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Segregated as per Surveyors & Dates


Updated till April’22


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Scroll down form 29 n give ur introduction.


What happened last attempt?


Masters overriding authority n examples

What are the responsibility as a master? How will u give orders and not behave like a dictator?
Showed me Suez Canal grounding incident video and asked what I'll do as a master and what
I know about the incident?
1. How will rigister your ship. Tell me in details.
2. What you know about ISM? How will you implement ISM onboard?
3. Tell me about Risk assessment and how will carry out risk assessment onboard? In detals
4. What are the certificates associated with ISM? How will obtain and period of renewals and
5. What you know about cyber risk management? Is any certificate or code for this? Circular?
6. How many types of PSC inspections will be carried out by psco?
7. You are in watch, vessel aground! Action as master!
Now the FpK tank and two ballast tanks open to sea! What is your action? What all legal action
you will take as a Indian Master as per MS act and all conventions!
8. What are the radio commn logs you are maintaining in your vessel? What are the daily
tests you will carry?

9. What are the ammendements to MS Act?


10. What are the ammendments to Marpol?

11. Ammendments to IMDG code?
12. Contents of Marpol?
13. Contents of MLC in details?
14. What are the 9 eliments of social security?
15. You are goint to High risk area! What is your action as a Master?
16. Rule no 13
17. What is LoP in detail? What is SCOPIC in detail
18. What are the agreements on board? What is CBA?
19. There is crew severely wounded! Contacted Port and Helicopter arriving! What precautions
will you take as a Master!
20. How will you take over as a Master?
21. What is the Structure of IMO? In detail? How assembly consists? Who appoint council?
How many members in council?
22. What are the amendments to STCW?
1. What is rule 18.
- Responsibility between vessels except for rule 9, 10 and 13.
2. Where does this rule says about not to impede.
- 18(d)(i) For a vessel CBD passage not to be impeded except RAM or NUC

3. ROR situation with CBD and PDV explain responsibility and actions.

- Explained wrt 8(f)i, ii, iii

4. In which situation is it feasible for alteration of course to port except for Rule 2.
- Basically except in any situation as per 17(c) we can alter to port in overtaking situation in
good as well as restricted visibility. Finally he led me to Rule 18(a) here in all cases i can alter
course to port.
5. What is the greviance procedure against port state control detention?
- Detention review panel by IOMOU
- Tell me in detail about registration of Ships in India
- What all other acts are there related to Merchant Shipping


- Have you gone through Indian Customs Act. Said no. Didn’t ask
- Latest Amendment to MSA
- What are MS Rules
- Port of registries in India
- What do you know about ISM code
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- Duties of Master as per ISM

- When at shore how’re you exposed to ISM code-some training from company
- Difference between Manager, team player and leader. How will you be all of them as a
- Weight of football
- Number of players in Football
- Take over a Bulk Carrier at Kandla
- First thing you’ll check while joining to see if she’s Seaworthy. I said Draft Marks. He looked
content and moved on.
- Explain the construction of a capesize bulker
- Types of Hatch covers
- Vessel’s dry dock is due in 6 months. How will you prepare your vessel and crew all this time
to be ready by then.
- What is ISPS code?
- How many Parts
- Have you done any course on that? I said yes SSO. I said Noida
- Full form of Noida
- Is it in Delhi or UP
- Have you stitched a wound ever. I said no but I’ve been taught in Medicare so can do. He
moved on
- Official log book entries
- How will you carry out inspection of food and hygiene on-board
- Have you been to Engine room. What all safety items will you check during regular rounds. I
started with Lifejackets in ECR. How will you ensure they’re approved. I said I’ll check for
SOLAS approved Mark on it and my last Ship’s jackets were of Viking which is a very
trustworthy brand in LSA. Which country brand Viking originated from- Denmark
- How many lifejackets were there on last ship
- Capital of Denmark
- Length of Lifeboat
- Length of Oars
- What’s your height? You know your height because it’s yours. Should remember the length of
oars as well of last ship
- Information in Wheelhouse poster
- Fire in galley, in port- Action
- Stowaway onboard- Action
- What is P&I club
- Have you faced a PSC. Where? Rotterdam. Where is Rotterdam. Where is Amsterdam. What
is Amsterdam famous for. I smiled and said Sir famous for canals, tourism, tulips, windmills.
He said I could see that smile and it told me many other things as well. Das was also
observing and had a little smile on his face.
- Faced a Flag state inspection? Where?
- What colour T-shirt am I wearing? I said I can’t see below your face. He said ok good
- He asked how do you like this online system. I said to be very honest I don’t like it at all. And
kept on talking about advantages of physical meeting and talk. He said I agree with you 200%.
- What was last ship fixed firefighting system.
- What all do you know of deck foam system
- Where is Emergency fire pump
- Where located and why
- Type of Emergency fire pump on last ship
- What is centrifugal and centripetal force
- What is audit. Have you done any training on this. I did one course from IRS.
- What is IRS. Where located?
- Where is TUAS?
- Transiting Malacca strait. Tell things to consider
- What is fathom : 6 feet
- You’re arriving Singapore. Where did you depart from. On this I was taken aback for a
moment and thought may be I heard him wrong. I asked him to repeat the question. Said the
same thing. I said may be Kandla as I took over there. Yes why may be. I think May be he was
checking my memory or how good I’m at connecting dots.
- Chapter 5 of Solas. Brief
- Amendments to Solas
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- Why Solas came. What was there before Solas

- What is MARPOL. Contents
- Been on a passenger ship? I said yes Angriya cruise. Didn’t ask more.
#Das : Asked me to log out and log in again.
- What documents required for Ship registration
- Action : stowaway on-board
- Said ok you’re pass, you may log out.
1.) The surveyors are judging you on clarity, confidence and command taking abilities. Its not
what you answer but how you answer matters the most.
2.) Make them comfortable by praising them on some question which you might not know and
tell them I’ll definitely find out on this.
3.) Apart from regular books and notes, try to browse some related sites like Dg shipping, IMO
and etc. It doesn’t just give you knowledge but also raises your confidence level as you’re
aware of the current shipping environment.
1. Registration of Ships, marking n carving note specification
2. Passenger ship certificates
3. Fixed firefighting system of last ship
4. PI & FI


7. Muster List
8. How will u beach ship
9. Anchoring procedures, terminologies from anchoring topic
10. LSA of last ship , length of an oar, inspection and pms for lifeboats, five yearly test of life
11. Damage stability plan and booklet content and use
12. ISPS code and differ security levels
13. Stowage and handling procedures
14. Flag states, role of RO, RO for last ship
1) Asked me to draw the loadline of my last ship with all the extra details of the loadline.
2) Which was the last cargo loaded on my ship, from where I loaded and where we discharged
- We loaded palm oil from Malaysia (asked me capital of Malaysia) and discharged in India.
3) Asked details of palm oil, precautions while loading, carrying, discharging. How we
maintain the cargo temperature
4) In the above answer, while talking about discharging by pumps, he drifted to details of
FRAMO pumps - he asked me to draw the pump, type of pump, material of construction of
pump, working of framo pump.
5) Details you will get in the damage stability booklet.
6) Details you get in in the wheelhouse poster. From here he drifted to LOA and LBP of my last

ship. Definition of LBP and fwd and aft perpendiculars.

