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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Chapter 1



Nowadays, website becomes more ubiquitous. It gives

universal access to a large universe of documents. Through the

help of World Wide Web and websites, internet has become very

useful in many ways.

There are numerous sites that can be used for searching and

connecting people, Reconnecting with these people in this way is

perhaps the only avenue we have in some cases.

Alumni are believed to be one of the most important

constituents of a school institution. They create the school’s

reputation, which relies in large part on how successful

graduates are in the real world. If a school becomes well known

for graduates that are intelligent, innovative, and effective in

their fields, then its reputation grows.

Schools track their graduates because they need them to

continue to show interest. They are testament to the value of a

continued association with the school. But records shows that

graduates were located in various locations in different formats

which made tracking and contacting alumni an extremely time

consuming operation.

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St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Students who graduated in Tuguegarao Northeast Central

School (TNECS) want to stay connected and know that providing a

great online experience is the key to building a thriving


The TNECS uses the resources available and has a

computerized database management system developed to handle the

data requirements of the Alumni. The effective way for the

graduates of TNECS is to use the Website with alumni tracking

system to store Alumni data for quick and efficient retrieval,

which would also provide mechanisms for the updating of the

stored data. Additionally, it foster membership records of the


The Website with Alumni Tracking System is the solution to

search and find alumni easily by building a personal social

network where they can share photos and news about themselves.

These also provide opportunities for the alumni to be reconnected

with former colleagues. Aside from tracing, one of objectives of

this study is to update real-time records of the alumni. The

system includes data relative to the various information about

the school and its alumni for easy updating and maintenance.

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Review of Related Literature and Studies

According to George Stachokas (2016), providing

electronic resources for alumni requires careful

consideration of a number of legal, technical, financial,

and administrative questions by academic libraries. Our

review of 115 library websites, including 114 academic

library members of the Association of Research Libraries

along with Stanford University, reveals in large part what

is being made available to alumni and how the information

is organized, but also raises more questions for


According to Timothy J. Lawson (2017), The school

utilizes the alumni to educate current and prospective

students about careers in psychology. The developed system

alumni careers website and on-campus alumni careers

sessions for students. High school students reported that

they found this information valuable, but they also valued

a broader list of psychology job titles. Nevertheless,

students appreciated the fact that the alumni careers

information was more reflective of real-world jobs of our

university’s graduates as compared to the list of job


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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

According to Barbara Blummer (2015), In the early

1990s, numerous academic libraries adopted the web as a

communication tool with users. The literature on academic

library websites includes research on both design and

navigation. Early studies typically focused on design

characteristics, since websites initially merely provided

information on the services and collections available in

the university's physical library. Beginning in the late

1990s, technological developments coupled with new

digitization efforts offered new opportunities for

websites with commercial and local databases, electronic

journals, e-books, and virtual reference. The availability

of new content and services on library websites

facilitated research efforts comparing these features

among academic library websites. During this period,

articles also emerged that considered navigation and

usability issues for these pages. The literature on

academic library web pages documents efforts by libraries

to use web technologies and resources to serve user

groups. However, the research also suggests these efforts

were hindered by design and navigation issues with

academic library web pages. It remains especially

important that libraries consider design in the

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

development of their web pages to maximize usage of


According to Giselle Joy Esmeria (2017), continuing

growth in the use of internet has transformed the world

into a virtual marketplace. The dependability of several

web applications has become more important to the users.

The fast growth of online applications available in the

internet drives the user interface designers to become more

competitively creative. Websites are expected to provide

the users a satisfying experience at the least. There have

been numerous research studies conducted focusing on the

design of usability heuristics to evaluate the websites.

However, few studies apply a methodology that would

actually provide a deeper meaning to the results of

usability evaluation. Usability evaluation can be

meaningless without looking at the relationships between

usability metrics and deriving its usability index. The

results of the literature review show that there is no

standard usability index that is derived to evaluate the

usability of websites. This usability index is an important

measure to determine the impact of the usability evaluation

results to the management. This paper therefore aims to

highlight the future research direction in the area of web

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

usability measurements that would provide a meaningful

standard score for all the usability metrics.

According to  Sean D. Young(2015), Proper design has

become a critical element needed to engage website and

mobile application users. However, little research has

been conducted to define the specific elements used in

effective website and mobile application design. We

attempt to review and consolidate research on effective

design and to define a short list of elements frequently

used in research. The design elements mentioned most

frequently in the reviewed literature were navigation,

graphical representation, organization, content utility,

purpose, simplicity, and readability. We discuss how

previous studies define and evaluate these seven elements.

This review and the resulting short list of design

elements may be used to help designers and researchers to

operationalize best practices for facilitating and

predicting user engagement.

