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Rubric for Assignment (Article Review)

L1 / L2

Developing Accomplished Exemplary
(Improvement Group
Topic (Fair) (Good) (Excellent) Weight
Needed) Score
0.50 0.75 1.00
Not able to Minimal ability
Summarize the Summary for the
summarize the to summarize the
Summary for main ideas and article is specific
main ideas and main ideas and
Article facts in the and provides the 5 x__
facts in the facts in the
article are clear necessary
article. article.
Able to
Minimal ability Able to clearly
Not able to provide and
to provide the provide and
Example of a provide the explain the
example of a explain the 7 x__
case study example of a example of a
case study example of a
case study case study
case study
Minimal ability
Not able to Able to clearly
to discuss the Able to discuss
Suggestions/ discuss the discuss the
suggestions/ the suggestions/
recommendations suggestions/ suggestions/
recommendations recommendations 7 x__
of a case study recommendations recommendations
of a case study of a case study
of a case study of a case study

The organization
The assignment
of the paper was The organization
was poorly The organization
somewhat of the paper was
Writing skills - organized and of the paper was
organized with very well 1 x__
organizations lacked well organized
minimal organized and
supporting and supported
supporting supported
Total 20

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