7) All the LSA and FFA equipments onboard my last ship.
8) Have you tried the deck fixed foam apparatus, to which I said yes-but only with water. To
which he said why not real foam, you must try the system when real foam.
9) Have you seen an inflated liferaft.
10) Have you seen a sea anchor. I said yes, to which he asks, have you used a sea anchor, I
said no, he asks WHY? You must use to see how it works.
11) Specifications and requirements of life buoys.
12) Specifications of pilot ladder. How will you make a pilot ladder onboard.
13) What is manila rope
14) How will you avoid/take precautions from sending false distress alter from radio
15) Anchoring.
Went on for more than 1 hour out of which close to 40 mins must have been only GK
questions and general discussion.

I won’t go into the GK questions bcos they’re totally irrelevant.


Basically he wants to check how street smart one is.

In his words, “It is not just important to experience things and know them. It is more important
to remember them and be able to recollect them.”
So his GK questions will begin from whatever word you utter from your mouth and can range
in various categories
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1. ISPS Code - What are the features of ISPS code? What was the reason for ISPS Code
being brought in? How many parts in ISPS code? Tell all that you know about ISPS
2. What is PSC inspection? What is the need for PSC inspection?
3. What is Substandard Ship?
4. Passenger Ship certificates - frequency of renewal
5. Have you ever been on a Passenger ship for a technical visit? Why not? You should’ve told
your ASM institute to arrange for a visit
6. What was the fixed Fire Fighting system on your last ship? (Mine was CO2) Why is it called
FIXED CO2? How many cylinders did it have? What was the weight of each cylinder?
7. What type of Boiler was fitted on your last vessel? What was the Maker’s name?
8. What was the name of the Main Engine’s Maker’s name? What is the complete name of
9. What is a Controllable Pitch Propeller? What is Pitch?
10. Types of Gas carriers? What is the difference between each?
11. What entries made in Official Log?
12. Chipping and painting complete procedure right from the start.. what type of primer to be
used where and how much?
13. How will you test General Emergency Alarm and PA system onboard? He wants to hear
that you will send one person to check each and every speaker when you test and verify that
all are working
14. Registration of Indian Ships
15. How much is 13x13? 15x15? 16x16? What is the formula for cube of (a+b)? Boyle’s law?
Charle’s law? Which leaf on Canadian flag, Etc etc etc.
He said that he wants to check how well I was able to remember EVERY SINGLE THING that
I’ve experienced or read or seen EVER in my life
1) Solas requirement of purifier room
2) Most imp rule in ror for cadet.

3) In manoeuvring characteristics on bridge , most imp thing as master

4) As per ISM, who is most important in implementation and justify
5) Importance of IMDG code as bulk carrier master
6) Use of answering pendent
7) Flag state cert not required any endorsement
Started with introduction
1. Muster list regulation and what will you check in it
2. Anchoring procedure
3. Vessel aground lights, shapes,
4. Vertical Distance between all round lights and shapes
5. Chemical name and Formula for DCP
6. Chemical name for Foam solution
7. How to ensure LSA is maintained

8. Details of SART
9. How will you take over as Master
10. Specification of Gangway net
11. SSP and procedure for entering Aden
12. Fixed fire fighting system on board
13. Stowawy on board action as Master
14. Grounding has happened Action as Master-Use of ground tackle
15. Damage control plan
16. Action on crew disobedience
17. Contents of OLB
He preferred practical answers
Started with introduction , which part of country etc.
About type of ships,
1- What is an Audit?


2- Diff between internal and external audit?

3-What is diff between Statutory and Mandatory?
4- Elements of IMO
5- Various Committee of IMO
6- From where you will get the details about LSA and FFA equipment.
7- What all LSA equipment u had on your last ship.
8- What is MOB marker.
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9- What all FFA equipment you had on your last ship.

10- What fixed firefighting system you had.
11- Fixed firefighting system for galley, Name of the foam/ chemical in it.
12- How will you go about taking over a vessel at anchorage cold layup.
13-How will you ascertain vsl is seaworthy or not.
14- Construction of watertight doors.
15- What is SIRE audit ?
16- PSC boards your vessel, how will you go about carrying out PSC inspection.
17- Elements of PSC.
18- Contents of Form A and Form B.
19- What all provisions mentioned in MLC for Food and water?
Registration if ship in India, which port and who does it.
Registration answer start from form 15 and say till the registration is done. Port mumbai, goa,
cochin, chennai and Kolkata.
PO from mumbai chennai and Kolkata, SIC from goa and cochin.
Detail about carving and marking note - my answer was almost wrong
Take over as master
Elements of ism and implementation
How will you ensure your lsa is operational
Lifeboat checks and equipment

Powder in DCP extinguisher (Mono ammonium phosphate-I did not answer)

Fixed CO2 requirement - samsul
Beaching why and procedure - samsul
What is Standing and running Moor. Which is better (Standing)
MLC social Security which India ratified - Maternity, survivor and invalidity. He just looked at
me and continued
Unrelated gk questions - Mine was poor
How will you approve muster list as a master - in general
Ice navigation in general - I also told him about the equipments requirement
GMDSS maintenance requirement
Distress signal - ROR. Once you start he will stop you.
PSC preparation - told him my vessel will always be ready for psc, I will ensure Preparedness
from all my officers and staff.
1) Procedure for registering Ship in India - lot of cross questioning. Imp was carving and
Marking Note - which I could not answer to his satisfaction- he wanted to know what is carved
and what is marked. How carving is done and how marking is done.
2) Have you been to Registrar office- no , why not
3) how many regirstrar in India and where
4) how many Surveyor Inc in India and where
5) how will you repare for PSC and FSI
6) what all PSC can check
7) what is SOLAS and Marpol - content of each
For each convention he needs when was it adopted
8) what is STCW 75 ... what was there in it
9) MLC and its title - why MLC came into being