According to Carmel Taddeo (2014), School websites

are providing education settings with the opportunity to

transform and enhance the schooling experience. However,

the perceived importance of school websites and the

resources invested in developing and maintaining them

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

varies considerably across settings. There is a need to

better understand what constitutes an effective website

that provides a school with an avenue for delivering

innovation in teaching and learning, and complements how a

school operates. This study reviewed school websites,

specifically how 30 south Australian schools used their

website as a teaching learning portal, to support

administrative operations and as a marketing platform.

Three key questions framed the research. First, what

variables should be examined to establish how schools are

using their website. Second, what constitutes an engaging

and useful school website, and finally what development

framework can be devised to assist schools to map their

website's strengths and areas requiring further

development. The evaluation criteria addressed website

design, purpose, content and technology integration.

Indicators of progressive and emergent school websites

were identified through a deductive content analysis of

the websites, which informed a proposed website

development framework. The framework and suggested

recommendations promote a holistic approach when

developing a website to accurately portray a school's

identity and effectively address stakeholders' needs.

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According to Satya Rameshbhai Joshi (2015), the

information for a department of a university on a website

tends to be general in nature and often unchanging. If the

department or the faculty wish to change, add to, or

personalize this information, they need to request the

website administrators to make this change on their

behalf. This process besides being time consuming is

inefficient and may not address the needs of the

department accurately. This thesis addresses this issue by

the development of a web based content management system.

This system provides a simple user friendly interface

where the faculty can enter/maintain their personal

information, manage information on their classes, upload

images, send emails to students registered in a class and

interact with students on a discussion board for each

class. This web system is designed to be used by the

department of Africana Studies at San Diego State

University, but with minor changes, it can be used by any

department of any university.

According to Mats Nylund (2014), the purpose of this

article is to provide an overview of research in online

video on newspapers’ websites. The article identifies a

number of relevant issues in production and business models

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

and presents research results concerning the production and

consumption of online news videos. Advertising in relation

to online news videos is also examined. 

According to Bartlome T. Tanguilig (2015), a

conducive and structured information exchange environment

for the students was developed to help the students check

their academic result every end of the semester, make self-

enlistment that would assist the students to manage their

academic status that can be viewed in their mobile phones.

This system would also help the dean to predict how many

number of sections to be created for the next semester. The

researchers applied Hill Climbing Algorithm search

technique for the system particularly in creating self-

enlistment and finding the best set of courses to the class

schedule, and in projection of number of sections to be

created for the next semester. Rapid Application

Development (RAD) was utilized for the system development;

PHP as the programming language, and MySQL as the database.

The testing process of the system was done before deploying

it to the internet. The process was done in different

processors, operating systems and different mobile device

platforms. The system’s evaluation involved 67 respondents

from the College of Computer Studies in Manuel S. Enverga

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

University Foundation in Lucena City, Philippines. The

researchers made use of ISO 9126 based Likert modified

scale type of questionnaire that assess the system’s

acceptability in terms of functionality, reliability,

usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability.

Non-probability sampling method was used in selecting

respondents under a purposive-sampling scheme. The results

of the evaluation for the prototype yielded a general

weighted mean of 4.44 that describes the respondents

strongly agree that the developed system was acceptable

According to Wenjun Cao (2013), long waiting times

for registration to see a doctor is problematic in China,

especially in tertiary hospitals. To address this issue, a

web-based appointment system was developed for the Xijing

hospital. The aim of this study was to investigate the

efficacy of the web-based appointment system in the

registration service for outpatients.

According to Whitney Sue Thoene (2014), the effect of

social media particularly Facebook and Twitter, on the

purchasing habits of college students reveals the

correlations between recommendations on social media and

consumption patterns. Moreover, the research also examines

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

the role of gender and social media usage frequency on

consumption patterns. Findings revealed that both Facebook

and Twitter are being used to obtain sales information and

promotions. Furthermore, gender has an impact on both

social networking sites. Additionally, this study found the

higher the frequency of social media usage the more likely

customers are to shop at the businesses they have


According to Agatha Larson (2016), the students’ use

of social media has its effect on academic performance of

tertiary institutions students. Out of one thousand five

hundred and seventy-eight copies of the questionnaire

distributed, one thousand five hundred and eight were

retrieved which represented a response rate of 95.5 %. The

study revealed that majority of the respondents had mobile

phones which also had Internet facility on them and had

knowledge of the existence of many media sites. The study

further confirmed that most of the respondents visit their

social media sites using their phones and spend between

thirty minutes to three hours per day. In addition, the

study revealed that the use of social media sites had

affected academic performance of the respondents negatively

and that there was direct relationship between the use of

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

social media sites and academic performance. The study

recommends among others that, students with mobile phones

having internet facility should be encouraged to use it to

supplement their research in the library rather than the

usual charting with friends all the time. Students should

be encouraged to limit the time they spend on their social

media sites per day and advise them to rather substitute

those hours to read novels to improve their knowledge.

