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IA-Pm:a,' ANN; WCLCAKC Cv Afantaradam


THE DORCAS WORK Ministry to those who enter into

the work that Dorcas did.
"Those who give practical
0. W. LANGE, Home Missionary Secretary demonstrations of their benevol-
ence by their sympathy and com-
passionate acts toward the poor,
E, distressing news, "Dorcas is evident that she had lived in the the suffering, and the unfortunate,
dead" passed through the sea- spirit of Jesus. Her efforts to bless not, only relieve the sufferers,, but
side town of Joppa. Joppa was a others reacted on her own heart contribute largely to their own
port city. Most of the labouring and life. By obedience she walked happiness, and are in the way of
men of the place earned their liveli- with Jesus representing Him as the securing health of soul and body'
hood by way of the sea, and the Saviour to the lost. Page 302.
sea had taken its toll leaving many The work of Dorcas should be "The pleasure of doing good to
widowed mothers and fatherless the same today. It is our duty to others imparts a glow to the feel-
children. meet in groups for Dorcas work. ings which flashes through the
At the doors of these unfortun- It is also our Christian duty and nerves, quickens the circulation 'of
ate homes stalked the wolves of privilege to carry out the principles the blood, and induces mental and
suffering, and want. God was not exemplified by Dorcas in our daily physical health." Page 303.
unmindful of the need. He could living. Doing this will not only "The blessing of God is a
have performed a miracle to alleviate much suffering and sor- healer, and those who are abund-
Alleviate the sorrow, but He had row but will bring unexpected ant in benefiting others will realize
abetter way to demonstrate His blessings to our own hearts. that wondrous blessing in their
love. "Through the grace of Christ our hearts and lives." Page 303.
Tabitha was a true disciple. efforts to bless others are not only "Every kind and sympathizing
Through her, God was able to the means of our growth in grace, word spoken to the sorrowf41,
show His plan of salvation and but they will enhance our future every act to relieve the oppressed,
bring glory to His name. By letting eternal happiness."—Welfare Min- and every gift to supply the neces-
her share in the work she also istry, p. 301. sities of our fellow beings, given or
:developed ,a purer Christian Note these promises of happi- done with an eye to God's glory,
character. The work of Dorcas ness and health from the Welfare will result in blessings to the
was recorded to be an example giver." Page 304,
,VA &mak YAM
and an inspiration to believers "The Lord Jesus means that
today. Dorcas work is not fulfilled A Dorcas Lady's Prayer you shall be blessed in imparting
merely by a group of church God, show me Thyself today. to His needy, suffering ones. He
members meeting to sew clothing Let me see in those whose has made men His, copartners.
or quilts for a sale although this burdens I lift, whose hearts `We are labourers together with
may have its place. The true lesson I cheer, Thine own image. God.' " Page 309.
the Master would have us learn Lest some should feel that in
For, verily, dear Lord, that
from this good lady is far more modern times Christians can leave
important. which I do to them, I would
the personal help work for Govern-
• Tabitha, it is stated, was full of do unto Thee. Amen.
ment and welfare organization's,
good works and alms-deeds. It is the Lord's servant strongly

emphasizes this Christian duty. sympathy and mercy are the precepts of the Decalogue. Idols
"Many who profess His name natural evidences of pure religion. claim the heart and affections, and
have lost sight of the fact that "If we neglect the cases of the God is not honoured and does not
Christians are to represent Christ. needy and the unfortunate that reign supreme." Page 49.
Unless there is practical self- are brought under our notice, no As these sobering words from
sacrifice for the good of others, in matter who they may be, we have God's servant sink into our hearts,
the family circle, in the neighbour- no assurance of eternal life; for we shall we not humble ourselves
hood, in the church, and where- do not answer the claims that God before God, acknowledging our sin,
ever we may be, then whatever our has upon us. We are not compas- and arise to do the work of the
profession we are not Christians." sionate and pitiful to humanity, pure religion of Jesus Christ? This
Page 42. because they may not be kith or is the real work of Dorcas.
Dorcas was doing the practical kin to us. . . . Those who do not "If we would humble ourselves
Christian welfare work in her open their hearts to the, wants and . . and be kind . . . there would
home town. She demonstrated her sufferings of humanity will• not be one hundred conversions to the
faith by her works. Are we doing open their hearts to the claims of truth where there is now one."—
the same today? These acts of God as stated in the first four Testimonies, Vol. 9, page 189.



work was organized in food to his home. He is also

the Lushai
DORCA Hills about seven supplied with clothing. Young peo-
years ago. The first project under- What is Kindness? ple in the village will tend their
taken was to teach some of the garden, and repair their houses
girls and younger women to sew Kindness isn't sacrifice, when needed. Every person, no
simple garments, to embroider, Or giving alms, my lad— matter how unfortunate, has his
knit and crochet. The following It's simply sharing happiness own house and garden. Members
year night classes were conducted With someone who is sad. of the Dorcas societies are active
for a few women who had not yet in, this kind of work, but as
learned to read. After this, Dorcas Kindness is a soothing. light members of the community and
seemed to slumber for a while till That seeks out darkened hearts, not especially in the name of
a young graduate of the Gifford And makes them flame with new- Dorcas.
Memorial Nursing School at found hope, The Lushai women weave
Nuzvid awakened her. New joy—and then departs. beautiful cloth. In several places
Seeing the need Miss Ngurkungi our Dorcas ladies have woven
Sailo, under the auspices of the Kindness is a merry song beautiful table covers for the pulpit
Dorcas society, organized Home Turned loose upon the air— and other church tables. They
Commission classes where both A musical guardian of our joy— have embroidered table cloths for
men and women received instruc- A foeman of despair. communion service. Towels have
tion in baby care and simple home been woven for use' in the
nursing. This training was enthusi- Kindness is unselfish thought, ordinances. Several societies have
astically appreciated in several Unselfish, friendly deed, carried on these projects during the
villages as well as in Aijal. Inspired by the wish to help past two years.
There is much ear trouble in the Some brother who's in need. Our Dorcas societies have also
Lushai Hills due to the fact that —Nick Kenny. taken active part in relief work,
mothers do not know how to and they have done a noble work.
properly bathe their infants. There 00-0-0-00-0-0-0-0000 The first disaster came several
is much stomach trouble due to years ago when a large section of
poor cooking and eating habits. are used to help the needy. Village the shopping and the residential
There is much illness due to ignor- life in the Lushai Hills is so consti- area of Aijal town burnt down one
ance of the simple laws of sanita- tuted that there are no beggars or night. The following day our
tion. Our church members and charity cases. All families care for society was on the spot with cloth-
others received valuable instruc- their own members. The head of a ing, money and men. The men
tion, which when followed resulted house sees to it that all relatives worked several days and helped
in better health for all. near and distant are provided for. erect temporary shelters for those
Some may wonder whether or If there happens to 'be some poor who had lost their homes in the
not our Dorcas societies make old man or woman who has no one fire.
garments for distribution to the to look after him, the immediate A few months after the above
poor as is done in other places, or neighbours assume the responsibil- incident we received two bales of
have sales the proceeds of which ity by taking wood, water and relief clothing from America. This