10) Have you seen a open Life Raft - Define a L/Raft and all its content
11) what is a Sea Anchor - what is its material - have you used it - no - why not - you should
create instance to use it
12) Life Boat lowering frequency - Life Boat lowering and manoeuvring procedure
13) Diff between SOLAS Pack A and Pack B diff
14) how will you order a Pilot ladder - who issues Pilot ladder certificate- I said maker will give
certificate of compliance- have you seen the certificate- who actually issued it
14) Dimensions of Pilot ladder - step, step spacing, spreader length , material of rope and why
15) Dimensions of Accom ladder - width, height of stanchoins , length of ladder, size of wire
16) size of Gangway net
17) you are going from Cape Town to Mundra for anchor - how will you prepare and drop
- he needs to listen remove razor wire as you are passing piracy area
18) ISPS code and its content
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19) wheel house Poster and its content- what is sea trial
20) Ice Navigation- who can go to ice region
21) what is IOPC Fund and clc.
22) Pi - Fi
Registration of ships – procedures. Have u ever gone to registrar office – No.
Why you have not visited who has stopped you?
What u know about TS Rajendra and Duffrin?
What all forms are used in ship registry?
Flag state inspection, RO for flag state.
IRS - who is director of IRS?
Construction of double bottom tanks type of floors draw it.
Name of plate on lower side hopper on bulky.
Enclosed space entry length of hose for multi-gas meter.
Report a damage on side shell - make a report.
Same damage - ship cannot survive(as told by Capt. Awasthi)u are not able to contact ERS
how much time ur ship will take to sink.

OLB entries - can a master carry out marriage onboard if not why where it is written.
Annex 6 documents and cert required Incinerator components and lining material.
Statutory and mandatory cert of passenger ship as per which regulation or convention.
STP ships history. Hague and hague visby rules difference.
Immunity enjoyed by carrier as per Hague visby.
Manoeuvrability information required on bridge.
How ships speed on various engine order is calculated - say slow ahead , half ahead how yard
gives u that info. Lot of GK questions atleast 50 minimun in between questions- if u dont know
keeps on asking for freefall lifeboat how much depth required for launching.
CO2 release procedure for engine room. CLC fund suplimentry fund.
SDR. History of SDR. GA.
Some more question I can recall. Each and every topic he diverted somehow to GK.
ISPS code contents. Recent incident by Noxious substance.
Have u dine drydock I said no he started u should ask ur company otherwise come to DG they
will permit u for mumbai docks. Starts giving lecture.
How will you implement sms on-board
How will you motivate your crew to follow sms
Why are company checklists so exhaustive
How do you prepare your ship for helicopter ops
Second mate calls you at 2 am and says he collided with a fishing boat, your action as master
What is margin line? What is floodable length curve? What is damage control plan?
How do you do cow? Why do you do cow? What are the dangers of cow and what precautions
you take? How do you ensure the oil right integrity of cow lines?
Pressure testing requirements of cargo and cow lines
Can a controllable pitch propeller run on zero pitch
How do you plan for anchoring and berthing a ship and how does the prevalent wind, sea and
current affect your plan

What is ukc, when does ukc increase and when does it decrease

How do you ensure that your ship is not polluting wrt annex 6
What are the new annex 6 requirements
What is formal investigation and preliminary inquiry?who does it ??
Registration Of ships- entire procedure for registering a ship in india
Can ship he registers in Kandla? If yes why do we don’t find ships registered in kandla
Go questions:
President of india. Home minister of india. Defence minister of india.
Difference between oil and product tanker. What is condensate (Product tanker related)?
East part and west part of panama ??names
What is fractional distillation? Have you visited a refinery and seen how fractional distillation is
done? ( since my answer was no- justification). In addition, some general particulars of Borivali
(my residence area). History of chairmen india of wallem ( my cadet ship company ).
Length of oars. And the killer question. How does your wife motivate you ??
Capt Awasthi frames his questions based on your answer and while you are answering, he will
throw in a gk question, he will let you know when he is assessing your competence and when
he is just asking for sake of assessing general knowledge.
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18-JAN-22 1. Discussion on grain loading / various cross questioning

2. SOLAS CH 12 in detail special reference to alternate hold loading for high density cargo
AZAD 3. Msc cir 137 in detail reference to imo standards
4. Difference between over riding and master's discretion
5. Aground sound and day signal
6. Shape specifications
Explain safe Manning as per ISM, Latest regulation for ism explain, NIR,
Latest regulation for psc explain, Certificates required for ism & isps, Ship Risk profile,
Kytoprotocol, Registering a ship as per ms act, Unseaworthy ship

Clear grounds, 10 examples, P&I,SCOPIC,LOF, Polar code, Prototype testing,


Certificates for bulk carrier, VGM, Rule No. 10,17,19, LLMC, Hamburg rules,
III code, IRNSS, LRIT, How to report dangers to navigation?
Explain chapter 5, 13 of SOLAS. Damage stability and survivability.
Mental health. Fatigue. EEDI SEEMP, Certificate validity.
CO2 maintenance, what pressure? Fraud in B/L
SOLAS regulation for TSS, VTS
1. who ws DoC Holder ( Manager ) of your last ship?
2. which all Certs have Managers details mentioned in them

3.What is abandonment as per MLC?


4. how wil u take action once u r in such a situation

5. death on board of a Indian seaman, actions. In the end he wants to listen wil go to
port of refuge to land body.
6. What is distressed seaman, duties as master
7. What is ESP, does it apply to gas ships
Asked the questions which baweja told to find out
Deceased seaman


Looks MSA is his favourite topic.

Asked how many months salary if not given by owner will be termed as abandonment
Certificate of financial security can help to give how many months salary to crew.
Answers 2 months and 4 months respectively.
1. Your ship is reaching Australia, you come to know that one of your fire pump is not working,
what will you do
2. Fixed Fire Fighting maintenance schedule
3. L/B davit maintenance
4. DMLC 1 & 2 in detail, who fills and how

5. Cert. A & B when issued and validity


6. DCP maintenance
7. Unseaworthy ship as per MSA
8. STCW amendments
9. PSC finds out that 3rd Officers DC is expired, he wants to detain ship, action
10. Who pays for FUND, will owner pay?
11. Who pays for FUND in India
12. Can an Indian Owner register ship in Foreign Flag
1. Ror cards, fishing, dredging, aground, fog signals...
2. Functional requires of GMDSS.. How does epirb work, the full step by step procedure...

3. Unsafe and unseaworthy ship as per msa


6. How to send distress

7. Sheer and garboard strake.. How to report damage to the company..
8. Intact and damage stability for tankers...
9. Registration of ships...
10. Training and mentoring juniors...
1- Certificate required onboard
2- Which certificate require renewal after change of management.

