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Article summary

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1. Write the article title in APA reference list format (See below).

Baillargeon, R. (1987). Object Permanence in 3 Vi-and 4 l/2-Month-01d Infants. Developmental

Psychology, 23(5,655-664).

2. Identify the independent and dependent variable(s) studied.

In the experiments, the independent variable was manipulated by presenting the infants

with two different test events: one in which the screen rotated until it reached the occluded box

(possible event), and one in which the screen rotated through a full 180" arc as though the box

were no longer behind it (impossible event). The dependent variable was the length of time the

infants looked at each of the two events, which was an indicator of their understanding of object


3. State the research hypothesis(es) concerning the variables that were studied.

The research hypothesis concerning the variables studied was that if the infants have a

basic understanding of object permanence, they will look longer at the impossible event than the

possible event. This hypothesis was based on the expectation that infants with an understanding

of object permanence would find the impossible event surprising, as it violates their expectations

about the persistence of objects. The hypothesis was tested by measuring the length of the

infants' gaze towards each event and comparing it between the two conditions.

4. Identify the participants. Include any subject characteristics that were used as variables.

The participants in the experiments were three and 4-month-old infants. The age of the

infants was a subject characteristic used as a variable, with half of the participants being three

months old and the other half is 4 months old. The participants were further divided into two

groups based on habituation rate, with some of the 3-month-olds being classified as "fast

habituators." This habituation rate was used as another variable to examine its effect on the

infants' understanding of object permanence.

5. State the significant results of the study in terms of the hypothesis(es) and the

conclusions drawn by the researcher(s). Paraphrase using your own words; avoid using

direct quotes.

The significant results of the study showed that 4-month-old infants and some of the 3-

month-olds who were fast habituators looked significantly longer at the impossible event

compared to the possible event. This finding provided evidence that these infants had a basic

understanding of object permanence, as they found the impossible event surprising and

inconsistent with their expectations about the persistence of objects.

Based on these results, the researchers concluded that object permanence emerges earlier

than previously believed by Piaget (1954) and that alternative processes might be responsible for

its emergence. The researchers also noted that habituation rate played a role in the development

of object permanence, with fast habituators demonstrating an understanding of object

permanence earlier than slow habituators.

6. State your opinion of the study. Was the study well-designed and conducted?

Overall, the study has been well-designed and conducted. The use of habituation and the

violation-of-expectation paradigm are commonly used and well-established methods for studying

infant cognition. The researchers were clear about the hypothesis they were testing and the

methods they used to test it. Additionally, the study results provided evidence supporting the

conclusions drawn by the researchers.

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