Sample Immersion

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino

Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:


Work Immersion is a K–12 program where Grade 12 students are

required to undergo immersion to expose them to an actual work setting. This
program means to develop competencies and work ethics in preparation for
the real world and its challenges as a part of the Department of Education
(DepEd) Order No. 40 series of 2015 and the Senior High School (SHS)
curriculum, which consists of a total of 80 hours of hands-on experience.

Work immersion provides senior high school learners with

opportunities to become familiar with the workplace, stimulate employment,
and apply their competencies in areas of specialization or applied subjects in
an actual work environment to prepare them for all curriculum exits.

The DepEd Student Immersion Program is a work-related professional

learning opportunity that will allow students to gain important knowledge,
skills, and attitudes in their chosen field. It will provide an opportunity for the
student to develop themselves in the workplace in a supervised setting while
also allowing the employer to evaluate their performance and management
potential for possible future employment.

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:


Work immersion will help develop the learner’s life and career skills
and prepare them to make decisions about postsecondary education or
employment. Through partnership building, DepEd hopes that the partner
institutions will provide learners with work immersion opportunities, workplace
or hands-on experience, and additional learning resources. It aims to make
the learners

1. Appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories

learned in school;
2. Enhance their technical knowledge and skills;
3. Enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and
4. Develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work.
5. By the time learners reach senior high school, they will have already
acquired almost all the competencies and skills that will prepare them for
the curriculum exits (higher education, employment, middle skills,
development, and entrepreneurship). Work immersion provides them with
an avenue to test themselves and apply what they have learned in a non-
school scenario. In work immersion, learners are not only able to apply
their previous training but are also able to experience social interactions in
a work environment. Their experiences during work immersion will
develop many skills and values that will help them as they transition from
high school to real life.

To assure the achievement of the above objectives of work immersion,

this policy serves to guide schools in

1. creating flexible work immersion arrangements for their learners,

2. Provide options for work immersion that are relevant to learners'
purposes and needs.
3. organizing work immersion opportunities for learners that are
consistent with the diverse human resource requirements of partner
institutions for work immersion, and
4. articulate the scope and limits of work immersion in the context of
basic education when building relationships with work immersion

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:


The Public Employment Service Office or PESO is a non-fee charging

multi-employment service facility or entity established or accredited pursuant
to Republic Act No. 8759 otherwise known as the PESO Act of 1999.

a. Mandate

The Public Employment Service Office or PESO is a multi-service

facility established to provide employment information and assistance to the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) clients and constituents of
Local Government Units (LGU). It makes available under one roof the various
employment promotion, manpower programs, and services of the DOLE and
other government agencies to enable all types of clientele to know more
about them and seek specific assistance they require.

b. Vision

PESO Cabarroguis, Quirino envision that each family (household),

have at least ONE JOB.

c. Mission

 To provide Labor Market Information to the clients (Job seekers,

Employers, Unemployed, Seeking a change in career, etc.)
 To maintain a fresh, up-to-date, skills registry system for all
households in the province.
 To provide employment facilitation services where people can explore
various employment options.

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:


Work immersion is a program designed to expose students to real-

world work environments and help them to necessary skills and attitudes for
the workplace.
A. The Immersants

The followings are the duties and responsibilities of the work

immersion student;

a. Attend Pre and Post Immersion Activities

b. Report to the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor during actual
c. Perform the duties and tasks as indicated in the prescribed template for
the work immersion list of takes /activities, and
d. Prepare the documentation and reports required in the curriculum and by
the Partner Institution.

B. Work Immersion Supervisor/s

a. Enhance supervision over learners during the Work Immersion,

b. Participate in the Joint Working Group,
c. Coordinate with the School Partnership Focal Person and Work
Immersion Teacher on Work Immersion venue schedules and capacities,
d. Provide input in Pre-immersion and Post-immersion activities,
e. Schedule the learner’s activities in the Work Immersion venue together
with the Work Immersion Teacher, and
f. Inform the Work Immersion Teacher on capacities, Work Immersion
completion performance of learners, and issues and concerns.

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:



The PESO Manager, Sir Gregorio Dela Peña Jr., is a great boss and a
good motivator. We didn't see him on our deployment day because he was
currently in a meeting in Canada at that moment. We had the chance to meet
him on our fourth day of work immersion, and he welcomed us
wholeheartedly, and sometimes we were able to work with him because he is
always busy visiting different sites, caravans and meetings, but he always
reminds us to be comfortable while working and be open to new experiences.

  Our Work Immersion Supervisor is Ma'am Emil Valdez; she is known

as a hardworking person. She was in charge of watching us and taking care
of us while we were at the office. Ma'am Emil always checked on us to see if
we were doing the right thing while we were working. I have known her for her
understanding attitude and, at the same time, intimidating aura. Every time
she's in charge of lecturing us, she makes sure that we will not go out of the
office with no new knowledge left with us. She patiently teaches us what we
need to know and always motivates us to choose the course that our heart
desires. She became our mother, and she really acts like one.