3- Damage stability requirement for bulk carrier and as per which reg

4- CSR and which regulation

5- Manoeuvring data with reference to stopping distances track reach and head reach.
6- PI and FI as per which MS Act.
7- CO2 system maintenance
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8- Seaworthiness as per MS Act and action in case your vessel in not Seaworthy
9- 3-4 ROR charts -common ones
10- Why POR and MAS
11- GA and PA, which rules.
12- Breaching of vessel. How will you go about it. Why head way??
DMLC part 1 and 2. It's contents.
CLC convention - scope and limits
LLMC convention - scope and limits

LLMC convention with respect to MS Act.


Who contributes to IOPC fund.

Definition of company owner as per MLC
Wreck convention. Whether India has ratified it or not.
Pi and fi as per MS Act.
Name the section in MS Act which deals with it.
ESP and documents associated with it.
1. Master's role as per ISM.
2. What is verification and review.
Lot of discussion of verification....He wanted to listen master will verify on implementation of
ISM by ensuring all required certificates are there and well endorsed.
3. On checking LL cert you see that it is valid for another 2 yra but it was not endorsed for last
year annuals. Actions? When I said inform company
...He said company is telling u to sail out ...Will u sail out?.

Will inform flag...Take flag permission with dispensation for sailing from the port and inform

next port PSC as well. He was ok with it.

4. Damage stability criteria on container vessel.
5. Suddenly took out two ROR cards from his drawer. And he want everything what is there at
the back of the card.
6. How will u take over as master.
7. What all insurance certificates on board
8. Desserted seaman.
9. He asked about certificates again...What all statutory certificates required. And what all on
container ships?....Where is it given.
10. Who issues wreck removal cert? And who pay for wreck removal?
1. how contributes for iopc fund
2. Csr complete
3. safe manning certificate n wht reg
4. condition of class with example
5. ror grounding vessel, fishing vessel, towing lights
6. certificate of competency how many type are thr.
7. Implementation of mlc n crossing question. certificate of financial security validity.

8. psc suspension and more detail inspection.


9. registry of indian ship as per ms act.

10. pi
11. bill of ladding in general.
12. definition of one prolong blast.
13. taking over as master. as he asked me aft few point have u tken over alrdy i sid no i ned to
mke if official in write in logbook aft tht he sid ok.
14. define company as per ism.
15. what all certificate u wl cum to knw whch is ur company. samsul book in certificate change
of management u wl cum to knw. thr company nme is given.
Started with last remark,
He asked my why you fail last time what happened i honestly told him that i made a mistake
that is why i failed.

1. Started with previous remark


Towing light, SMC, LRIT, MLC title 1. Few cross questions and finished.
2. After finishing he said now you know what mistake you did and why u failed.
3. He said now he will start with his questions. He asked how you will take over as a master.
4. How to determine extent of damage which has to be reported. I told that i will inform class
and class will decide. And lots of cross questions
5.IG not working and you have to discharge 5000 t crude oil.
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Lots of cross question and i told i will not discharge in any case, told all the hazard associated
with crude oil and flammability diagram drawn.
6.Asked bout CLC, fund, supplement fund liabilities.
Told him all about it and but he asked how u will decide that your cargo is suitable for
insurance. I told since it is persistent oil it comes under convention few cross question.
7. Asked about grain loading, grain hazard and how to correct
He said you have little knowledge of Bulki since you are sailing with crude oil tanker all the
8. What i precautions you will take when heavy weather from following seas. Told him lots of
aspect but he was not satisfied.
9. What is hazardous substances. Lots of questions asked with respect to this. He made me
totally confused whatever i was telling him. But finally he satisfied when i sticked to my answer
for marpol annex 2.
10. What does psc do when come Onboard,
I told him he is there to find substandard ship. He got annoyed and said he is already
Onboard. I replied then he will try to find more and more faults. Again he asked then what you
will do, i said i know my ship better than PSC inspector i don't have any non conformity, or high
risk etc, all thing is on place i will ask him to carryout his inspection wherever and whatever
way he wants. I think he liked my confidence. Anyways in between he told me little about bulk
carrier knowledge and said it is not classroom it is oral.
Tips- Be confident and stick to your answer, he tries to confuse you.
After looking at my file told me that I was bit unfortunate last time and asked me what
happened ?
I told him my all previous remarks registry of ship in India, muster list checks before signing,
BNWAS & also answered them. He got satisfied.
He told me do you know about bulk carriers/dry ships as I have not done them. I told him I
have read about it so I can answer.
1. U are master on a grain ship and the mate is very new and he says that he doesn’t know
about grain loading. What will be your concern as a master ?
Ans. I told everything from grain loading stowage plan preparation which is given in shamshul
notes, grain stability criteria, grain loading manual contents etc.
He cross questioned that initial metacentric height of 0.3 m is for load port or discharge port?
During sailing your ship developed a list of 5 degrees, what will be your concern as a master
and how to deal with it? Long discussion as practically how do we correct list during laden


voyages. I forgot to say that we convert vhm to whm in the end for comparison. This he kept
asking till the end but it slipped from my mind.
2. What are the new garbage regulations?
Ans. Grb in two parts now, throwing of which all garbages prohibited into sea. Basically the
whole garbage disposal criteria. What all garbages you can incinerate? What all can’t be
incinerated? What about expired medicines, pyrotechnics, cooking oil etc. He will try to
confuse in between like asking if there is any criteria for throwing other than food waste by
giving wrong hints.

3. Difference between hague & hague rules. What are the immunities enjoyed by the carrier?
Give examples how he can escape from liabilities. He wants to listen that what is meant by
due diligence in making ship seaworthy with examples.

4. What is meant by interaction between ships? Explained in layman’s terms with drawings.
Few more questions during discussions which I can recollect now. Questions may be less but
very long discussion in each topic leading to cross questions.
Capt. Baijal called me inside saw my file asked me why I have done only bulk carriers , what
type of bulk carriers on hearing I have done lakers had a lengthy discussion on how lakers


work and how ships go upto lake superior and back to Montreal
Q1) As a master what are your lookouts before and during dry docking, explain with formulas,
he gave a paper and pen and asked me to write all the formulas I know for dey docking.
Q2) Rule 19 explain with all the examples you can think off asked me to use two pens.
Q3) What is the human element in ISM code, how is it addressed in the code?
Visit for latest question set Phone:- 07715932112

Started with formal intro. A class door B class door difference.

ECDIS requirement and which all ship exempted. Life-raft requirement for cargo ships.

BAIJAL What if seq. says 1 life raft of 16 person and psc or chief officer says no. Of person on ship is
Anchoring in south west monsoon. Safe speed. Rule no 19. Explains part d and e with ship
Loading concentrate and precautions. FSC correction. Drydocking. Scopic.
1. Passenger ship safety certificate.
2. LSA requirement for passanger ship.
3. History of ism code... Here he wants to hear the key word ie human error. Inspite of
explaining the herald story n content of ism code.. He was waiting for that keyword ie human
error. What ism bought to industry. He wants to hear procedure. Nothing else.
4. Form e content.. Followed by where is the list of ffa and why not in form e. Lot of cross
5. Since had done gas so he asked about procedure incase the tank pressure is high and u

don't have power available to run the plant.


