Engineering Management Reviewer

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1. A profession in which the knowledge of mathematical and 5. This approach emphasized on finding the "one best way" to
natural science gained by study, experience, and practice is get the most work done.
applied with judgement to develop ways to utilize,
a. Classical Approach c. Behavioral Approach
economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit
of mankind. b. Modern Approach d. Quantitative Approach
a. Engineering Management c. Engineering 6. Known as the father of scientific management.
b. Management d. All the above a. Henri Fayol c. Douglas McGregor
2. A set of activities such as planning and decision making, b. Frederick W. Taylor d. Henry Gantt
organizing and control that is directed at an organization’s
resources which includes human, financial, and informational, 7. This philosophy under the classical approach aims in
this is with the aim of achieving organizational goals in an increasing productivity and making work easier by
efficient manner. scientifically studying work methods and establishing
a. Management c. Operation
a. Bureaucratic Management
b. Engineering d. None of the above
b. Administrative Management
3. An activity which combines technical knowledge with the
ability to organize and coordinate worker power, materials, c. Scientific Management
machinery, and money. d. Operations Management
a. Administrative Management 8. These contributors under classical approach believe that
b. Engineering Management eliminating wasted motions improves performance.

c. Functional Management a. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

d. Management b. Mary Parker Follet and Elton Mayo

4. Paved the way for the evolution of management thought. c. Abraham Maslow and Chris Argyris

a. American Revolution c. Social Revolution d. All the above

b. Industrial Revolution d. None of the above


9. Focuses on the managerial principles rather than the methods a. Level of command c. Chain of command
of operations.
b. Principle of unity of command d. None of the above
a. administrative management c. Management science
15. This is the capacity of an engineer manager to achieve the
b. Bureaucratic Management d. Scientific Management company’s objectives
10. Developed the 14 principles of management. effectively and efficiently.
a. Henri Fayol c. Frederick W. Taylor a. Management Ability c. Managing Ability
b. Elton Mayo d. Abraham Maslow b. Managerial Ability d. None of the above
11. Management is a process that consists of the following 16. This is the accomplishment of a given task with the least
except: amount of effort. This is achieved by not wasting resources
(e.g. time, money, equipment, facilities, skills, talents, and
a. directing c. leading.
management attention).
b. controlling d. discussing
a. Efficiency c. Efficascent
12. This refers to the task done or performed to add value to the
b. Effectiveness d. None of the above
17. This is the accomplishment of tasks with efforts that are
a. work c. energy
equivalent with the value created by these tasks.
b. overtime d. inventory
a. Efficiency c. Efficascent
13. This describes the order in which authority and power in an
b. Effectiveness d. None of the above
organization is exercise and assigned from top management
down to every employee at every level of the organization. 18. These decisions deduce what are the right things and
actions to do. (Strategic decisions).
a. Level of command c. Chain of command
a. Optional Decisions c. Managerial Decisions
b. Principle of unity of command d. None of the above
b. Operational Decisions d. Strategic Decisions
14. According to this principle, an individual worker must
report to a single supervisor. 19. It has the general responsibility of fulfilling the goals of the
company and meeting the

different expectations of its stakeholders. c. Technical Skill

a. Community c. Management Group 24. A manager is in a first-line level of management, what
skills does he usually use to
b. Stakeholders’ Group d. Group of Customers
perform his job?
20. These are groups of people who have a stake in the
company’s performance. a. Conceptual Skill
a. Community c. Management Group b. Technical Skill
b. Stakeholders d. Group of Customers c. Intrapersonal Skill
21. What skill that is often called to “Think outside the Box”? 25. These skills are referred as” how to “set of skills.
a. Conceptual Skill a. Conceptual Skills
b. Intrapersonal Skill b. Intrapersonal Skills
c. Technical Skill c. Technical Skills
22. What skill do managers use to build trust, manage conflict, 26. A course of action of choosing a particular option from
and encourage improvement to his employee? multiple alternatives
a. Technical Skill a. Decision-Making
b. Conceptual Skill b. Managerial Skills
c. Intrapersonal Skill c. Logical
23. What type of Managerial Skills that never lost its 27. What type of Managerial Skill must a manager utilize to
significant regardless of the level of motivate others?
management? a. Intrapersonal Skills
a. Intrapersonal Skill b. Technical Skills
b. Conceptual Skill c. Conceptual Skills