I learned and experienced new things while working with my co-

immersants. They are from different strands, and we barely knew each other,
but we act like you two are the best of friends. I met different people with
different personalities while working. I saw how serious they are with their
own work, so different from their attitudes when they are at school. They are
the reasons why I'm always excited to wake up in the morning and go to work.
I like how I always discover their different sides and hear their perspectives
about work. 


 It's not easy to handle clients for me. You need to anticipate their
needs. I didn't handle any clients in the office, but I saw how the employees
were serious about communicating with them. Communication is one of the
easiest ways that can establish trust with your client.
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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:



I. Work Immersion- School-Based Orientation

Diffun National High School's Senior High School Department

conducted an orientation for Grade 12 students about the incoming
deployment for work immersion. The orientation program happened on March
13, 2023, at the Diffun National High School gymnasium. It was conducted to
disseminate information about the Dos and Don’ts during the immersion.
They taught us how to make and prepare pertinent papers that are needed,
prepare for the school-based job interview, dress accordingly, and act like an
employee. This program aims to educate and prepare the immersants before
they are deployed.

II. Preparation of Pertinent Papers

The preparation of pertinent papers started right after the orientation

program. The first papers I did were the resume and application letter,
followed by the rest. Our adviser announced the agencies where we would be
deployed, and she said that I would be in PESO at Capitol. After finishing
preparing all my papers, I went to our adviser to let my papers be checked by
her and sadly, I made a mistake in making my resume. I arranged it right after
and gave it again to my teacher, and she said that I would collect all our
pertinent papers to be submitted to our principal and signed by her.

III. School-Based Job Interview

The job interview happened on March 17, 2023. HUMSS 5 girls were
interviewed by Ma'am Novelyn Cagguno. I didn't feel nervous, but when she
let me sits down and asks me one question, I feel nervous because I thought
Ma'am Nove would ask me so many questions, and yes, she really does ask
me so many questions. For me, my performance while being interviewed was
good. My nervousness popped like a bubble after meeting our interviewer. At
last, my overall grade in the job interview is 90%.

IV. Pinning Ceremony

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:
Before dealing with work-immersion, the school conducted a pinning
ceremony for Grade 12 students together with our parents or guardians. The
pin symbolizes that the student is ready for work and has to fulfill his/her

requirements enough to deal with work. It also serves as identification that we

are an immersant from Diffun National High School. 


Our deployment proper happened on March 21, 2023, at our school

gymnasium. Together with my fellow Grade 12 students, we gathered at the
gym for instructions from our teachers. We were divided depending on what
agency we would be working for. They instructed us on what to do and where
we'd ride to go to our agency. After all the instructions, we gathered for a
prayer to ask for guidance in our work immersion. I and my co-immersants
that will be deployed to Capitol are instructed to commute, and after we arrive
there, we wait for our focal person, Ma’am Jennifer Yarcia, to guide, and
deploy us in our agency, but when we were there, they instructed us to just go
home for that day because it's already 4:30 in the afternoon.

C. Everyday Activities

Day 1 (March 23, 2023)

On the first day of our work immersion, I woke up early, prepared

myself, and went to the PESO office in the municipality of Cabarrogius. A
place where I was deployed and I got to the place where we would do work
immersion, it was already 7 o'clock in the morning, we waited for our boss
and my colleagues. And they arrived, they opened the office, we, the
immersants, first sat down and waited for instructions, then they took us on a
tour of different parts of the Capitol, we took photos for our documentation.
The last thing we visited was the Quirino Orchidarium, and while we were
walking, we caught up with our other colleagues who were having a snack, so
they invited us to join them for a snack. Then we headed to our office to get
ready for lunch so we wouldn't be hungry. After we have lunch, they teach us
how to encode the names of the beneficiaries into the PEIS system. Around 5
p.m., we were sent home.

Day 2 (March 24, 2023)

On the second day of our work immersion. I was so excited to go into

our office because I wanted to learn more about the work there. I arrived at
the office exactly at 7:00 o'clock, and we did was continue like we did the
other day. We help the employees write the DTRs for the TUPAD applicants.
In the afternoon, our companions prepared our food, and after we finished

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:
eating, we washed the plates before we continued our work, and at 4:45, we
went home.

Day 3 (March 27, 2023)

On the third day of work immersion, I arrived at our workplace at 7:00

o'clock. And our office was still closed, so I waited outside. After a few
minutes, Madam Vice Valdez came, and she opened the door. The first thing
I did when I reached our workplace did our usual morning routine, which is to
clean and organize the papers. Then I was instructed to continue encoding
PEIS beneficiaries, and Sir Leo cooked us lunch. After our lunch, we washed
the plates.

