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oe O13 What may be onster under trawker Property. Ack, W922 Exelain dhe Provisions relati to Avomsfer? ating > Synopsis AS Introduction B Meaning of Property Ch Vehi nition DS Essential ingredients for valicl rransfey &S Concussion AS Anctroduction - Jno Transfer of property Ret, was gassed in 1g92 and come inte force from 4se July. 992 Tt ynoundy, deals wilh the xvonsfor of }mmovalble greperty and also movable eroperdy, between wo Livings persons de-, wensfers iter VIVO The Ack does nee appl, £2 avonsfas YY operation of Lavi. Egy Saccessions , court goles 1 insolvency. ofc BE com vito & nog tes: meaning, of eroVety- Tw word soedive sense ol a gnypicod thing one oot ot ownesnie oF other vigils: Or He may be A si tn the sense of pho vignts ond interests of a wer or olner eexson ya property the ° The word gro perty. for the purposes of groperty Act Is not wsrricted only tains 134 sections dividect BY tne xronster of oe to pryst ( en : ee thing but goes beyond whee is seen a or wot 4aw considers beind eroperty Tt indudes Lhe wight to te! cattle Graze on eroperdy- co Definition of Transfer of Preperty.— Section S ol tne TP Ack defines thet “Transfer of qrogerey. medins, an ack any. by. which one Living gerson conveys property in greene or in future +o one or more other Living pensons ,or to hymself, or to himself and one or more Living persons and to rvansfer property Lo gertorm Suon ack: Sn Unis section “Lining person’ includes ot Company, or association oF bedy of individuals, Whether \neorgoreded oF not, oud nedring herein contarned sna vlfect any tau for dno Lime veing in force wloting Lo awanster ot propedy~ to or Ob Companies , associations. oF podics of individucs - D) Essenbion ingredients for veulle. -veinsfer 7 Hinds of preparty.— © Corgoral Property. Cehysical existence - The corpad groperty. 1s the right of one swe in material -Unings covporo grogerty, is always yisiole and tangrvle, Corporat groperty, is ro gerdy. wrich nals ehysical existence such 5 : dond or goods. Te Is alse called fangnole- progeny because 4 has a Langiole existence in the, world. © Movable erorerty- Movable property is one, which can bé transferred rom one place to another place with human Mores Le includes séancling timber, growing. crops & Wess, Fruit upon and Juice in wes and grogerty A every descnesion execel immovable droperty. p movable Property can be transferred by. delivery of POSSESSION oF by registration. movable Property includes oll Corporal Croperty which is not immovable: (8) Ammovable prope ety - 2 Recording to 'salmond’, a8 immovable piece of and have many elements. H is ine oledermineee Portion of the sunfuce of the eouth TE includes M2 ground beneath tne sumPace clown to Che center of the world. R also includes ne celumn ok the space ouoove the surfyce - % According to'Generct Clauses Ace of 1897’, ymmovalle progerty \ncudes Lane penekits arising out of Jand and ning’ attached to Le eorth and germanent omything attuched to eartn: Ch According, Lo'Tndian Registrection fice’, \n movable gregory inciudes land yuitelings » nereditary allowance rene Lo way» terres ; aa _ = Vight Lo Light, fisneries or ony other benefid anise at : e out | | ok Land omd thing axttachel 0 couth ov germenently dustened to anything adtdached vo the earth bud not stoning timber , growing Crees or gross. ds The ‘Tndion Transfer of property Ack, 972 Cer3); excludes standing limber growing Crore? and yass Lom definition af immovable gregerty- In shart, immovable property. is one whith cannot be transferred Prom ene glace bo encther witmout causing camages to property: @ Beal and genrsonel gre perty.- Real gropendy means aU wignls over Land yecoysited py, La: Rersonor Qroperdy mens alt velo. ViGh’s wether Uhey ore wight’ in elmer gro yer ov wigne \n QeKsonayy * According & Salmond Real groper. and ymmovasle gro perty- from intersecting areke wid are VOR nearly nrrousyh not quite coinddentad® The law of veal Qroperty. 