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An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to

Accountancy, Business and Management Student

Arellano University

In partial fulfillment

Of the Requirements for

Senior High School


Anton E. Florando

Bea G. Alum

Carissa Nicole V. Cruz

Cherry Beth S. Soria

Cyrene Rose C. Sabalboro

Karyl S. Bengoy

Kenny Robert R. Mendoza

Kristine April Joy A. Lopez

Kristine Cyril Mae G. Buebo

Louie P. Rafer

Reincyeoh Errol A. Reyes

Richelle Ann B. Nacor




Poverty is defined as not being able to participate in recreational activities such as

swimming, meditation, reading, playing games, and dancing, and not being able to pay for

medications for an illness. People who are barely able to pay for food and shelter just cannot

consider these additional expenses. These are the consequences of being poor. Individually, two

out of every five Filipinos are poor, or at least 30 million Filipinos are classified as poor. This

represents around 27% of the overall Philippine population of 111 million people. (Macasero,

2022). In this situation, handling money or preparing a plan for how to spend your money is the

most prudent thing to do. Budget planning determines in advance if you have enough money to

do the things you need or want to achieve by creating a spending plan. There are four factors that

affect the problems caused by low socioeconomic status: families struggle with poverty, money

management, financial literacy, and financial education. (Syukri et al., n.d.) supports the first

element, which is the poverty factor. They pointed out that one of the elements strongly

associated with budgeting is poverty. Those who don't handle their money well may experience

financial instability, which impacts their life quality.

One of the challenges that students are facing is controlling their spending activities, the

current level of the spending issue has not been completely resolved. (Singh et al., 2020).

Students usually spend their money on entertainment and since students are easy to be

entertained, students mostly spend their money on something that will entertain them like
watching movies, watching concerts, music, video games, and many more, including other

expenses such as buying electronic devices, personal care products, and clothing. (Ruha, 2022).

Nowadays, most people can't live without having money, and one of those is students, money

was one of the most basic necessities for students in their everyday expenditures like

transportation, food, desires, and most important school fees. And as a student the same time

being part of millennials, they want to be in trend and buy everything they want. That is one of

the reasons why they are unable to manage their daily finances properly stated by (Boral et al.,


The objectives of this study are to determine if there is a significant relationship between

their budget planning and their socioeconomic status and to help students learn more about

budgeting, regardless if it is or is not connected to their socioeconomic status, budgeting is still

important nowadays. a common error that students make was not preparing and adhering to a

reasonable budget. Students who do not set and stick to a reasonable budget have the risk of

running out of money before the end of the first semester or the end of the school year (Daper,


It is important that students learn effective budget planning as early as possible. It can

also help individuals who have poor budget planning learn how to handle their money sensibly.

Considering that creating a budget plan is an important factor in saving and security of money

because it enables you to monitor and better understand whether your income or allowances is

sufficient to cover your expenses, it can also benefit the people who are already generating

incomes (e.g. Working students) to spend their money into something more beneficial.

Students are sometimes unaware of their spending; they tend to buy anything that catches

their attention and they don't usually have appropriate budgeting because they have yet to focus

on saving money since receiving allowances from their parents. Budgeting guarantees that you

don't spend more than you earn, allowing you to plan for both short- and long-term needs. It's a

simple, effective technique for people of various income and expense levels to keep their money

in order. (Great Lakes, n.d.).

Many people create ambitious budgets, only to lose motivation to keep to them after a

few weeks. The most common reason for this is that budgeting necessitates change, and giving

up some conveniences can be difficult. It is also a task that must be tracked on a daily basis. Lack

of commitment can hinder your financial development and can lead to intertemporal trade-offs.

By changing your mentality, you can improve your budget commitment. Rather than considering

your budget as a task, make it a reality by putting it into action. Begin by gradually adjusting

your habits, and then get passionate about sticking to your budget. (Thatcher et al., 2021), One of

the most challenges that affect students nowadays is having trouble controlling how they spend

money. This has been the subject of extensive research globally. Unfortunately, the current state

of the expenditure problem, once again, has not been completely resolved. There is a finding that

when presented with a financial deficit, more students lowered their daily expenditures,

analyzing their behavior is a simple but efficient technique for students to reduce their

expenditures, the researchers can analyze students by creating a behavior chart. This is a method

for keeping a continuous record of the student's behavior, these charts are quite useful in dealing

with and changing student behaviors. (Singh et al., 2020).

