BD05964 - NT Control Part LT 5 Test System Configuration

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NT Control LT

Manual Part 5

Test System Configuration

04.02.2019 BD-05-964-A


1. General Information ............................................................................................1

1.1 Adapters ................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Testbox ..................................................................................................... 2
1.3 KT Configuration ....................................................................................... 3
1.4 KT Web Interface ...................................................................................... 3
KT Terminal .............................................................................................................4
KT Setup .................................................................................................................6

2. Opening and Editing Configuration File KT.CFG .............................................7

3. Using an existing KT Configuration ..................................................................9

04.02.2019 BD-05-964-A
adaptronic NT Control LT Manual Part 5 1

1. General Information

Test system configurations represent adaptronic test boxes and

their features/configurations.

NT Control can be used to access the configuration of an

adaptronic test box or a KT configuration on another PC drive.

The following functions are available:

 Opening the test system configuration of a connected

test box
 Opening saved test system configurations
 Saving the open test system configuration
 Editing the open test system configurations
 Saving the open test system configuration
 Operating the connected test box via a terminal function

The "Test System Configuration" window provides information

and functions in 4 registers:

 Adapters: Here you can name adapters and assign

adapter types and test points to them.
 Test Box: Here you will find information about the test
box hardware, the measurement electronics used and
the test point equipment.
 KT Configuration Files: Editor for editing various system
files available in ASCI format, such as KT.CFG.
 KT Web Interface: Selection of different services via
LAN connection:
KT Terminal: Display of the KT display and the KT
keyboard on the monitor with the
corresponding functionality if
activated in the KT.CFG
KT Setup: Setting options for network, keyboard
and time zone

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2 NT Control LT Manual Part 5 adaptronic

1.1 Adapters

Fig. 1.1: Test system configuration register Adapters

Please also refer to the chapter "Test point naming" in the

NT Control LT manual part 7

Please note: Adapter names may have a maximum of 16 characters.

1.2 Test Box

Fig. 1.2: Example test system configuration register Test Box

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adaptronic NT Control LT Manual Part 5 3

1.3 KT Configuration

Fig. 1.3: Example test point configuration register KT Configuration Files with
opened File KT.CFG

1.4 KT Web Interface

The windows offers 2 selection possibilities:

 KT Terminal
 KT Setup

Fig. 1.4: Test system configuration register KT Web Interface

To activate one of the functions, enter the password ("1111")

after clicking the corresponding button.

Please note: The password can be changed in the KT.CFG file.

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4 NT Control LT Manual Part 5 adaptronic

Fig. 1.5: Password entry-

KT Terminal

The KT Terminal function simulates the KT display and the KT

keyboard on the screen. Displays and key functions are
identical to those of the test box.

Fig. 1.6: KT Web Interface – KT Terminal (standard display)

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adaptronic NT Control LT Manual Part 5 5

 Click on "Change" to open an alternative view of the user


Fig. 1.7: KT Web Interface – KT Terminal (alternative display)

 Via "Back" you can return to the standard display of the user
Please note: To activate the KT Terminal, please refer to the manual of your
KT test device.

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6 NT Control LT Manual Part 5 adaptronic

KT Setup

Fig. 1.8: KT Web Interface – KT Setup

Here you can set the network settings, the keyboard type and
the time zone.

Please note: Changes to the network settings may result a communication

between PC and Testbox is no longer possible. In this case,
contact the adaptronic service.

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adaptronic NT Control LT Manual Part 5 7

2. Opening and Editing Configuration File KT.CFG

Stored KT configurations can be opened and edited in NT

Control. Before opening another KT configuration, close any
active KT configuration.
To do this, right-click on the document tree entry "Test System
Configuration..." and click on "Close" in the menu.

Procedure for opening a KT configuration if none exists in NT


 Select from the menu File  Open

 Select file type „KT Configuration“.
 Select the KT configuration to be opened and confirm with

Fig. 2.1: Selection of a KT.CFG on the PC

Procedure for editing an existing KT configuration:

 In the "Test System Configuration" window that now

appears, open the "KT Configuration" register.
 Now all files of the KT configuration are listed.
 Click on the file entry KT.CFG.
 The content of the file KT.CFG is displayed to the right of the
file list and can be edited there. Various functions are
available in the toolbar as editing aids.

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8 NT Control LT Manual Part 5 adaptronic

Fig. 2.2: KT.CFG in the editing window

If changes are made in the KT.CFG, a prompt appears

automatically when the file is exited, asking if the file should be

If the entry "Test system configuration..." is marked in the

document tree, the test system configuration can also be saved
via File  Save.

Please note: The configuration entries in the KT.CFG, their possibilities and
syntax are described in the documents for the respective
A KT configuration cannot be saved under a different name or

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adaptronic NT Control LT Manual Part 5 9

3. Using an existing KT Configuration

When creating a test program for a specific test box, it makes

sense to use the corresponding KT configuration. NT Control
can then consider the stored test point equipment and the
installed measurement electronics of the particular test box.

If NT Control has a connection to the test box, the test system

configuration is available in the document tree or can be

If NT Control is used offline, the test system configurations of

the relevant test systems must first be copied to the PC so that
they can be used offline.

Copying can be done via network, if a network connection

between PC and test system exists, or the test system
configuration of a test system can be read out from the test
system via a USB flash drive and copied to the PC.

NT Control LT does not currently provide the ability to copy a

test system configuration.

04.02.2019 BD-05-964-A

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