In the afternoon, we continued encoding, and that's what we did for the
whole afternoon.

Day 4 (March 28, 2023)

On the fourth day of our work immersion, I arrived at the office at 7:12
a.m. When I arrived, I started cleaning and rearranging the papers. After I
arranged the papers, we continued encoding. And in an unexpected way, Sir
Gregorio Dela Peña suddenly entered, and we the immersants were
surprised because it was our first time to meet him. and we immediately
greeted him, and then he called us and oriented us; he told us what we
should do, and then we continued encoding, and we didn't realize it was
already 10:30, so my friends’ bought snacks. After we had a snack, we
continued the encoding of the PEIS beneficiaries, and then after a few
minutes, Sir Francis called us and showed us the videos made by the QG
student so that we had an idea of what Sir Gregorio Dela Peña told us to do.

In the afternoon, we continued encoding the PEIS beneficiaries until

4:45, and Sir Gregorio Dela Peña told us to fix our things and go home.

Day 5 (March 29, 2023)

On my fifth day as a work intern, the first thing I did was clean outside
and inside the office and fix the papers at TUPAD. After that, Ma'am Vice told
us to continue encoding the beneficiaries of PEIS, and Sir Leo cooked us
food for our lunch break, so after we ate, I and Jogie washed the plates. After
that, we continued encoding, and that's what we did for the whole afternoon.
Day 6 (March 30, 2023)

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:
On the sixth day of our work immersion, when we arrived at the office,
Sir Gregorio Dela Pea, our PESO manager, told us to go to the gym because
there was an orientation about the opportunity to go abroad. When we got
there, we arranged the seats, and we were assigned to log in the names of
the visitors to the attendance. After that, the manager also asked us to take a

picture for our documentation. Then, after the orientation, we arranged the

In the afternoon, we do nothing. So, at 3:40, Sir Gregorio told us to

water the plants and vegetables outside, but when we watered the plants, the
two PESO employees helped us, and they watered the vegetables we sent
It was an exhausting day because we worked outside the half day. Even
though it was tiring, I had fun working with my co-immersants. They share
different stories while working, and we're all laughing together. 

Day 7 (March 31, 2023)

For my 7th day as a work immersion, I arrived at the office at 7:10 a.m.
and thought the office wasn't open yet, but when I got there, I found Sir
Rolando cleaning, so I helped him clean outside and I mopped inside. After
that, I just sat down and did the write-up that Sir Gregorio was asking us to
do, and after how many hours, we taught Sir Francis how to adjust the
pictures, etc.

In the afternoon, we continued editing, and Sir Gregorio suddenly

came to tell us that we had moved to their old office which he renovated to
have air conditioning because the new office is too hot every afternoon. After
we moved all the things, we continued editing, and that is what we did the
whole afternoon.

Day 8(April 3, 2023)

On my 8th day of work immersion, I woke up early and prepared

myself. And now it's time to go to the office. I arrived at the office at 7:05 a.m.
When I arrived, it was already open, there was ma'am vice, and the
surrounding area was also clean, so I continued editing the PowerPoint and
rewriting what Sir Gregorio asked us to do, and then Sir Gregorio ordered me
to get some beans for us to prepare for lunch. After I got some beans from Sir
Mak cooked, I continued editing. After our lunch, I and Jogie washed the

In the afternoon, we continued editing and encoding the beneficiaries

of PEIS, and that's what we did for the whole afternoon.

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:
Day 9(April 4, 2023)

On the ninth day of our work immersion, I arrived at our office at 7:10
a.m. The first thing we did was clean the office to keep our room clean. After
that, we arranged the papers and continued encoding PEIS beneficiaries, and
Sir Leo invited us to eat. After our lunch, we washed the dishes.

In the afternoon, we continued encoding PEIS beneficiaries until 3

p.m., and Sir Gregorio held a meeting with his employees, and he told us not
to enter the 10th day of immersion. He said we would work from home and
take a rest day, and after that, Sir Gregorio asked for our feedback or what
we could say to them, and we thanked them for accepting us. I really can't
believe it since I barely talk or communicate with my other co-immersants or
even with any employees. We had our pictures taken after the meeting. I'm
happy and sad at the same time that this will be our last day. All the
memories I created with this company will not be forgotten.

Day 10(April 5, 2023)

On the last day of our work immersion, Sir Gregorio said that we will
not go to the office instead we will work from home. So, they gave us an
activity which is to encode.

D. Post Immersion Activity/activities

Our office conducted a little program for the graduation of work

immersion. We, the immersants, have a chika while waiting for our
certificates. While we were waiting, Sir Leo cooked us a pancit for our lunch,
and right after lunch, they awarded us our completion certificates. After the
awarding of certificates, we had the chance to take a picture together with my
co-immersants and all the PESO employees, but sadly, the PESO manager is
not there because he has a meeting. We said our goodbyes to all of them
after the program.