28. These skills are the most significant in the top-level manager and categorized it later.
a. Karl Marx c. Abraham Lincoln
a. Technical Skills
b. Henry Mintzberg d. Donald Trump
b. Conceptual Skills
33. It involves providing of information and ideas where a
c. Intrapersonal Skills manager must interact with both inside and outside people of
the organization.
29. These skills are the combination of formal education,
training, and on-the-job experience a. Informational Role c. Decisional Role
a. Intrapersonal Skills b. Interpersonal Role d. Managerial Role
b. Conceptual Skills 34. It is very important role and involves a managerial role to
use the information.
c. Technical Skills
a. Informational Role c. Decisional Role
30. Skills that a manager uses to assist the organization in
accomplishing its goals b. Interpersonal Role d. Managerial Role
a. Conceptual Skills 35. The manager must create and control change within the
organization. This means solving problems, generating new
b. Decision-Making
ideas, and implementing them.
c. Managerial Skills
a. Spokesperson c. Leader
31. It is defined as the behavior expected of an individual who
b. Disseminator d. Entrepreneur
occupies a given social
36. The manager must be an example of hard work and
position or status.
dedication so that his subordinates
a. Roles c. Roles of a Manager
will follow his directions with respect.
b. Manager d. Managing
a. Spokesperson c. Leader
32. He is a management expert and professor that introduced
b. Disseminator d. Entrepreneur
ten primary roles of an effective

37. It is a role where the manager must resolve and mediate b. Theo Haiman
employee disputes and strikes.
c. Teo Haimman
a. Resource Allocator c. Figure Head
d. Teo Haiman
b. Disturbance Handler d. Liaison
42. This refers to the methods available for converting
38. This involves allocating funding, as well as assigning staff resources into products or services.
and other organizational resources.
a. Sociocultural Dimension
a. Resource Allocator c. Figure Head
b. Technological Dimension
b. Disturbance Handler d. Liaison
c. International Dimension
39. The manager serves as a connecting link between his unit
d. Economic Dimension
and other organizational units.
43. They are units in the task environment that have the
a. Resource Allocator c. Figure Head
potential to control, regulate, or
b. Disturbance Handler d. Liaison
influence an organization’s policies and practices.
40. Below are Henry Mintzberg’s suggestion to be an effective
a. Regulators
manager, except
b. Suppliers
a. Examine how much time you currently spend on each role.
c. Competitors
b. Commit and work on all areas.
d. Regulators
c. Always set priority.
44. These are set of values tha helps its members understand
d. Decide specific area to work on.
what the organization stands for.
41. According to him, organizing is the process of defining and
a. Culture of an Organization
grouping the activities of the enterprise and establishing
authority relationships among them. b. Purpose of an Organization
a. Theo Haimman c. Norms of an Organization

d. Attributes of an Organization 48. It can shape the firm’s overall effectiveness and long-term
success and help employees to
45. This refers to government regulation of business and the
relationship between business be more productive.
and government. a. Strong Organizational Culture
a. Technological Dimension b. Strong Foundation
b. Political-legal Dimension c. Proper Management
c. International Dimension d. Effective Organization
d. Economic Dimension 49. They are whoever pays money to acquire an organization’s
product or service.
46. It consists of specific organizations or groups that are likely
to influence an organization. a. Customers
a. Task Environment b. Suppliers
b. Chore Environment c. Regulators
c. General Environment d. Competitors
d. Universal Environment 50. According to him, organizing is the process of identifying
and grouping the work to be performed, defining and
47. It refers to customs, mores, values, and demographic
delegating responsibility and authority, and establishing
characteristics of the society in
relationships for the purpose of enabling people to work most
which the organization functions. effectively together in accomplishing objectives.

