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Pega 7 Platform

Microsoft SQL Server

JBoss Red Hat EAP

© Copyright 2016
Pegasystems Inc., Cambridge, MA
All rights reserved.


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DOCUMENT: Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide

PUBLISHED: December 23, 2016

Installation 7
Related information 7
Pega 7 Platform architecture 8
Planning your installation 8
Split-schema and single-schema configurations 9
Installation methods 10
System requirements 11
UI-based installation tool (Installation and Upgrade Assistant) 11
Application server 11
Application server memory requirements 12
Database server 12
Pre-installation tasks 13
Reviewing the documentation 13
Selecting a transport-layer encryption method 13
Configuring the Java Platform 13
Configuring storage and logging 13
Synchronizing time zones, character encoding, and regional settings 14
Setting up the database server 15
Verifying the database configuration 15
Configuring your Microsoft SQL Server database 15
Database users 15
General user permissions and purposes 16
Microsoft SQL Server user permissions 17
Creating an empty database 18
Creating new schema 19
Installing the Pega 7 Platform 20
Preparing to install 20
Running the Installation and Upgrade Assistant (IUA) 21
Editing the file 24
Database connection properties 25

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 3

Optional: Enabling Kerberos authentication 26
Installing from the command line 27
Setting up the application server 28
Preparing to configure the application server 28
EAR file and WAR file considerations 29
Data source resources, data source entries, and default schema entries 29
Configuring the application server 30
Starting the Red Hat JBoss EAP server 30
Setting Red Hat JBoss application deployment parameters 31
Configuring the PegaRULES data source lookup name 37
Creating a JDBC driver module 38
Installing the driver module 40
Optional: Enabling WebSocket support for Red Hat JBoss EAP 6.3 and 6.4 40
Deploying the Pega 7 Platform application archives 41
Deploying from the Red Hat JBoss Management Console 41
Deploying from the command line 42
Assigning the PegaDiagnosticUser role to your System Management Application users 42
Post-deployment configuration 45
Starting the Pega 7 Platform applications 45
Logging in to the Pega 7 Platform and changing the administrator password 45
Enabling online help and the System Management Application 46
Configuring Directed Web Access 47
Configuring search index host node settings 47
Optional: Configuring the Pega 7 Platform to return absolute URLs 48
Resizing the Pega 7 Platform log files 50
Resizing the database 50
Installing Industry applications 50
Enabling server-side screen captures for application documents 50
Configuring PhantomJS REST server security for including screen captures in an application
document 52
Enabling operators 52
Appendix A — Properties files 54

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 4

Microsoft SQL Server 54
Appendix B — Troubleshooting installations 55
Recovering from a failed installation 55
PEGA0055 alert — clocks not synchronized between nodes 56
ClassNotFoundException error — session persistence 56
System hangs with no error message — insufficient memory 56
Obtaining database connection information 57
Appendix C — Optional: Generating and applying DDL 58
Generating the DDL file 58
Applying the DDL file 59
Editing the file to bypass DDL generation 59
Appendix D — Installing user-defined functions 61
Appendix E — Secured mode 63

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 5

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 6
This guide describes how to install a new instance of the Pega 7 Platform on a system with Microsoft
SQL Server and JBoss Red Hat EAP. See the Platform Support Guide on the PDN for a list of supported

To upgrade, see the Pega 7 Platform Upgrade Guide. To update from Pega 7.1.x, see the Pega 7
Platform Update Guide.

Installing the Pega 7 Platform is a multiple step process that involves configuring your database and
application server, loading rules into the database, and then deploying application archives to the
application server.

The Pega 7 Platform supports different deployment topologies and configuration options that affect
how the supporting infrastructure is configured and managed after installation. Engage your
database administrator and any other infrastructure resources as soon as possible in the planning

Related information
The Pega Discovery Network (PDN) at is Pegasystems' online documentation
and information site. To access the latest documentation, use the Support menu.

l Pega 7 Platform Support Guide — The Platform Support Guide lists the databases, drivers and
application servers supported for this release.

l Deployment guides — The PDN includes the latest installation, upgrade, and update guides.

l Pega 7 Platform release notes — The release notes include information about installing the
Pega 7 Platform that supplement the instructions in this guide. Review the release notes before
you continue.

l Updated help files — Pegasystems provides updated help on the PDN. To obtain these updates,
download the current prhelp.war file from the PDN.

l Pega 7 Platform Multitenancy Administration Guide — The Multitenancy Administration

Guide describes how to configure the Pega 7 Platform in multitenant mode after installation.

l Pega 7 Platform Business Intelligence Exchange User Guide — The Business Intelligence
Exchange User Guide describes how to install the Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) product.

BIX is included in the full distribution image, but has a separate installer.

l System Management Application Reference Guide — The optional System Management

Application monitors and controls caches, agents, requesters, listeners, and other processing.

Pega 7 Platform architecture

The Pega 7 Platform is a Java EE-compliant enterprise application that requires an application server
and a database server:

l The application server hosts the Pega 7 Platform application archives and also provides
interconnectivity to other systems through various protocols.

l The database server stores the rules, data, and work objects used and generated by the Pega 7

Application users and developers typically access the Pega 7 Platform through a web browser.
Applications can also expose HTTP-based services (for example, SOAP, REST, or HTTP) for
administration or process automation in a headless environment.

Planning your installation

The Pega 7 Platform supports several configuration options that can affect the choices that you make
during the deployment. Before beginning, read this section thoroughly.

l Do not change your environment while you are deploying the Pega 7 Platform. For example, if
you are making changes to your application server, or database server, do so before you install
the Pega 7 Platform.

l Choose a configuration type: single-schema or split-schema configuration. Pegasystems

recommends a split-schema configuration. See Split-schema and single-schema configurations.

l Choose whether to use the standard product edition or the multitenancy edition. The multitenancy
edition has different requirements, different run-time behaviors, and different administrative
procedures from the standard edition. Before you select the multitenancy edition, review the
Multitenancy Administration Guide on the PDN.

Upgrading and updating from one edition to another is not supported. If you install one edition
and later decide to use a different edition, you must drop and re-create the database or create a
new database. The schema DDLs for the two editions are not compatible.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 8


l Verify the Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) and Pega 7 Platform product versions. Release
versions of the Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) are synchronized with release versions of the
Pega 7 Platform. BIX is included in the full distribution image, but has a separate installer. Verify
that the version of BIX is the same as the version of the Pega 7 Platform. For information about
installing BIX, see the Pega 7 Platform BIX User Guide.

l Choose an installation type: UI tool or command line. See Installation methods.

l Choose whether to use Kerberos functionality. Kerberos is a computer network authentication

protocol that allows nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to
one another in a secure manner. If you enable Kerberos authentication, you must use the
command line to install the Pega 7 Platform.

l Choose whether to have the installation make changes directly to the database. You can either
have the Pega 7 Platform installation apply changes directly to your database, or generate DDL
files of changes for your database administrator to apply. For information about manually
generating and applying DDL, see Appendix C — Optional: Generating and applying DDL on page

l Choose whether to cluster the Pega 7 Platform nodes. The Pega 7 Platform supports clustered
nodes without special configuration, but you will make different choices about ports, indexes, and
clock synchronization depending on your node configuration.

l Determine the best configuration for your database. Involve your database administrator in these
decisions. For more information, see PDN > Support.

l Choose either dual-user or single-user configuration. In a dual-user configuration, an Admin user

is granted full privileges, and a Base user is granted a smaller subset of privileges. In the single-
user configuration, a single Base user is granted full privileges. See Database server setup for
information about user configuration.