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:


I only have one challenge that I encountered during our work

immersion, and that is not being able to communicate properly with my co-
immersants and supervisor. The problem is not them but me; I don't have
enough courage to start conversations with them, maybe because I lack
confidence. Sometimes they insist on making the first move, or they are the
first ones to talk to me, but I can't say all the words in my mouth that I want to
say. I just nod or smile in response when someone I'm not close to talks to

I realized that communication is important not just for you but also for
your workplace. Communication in the workplace boosts employee morale,
engagement, productivity, and satisfaction. Communication is also key to
better team collaboration and cooperation. Ultimately, effective workplace
communication helps drive better results for individuals, teams, and
organizations. That's how important communication is, and I hope that the
time will come for me when I don't need to struggle to communicate with

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:


Our whole immersion journey is indeed exciting. We learned a lot from

different employees, and they made us feel like we were really one of them.
Some of the most unforgettable experiences we had were when we went to
the different parts of Tupad where they work. At the end of our journey as
immersants, we are happy to say that we are surely well-educated about
topics regarding the Dole. Besides that, they taught us how to operate
computers and do paperwork. Overall, it was a satisfactory experience.

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:
a. Application Letter

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:
b. Resume


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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
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c. Medical Certificate

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
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d. Parental Consent

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
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e. Daily Time Record

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Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:
f. Interview Scoresheet

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:
g. Documentation (Photos from Pre- Immersion, during and after work
immersion with caption)

Day 1-March 22,2023

On the first day of our immersion, the supervisor toured us in the workplace
of the implementers and I did encode PEIS beneficiaries.

Day 2-March 23,2023

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:
We wrote the DTR member of the TUPAD.

Day 4- March 24, 2023

Encode the PEIS Beneficiaries.

Today, I experienced new activities like using computers for a couple of hours.
I learned a lot, especially about using Microsoft Excel. I’m starting to love the
aura in our office.

Day 5-March 27,2023

Continue encoding PEIS Beneficiaries.

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:
Day 6-March 28,2023

Encoding PEIS Beneficiaries.

Day 7-March 29, 2023

Assisting the participants applying for Job Opportunity Abroad.

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:
Day 8-March 30,2023

Encoding PEIS Beneficiaries

Day 9- April 03, 2023

Encoding PEIS Beneficiaries

Today, I experienced new things and also learned how to use

PowerPoint and how to adjust the videos, pictures, etc.

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:
Day 10- April 04, 2023

We are on work from home and they gave us the task to accomplish what we
are encoding.

H. Certificate of Accomplishment

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Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
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i. Evaluation Form
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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:

Work immersion is very important because it must be seen as a vital

point in giving students a venue to improve themselves through experiencing
the reality of working. This is the very highlight of the senior high school
program; it helps students acquire knowledge and experience that can help
us grow as professional individuals, but the main reason why we have this
kind of work immersion is that it will prepare us for our future jobs.

The students will be required to apply the skills they learn in class and
be exposed to real work in the field. They will also have the chance to
practice the proper procedures for a particular job using actual tools,
equipment, and paperwork. As a result, we are sure to have gained some
experience from our 80 hours of work immersion that we can use to train,
educate, and better ourselves. Teach us something we wouldn't know;
instruct us in a subject that will be useful to us later on, that will shape us as
people and make us better.

I get ready for job immersion by dedicating myself and showing a

desire to grow. I suppose the issue I ran into throughout my job immersion
was a lack of social skills, particularly with our clients and the staff. I have
always been really bashful, ever since I was a young child. I was awkward
around other people, especially those I didn't know well. I initially struggled a
lot because I was unsure of how to approach them. I gradually came to
understand the idea of interaction. I was incredibly appreciative that I am
gradually coming out of my shell. This vulnerability of mine was still forming at
the time, and I will always value the people who’ve learned from my
experiences how to overcome my shyness. My ability to take ownership of the
things I create has become my greatest skill. This work immersion helped me
prepare for the future because the skills.

I gain a lot of knowledge from the tasks we complete during our work
immersion, from helping our clients complete the form, and to encoding data.
Since our customers are persons with impairments, I also learned how to
treat them with kindness and respect by being composed and exercising as
much patience as I possibly could. I can attest that in terms of making
sensible judgments after work, I became more mature. They helped me
realize that since you work alone and must interact and communicate with
others respectfully, maturity or being mature is necessary for the workplace
and in other areas. For me, it was a truly worthwhile adventure. I would

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
Email Address:
cherish that experience for the rest of my life because it was very wonderful
for me.

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Name of School: Diffun National High School

Address: Aurora East, Diffun, Quirino
Contact No.: +639175046479
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