clothing was safely stored away
for any future emergency. One DORCAS SOCIETIES
sure need came when the village
of Hliappui caught fire and thirty IN THE
houses were burned. Four baskets
of this relief clothing were sent to
the village and distributed freely. PUN3AB VILLAGES
The villagers wrote a letter of MRS. C. H. HAMEL, Dorcas
thanks to our church, and printed
an article in the newspaper to ex- Leader, Pakistan Union
press their sincere gratitude.
About a year later, the village
Mrs. Akbar Masih, Dr. Carrie commodities which they distribute.
of Pukpui in the South—about
eight days journey from Aijal— Robbins and I visited the eight This woman and some of the poor
was razed by fire. Eye witnesses Dorcas Societies in the Punjab flood victims of this village were
villages. We planned to encourage supplied with bedding made by
said that within two minutes the
whole village of about two hundred the Dorcas work and give medical our Dorcas sisters.
houses was a blazing mass of help to our believers in the We spent a busy day visiting the
flames. Nothing could be saved. villages. sick and meeting with the sisters
How grateful we were for the relief Our first visit was to Ghakkar of the surrounding villages. It just
clothing and that we had an Mandi where a small church was seemed there was not time enough
abundant supply on hand to send organized only last year. Although for all of the visits we were
to Pukpui. The Aijal church the women of this village were requested to make. Our dear
members also collected all the cash busy with household tasks, they village sisters were always ready
and clothing they could locally found time to gather for an hour to walk the second mile with us
collect, as well as pots, pans, books, or so to discuss the true meaning just to visit a bit longer.
Bibles and other useful articles and of Dorcas work and lay plans for The head police of a nearby
sent them to the needy village of their future work. After the meet- village earnestly requested Dr.
Pukpui. ing we visited the home of one of Robbins to call on his sick wife—
Not long after this, a church the members in which the husband which she was quite willing to do
member in a village near Aijal lost and wage earner of the family lay —and a good contact was made.
his home by fire. Dorcas went to ill. He had been bed-ridden for It was after sunset as we made
help and that same week a new months and the little home, though our way back to the village of
house was erected. Pots and pans, clean and neat, spoke of extreme Mangoki—walking much of the
bedding and clothing, a Bible and poverty. Dr. Robbins said that he way as the roads were very rough
a song book, and money with should be brought to the hospital and in some places the mud was
which to help replace the year's for further examination and treat- too deep for the horse to pull both
supply of rice, which had been ment. Here we witnessed a real tonga and occupants. Upon arrival
burned up, were all placed in the spirit of brotherly love. The church at the village we found that loving
new house. members offered to make up a hands had prepared us a delicious
Recently the ladies of the Aijal small purse to bear the expense of evening meal, to which we did full
church have realized that their his fare, food, etc. so that the sick justice after the vigorous exercise
supply of goods for helping out in man could go to the hospital. Also in the country air. But we were
such emergencies is woefully in- our Dorcas sisters provided their not yet allowed to retire. The chil-
adequate. To help remedy this poor sister with suitable clothing dren wanted to sing. The women
condition they have opened a hot so that she could accompany her had finished the tasks of the day
drink stall on Sundays where the husband and care for his needs at and gathered around and so we
ladies of the church take turns in the hospital. This is the true spirit enjoyed a good evening meeting
preparing and selling our rice-bran of Dorcas, we were glad to see it together. Many brought their
drink. All who can contribute manifest in this village. Moslem friends, and the men also
bread, cakes, cookies, fruit and Our tonga horse staged a run- joined us. Here Brother and *Sister
other goodies do so, and they are away on the rugged village roads. Gharib Dass are working hard. We
sold along with the rice-bran drink. Nevertheless we arrived safely feel that our sisters could do so
under the able leadership of Mrs. at Mangoki. We appreciated the much more for their families if
Kapthanga, this plan is succeeding warm Christian welcome given us they could read the precious worda.
and the profit from this enterprise by Sister Gharib Dass and the of Scripture for themselves. We
is to be used in purchasing cloth other women. In Mangoki we have found that in that whole village
from which garments and quilts a faithful sister, a widow, who has only the pastor's wife could read.
may be made in preparation for been subjected to many beatings The second morning of our tour
any disaster in future. by her husband's people because dawned clear and beautiful. Dr.
The Lord is blessing His work she refused to sign up as a member Robbins attended to a few more
here and we request you to pray of another denomination in order of the sick of the village, then we
with us for His continued blessing. to receive free flour, milk and other made our way along the canal in a