6. What is limit of liability. Here also he is looking for keyword. There’s no point until you click
that key point.
7. Action in case of co2 release in compartment here is looking for keyword starvation. Don't
go for release procedure. First explain how co2 will help extinguish fire.
8. Grain loading including hazards.
9. Loading of concentrate. Here also interested in how ship will got angle of lol but not about
loading procedure.
10. Overtaking in tss under Which rule and procedure.
11. Action in case of quartering sea. Here he is looking for the formula and how it is linked to
the situation.
No cards no rule. He is only looking for keywords.
Q: how will you take over as a Master
Q: Name all certificates including Convention, regulation and their survey requirements and
time duration for surveys
Q: Anchoring in SW monsoon off Mumbai
Q: Your vessel heading towards Africa and you have following seas? Action
Told him about pooping and broaching to, he wanted to hear formula for same
Q: Advise to mate how to go about preparation for SEQ survey, contents of FORM E, details in
Fire Plan


Q: Sewage discharge requirements and if STP can be used to discharge sewage in port.- yes
can be used
Q: IOPP FORM A AND B : contents
Q: Difference between towage and salvage?
Q: Requirement for PV valves on tankers
Q: where do u utilise pivot point
Q: Requirements for lifeboat and liferaft on ships
Q: Major NC, how will you go about it?
Q: Question on port state control and action to be taken in case any deficiencies noted.
Q: Action if you are going to miss laycan.
Lot of counter questioning in between topics
Taking over vessel from yard. Seq and form E. Where all you will know Lsa and FFA
Extra FFA in chemical tankers as I sail on chem vessel. Ig requiments.


Where is written cargo needs ig or not. Lsa requirements for life boat and life raft how much
percentage of personal carying capacity. Heavy weather by stern.
Broaching, pooping. New mate vessel to take to dry dock and discussion on stability.
He wants full formula. Since I never sailed on bulk carrier he asked about grain loading and
concentrate loading. LRIT.
Anchoring in SW monsoon in Mumbai. Registration of ships in India.
1. Started with previous remarks from Capt Vaz. Bwm in detail, PCS, Limititations of ISPS


2. Does ISM apply to off shore rigs, MODU

3. You are on tanker and your assistance is required to help 100 People in water near an
offshore rig, how to go about it. Duties of master when required to assist in distress as per
Visit for latest question set Phone:- 07715932112

4. SW monsoon anchoring at Mumbai.

Anchor scope,
5. Mate is new and does not know to load grain how to go about it, what will be your major
6. Grain loading criteria ,went to much in detail.
7. Angle of lol
8. Mate is new and you are going to dry dock, how to go about it,again lot of discussion.
9. vsl is aground what is ur concern.
10. Damage stability, ERS
11. hague and Hague Visby rules, bill of lading discussion
12. CLC
13. various Certificates validity and surveys,smc expires what happens to DOC cross
14. New ammendments to marpol.
15. Port state control is obligation or Right, lots of questions concerning psc
16. Draw marine pollutant symbol. Gives you lot of time to answer
1. Anchoring in SW monsoon from start to end - He want to listen that u will not have enough
sea room to head the current or wind, so u have to drop anchor and turn to any side to which u
have dropped anchor. Because with the heavy wind ur Ship will turn.
2. Angel of loll..why it happend? When it happen? Action as Master?
3. ROR 19e situation.. Vessel Port qtr action? He want to listen that do not alter co. only
reduce speed or navigate with extreme caution.
4. Ship is going to Dry Dock n ur mate don't know anything, What will be your concern as
master? Relating only to the stability.


5. Rule number 8, and as per this rule make your own situation n how will u take action as per
this rule- Normal quote the rule n make him understand with 2 -3 situations.
5. Hague n Hauge Visby rule difference
6. Marpol new amendment about Sulphur content.
7.When u enter ECA area..what all u will do as master- Normal procedure of changeover as
we do on Ship.
8. Salvage n Scopic
9. Which Cert. Will give the details about the type of Ship
10. CLC n Fund and limits
11. Certificates with conventions
12. Take Over as Master
PSC any personal experience of detention?
PSC in detail, Any fines by AMSA if ship detained??
Taking over as master for first time? More focus on what certificates u check?
All certificates with convention and survey required??
Quartering seas, broaching, surf riding in detail lots of cross questions while i was answering
Intact stability criteria?


Grounding what all check and as Master your duties?

Long discussion on Law of flotation told him all basic but still he wants to hear something else
which i was not aware..
Stowaway in detail?
What Type of ship as per which certificate?
No. Of persons ship certified which certificate?
Rule 19 quote and explain..
Few situations on Rule 19
Vessel to anchor in SW monsoon near sw coast of India procedure and precautions?
1. Taking over as a master?
2. All certificates onboard with conventions and where to find that what type of ship
specifically?Cert of class!!!

3. Functional req. of ISM and about ISM in does it look like? How many pages?

4. Anchoring procedures ? Say as per company SMS manual.....In case of heavy weather will
you turn the ship into the wind ie;towards heavy wether for anchoring?
5. Why we use more cable in heavy weather ???
6. Damage control plan in detail?
7. How will you go about using damage control plan in case of actual damage...stability criteria
and all??
8. Angle of loll and what causes angle of loll?
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9. Planning for grain loading.....Grain onboard ....Vessel at sea list of 6 deg to stbd....what is
the probable cause???? What is the next action??Requirement for loading grain?
1.Started off with Certificates, Is class mandatory, which all certificates are you required to
carry on board an oil tanker, as per which convention, their validity and period of survey and
what kind. Diff between intermediate and periodic....DOC and SMC certificate detail and what
is the frequency of survey and what kind
2. Which certificate will identify the vessel as a product carrier or combination or crude , I said I
think its IOPP B, and also in Certificate of Class it is mentioned.... He gave me a blank look,
later on it was revealed my Folly was not in saying IOPP form B, but in saying I think.
3. Ur Lifeboat capacity is 50 persons, Liferaft is even more, so from a safet point of view, will u
carry 50 persons on board, No....i will see how many are certified by SEQ Form E
3. Vessel grounds, actions and concerns as per Master
4. Difference between Grounding Beaching and foundering
5. Damage stability Booklet, y is it provided on board, What info does ERS provide
6. How will u ascertain compliance with Damage Stability criteria....I started off with the first
method and was explaining him the which point he smiled and said, u guys say we
ask old questions, and look whos giving an old answer now....beta this method was used in
80' I smiled and starfine
off with deterministic method Pi Si index, Required index and attained index, he was fine
7. Flooding in Pumproom by crude oil....actions, told him abt stability concerns, fire hazard,
pumping to slops....something else he also wanted I couldn't figure that out
8. Imdg classes and segregation, a little into tge supplement of IMDG code and how will u refer
9. Dent on ship side, how will u determine its location ( i said shell expansion plan)