Since the use of social media sites had affected the

academic work of students negatively there is the urgent

need for the introduction of students to the availability

of novels and other information resources or materials that

can help them academically.

According to Enriquez Annabel (2016), a system ought

to consist the development of a contributory web

application to display and gather information on French

Colonial era Art Deco architecture in Hanoi, Vietnam. The

goal of this application is to create the foundation for a

web-based spatial inventory of existing French Colonial era

buildings. The inventory is meant to advise policymakers

and heritage organizations on priority resources to protect

the existing base of resources as well as to create a

historic record of the historic urban landscape. This is

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

important because the push to modernize infrastructure in

emerging nations often leads to the destruction of the

colonial heritage fabric in urban areas

According to Jomel Villlanueva (2015), the Internet

has created the foundation for a networked economy—an

extended business community in which vendors, partners, and

customers interact and collaborate. But while the Internet

Protocol (IP) standard has created a universal link between

data and voice networks, companies uses business

applications built from a complex array of diverse

platforms, operating systems, programming languages, and

vendors. Now, the software industry wants to fix this with

Web services. Web services are self-contained, self-

describing, modular applications that can be published,

located, and invoked across the web. Web services perform

functions, which can be anything from simple requests to

complicated business processes. We shall present the

Motivation for Web services, Web services architecture:

XML, SOAP, and WS-Addressing, Discovery, Current

Challenges, Future Vision

According Christina Noe (2015), the WAVER (Web-based

Application for Virtual Exercise Regimen) project takes

advantage of available 3D motion technology to provide

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

stroke patients with an inexpensive and more accessible

alternative to conventional rehabilitation. Specifically,

WAVER uses the LEAP device to assist patients who have

mobility and dexterity limitations due to a stroke,

disability, or even sports-related injury. Patients may

face physical adversity in pursuing rehabilitation. Not all

patients are conveniently distanced from a medical facility

and may find that commuting daily worsens their pain,

lightens their wallets, and forces them from the comfort of

their homes as they deal with pain and circumstances

affected by their disability. The WAVER solution to these

problems is a web-based application that utilizes the 3D

LEAP Motion sensory controller, which is an affordable and

compact device that can be used by any home computer or

laptop. WAVER presents exercises to a patient that can be

performed by the patient in their own 3D space, which is

then tracked by WAVER for on-screen feedback to the

patient, as well as the potential to share the results

remotely with a therapist.

According to Chen Tang (2015), a Web-based technology

system was put forward aiming at the actual problems of the

long maintenance cycle and the difficulties of the

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maintenance and repairing of medical equipments. Based on

analysis of platform system structure and function, using

the key technologies such as search engine, BBS, knowledge

base and etc, a platform for medical equipment service

technician to use by online or offline was designed. The

platform provides users with knowledge services and

interactive services, enabling users to get a more ideal


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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Conceptual Framework

Paradigm of the study …. It is the structural plan or

basis of a written work. It describes the abstract and the

logical structure of meaning that guide the development of

the study. It is constructed in order to explain, predict a


Figure2. Paradigm of the Study



1. Problems encountered on the existing system

The Input shows the input of the study, which is the

registration, News and Events, Alumni Information.

The Process shows the process includes requirements, plan,

design, develop, release, track and monitor.

The Output shows the output system which is the Tuguegarao

Northeast Central School Website with Alumni Tracking.

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to develop Tuguegarao Northeast

Central School Website Tracking Alumni system in order to

help them to monitor the graduates of the school.

Specifically, it aimed to answer the following problems:

1. What are the problems encountered on the existing system?

2. What system can be developed to improve alumni tracking?

3. What is the extent of compliance of the developed system to

ISO 9126 software standards on in terms of;

1.1 Functionality;

1.2 Usability;

1.3 Maintainability;

1.4 Reliability; and

1.5 Efficiency?

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Significance of the Study

The following would benefit from the findings of the


To the Alumni. The purpose of this study is to prove that

the website with alumni tracking system would be advantageous

for the alumni. Each alumnus is likely to have a unique life

experience. It could also facilitate re-unions between old


To the current students. The research would help and guide

the Current students to choose an alumni mentor with whom

they can interact and take some advice.

To the School. The study would likely to help the

Tuguegarao Northeast Central School to organize events easily

for the alumni.

To the Researchers. The study is the final requirement of

the researchers that they would apply the things that they may

learn for their educational life and on their major subjects

and it would be used for alumni tracking system.