covers and surgical socks. A total

of three hundred pieces were
finished by the societies and sent to
the hospital in Simla.
In addition to making these
hospital supplies, several sales were
conducted. Rejuvenated greeting
cards have brought in a substan-
tial sum to some societies.
At Christmas time one of the
societies made gift parcels for the
poor, containing many items in-
cluding a Christmas cake and
scrapbooks for the children.
Some of the societies have funds
available for helping worthy
There is so much poverty, sick-
ness and trouble on every hand
that the ladies of the church ought
to find ample opportunity for help-
ing others. Bringing happiness into
the hearts and lives of others need
not always involve an expenditure
Dorcas Ladies Making Quilts for Flood Victims in W. Pakistan.
of money on the part of the
society. It is a good plan to
tonga to the village of Madar. As
our horse jogged along mile after
WHAT DORCAS IS designate at least one day during
the month (or if possible one day
mile beside the canal our thoughts in a week) at which time the
turned to our Saviour. We wished DOING IN THE Dorcas members might visit, two
that we might have more wisdom by two, in the homes of the
to help our sisters prepare them-
selves and their families for His
NORTH-WEST neighbourhood. During these visits
they may seek out those who are
soon coming. At Madar we met sick or in need of help and
with the women of the church. The MRS. T. R. TORKELSON encouragement; they may also
Dorcas leader is Miss Doulat find homes where they have used
Chand. We were impressed with clothing and other articles which
the cleanliness and neatness of the E DORCAS Societies of the they may wish to donate to the
students in Miss Chand's school. THNorthwestern India Union Dorcas society.
The children were quite willing to numbered twelve at the close of "Busy, too busy," I hear some-
demonstrate their ability to sing a 1957 with a membership of ninety- one say. Yes, we all are. But we
number of the newly translated seven. During 1958 it is hoped that usually find time to do the things
children's songs. Dr. Robbins again new societies will be started in we want to do. In our time budget
ministered to the sick. Time passed Jammu, Jabalpur, Jodhpur and why not plan on spending one hour
very quickly. Since we had Dehra Dun as well as in other a week with another sister of the
promised to return to Chuharkana places. Some of our societies meet Dorcas society in searching out
that evening we searched for only once a month, and the ladies and contacting those who need our
transportation, but it was not take their work home and return it help? I venture to say the ex-
easy to find. Finally we secured a at the next meeting. Others meet periences you will have will en-
horse to carry our baggage. We each week, or twice a month. courage you to spend more time
started on foot to a nearby village During 1957 the societies that visiting your neighbours.
—a distance of about two miles— had money to donate made con- Why is it that in some churches
where it was thought a tonga could tributions toward a fund for where there ought to be fifteen
be hired. It was sunset by the time purchasing hospital supplies for ladies attending the Dorcas meet-
we reached this village. The the Simla Hospital. The hospital ing there are only four or five? Is
husband of one of Dr. Robbins' also donated an amount equal to it because there is no work to be
former patients arranged for a the contribution made by our done for those around us? Is it
tonga to take us to Chuharkana. Dorcas societies. From the material because there is no one who needs
We pray that as the sisters of purchased, each society helped our help or the happiness we may
the churches continue to labour in make various articles needed by bring into her life by a brief visit?
love in the true spirit of Dorcas, the hospital such as: baby caps, You will readily agree that this is
souls may be won to the frocks, napkins, bootees, binders, not the case. But it, is because the
kingdom of God. caps, masks, glove cases and (Continued on p. 11.)

partments of the church. I like to

think of the great organization that
God has given us as a vine with
many branches, reaching out
through all of our activities, and
having the great objective of bear-
ing fruit.
First, let us consider the aspect
of the individual to whom we can
apply the example of the branch,
using the same terminology that
Jesus used in talking to His dis-
ciples. He spoke of Himself as the
NURTURED FOR FRUIT-BEARING vine, and the individual branches
were Peter, James, and John. He
0. 0. MATTISON, President, Southern Asia Division recognized that the vine could not
dress nor prune itself, but that the
ti AM the vine, you are the grown for beauty. Other plants Father, who was the caretaker of
branches. He who abides in can be chosen that are more beauti- the vine, was the one who did the
Me, and I in him, he it is that ful than a vine. But I think one pruning. He did it so that each of
bears much fruit, for apart from of the most beautiful sights is a the branches could bear fruit. It
me you can do nothing. If a man well-dressed vine, laden with big was not a pleasant experience for
does not abide in me, lie is cast clusters of fruit hanging down, in- Peter because it meant cutting
forth as a branch and withers; and viting the wayfarer to partake and away his impetuosity and his de-
the branches are gathered, thrown nourish his soul. termination to be always in the
into the fire and burned." John 15 : There are many phases of this lead. It meant cutting away his
5, 6 (Revised version). The first wonderful parable which we could filthy tongue that so readily swore,
two verses of this chapter bring in profitably study, and numerous as on the night that he denied his
a still closer relationship, where relationships to which we could Lord. It meant cutting away that
Christ declares, "I am the true apply it. There is the personal desire to go back to the old things
vine, and My Father is the vine- relationship of the individual to of life, like the time when he said,
dresser. Every branch of Mine that Christ and the fruitful life. We "I go fishing." It meant cutting
bears no fruit, He takes away, and should not get away from the great away the old ties to everything in
every branch that does bear fruit fact that this vine—the root, the life that separated him from God,
He prunes, that it may bear more trunk, the source of life, is Christ so that he could be a branch,
fruit." In this illustration Jesus and He alone. We might liken the firmly grounded in Christ, the vine.
would indicate that His relation- branches to the individual member Then, and then only, could he bear
ship with His church, if such could of the church at large or to the de- fruit.
be the case, is even a closer rela-
tionship with His Father, because
He speaks of the vine, the
branches, and the vine-dresser— A•
the Father, who cares for the vine. LEARN TO FORGET
How comforting it is to know
that in the great programme of Learn to forget the sadness
soul-saving we can have such a You have known;
close relationship with the Sav- Wrongs you have done
iour, who calls Himself the vine, Endeavour to atone.
and we, His workmen, as being Leave in the past the sad 0
branches of that vine: Also, how Mistakes you've made;
consoling that the Father has the All that is over and you
same care for the branches as He Need not be afraid.
has for the vine. In His nourish- Life marches on—cast old
ing of the vine, His pruning and Regrets behind,
dressing of the branches, is seen In every dawn a new chance
His great objective of having a You will find.
fruitful, symmetrical and close re- Learn to forget dead things,
lationship of the branches with Which hold you back;
the vine. All of it is cared for and Faith will guide your footsteps
pruned to the great programme of On the new and hopeful track.
fruit-bearing. A vine can be a —Selected.
thing of beauty, but only if it is
nurtured. dressed, watered and )1(