Split-schema and single-schema configurations

There are two configuration types: single schema and split-schema. Pegasystems recommends split-
schema configurations, particularly in critical development environments such as quality assurance,
staging, and production.

l Single-schema configuration — One schema contains all rules and data objects.

l Split-schema configuration — The rules and data objects reside on separate schemas:

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 9


A Rules schema contains rules tables and associated data and objects.

A Data schema contains transaction data, including work objects.

With a split-schema configuration, you can upgrade one environment, and then migrate the
upgraded objects to other environments.

In a split-schema configuration, the Pega 7 Platform uses the Java Naming and Directory Interface
(JNDI) standard to identify and access the appropriate schema. One of the benefits of using JNDI is
that it allows the Pega 7 Platform to access different schemas while using only a single data

The following diagram illustrates the difference between a single-schema configuration and a split-
schema configuration.

Installation methods
You can install the Pega 7 Platform either with the UI tool or from the command line. This guide
includes instructions for both methods.

l UI tool – Use the UI-based Installation and Upgrade Assistant to install either the rulebase or the
rulebase and the schema.

l Command line – Run scripts to install the Pega 7 Platform.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 10


Regardless of whether you use the UI tool or the command-line scripts, you might need to edit the file that controls the behavior of the following scripts:

l The generateddl.bat or script generates an SQL file that your database
administrator can use to apply schema changes to the database. You can run this script regardless
of whether you use the IUA or the command-line script to install.

l The install.bat or script performs the following functions:

Installs the most recent version of the Pega 7 Platform.

Specifies whether to generate a DDL file of changes to the database.

Enables Kerberos authentication.

If you use the IUA to install, you do not use the install.bat or script.

System requirements
Ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements.

UI-based installation tool (Installation and Upgrade

If you plan to use the UI-based Installation and Upgrade Assistant ensure that the system on which
you will install meets these minimum system requirements in addition to all other requirements:

l Windows or Linux operating system

l 1.25 GB minimum available memory

l 10 GB minimum disk space plus at least 8 GB available space in the temporary directory of the
root file system

l Java Platform, Standard Edition Development Kit (JDK)

Application server
The application server requires:

l Web browser — required to deploy the Pega 7 Platform applications from the Red Hat JBoss
Management Console

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 11


l A supported 64-bit JDK. See the Platform Support Guide on the PDN for a list of supported

l 1 GB minimum free disk space. You might need additional storage space for debugging and

Install only the Pega 7 Platform be installed on the application server.

Application server memory requirements

The Pega 7 Platform runs in memory (heap) on Java Virtual Machines (JVMs). In general, all activity is
distributed over multiple JVMs (nodes) on the application server.

l Standard suggested system heap size is 4 - 8 GB based on monitoring of memory usage and
garbage collection frequency.

l Larger heaps are advisable if your applications allow a high number of concurrent open tasks per
session or cache a large collection of transaction or reference data.

l Do not deploy the Pega 7 Platform in an environment where the heap size exceeds the vendor-
specific effectiveness limit.

In current 64-bit JVMs, compression is enabled by default.

The host application server memory size must be at least 4 GB larger than the Pega 7 Platform heap
size to allow space for the operating system, monitoring tools, operating system network file
buffering, and JVM memory size (-XMX option). The minimum host application server memory size is
8 GB:

4 GB heap + 4 GB for native memory, operating system, and buffering

If the server does not have enough memory allocated to run the Pega 7 Platform, the system can
hang without an error message. The correct memory settings depend on your server hardware, the
number of other applications, and the number of users on the server, and might be larger than these

Database server
Confirm that your database server meets the requirements in the Pega Platform Support Guide on
the PDN.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 12


Pre-installation tasks
Complete the tasks in this section before you begin the installation.

Reviewing the documentation

Before you begin the installation, review the related information available on the PDN:

l Platform Support Guide — Review the Platform Support Guide before you install the Pega 7
Platform to verify that your database and application servers are supported.

l Pega 7 Release notes — Review the important information in the release notes before you

Selecting a transport-layer encryption method

Pegasystems recommends that you use a strong transport-layer encryption method (for example,
Transport Layer Security 1.2) to secure Pega 7 Platform web applications. This encryption requires
that you create and install transport-layer security and secure socket layer digital certificates on your
application server for the Pega 7 Platform. Before you continue, determine what transport-layer
encryption method you will use. For more information, see the documentation for your application

Configuring the Java Platform

1. Set JAVA_HOME to the root directory of the JDK.

2. For Java 8, remove from the PATH any references to a Java shortcut.

Configuring storage and logging

1. Allocate enough storage to accommodate debugging and other logging requirements.

2. Configure logging to avoid writing logs to the directory that contains the application server run-
time components.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 13


Synchronizing time zones, character encoding, and regional

Verify that your database server, application server, and the system on which you are running the
installation use the same:

l Time zone

l Character encoding (UNICODE or EBCDIC)

l Regional settings/locale

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 14

Setting up the database server
This section describes how to prepare and configure your database server:

l Configure the database users.

l Create an empty database.

Verifying the database configuration

Before you begin preparing your database, confirm that your database server is installed
and running. Verify that your database meets the requirements described below.

l Your system includes a supported version of the JDBC4 driver for your version of the database.

l If you plan to use user-defined functions (UDF), the common language run time (CLR) is enabled
on the database. To check whether CLR is enabled, run the following script:

select value from sys.configurations where name ='clr enabled'

If the return value is 1, CLR is enabled.

Configuring your Microsoft SQL Server

To prepare your Microsoft SQL Server database server for use with the Pega 7 Platform, complete the
following steps:

1. Create database user accounts.

2. Create an empty database.

3. Create the database schema.

Database users
This guide refers to the following database users:

l Deployment user — The user who runs the installation. After the installation, you can remove
this user.
Setting up the database server

l Run-time users — These users perform actions on the Pega 7 Platform after the installation. In a
dual-user configuration, an Admin user is granted full privileges, and a Base user is granted a
smaller subset. Pegasystems recommends the dual-user configuration:
Base user — The user who will run the Pega 7 Platform. Most run-time operations use the
Base user and associated data source.

Admin user — An optional user provided to the Pega 7 Platform that is preferentially used by
certain features that require creating, modifying, or dropping database schema objects; for
example, System Management facilities and certain decisioning operations.

Pegasystems recommends that you use the dual-user configuration with separate Admin and Base
users; however, you can create a single Base user with both sets of privileges. If there is no
separate Admin user, the Pega 7 Platform uses the Base user for all run-time operations.

General user permissions and purposes

The following table describes the general permissions for each user and the purpose of each

Pegasystems recommends the dual-user configuration. For a single-user configuration, the Base user
also requires the permissions listed for the Admin user.

Permission Deployment User Base User Admin User

Insert/select/update/delete The deployment process User has basic read
on data and rules tables saves instances to data and and write access to
rules tables. data and rules tables.
Select data and rule The deployment process PegaRULES reads
schema metadata reads metadata about tables metadata about tables
and other objects to and other objects to
determine the most efficient determine the most
way to access and store efficient way to access
data. and store data.
Execute stored procedures The deployment process PegaRULES uses
in data and rules schemas uses stored procedures for stored procedures for
system operations. system operations.
Create/update/drop tables, The deployment process Various system management tools
indexes, and constraints in installs the tables, indexes, allow you to create and modify tables
data and rules schema and constraints used by and indexes. For data schemas,
PegaRULES. various facilities in decisioning create
short-lived tables to assist with
strategy analysis.
Create/update/drop views The deployment process Various facilities in decisioning create

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 16

Setting up the database server

Permission Deployment User Base User Admin User

in data and rules schemas installs the views used by short-lived views to assist with
PegaRULES. strategy analysis. Import also
requires this when importing views.
Create/update/drop stored The deployment process
procedures, triggers, and installs stored procedures,
functions triggers, and functions used
by PegaRULES.
Enable and disable The installation and upgrade
triggers on rule tables processes disable triggers
in order to save large
amounts of records more
Truncate rule and data Various tables must be
tables truncated during a
PegaRULES upgrade.
Grant object-level When the install and When system management utilities
privileges on rules schema upgrade processes create create tables and other objects in the
to data user tables and other objects in rules schema, they must grant the
the rules schema, they must Base user access to these objects.
grant the Base user access
to these objects.