1s almest equivalent to the baw ot Lond, wrile ne tard of personel property. is al but identionl wrth Law of movalles Real property. comerise of Wants over lands with such advantages and execplions os ne daw hes Seen BL to estaolish- Al etner progricdor} wants whedher in rem on in Persona ; eerteuin to tne aw of personcd proporty: @ ——— 2 Incoreoreout Property — Incorpo vec Qroperty_ is inten gible Rroperty. BL is also called ingetlectual or Corventionr eroperty: Dl indudes oll tnase velualle interest wich olre Qrotected oy Maw. The weognition and protection of incorporend Qroperty. hos been Secured in veeent times. Incorporah property ts of two winds wis— Vigne in we-qrogenia F wight in re- aliena Rigné in Wer properia one nese vignts of ownersiip in ond own evopert as at not exercised over rncteria object: Generel. Une Lav of qreperty deals Th material objets The most im@gortant af such ighés ore eatents » Llerett copynignts; cammerciod qood Wilh Bracdemowras onl Broadle names + Essontial Ingredients — Following we the essential \ngiedients of snanster of propery under the Ack- Sy Transfer af groparty. is an act- Transtar of property is arr ack where something is done bY # Rersen who wants Lo avansfer is grovel} Tn other word it ts an ack af gassing of property from one Person to another genson so gre pau, eo nniol be Lranstorved automaticaly , tout can be drangtorved only. by a Het of the tnanslerar: a 7 a, 9 Transfer snould be belween tuo Living. 4 NSO NS 7 Transfer of eroperty. should be between tuo 1 diving, persons: recording. to section G ,a Living Qenson snowd convey gropedy 20 one or mare omer Living, PeMsons: The Penson may be nodal ov Legals - Purl sransfor Must cso be a person com petend £6 condrack and not otherwise disqualified £0 sranster a propery 3 Thee should be conveyance of property - In a wonsfer ot property. ppansferar must convey. ls property to the +vansferée + To conve, means to Code new lle or interes? in favour of porson to wrom Ure property. is Lronsterred: So 4 sronghorer who is a Living gersen should yransfer po Lille or interes? ot property. to the qrerSteree” 4 Sujet matter must be transferable - According To Section 5 Lranster of greperty includes @roperty. af alk description. means movable as welh d& {mmoveible Property. The grogedy. mus? be In exisdence ee the late of rangfer » The exgrssion transfer of property. should be wide eneugn 0 cover any. transection which nas ne ebhect af conveying property Aron One Living gerson te ctnerther. SS Transfer of property includes Present os well as future tronsfer— i Section § of tho Ack has Used the worels present ov futon with reference to rvansher ef Qroperty.. the grogerty. com be transferred with lenmedtiote efloce or on future clrta oso. In cose of immediote effect th ts a sale While in cose of future date iis an agement Lo sole. 65 Transfer may. be transferee or transferor Wimsae. According to sec: 5, transfer of Property. may, ve here Lo one or more other Living persons or 40 transferor himself or to himself and one or More other Living persons. transfer of property can be there by tronsferer to dransferee or be ~wunsPeror Lo himself. Even trough general wle is that one connor transfer property Lo himself. Accarcling to Ack, one can transfer a& gropercy. €e himself? tn some other cogacity-In the case of case Low . Naranoo Vs Sulemorty The court said Wmoty where a genson makes serdlement of nis property. in at trust and ctppeine wmselt as a sole +vustee dren W amount Lo convenience of grogerty. by Lronsferor te wavselt, B tw consideration F object ot the transfer must be Lawful Csec: 6) — According 40 section 6 of ne Act, ner Consideration ZL abject vf both transforer amd : transferee Must be Lawl oF sudn vronster is made Lov AUegal purpase ov againse of public polled Sud twanster is not void: £2 suon tvanshoe tg made PY fraud ov misepresenlation Sudn transfor is void: 8) Persons Competent to transfer o Pro perky cseccy— Accovdling, Lo see.9 of the Ack, the parsons Competent vo tyansher a property. Seckion# grovides any Person can transfer o Gropery. whe fulRills following conditions: © ke mus? be competent Lo contract Lmajer, sound mind, noe oliseualified ’ by. Law.) @® ne must nove ville 0 the Property ov aurnority, Lo rransfer tne property r if id is not nis own: & Conclusion— Transfer widn ane sale eurpese of cweorting & Com sek of vequlactions for grogerty, avarefer. R gives a simple and detailed explanetion ash re rules ul ot repenty. rwanster emnd te elements associate wilh dL. Transfer of property. ace nas eveved