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Siti Hamidahtur Rofi’ah1, Faridatul Afifah2

IAI Al-Qodiri Jember, 2IAI Al-Qodiri Jember
e-mail: , 2

School as a gathering place for students who have the potential to have
varied cultural backgrounds certainly has different morality, so it is the
school's job to acculturate and add confidence to the culture of each student.
In addition, this also triggers the growth of a new culture in schools and this
is what is often called school culture. One of the uniqueness and advantages
of a school is having a strong school culture, which still exists. Various types
of culture can be studied and simulated in schools, but the main focus now is
religious culture, where schools are built with religious nuances. The
formation of student morals starts from the nature given by God Almighty,
which in its development process is strongly influenced by environmental
conditions. Therein lies the responsibility of various parties to continue to
strive to create a conducive environment in the process of forming student
morals through school culture. This study aims to describe the forms and
strategies for cultivating religious culture in shaping the morality of students
at SD Darus Solah Jember. This study used a qualitative descriptive case
study type approach. Data collection techniques in this study were carried
out by several means of observation, interviews and documentation.
Researchers used data analysis which was carried out interactively.
According to Miles, Huberman, and Saldana, data analysis that is carried out
interactively must go through a process of condensing data, presenting data
and drawing conclusions. The validity of the data in this study used source
triangulation and method triangulation. The results showed that the form of
cultivating religious culture in SD Darus Solah Jember was the 5S culture
(smiles, greetings, greetings, courtesy and courtesy), mutual respect and
tolerance, Islamic studies, tadarrus together and congregational prayers. The
religious culture that is embedded in students is to build mutual trust and be
open in thinking. From these two cultures the school provides religious
activities including istighosah, hajat and dhuha prayers in congregation every
two weeks on Mondays, reviewing the yellow book, contemporary Islamic
studies, reading and writing the Qur'an (BTQ), reciting the Koran and praying
to the Prophet before starting lessons. The school's strategy in instilling a
religious culture is by: a) Knowing, namely providing an in-depth
understanding of PAI material; b) Living, that is, all elements of the school,
from the principal to the students, all provide good examples or examples to
each other; c) Actuating Acting, that is, schools familiarize students with
religious activities which can later be applied in society.

Keyword : Religious Culture, Student Morality

Sekolah sebagai tempat berkumpulnya peserta didik yang berpotensi
memiliki latar belakang budaya yang variatif tentu mempunyai moralitasistik
yang berbeda pula, sehingga menjadi tugas sekolah mengakulturasi serta
menambahkan kepercayaan diri terhadap budaya masing-masing peserta
didik. Selain itu, hal ini juga memicu tumbuhnya budaya baru di sekolah dan
inilah yang sering disebut budaya sekolah (school culture). Berbagai jenis
budaya dapat dipelajari dan disimulasikan di sekolah, namun fokus utama
saat ini adalah budaya religi, dimana sekolah dibangun dengan nuansa religi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan strategi
penanaman budaya religius dalam membentuk moralitas siswa di SD Darus
Solah Jember. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif
jenis studi kasus, Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan
dengan beberapa cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Peneliti
menggunakan analisis data yang dilakukan secara interaktif. Keabsahan data
menggunakan trianggulasi sumber dan trianggulasi metode. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa bentuk penanaman budaya religius di SD Darus Solah
Jember adalah budaya 5S (senyum, salam, sapa, sopan, dan santun), saling
hormat dan toleran, kajian-kajian keislaman, tadarrus bersama dan sholat
berjamaah, istighosah, shalat hajat dan dhuha berjamaah setiap dua minggu
sekali pada hari Senin, bedah kitab kuning, kajian Islam kontemporer, baca
tulis Qur’an (BTQ), mengaji dan bersholawat Nabi sebelum memulai
pelajaran. Strategi sekolah dalam menanamkan budaya religius adalah
dengan: a) Knowing yaitu memberikan pemahaman materi PAI sampai
mendalam; b) Living yaitu seluruh elemen sekolah mulai dari kepala sekolah
sampai siswa semuanya saling memberikan contoh atau suri tauladan yang
baik; c) Actuating Acting yaitu sekolah membiasakan siswa dengan kegiatan
keagamaan yang nantinya bisa diterapkan di masyarakat.