To the future researchers. They could be able to use this

website with alumni tracking system as a basis to the educational

development project for the students. In knowing or using

research, they might discover things that would help them to

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

brainstorm and share their ideas or studies for a future


Scope and Limitation

The study is focused on the development of the

Tuguegarao Northeast Central School Website with Tracking

Alumni System. The features of the website/system are the


1. The system could count all alumni that are registered and the

events registered and would be posted in the dashboard.

2. It could list the attendance of the alumni who attended in a

particular event.

3. It could track all users that logged-in in the system and

would be saved in the logs, which can be deleted/removed by the


4. The admin can manage all accounts registered in the system,

such as the alumni and employees.

5. It can print and download the list of all alumni of

the school.

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Definition of Terms

In order to facilitate an understanding and clarify

terminologies used in this research, the following have

been defined:

Code. Set of instruction/programs that have been

converted from source code that only computer can


Data. Factual information stored on a magnetic media

that can be used generated calculations and make decisions.

Data Flow Diagram. This is a diagram that shows the

flow and logic of the data within a system.

Entity-Relationship Diagram. ERD is a data modeling

technique that graphically illustrates an information

system's entities and the relationships between those


Track. Typically in order to find them or note their

location at various points.

Ubiquitous. existing or being everywhere, especially

at the same time.

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Website with tracking system.  A tracking

system collects statistical data about your visitor

traffic and aggregates the data into meaningful reports.

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the research design, research

participants of the study, the data gathering tools, the

data gathering procedures and the statistical treatment used

in analyzing and interpreting the gathered data.

Research Design

The research used the descriptive research design.

Through the descriptive survey design, the study obtained

needed information such as the address, name, contact

number, gender, year graduated of the alumni. The systems

development research design would be used in the development

of the proposed Website with Alumni Tracking for the alumni

following the prototyping model.

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Description of the Present System

Above is the present system of informing their Alumni

when the Tuguegarao North-east Central School have a certain

event of Homecoming for their Alumni. Since they never

experienced having a system related to the proposed system,

they would inform their alumni through the contact number of

the parents of alumni and after this, the parent would

inform their son or daughter. Which takes time, because they

need to find their record of the alumni manually. They would

find this through their record per batch. After the alumni

are informed they would either go to school or not because

they might be in another place or they moved to another


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Description of the Proposed System

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The proposed system would be the enhanced automated

version of the present system used by Tuguegarao Northeast

Central School (TNECS). The administrator would be the one

to create alumnus account for the system and to update

student and alumni information and also the homepage of the

website. End user can access the website using the internet

as the medium of communication. The updates of information

regarding the events, activities and alumni would be

inputted by the Administrator. All information is stored in

database. The database are accessed by a server. The

students, alumni, events, activities can be downloaded as an

excel file.

System Architecture

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Hardware and Software Requirement

Hardware: Computer/Laptop, 2GB RAM, Printer, Internet

Software: Google Chrome/Firefox, Excel, Filezilla,

Windows 7 or higher Edition 64bit, PHP, XAMPP

Agile software development refers to a group of

software development methodologies based on

iterative development, where requirements and solutions

evolve through collaboration between self-organizing

cross-functional teams.

Figure 1. Agile SDLC

Requirements. The researchers compiled all the requirements

needed for the proposed system regarding the tracking of

alumni and notify the alumni incoming events.

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Plan. The researchers planned of the proposed system’s

features and that will meet the functional requirements for

the system.

Design. The researchers created the system’s design and

appropriated it to the client and users.

Develop. The researchers developed the system for the

Tuguegarao Northeast Central School.

Release. The researcher released the system and submitted it

to the school of Tuguegarao Northeast Central School.

Track and Monitor. The administrator tracking the alumni

and monitor the registered account and current events of

the school.

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Hierarchical Input Process Output

User View

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Alumni View

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Data Flow Diagram

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Entity Relationship Diagram

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Attributes and Domain

Table Field Name Descriptio Data Type Domain PK FK
Name n
Alumni Alumni_ID Alumni Int 0-9 Yes
Alumni_trac Alumni Int 0-9 No

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

king_no tracking
Firstname Firstname Varchar A-Z, a-z No

Middlename Middlename Varchar A-Z, a-z No

Lastname Lastname Varchar A-Z, a-z No

Datebirth datebirth Date A-Z, a-z No

Gender Gender Varchar A-Z, a-z No

Civil_statu Civil Varchar A-Z, a-z No

s status
Address address Varchar A-Z, a-z No

Contact_num Contact Int 0-9 No

ber Number
Email Email Varchar A-Z, a-z, No
Citizenship Citizenshi Varchar A-Z, a-z No
Commen Comment_id Comment_id Int 0-9 Yes
Alumni_id Alumni_id Int 0-9 Yes