The socioeconomic status of a person or group is defined by a combination of social and

economic factors such as income, amount and kind of education, occupation type and prestige,

and place of residence. (American Psychological Association, n.d.), The socioeconomic status

will be based on the income classification that is also based on their monthly income. First, a

family with a monthly income of less than ₱10,957 is classified as poor. Second, a family's

monthly income ranging from ₱9,520 to ₱21,194 is classified as low income (but not poor).

Third, a family's monthly income ranges from ₱21,194 to ₱43,828 and is classified as lower

middle class. Fourth, families with incomes ranging from ₱43,828 to ₱76,669 are classified as

middle-class. Fifth, a family's monthly income ranging from ₱76,669 to ₱131,484 is classified as

upper middle income. Sixth, a family's monthly income ranging from ₱134,484 to ₱219,140 is

classified as high income (but not rich). Lastly, a family with a monthly income of at least

₱219,140 and up is classified as rich. (Adrian, 2022). College students often receive P150 to

P250 daily (without transportation allowance). The allowance covers P50 to P100 for lunch, P30

to P50 for snacks, P20 on average for photocopies, and P50 to P80 for school-related expenses

such as printing, pen purchases, and so on. According to Philstar (2014).


Figure 1: The picture below shows where the researchers conducted their study. The study

will take place in Arellano University Bonifacio Campus Pasig City, Philippines. Arellano Andres

Bonifacio was located at 239 Pag-Asa Street, Pasig, 1606 Metro Manila, It was founded in 1938 as a law

school by Florentino Cayco Sr., the first Filipino Undersecretary of Public Instruction. It operates seven

campuses located throughout Metro Manila and the main campus is located along Legarda Street,

Sampaloc, Manila. The Researchers decided to conduct the study in Arellano University Bonifacio
Campus Pasig City to do surveys about The Relationship of Budget Planning and The Socio-economic

Status of Grade 12 ABM students.


This study is anchored to the Theory of Personal Budgeting. It is a study that focuses on

problems with personal budgeting and self-control in decisions on consumption and saving

according to Galperti (2019).

This theory demonstrates how the usage of good-specific budgets depends on a balance

between the need for commitment and the need for flexibility brought on by uncertainty around

the intertemporal trade-offs between goods. It clarifies the understated of which budgets function

as useful commitments, how they interact with minimum savings guidelines and how budgeting
is influenced by the strength of self-control issues. Contrarily, people may construct budgets as a

result of present bias and uncertain opportunity cost trade-offs since doing so enable them to

better control their overall willingness to overspend than if they only had savings. Setting goals

will help make the difficult decisions that must be made while creating a budget a little bit

simpler. Numerous actual findings on personal budgeting are supported by this theory according

to Galperti (2019).

The Theory of Personal Budgeting was used to complement this study since it correlates

with socioeconomic status and budget planning. As it corresponds with the challenges of

personal budgeting, the learning theory used as the basis for this study benefits students. It aids

in the learners' knowledge of their problems by assisting them in improving their understanding

of personal budgeting. It also assisted the pupils in developing their conceptual knowledge and

skills. As you make a budget, you should set short, medium, and long-term goals and track your

progress toward them. This theory also discusses wise budgeting, which could help the study and

be advantageous to the researchers. Based on their financial situation, can help them decide how

to conduct budget planning, enabling them to ensure their own support for their preferred budget.

It helps them to attain a better understanding of financial matters that would become a handful in

their future. The manner in which the students manage their money depends on their daily needs;

somehow it changes due to some factors. Students have their personal needs, and through this

study, we will know how and where they generally spend their money. The more knowledge

students have about their financial responsibility and status the less likely they are to be in debt.