Note: If you plan to manually install the user-defined functions (UDFs) from Pegasystems, the
database user must also have create external routine authority. For more information about UDFs,
see Appendix D — Installing user-defined functions on page 61.

Microsoft SQL Server user permissions

The permissions needed for your database users depend on whether you have a split-schema or a
single-schema system, and whether you are using the recommended dual Admin/Base user

Note: If you plan to manually install the user-defined functions (UDFs) from Pegasystems, the
database user who will install the UDFs cannot have the sysadmin role. Having the sysadmin role
changes the default schema name and causes installation problems. For more information about
UDFs, see Appendix D — Installing user-defined functions on page 61.

Split-schema configuration

Deployment User Base User * Admin User

Schemas owned by this user PegaDATA none PegaDATA

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 17

Setting up the database server

Deployment User Base User * Admin User

SELECT ON SCHEMA rules-schema
INSERT ON SCHEMA rules-schema
UPDATE ON SCHEMA rules-schema
DELETE ON SCHEMA rules-schema
EXECUTE ON SCHEMA rules-schema

* Pegasystems recommends the dual-user configuration. For a single-user configuration, the Base
user also requires the permissions listed for the Admin user.

Single schema configuration

Deployment Base User * Admin User

Schema owned by this user Pega schema none Pega schema

* Pegasystems recommends the dual-user configuration. For a single-user configuration, the Base
user also requires the permissions listed for the Admin user.

Creating an empty database

Create a database with a minimum of 5 GB for the user tablespace. This minimum size allows you to
load the initial rulebase and do simple development. Monitor the database use carefully. As
development begins, the size of the database will need to increase significantly, depending on your
use of the Pega 7 Platform and the number of users.

When you configure your Microsoft SQL Server database, you can set the collation type to either
Windows or binary. To shorten sort time in environments where you do not need language-specific
sorting, consider setting a binary sort. For more information about Windows collations and binary
collations, see the Microsoft Windows documentation.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 18

Setting up the database server

Creating new schema

Create the required schema depending on whether you are using a single-schema or split-schema

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 19

Installing the Pega 7 Platform
Use one of these methods to install the Pega 7 Platform:

l UI tool — The Installation and Upgrade Assistant is a Java-based UI tool that sets up the Pega 7
Platform rules schema in the database and loads the Pega 7 Platform rules.

l Command-line script — A command-line script automates the installation of the Pega 7

Platform in headless environments.

These methods use a batch process to load the rulebase. Because of the large number of rules and
other data objects that must be loaded, Pegasystems strongly encourages you to install on the same
network as the database server. If this is not possible, install on a computer with fast, direct access to
the database server. Do not attempt to install on a virtual private network (VPN) or a multi-hop wide
area network (WAN).

Preparing to install
Follow these steps to extract and validate the installation files:

1. Copy the compressed distribution image to the computer that you will use to run the installation.
Extract the contents of the compressed file into an empty directory.

If you are installing the software from a DVD, copy the contents of the DVD to an empty directory.

2. Verify the contents of the extracted distribution image.

The Pega-image\checksum directory provides an MD5 checksum for each the file in the
distribution image. To verify that the files downloaded and uncompressed correctly, calculate a
checksum using the Jacksum tool at
For example, if you uncompressed the distribution image to Pega-image, enter the following

java -jar jacksum.jar -m -a md5 -r -p -O outputFile.md5 Pega-image

Compare outputFile.md5 to the md5 file located in Pega-image\.checksum. The checksum

values should be identical.

3. Choose the installation method: IUA or command line.

Installing the Pega 7 Platform

Running the Installation and Upgrade

Assistant (IUA)
Because of the large volume of data, run the IUA on the same network as the database server. If this
is not possible, run the tool on a system with fast, direct access to the database server. The
Deployment user performs these steps.

Note: The Pega 7 Platform writes command-line output to a file in the Pega-image\scripts\logs

The installation can last for several hours and the time can vary widely based on network proximity
to the database server.

To run the IUA:

1. Double-click the PRPC_Setup.jar file to start the IUA.

Note: If JAR files are not associated with Java commands on your system, start the IUA from the
command line. Navigate to the directory containing the PRPC_Setup.jar file, and type java -jar

The IUA loads and the Pega icon is displayed in your task bar.

2. Click Next to display the license agreement.

3. Review the license agreement and click Accept.

4. On the Installer Mode screen, choose Installation and click Next.

5. Choose your database type and click Next.

6. Choose the product edition and click Next.

l Standard Edition — Install a new instance of Pega 7.2.2.

l Multitenancy Edition — Install Pega 7.2.2 in a specialized mode designed to support

software-as-a-service (SaaS) run-time environments. For more information about multitenacy,
see the Pega 7 Platform Multitenancy Administration Guide.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 21

Installing the Pega 7 Platform

Note: Upgrading and updating from one edition to another is not supported. If you install one
edition and later decide to use a different edition, you must drop and re-create the database or
create a new database. The schema DDLs for the two editions are not compatible.

7. Configure the database connection. The JDBC drivers allow the Pega 7 Platform application to
communicate with the database.

Note: Some of the fields on the Database Connection screen are pre-populated based on the
type of database you selected. If you edit these or any other fields on this screen, and then later
decide to change the database type, the IUA might not populate the fields correctly. If this occurs,
enter the correct field values as documented below, or exit and rerun the IUA to select the
intended database type.

l JDBC Driver Class Name — Verify that the pre-populated value is accurate:

l JDBC Driver JAR Files — Click Select Jar to browse to the appropriate driver files for your
database type and version. For a list of supported drivers, see the Pega 7 Platform Support

l Database JDBC URL — Verify that the pre-populated value is accurate. For information about
URLs, see Obtaining database connection information on page 57. Replace items in italics with
the values for your system:


l Database Username and Password — Enter the user name and password that you
created for the Deployment user on your database.

l Rules Schema Name — Enter the name of the rules schema in the database.

l Data Schema Name — Enter the name of the data schema in the database. For single-
schema configurations the data schema name is identical to the rules schema name.

8. Click Test Connection . If the connection is not successful, review your connection information,
correct any errors, and retest. When the connection is successful, click Next.

9. Optional: Specify whether you will have your database administrator manually apply the DDL
changes to the schema. These changes include the user-defined functions (UDF) supplied by

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 22

Installing the Pega 7 Platform

Pegasystems. By default, the IUA generates and applies the schema changes to your database.

l To generate and apply the DDL outside the IUA, select Bypass Automatic DDL Application
and continue the installation. After you complete the installation, manually generate and apply
the DDL and UDF. For more information, see Optional: Generating and applying DDL and
Appendix D — Installing user-defined functions on page 61.

l To have the Installation and Upgrade Assistant automatically apply the DDL changes and the
UDF, clear Bypass Automatic DDL Application .

10. Optional. Specify whether to install in secured mode. Deploying the Pega 7 Platform in secured
mode requires an administrator to enable new out-of-the-box operators. The administrator and
new out-of-the-box operators must change their passwords when they first log in. For more
information, see Appendix E — Secured mode on page 63.

Verify that Secure installed User IDs is checked and click Next.

