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Queens’ University College

Faculty of Management

Department of Business Administration

Weekend Programme: Section (R)

Organizational Behavior




1 TESFU ALEMU 01006/15
6. SADA JAMAL submited to instructor: Tsegay A.( PhD.

Table of content page
I. Description of the Study ----------------------------------------------------------
1 . Literature Evaluation -----------------------------------------------------------
1.1 , Conceptual Framework ---------------------------------------------------------
1.2, Sample -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Method and Design -----------------------------------------------------------------
4 Analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Results ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5.1 Subject matter significance -------------------------------------------------------
As per the instruction given by our advisor to prepare article review on a selected journal, I
have prepared and presented the following article review on the journal written Under the
title, identifying determinants of employees job satisfaction in commercial bank of Ethiopia
that concentrates especially on the northern Addis Ababa district.


Addis ababa university

Addis ababa

Date, megabit 8, 2015

1. Description
Effective management of productive and successful business organizations like commercial bank
of Ethiopia consider their employees as their assets and also consider them as the primary source
and main cause of productivity and financial gains and give more concentration to the employees
instead of capital. Commercial bank of Ethiopia has more than 30, 0000 employees with 1,180
branches found to all sides of the country. The bank tries to give relatively abetter value for
employee’s job satisfaction till making it as its core value of the bank. But there is still
employees complain about their job satisfaction and there is also senior employees turnover. The
management of this organization understand that If the Human resource department of this
organizations is satisfied, the employees will be satisfied and These motivated employees then
work with better loyalty and pay the company back with a good productivity and low turnover
rate that leads to the creation of job satisfaction. So companies should take account job
satisfaction in their plan. To meet their plan in a better condition, they should used a holistic
approach that targets the development of a certain quality of employment life that covers fair
wages, benefits, other employment conditions, good working condition and smooth relation with
supervisors and career development to support the facilitation of motivation and job satisfaction
directed towards organizational commitment. since the commercial bank of Ethiopia has a wide
market share in the Ethiopian banking industry and have more than 25,000 employees working
in 1,100 branches found throughout the country and the number of employees working in the
commercial bank of Ethiopia and the number of its branches reached to it’s highest level when
compared with other banks found in the country, it becomes difficult to manage and made a gap
to follow each feeling of employees as expected as the work load also increased from time to
time Even though the bank uses new technology. In such a situation the employees may not be
satisfied with their job since the work requires interaction between employees, managers and the
customers, and if employees are not satisfied with their work, the interaction will not be smooth.
This type of relation affects the plan of the bank to improve its customer’s satisfaction and to
increase its competition in the bank industry. Therefore standing from above issues, the
researcher tries to conduct a research on job satisfaction of employees of commercial bank of
Ethiopia. The general objective of this study is to identify determinant of employees job
satisfaction in commercial bank of Ethiopia north Addis district grade two city branches. finally
as it can be perceived from the above given statement , the author of this research study tried to
give sufficient description for the concept of job satisfaction and the reason he traced out for his
motive to prepare this research study.

2. Literature Evaluation:
The concept of job satisfaction is defined as the attitude of employees toward their job attached
with the level of happiness to fulfill their desires and needs at the work and the pleasurable
feelings that result from an employee perception of achieving the desire level of needs. In
addition it is defined as an intangible variable that could be expressed or observed via emotional
feelings. Dissatisfied employees may cause undesirable job outcomes by stealing, moonlighting
and demonstrating high rates of absenteeism and As a result these employees may withdraw
from the position psychologically and display disruptive behavior such as not being punctual, not
attending meetings or wandering about trying to look busy. This implies that, satisfied
employees have positive attitude toward job, which leads to high performance level whereas
dissatisfied employees have negative attitude toward work that yields low performance result.
The author of this research study denoted out in his imperical literature review by referring to
authors of different books and research that, job satisfaction is very subjective to each employee
and the factors which dissatisfy one employee may satisfy the other. He also mentioned out that,
through taking account above idea, there are different myths regarding job satisfaction in which
one of them is satisfied employee is more productive and on the contrary, some people being
inclined to be satisfied or dissatisfied with their work irrespective of the nature of the job or the
organizational work environment and it is more related to internal (mental) state of employees. in
conclusion, this research tries to identify the determinants and assess the current level of job
satisfaction of employees specifically in the commercial bank of Ethiopia.

3. Conceptual Framework:
the author of this research study give definitions of terms of concepts and theories mentioned out
in the research using a theoretical and/or conceptual model as follows. -Job satisfaction: - is an
attitude towards work related condition in organization perspective. - Relationship with
supervisors: - Workplace relationships are unique interpersonal relationships with important
implications for the individuals in those relationships, and the organizations in which the
relationships exist and develop. - Working condition: - Factors that affect employees were being
on operation or office: amount of work, work facilities, tools, ventilation, temperature, and
workspaces. Generally, it means that having all necessary materials to operate employee’s job
activities. - Promotion: The advancement of an employee from one job position to another job
position that has a higher salary range, a higher title together with higher job responsibilities. -
Salary: - is a payment for employees within organization for achieving the expected task with in
a specific time and it is highly considered as the most important determinant of job satisfaction
relative to the other factors in order to attract and retain expert labor force. Generally, the author
of this research study give definition for the above mentioned concepts and theories with
satisfactory statements to make the research easily understandable by the reader and the model
perfectly guides the research and seem appropriate.

4. method and Design:

A research design as the framework of the study. explanatory type of research design was
employed as a main research design for this study to the realization of intended objective From
different types of research designs. The data collected from the respondents has been interpreted
by using frequencies and percentages to describe the level of employees job satisfaction and in
addition to this regression and correlation has been employed to show whether there is relation
among variables.

5. Sample:
As per the information collected from the bank, in 2016/2017, there are1000 professional
employees and Forty four (44) grade two city branches under North Addis district which are the
target population for this study and Systematic random (kth- interval) sampling method has been
employed for this study.

6. . analysis: the author specified that,

The data generated was to test employee satisfaction level on the promotion, salary and benefits,
the relationship they have with their immediate supervisor and staffs and the work environment
attributes within the bank and every responses assigned some score in this overall satisfaction
level was determined. The author also pointed out that, Respondents were asked to rate their
satisfaction with various aspects of their work along a 5- point Likert scale, range from
1=strongly dissatisfied to 5=strongly satisfied and the collected data were analyze and
interpreted using statistical package for social science(SPSS) version 20 and frequencies and
inferential statics have been used.
7. Result:
As it can be perceived from the final outcome of this research study, the result of the study
shows that there is significant relationship between independent variables, salary & benefit,
promotion, work environment and relation among supervisors and job satisfaction of employees
of commercial bank of Ethiopia and all the above factors highly influence job satisfaction of
employees. generally this study shows that most of the employees are not satisfied on their job.
8. Subject matter and significant:

This research would have a practical importance for the bank managers especially planning
officers and the human resource department and it also helps to improve employee’s job
satisfaction in order to meet the customers need and to improve their satisfaction through
satisfying employees. In addition to this, it helps to identify factors affecting employee’s job
satisfaction and its impact on their performance and to take action. The author also denoted out
that, The recommendation and conclusion of this study supports the policy makers in commercial
bank of Ethiopia to recognize the weakness and strength regarding employee’s job satisfaction,
benefits and other related issues which helps to decrease employees high turnover. This research
also used as the input for further study in the topic.

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