As seen in the diagram, the input-process-output method was used to find out whether

there is a relationship between budgeting and the socioeconomic situation of students from

ABM. The demographic level of the input respondents, including the students' allowance, School

supplies, and meals is shown. The procedure outlines the steps the researchers will take to collect

data using a survey that will be given to students and validated by their teacher. Once the

researchers have acquired enough data, they will conduct an analysis of the collected data. The

relationship between budgeting and socioeconomics is also seen in the output frame, which

serves as a possible outcome of the study. The input-process-output method was used to serve as

a guide in understanding the flow and the context of this study.


This research aims to know the relationship of budget planning and the socio-economic

status of grade 12 ABM students. Because students with high socioeconomic status typically

have access to their basic needs at home, the majority of their expenditures are typically on

clothing and entertainment. The researchers want to know what are the things the students spend


Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. How many the profile of the respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 Family Monthly Income

2. What is the usual category that takes up a huge portion of the students' budgets?

3. Is there a significant relationship between budget planning and the socio-economic status

of the Grade 12 ABM students?


H0 - There is no significant relationship between budget planning and the socioeconomic status of the

Grade 12 ABM students.

H1 - There is a significant relationship between budget planning and the socioeconomic status of the

Grade 12 ABM students.


1. The researchers will determine the relationship of budget planning and the socioeconomic status

of grade 12 ABM students.

2. The researchers will learn the portion of their expenses that take up the students’ budget.

3. The researchers will know the category of the Grade 12 ABM students’ socio-economic status

based on their family income.


To the Students - The students will learn how to plan and budget and learn how to spend money

wisely and sensibly. Working students and students who have small businesses can also be


To the Parents - This study will help them to make financial decisions and proper budgeting.

Additionally, it will benefit the parents of the students by teaching them how to manage their

own finances.

To the Future Researchers - This research can be used by future researchers to have

preferences to do their own research in regard to budget planning.


The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not socioeconomic status and budget

planning have a significant relationship thru survey questionnaires. The researchers used Simple

Random Techniques that are given to 100 randomly selected Grade 12 ABM students at Arellano

University Andres Bonifacio Campus. This study will only be focused on the present academic

year, 2022-2023. The researchers create a viable study based on related literature and current

studies that have been validated by other researchers. This research study focused on learning if

there is a relationship between budget planning and socioeconomic status and what is the usual

category that takes up a big amount of their budget. On the other hand, the researchers used a

quantitative research method and the results will be based on the numerical data gathered by the

researchers. The researchers will analyze the student’s family income to determine their category

or level of socio-economic status, what are the causes of their expenses, and what is the usual

category that takes up a huge amount of their budget.


Socioeconomic Status

1. Conceptual Definition - Low, medium, and high are typical classifications for

socioeconomic level. When compared to people with greater. socioeconomic levels, those

with lower socioeconomic status typically have less access to financial, educational,

social, and health resources.

2. Operational Definition - the status of students when it comes to allowances.


1. Conceptual Definition - is the act of spending (as money, time, or energy). the act of

spending cash.

2. Operational Definition - spending or the expenses made by the students from their



1. Conceptual Definition - A deficit is the inverse of a surplus and is similar to a shortfall or


2. Operational Definition - shortage of funds.


1. Conceptual Definition - the process of determining how much money you need to make

or save over a specific period of time and making plans for how to spend it.
2. Operational Definition - it is how the students save money and track their allowances and



1. Conceptual Definition - a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that

can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.

2. Operational Definition - analyzing present supply, forecasting demand, balancing

projected demand with supply, and supporting organizational goals.

Financial literacy

1. Conceptual Definition - The ability to understand and effectively use various financial

skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing.

2. Operational Definition - this is how to budget, pay off debt, save money, invest money,

and create a financial plan.



This chapter discusses the relevant foreign and local related literature and studies that

were considered in order to strengthen the significance of the study. It also presents the synthesis

of the study to fully understand the research for better comprehension of the study.