For Youth


M. G. CHAMPION, M. V. Secretary,
Pakistan Union

THE Missionary Volunteer But this is not all. There are

I Society of Lahore, under the many workers who have done their
leadership of Mrs. R. G. Burgess is work between meetings and behind
busily proclaiming "Hope" to this scenes and who are not in the fore-
great city. Twelve meetings of the front at the time of the meeting.
series have already been completed There are the programmes to be
in the Lahore church. These have planned, topics to be typed, hand-
been a demonstration of what co- bills to be made. There is material
operation and team work can do, to be prepared for the Diorama
for this is not a series of meetings board and the "Blacklite" to be
being conducted by the church made ready.
pastor. This is a Youths effort—an This is an MV activity that to keep a goodly number of church
MV activity—a series of meetings develops team-work and builds a members attending regularly and
setting forth the Christian truth, society that is a unit. Practices are the fact of the regularity of others
and the youth are doing it. And held before each meeting and all in their attendance is proof of what
each meeting has been a success. parts are fully rehearsed. Following the latent talent of the MV society
Mrs. Burgess, the MV leader, every meeting a prayer band is is accomplishing.
and Brother N. L. Sherwin, the held. Those who feel they can do We are sorry that you cannot
church pastor have led out in a but little pass out handbills, look in on these meetings and gain
strong way in working out the pro- which are printed at our newly the inspiration that they engender.
grammes and in correlating the established school press 'at the You can, however, be assured that
efforts of the MVees, but it is the school at Chuharkana. here in Lahore is a large company
young people who are doing the It has not taken a lot of urging who testify to the ability of the
work, and there is ample scope for
the varied talents of the society. 000000000000000000000000000
The meetings are held on 0
Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday ANNOUNCEMENT
nights. At each meeting one of the
pastors, R. G. Burgess or C. H.
0 Youth Evangelism Month --July
O MV Week —July19-26 (10
Hamel, ,acts as the Master of
60 MV Community Service Day — July 26 4.r3
Ceremonies and then the young
people take over. There are three (ri 0
or four speakers each evening. 0 TIDINGS readers are invited to unite with pastors, parents 0
Robert Poshan, Daniel Poshan, O and MV Society officers in praying for and planning for a CIP
Jasmine Daniels, and Maxwell O true revival and reformation among our youth during July 0-
Khan are a few of the speakers who 119 —Youth Evangelism Month. 0
with Brother S. Rai and Brother O May our loving heavenly Father, who gladly gave His 0
Sajid have been doing most of ej only Son for the salvation of mankind, 'enable us by the 0
the speaking. O power of His Holy Spirit to renew our own consecration; 43
Brother Sherwin controls the O to win to Christ every unconverted young person; to lead 0' -
public address system; then there 0' back to the fold every wandering youth; and to deepen the
must be some one at the projector, experience of every Christian boy and girl, young man and 0 -
O young woman under our influence.
some one at the Diorama board,
and some who provide the special O
music for the evening. Brother O Remember fi
John Ali Bakhsh has charge of the fi 0
group who give an individ- 45 JULY --- YOUTH EVANGELISM MONTH 0
ual welcome to each person attend- O 0
ing the meetings and in other ways 0 ---J; F. Ashlock. .0
care for the interests and comforts O 0
of all the visitors. 000000000000000000000000000

Voice of the Youth in our MV

society to inspire hope. The "Hope
of the World" will soon be here
and there is confidence here that
the result of these meetings will be H. D. LAWSON
that many will meet Him in peace.
[MVees, have you tried a
Youths Effort? It's fun. ED.] OO often young people do not how happy we would be if Mother
T realize how important and or Father, or brother or sister,
widespread is their influence. should enjoy the pleasures of
Sometimes we hear this comment heaven because of our influence.
SPIRIT OF PROPHECY It is our character that
by students in our academies: "My