very. | venelicial wo Indian ctlizens owing tits uniform and systematic taw for tmmevelble progerty, transfer between individuals: of property. eich (G32 wels fovmeel prehensive |QAdy Define sce? Explain Wignes F tensdities ot Seller » y? Syneosis | A) Introduction i) Meaning fod definition |b) Rights F Diaolilles of getter | BY Conclusion | A) Introduction - cnagter Tird do VSTIIN of Lhe Transter of Property. Ach i992 containing, setion $k 0134 Lay down the erovisions relating to gpecitic trensfer'. The sale of movable eropery. is necessarily. governed ‘oy the sales of goods Aot 193° with Ne on ond i. iscuss es, Ane ™ Transfer of eopety me nl ee aighds ond touyor 2ee- Transfer a2 Progerty- Lor 08 tmmoveble eroperty detinition of sale, dudies of sober ancl Ach provided dine *rans om sechion Gu to st ‘sale of Pro? Ay 8) Mecnang.- Tho word ‘sale’ Literally means * valuntery. Svansler of gropedy trom one gersen — ba a price’. Sale is a Lranster of aosoluter \neerese in Property. , mevarle ea imnmoveale, Qro perty. from one Person 26 anotrer in consideration for erice eticl | or gromised on Gortly gad ov Qomly. promised. 4 SeOUON Sk of Transhor ot Property. Ack igg2— Sie is a rwanster of ownersie in exchange for Price gaid on promised ov gee Gaid or gut promised - 2. section & (3) Sale of goods Ack ,1930- When under a contract of sale Mne groperty. in the goods is Lrinsfonved from the Seller oo buyer , Such, Contra is coh as tsale’, Sechion 54 of Transfer of Property Ack WEL provides contract Lov sule oy agreement to sel: B contrack for aA Sale ol immovable Property. is a contract that , dhe Sale of sun Property shal Lake eloice on the derm settled between ene eurties It oloes nol, of Wselé, Crate ant interes? In oY Onoda on Sudn Qre perty: Di Rights 2 Uabililies of Seller ~ (see-56 of Tp. ae) Tn one alosence of a contrace to dine Contre the Seer of \mmoveunle qnoperty respectively. cure, gubjec? Lo ne biahilities, and nave ore rights) tmentioned in dno wales next folowing av such of thom os amo eigplicalbte to the qreperty. Sold: i of seller - , Bie. ran and grails of ane evant tne ounersnig trortet gasses to tne Balers j tre gro perty. hos y wry ownesiP of aad ane vyer before payment of he whale, of the purchose-meney. to ot charge, upon th sd Property \n the hands of -the buyor, Cant Qeanshoree witmord consideration or any transferee with neice of Lhe non-gayment), for ne amount of pur onese — MONE: or ary gart -Unoreok remaining ungaid , and for interes? on such amour or Pare Chron tne date on Wd PasseSSION Nos ‘veOn delivered.) 2) Uoatbibies of seller — iy To disclose to the buyor any. material defece in ne Qroperd} Cor \n the seller's Bille Lporete) of which tne seller \s, and tne buyer is not , aware, and whidh the buyer Could Not wilh ordinowny care discovery Us To groduce 29 one vuyor on Wis woues? for examination ell olocuments of site reloding te tne Properdy which ave iN the sellers gessession or Power 5 ily To answer — ne vest of Wis ingormation all yeten ond questions gue 40 nim ‘oy Une buyer in yesreck to Une Qroperty ov Lhe Lie Mheelo; Ws On goyment oY tender af Lhe amount due in yesgeck of Ine grice, to exeaute, a Rroger Conveyance of tno property. wen tre louyer Lenders BR Lo him Loy execution of & groper Lime and Qeletce) Vy Between ne date of ne contract af sale and the ’ WoRety 40 Kake AS Much Cone, delivery ot tne ? ) od ute yaad of tno erogerty, ancl gh cloctuamers Yyereko wrien ore in ns GoGeaston as on owner af ordi natty, Crudtence would Lake of such property = i F docaments ; , a. | Nis To give ,on being so wavived, Me buyer, or such : | Person as Ne diverts, such grogerty gossession of as | des nature admits: Mis To pay all Quilic charged F vwen® acowed due in yeseeck of one groves. ve to Une date of the sale dno interes? on ot enesToreN 25 oN SUCH gragaty. dué on sucy date, and except wert tne property is sold subject to encumbrances 20 discronge oH encumbrances on one property. tren ox Ej Condusion - For gale, Unere srowd be a Arans er of qunerstip in exchange for money TE were is no considecdion ene sole Is not Vall: Te soransfer of ownersrip witherd Considercttion is known as agit: consideration 6 an essertial feature of Sales: Thee ane Vounous rigs and Lialollities of the buyer = Seer, wien