11. Enter the system name and production level and click Next:

l System Name — Enter a name for your Pega 7 Platform system. To find the system name,
navigate to System > Settings > System Name.

l Production Level — Enter a production level. The production level affects many security
features of your system. Both the system name and production level can be changed after the
system is running. Depending on the type of installation, choose:

5 for a system that will be used in production

4 for a preproduction system

3 for a test system

2 for a development system

1 for an experimental system

The production level can be updated from the App Explorer. Enter Data-Admin-System in the
search field and select SysAdmin > Class > Data-Admin-System to open your system.

12. Click Start to begin loading the rulebase.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 23

Installing the Pega 7 Platform

Installation logs display in the log window and are also stored in the Pega-image\scripts\logs

During the installation, the log window might appear inactive when the IUA is processing larger

13. Click Back to return to the previous screen, and then click Exit to close the IUA.

Editing the file

Skip this section if your installation meets all of the following criteria:

l You will use the Installation and Upgrade Assistant to install.

l You will allow the installation to automatically apply the schema changes and do not need to
create a DDL file.

l You will not enable Kerberos authentication.

If your installation does not meet all of these criteria, follow the steps in this section to edit the file to configure scripts to do any or all of the following tasks:

l Install the Pega 7 Platform. Use the install.bat or script.

l Enable Kerberos authentication. Use the install.bat or script.

l Generate a DDL file of schema changes. Use the generateddl.bat or script.
You can use the generateddl.bat or script regardless of whether you use the
IUA or the command-line script to install.

l Generate user-defined functions. Use the generateudf.bat or script.

l Migrate schemas. Use the migrate.bat or script.

To edit the file:

1. Open the file in the scripts directory of your distribution image:

2. Specify the properties for your system. For each property, add the appropriate value after the
equal sign. See Database connection properties.

3. Save and close the file.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 24

Installing the Pega 7 Platform

Database connection properties

These properties specify the settings needed to connect to the database:

l The script arguments column lists the arguments for the command-line scripts.

l The Property column lists the corresponding property in the file.

Script Property Description

--driverJar pega.jdbc.driver.jar Path and file name of the JDBC driver
--driverClass pega.jdbc.driver.class Class of the JDBC driver
--dbType pega.database.type Database vendor type. Enter:

--dburl pega.jdbc.url The database JDBC URL. For more information, see Obtaining
database connection information on page 57
--dbuser pega.jdbc.username User name of the Deployment user.
--dbpassword pega.jdbc.password Password of the Deployment user. For encrypted passwords, leave
this blank.
no script pega.platform.userids.issecure Specifies whether the Pega 7 Platform is installed in secured mode.
argument The default is true. For more information, see Appendix E — Secured
available mode on page 63.
l Set to true to install in secured mode. Deploying the Pega 7
Platform in secured mode requires an administrator to enable
new out-of-the-box operators. The administrator and new out-of-
the-box operators must change their passwords when they first
log in
l Set to false to disable secured mode. If you disable secured mode,
unauthorized users might use the default passwords to gain
administrator access to your system.
--dbSchema In a single schema environment, sets rules schema and data schema.

In a split-schema configuration, sets the rules schema only.

-- For split-schema configurations only, sets the data schema name.
--tempdir user.temp.dir Optional: The location of the temp directory. Set this location to any
accessible location, for example, C:\TEMP.
--mtSystem multitenant.system Specifies whether this a multitenant system.
-- Optional: Semicolon-delimited list of custom JDBC properties.
connProperties (for example: prop1=value;prop2=value;prop3=value)

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 25

Installing the Pega 7 Platform

Optional: Enabling Kerberos authentication

Kerberos is a computer network authentication protocol that allows nodes communicating over a
non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner.

To enable Kerberos for authentication, you must use the command line to install the Pega 7 Platform:

1. Edit the file.

a. Open the file in the scripts directory of your distribution image:

b. In the “Uncomment this property section” of the file, uncomment the custom property:

c. Provide the correct parameters as semicolon-delimited name/value pairs. The specific

parameters depend on your security infrastructure, for example:

For example, on a Microsoft SQL Server database server from a Windows client (where both
computers belong to the same Windows domain), using the Microsoft JDBC driver, set the
property as follows:;

d. Comment out all the user name and password properties so that they appear as follows:
# pega.jdbc.username db username
# pega.jdbc.password db password
[lines removed here]
# pega.jdbc.username=ADMIN
# pega.jdbc.password=ADMIN

e. Save and close the file.

2. Configure your database to enable Kerberos functionality. This might include additional vendor-
specific JDBC driver configuration, or other setup procedures. See the Microsoft SQL Server
documentation for details.

3. Continue at Installing from the command line.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 26

Installing the Pega 7 Platform

Installing from the command line

Because of the large volume of data, run the command-line script on the same network as the
database server. If this is not possible, run the script on a system with fast, direct access to the
database server. To use the install.bat or script, first configure the file.

Note: If no additional arguments are passed to the script, the script defaults to the values of the
properties set in the file. See Editing the file.

1. If you have not done so already, edit the file.

a. Open the file in the scripts directory of your distribution image:

b. Configure the connection properties. For more information about parameter values, see
Properties file parameters.

# Connection Information
pega.jdbc.driver.class=database driver class
pega.database.type=database vendor type
pega.jdbc.url=URL of the database
pega.jdbc.username=Deployment username

c. Save and close the file.

2. Open a command prompt and navigate to the scripts directory.

3. Type install.bat or ./ to run the script.

Installing the rulebase can take several hours, depending on the proximity of the database to the
system running the installation script. When the installation is complete, you see a BUILD

Note: The Pega 7 Platform writes command-line output to a file in the Pega-image\scripts\logs

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 27

Setting up the application server
This section describes how to configure your JBoss Red Hat EAP application server:

l Ensure that your application server meets the prerequisites.

l Configure the application server.

l Deploy the Pega 7 Platform applications.

Preparing to configure the application

Complete these steps before you configure the application server:

1. Set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the Java JDK directory, for example:
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\ jdkx.x.x_x\

2. Ensure that your operating system references a common time standard such as the one available

l On UNIX, this is the Network Time Protocol daemon, ntpd.

l On Windows, you can set a similar service through the clock settings in the Windows Control
Panel or task bar.

See the documentation for your specific hardware operating system for information about setting
this critical service.

3. Ensure that the following ports are open and available:

l Search — One TCP port in the range 9300-9399 (the default is 9300). This port is used for
internal node-to-node communication only, and should not be externally accessible.

l Cluster communication — Leave open the port range 5701-5800. By default, the system begins
with port 5701, and then looks for the next port in the sequence (5702, followed by 5703 and
so on). To override the default port range, set the value of cluster/hazelcast/ports in the
prconfig.xml file.
Setting up the application server

Note: The number of available ports in this range must be greater than or equal to the greatest
number of JVMs on any one node in the cluster. For example, if three JVMs are on one node, and
seven JVMs on another node, at least seven ports must be available.

4. Obtain the following information from your database administrator to determine the database
connection URL:

l Connection method — Service or SID

l Host name

l Port number

l Service or SID name

5. Add a headless AWT setting to the Java options in the configuration file that is passed to Java to
allow the Pega 7 Platform to render and display graphics:

a. Open the configuration file that is passed to Java at startup. The specific file name and location
is site-specific.

b. Save and close the file.

EAR file and WAR file considerations

The Pega 7 Platform application archive is available both as an EAR file and a WAR file. Using the
EAR file enables you to add advanced J2EE features as your application grows or when you migrate to
a production environment.

Before you continue, decide whether you will deploy the EAR file or the WAR file.

Data source resources, data source entries, and default

schema entries
The application server configuration defines the required data source resources, data source entries,
and default schema entries:

l Data source resources — Data source resources define the Pega 7 Platform database connection
information. The number of data source resources depends on whether you have a single-user or
dual-user configuration:

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 29

Setting up the application server

All systems require one data source resource for the Base user.

