Malaria Vector Control Current and Future Strategies

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Research Focus

Malaria vector control: current and future strategies

Willem Takken and Bart G.J. Knols
Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University and Research Centre, PO Box 8031, 6700 EH Wageningen, The Netherlands

The recently announced call for malaria eradication The historic successful eradication of malaria in various
represents a new page in the history of this disease. parts of the world was achieved chiefly by vector control [5],
This has been triggered by remarkable reductions in and this indicates that renewed efforts in this field, other
malaria resulting from combined application of effective than the current insecticide-based strategies, should be
drugs and vector control. However, this strategy is considered a central aspect of the new malaria eradication
threatened by development of insecticide resistance. strategy. In the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) programme of
Efforts to develop alternative tools to complement or the WHO, vector control is based mainly on the continu-
even replace insecticide-based vector-control strategies ation and upscaling of insecticide-based strategies. How-
must continue. Here, an overview is presented of the ever, given the increasing prevalence of mosquito
novel vector-control tools expected to contribute to resistance against the currently used chemicals, the need
malaria eradication. for development of new insecticides has high priority, and
the Innovative Vector Control Consortium is focusing on
the development of new public health insecticides and
Integrated approaches to malaria control innovative formulations or mixed application of existing
In the recent World Malaria Report [1], falls in malaria ones [6]. This notwithstanding, it seems unlikely that a
deaths of 50% or more are reported for Eritrea, Rwanda, new class of insecticides will be ready for field use soon and,
and São Tomé and Principe between 2000 and 2006. even if this happens, resistance is likely to develop within a
Similar results are reported from The Gambia, Kenya, short time of broad-scale application, caused by the se-
Zambia and Zanzibar. This is the first time that the lective pressure put on the vector population [7]. It, there-
incidence of malaria has declined in highly endemic fore, seems likely that the continued practice of net
countries since the WHO policy change of 1972, when impregnation with synthetic pyrethroids is endangered
the global malaria-control strategy based on indoor and finite [4]. A recent expert consultation on vector control
residual spraying (IRS) was formally abandoned. In the recommends the urgent development of alternative tools
countries mentioned above, the widespread use of long- for vector control in view of the rapid development of
lasting insecticide-treated bednets (LLITNs) and treat- insecticide resistance (K. Aultman, personal communi-
ment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria cation). A multitude of novel malaria vector-control tools
with artemisinin-based combination therapies and inter- has been developed in recent years, and several of these are
mittent preventive treatment for infants and pregnant at an advanced stage, nearing broad-scale implementation
women have contributed to the reported reductions in (Table 1).
malaria. It is this remarkable result, stemming from the Recognizing that vector control has been the only effec-
integration of several intervention tools coupled with new tive approach that has led to lasting malaria eradication,
prospects of effective malaria vaccines, that has led to the we propose that new initiatives be developed to enable the
resolve of Bill and Melinda Gates to call for a new global rapid implementation of the aforementioned novel vector-
initiative for the eradication of malaria [2]. control tools. Recently, successes were reported with Bacil-
Recently, Brian Greenwood [3] considered the implica- lus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) for larval control [8].
tions of this paradigm shift for malaria research and Resistance against this biological pesticide is unlikely to
suggested that drug-based strategies, coupled with develop because it consists of four endotoxins that cause
malaria vaccine development and vector control (mainly the death of mosquitoes. Because Bti is also highly se-
based on the use of insecticides), should now receive high- lective, targeting mostly a limited number of families of
est priority to achieve this ambitious goal. Greenwood blood-feeding Diptera, the prospect of wide-scale environ-
makes valuable suggestions for research areas that need mental side-effects from the use of this biocide seems
to be addressed based on recent developments. When negligible. Novel adult-control tools include entomopatho-
considering vector control, the astounding success of insec- genic fungi, insect-pathogenic viruses, push–pull systems
ticide-treated bednets, coupled with the renewed introduc- based on chemical ecology, the introduction of genetically
tion of IRS, demonstrates that vector control has a engineered mosquitoes and the sterile insect technique
substantial part to play in the eradication of this disease, (SIT). A field study with the entomopathogenic fungus
and it is suggested that efforts be undertaken to enhance Metarhizium anisopliae, conducted in Tanzania, has
the development of new insecticides, in addition to altern- demonstrated the strong impact of this fungus on adult
atives to overcome the inevitable evolution of resistance in house-frequenting anophelines and indicated that this
vector populations [4]. method can be effective by scaling up the areas covered
[9]. Insect-killing viruses are another group of natural
Corresponding author: Takken, W. ( enemies of mosquitoes that seem highly effective because
Update Trends in Parasitology Vol.25 No.3