Good budgeting involves understanding what you are saving for and spending less than

you make. There are steps to start proper budgeting. First, make a list of the things that you want

to buy to be able to remind you why are you saving in the first place. Second, list your expenses

to track down how much money you will save on a daily basis. Third, plan out how you will use

it. Lastly, treat yourself sometimes. Budgeting is not easy since it prevents you from purchasing

the things you want, but it has a lot of benefits according to the University of Pennsylvania

(2015). Nowadays, people spend their hard-earned money on things that are not important. For some

reason, to relieve stress, indulge, and to reward themselves after going through the hard part of their

lives. Especially, students because as we all know even when they are in school, they still tend to

spend money on meals, school supplies, and other expenses. Sometimes students are becoming

unaware of their expenses because they are still not knowledgeable about the things that they are

meant to be purchasing. Because they still rely on their parents' money, they just know how to spend

and don't save much. (Anonas, 2015). Students should think about the budgeting process to give

them an accurate performance to reach their objectives. Students must be aware of both their

financial needs and money earn expectations. Stress is reduced by budgeting since you don't have to
adjust your money; instead, you only need to concentrate on your goals and avoid spending on

unnecessary things. (Angcanan, 2018).



Most student's mistake is classifying their wants as needs because needs are things that

individuals must have or need to survive, whereas wants are things that are nice to have but not

necessary for survival. Students also spend money on a lot of different things, but sometimes

they just focused on spending money on recreational activities, the things that make them happy.

(Caldwell, 2019). Budgeting is the practice of managing spending and savings. Making a budget

is important for maintaining financial stability and ensuring that daily expenses can be covered.

Because they are inexperienced and young, the students find it difficult to handle their allowance

on their own. (De Guzman et al., 2012). The budget should also be considered in

decision-making. A budget was first and mainly a financial statement or a quan of action that

was produced and authorized ahead of time. Budgets are created based on previous experiences

and future expectations, and they serve as a guide for decision making. Budgeting entails

planning and control, both of which impact decisions.


Gender had no significant relationship with students’ financial management. It indicates

that the gender of the students was not affecting their financial management. It concludes that

female and male students have the same level in terms of financial management. The knowledge,

behavior, and attitudes in terms of budgeting or financial management are not related to gender

but are more influenced by socioeconomic status. (Margaretha & Pambudhi, 2015); (Wijayanti

et al., 2016). Socioeconomic status refers to someone, family, or society's financial situation as it

relates to their earnings, level of education, wealth, employment, and position. Every people or

family wants to live in a stable condition of socioeconomic status, but most are still in a lower

condition (Indrawati et al., 2015). Socioeconomic condition is described as the state of a family's

financial ability and the sufficiency of their knowledge, financial attitude, and financial behavior.

(Garg & Singh, 2018). Higher socioeconomic class pupils tend to support greater financial

planning and decision-making since they understand literacy skills.



This chapter contains the research design, description of participants, research

instruments, data-gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data.


The researchers used a correlational research design to determine the relationship

between budget planning and the socio-economic status of the Grade 12 ABM Students. A

correlational study is a method that seeks to determine the relationship between two or more

variables, thru naturalistic observation, survey method, and archival research according to Pritha

Bhandari (2021). The survey approach was chosen by the researchers because it would allow

them to gather data about the student’s socio-economic and how the students plan to spend their



The respondents that will be surveyed in this study were the Grade 12 ABM students and

the respondents will be randomly selected by the researchers. The researchers focused on Grade

12 ABM students because this academic strand educates about finances and money management,

making it easier for the researchers to understand how the students plan their budgets because

they are already familiar with the concept of information.


The researchers used a survey questionnaire design to gather data from the respondents

thru the help of Google Forms given by the researchers. Google Forms is the most practical tool

for developing forms like survey questions that would help the researchers in the quick and easy

gathering of data information from the respondents. It contains different formats that might help

the researchers to organize all of the information that has been gathered.


The study was conducted during the school year 2022-2023 at Arellano University -

Andres Bonifacio Campus. Data was gathered using a Google Form that includes survey

questions intended to determine the association between budgeting and the socioeconomic

standing of ABM students. The information was acquired by the researchers in the following


1. Based on the socioeconomic situation of the students, the researchers created a questionnaire

regarding the budgeting of ABM students.

2. The researchers ask for validation of the questionnaires.

3. The researchers asked students in the ABM class if they would be willing to complete the

survey by sending the link to the Google form.