10. CLC fund, who pays and who all are supposed to have insurance for that....what if CLC
fund does not suffice the claims, then moved on to Fund who all contributes.
11. Angle of loll....what is it, does the position of G change, I said no....steps to correct angle of
12. Intact stability criteria for tankers and for grain
13. Anchoring in Mumbai in monsoons, as Master what are ur actions and concerns, y do u
want to stem the current when u r approaching the anchorage.
14. Now VTS calls u in and says, tugs not available, on shore wind, berth ur ship
15. What is NABSA, where will u find it
16. Enclosed space entry and some questions related
17. Tell me all that u know abt ISM code, i started off with Herald of Free Enterprise, case
study, court review, IsM code adopted, Elements of ISM code, spoke for abt 20 mins....he
stopped me then, and said give me an example of an over riding authority of master
18. 4-5 RoR situations
19. Tell me abt Rule 19d i and ii and 19e....gave me two pens....and said okag now show me
thw practical application
20. As a master wrt communication what will ur concerns be in Polar region, communication
equipment in A4, little bit abt Polar code
21. What is a code and a protocol
22. Any latest change to a navigational equipments that u r aware of ( i said Ecdis, latest
performance standards and for imolemtation and verification Makers have upgraded the
softwares on in stalled vessels and released new IHO check data set.....what is IHO chexk
data do u verify ur ecdis performance with it nd if its not in accordance.... What
And a few more questions.... He wants to know more abt the practical aspect and actions.
Not cleared.
What all ships can be registered and what all ships not registered as per MSA ACT.
PI and FI.... Who does it and where?
Distressed seaman definition


MLC / what all is there in Title 5

Solas chapter 12
Damage stability criteria / reg 4
Who does port state inspection and flag state inspection in India.
Fatigue - Full / wat does it says.
STCW amendments
Aground vessel fog signal.
Pilot vessel fog signal.
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1. formal investigation and preliminary inquiry. Who does PI and FI? How is FI done?
2. What are trading certificate? Mandatory and statutory certificate?
3. Structure of IMO?
4. Use of special marks?
5. Guidelines on fatigue?

6. Who issues not of protest?


7. When is NOP given? How it is given?

8. Extending protest?
9. Annex 5 amendment
10. Action to be taken in bunker spillage
11. Difference between PSC and Flag state inspection
12. One green light. What does it indicate?
13. Pilot vessel fog signal
14. Aground vessel fog signal?
15. Solas amendments
1) who does the investigation MS act?
2) with numbers he started asking I said don’t. Remember with numbers the respective rules.
3) duties of master in collision?
4) ism content in detail with certificate

5) MLC all articles with number I said not prepared with article number.

6) action in grounding / spillage during bunkering

7) Solas / Marpol latest amendment
8) fire control plan details
9) rule 19 & 6
10) ISPs certificate and levels of security
11) stowaway found on board after sailing. Action?
12) making a short turn
13) pivot point / reserve buoyancy
1) MS ACT completes definition of distressed seaman.
2) Registration of a vessel.
3) FI in detail: Mainly wanted to hear that Assessors are called for Final / Formal investigation.
Only the Judicial magistrate of First class is legally allowed to carry out an FI.
4) Manila Amendments to STCW : All 12 amendments he required.
5) Green light ROR card.


6) Fog signal of vessel aground.

7) Fog signal for pilot vessel.
8) GMDSS daily tests in detail.
9) IMO full structure and which committees have sub committees and how many. MEPC and
MSC committee are divided in sub committees.
10) Methods to refloat a vessel. Ballasting / De-Ballasting lightening a vessel. Wait for tide to
increase and then refloat.
Tug assistance can be used. Using your own engines.
11) Definition of Stranding and Beaching.
12) What is Black list and Grey list.
Initial intro pre sea and attempt.
List down the observation made during the last attempt.
Details answer as per list.
He will ask you to answer each remark whatever you have written down.
ROR cards sailing vessel and towing vessel
Rule 9 and 10. Rule 9 which all vessel allowed in inshore zone.


ROR structure including annex

Types of EPIRB ans 3 types vfh, cospas, sarsat and inmarsat.
IAMSAR sector search in detail.. Including the angle for 2nd search attempt. Ans is 30 deg
from the datum point. Master responsibility as per imo resolution FAL. 11 (37).
Master responsibility as per Ism. Difference between form E and From P. Please go through
from p as well. Loading of grain. Hazards of grain cargo. Mlc titles only.
Difference between Safe port and port of refuge.
Here do not try answer from jb sing notes. Just explain what is safe port and port of refuge.
Better is with example.
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He asked me if I cleared written, which I had two years ago. Then he said he start with the last
attempt questions.
1st question what IOMOU, I fumbled a bit and then remembered Indian Ocean MOU
2. What are the types of PSC inspections. I knew initial, CIC and detailed but he asked for
more and gave me time to recollect. I could answer expanded


3. Stowaway onboard found at high sea. Action.. started with taking him into custody , identify
him then report but he interrupted asking what would you do before reporting. Answer I found
out at the end of line, look for more stowaway probably present onboard.
3. Shown me two cards day signal for other than trawler, gears extending more than 150m and
vessel with diamond with two possibility. Either it is being towed or towing. Answered correctly
except I didn't mention underway for fishing boat.
4. Mlc title, gave him 4 title and 5th I said varification of compliance but it's actually worded,
compliance and enforcement. Kept drilling for some time but I could understand why.
5. Running moor
Started with previous fail remarks. Told him all correctly. Then he said as you know all your
last mistakes now we can go ahead.
Then 2 cards.. first was special mark and second was trawling vessel shooting nets. Told him
all details like light, Rhythms,colour, fog signal, which side to pass and keep clear also flag
displayed. He said good and finished with RoR. I am sure I did not make any mistakes.
Daily checks of GMDSS.. he wants main thing is to check printers and paper that we use daily.
Amendments to ISM besides cyber crime tell the previous ones I.e for Ch 6.2 and 12.2
Damage control plan contents. He wants main thing as Evacuation Procedures as a Master
Fixed fire fighting equipment on last vessel.
Full form of IAMSAR. Draw sector search, 1st & 2nd crossing.


Draw Head reach and Track reach, which is more.