Table 1. Overview of vector-control tools for malaria control

Method Mechanism State of development Refs Corresponding
no. in Figure 1 a
House improvement Prevention of house entry Can be used at any time [20] 1
Indoor residual spraying (IRS) Repellent and/or killing of adult Widespread use; recently reintroduced in Africa [21] 2
Long-lasting insecticide-treated Repellent and/or protection against Widespread use, part of the RBM programme [22] 3
nets (LLITNs) biting; killing of adult mosquitoes
Entomopathogenic fungi Slow killing Field testing in progress [9] 4
Entomopathogenic viruses Killing Laboratory, needs (semi) field testing [10] 5
Removal trapping and/or Reduction of mosquito abundance Odour baits and traps in development [23] 6
confusion techniques
Spatial repellents Prevention against biting Can be used; improvements under development [12] 7
Genetically engineered Prevention of parasite development in Under development; no field testing done [13] 8
mosquitoes mosquito; reduction of longevity
Sterile insect technique Reduction or eradication of mosquito Field tests under way in Sudan [24] 9
Environmental modification Prevention of oviposition and/or larval Can be implemented in specific environments [25] 10
(e.g. larval habitat modification) development (e.g. stream clearing)
Bacillus thuringiensis Killing of larvae Needs to be implemented on a large scale [8] 11
israelensis or Bacillus
Insect-growth regulators Killing of larvae Ready for implementation [26] 12
Predators (fish) Killing of larvae Can be implemented in specific environments [27] 13
Numbers in the last column correspond with those in the decision chart in Figure 1.

they are species specific, non-toxic to humans and easy to method of entomopathogenic fungi are needed before this
distribute [10]. Studies with odour baits and repellents are technology can be widely applied. In the same vein, odour
at an advanced stage of field testing, and the results baits and repellents require long-lasting slow-release for-
indicate that mosquitoes can be attracted to odour-baited mulations that do not interact with the environment. Many
targets, opening the way for the development of a push– of the new tools have not been tested in large field trials,
pull system [11]. Odour baits are likely to be acceptable to and their overall impact on disease transmission or con-
communities in disease-endemic regions because these tribution to eradication can only be guessed or modelled at
devices are unlikely to infringe on daily life, unlike other best. Clearly, field-based trials in which the impact of these
vector-control tools. Spatial repellents can be exploited vector-control tools on public health is properly measured
effectively to reduce the number of mosquitoes entering are needed before they can be adopted to complement the
houses [12]. Several, albeit laboratory-based, successes in malaria-control tools currently in use. These trials must
the development of genetically modified anopheline mos- also consider operational challenges and acceptability by
quitoes (GMMs) have been reported in recent years. These the variety of stakeholders.
mosquitoes carry effector genes, the expression of which Two historically proven vector-control tools should also
leads to impaired development of malaria parasites, ren- be considered: species sanitation and house improvement.
dering the mosquitoes refractory to Plasmodium [13]. If Both methods have a well-accepted record of efficacy and
these GMMs can be used to replace natural mosquito long-lasting effect. Indeed, in Indonesia, the environmen-
populations, the ‘new’ mosquito populations would be tal changes that led to periodic drainage of rice fields and
refractory to malaria parasites and, hence, cease to trans- cleaning of fish ponds contributed to the disappearance of
mit them. To date, no field experiments have been con- malaria on Java [15]. Today, 80 years after implementa-
ducted with GMMs to measure fitness and population tion, these effects are still visible. Elsewhere, house im-
replacement in pilot experiments, and the technique, provement by screening has also led to substantial
therefore, might not be available soon. Finally, SIT was reductions in malaria. There is renewed interest in these
developed >50 years ago to eradicate screw-worm flies methods because they are likely to be acceptable to end
from the USA and Central America. Pilot studies with users that see them as improving their quality of life.
mosquitoes are currently being undertaken in the Sudan, Because it is becoming increasingly clear that malaria
with assistance from the International Atomic Energy control can be most effective if several tools are applied
Agency [14]. Should this be successful, SIT can be added simultaneously, complementing each other [16], we pro-
to the arsenal of tools available for vector control, particu- pose that for each specific malaria setting, those respon-
larly in areas that are relatively isolated and have a single sible for the execution of malaria control consider a
vector species. package of tools in which the most effective ones applicable
With the exception of Bti, which is already used success- to that setting are integrated. Indeed, the renewed atten-
fully in some areas, the other tools mentioned are in an tion to integrated vector management enables the integ-
advanced state of development and, with additional fund- ration of several of these tools to achieve an even stronger
ing, several could be commercialized within a short time. impact [17]. Public health workers developing effective
To achieve this, however, several outstanding questions malaria intervention tools can use a decision chart in
need to be resolved. These include production methods, which the (proven) effective tools are presented, leading
formulation and tools for application. For example, appro- to the best outcome of malaria control (Figure 1). This chart
priate, long-lasting formulations and a simple application can be viewed as a toolbox, to which new and effective

Update Trends in Parasitology Vol.25 No.3

Figure 1. Decision chart for integrated vector management (the numbers refer to the tools presented in Table 1).