a. Sociocultural Dimension a. Louis Allen

b. Technological Dimension b. Louise Allen

c. International Dimension c, Louis Alen

d. Economic Dimension d. Louise Alen


51. A structure of relationship, usually in professional b. Decision Making

organization, that helps the organization achieve its goals.
c. Action Taking
a. Order
d. Dictating
b. Organization
55. Grouping activities and resources in a logical fashion.
c. Organizational Pattern
a. Groupings
d. Managerial Pattern
b. Organizing
52. It is monitoring organizational progress toward goal
c. Planning
attainment and taking corrective action when needed. It means
setting standards, measuring actual performance and taking d. Leading
corrective action. 56. It is accomplished by communicating, motivating,
inspiring, and encouraging employees
a. Helping
towards a higher level of productivity.
b. Controlling
a. Promoting
c. Leading
b. Leading
d. Organizing
c. Deciding
53. It is setting goals and deciding how best to achieve them.
d. Communicating
a. Controlling
57. Processes to get members of the organization to work
b. Planning
together to further the interests of
c. Leading
the organization.
d. Dictating
a. Promoting
54. Selecting a course of action from a set of alternatives.
b. Leading
a. Planning
c. Deciding

d. Communicating b. Projectized Organization

58. It is the function of management that involves developing c. Matrix Organization
an organizational structure and allocating human resources to
d. Line Organization
ensure the accomplishment of objectives.
62. PMI stands for?
a. Groupings
a. Project Management Index
b. Organizing
b. Project Management Incorporated
c. Planning
c. Project Management Intern
d. Leading
d. Project Management Institution
59. The action or process of making decisions, especially
important ones. 63. In this type of organization staffs are required to report to
both project manager and
a. Planning
functional manager.
b. Decision Making
a. Line Organization
c. Action Taking
b. Matrix Organization
d. Processing
c. Projectized Organization
60. These are organizational resources except:
d. Functional Organization
a. Human Resources
64. The project manager will act as a staff or communications
b. Managerial Resources
manager but will not have the
c. Physical Resources
power to make decisions.
d. Information Resources
a. Project Engineer
61. In this organization people are grouped based on their area
b. Project Expeditor
of specialization.
c. Project Coordinator
a. Functional Organization

d. Project Leader b. Staffs may have no job after the work is done.
65. Which is not a type of matrix organization? c. Viewpoints of individual divisions are sometimes narrow.
a. Weak Matrix d. Duplication of task might happen.
b. Balanced Matrix 69. Which is NOT an advantage of functional organization?
c. Strong Matrix a. Strong motivation to career development
d. Complex Matrix b. Strong motivation to career development
66. In this type of Matrix organization, the project manager has c. Employees develop their skills rapidly.
more authority compared to the functional manager.
d. Maximum utilization of scarce resources are applicable.
a. Weak Matrix
70. Which is an advantage of matrix organization?
b. Balanced Matrix.
a. High level of specialization
c. Strong Matrix
b. Communication is much easier and more efficient.
d. Complex Matrix
c. Employees develop their skills rapidly.
67. This organization is organized by projects.
d. Maximum utilization of scarce resources are applicable.
a. Functional Organization
71. He is the founder of scientific management approach.
b. Projectized Organization
a. Frederick Taylor
c. Matrix Organization
b. Fredirick Taylor
d. Line Organization
c. Freddy Taylor
68. What among the following is the disadvantage of
d. Friderick Taylor
projectized organization?
72. This model treats the organization as a mechanism that is
a. Causes confusion since employees will have to report to two
made up of various components