Dual-user configurations also require a second data source resource for the Admin user.

l Data source entries — Data source entries specify which data source resource to use for database
operations in each schema. For dual-user environments, you must explicitly define two additional
data source entries for the Admin user:
Admin data source entry for the rules schema

Admin data source entry for the data schema

l Default schema entries — Every system requires two entries that define the default schema
Default rules schema, for example, PegaRULES.

Default data schema, for example, PegaDATA. For single-schema configurations, the default
data schema name is the same as the default rules schema name.

Configuring the application server

These procedures describe a typical method for setting configuration properties in a basic

Starting the Red Hat JBoss EAP server

Start the Red Hat JBoss EAP server to enable you to configure data sources and deploy the WAR or
EAR applications.

Run the correct command line tool:

l EAR file for all split-schema configurations: 

Run the following command to start the Red Hat JBoss server instance with the standalone-full
$JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.bat --server-config=standalone-full.xml -b

l WAR file:
Run one of the following commands:

To use the standalone-full configuration, run:

$JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.bat --server-config=standalone-full.xml -b

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 30

Setting up the application server

To use the standalone configuration, run:

$JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.bat - server-config=standalone.xml - b

Setting Red Hat JBoss application deployment parameters

The specific configuration file name depends on your environment. Edit the file that you use to
configure your application server:

l standalone.xml

l standalone-full.xml

l standalone-full-ha.xml

l domain.xml

1. Open the configuration file.

2. Locate the domain:datasources subsystem element.

3. Insert the following entry in the domain:datasources subsystem element to add a data source
resource for the Base user. Replace localhost, dbname, user_name and password with the specific
values for your system. For more information about connection strings, see Obtaining database
connection information on page 57

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 31

Setting up the application server

<datasource jta="false" jndi-name="java:/jdbc/PegaRULES" pool-

enabled="true" use-ccm="false">







4. Optional: For dual-user configurations, insert the following entry in the domain:datasources
subsystem element to add a data source resource for the Admin user; :

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 32

Setting up the application server

<datasource jta="false" jndi-name="java:/jdbc/AdminPegaRULES" pool-

enabled="true" use-ccm="false">






5. Locate the domain:naming subsystem element:

l Red Hat JBoss 6.1: xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:naming:1.3">

l Red Hat JBoss 6.2 and 6.3: xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:naming:1.4">

6. Insert the following entries in the <bindings> tag of the domain:naming subsystem element:

a. Insert the following entry to specify the Admin data source entry for the data schema:

b. Insert the following entry to specify the Admin data source entry for the rules schema:

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 33

Setting up the application server

n" value="java:/jdbc/AdminPegaRULES"/>

c. Insert the following entry to specify the rules schema name:


d. Insert the following entry to specify the data schema name:


e. Insert the following entry element to specify the temporary directory name:
<simple name="java:/url/pega/none" value="temp/directory/path"/>

Your finished bindings section for a split-schema, dual-user configuration will be similar to the

<simple name="java:/url/pega/none" value="temp/directory/path"/>

7. Optional: To use the EAR file when you deploy, add the configuration for the pooled connection
factory under the existing JMS Connection Factory element under the subsystem element.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 34

Setting up the application server

<pooled-connection-factory name="AsyncConnectionFactory">
<transaction mode="xa"/>
<connector-ref connector-name="in-vm"/>
<entry name="java:/jms/PRAsyncTCF"/>

8. Optional: To access Red Hat JBoss from a system other than localhost, update the host names in
the <interfaces> element:

<interface name="management">
<inet-address value="hostname"/>
<interface name="public">
<inet-address value="hostname"/>

9. Set the transaction timeout to a minimum of 10 minutes to allow the deployment to complete. For
example, set the JVM argument to 600 seconds: seconds

10. Set the JVM memory parameters: Pegasystems recommends these settings:

l Initial Heap Size (Xms) — Between 4 GB - 8 GB, based on monitoring of memory usage and
garbage collection frequency

l Maximum Heap Size (Xmx) — Between 4 GB - 8 GB or larger, depending on your system
configuration. For more information, see Application server memory requirements.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 35

Setting up the application server

l Maximum memory size:

Java 7 with Oracle JVM: Set both PermSize and MaxPermSize:
PermSize (-XX:PermSize) — 512 MB

MaxPermSize (-XX:MaxPermSize) — 1024 MB

Java 7 with IBM JVM: Set MaxMetaSpaceSize to 1024 MB.

Java 8: Set MaxMetaSpaceSize to 1024 MB.

If the server does not have enough memory allocated to run the Pega 7 Platform, the system can
hang without an error message. The correct memory settings depend on your server hardware,
the number of other applications, and the number of users on the server, and might be larger than
these recommendations.

Modify the JAVA_OPTS environment variable to update the JVM memory values, for example:

l Java 7 - Set PermSize and MaxPermSize:

JAVA_OPTS="-Xms4096m –Xmx8192m -XX:PermSize=512m –


l Java 8 - Set MaxMetaSpaceSize:

JAVA_OPTS="-Xms4096m –Xmx8192m -XX:MaxMetaSpaceSize=1024m"-


11. Set the maximum pool sizes for the EJB subsystem:

a. Locate the EJB subsystem: xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ejb3:x.x".

b. In the bean-instance-pools element, increase the slsb-strict-max-pool size to


<strict-max-pool name="slsb-strict-max-pool" max-pool-size="100"

instance-acquisition-timeout="5" instance-acquisition-timeout-

c. In the bean-instance-pools element, increase the mdb-strict-max-pool size to


<strict-max-pool name="mdb-strict-max-pool" max-pool-size="100"

instance-acquisition-timeout="5" instance-acquisition-timeout-

12. Increase the maximum number of HTTP connections to 200 and set the HTTP protocol to

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 36

Setting up the application server

Http11NioProtocol. RedHat refers to this protocol as NIO2:

a. Locate the web subsection:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:web:2.1" default-virtual-
server="default-host" >

b. Configure the HTTP connector:

<connector name="http" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="http" socket-
binding="http" max-connections="200"/>

13. For systems that do not require Transport Layer Security (TLS), to deploy the System Management
Application on a different server than the Pega 7 Platform application, modify the JAVA_OPTS
environment variable in the standalone.config file to enable remote operation of the System
Management Application. For more information about setting JVM parameters, see the Red Hat
JBoss documentation.

14. Save and close the configuration file.

Configuring the PegaRULES data source lookup name

To prevent Redhat JBoss from terminating JMS and JDBC resources that the Pega 7 Platform requires,
add lookup names to the web.xml file.

1. Open the web.xml file for editing. The location of the web.xml file depends on your deployment

l EAR file deployments — Pega-image\archives\prpc_*.ear\prweb.war\web.xml

l WAR file deployments — Pega-image\archives\prweb.war\WEB-INF\web.xml

Note: Edit the web.xml file. Do not edit the jboss-web.xml file.

2. Add the lookup name for the PegaRULES data source:

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 37

Setting up the application server

a. Locate the PegaRULES datasource resource section. It will look similar to the following:
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_1">
<description>PegaRULES datasource</description>
<res-sharing-scope>Shareable</res-sharing-scope> <!--
Shareable is default -->

b. Add the following line below the <description> line:


3. Add the lookup name for the PegaRULES Admin data source:

a. Locate the PegaRULES Admin datasource resource section. It will look similar to the following:
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_2">
<description>PegaRULES Admin datasource</description>
<res-sharing-scope>Shareable</res-sharing-scope> <!--
Shareable is default -->

b. Add the following line below the <description> line:


4. Save and close the file.

Creating a JDBC driver module

1. Change directories to $JBOSS_HOME/modules/system/layers/base

2. Create the directory structure:

When you are done you should have:


3. Copy the JDBC driver into the main directory. For information about supported drivers, see the

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 38

Setting up the application server

Pega 7 Platform Support Guide.