they we obNiged to FudFil. Bud invetictlly sre vignes of selhens ave Lhe Sores determined as ane Siew EUS of byyos -} fash +0 Fuki. heir Liahilities , ene co po denminated : Lk. he a & 5 St uw : o 549 When Bik a License deemed to bo yey 4 ne Indian Gusemont cee e ‘olKeel uncer P SyNoRS\S. A) Trtroduction gs dehinition | of Nature of Uconge B Aevocation ef Licenses |B) Ucence deemed frevorred B) Conclusion Ab. Tntroduction — Tho Tndlan Easement Ack \gS2, 15 a comprenensive piece of Legislation -Unock envisions to codify. Wro tows wxyurding easements = eluted aignes , including, Licenses. A License ios defined In secon 52 of the Act, wher to a ngnk to do or Continue to do something which would otherwise be unlewhs granted by. one Person Lo another person or deAinie group of gersons, in yespeck of an immovye- able groperty. af Phe apromtor. Sur o nigne is exclusive of easements # interest in property: & eense is a wight In personam- 8} Def 4p ~ne Indion Easernent easemant ts a Rane pier oh conain Land tne venekidal enjoyment According Rok \GEL (seer) » An which Yre owner OY 04 RossesSe$ as SuUcn) for YO L ze wet oe co F continue to do something oy MUNUE Lo preven somedhing being done, in oF UPON, or IW veRRect wl, Cereeri his own: ) A oer tand nok Ucence meoms permission ov audnovly Lo do a ! Pew cular rings sechion 52 wf the Ens en ement Ack elekines the Lerm ;“Whae one person. grants . slobivs qrants to another or to o definide number of ober cersons, a right to do or continue to eo, \n or ugen the Immovable Property. of the grantor something whidh would , in “ina cdosence of such Want be unlawhul and such Woht we cloes not amount to an easement or an ineerest (in Une Property.» Lhe wight ts catlted a dicence? cy Nate of Licence - A Licence progeny passes no interes? ) dr alters of syromsders groparty. In anytning but only mnokes on action Lawful whieh wiliroug 12, would be unlawful The Licensee hos ne yneeres? tr Une Property. and wis gossession fer enjoyment ad his night ts net judictal eossession but only an oceuplion: OS Revocetion of cence - geedion 60 of she Gasement Ack provides awd + A Licence mop be veNooked by dhe qrantor, unless; as SL is coughed with a Yronstor af Property, onal sucn xranster is in Force; bs The Licensee B work of a 9 eens ae ae Bonn ee the Heene nas executed in the execution"! Naracter and incurred expenses Fis generat principal Anat a Licence is revvocenle by. the Wi of the grantor; unless thw case falls under clauses Cet) or Lb).of section 6O- Under clause co) i tne ticence is coupled with o ‘transfer of Property. ancl such Awensfer is in force ne Leence woudl not be yevocwale- Under clause Cb) if Me Licence, acting ugon the Licence nad executed & WOK of pormanent ciarbcter & incurred expenses (ni the execution nen also the Uoence wil not ve | \evo couolle,- According 0 Section 61 of the Easement Act, tne yenecertion of oa Licence Mary. be express or imatied “ES cence Deemed Revolted - Section 62 of ne Easement Ack Provides thetfi “p ficence is cleeme| to be venokeds a When, from a cause preceeding the qrene af I€ dine eprartor CeciseS Lo WAve ony interes? tn the property. affected wy. tre teence bf wihon -tre Licensee releases 1, expressly. or - impliedly , 0 tne grantor or tus vepresentavelves, Ge wlhen WL Nes been growed for ar Limited perioals or eceulved on condition that Le shall become a) yetd on the Performance or non- performance of a speite pe ack and the pentod explres ov tne condition haan : aE WEE UWE Ero perty. affected py. Une Heonce ” od destroyed OF by. superior Conce SO germane es ahot Whe Leonsee can no Longer xeres? " p edd 0 ne ansolite 2 ue Me Li De es endib os whe he ticenged becom ee ownership of tine proporty. affected Py. q 45 wunere -2he Licence ts qranted for a specited pur ease and the purpase is ateaned or doandoned , ov becomes Imgrecti cuahey QS Where the Livence 1s granted to the Licensee see heloliing- a PaNiculdk office, employment or chovrater , and Such office, employment or chorditer ceases to exist; ww : ’ nee he bicence totully cease to ve used as Such ‘O" , ee ee period of Hweney. yeoes and Such on 's nok is gursuance of a Contact bedueen the grantor F the picensee dy jy the cose of an accessory licence, when the ingerdst on right to uthion , W