Message Message Varchar A-Z, a-z No No

Events Event_ Event_id Int 0-9 Yes No

Event_title Event_titl Varchar A-Z, a-z No
Event_time Event_time datetime 0-9 No

Event_venue Event_venu Varchar A-Z, a-z No

Event_date Event_date Date A-Z, a-z No

Event_poste Event_post Varchar A-Z, a-z No

d ed
Accoun Acct_id Acct_id int 0-9 Yes
Username Username Varchar A-Z, a-z No

Password Password Varchar A-Z, a-z No

Status Status Varchar A-Z, a-z No

Acct_type Acct_type Varchar A-Z, a-z No

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Attend Attend_id Attend_id Int 0-9 Yes

Event_id Even_id Int 0-9 No Yes

Alumni_id Alumni_id int 0-9 No Yes

Gallery Attend_id Attend_id int 0-9 Yes No

Event_id Event_id int 0-9 No Yes

Gallery_pic Gallery_pic blob No No

Gallery_alt Gallery_alt Varchar A-Z, No No


logs Log_id Log_id int 0-9 Yes No

Acct_id Acct_id int 0-9 No Yes

Text Text Varchar A-Z, No No


Datetime Datetime Date No No

Research Participants

The researchers gave the participants an advantage for

an easy access to school information.


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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

The Tuguegarao Northeast Central School Administrator

have the opportunity to update the latest news, events and

announcement about the different school activities.


The Alumni of Tuguegarao Northeast Central School

experience the benefits to collaborate with the school and

former alumni of the school, and also for them to be updated

for future alumni events.


The students of Tuguegarao Northeast Central School

have the chance to be informed regarding the top performing

students and accomplishments of the school.


The researchers made use of a survey questionnaire and

interview methods of research. The data gathered with a

survey questionnaire technique and through the interview

method. The survey questionnaire method was used to identify

the needs of the client in the Web application and further

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

understand the condition of the system and also collect

data from the client. This was also used on how they manage

the data of the students and how they use it. The

questionnaire paved way to ask about the problems they

experience in creating an activity for the students. The

researchers were able to identify the requests of the

clients regarding on how they see the system.

Furthermore, the researcher also used interview method

to understand clearly the needs of the client within the

Web application.

An interview conducted with the researchers and the

client is done to gather data through face-to-face

conversation where the questions are asked by the

researchers to the clients to collect information that can

be added or included in the Web application. This will act

as a consultation of the researcher to the client.

Library research was very useful way to gather data,

this is where the researchers find relevant information of

their project in the library where they can have a basis of

their study with the information, facts and data, that are

available and useful in the project, in the library.

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The data gathering tool utilized in this research where

the survey questionnaire, interview method and library


Data Gathering Procedure

Before gathering and collecting data, the researchers

sought the proper authorization and permission from the

development of the system, the researchers will undertake

the following:

1. Sought the approval for the development of the project

from the dean and adviser as well as the target client for

the system.

2. The research gathered important information for the

clients and users which are significant inputs for the

development of the system through interview methods. There

will be substantiated with library research to obtain

existing information in systems development.

3. The researchers developed the systems based on the

planned design and the acquired inputs.

4. The developed system is implemented for use and

further refinement.

5. Evaluation of the system further undertaken to

enhance the system.

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Data Analysis

The data were analyzed using the following:

1. Narrative Analysis

Described the present process on and problems


2. Mean assessment of the system using ISO standards

The means were interpreted using the given scale:

Mean Range D.I

4.20 - 5.00 Very great Extent

3.40 - 4.19 Great Extent

2.60 - 3.39 Moderate Extent

1.80 - 2.59 Low Extent

1.00 - 1.79 Very Low Extent

Chapter 3

Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the results of the study based

on the problems presented.

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

I. Problems Encountered

Problems Respondents Rank

It takes time to locate 2 4th

the documents of the

Difficult to disseminate 3 3rd

news and events of the

Difficult to track the 6 1st

alumni whereabouts

It takes time to contact 4 2nd

their alumni

The table above shows that the problems that the school

encountered most is having a difficulty in tracking the

whereabouts of their alumni. Secondly, it takes time to

locate the documents of the alumni. Third is, it takes time

to contact their alumni. And lastly, it is difficult for the

school to disseminate news and events of the school. These

problems revealed that it needs improvement and the

developed system would solve these problems to be more

efficient, reliable, and secured in tracking their alumni.


School of Information Technology & Engineering 39

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

An Automated System is developed to enhance the manual

process of tracking the Alumni entitled “Tuguegarao

Northeast Central School Website with Tracking System” this

will help the school to track their alumni, disseminate news

and events and lessen their workloads.

