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Special Relativity in Week One: 1) The Principle of Relativity

Elisha Huggins

Citation: The Physics Teacher 49, 148 (2011); doi: 10.1119/1.3555498

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Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers

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Special Relativity in Week One:
1) The Principle of Relativity
Elisha Huggins, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH

e like to begin an introductory physics course end up getting the answer to a question that has not yet been
with a law of physics that applies to everything, thought of).
has no known exceptions, and whose conse- Throughout our discussion, we try to relate thought ex-
quences are already familiar to students. That law is the prin- periments to real experiments. In our discussion of measur-
ciple of relativity. By focusing on the principle of relativity ing the speed of light pulses, we first measure the speed of a
itself, and a careful selection of the thought experiments, we wave pulse on a stretched Slinky™ to see what is involved in
can comfortably introduce the basic concepts of special rela- such measurements. After a thought experiment deriving the
tivity that we will use later in the course.1 This allows us to time dilation expected in a moving clock, we go to the muon
construct an introductory physics course that includes 20th- lifetime movie to view a real experiment on time dilation. In
and 21st-century physics as we go along, rather than shoving our discussion of the lack of simultaneity, we actually carry
modern physics off the back end.2 out part of the thought experiment to reduce the amount of
For several years we have been giving workshops at AAPT imagining necessary. We wish to focus on the idea that the
meetings on how to introduce special relativity in the first principle of relativity profoundly affects the physical behavior
week. Our message to the audience has been—just try it. Teach of matter.
relativity for one week at the beginning, then use your familiar
textbook for the remainder of the course, and see what hap- The principle of relativity
pens. Instructors have done this and reported a significant To introduce the principle of relativity, I start out by asking
change in the interest and attitude of the students. how many of the students have flown in a jet plane. Nowadays
almost all the students raise their hands. Then I ask, “Did you
Focus of these articles feel that motion? What did it feel like rushing through space at
This is the first of four articles that describe how we in- 600 miles per hour?” After blank stares, I get a response like,
troduce special relativity. Throughout, the emphasis is on “It did not feel like much, except for the occasional bump.”
the principle of relativity itself. The intuitive explanation of I then point out that they have experienced the principle of
the principle is that you do not feel uniform motion—like a relativity. Most of the time, when the plane is not bouncing
smooth ride on a jet plane. Our formal definition is that there around, you are traveling with uniform motion. The principle
is no experiment you can perform that allows you to detect of relativity is that you do not feel uniform motion.
your uniform motion relative to empty space. In this first pa- For a basic law of physics, this definition is a bit vague. First
per we show that Einstein’s second postulate, that the speed of I need to explain that uniform motion is motion at constant
light is the same to all observers, is itself a consequence of the speed in a straight line. I discuss examples of uniform motion,
principle of relativity and Maxwell’s theory of light. such as riding in a car at constant speed on a straight, smooth
The second paper uses Einstein’s second postulate to highway. Then I make the point that if you cannot feel uni-
introduce the light pulse clock, which requires only the Py- form motion, perhaps you are not moving. Could it be that it
thagorean theorem to show that the clock runs slow by a factor is the road signs, telephone poles, and houses moving instead?
1 − v 2 / c 2 . Then we use the principle of relativity to show Students do not buy that point of view.
that all clocks run slow in the same way. Then I introduce a thought experiment. I ask the students
In the third paper we use the muon lifetime movie by David to imagine that we are going to take a cross-country trip from
Frisch and James Smith to introduce the Lorentz contrac- Boston to San Francisco on the Concord supersonic jet. The
tion. They are able to show that time dilation and the Lorentz 3000-mile trip crosses three time zones. The jet leaves Boston
contraction are two views of the same phenomenon. We have at noon and travels at a speed of 1000 mph. I ask, “What is
placed that movie on a $10 CD available at www.physics2000. the local time when the jet reaches San Francisco?” An alert
com. student answers, “noon.” On the trip, we know that we are
The fourth paper discusses an experiment in which we use moving because we can look down and see the fields and farm
a split laser beam to simultaneously trigger the firing of two houses go by. But are we really moving? Could it be that we are
flashbulbs that are located at opposite ends of a lecture bench. at rest and that it is the fields and farm houses that are moving
It then becomes obvious that the flashes will not be simultane- by us?
ous to someone watching the bench move by. Even the order I ask the students to look at the sketch of our trip shown
in which the bulbs fire depends upon which way the bench in Fig. 1. When we leave Boston the Sun is directly overhead.
is moving. We finish by showing that information itself can- When we get to San Francisco, the Sun is still directly over-
not travel faster than the speed of light (otherwise you could head. To someone with the perspective of Fig. 1, our plane