r E SPIRIT of prophecy comes

o us in the wonderful, helpful,
and inspiring writings of Mrs. E.
influence doesn't count too much
because I'm living in a Christian
environment." At other times a
student in a public school will say,
determines our influence upon
others, therefore we must be careful
that our life is in harmony with
the life of Christ. In this way we
G. White. As I have read the writ- may always exert an influence for
"The other students don't know
ings of Mrs. White I have been good.
I'm a Seventh-day Adventist, so I
impressed that she was truly in- "One rash act, one thoughtless
don't have to be so careful about
spired by the Holy Spirit of God, word, on our part, may exert so
my influence."
and her writings have enlightened deep an influence on the life of an-
my understanding of the Scriptures Just how important is our in-
fluence? Is it possible for us to live other, that it will prove the ruin
more than those of any other of his soul."—Prophets and Kings,
author. day by day without having an
influence on someone else? In the p. 86.
I am convinced more than ever "On the other hand, if by our
before that the messages are from Testimonies, volume 2, page 133,
we read: "Every act of our lives example we aid others in the de-
God, and I tremble to utter any velopment of good principles, we
word of doubt about the truth affects others for good or evil. Our
influence is tending upward or give them power to do good. In
which has been revealed through their turn they exert the same
the Spirit of prophecy. Therefore, downward; it is felt, acted upon,
and to a greater or less degree re- beneficial influence over others.
I write to those who do utter words Thus hundreds and thousands are
of doubt in regard to the writings produced by others."
helped by our unconscious influ-
of the Spirit of prophecy. And I Our influence cannot be neutral.
ence."—/bid., p. 348.
entreat such to study these Neither can our influence upon
Our influence can be likened to
writings,r because I know this another person leave him the same
the experience of throwing a peb-
mistake is being made because of as he was before. Either he will
ble into a pond. When the pebble
ignorance of the fact and the truth receive some good from our
first strikes the water, it causes
revealed in her writings. influence, or his Christian ex-
only a small circle to form. But
If you have not yet read the perience will grow a little dimmer
this circle quickly expands, and as
writings of Mrs. White, read first because of our contact with Him.
it continues to widen, it eventu-
the book Desire of Ages, and it will What a tremendous responsibility
ally strikes the shore. The words
help you to know what is in her this places upon us!
we say and the things we do may
writings. Read them for the sake of Often teen-agers are prone to cause only a small ripple at first,
studying as I did, and I am con- think that they are too young to but eventually they will strike the
fident that a prayerful reader will have any influence on an older life of another individual. Through
find the marvellous truth made person. However, many parents him other lives will be reached, un-
plain to him through the aid of the can testify to the fact that they are til a vast multitude may be af-
Holy Spirit. Christians today because of the fected.
To those who were born into life and influence of one of their In the Old Testament is re-
Adventist families but who may children. Hard hearts have been corded the story of Rehoboam, son
have been led away from the softened as parents have overheard of Solomon. Solomon had grossly
Truth, I appeal to you to read the a son or daughter praying that neglected the early training of his
writings of Mrs. White. In these God will help Mother or Father to son, and this resulted in Reho-
last days, in this time of crisis, they become a Christian. boam's developing a weak char-
will help you to stand firm for There is also our influence on acter. He endeavoured to serve
Christ and His truth. younger brothers and sisters that God, but he was not steadfast. He
—Austin John, we must consider. They look to us failed to exert a strong influence
Student, Spicer Memorial College. as an example, and usually try to for God. Little by little he gave
imitate the things we, do and say. way to inherited weaknesses and
What a tragedy it would be if threw his influence on the wrong,
Nothing is easier than faultfinding; no one of our loved ones should miss side. When he forsook the law of
talent, no self-denial, no brains, no char- eternal life because we exerted an the Lord, all Israel followed him,
' acter are required to set up in the
grumbling business.—Robert West. evil influence. On the other hand, (Continqecl on p. 11.)

sociates are visiting the interested

PAKISTAN UNION ones and by personal work and
President: C. H. Hamel literature are leading them to deci-
Secretary-Treasurer: R. G. Burgess sions.
Office Address: 32 Mozang Road, Lahore We are glad to report that many
of our Voice of Prophecy students
are attending. Many new enrolees
CHUHARKANA fellow students. And we know that
there is joy in heaven, not alone
are also studying the lessons.
This is only the fourth week of
BAPTISM for the souls who are won for the meetings; the testing truths
Christ, but for the love of souls have not yet been presented.
E. R. REYNOLDS thus planted in the hearts of young The workers here are full of
people, who are prospective courage, and we request that the
TT WAS with no idea of setting workers in the cause of our Master. members of the TIDINGS family will
1 records that we made plans for Kindly remember Pakistan Union join us in prayer for the success
the recent baptism at our school at School and College in your prayers of the meetings.
Chuharkana. But since that event as we start our new school year,
I am told that this was the largest, that this year, too, may be fruitful
in recent history, at least, in our for God. ADVENT TRUTH
field. On Sabbath, March 22,
thirty-three young people and PENETRATES
adults participated in receiving this SOUTH INDIA UNION
rite. President: E. L. Sorensen KURNOOL
The only baptism held during Secretary: I. K. Moses
the year, this occasion was one K. BHASKARA RAO
Treasurer: S. John
which was eagerly anticipated by Office Address: 9 Cunningham
all the young people. Pakistan
Union School and College as an
institution of buildings and equip-
Road, Bangalore
PRIOR to the formation of
Andhra State in 1953, Kurnool
was but a small town rich in
ment, has in recent years made donkeys and very poor in cleanli-
considerable progress. And we are TRIVANDRUM ness. With the late Andhra Kesari,
thankful to God for what has been Sri Tanguturi Prakasam, as the
done, and for the willingness of our first Chief Minister, the Union
believers and workers in other CITY EFFORT Government chose Kurnool as the
parts of Southern Asia to share temporary capital of Andhra. It
their blessing with us that the work A. D. JACKSON, Voice of Prophecy was renovated to a great extent
here might grow. But it is more secretary, S. Kerala and transformed into the present
than mere material growth which beautiful town in a period of about
we desire. And as an organic in- three years. The town of Kurnool,
stitution composed of men and pi THE north part of the city of 150 miles south of Hyderabad, is
women, boys and girls, we are con- I Trivandrum stands the beauti- the present capital of Andhra
vinced that spiritual progress has ful palace of Kaudiar and just to Pradesh. It has a population of
been made also. The young people the west of this palace is our about eighty thousand, largely
at present attending this school are Kaudiar mission station. Here, in Mohammedan.
of the finest assortment that we an attractive pandal, Pastor S. Pastor G. Isaiah, President of
have had for some time. And those Thomas, Voice of Prophecy South Telugu Section, who is con-
who were baptized were an ex- secretary for the South India ducting an effort here in Kurnool,
ample of this. Union, opened a series of meetings was able to secure a good site for
The adults who were baptized on March 16. the meeting place. The preliminar-
on this Sabbath are also special in The attendance on the first ies having been arranged, Bro.
a way that makes us happy. We, evening was only about 250 be- P. Deva Prasad, one of the as-
here, have been trying to encourage cause another meeting was being sistants in the effort, busied himself
evangelistic activity in different held in the city; but since then six in putting up the shed. But it was
lines—literature distribution, Voice or eight hundred have been coming soon discovered that the coolies
of Prophecy enrolment, branch out to every meeting and the in- working on the shed could dig
Sabbath schools, village efforts. terest is good. One of the local hardly one foot into the ground as
The four adults were all of them attorneys remarked, "I appreciate there is a thick layer of rock just
the result of the work of one of our the sermons very much. I wish I underneath the surface. But Rs.
girls in the school. She had studied could attend every meeting." The 700/- had already been spent on
with them and prepared them for timely subjects have really drawn it, and it was felt that we should
baptism. Among the students were some of the thinking men of the go forward with the plan although
those who were baptized because of city. there was danger that the shed
the influence of some of their Pastor Thomas and his as- might collapse should a heavy