Keyword : Budaya Religius, Moralitas Siswa

Culture is a habit that is carried out by a community or society, the
process of forming it does not just happen, but requires a long journey to
become a habit that leads to cultural terms. This process can be taken in two
ways. First, top down or culture that originates from the founders of an
organization or the leader of a community. Second, bottom up or culture that
comes from community members, and that culture can be internal or
external to society.
The top down flow is a culture that is born from the leaders, figures or
founders of an organization or society bringing with them a set of basic
assumptions, values, perspectives, artefacts into a society and instilling them
in members of the community or society. While the bottom-up flow is the
culture that emerges through the interaction of community or community
members, so that there is the potential for acculturation or clashes of values,
interests and others which are then adopted, adapted and integrated within
the community or society. Therefore, according to Sobirin, in the early days
when they joined a society, there was often a clash of cultures (culture socks)
because each tried to defend its culture (Sobirin, 2007). Over time there will
be internalization and crystallization into a culture.
The events described above were captured by educational institutions
that provided stimulation and practical learning related to the strengthening
and development of culture for their students, where schools are a concrete
manifestation of the world's appreciation of education for the preservation
and construction of society's culture.
School as a gathering place for students who have the potential to
have varied cultural backgrounds certainly has different morality, so it is the
school's job to acculturate and add confidence to the culture of each student.
In addition, this also triggers the growth of a new culture in schools and this
is what is often called school culture. One of the uniqueness and advantages
of a school is having a strong school culture, which still exists. Wijaya Kusuma
explained that school culture is a set of values that underlies behavior,
traditions, habits, everyday life, and symbols practiced by school principals,
teachers, administrative officers, students, and the community around the
school. School culture is a characteristic, morality or character, as well as the
image of the school in the wider community (Rofi’ah, 2020).

This study uses a qualitative approach that aims to understand
(understanding) the meaning of behavior, symbols and phenomena
(Suprayogo & Tobroni, 2001). This type of research uses a case study, which
is a study that is comprehensive, intense, detailed and in-depth and seeks to
examine more contemporary, contemporary problems or phenomena, or it
can be said that a case study is a detailed study of a setting or an object. or a
repository of certain documents or events (Bugin, 2012).
This research was conducted at SD Darus Solah Jember because after
being observed by researchers, this school applies religious culture in the
formation of student morality. The technique for determining the
subject/informant in the study used was purposive, meaning that the
researcher determined the research subject or informant with specific goals
and certain considerations to direct data collection according to needs
through selecting and selecting informants who really mastered information
and problems in depth and could be trusted to become a solid source of data.
Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by several
means of observation, interviews and documentation. Researchers used data
analysis which was carried out interactively. According to Miles, Huberman,
and Saldana, data analysis that is carried out interactively must go through a
process of condensing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The
validity of the data in this study used source triangulation and method


Various types of culture can be learned and simulated in schools,
however the main focus today is religious culture, where schools are built
with religious nuances. Schools with religious nuances are schools with an
atmosphere of a social environment with a climate of religious life that
originates from the highest truth that comes from God, and in essence this
value has the strongest foundation of truth compared to other values (Tafsir,
2017). To create it, it must be emphasized that the essence of the religious
atmosphere in schools does not lie solely in the habituation of the experience
of formal worship by students, although this is very important, but what is no
less important is the embodiment of the values of religious teachings in
behavior and interactions between components of education in good schools
between teachers and students, between fellow teachers and fellow students,
between principals and teachers, principals and students, staff and parents of
students and anyone who communicates frequently.
The formation of morality starts from nature given by God, which then
forms identity and behavior. In the process itself, this Divine nature is greatly
influenced by environmental conditions, so that the environment has a
significant role in shaping identity and behavior (Rofiah, 2021). That school
as part of the environment has a very important role in having a school
culture, where commendable behaviors of akhlakul karimah become the
estuary of every step, every action even in thinking and heart always shows
good morality or morality.
Moral is a person's actions/behavior/ speech in interacting with
humans. if what someone does is in accordance with the values that apply in
that society and is acceptable and pleasing to the community, then that
person is considered to have good morals, and vice versa (Desmita, 2009).
Moral is a product of culture and religion.
Moral can be interpreted as attitudes, behaviors, actions, behaviors
that are carried out by someone when trying to do something based on
experience, interpretation, conscience, and advice, and so on. Moral is a
condition of human thoughts, feelings, speech, and behavior related to good
and bad values.
According to Santrock, development is part of the change that starts
from the time of conception and continues throughout the life span. It is
complex because it involves many processes such as biological, cognitive, and
socio-emotional (Santrock et al., 2002). Development refers to the
irreversible process towards perfection based on growth, maturation, and
learning. In the perspective of psychology, development can be interpreted as
a process of quantitative and qualitative changes in individuals in their life
span, starting from conception, infancy, childhood, adolescence, to adulthood.
How can the formation of student morality be carried out as explained
above, that students basically form student morality starting from nature
given by God, which then in the process of development is greatly influenced
by environmental conditions/mileau. Herein lies the responsibility of various
parties to continue to strive to create a conducive environment in the process
of forming student morality through school culture.
To realize this goal, there are at least three dimensions that need to be
carried out in schools; First, the school is a vehicle for fostering the spirit and
practice of Islamic life, the second is the school as a vehicle for creating
intelligent, knowledgeable, personable, and productive personalities, and the
third is the school as a vehicle for preparing and giving birth to humans who
are ready to enter the era to come.
The religious culture of the school contains ways of thinking and
acting of school members based on religious values (religiousness). Religious
according to Islam is carrying out religious teachings as a whole. As the word
of Allah SWT in Q.S. Al-Baqarah verse 208 follows:

Meaning: "O you who believe, enter into Islam as a whole, and do not
follow the steps of Satan, in fact Satan is a real enemy for you"

Allah commands His servants who believe in Him to adhere to the

ropes of Islam and all of His Shari'a and practice all of its commands and
leave all of its prohibitions with all their might. The verse calls on those who
claim to have faith to improve the quality of their faith. Because recognition
alone is not enough, it must be accompanied by hard and smart work. The
meaning of "kaffah" (whole) is not only Islam when in the mosque, but also
Islam outside the mosque. Not only Muslims when worshiping, but also all
activities still make Allah as their back.
Formation means the process, way or act of forming (Kemendikbud,
2016). Formation in this case means making or making something in a
certain form, also means guiding, directing, educating character, mind,
personality and so on. In terms of the process and the way it is formed, the
formation of behavior according to Walgito is divided into three ways
according to the expected circumstances, namely:
1) Formation of behavior with conditioning or habits.
One way of forming behavior can be achieved by conditioning or
habituation. By getting used to behaving as expected, eventually that
behavior will be formed. This method is based on the learning theory of
conditioning put forward both by Pavlov and by Thorndike and Skinner.
There are several opinions that are not one hundred percent the same, but
these experts have basic views that are not much different from one
another. Pavlov's conditioning is known as classical conditioning, while
Thorndike's and Skinner's conditioning is known as operant conditioning.
However, there are those who call Throndike conditioning
instrumental conditioning, and Skinner conditioning as operant
conditioning. As explained above, on the basis of this view, the formation
of behavior is based on conditioning or habits
2) Formation of behavior with understanding (Insight)
Formation of behavior can also be pursued by understanding or
insight. This method is based on cognitive learning theory, namely
learning with understanding. If in Thorndike's experiment in learning
theory the emphasis is on practice, then in Kohler's experiment what is
important is understanding or insight. Kohler is a figure in Gestalt
psychology and belongs to the cognitive school
3) Formation of behavior by using models
The formation of behavior with a model is to make the leader a
model or example for the members he leads. This method is based on
social learning theory or observational learning theory put forward by
Bandura (Walgito, 2003).
Instilling a religious culture at SD Darus Solah Jember in shaping student
morality is carried out with several programs, namely:
1. Habituation of the 5 S culture (smile, greet, greet, be polite and courteous).
At this school all students are required to kiss their teacher's hand both
when meeting, entering class and greeting. This is to form student morale
so that they can respect a teacher and learn good manners when dealing
with their teacher.
2. Students are required to respect and tolerate each other, take part in
Islamic studies, attend tadarrus together and pray in congregation. The
religious culture that is embedded in students is to build mutual trust and
be open in thinking. The school provides religious activities including
istighosah, hajat and dhuha prayers in congregation every two weeks on
Mondays, reviewing the yellow book, contemporary Islamic studies,
reading and writing the Qur'an (BTQ), reciting the Koran and praying to
the Prophet before starting lessons.
3. The school's strategy in instilling a religious culture is by: a) Knowing,
namely providing a deep understanding of PAI material; b) Living, that is,
all elements of the school, from the principal to the students, all provide
good examples or examples to each other; c) Actuating Acting, that is,
schools familiarize students with religious activities which can later be
applied in society.

The religious culture of the school contains ways of thinking and
acting of school members based on religious values (religiousness). Religious
according to Islam is carrying out religious teachings as a whole. To realize
this goal, there are at least three dimensions that need to be carried out in
schools; First, the school is a vehicle for fostering the spirit and practice of
Islamic life, the second is the school as a vehicle for creating intelligent,
knowledgeable, personable, and productive personalities, and the third is the
school as a vehicle for preparing and giving birth to humans who are ready to
enter the era to come.
Instilling a religious culture is very important as in SD Darus Solah
Jember in shaping student morality through several programs, namely: 5S
culture (smiles, greetings, greetings, courtesy and courtesy), mutual respect
and tolerance, Islamic studies, tadarrus together and prayer congregation.
The religious culture that is embedded in students is to build mutual trust
and be open in thinking. From these two cultures the school provides
religious activities including istighosah, hajat and dhuha prayers in
congregation every two weeks on Mondays, reviewing the yellow book,
contemporary Islamic studies, reading and writing the Qur'an (BTQ), reciting
the Koran and praying to the Prophet before starting lessons. The school's
strategy in instilling a religious culture is to: a) Knowing, namely providing a
deep understanding of PAI material; b) Living, that is, all elements of the
school, from the principal to the students, all provide good examples or
examples to each other; c) Actuating Acting, that is, schools familiarize
students with religious activities which can later be applied in society

This research is far from perfect, therefore it needs to be refined with
some suggestions from the author that there is a need for development
research on the formation of morality through the inculcation of religious
culture in schools and madrasas.

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