4. One hundred grade 12 ABM students were selected by the researcher to participate in the

study and answer the survey.

5. The researchers retrieve the questionnaires to get the data from the respondents.


The gathered data was collated, computed, and summarized by the researchers. The data

gathered from the survey questionnaire was subjected to statistical treatment in order to ensure

the reliability of the results.

The following is the statistical tool, which will be used to answer the problem in this

Descriptive statistics will be utilized to show and measure student data in a more

structured manner. The researchers used the Chi-Square and Slovin’s Formula because it helps to

determine the relationship between budget planning and the socio-economic status of Grade 12

ABM students and to know what will be the recommended sample size of the study. The

Chi-Square statistic, as shown in the calculation, is based on the difference between what is

observed in the data and what would be predicted if there was no association between the



This chapter contains a presentation of statistical data related to the problems stated in the

problem statement. This section of the study includes the corresponding data analysis and


Table 1

Table 1: According to the data above, 20% of the Grade 12 ABM student’s family income

is less than ₱10,957, 45% of the student’s family income is between ₱9,520 - ₱21,194, 26% of

the student’s family income ranges between ₱21,194 - ₱43,828, while 6% of the student’s family
income ranges between ₱43,828 - ₱76,669, 5% of the student’s family income ranges between

₱76,669 - ₱131, 484, and lastly 2% of the student’s family income is at least ₱219,140.

Table 2

Table 2: According to the data, 47% of the Grade 12 ABM Students are always having an

allowance that ranges between ₱150 - ₱250, 40% of the students sometimes have an allowance

between ₱250 - ₱350, 64% of the students rarely have an allowance between ₱350 - ₱450, and

73% of the students never had an allowance of ₱450 - ₱550.

Table 3

Table 3: Based on the data, it shows on the table that 50% of the students always spend

around ₱50 - ₱100 on school supplies, while 38% of the students often spend ₱100 - ₱150, and

44% of the students rarely spend ₱150-₱200, and 50% of the students never spend ₱200-₱250 on

school supplies.
Table 4

Table 4: Based on the data, it shows on the table that 48% of the Grade 12 ABM

students always spend around ₱50 - ₱100 on meals, while 39% of the students sometimes

spend ₱100 - ₱150, 41% of the students spend ₱150-₱200, and 50% of the students never

spend ₱200-₱250 on meals.

According to the data shown in the table, the researchers used chi-square to determine the

relationship between budget planning and the socioeconomic status of Grade 12 ABM students

at Arellano University. As seen in the table above, the student’s family income that is less than

₱10,957 totaled 688, the family income between ₱9,520 - ₱21,194 totaled 1,451, the income

between ₱21,194 - 43,828 totaled to 953, the family income between ₱43,828 - ₱76,669 totaled

to 141, the family income between ₱76,669 - ₱131,484 totaled 179, the family income that at

least ₱219,140 and up totaled to 75.


Based on the data, 21% of the Grade 12 ABM student's family income is less than

₱10,957 considered poor, 45% of the student's family income is between ₱9,520 - ₱21,194 is

considered low income but not poor, 25.7% of the student's family income is between ₱21,194 -

₱43,828, 6.7% of the student's family income is between ₱43,828 - ₱76,669 considered middle

class, 4.8% of the student's family income is between ₱76,669 - ₱131,484 considered upper

middle income, and lastly, 1.9% of the student’s family income is at least ₱219,140 considered as

rich. Based on the data, 47% of the Grade 12 ABM Students are always having an allowance that

ranges between ₱150 - ₱250, 50% of the students always spend around ₱50 - ₱100 on school

supplies, and 48% of the students always spend around ₱50 - ₱100 on meals. Based on the given

tabular data, the calculated value totaled 27.38 while the tabulated value is based on the table of

critical values of the Chi-square distribution with (d) degrees of freedom which is determined as

18.307. According to the data, the researchers figured out that there is a significant relationship

between budget planning and the socioeconomic status of the grade 12 ABM students.


This chapter presents the overview of the study's summary of findings, conclusions

drawn based on the results of this study, and recommendations made by the researchers.