4. Create a new file called module.xml in the main directory and add the following contents.

Note: The resource-root path is the name of the JDBC driver you copied in the previous step:
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="com.Microsoft">
<property name="jboss.api" value="unsupported"/>
<resource-root path="sqljdbc4.jar"/>
<!-- Insert resources here -->
<module name="javax.api"/>
<module name="javax.transaction.api"/>
<module name="javax.servlet.api" optional="true"/>

5. Save and close the module.xml file.

6. If you have not already done so, add a new <driver> configuration to the standalone file:

a. Open the standalone file in a text editor.

l To deploy the EAR file, open <JBOSS_


l To deploy the WAR file, open either <JBOSS_

HOME>/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml or <JBOSS_

b. Add a new <driver> configuration using the example below for guidance:
<driver name="mssql" module="com.Microsoft">

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 39

Setting up the application server


c. Save and close the file.

Installing the driver module

Module installation is configuration-specific. For example, if you start Red Hat JBoss using the
standalone-full configuration, the procedures below adds the module only to that configuration. To
install on the other standalone configuration, start Red hat JBoss using the other configuration file
and repeat these steps.

Use the jboss-cli command line tool to install the JDBC driver module:

1. Run the following command to start the Management CLI tool. Use the IP address of your JBoss

jboss-cli.bat --connect --controller=Jboss Server IP:9999

2. Add the JDBC Driver module. Enter the correct command for your configuration:
l non-XA Data source

l XA Data source

The system displays a success message.

Optional: Enabling WebSocket support for Red Hat JBoss

EAP 6.3 and 6.4
To use WebSocket for full-duplex communication, edit the jboss-web.xml file to enable support for
WebSockets before you deploy the Pega 7 Platform:

1. Open the jboss-web.xml file:

l EAR file deployments — Pega-image\archives\prpc_*.ear\prweb.war\WEB-INF\jboss-web.xml

l WAR file deployments — Pega-image\archives\prweb.war\WEB-INF\jboss-web.xml

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 40

Setting up the application server

2. Enter the following line in the <jboss-web> section:


3. Save and close the file.

The system displays a success message.

Deploying the Pega 7 Platform application

After you configure your application server, deploy the application archive files. This includes:

Pega 7 Platform File name

Pega 7 Platform prweb.war or prpc_j2ee14_jboss61JBM.ear
System Management prsysmgmt.war
Help prhelp.war

Note: When you restart the server after the applications are deployed, the first node you bring up
becomes the default search node.

The Pega 7 Platform is available both as an EAR file, prpc_j2ee14_jboss61JBM.ear and a WAR file,
prweb.war. Pegasystems recommends deploying the EAR file for all new deployments. You can
successfully deploy the Pega 7 Platform application WAR file on the application server but if you use
the EAR file, you can add advanced J2EE features as your application grows or when you migrate to a
production environment.

Important: Do not install both the EAR and WAR files.

The applications are located in the Pega-image\archives directory and can be deployed from either
the Red Hat JBoss Management Console or the command line.

Deploying from the Red Hat JBoss Management Console

1. Start the application server.

2. Log in to Management Console as a user with administrative rights.

3. Select Runtime view if not already selected.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 41

Setting up the application server

4. Select Server > Manage Deployments.

5. Add and deploy each application file. Repeat this step for each of the three applications:
PegaRules, System Management, and help:
a. Click Add and specify an application file.

b. Click Save.

c. Highlight the application and select En/Disable.

d. Click Confirm to deploy the application.

e. Repeat this step for the remaining applications.

Deploying from the command line

1. Enter this command to deploy an application file:
$JBOSS_EAP_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.bat|sh –c
deploy Pega_HOME/archives/file name

Where Pega_HOME is the home directory for the Pega 7 Platform and file name is the name of the
file to deploy.

2. Repeat this process to deploy all three applications: PegaRules, System Management, and help.

Assigning the PegaDiagnosticUser role to your System

Management Application users
You can use the System Management Application to monitor and control caches, agents, requestors,
listeners, and other processing. For more information, see the System Management Application
Reference Guide on the PDN.

Users accessing the System Management Application must be assigned the role PegaDiagnosticUser.
If the user does not have this role they will be challenged for authentication when they attempt to
access the System Management Application.

The default deployment configuration assigns the PegaDiagnosticUser role to administrative users.
To restrict access to the System Management Application, use your application server tools to assign
the PegaDiagnosticUser role to any other users that must be able to access the System Management

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 42

Setting up the application server

The role PegaDiagnosticUser is associated with the System Management Application through a
security-constraint element on the Diagnostic Data servlet defined in the web.xml file.

 <web-resource-name>Diagnostic Data</web-resource-name>
 <description>Serves diagnostic files generated by the JMX
client </description>

If you do not want to restrict access to the System Management Application, edit the web.xml file
and delete the <security constraint> element. The location of the web.xml file depends on
your deployment type:

l EAR file deployments — Pega-image\archives\prpc_*.ear\prweb.war\web.xml

l WAR file deployments — Pega-image\archives\prweb.war\WEB-INF\web.xml

Note: Changing this setting in the web.xml file might require redeploying the PegaRULES

To assign the role:

1. Navigate to $JBOSS_HOME/bin and run the add-user.bat or script from the
command line.

2. Select b for an application user.

3. Press Enter to select the default realm, ApplicationRealm.

4. Enter the name of your pega diagnostic user.

5. Enter and confirm the password for your diagnostic user.

6. Type PegaDiagnosticUser (case-sensitive) when prompted to specify user roles.

7. Type yes to create your user with the information you just provided.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 43

Setting up the application server

8. Type no when prompted if you will use this user to connect to another application server process.

9. Restart the Red Hat JBoss EAP.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 44

Post-deployment configuration
This section describes the post-deployment activities that are performed in the system after you have
completed the setup and configuration of your JBoss Red Hat EAP application server and deployed
the archives.

l Starting applications

l Logging in to the Pega 7 Platform and changing your password

l Enabling help and System Administration applications

l Configuring Directed Web Access

l Configuring a load balancer to log XFF headers

l Configuring search index host node settings

l Installing Industry applications

Starting the Pega 7 Platform applications

Ensure that the application server is running and start the prsysmgmt, prweb, and prhelp

Logging in to the Pega 7 Platform and

changing the administrator password
To test the installation and index the rules, log in to the Pega 7 Platform web application.

1. Navigate to the PRServlet URL, replacing the server and port values with your specific values.

2. Use the following credentials to log in:

l User ID —

l Password — install
Post-deployment configuration

After logging in, the Pega 7 Platform indexes the rules in the system to support full-text search.
During the index process, there might be a delay in the responsiveness of the Pega 7 Platform
user interface. The process usually takes from 10 to 15 minutes to complete depending on your
system configuration.

If the index process ends without generating an error message, the installation is successful.

3. Immediately after the index process completes, change the administrator password. Because the
default password is widely published, it is important to protect your system after an installation by
changing the password. The new password must be at least 10 characters long.

If the system does not prompt you to change your password, follow these steps:

a. From the Operator Menu located to the right of the Designer Studio header, select the

b. Click Change Password.

c. Verify the Current Password, and then enter and confirm the New Password.

d. Click Save.

Enabling online help and the System

Management Application
The online help and the System Management Application are accessed through a URL and can be
deployed to any application server.

