professional player would acquire. The small body hid a great amount of power
very well. Soon Yukimura found himself in a struggle as Echizen started gained points from him. No one
had ever been able to get even only one point from him, The Child of God, but this kid had managed. And
he didn't stopped. Yukimura had taken all Echizen's senses, movement, everything, but Echizen didn't
stop. He couldn't be stopped.
But then Echizen's play started to change. His movements were faster, powerful, and carefully
thought, but something was wrong. Echizen's eyes were now almost dull, and his breathing became heavy
despite his quick movement and powerful shots. It was strange. Even so, Echizen concentrated on his
game so hard that it was almost hilarious, and the loud cheering from the audience had now gone dead.
Yukimura noticed that the Seigaku players were now quiet, stopped cheering on their freshman and
had a terrified expression on their face, except Tezuka and Fuji.
Wait. This isn't right. What's with this boy? Is he actually sick? Did I push him too far? No. His
playing unbelievably became more intense, but his body... his body is giving up. What? What is it that I
Yukimura was startled as Echizen took point after point from him, until the last game. When
Echizen hit his last ounce of energy into the last ball, Yukimura gasped in sheer fear, shouted at Tezuka
as the crowd suddenly exploded into life again confirming Seigaku's victory, "Tezuka-san! Hurry, come
over here! Echizen-kun is - "
But he was too late as he saw Echizen slowly went into panic and the tiring game had taken its toll
on Echizen's body - and mind. Yukimura rushed to the freshman, but he stopped when he saw Echizen
was in so much pain and fear. His team mates also jumped to the court to take a closer look on what was
happening, but Yukimura gestured them to go back.
"Don't go near Echizen-kun. He will need some space," Yukimura could hear that his voice was
trembling. Sanada put a hand on Yukimura’s shoulder, "Yukimura, do you happen to know what has
happened to that freshman - "
Yukimura shook his head and whispered, "Echizen-kun is sick... he's very sick."
When finally the ambulance came and the paramedics brought Echizen Ryoma onto the stretcher,
Yukimura placed his hand on Tezuka's shoulder, tears streamed down his cheeks silently, "Tezuka-san,
Echizen-kun was sick and he was suffering. Why would you let him take such dangerous actions? Why
you - "
Tezuka's face remained stoic, but his voice was quivering when he answered, "Yukimura... I don't
know anything. We didn't know anything, if he was sick or something. Why do you...?"
Yukimura smiled sadly, "I'll come along with all of you. I think I know what happened to Echizen
Ryoma and he needed to be helped before it is too late."
Fuji was shocked when Echizen screamed, and didn't seem to even know what was happening.
Echizen's face was so pale that it almost turned into a hue blue, and his body was so weak, like all of his
life being sucked out from him. Seeing the way Echizen played before, Fuji wasn't surprised that
Echizen's body finally collapsed. He had seen before that something was wrong with Echizen, but he was
scared when Echizen's play became uncontrolled - and at the moment Fuji knew that Echizen should have
been stopped. But he didn't bother to tell Tezuka or Coach Ryuuzaki, he didn't even see Echizen's fear
until now...
When they arrived in the hospital, Echizen was, surprisingly, taken to ICU shortly. This made
everyone even scared. What was happening? What was wrong with their youngest member?
The doctor refused to tell the Seigaku regulars any piece of information, which are 'confidential and
could be only relayed to a family'. He left them in shock and confusion, with only their coach following
the doctor vanished to the other room. Kikumaru was crying and Momoshiro was completely dumbstruck.
Tezuka stood beside Yukimura who was watching them all silently.
"Do you finally will mind to tell us what is exactly wrong with Echizen?" Fuji questioned, his eyes
were opened and was casting a burning glare to Yukimura for explanation.
"Do any of you know if Echizen-kun is taking medicine regularly?" asked Yukimura, staring straight
at Fuji's eyes. "Tezuka-san, Fuji-kun, Echizen-kun is having emotional problems and the effect of taking
medicine has taken its toll on Echizen-kun's strained body."
"What are you talking about? Echizen isn't sick! He was alright before! He was a healthy brat! And
what emotional problems? He was just fine, alright!" Momoshiro burst out, clenching his fist.
"He played tennis because he didn't like it," Fuji said slowly. "It's tennis that drove himself away... is
that you want to say?"
"What? What are you guys talking about? Fujiko, I don't understand, really, what's wrong with
Ochibi? What is his sickness? Is it dangerous?" Kikumaru shot his questions abruptly, he was in genuine
fear and was worried for his kouhai.
“From what I saw during my game with him, Echizen-kun seems to be… taking opioids.”
Tezuka and Fuji gasped in surprise, while Inui dropped his notebook with a loud thud which sent the
Seigaku regulars a feet off the ground. Kawamura and Kaidoh exchanged their glances, while Momoshiro
was clearly didn’t understand a thing, “Opioids? What, what does that mean?”
“Why should he take opioids? And surely it won’t bring any condition to this extreme, Yukimura?”
Fuji enquired, and he remembered that the last few months, in some occasion where Echizen’s behavior
was strange and he hadn’t been himself lately. It was like Echizen was slowly fading away from them.
“I don’t know what reason Echizen-kun is taking medicines, and I don’t know what drove him to his
current mental condition to this extreme. He sure is good in hiding it, if even you don’t recognize it,
Tezuka-san…” Yukimura’s voice trailed off into the air, he shifted uncomfortably on his feet. He was
agitated, to say the least.
