CMC Annual Report 2020

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Child Minding Center 2020 Annual Accomplishment Report

 We had 15 Regular Clients in Child Minding Center

 3 clients were referred to stay here in foundation
 4 clients will back to their places/province
 8 clients around our vicinity.

 Mental

Services # of Output Outcome Challenges / Solution


Education 10 5 enroll in Day Care They had a modular class. It does not fit to my schedule to take the
5 enroll in formal school Staff assisting them for children's module, because the schedule
getting their module in the is Friday, but at the request of the
school. teacher that if possible, Monday he has
Staff assisting them to agreed, the other children will continue
answer their module. to be taken by the parents.

School Visit 10 5 school visits before the He continues his studies because cavite is far,and it’s possible to
pandemic,for the end of school even he is now staying in visit twice a week, twe will update on
year,updating for their grades. Cavite. Jericho's situations tru messenger.
Giving update to the teacher The other client continues
about Jericho. to answer the module

Worksheets 7 Provide learning materials for they learned from the The mothers do not go to the schedule
the CMC clients CMC,during worksheets provided, to get the worksheets. So sometimes it is
G.C.Q. on June. especially in their basic too late to submit and give, but I did it
writing, basic numeracy because I was going to their house
and reading.
Area Visit 15 Monitoring their situation They are happy because Visits during pandemic days were not
during pandemic days. they visit and saw their frequent due to COVID precautions, but
situation theres a way was made due to the
On our area visit day I confirm
protocols to be followed.
that one of our clients had a big They were happy because
problem because the they visited and told their
situation. They were given
financial assistance worth
200 and samia and I
bought rice and a dish.

Tutorial 5 Assisting and teaching them Monitor the learning of the They are not following the schedule
regarding their lesson in client,especially the basic because they forget that why im always
module. reading,numeracy.and remind them and, I went to their house
writing. for reminding them to attend.
When they attend the
tutorial, I saw their
learning was
improved,they can now
read and says the sounds
of alphabet,they can now
write and count the

Processing 8 We give 8 no record for the 8 One of the requirements Because of the pandemic we cannot
Documents clients for the processed of their for the late register. continue process the birth,but we will
late register birth. surely finish the processed of birth.
Because we cannot
continue the processed of
birth the other parents use
the no record for the
requirements of the school
while waiting the birth.


Case management 7 We provide the 2 box of milk for They are happy because The assistance will give late because the
(special assistance) the two client of CMC,because they received help from children will feed water for two weeks
due of the pandemic they cannot foundation,they are very but when they mother say their problem
feed milk,just only a water.thats thankful because their we have an action for giving help for the
why theiylose their weight. child feed a milk again clients.
5 clients refer here in foundation and after a month the We need to remind the medicine in
providing a medical client will gain their charge because they forgot sometimes.
assistance.especially if they had weight.
an illness.

Medical Assistance 3 Because the fever of Jalal is on They prevented for their Necessary need to remind for taking
and off,the foundation decided sickness,and they now had a the medicine,they time to time
to bring her in the hospital,for good condition. reminding the right time for taking the
the laboratory and swab test. medicines.
Regie also bring to clinic for
check up his skin disease.
Jericho also give for the
assistance for his laboratory.
Birthday 2 Provide a simple celebration for They had a meaningful All the children are enjoying for the
Celebration Regie and Aris birthday celebration even we preparation of simple birthday.
are in lockdown due to the

Recreational 5 The children will actively be Having them a confidence. Sometimes the children will cry before
Activities participated for the activities of the performance,but because of the
Practice to perform in many
the foundation. other children ,their comport they are
Nutrition Month people.
performed well.
Halloween Party To have a fullfillment in any
Buwan ng wika
Childrens month

Gift Giving (Year 12 Distribution of simple gift for They are happy and thankful We will lack two gifts because I
End Celebration) the clients for the holiday because the other children expected 10 children to come on the
season. had first time to receive the schedule because the 2 children are
gift. far from the vicinity,but I can buy so
no one client will be sad on that day.

Feeding Program 10 10 clients outside receive nutrious food They are happy because Reminding them to come here in
on dec 25 and January 1.and on our they received a nutrious foundation.because they forgot
tutorials days food from foundation.and their schedule.
5 clients here in foundation received they also learn from their Forgot monitoring their
everyday nutrious food. tutorial. weight,the HP remind always ate
maida na timbangin sila.

Wash program 15 January to March – they come here to Maintain cleanliness and She needs to accompany older
foundation for taking a bath. proper hygiene to her. to her because of the general
At the time of pandemic only one children They know a proper community quarantine the
outside from the foundation regularly hygiene. children are not allowed to go
taking a bath here in foundation. out.
The referred client was regularly receiving
assistance for the wash program.
Health 15 January to March before lockdown,all the They are very thankful Proper monitoring for using
clients of CMC provided milk and vitamins. because they received the diaper.
assistance for
10 clients when the time of pandemic
children,because when the
recieved a vitamins,milk,diaper,and
time of pandemic its hard for
paracetamol or lagundi.
them to buy a milk,diaper and
10 clients received donation from ADB like vitamins.
diaper ,milk,biscuits etc.


Staff 2 Attending webinar can further improve the skills and abilities of each The other staff are not familiar
development seminar staff. to computer,but with the help
Ako para sa bata of other staff they can attend
Mental health from webinar.
Parents 15 clients 10 clients regular found out the situation of the parents while we Because the other are busy to
meeting (parents) attend the CMC were in the middle of the pandemic.and was their business they cannot
parents meeting given immediate help or action they needed. attend to meeting but other
5 clients regular parents who will attend the
attend the general meeting they told them what
assembly meeting all about the meeting is.

Case 1 Check up and giving After the check up and laboratory,and taking She don’t want to bring her in
management medical assistance for medicine she will now walking and good the hospital because she scared
janima.,because she condition. for covid19,but I convinced her
cannot walk after she that the patient of covid19
gave birth to her 2nd cases are diff from the patiens
child. who had the same illness.
And assisting her for
the laboratories.

Distribution of 10 Providing assistance for The families of CMC are very thankful for the Because the other clients are
food packs the families from assistance from foundation because its hard for not in the vicinity,they can give
foundation in the them to find the food in the middle of pandemic assistance tru smart padala.and
because the other do not have work and allowed monitor if they buy.
middle of pandemic. to go outside.and sell something.
5 clients here in They are happy because it’s a big help for them
foundation received because the are here in foundation,if they are in
milk and diaper instead outside they don’t know where they can ask
of food packs. help and seek food.

Gift giving 12 Provide a simple gift for They are thankful,because they received Proper explanation for the
Family the families. foodpacks,and big help for them. families of CMC because the
other received from the ADB

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