To enable these applications:

1. Click Designer Studio > System > Settings > URLs.

2. In the Online Help URL field, enter the URL for the Help application in the format:

3. In the SMA URL field, enter the URL for the System Management Application in the format:

4. Click Save.

Note: You must log out of the Pega 7 Platform and log back in for these changes to take effect.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 46

Post-deployment configuration

Configuring Directed Web Access

A Directed Web Access (DWA) address allows you to grant one-time access to external users to enable
them to process an assignment in your application. When you grant the access, the Pega 7 Platform
sends an email to the external user; this email includes a URL to access the application and can
identify a proxy server.

To configure the URL:

1. Click Designer Studio > System > Settings > URLs.

2. In the Public Link URL field, enter the URL that you want to provide in emails in this format:

3. Click Save.

4. Log out and log back in to Designer Studio for these changes to take effect.

Configuring search index host node

The Pega 7 Platform supports full-text search for rules, data instances, and work objects. By default,
search indexing is enabled and indexing starts when you start the application server after installing
the Pega 7 Platform. The first node that starts after installation becomes the default initial search
node. The default index directory is PegaSearchIndex in your temporary directory.

After the search indexes are completely built, you can change the default settings. Do not stop or
bring down the default node until the search indexes build completely. The Search Landing Page
displays the status.

Follow these steps to configure the search index host node settings:

1. Check your directory sizes. Ensure that the directories for all Elasticsearch host nodes have
sufficient free space to hold the Elasticsearch indexes.

2. Open the Designer Studio > System > Settings> Search landing page and expand Search
Index Host Node Setting.

3. Specify one node to set as the Host Node. If necessary, delete all but one node. This is the node on
which Elasticsearch indexes will be built.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 47

Post-deployment configuration

Note: Do not include more than one node in the Search Index Host Node Setting list.
Including more than one node in the list at this point might cause duplicate index builds and
compromise system performance. You will create additional nodes later in this process.

4. Verify the Search Index Host Node ID and the Search Index File Directory.

5. Expand Automated Search Alerts, and enable Automatically Monitor Files.

6. Click Submit to save the settings.

7. After the first indexing is complete, add any needed additional host nodes. The system replicates
the indexes on the new nodes.

Note: Configure a minimum of two Elasticsearch host nodes. Pegasystems recommends that you
configure a minimum of three nodes for maximum fault tolerance. You might need more than
three nodes depending on the size of your cluster.

8. To enable communication between Elasticsearch host nodes in the cluster, open a TCP port in the
range 9300-9399 on each node. (By default, Elasticsearch uses port 9300.) These ports are used
for internal node-to-node communication only, and should not be externally accessible.

Optional: Configuring the Pega 7 Platform

to return absolute URLs
In some scenarios, you might want the Pega 7 Platform to return an absolute URL instead of a
relative URL. Pega 7 Platform uses XF* headers to dynamically formulate absolute URLs without
static configuration, when deployed behind a load balancer or reverse proxy.

Follow these steps to log the address of the Pega 7 Platform instance in XF* HTTP headers:

1. Enable XF* logging on your load balancer. See your load balancer documentation for information
about how to enable logging.

2. Ensure that the web application context path of the load balancer and the Pega 7 Platform is the

3. Open the configuration console or file of your load balancer or reverse proxy:

4. Update the configuration file with the following XML code:

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 48

Post-deployment configuration

The following configuration settings are for reference only. The settings specified in your
configuration file take precedence over the settings specified here.

HTTP::header insert X-Forwarded-Host [HTTP::host]
HTTP::header insert X-Forwarded-Proto http

5. Update the configuration file with the following XML code:

The following configuration settings are for reference only. The settings specified in the
prconfig.xml file take precedence over the settings specified here.

l For Apache:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName your_server_name
ProxyRequests off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
<Location "/prweb">
ProxyPass http://your_server_name:port /prweb/
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "http"

l For F5 BIG-IP:

HTTP::header insert X-Forwarded-Host [HTTP::host]
HTTP::header insert X-Forwarded-Proto http

6. Optional: If your load balancer or reverse proxy does not include the port number in the server
URL, insert a port number (X-Forwarded-Port) in the HTTP header.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 49

Post-deployment configuration

Resizing the Pega 7 Platform log files

The initial log file size is 50 MB. After the installation is complete, increase the size of the log files. The
specific size will depend on your environment and the size of your application. For more information,
see PDN > Support.

Resizing the database

Monitor the database use carefully. As development begins, the size of the database will need to
increase significantly, depending on your use of the Pega 7 Platform and the number of users.

Installing Industry applications

Install any Industry applications now. Follow the instructions in the Installation Guide for your
Industry applications.

Caution: If you plan to install Industry applications on top of the Pega 7 Platform, grant the
database user permissions as described in Database users. Some Industry applications use
triggers. During startup, the Pega 7 Platform checks for triggers that reference the updates cache and
rule view tables; if these triggers exist, the Pega 7 Platform attempts to drop them. If the user does
not have the correct permissions, the Pega 7 Platform cannot drop the triggers and fails to start up.

If you installed the Industry applications before you deployed the Pega 7 Platform, the Pega 7
Platform automatically drops the triggers and this error does not occur.

Enabling server-side screen captures for

application documents
Regardless of which application server platform you use, you must set up a Tomcat server to support
taking and storing screen captures on a server rather than on a client. By taking and storing screen
captures on a server, you avoid client-side limitations, such as browser incompatibilities or client
software requirements.

Tip: As a best practice, virtually install Tomcat and deploy the prScreenShot.war file on the same
server that is running the Pega 7 Platform. Otherwise, use a standalone Linux or Windows server. If
you use a Linux server, you must include the following components:

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 50

Post-deployment configuration

l fontconfig

l freetype




You can include screen captures in an application document that is generated by the Document
Application tool. Screen captures provide stakeholders with a realistic picture of an application's user
interface. Install a PhantomJS REST server to include screen captures in an application document.

1. Download the following WAR file: Pega_DistributionImage\Additional_


2. Deploy the WAR file on a Tomcat server.

3. Update the tomcat-users.xml file to add the following role and user. This file is located at
\apache-tomcat-XX\conf\ tomcat-users.xml.

l Set the role:

<role rolename="pegascreencapture" />.

l Set the user:

<user username="restUser" password="rules"

roles="pegascreencapture" />.

4. Start the Tomcat server. The service is hosted at

http://IPaddress:port/prScreenShot/rest/capture, where IPaddress is the
address of the system where Tomcat is hosted, and port is the port on which the service is

5. Log in to your Pega 7 Platform application and make the following updates:
a. Update the Data-Admin-System-Setting instance Pega-AppDefinition -
CaptureScreenshotsResourcePath with the URL of the service, for example,

b. Update the Data-Admin-Security-Authentication profile instance

CaptureScreenshotsAuthProfile with the user that you created in step 3.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 51

Post-deployment configuration

Configuring PhantomJS REST server security for including

screen captures in an application document
To ensure a secure installation of the Pega 7 Platform, you must enable the PhantomJS REST server to
take and store server-side screen captures. In application documents generated by the Document
Application tool, screen captures provide stakeholders with a realistic picture of the application's user

1. Obtain the SSL certificate from the Pega 7 Platform administrator.

2. Add the SSL certificate to the list of trusted certificates:

a. Double-click the certificate.

b. Click Install certificate to start the Certificate Import wizard.

c. Click Next, and select Place all certificates in the following store.

d. Click Browse, select Trusted Root certificate, and click OK.

e. Click Next, and then click Finish to complete the wizard.

3. Add the certificate to the truststore of the JVM on which the REST server is installed:
a. Open a command prompt.

b. Change the root directory to the security folder in the Java installation folder, for example,
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\security.

c. Run the following command:

keytool -keystore cacerts -importcert -alias certificate alias -
file certificate name

d. When prompted, enter the password for the cacerts keystore. The default password is

Enabling operators
After deploying the Pega 7 Platform in secured mode, enable new out-of-the-box operator IDs. For
more information about secured mode, see Appendix E — Secured mode on page 63.