wind blow. But thanks be to God,

it stands unshaken though several
heavy winds have uprooted some
of the supposedly strong posts at LAYMAN'S CORNER )7

other places in the town.
When the shed was all ready ) ):(
Pastor Isaiah and Bro. Deva
\ W
Prasad approached the D. S. P. for
permission to use a P. A. system. lalP/
IL .A6111

The officer said that a gentleman Ata %AP.. .o•e• \

living just beside our shed objected
to our meetings being held there
for he had in his house two
students preparing for University
examination and the meetings
A 11".
1 ' .• .01" • • go,Aw. eei
4&4e, 1

would disturb them a great deal.

The D. S. P., however, was con- A
vinced that it was purely a religious
bias that prompted him to take
such an objection, and granted the
i . \
4 •.,.1% ••• ..A42..' A

permission. A
Attractive handbills announcing
the first meeting were circulated U(‘
X( .11W '
throughout the town. But we did LETS PULL TOGET HER"
not get as many as we expected for ;\
the first meeting. However, the at-
tendance at our meetings has been w
steadily growing over these four
):( TEAM WORK yi
weeks and at present there are
about 200 coming quite regularly.
Many are appreciating the mes- ,....,....... -----..---- A•
sages given and are faithfully w SUCC ESS A
taking notes. We hope that at the
close of the effort many will take
Greater co-operation is needed in all our churches.
their stand for the Lord. We "The people must lift where the minister lifts, thus )r6(
request the readers to remember us A seconding his efforts and helping him bear his burdens."— ):(
in their prayers. ):( Christian Service, p. 67. . #
"The minister in the desk announces the theory of the X(
X( gospel: the riractical piety of the church demonstrates its X(
FRUIT-BEARING X( power."—Testimonies, Vol. 8, p. 16.
A —0. W. LANGE.
(Continued from p. 5.)
The same application could be AY40:0:0:0:00:0:0:010:0XX0***
made to the other disciples, and
also to you and to me as individ-
uals today, if we wish to bear fruit. would have to cut away so that the fertilizer to enrich the soil, thus
We must be willing to submit to we may be fruitful. We must al- giving impetus to growth and an
the pruning of the Father. He has low Him to do the pruning. We incentive to fruit-bearing. The Fa-
grafted us into the fruit-bearing should not cling to those things He ther can use this phase of His work
vine—Christ, the Lord. He expects sees should be cut away if we to enrich the vine and make it
more than foliage from us. The would bear more fruit. more fruitful. If we compare the
branch receives strength from the In applying this figure of the General Conference to the main
vine to bear both leaves and fruit. vine to a larger sphere—our great stalk or trunk of the vine, the di-
The vine-dresser will not deplore organization, which has the Sab- visions would be major branches
the leaves, provided that among bath school, home missionary, from which the unions spring. The
them he finds fruit. He expects the publishing, educational, temper- local fields branch out from the
fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, ance, radio and Bible school—all unions and extend on to still
peace, long-suffering, etc. As He of these are cared for, nourished, smaller limbs—the churches; the
looks among the foliage of our and dressed by the vine-dresser twigs would be the individuals.
talents and activities He may find Himself. I like to think of our But whether we speak of the
certain characteristics which He treasury department as providing organization in its administrative