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

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Table 1, Mean Distribution of the IT Experts’

Assessment with respect to the developed system’s

compliance to ISO 9126-1 Software Standard in terms of


Quality Criteria of System based on ISO 9126-1

A. Functionality

No. Attributes Mean Descriptive

1 Does what is appropriate(S) 4.30 Very Great Extent

2 All of the functionality required for 4.00 Great Extent

its execution is available(S)
3 Does what was proposed 4.10 Great Extent
4 Is accurate in performing its 3.60 Great Extent
5 Results are accurate / conforms to 4.20 Great Extent
expectation (A)
6 Interacts with the specified 3.60 Great Extent
7 Can be operated by several users at 4.10 Great Extent
the same time (multiuser) (I)
8 Can operate with other system (I) 4.00 Great Extent

9 Is file protected (SA) 4.20 Very Great Extent

10 Has an internal backup routine or 3.30 Moderate Extent

function (SA)
11 Has an internal restore routine or 3.10 Moderate Extent
OVERALL MEAN 3.86 Great Extent


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St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

The result above in table 1 with its overall mean 3.86

that corresponds to descriptive interpretation of “Great

Extent” shows that the system’s functionality is attained

and accomplished which means that the proposed system’s

capability provide accurate functionality and giving a

information that will reduce the workloads of the users in

monitoring and tracking their alumni.

Table 2, Mean Distribution of the IT Experts’

Assessment with respect to the developed system’s

compliance to ISO 9126-1 Software Standard in terms of


School of Information Technology & Engineering 44

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

B. Reliability

No. Attributes Mean Descriptive

1 Has few failures / reliable in 4.00 Great Extent
2 Reacts appropriately when failures 3.70 Great Extent
occur (F)
3 Informs users concerning invalid 3.90 Great Extent
data entry (F)
4 Is capable of recovering data in the 3.80 Great Extent
event of failure (R)

OVERALL MEAN 3.85 Great Extent

The result above in table 2 with its overall mean 3.85

that corresponds to descriptive interpretation of “Great

Extent” which obtained that the developers indicates and

modify a strong and secured access that will ensure the

users to understand easily and solved the problems that they

will encounter in the system.

Table 3, Mean Distribution of the IT Experts’

Assessment with respect to the developed system’s

compliance to ISO 9126-1 Software Standard in terms of


C. Usability

No Attributes Mean Descriptive

. Interpretation

School of Information Technology & Engineering 45

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

1 Easy to understand the concept and 4.30 Very Great Extent

application (U)
2 Easy to perform its functions (U) 4.30 Very Great Extent

3 Easy to learn how to use (L) 4.20 Very Great Extent

4 Facilitates the users’ data entry (L) 4.20 Very Great Extent

5 Facilitates the users’ retrieval of data 4.50 Very Great Extent

6 Easy to operate and control (O) 4.50 Very Great Extent

7 Help is provided in a manner that is 4.50 Very Great Extent

easily understood(O)
OVERALL MEAN 4.36 Very Great Extent

Table 3 is a presentation of the system’s usability, the

developers of the proposed system provides guidelines to

help the users to understand the system easily and Includes

a good interface to establish a good relationship between

the system and the users. The overall mean 4.36 that

corresponds to descriptive interpretation of “Great Extent”

means that the system is user friendly and the users can

learn the system easily.

Table 4, Mean Distribution of the IT Experts’

Assessment with respect to the developed system’s compliance

to ISO 9126-1 Software Standard in terms of Efficiency.

D. Efficiency

No. Attributes Mean Descriptive

1 Response time is appropriate (T) 4.30 Very Great Extent

School of Information Technology & Engineering 46

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

2 Execution time is appropriate (T) 4.10 Great Extent

3 Resources needed are 4.10 Great Extent

appropriate (R)
OVERALL MEAN 4.17 Great Extent

The table 4 above revealed that the efficiency of the

system guarantees efficient performance when operating a

specific function. The overall mean 4.17 that corresponds to

descriptive interpretation of “Great Extent” means that the

system is very efficient to use.

Table 5, Mean Distribution of the IT Experts’

Assessment with respect to the developed system’s compliance

to ISO 9126-1 Software Standard in terms of Maintainability.

E. Maintainability
(A)Analyzability – Can the system be
troubleshooted easily?
(C)Changeability – Is the system easy to
modify or adapt to user needs?
(S)Stability – Is the system negatively
impacted by system changed?
(T)Testability –Can the operation of the
system be tested and verified?

No. Attributes Mean Descriptive

1 Response time is appropriate (T) 4.30 Very Great Extent

School of Information Technology & Engineering 47

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

2 Execution time is appropriate (T) 4.10 Great Extent

3 Resources needed are appropriate 4.10 Great Extent

4 Changes are easy to test (T) 3.80 Great Extent

OVERALL MEAN 4.17 Great Extent

In t

The table 5 above showed that the maintainability of

the system guarantees maintainability when using the system.