To enable operators, follow these steps:

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 52

Post-deployment configuration

1. Select Designer Studio > System > Settings > Operator access.

2. In the Disabled operators list, select the operators to enable. The following standard operators
are installed but disabled by default. Enable only those operators you plan to use:



l ExternalInviteUser

l IntSampleUser




l External

3. Click Enable selected.

4. Click Confirm.

When these standard operators first log on, they are required to change their passwords.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 53

Appendix A — Properties files
The Pega 7 Platform properties files include several database-specific properties:

Microsoft SQL Server
l JDBC driver JAR file — sqldbc.jar

l Database driver class —

l Database vendor type — mssql

Appendix B — Troubleshooting installations

Appendix B — Troubleshooting
Use the information in this section to troubleshoot installation errors. Installation error logs are
displayed in the Installation and Upgrade Assistant window and are also stored in the Pega-
image\scripts\logs directory.

Recovering from a failed installation

If the installation fails, follow these steps to drop the schemas and start a new installation:

1. Review the log files in the \scripts\logs directory.

2. Make any necessary changes to your system. If the error was due to a data entry mistake, make
note of the correct information.

3. Generate the DDL files and drop the schemas:

a. Verify the settings in the file. For information about the
properties, see Editing the file on page 24.

b. At a command prompt, navigate to the Pega-image\scripts directory.

c. Run the generateddl.bat or script with the --action=drops option, for

generateddl.bat --action=drops

d. Review the DDL files in the Pega-image\schema\generated\ output directory.

e. Have your database administrator apply the DDL to drop the schemas.

4. Repeat the installation steps.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 55

Appendix B — Troubleshooting installations

PEGA0055 alert — clocks not synchronized

between nodes
The Pega 7 Platform validates time synchronization to ensure proper operations and displays a
PEGA0055 alert if clocks are not synchronized between nodes.

For information about how to reference a common time standard, see the documentation for your
operating system.

ClassNotFoundException error — session

During application server shutdown, Tomcat persists session information into the session.ser file in
the server file directory. When the application server restarts, it reloads the session information from
the session.ser file and deletes the file. If serialized session objects refer to classes that are not
visible to the container layer, you see a ClassNotFoundException error, such as the following:

May 19, 2016 2:37:46 PM org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager

doLoad SEVERE: ClassNotFoundException while loading persisted

To suppress these errors, turn off Tomcat session persistence in the context.xml file.

System hangs with no error message —

insufficient memory
If the server does not have enough memory allocated to run the Pega 7 Platform, the system can
hang without an error message. The correct memory settings depend on your server hardware, the
number of other applications, and the number of users on the server, and might be larger than the
recommendations in System requirements on page 11.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 56

Appendix B — Troubleshooting installations

Obtaining database connection

When you configure the data source resources, you need the correct database connection URL. To
determine the database connection URL, obtain the following information from your database

l Connection method — Service or SID

l Host name

l Port number

l Service or SID name

When you configure the application server, enter the connection string, pega.jdbc.url. Replace items
in italics with the values for your system:

jdbc:db2:// host:port/ database

url="jdbc:sqlserver:// server:port;DatabaseName=database;selectMethod=cursor;

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 57

Appendix C — Optional: Generating and applying DDL

Appendix C — Optional: Generating

and applying DDL
Skip this section if you will have the Installation and Upgrade Assistant automatically apply the DDL

Generating the DDL file

Follow these steps to generate a DDL file:

1. Edit the file.

a. Open the file in the scripts directory of your distribution image:

b. Configure the connection properties. For more information about parameter values, see
Properties file parameters.

# Connection Information
pega.jdbc.driver.class=database driver class
pega.database.type=database vendor type
pega.jdbc.url=URL of the database
pega.jdbc.username=Deployment username

c. Save and close the file.

2. At a command prompt, navigate to the Pega-image\scripts directory.

3. Type generateddl.bat or and pass in the required --action install


#generateddl.bat --action install

If you do not specify an output directory, the script writes the output to the default directory:

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 58

Appendix C — Optional: Generating and applying DDL


Note: The output directory is deleted and re-created each time the generateddl script runs. To save
a copy of the DDL, rename the directory before you run the script.

Applying the DDL file

Before you continue, have your database administrator follow these general steps to apply the
schema changes; these schema changes can include changes to user-defined functions:

1. Review the DDL file in the output directory and make any necessary changes. The default directory


2. Apply the DDL file.

a. Enable UDF execution for the database.

b. Register the C# .cs code files with the database.


Note: The output directory is deleted and re-created each time the generateddl script runs. To save
a copy of the DDL, rename the directory before you rerun the script.

Editing the file

to bypass DDL generation
After your database administrator applies the changes to your database, configure the file to bypass applying a schema that already exists. Reapplying an
existing schema would cause the installation to fail.

To edit the file:

1. Open the file in the scripts directory of your distribution image:

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 59

Appendix C — Optional: Generating and applying DDL

2. Set the property bypass.pega.schema=true.

3. Save and close the file.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 60

Appendix D — Installing user-defined functions

Appendix D — Installing user-

defined functions
The user-defined functions (UDFs) enable the Pega 7 Platform to read data directly from the BLOB
without creating and exposing columns. Skip this section if you installed the UDFs as part of the

There are several ways you might have bypassed generating and installing the UDFs during the

l Setting either bypass.pega.schema=true or bypass.udf.generation=true in the file

l Setting in the file

l Selecting Bypass Automatic DDL Application from the Installation and Upgrade Assistant
during the installation

Before you install the UDFs, verify that you have the appropriate user permissions. For more
information about user permissions, see Database users on page 15.

1. Edit the file.

a. Open the file in the scripts directory of your distribution image:

b. Configure the connection properties. For more information about parameter values, see
Properties file parameters.

# Connection Information
pega.jdbc.driver.class=database driver class
pega.database.type=database vendor type
pega.jdbc.url=URL of the database
pega.jdbc.username=Deployment user name

c. Save and close the file.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 61

Appendix D — Installing user-defined functions

2. On the rules schema, navigate to the Pega-image\scripts directory and run the following
commands to remove any partially installed UDFs:

DROP FUNCTION rules-schema-name.pr_read_from_stream;

DROP FUNCTION rules-schema-name.pr_read_decimal_from_stream;
DROP FUNCTION rules-schema-name.pr_read_int_from_stream;

3. Optional: If you have a split-schema, on the data schema, navigate to the Pega-image\scripts
directory and run the following commands:

DROP FUNCTION data-schema-name.pr_read_from_stream;

DROP FUNCTION data-schema-name.pr_read_decimal_from_stream;
DROP FUNCTION data-schema-name.pr_read_int_from_stream;

4. From the Pega-image\scripts directory, run the generateudf.bat or script

with the --action install argument, for example:

generateudf.bat --action install --dbType mssql

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 62

Appendix E — Secured mode

Appendix E — Secured mode

Deploying the Pega 7 Platform in secured mode requires an administrator to enable new out-of-the-
box operator IDs. The administrator and the following new out-of-the-box operators must change
their passwords when they first log in:



l ExternalInviteUser

l IntSampleUser




l External

If you disable secured mode, the system creates and enables all new operators, including the
administrator, with default passwords. Unauthorized users might use the default passwords to gain
administrator access to your system.

You can use the Installation and Upgrade Assistant, or the command-line tool to install in secured
mode. For instructions, see Running the Installation and Upgrade Assistant (IUA) on page 21and
Installing from the command line on page 27

For information about enabling operators, see Enabling operators on page 52.

Pega 7 Platform Installation Guide 63

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