148 The Physics Teacher ◆ Vol. 49, March 2011 DOI: 10.1119/1.3555498
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went up in the air over Boston, the Earth turned for three down the Slinky, reflects at the far end, and returns. Although
hours under the plane, and then the plane came back down in we had demonstrated these Slinky pulses for many years, only
San Francisco. It was the Earth that moved, not the plane. recently did we do a careful analysis of the speed vpulse of a
compressional pulse. The result was vpulse = KL / µ , where K
Definition of the principle of relativity is the Hooke’s law spring constant, L the length of the Slinky,
The stage is now set for a more precise definition of the and m its mass per unit length.3,4
principle of relativity. Imagine that you are in a capsule and A phenomenon observed by David Keeports5 is that the
you may have any equipment you want inside the capsule. The time it takes for the pulse to travel down the spring and come
principle of relativity states that: back does not depend on how much you stretch the spring. To
see why, write the mass per unit length as m = m/L, where m is
There is no experiment that you can perform the mass of the spring. Then our formula for vpulse becomes
that will allow you to determine that the KL KL2 K
capsule is moving with uniform motion. vpulse = = =L .
m/L m m
We point out that our classroom is such a capsule. Due to The time T it takes the pulse to go down and back, a distance
the rotation of the Earth, the motion of the Earth about the 2L, is T = 2L/vpulse. The factors of L cancel, with the result
Sun, the fact that the Sun is carried around by rotation of that T should not depend on L. Figure 4 shows our test of this
the Milky Way galaxy, and then there is the expansion of the feature of the pulse speed formula. We tripled the length of
universe, all these contribute to the motion of our classroom. the Slinky from 83 cm to 260 cm, and the time the pulse took
But only the rotation of the Earth, which carries us around to go down and back changed by only one video frame, 2.83 s
in a circle every 24 hours, has been directly observed. When to 2.87 s.
you are moving in a circle, you are not moving in a straight The point of our Slinky experiment is that we have a for-
line. This slight deviation from uniform motion can be mula for the speed of the Slinky wave pulse, and that we can
detected with a Foucault pendulum. use a video camera and simple algebra to precisely test that
Speed of waves
There is one experiment that was expected to allow us to Relative motion
detect uniform motion. That experiment involved the mea- The next experiments are where we study my motion rela-
surement of the speed of a light wave. tive to the Slinky. As shown in Fig. 5(a), I hold a meterstick
To illustrate why such an experiment might be important,
we start with an analogous experiment that is easier to ob-
serve. It is the measurement of the speed of a compressional
pulse on a stretched Slinky. Figure 2 is a photograph of a
stretched Slinky suspended from a steel pipe. There is a sup-
porting thread from the pipe down to every fourth coil of the
If you pull back on one end of the Slinky and let go, you get
a compressional pulse like the one shown in Fig. 3, that travels

Sun Sun
Fig. 2. Slinky suspended by threads from a pipe.

supersonic jet supersonic jet

S Fig. 3. Compressional pulse.

Boston Fr an Bo
San an sto
ci n
Francisco sc
ro o
Ea tatin
rotating rth g
Fig. 4. We tripled the length of the Slinky and the pulse took
Fig. 1. A hypothetical trip from Boston to San Francisco. one more video frame to go down and back.

The Physics Teacher ◆ Vol. 49, March 2011 149

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under the Slinky, a student releases a compressional pulse, and How do we test this formula if we do not know what μ0 and
a second student uses a stopwatch to measure the time tpulse ε0 are? The answer is that in the introductory course, we per-
that the pulse takes to pass from the front to the back of the form what is called the LC lab, where we get an experimental
meterstick. From that I calculate that the speed of the pulse is value for 1/ µ0ε0 that does not involve light itself. The result,
1m to within experimental error, is 6,7
vpulse = .
t pulse s 1
= 3×108 m/s.
We check that vpulse agrees with our predicted speed
vpulse = KL / µ . The results are usually fairly good. Thus a clear prediction of Maxwell’s theory, combined with
I then repeat the experiment, walking toward the student an undergraduate lab experiment, is that the speed of light
who released the pulse as shown in Fig. 5(b). If I walk about should have the value
the same speed as the pulse, the pulse takes only half as long to
c = 0. 3×109 m/s = 1 foot/nanosecond
go by my meterstick. Thus the pulse passed by me at twice the
speed predicted by my formula vpulse = KL / µ . (where we define a “metric” foot to equal 0.3 m).
The fact that in Fig. 5(b) I did not get the predicted pulse As we asked in our Slinky pulse experiment, who gets to
speed is experimental evidence that I am moving relative to measure this value of the speed of light? Consider a thought
the Slinky. When I was at rest relative to the Slinky, I got the experiment where we repeat the experiment of Fig. 5, but
predicted speed. When I was moving relative to the Slinky, I instead use light pulses rather than Slinky pulses. As shown
got a different answer. in Fig. 6(a), I hold up a meterstick and a student sends a laser
This, of course, is not the easiest way to detect my motion pulse past me. This time I have photocells mounted on my
relative to the Slinky. I can just look at the Slinky and see it meterstick so that I can measure the length of time it takes
move by me. But suppose the Slinky itself were invisible and the pulse to pass by my meterstick. Since a meterstick is 3.3 ft
I could only see the pulse. Then I could use the procedure of long, I predict that this will take 3.3 ns. Let us assume that I
Fig. 5 to detect my motion relative to the invisible Slinky. get this result.
In Fig. 6(b), I am moving toward the student at a high
Speed of light pulses speed, let us say almost c. If the results of our Slinky experi-
In 1864, James Clerk Maxwell developed a theory of light ment hold up, the pulse should pass by my meterstick in half
in which he predicted that light waves traveled at a speed, the time, and I should see the pulse pass by me at a speed of 2c,
which we will call c, given by the formula c = 1/ µ0ε0 , where twice the predicted speed.
μ0 and ε0 are parameters in the theory of electromagnetism. In the Slinky experiment, when I saw the compressional
laser pulse