The overall mean 4.17 that corresponds to descriptive

interpretation of “Great Extent” means that the system is

secured and ensures backup for data loss.

School of Information Technology & Engineering 48

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Table 6, Mean Distribution of the IT Experts’

Assessment with respect to the developed system’s compliance

to ISO 9126-1 Software Standard in terms of Portability.

F. Portability

No. Attributes Mean Descriptive

1 Response time is appropriate (T) 4.20 Very Great Extent

2 Execution time is appropriate (T) 4.20 Very Great Extent

3 Resources needed are appropriate (R) 4.40 Very Great Extent

4 Changes are easy to test (T) 4.20 Very Great Extent

OVERALL MEAN 4.25 Very Great Extent

The result above in table 6 with its overall mean 4.25

that corresponds to descriptive interpretation of “Very

Great Extent” shows that the system’s portability is

attained and accomplished which means that the system is

portable in keeping a file safe and secured.

PART III. System as Evaluated by the I.T. Experts

5 = Accepted Unconditionally
4 = Accepted with minor condition
3 = Fair
2 = Accepted with major condition
1 = Reject

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St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Table 7, Mean Distribution of the IT Experts’

Assessment with respect to the developed system’s compliance

to ISO 9126-1 Software Standard in terms of Performance


Performance Criteria Mean Descriptive

1. Executes and processes at significantly 3.60 Fair
higher speed compared to the old
2. There is little or no delay encountered 4.40 Accepted with minor
in accessing the system’s functions. condition

3. The system is demonstrably effective 4.50 Accepted with minor

with the intended audience, including condition
people of varying abilities and
4. Information generated by the system 4.50 Accepted with minor
can easily be read and understood. condition

5. The functions of the on-screen 4.70 Accepted with minor

buttons/controls and navigation icons condition
are easily identified.
6. The interface design is simple, tasteful 4.20 Accepted with minor
and not flooded with distracting images condition
and text.
7. The system uses standard equipment 4.30 Accepted with minor
that is reliable, widely available, and condition
applicable to a variety of uses
8. The program is visually attractive and 4.00 Accepted with minor
interesting. It motivates users to condition
continue using the program
9. The organization of the system is clear, 4.40 Accepted with minor
logical, and effective, making it easy condition
for the intended audience to
10. The buttons, icons and dropdown menu 3.80 Fair
are responsive.
11. The visual aspect of the application 4.00 Accepted with minor
(user interface) is consistent across condition
different platforms or computer

School of Information Technology & Engineering 50

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

12. Text, images and the colors of the user 4.30 Accepted with minor
interface is appropriate and relevant. condition

13. Complete functionality is provided 4.70 Accepted with minor

which enables the quick and accurate condition
access to information.
14. The language in the program and in the 4.40 Accepted with minor
user's guide is clear and easily condition
understood to the intended audience.
15. Printouts are clear, well- organized and 4.40 Accepted with minor
dated. condition

16. The purpose of the system is well 4.60 Accepted with minor
defined and clearly explained to the condition
17. The system acknowledges input. 4.90 Accepted with minor
Feedback on user responses is condition
employed effectively
18. The system is reliable and error-free in 4.60 Accepted with minor
normal use. condition

19. The user can operate the system 4.30 Accepted with minor
independently, creating his or her own condition
sequence of presentation and review
20. The system achieves its purpose. 4.60 Accepted with minor

OVER ALL MEAN 4.36 Accepted with minor


The propose The pro

The proposed system has been established by the

developers to provide a user-friendly, faster, and more

convenient access to the users in monitoring and tracking

the alumni. The table 7 above has shown that the proposed

School of Information Technology & Engineering 51

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

system with an overall mean 4.36 that corresponds to

descriptive interpretation of “Accepted with minor

condition” are beneficial and offers a portable, reliable

and efficient system in the users. Also, the developer

provides a good interface for the user, easy to learn and


The Proposed System

Features of the Proposed System

 Tracking of the Alumni register

School of Information Technology & Engineering 52
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

 The admin can manage all the alumni register and

account of the users

 Staff can search the registered alumni

 List of registered alumni can download and print online

Physical Design

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the summary of the findings, the

research work undertaken, the conclusions drawn and the

recommendations made as an output of this study.