“Yes, and as of now Echizen’s parents were nowhere to be seen…” Oishi stammered, finally
regained his senses again after falling into a shock. “Something is wrong, Tezuka. Something’s not
Tezuka sighed and rubbed his temple in annoyance. He had tried to call Echizen’s home, but no one
answered. Coach Ryuuzaki, who personally knew Echizen’s father, had also tried to contact him only to
get no response, and was practically murderous at this time. Tezuka looked around, and his eyes fell on
“Kaidoh, do you know where Echizen’s house is?”
“Y-yes, Buchou.” Kaidoh was slightly taken aback at the sudden question the captain directed to
him. “I have gone there once… uh…”
“Very good. You go to Echizen’s house with Inui, now, and try to get information, anything, from
the neighbors if needed. Try to get into the house, no trespassing if possible, take the neighbors with you.
Tell them what had happened to Echizen and that we are waiting for his parents in the hospital. I shall get
a call from you in an hour, Inui.”
“Sure.” Inui adjusted his glasses and nodded to Kaidoh to follow him. Kaidoh hissed and he and Inui
soon disappeared from their sight.
“Wait, I still don’t get anything right! Opioids? Isn’t that something you occasionally take to relief
pain and such?” Momoshiro was flustered. He looked at his senpais alternately.
“That’s right, Momoshiro-kun,” Yukimura finally said after a brief moment of tense silence. “I don’t
know what kind of sickness that your friend has, but I know the symptoms. I have seen some people who
had the same symptoms as Echizen-kun had before during my stay in the hospital. What Echizen suffered
was the side effects of… overdoses.”
“What…?” the regulars of Seigaku exchanged their glances. Oishi was meddling with his fingers
frantically, Kikumaru's body trembled, Kawamura looked dumbfounded, and Momoshiro looked like he
had just being punched by his face. Tezuka sighed heavily, this was too much to take for himself,
especially being in the position of full responsibility. Fuji's eyes which were glinting with anger before
had turned into fear and shock. He slowly took a glance to the ICU, and whispered, "Why we were never
bothered to ask him, Tezuka...?"
"Fuji, we all know perfectly well that Echizen is very concerned about privacy and he will find it
annoying if we go around asking him. We were always one to ask but he never opened up, and the best
we can do is tell him to make sure that he tells us when he's ready. Whenever we push him, we get
nothing and he will always slip away even further." Tezuka said calmly, but his heart was beating madly
inside his chest. Just where were Echizen's parents?!
"There are lines that you know well we can't come across to," Tezuka added. Fuji shook his head,
gaze fell on to the floor.
"Guys... do you think is it just an accident that Echizen was overdosed or maybe he...?" Kawamura
stopped in the middle of his sentence, unable to wondered aloud his thoughts. The others looked at him,
their expressions were a mix of complex feelings.
"No way, Kawamura! I'm sure it's a just a mistake, Ochibi wouldn't do something like that! Ochibi is
so strong and cool, so we have to be by Ochibi's side. He will need us to cheer him, nya! We will help
him go through whatever he is having now, just like he had been our pillar on the team! Right?"
Kikumaru managed to crack a grin, and the Seigaku regulars (except their stoic captain) smiled at his
antic. The heavy and tense air before had vanished by Kikumaru's cheerful voice.
"You're right, Eiji!" Oishi nodded in agreement and smiled. "We will support Echizen and help him
as best as we could. We will be his best friends, especially at these hard times Echizen had been through!"
"I suppose so, Eiji." Fuji's eyes were closed now and he smiled too. "We will be his pillar, and make
sure that he knows that he's not alone."
Momoshiro grinned nervously, but otherwise he said, “I agree!”
"Don't let your guard down," was all Tezuka said in response, but he had a good feeling that this
wouldn't be easy as Kikumaru said. There were too much things that they didn't know and Tezuka saw
that there was something big missing in the pieces. Really... he was too young to be faced with this kind
of complication...
But Tezuka knew Kikumaru was right and for now, he would just go along with his friends before
talk to Coach Ryuuzaki and Fuji for the complicated details.
Inui had pressed the bell on Echizen’s front gate for the nth times God only knows, but no answer
had come and he was practically annoyed. Kaidoh had tried to peek inside the gate, but the house looked
so empty like before. No lights were seen from inside the house, it looked like it hadn’t been occupied for
some times. Kaidoh hissed impatiently and looked at Inui.
“Senpai, I think this won’t do. We should go try asking the neighbor…”
“I agree, Kaidoh,” Inui turned on his heel, followed by Kaidoh. They went to the house by left side
from Echizen’s, and tried their luck. A few minutes later, a woman around her forty came out. She
frowned in confusion, “Yes?”
“I’m sorry, Ma’am,” Inui bowed and adjusted his glasses. “We are Echizen’s friends from school,
and it seems that no one is inside the house. Echizen is in hospital right now and we weren’t able to get
contact with any of his family. Do you happen to know where his parents are?”
“Ah, Echizen-kun’s tennis team mates from Seigaku, right? Yes, yes, in a hospital, you said?” she
asked in surprise, and she opened the gate quickly. She gestured them to come in. “His cousin is inside –
come on, you should talk with her!”
Inui and Kaidoh blinked at this unexpected piece of information. Echizen’s cousin was inside the
neighbor’s house?

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