components can be added. The novel tools presented in 5 Harrison, G. (1978) Mosquitoes, Malaria and Man. A History of
Hostilities Since 1880. John Murray
Table 1 will, over time, become part of the decision chart.
6 Hemingway, J. et al. (2006) The innovative vector control consortium:
Importantly, entomologists need to work jointly with improved control of mosquito-borne diseases. Trends Parasitol. 22,
medical doctors, epidemiologists and sociologists in design- 308–312
ing the most effective intervention strategy. 7 Hemingway, J. et al. (2002) An overview of insecticide resistance.
Entomological tools aimed at the destruction of malaria Science 298, 96–97
8 Fillinger, U. and Lindsay, S.W. (2006) Suppression of exposure to
vectors will directly cause a reduction in mosquito biting
malaria vectors by an order of magnitude using microbial larvicides
and, hence, in disease transmission. Medical tools (i.e. drugs in rural Kenya. Trop. Med. Int. Health 11, 1629–1642
and vaccines) coupled with sociological approaches remain 9 Scholte, E.J. et al. (2005) An entomopathogenic fungus for control of
essential for the successful road to malaria eradication and adult African malaria mosquitoes. Science 308, 1641–1642
can be implemented jointly with the proposed vector-control 10 Ren, X. et al. (2008) Viral paratransgenesis in the malaria vector
Anopheles gambiae. PLoS Pathog. 4, e1000135
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[18]. We argue that vector-control strategies, which are 12 Grieco, J.P. et al. (2007) A new classification system for the actions of
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vaccine-based, strategies that are currently applied. After 14 Knols, B.G.J. et al. (2007) Transgenic mosquitoes and the fight against
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25 Keiser, J. et al. (2005) Effect of irrigation and large dams on the burden of 1471-4922/$ – see front matter ß 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
malaria on a global and regional scale. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 72, 392–406 doi:10.1016/ Available online 23 January 2009

Research Focus

The merozoite has landed: reticulocyte-binding-like

ligands and the specificity of erythrocyte recognition
Julian C. Rayner
Sanger Institute Malaria Programme, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge,
CB10 1SA, UK

Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte invasion depends RBLs cloned were the P. vivax reticulocyte-binding
on several imperfectly understood multiprotein families. proteins [6], but it was only with the cloning of a homologue
Two recent papers have shifted our understanding of the in the mouse parasite Plasmodium yoelii that it became
P. falciparum reticulocyte-binding-like family to the level apparent that the RBL superfamily spanned the long
of individual amino acids by identifying an erythrocyte- evolutionary distances between rodent and human Plas-
binding domain in one ligand and showing that poly- modium parasites [7]. The P. falciparum genome contains
morphisms in another can change the species specificity multiple RBLs and, as is common for P. falciparum genes
of erythrocyte binding. Erythrocyte invasion might be worked on by multiple groups, these genes have accumu-
even more complex and harder to target than previously lated several different acronyms over the years. The acro-
thought. nym that is now in the widest use is PfRH (P. falciparum
reticulocyte-binding protein homologue), and for clarity, it
is hoped that this will now become the standard term.
So many ligands, so little time Many publications have investigated PfRHs in recent
Plasmodium falciparum merozoites are essentially eryth- years (reviewed in Ref. [5]) but, in part because of their
rocyte-invasion machines. As the only extracellular stage sheer unmanageable size (ranging from 220kDa for PfRH4
of the asexual P. falciparum blood cycle, merozoites are to 350kDa for PfRH2b), progress has been slow at the
literally blown out of the host erythrocyte in which they protein level. Two recent papers have now shifted the
formed [1] and thrown into the peripheral circulation to resolution of our understanding of PfRHs to the level of
find a new erythrocyte to invade to start the asexual cycle individual amino acids.
anew. The invasion process is not simple, and the invasion
of human erythrocytes by P. falciparum merozoites is Finding a binding domain in a needle
particularly complicated. Plasmodium vivax, a distant Gao and colleagues [8] used a heterologous expression
cousin of P. falciparum, depends entirely on the interaction system to identify for the first time a specific domain of
between the Duffy-binding protein and its erythrocyte re- PfRH1 that binds to erythrocytes. By breaking down
ceptor, the Duffy-antigen receptor for chemokines (DARC), PfRH1 into smaller fragments and expressing each one
to catalyze invasion, making Duffy-negative humans who on the surface of COS cells, they identified a single domain
do not express DARC on the erythrocyte surface resistant near the PfRH1 N terminus that enabled human erythro-
to P. vivax infection [2] (although a handful of Duffy- cytes to adhere to the surface of the transfected COS cells.
negative individuals have been observed with what seem Crucially, interaction between this domain and erythro-
to be P. vivax infections [3]). By contrast, there is no single cytes was dependent on sialic acids on the erythrocyte
human genotype that is resistant to P. falciparum inva- surface but was resistant to pre-treatment of the erythro-
sion, and the P. falciparum genome contains several multi- cytes with trypsin, which is identical to what was already
gene families that seem to have redundant and known about the interaction between native PfRH1 and
overlapping functions during the invasion process human erythrocytes [9]. The same PfRH1 subdomain
(reviewed in Refs [4,5]). bound erythrocytes when expressed and purified from
One of these families is part of the reticulocyte-binding- Escherichia coli, and circular dichroism spectroscopy
like (RBL) superfamily, members of which have been found showed that the E. coli-expressed fragment was rich in
in every Plasmodium species studied to date. The first a-helices. This and other features of the PfRH1 sequence
around the binding domain indicate the formation of coiled
Corresponding author: Rayner, J.C. ( coils projecting out from the merozoite surface to interact


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