Summary of Findings

The Tuguegarao Northeast Central School website with

tracking alumni” was conducted to develop for the Tuguegarao

Northeast Central School. The difficulties presented in the


1. The Tuguegarao Northeast Central School

disseminates information through the contact number of the

parents of alumni and after this, the parents will inform

their son or daughter. Also, they are distributing fliers

and posting tarpaulins. However, this process takes time

because they need to find manually the documents of their


School of Information Technology & Engineering 61

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

2. An Automated System is developed to enhance the

manual process of tracking the Alumni entitled “Tuguegarao

Northeast Central School Website and Tracking System” which

will help the school to track their alumni and lessen their

workloads, this will make their work easier, faster, and


3. The assessment of the developed system has been

appreciative to the IT Experts. The proposed system has been

established by the developers to provide a user-friendly,

faster, and more convenient access to the users in

monitoring and tracking the alumni. It has a good interface

for the users to understand and learn.

School of Information Technology & Engineering 62

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


This study was conducted to develop a “Tuguegarao

Northeast Central School Website with Alumni Tracking” for

the Tuguegarao Northeast Central School.

Tuguegarao Northeast Central School Website with Alumni

Tracking will help the Tuguegarao Northeast Central School

to monitor and track their alumni. The Website features an

online registration which improves the managing of

information. It enables the organizing school to communicate

and conduct follow ups via email technology.

The website also have the ability to open the doors for

every comment and communication between the school,

students, parents, and alumni. The Tuguegarao Northeast

Central website will provide the users an online, secured

and caring environment and will supply the users with

updated information about the school.

The developed system is beneficial to the Tuguegarao

Northeast Central School for easier and more convenient for

tracking their alumni

School of Information Technology & Engineering 63

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


The recommendations are shown in the following and

have been implemented in the system:

1. The school may provide accounts for the alumni for

security purposes

2. The developer may add more transactions other than

just check attendance

3. The developer may add more features of alumni

tracking to justify the cost of the system.

4. The developer may add memo and forum in the website

for the users to understand the system.

School of Information Technology & Engineering 64

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Appendix B

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<a href="#">Alumni</a>

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<li class="active breadcrumb-
item">Alumni View</li>
<div class="outer">
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<div class="card">
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Alumni List
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<?php if($this->session-
>flashdata('SUCCESSMSG')) { ?>
<div role="alert" class="alert alert-
<button data-dismiss="alert"
class="close" type="button"><span
<strong>Well done!!</strong> <?
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<table class="table table-striped
table-bordered table-hover dataTable no-footer"
id="editable_table" role="grid">
<tr role="row">
<th class="sorting wid-10"
tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Alumni Tracking
<th class="sorting wid-10"
tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Firstname</th>
<th class="sorting wid-10"
tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Middle Name</th>
<th class="sorting wid-10"
tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Lastname</th>
<th class="sorting wid-10"
tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Date Birth</th>
<th class="sorting wid-10"
tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Gender</th>
<th class="sorting wid-10"
tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Civil Status</th>
<th class="sorting wid-10"
tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Address</th>
<th class="sorting wid-10"
tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Contact Number</th>
<th class="sorting wid-10"
tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Email</th>
<th class="sorting wid-10"
tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Citizenship</th>
<th class="sorting wid-10"
tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Date Register</th>

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foreach ($getEmployee as
{ ?>
<td><?= date($value-
<?php }

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<th class="sorting_asc wid-

20" tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Event Title</th>
<th class="sorting_asc wid-
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<th class="sorting_asc wid-
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<th class="sorting_asc wid-
20" tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Event Date</th>
<th class="sorting_asc wid-
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foreach ($getEvents as $value)
{ ?>

<td><?= date('M d, Y
h:i:a', strtotime($value->event_date)); ?></td>
<td><?php echo
'DELETE', 'id="$value->event_id"');?></td>
<td><?php echo
anchor('edituser/update/'.$value->event_id, 'UPDATE',
<?php }

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<th style="display:
<th class="sorting_asc wid-
20" tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Username</th>
<th class="sorting_asc wid-
20" tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Full Name</th>
<th class="sorting_asc wid-
20" tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Status</th>
<th class="sorting_asc wid-
20" tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Account
<th class="sorting wid-10"
tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="2">Action</th>
<!--<th class="sorting wid-
10" tabindex="0" rowspan="1" colspan="1">Date

School of Information Technology & Engineering 82

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

foreach ($getUserData as
{ ?>
>firstname." ".$value->lastname ?></span> </td>
if ($value->status=='1')
<span class="label
}else {
<span class="label
<?php } ?>

School of Information Technology & Engineering 83

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

if ($value-
>acct_type=='1') {
<span class="label
}else {
<span class="label
<td><?php echo
'DELETE', 'id="$value->acct_id"');?></td>
<td><?php echo
anchor('edituser/update/'.$value->acct_id, 'UPDATE',
<?php }

School of Information Technology & Engineering 84

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

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St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

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Curriculum Vitae









School of Information Technology & Engineering 86

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500





















School of Information Technology & Engineering 87

St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



School of Information Technology & Engineering 88

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