Reasons and whole Procedure for Beaching. He wants the 3 main reasons.
Oil Discharge of Machinery spaces in and out of Special Area. Main difference in and outside
special area. Difference between Hague and Hague Visby rules.
Who can do a formal investigation. Procedure for carrying out FI.
Definition of Distressed Seaman. He makes you feel very comfortable. All questions were
simple and I answered most of his questions except for 5 to 6 mistakes here and there where
he helped me out. He told me all depends on internal and he told me to prepare well on the
mistaken answers which had also marked with pencil on the questionaire sheet. Asked me if I
cleared writtens, also if I cleared in 1st attempt. Another trainee surveyor, a Sardarjee was
there in and out, he did not interfere much only asked me about the Ism amendment of cyber
crime. I told him about my company’s IT and OT manual. He asked me when I signed off last
and if my company SMS manual was ammended.
Started with all old remarks like ISM, Masters responsibility n authority.
Manoeuvring characteristics. Then ROR card 2.


No situation in ROR. Types of Bl.

Implementation of ism as master. Stoways found action as master.
Beaching when u do examples. How u do beaching?
Take over vessel as master. Mmtd doc nego or not.
Marpol machinery space discharge diff bet special n outside special area
Registry of vessel.
1. Write down all past questions you remember from past attempts.
I wrote but he checked and asked only the top most ques at end, it was ok he said.
2. ROR Cards, normal 3nos, Isolated danger, I took little time in answering light rythm but i
answer but he say you should not think much on basic ROR items.
3. Latest ammendements of ROR.
I answered Implementation of III code, that all, as i didnt read 3parts. he crossed ROR now.


4. You found stowaway at sea, what are your action, I mention intial take into custody, do
thorough search for stowaway, Then he asked whom will you report, I mentioned last port of
call, owners, falsec, flag but i diddnt mention next port of call, Again a cross..
5. Damage Stability plans what things you check, he kept on specifing which is the first thing
you check, i answered Equilising arrangements, Emg Exits (as i read some one post of
baweja ques) but he said NO and crossed it.
6. Latest ammaendments to MLC 2006, i mentioned the new ones, but i mention only def n
wages part, he sent me back and check for 3rd one, then i checked and replied repartititon. IN
this he kept on insissting where shall crew should return, i mention port of engagement, but he
was saying something else i didnt remember.
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7. Is MTD negotiable or not, I answered Not, he asked can it be, i told I m not sure, Again
another Cross..
8. MSA registration which all vessel not applicable, I mentioned 15NT and i didnt mention
clearly , so again cross..
9. IAMSAR ammendments.
1) Who will carry PI n FI? Why n how will do?
2) MLC title 5 n its contents.
3) What's IAMSAR and contents. What vol will carry onboard?
4) What's the area of BIMMS (NCV)
5) What are the liabilities of LLMC
6) What's multimodal transport? Is it negotiatioble?


7) How many minimum B/L copies must issue?

8) What is major NC?
9) simple cards vsl at anchor, pilot vsl at anchor.
10) fog signals of anchored vsl n aground vsl.
11) How will cancel false distress alert?
What action will you take onboard, that it never happen again?
12) Turning circle, tactical diameter, headreach
13) what are d contents of Bridge poster
14) Structure of ROR. What's new Part added? Contents.
15) As a Master how will take over command?
1) 4-5 Cards
2) Obs , NC , MNC defeciency definition
3) Distress seamen
4) Which all ships not required to registered as per MSA


5) Grain loading
6) what is FI
7) Liferaft requirement
8) stowaway found action
9) Master over riding authority
10) MTO, MTD.
11) Last ship fixed FFA
12) Meaning of flag G
Started with introduction total sea time as chief officer written status and also asked in which
month I appeared writtens.
1. Salvage reward criteria


3. MLC 2006 and amendments

4. Marpol 73/78, what was important thing which brought protocol 78.
5. Difference between convention protocol and resolution.
6. How EPIRB can operate by false, action. (during washing of deck, EPIRB cancellation
7. IMSBC Characteristics and about IMSBC.
9. 10 YEARLY inspection CO2, and about alarms etc. mostly certification in details.
1) Types of B/L's ,he wants all of them to be written down and per him key
words were missing
2) Precautions before entering ice related to safety..he wrote down numbers 1 to 8 and asked
to fill up as per priority. Again he says one key point missing
3) Write down 1 certificate name required from each of the MARPOL Annexes..which Annexes


do not have a certificate ( Annex 3 and 5)

4) PI and FI by whom and where is it conducted?
5) Stowaway found after departure , actions to take...moment i said the first point that conduct
a thorough search he said ok. its correct
6) Few ROR cards..pair trawling..Towing etc...
7) Condition of class, class notation
8) Rotterdam rules...are they enforced or not? many countries have adopted
them? What are the basic provisions.
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1. Started with PI and FI?

2. Where is Formal investigation conducted ?
3. Can FI be conducted without PI already done ?
4. If yes, list circumstances under which this can happen ?
5. PSC came onboard and found Security ptocedures not being followed onboard. And Master
also agree with PSC that yes PSC is saying right it is not being followed properly. Then what
can happen ? Then asked what can happen to ISSC ?
6. Can vessel sail out with expired ISSC? ( HE TOLD NO )
7. What to expect while entering polar regions? ( In regard to navigation and ship structure )
8. How many rules in ROR. And latest Ammendments ?
9. Night card - sailing vessel underway over 20 mtr.
10. Day card MINECLEARANCE vsl at anchor.
11. Contents of chapter 5 mlc? ( HE WANTS ALL SECTIONS AND SUB SECTION)
12. Latest ammendment to MLC ( STILL NOT ENFORCED) ? He want to hear the piracy sea


13. Restricted visibility, vessel right astern, radar not working. How will you asertain ROC
14. Now ROC exist what will you do? ( Intensity of sound is increasing)
15. Which search pattern when you the exact position of datum ?
16. Latest lof form and contents of LOF 2011?
17. Full form of SCOPIC?
18. What is general avg.?
19. Your vessel is approaching a port and you stop engine but still speed high and to reduce
speed you use anchor and anchor gets lost. Will this be a general average?
20. Your vessel has grounded on beach and you drop anchor to keep the vessel in position.
Later you loose this anchor. Will this be general avg.
21. Diff between hague and hague visby rules ?
22. Marpol 73/78 ? Why called 73/78?
23. What is difference between convention and protocol?
24. What is 78 protocol called?
25. When did protocol 78 came in force?
1) Masters duty as per ism?
2) Ristricted visibility situations vessel at right astern, risk of collision exist action as per rule
19 part d and e separately.
3) What is b/l. Types of bl. Wat all points to check before signing bl. function of b/L.


4) Enroute definition, distress seaman, stowaway, special area.