® 0

T emperance Twitters
The day Paul Bhardwaj reached Pathankot was the first day of the free
issue of liquor as a part of the military ration "to maintain the tempera-
ture of the body in cold climate." They told him that if he did not take
liquor he would lose his ears, or nose, or fingers due to the extreme cold. BEFORE SUNSET
Everybody seemed serious about it. Paul hesitated and ultimately refused
to accept the good counsel.
On enquiry, he found out that there was a provision of cocoa, sugar G. F. McADAms
and milk for those who did not take liquor. He was the first to give his
name for cocoa. Most of the boys had never even heard about cocoa. Oh, come, and let us worship God
Paul told them that cocoa would help to produce heat in the body and
at the same time was harmless, whereas the evil effects of liquor were With all our heart and might,
notorious. And lay aside those worldly chores
The first man to join Paul was an old Mohammedan of 50; then a We planned at morning light.
Roman Catholic. Thus a cocoa group was formed. One by one others
joined and at last there were sixteen taking cocoa and leaving off the
drinking of liquor. It was a real victory for Paul as he had won over
Kneel down beside the old arm-
one-fourth of his colleagues to total abstinence. chair,
He stayed two winters in that cold Himalayan climate. Paul concludes Where Mother used to pray.
his experience with these words: "With confidence I can say that I never
took a piece of meat, or smoked a cigarette, or took a drop of liquor. Give thanks to God, our only hope,
I kept myself on simple food and drink. Iwne my Lord was coming For blessings sent each day.
soon and I had learned not to defile my body, the temple of the Holy
Spirit. I still have two ears and a nose on my face, and all ten fingers Remember Christ on Calvary's
on my hands. I maintained fine health because I worked practically on
the ideals of Seventh-day Adventist teachings."
Paul's experience proves-true the promise of the Lord that "By our The only son God gave.
example and personal effort we may be the means of saving many souls With outstretched arms He shed
from the degradation of intemperance, crime, and death."—Testimonies,
Vol. 3, p. 489. His blood
—S. James, Division Temperance secretary. To save us from the grave.
0 Take time to sing, take time to
capacity or in its departmental tor. The members plead for a pas- Let worldly matters wait.
capacity, it should all add up to tor, for they feel they are without 'Tis those who look for Christ to
the one great objective of fruit- honour unless they have one, no come
bearing. Our united efforts are matter how small in number they Will go through heaven's gate.
showing results for statistics indi- may be. So we do our best to sup-
cate a harvest of fruit by our con- ply the demand because we feel Remember those close to your
stant growth each year. But very that a pastor is needed to hold the heart
often the question occurs to me of church together. But really, breth- Who never kneel to pray.
whether we are truly producing a ren, if we face facts, many of our Reach out a hand, they need your
rich harvest or whether we are pro- churches are not growing as they prayers
ducing many leaves. Each one ought to. On the surface it may Before the end of day.
represents some very definite seem that we are making great God hears the prayers of earnest
branch of the Lord's work. I would progress because our membership hearts;
not ask you the question of how at the end of 1956 was a thousand He always sees and knows.
many souls you have directly more than for the previous year. Oh, share your faith with those
brought to the Lord during the That is very gdod, but we must close by;
past year, or how many you have face facts. The working force The sun is getting low.
been instrumental in saving, for throughout the division is about
that might be embarrassing. But 1,100 regular workers, counting The scattered seed you sow today
nevertheless, it is a good question part-time workers and colporteurs. May find some earth and, grow.
to ask ourselves, to see whether So you see, all of our gains add up 'Twill be when God has called us
in our own individual lives we are home,
to just a little less than one each.
bearing fruit or not. And only then, we'll know.
Does this mean we have too
When you take an inventory of many workers? By no means! It And as you meet some precious
the activities in your union or in means we have too little fruit. soul
your institution, how much of the Now let us look away from the On Eden's sacred ground,
efforts being put forth is really individual worker for a moment, He'll say, " 'Twas you who led me
adding to the harvest? You may and even skip over the unions, be- in
say that every church needs a pas- (Continued on p. 11.) Before the sun went down."
THE WIDENING CIRCLE will need to be enlarged to care
for the precious fruit.
eatendat (Continued from p. 7.) The Lord, to a degree, holds us
as leaders responsible to see that
Special Dap and How true it is that no man liveth every branch does bear fruit. We
unto himself ! The influence of must not try to shift the responsi-
agesingo wrongdoing is not confined to the
bility onto the Lord and say that
the Father is the vine-dresser. I do
1958 Even when we die, our influence
does not cease. The mark we leave
not believe that the Father wants
to cut away branches, but He does
in this world lives on in the lives want those branches to bear fruit.
of others. It would be difficult to
May 17 Spirit of Prophecy Day (Continued on p. 12.)
June 7 Dorcas Welfare and find more beautiful words to de-
Evangelism & Dorcas Offering scribe the influence of a good life
June 21 Christian Health Day
July 5 Medical Missionary Day, H.M. than those found on page 429 of
Offering the book Testimonies to Ministers. DORCAS IN THE NORTHWEST
July 12 Mid-Summer Offering "When a man dies, his influence
July 19-26 MV Week of Prayer
August 2 Home Missionary Day and does not die with him; but it lives (Continued from p. 4.)
Offering on, reproducing itself. The influ-
August 16 Sabbath School Rally Day ence of a man who was good and ladies of the church do not yet
August 23 Bible Society Offering
September 6 Home Missionary Day pure and holy, lives on after his have a vision of the numerous
and Offering death, like the glow of the descend- simple ways in which we may work
September 20 Tithe Covenant Day ing sun, casting its glories athwart for others. Mrs. White has written,
October 4 Home Missionary Day
and Offering the heavens, lighting up the moun- "The law of self-serving becomes
October 4-11 "Review and Herald" tain peaks long after the sun has the law of self-destruction." May
Campaign we not allow self-serving to become
October 18 Colporteur Rally Day sunk behind the hill. So will the
October 25 Temperance Day and Offering works of the pure and the holy the law of our lives, but may we
November 1 Lay Witnessing Day, and the good reflect their light serve our fellow believers and
H.M. Offering
November 8 Voice of Prophecy when they no longer live to speak neighbours who are in need of
Evangelism Day and Offering and act themselves. Their works, physical and spiritual help.
November 22-29 Week of Prayer their words, their example, will for-
and Sacrifice
November 29 Week of Sacrifice Offering ever live."
December 6 Home Missionary Day
and Offering
Like everyone else, you have an ipoutpern Rota Tibino
influence. What kind is it? •=11•1101••••••••••••••