or parts which can be modified in order to create an output c. M7 Model

within the shortest time and without deviation.
d. Cognitive model
a. Rational Model
76. It views organizations as having greater ability to modify
b. Natural Model their form and structure.
c. Sociotechnical Model a. Cognitive Model
d. SWOT Model b. Natural model
73. Which of the following assumption is wrong based on the c. Rational
problem in rational model?
d. Sociotechnical model
a. There are many motivators than money
77. It includes techniques skills and materials
b. There can be many ways to perform a given task.
a. Technology
c. Organization goals are not rational.
b. Time
d. Organization goals are rational.
c. Location
74. Who are at the apex in the pyramidal organization
d. Employee
78. It refers to information processing units of an organization
a. Manager
and its organization units.
b. Employee
a. Cognition
c. All of the above
b. Problem solving
d. None of these
c. Work shift
75. It views an organization as a system.
d. Setting
a. Natural model
79. It is the arrangement of organization or the way tasks are
b. Rational model distributed and the way process are coordinated

a. Organization setting c. Effective communications

b. Time d. Useful and accessible data
c. Work shift 83. These are the improvements brought by the services being
offered with which the providers and commissioners need to
d. Cognition
feel accountable for achieving them.
80. This model accounts for the way in which specialization
a. Results
affects organizational behavior
b. Effects
and coordination.
c. Products
a. Cognitive model
d. Outcomes
b. M7 model
84. This analysis model focuses on the identification of the
c. SWOT Model
internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable
d. Natural model in achieving a certain objective

81. He is one of the leading academics who studies and a. Strategic Triangle Model
advocates for the concept of public value and with this interest,
b. SWOT Analysis Model
he formulated the strategic triangle model.
c. McKinsey 7S Model
a. Mark More
d. Organizational Network Analysis
b. Mark Moores
85. In the SWOT analysis model, these are the elements that
c. Mark Moore
the project could exploit to its advantage.
d. Mark Mores
a. Strengths
82. Which of the following factors does not refer to the
b. Weaknesses
strategic triangle model’s operational capability?
c. Opportunities
a. Correct allocation of sufficient resources
d. Threats
b. Satisfaction of the public being served

86. The following choices present the people credited for the 89. Which of the following statements is not true about the
development of the McKinsey meta models?
7S model, except for who? a. Bolman and Deal created the meta models because of their
belief that a single
a. Robert Waterman
perspective is enough to analyze an organizational structure.
b. Julien Philips
b. Bolman and Deal created the meta models composing of
c. Richard McKinsey
four distinct paradigms or frames.
d. Tom Peters
c. Bolman and Deal created the meta models which are to be
87. This model is sought to present an emphasis on human used as a pluralistic model.
resources rather than the traditional mass production tangibles
d. Bolman and Deal created the meta models to allow analysts
of capital, infrastructure and equipment, as a key to higher
to change thinking by reframing understanding and points of
organizational performance.
a. Strategic Triangle Model
90. This analysis model is a structured way to visualize how
b. SWOT Analysis Model communications, information, and decisions flow through an
c. McKinsey 7S Model
a. Strategic Triangle Model
d. Organizational Network Analysis
b. SWOT Analysis Model
88. This is one of the seven elements of a company which is
referred to as the area of the firm that determines how business c. McKinsey 7S Model
is done and is to be considered as the focus for managers
d. Organizational Network Analysis
during an organizational change.
a. System
b. Style
c. Structure
d. Strategy


31. A
1. C
32. B
2. A
33. B
3. B
34. C
4. B
35. D
5. A
36. C
6. B
37. B
7. C
38. A
8. A
39. D
9. A
40. B
10. D
41. A
11. D
42. B
12. A
43. D
13. C
44. A
14. B
45. B
15. B
46. A
16. A
47. A
17. B
48. A
18. D
49. A
19. C
50. A
20. B
51. C
21. A
52. B
22. C
53. B
23. A
54. B
24. B
55. B
25. C
56. B
26. A
57. B
27. A
58. B
28. B
59. B
29. C
60. B

61. A
62. D
63. B
64. B
65. D
66. C
67. B
68. B
69. D
70. D
71. A
72. A
73. D
74. A
75. A
76. D
77. A
78. A
79. A
80. A
81. C
82. B
83. D
84. B
85. C
86. C
87. C
88. A
89. A
90. D

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