is awcessory ceases 22 exist" % Section 63 of the Easements Met gro vides that “where a Licence is revoked , ho Licensee ts erdittecl 0 ot yeasonable Lime to Leove ~Lho qroparty, oteoted thereby: Ao remove any. goods which he Vas bee allowerl 0 lace on such eropernly." For the Runpose of yesocedion a weosondble nobice must be given by dhe dicensor: _—— . FS Conclusion — - — 4 BH is gentinent to consider vorious Pa clowns Wn Une matter of deemany & dicense to ve yeroked and WS suloseanent effect on ne vigne ol he Licensea. & dicense as sot forth earlier, is a wigind conferred to do somelhins,, which waved in Ws cudsence, ve uuntaustal section 2 F 6d of the Trdian' Easements Pret ove of ubmash significance in contemelation of ne revocation F Sicensees Wants ensuing. 929 offence vedortin a 96 6 of RERA AcE e 2 Synopsis A) Introduction Wrenalbies under Reon Ax Totroducbton - Eonbick buildlers or agents were indulged in unui methods ’o gain the opprevel of the government Yo tale the Lond, but now they. de nob seek any unfuir metheds as a tod more customers complain aloout the builders ag Yrey. Onange the originally ogeroved plans or aloeul any. gap between promise and veellidy: Especially when nis comes Lo the quality af construction or ode oleliventes, dro customers can | lodge & RERA com@lain? agains? whem. There cle so many. Penalties under RERA which cssure het? builders, or agents no Longer eloy. usith he enel-users oF the Investors + By Penalties under RERA - QNon- Registration of thw Rect Estate Project - As eer section G4,a builder cannol book, Sell Promote ,or ouverdise o reel estate Property. before having RERA welstreation Le is mandettory, for YW Lo false information vy. Cromotors ; a wet agen the Promoters 2uttg ane same and does not ge | Ue veHistretion, ne wee pe Liable 2 & renetlty. ue te 106 of the estimate cost of the ed estate, prajec me ANY, Promoter? consistently. dehauts or does not complies with dhe orders, decisions or direction *° WASUrttion or Continues Lp vials any grovision> under Section 3, he must be eunisraiale with imgrisen ment Por o term uinich can ve extoretedt ue 2 3 yeas or witin Sino whicn ean be extended ue to 20% the estimated cost of the read estate project or win both os dedermined by. the authority: Q\Lncovrect QERA Registroition Aeelication — As per Section 60, iF a gromotr defaults OS vedoirds meters covered under Section 4, 1e- grovided Caulse information for application for veqpistration of the project uncer RERA. He must ve Liable to the genalieS uP to G% of the estimated cost of the real astote Qrejece , 1s clebermingd by an outhortty. ® Molotion of any other. Previstan— As ger section 64, \t a& promoters defavts wit ony other erevision ef he Act or Ques F Gequiotions made dhereunder ne must be Liable to & penalty thet con be extended moximum upto S% of dre vadimate cast of a teal estorte, project aS dlotenmined by. an audnoney- | 0) Non-Comeliance of An, order. by Crometer ~ AS por section 63, It to comely. witin or contravenes Any. of ov diwetions of the autnoniy., ne muse be to genatty. for enempday. during whidn such default condinues, which com be carnudclivedy extended ug to 5% of tne estimaded cost of A veal estorte gueject ag oletenmined oy audaority, Appellate ® Non-Compliomce with orders of Trboundt ~ As Ger section 6u, Tt any, erymoter falls to comply with or contravenes witht any orclers, or direcllons of Le Aggelote Tdlounal , he muse be gurisheble with imprisonment for oa Lerm which can be extended ue to gygars or with a fine for even clay dudng which such defuuk continues which can be cumulatively. extended uP £0 op ool Uno estimneted cosh of a wal estate Project, or with both - OC @ rs! 1 8) LOnclusion — > : RERA has ensured snore ne ineer necbiou and the develeper, nas equal ragponsibility. anc accountability, . Fis nod just the cose of hinaneal damage ; but also the case of calminel damages & Qrovide \mowsonment in case of any Lprostd With tenalties under BRERA, a home buyer has more power than Lhe audino wey, and there ts why the buyer Must be Pully cwene of the advankerges which they nave: For the builders and he agenes, Tis an opportunity. to snow thelr work & hus give a better and Avansparend Sentce -

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