June 28 Australasian Division SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION
September 27 Inter-American Division
December 27 South American Division activities, just how much are we of the General Conference
depending upon and receiving from of Seventh-day Adventists
our members throughout this di- All articles carrying the credit line, "Review
and Herald" are taken from the general church
FRUIT-BEARING vision field? We must never be sat- paper of Seventh-day Adventists, published
at Takonia Park, Washington, D. C.
isfied to have our members be mere
(Continued from p. 10.) foliage, for the Lord is not satis- EDITOR MRS. 0. W. LANGE
fied with that. ASSOCIATE EDITORS 0. 0. MATTISON
cause the officers have their own The Lord has said that every
statistics that show how individual branch that does not bear fruit is DIVISION DIRECTORY
organizations are measuring up as pruned away. Could that be the
President / 0. 0. MATTISON
a fruit-bearing unit of the great reason why many members fall Secretary D. S. JOHNSON
vine. Let us examine the work of away? It is not our responsibility Treasurer M. E. KEMMERER
to see that they are pruned away,
Asst. Treasurer A. G. JOHNSON
the departments which permeate Auditor N. R. Fours
every phase of our activities. Let but that they are pruned into ef- Assoc. Auditor A. F. FOSSEY
us think first of the home mission- fective fruit-bearing branches. DEPARTMENTAL SECRETARIES
ary department which encompasses When our 17,000 members are led Acting Educational D. S. JOHNSON
the church perhaps more com- to realize that they can be fruit- Home Miss. and
pletely than any other department. bearing branches and not merely Sabbath School 0. W. LANGE
Acting Medical J. B. OLIVER
Our home missionary secretaries the foliage, then what a transfor- YPMV and Ministerial J. F. ASHLOCK
have thought much, prayed long, mation will take place within the Radio & V. O. P. A. E. RAWSON
Temperance S. JAMES
and worked hard to harness our church! Then the static member- Public Relations & Religious
members into soul-saving activ- ship, which we all deplore, will Liberty C. N. ABRAHAM
ities. Every member is supposed begin to bear fruit. The churches Publishing J. W. NIXON
Building Engineer E. R. STREETER
to bear fruit. But whether it is in that do not have even enough
Uplift work, church welfare activ- members to keep the church in Published by D. S. Johnson for the General
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, S. A.
ity, visitation, distribution of lit- good repair will flourish and in- Division, Poona, and printed by L. C. Shepard
at the Oriental Watchman Publishing House,
erature, or in direct soul-saving crease in numbers until the church Salisbury Park, Poona I. 2,200-3184-58.
• • • • • • • •- • • *- Al •
Missionary and 'Sabbath: School • •IP.
• • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •
• • • • • • • • • •
Secretaries will be held in

Intoreitatip Mussoorie from May 31 to June
7, 1958. We feel this Council will

be a means by which the work of

• -Pastor N. G. Mookerjee is back the Home Missionary and Sabbath
again in POOna- after an absence' of School Departments will be
two Months. During this period he strengthened for greater service in
hat' been. conducting V. O. P. the days ahead.
rallies_ arid visiting ,churches in the • On April 7, Pastor T. R.
Kannada; Tamil and Tehigu Torkelton, assisted by Pastor
Sections of South India. He Jenson, conducted a memorial
reports good attendance at these service in the Lucknow church fOr
meetings held in connection with Bertram AdOlphus Nathan. Many
of our readers will remember
• Pastor and Mrs. k. J. King and BrOther Nathan at a member of
their little son Glendon arrived in the 1.:licknow church many Years
Bombay in the S. S. Iberia at ago and a one,time gym teacher at
2,:00-p.m. on May 4, 1958. After a Vincent Hill School.
brief visit at, the Division head- When the SeCOnd World War
quarters at Salisbury Park, the broke out he joined the armed
Kings left for. Mussoorie for langu- forces and Was with the British
Air4 in Egypt until the evacua- Brother A. Joseph was a member: of
age study. Later they will connect the first family to accept the Seventh-
with our work in Kalimpong to tion. day Adventist message in Kerala. His
In February, 1957, Brother parents were careful to see that all his
labour• in company with Pastor education from his first year in school
and, Mrs. Allen Maberly, We Nathan reached England and took until he graduated from Spicer in 1942
welcome, this, family to Southern Up work at Warrington. On the was obtained, in Seventh-day Adventist
12th of March he suffered a heart schools.
Asia- pollowing his graduation Brother
attack and pasted away suddenly. Joseph worked for two years each in
IP A Council of the Union Home
He leaves to mourn hit 16Ss, his the Karamana Trivandrum church,and, in
mother, fOur sisters, two brothers, the Nedumangad District. In 1946 he
MillIMIN11111111111111111111•111211111111•111111111110 became the publishing secretary of, the
11111111111111111111111111111MUNIMINIIIIIBI11111111111 and, a host of relatives and friends. Kerala field. In 1953 he was invited to the
Voice of Prophecy work in Trichur:
At the time of the division of the
FRUIT BEARING Kerala field in 1956, &other Joseph was
chosen to assume the leadership, in the
North Kerala section. He was ordained
,(Continued from p. 11.) in 1957.
• • • • • • • • • • * • •
He has put you and me into places •• ••••••••••• ••• ••• •
•• •• •• 4.0 •• •• •
• • • • • •
of. responsibility„ so, ,that we can The "church at :study" should
encourage_ and develop fruit-bear- reach out to bring others also into
ing branches. , systematic study of the Word of
Closely related to the home mis,- God as part of its fruit-bearing.
sipnary department is the Sabbath The Sabbath school is the one
school department, This also is, a school in our denomination that is
"SEND IT IN" fruitful .branch, , but here again not just for our own people. We
often it fulfils only half ,of its re- should expect the Sabbath school
If you have a bit of news, sponsibility. True, it keeps the to have an enrolment of at least
Send it in; church at, study and the spirit of three times that of our church
Or .a report that will enthuse, .. Biblical , knowledge fresh-- in ;the membership, because it should in-
„Send it in; , minds of the believers. ,But unless clude every church member, his
A story that is true, that to frui:Opear- children, and friends and, neigh-
An incident that is new, we wilt be like some that Paul bours. What a tremendous: mem-
Want,to hear from YOU,- spoke, of,, "ever learning, and _never bership our Sabbath schools would
- Send it able to come .to the. knowledge of have, and you can also see what
Never Mind about the:style,. the truth." Once the truth: grips the great potentialities there are. in
If the' news is worth the heart of a .church member he must such Sabbath schools: The pastor
, Well accept it with a smile, becOme fruitful and pass.the Word would have a large field in the Sab-
SEND IT IN! on just as, did Philip to the eunuch, bath school from which to reap a
.(With apologies .tO.Cri-OperatiOn) .and the eunuch to all of the: people rich harvest.
Eastern Div. Outlook. in Ethiopia. . (To be Continued)
Registered No. B. 1858

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