Fig. 5. (a) Measuring the speed of a Slinky pulse. Fig. 6. (a) Measuring the speed of light.

laser pulse

Fig. 5. (b) The pulse goes by faster when I walk toward it. Fig. 6. (b) Does the light pulse go by faster when I walk toward it?

150 The Physics Teacher ◆ Vol. 49, March 2011

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pulse pass by me at twice the predicted speed, I had experi- 5. David Keeports, “Demonstrating wave speed on a spring,” Phys.
mental evidence that I was moving relative to the Slinky. If I Teach. 34, 460–461 (Oct. 1996).
see the light pulse pass by me at twice its predicted speed, I 6. In the LC experiment, the resonant oscillation frequency f of an
have experimental evidence that I am moving relative to the electric current moving between an inductor L and a capacitor
C is f = 2π / LC . If L is a solenoid of length h, area AL, with N
medium through which light moves.
turns, and the capacitor C is a parallel plate capacitor of area AC
But light moves through empty space. Observing the light and plate separation d, then using the formulas L = μ0N2AL and
pulse passing by at a speed 2c allows me to detect my motion C = ε0AC/d, we can derive the result
relative to empty space. It allows me to violate the principle of
relativity. L C
If anybody observes a light pulse moving through
empty space at a speed different than the predicted speed7 This result depends only on simple lab measurements that do
c = 1/ µ0ε0 , he or she will be able to violate the principle of not involve light.
relativity. Thus, if the principle of relativity is correct, we have 7. We have been asked if the numerical value of (μ0ε0) could
the result of Einstein’s second postulate, that the speed of light change due to the motion of the observer. If the principle of rel-
must be the same to all observers. ativity is correct, the answer is no. Imagine a spaceship passing
This second postulate is counterintuitive. It does not work by us on the way to colonize a planet. Suppose students in that
for familiar objects like automobiles. There is no such thing spaceship did the LC experiment and got a different value for
1/ µ0ε0 . Reading Earth-based physics texts, the students could
as a car that travels at 100 km/hr relative to everybody. If
conclude that the change in the value of (μ0ε0) was due to the
you stand beside the road and a car passes you at 100 km/hr,
uniform motion of the spacecraft, and thus the LC experiment
someone driving in the opposite direction at the same speed could be used to violate the principle of relativity.
sees the first car pass him or her at 200 km/hr. How can it be
that light pulses behave differently? The answer, we point out, Elisha Huggins is professor emeritus at Dartmouth College. He is always
is that light moves at an incredible speed that is well beyond looking for effective ways to teach physics concepts.
our realm of experience. One of the most important lessons 29 Moose Mt. Lodge Rd., Etna NH 03750; lish.huggins@
of physics is that when we look in a realm we have not seen

before—the realm of high speeds, huge distances, or tiny dis-

tances—unexpected things happen.
What does the realm of high speeds, speeds near the speed
of light, look like? We use thought experiments such as a light
pulse clock, and experiments involving the lifetime of muons
on a mountain top, to find out. We learn that clocks moving at
a high speed run slow and that mountains moving by us con-
tract. That is the subject of the next articles.

References and Notes

1. For an interesting discussion on the history of the principle
of relativity as a physical law that applies to everything, see
Charles Scribner Jr., “Henri Poincaré and the principle of rela-
tivity,” Am. J. Phys. 36, 672–678 (Sept. 1964).
2. We have written two introductory physics textbooks, Phys-
ics2000 and Physics2000 Non-Calculus, that begin with special
relativity. Our main purpose was to explicitly demonstrate that
such a course could include basic modern physics topics in a
comfortably paced course, with no need for an extended edi-
tion. (The texts are discussed at
3. Elisha Huggins, “Speed of wave pulses in Hooke’s law media,”
Phys. Teach. 46, 142–146 (March 2008).
4. In contrast, the well-known formula for the speed of a trans-
verse wave is vwave = T / µ , where the tension T equals the
spring constant K times the length (L – L0) that the spring or
Slinky has been stretched. Thus the speed of the transverse
wave differs from that of a compressional wave by replacing
the L by (L – L0) in Eq. (1), where L0 is the unstretched length.
Since L0 is usually much smaller than L for a stretched Slinky,
the compressional and transverse Slinky waves have about the
same speed.

The Physics Teacher ◆ Vol. 49, March 2011 151

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