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Final test – English in Mind Starter

Name ______________________ Date ______________________

Surname _______________________ Point ______________________

I.Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

Learn, doesn’t, have, live, her, their, volleyball, don’t, Tara’s, speaks.

Alison Short and ______ sister Tara ________ in Cambridge with _________ parents. Mr Short
________ work, but Mrs Short is a teacher at ________school. The two sisters ________ music
and Alison _________ French and Italian. They play _______ together, but they ______ fights
because they ________ like the same music.

II. Circle the correct answer : a, b, c.

1. I’ve got five brothers and __________. 6. Maria _________ in Portugal.

a) sisters b) grandmothers c)fathers a) live b) lives c) don’t live

2. Your mother’s brother is your ________. 7. __________ speak English?

a) cousin b) uncle c) aunt a) You are b) Are you c) Do you

3. Dave goes for a walk with _____ dog. 8. Do they work in this town?

a) he b) his c)him a) No____a) they aren’t b)they do c) they don’t

4. We have 28 people in _______ class.

III. Write question.

1. She is American.

2. You are from Japan.

3. He is a good footballer.

4. It is a cheap restaurant.

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5. I am the winner.

6. Broadway is in New York.

7. The hotel is expensive.

8. Maria is from Spain.

9. You are a singer.

10. The answer is on page 5.

IV. Match the questions and answers.

1. What’s your name? a) He is Ok.

2. Who’s she? b) Kate

3. How are you? c) I’m fine, thanks.

4. How’s Nick? d) Mr. Jones.

5. Where are you from? c) I don’t know.

6. Who’s your English teacher? d) Turkey

V .Which word is countable and which uncountable?

a) Fruit ______ orange ______

b) Sandwich ______ bread ______
c) Beef ______ burger ______
d) Coffee ______ café ______
e) Shop ______ music ______

VI. Complete the sentences with a/ an / some.

1. I want to buy _____ shampoo at the chemist.

2. Let’s go to the supermarket and get ______food.

3. I would like _____ orange, please.

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4. I have got _____ sandwich and _______ fruit.

5. We need_____ rice and ______onions.

6. It isn’t _____ newsagent –it’s _____ bookshop.

7. He wants ______ cheese and ______ apple.

VII. Write sentences with adverbs of frequency.

1. Never. ______________________________________

2. Always.______________________________________

3. Usually._______________________________________

4. Sometimes.____________________________________

5. Often.________________________________________

VIII. Translate.

Michelle is from Chicago. She is the daughter of Fraser and Marian Robinson. Her father is dead
and Marian doesn’t live in Chicago any more.

Marian is an important woman now she is the grandmother of the US President’ children. No
Michelle and her family live in Washington, in the White House.

IX. .Write about yourself.


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