The following are the findings of the researchers:

According to the results of our survey, 45% have a monthly income between ₱9,520 to

₱21,194, 26% have a monthly income between ₱21,194 to ₱43,828, 20% have a monthly

income of less than ₱10,957, 6% have a monthly income between ₱43,828 to ₱76,669, 5% have

a monthly income between ₱76,669 to ₱131,484, and 2% have a monthly income of at least

₱219,140 and up. The findings for the family income of Grade 12 ABM Students reveal that

most of the student's family income ranges between ₱9,520 to ₱21,194, considered lower

income. The findings of the study state that there is a significant relationship between budget

planning and the socio-economic status of the Grade 12 ABM Students. The calculated data that

can be seen in the table indicates that there is a significant relationship between the two variables

in terms of allowance, meals, and school supplies. According to the data gathered, students

normally spend ₱50 to ₱100 pesos on their budget, preferring to spend it on meals and school

supplies. Furthermore, the majority of students' daily expenses vary between ₱100 to ₱150


Based on their results, the researchers conclude the following conclusions:

1. As a result of the study, the researchers found out that most of the students in Grade 12

ABM at Arellano University have family income ranges of between 9,520 to 21,194

which was considered low-budget income but not poor.

2. According to the results of the data, the researchers found that there is a significant

relationship between budget planning and the socio-economic status of grade 12 ABM

Students in Arellano University.

3. Most of the students' daily expenses vary between 100 to 150 pesos, students often spend

50 to 100 pesos on their budget, preferring to spend it on meals and school supplies.

4. 51% of Grade 12 ABM students always have an allowance ranging from ₱150 to ₱250,

54% of the students always spend between ₱50 to ₱100 on school materials, and 51% of

the students always spend between ₱50 to ₱100 on meals.


After the researchers have gathered enough data and conclusions have been made, the

researchers have to follow recommendations.

• For the students, should continuously improve their abilities, understanding, and skills directly

related to budget planning. Students learn how to manage money according to their needs and

wants. By having the ability, understanding, and financial literacy skills, students will prepare for

a better future.

•For parents, should always be the model for their children in terms of financial management.

Parents need to continue providing direction and guidance to their children regarding financial

decision-making. Thus, the children recognize it to learn budget planning better.

•For small business owners, should learn how to plan carefully. This may also help them increase

their business financially. This may serve and benefit them in growing their business.

•For future researchers, may serve as their springboard for their future research. They may use

this study as related literature. This can also be used as a guide in creating their own.


1Saumya Singh, 2Shubham Gupta, 3Siddhant Jain, 4Siddhi Kabra, 5Snehil Gupta (7 July 2020)

What are the characteristics of student spending? Lily Ruha (November 15, 2022)

Correlational Research. Pritha Bhandari ( July 7, 2021)

Budgeting & Money Management for Students. Great Lakes (n.d.)

Budgeting & Spending behavior of students


The Impact of Financial Education and Socioeconomic Status on the Undergraduate

Students' Financial Literacy

The theory of personal Budgeting

(Adrian, 2022) Family Income Classification

Breakdown of student’s allowance


The Impact of Financial Education and Socio-Economic Status of the Undergraduate student’s

financial literacy Margaretha & Pambudhi, (2015); Wijayanti et al., (2016).


American Psychological Association

(Thatcher, 2021) Kevin Thatcher and Associates LTD



Dear Respondents,

The researchers would like to have your information to be part of our study in determining the

relationship between budget-planning and the socio-economic status of the Grade 12 ABM

Students in Arellano University

In accordance of R.A 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012, all personal and/or sensitive

information solicited and disclosed from this questionnaire shall be only used for the study alone.

Rest assured that your responses in this instrument will be kept confidential. Thank you for

taking time to complete this questionnaire.

Respectfully yours,

The Reseachers

Gmail: ______________________
Demographic Profile:

Family Monthly Income

less than ₱10,957

Between ₱9,520 to ₱21,194

Between ₱21,194 to ₱43,828

Between ₱43,828 to ₱76,669

Between ₱76,669 to ₱131,484

At least ₱219,140 and up

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