5) Certificates required as per annex 6 marpol.
6) 5/6 ROR cards
7) Precaution before entering ice area.
8) Polar ship certificate
9) Basic idea of rule 19 e.
10) Pilot vessel underway fog signal and additional sound signal
11) Casualty investigation pi/fi.
1) DOS and its function?
2) Masters duty as per ism?
3) As master joining ship what procedure u will follow
4) Can we sign DOS between company and ship
5) Diff. of equipments listed passengers ship safety equipment certificate and cargo ship safety
equipment certificate
6) Ristricted visibility situations vessel at right astern, risk of collision exist action as per rule


19 part d and e separately.

7) Function of b/L
8) Diff between psc and flag state inspection
9) Can psc inspector do flag state inspection
10) Enroute definition
11) What is most important thing as master u need to check in damage control plan
12) Marpol disch criteria in annex i. In special area.
13) 5/6 ROR cards
14) Ice navigation
15) Polar ship certificate
16) Special area definition
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17) Rule 19
18) Pilot vessel additional sound signal
19) BMP 5 content

1) Dos and its function?

2) masters duty as per ism?
3) as master joining ship what procedure u will follow
4) can we sign DOS between company and ship
5) diff of equipments listed passengers ship safety equipment certificate and cargo ship safety
equipment certificate
6) ristricted visibility situations vessel at right astern, risk of collision exist action as per rule 19
part d and e separately.
7) function of b/L


8) Diff between psc and flag state inspection

9) can psc inspector do flag state inspection
10) enroute definition
11) what is most important thing as master u need to check in damage control plan
12) Marpol disch criteria in annex i. In special area.
13) 5/6 ROR cards
14) Ice navigation
15) polar ship certificate
16) special area definition
17) rule 19
18) pilot vessel additional sound signal
19) bmp 5 content
Last failing questions - Capt.
Polar code - training requirements
Chennai pollution incident - who will pay
Class notation - which publication will you find


2. Taking over as master - he requires something from to take from office

3. IAMSAR latest amendments
4. ISM elements - every element
5. Pilot vessel sound signal
6. Cards - Pilot vessel at anchor
7. MLC - Title 5?
8. Diff between Hague and Hague Visby
1) Priorities of Master at sea in the correct sequence only.
Safety of Life. Safety of Navigation. Safety of the cargo. Safety of the environment. Training
and social welfare of crew.
2) Duties of Master as per ISM code
3) You see one red light right ahead at sea-identify the vessel. Sailing vsl underway or vsl
being towed seen from its port side.
4) Fog signal of pilot vsl. Fog signal for vessel for her length and in addition may sound 4 short
5) PSC form A and B - contents of each form.
6) PSC codes used by PSC inspector.


7) What is difference between FI and PI.

FI is formal investigation conducted by court of survey.
PI is preliminary enquiry) conducted by the officer appointed by the Central investigate
a marine casualty incident.
8) Who orders FI to be held. Judicial Magistrate or Metropolitan Magistrate of the 1st class
whoever is the sitting judge of the court of survey.
9) Who is present apart from the judge. Min.2 and Max.4 assessors who are appointed from a
list of assessors prepared by Central Govt from time to time.
10) Who appoints the assessors. Central Govt.
11) Daily checks done on GMDSS.
Proper functioning of DSC facility without radiation of signal using the equipments internal test
Printers working and have sufficient supply of paper
Test conducted on-load and batteries recharged to full where required
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GMDSS em'Cy light working

11) what all entries to be made in GMDSS logbook and functional requirements of GMDSS
12) Latest Amendments to MLC
1st in 2014 where validity of MLC may be extended to maximum 5 months in cases where
renewal survey has been completed but new MLC was not issued immediately to ship.
2nd in 2016 to include procedures for management of harassment and bullying onboard by
including them in health and safety policy and procedures as per MLC code.
3rd in 2018 which will come in force in Jan2021 where the SEA of a seaman continue to
remain effective in case the seaman is held captive on or off the ship as a result of act of
piracy or armed robbery against ships.
1. Started with Ror cards
- Day card for trawler with flag symbol for shooting nets
- Vsl aground
- NUC making way
2. Fog signal for NUC and Pilot vessel
3. Quote rule 19d and 19e
4. Beaching procedure


5. Stowaway detected on board mid sea, action ( I missed on further search of vessel for more
stowaways )
6. BL , types , explain seaway bill
7. How to avoid false distress alert
( all circular aspects he wants to hear, I only said training and familarization aspect )
8. Iamsar amendments
9. Joining ship as first time master what all checks to be done
10. Certificates as per marpol annex
11. Imo structure , amendment procedure
12. Distressed seamen definition

All previous remarks only


2 ror cards one towing and underway and one aground

Distressed seaman definition asked to write in paper and looks for specific words of definition
Taking over as master
Contents of fire control plan and its requirements.
1. Rhythm of Isolated Danger Mark, card: showing fishing vsl with 2 possibilities of anchor and
making way seen from astern (gear extending accordingly)


2. What is PI & who will conduct

3. All chapters in Title 5 of MLC
4. All amendments of MLC.. when they were adopted and when they came in force and which
are expected to come and when
5. Hours of rest and work as per MLC..
6. Taking over as master : 5 points & important thing to carry with you from the office
Baweja asked rapid fire questions
Solas ch 13, 14
Iamsar ammendment
What is salvage and conditions required for salvage
Stoway on onboard actions


Drydock loss of gm formula

Rough weather at stern
Distressed seamen
Annex vi certificate issued on what all basis
MTO document
And many more which I don't recollect
He was looking for key words and changed questions as soon as I said the keywords key with
him is to be to the point
1. ISM, functional requirement, masters duty 5. 1 - 5.2

2. Implementation of ISM on yard delivery


3. Difference btwn PSSC & CSSC (Subdivision load lines for PSSC)
4. FI, who conducts it
5. Court of survey
6. BMP 5
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7. Sector search, usage

8. Why Marpol 73-78 (Mention Conference of Tanker Safety & Pollution - 78)
9. RV situation (19 E) , Mine clerance
10. Loadline Survey (As per HSSC- All certificates to be checked)
11. Damage stability contents, control plan (Mention guidance on usage of equipment
12. Distressed seaman
13. Deceased seama
1: stcw manila conversation ammendments.
2: element of ism
3: master duties under ism
4: master duty at sea.


5: why marpol 73/78

6: rule 19 and rv situation.
7:type of bl and what is straight,direct and stail bl.
8:psc suspended inspection and issue form A and B.
9:fundental rights under mlc,year of adoptaion and ratifiaction in India .
10: mlc elements and emelnt 5 full and 5.1 to discribe.
11:hauge and hauge visby.
12: sound signal of an anchor and aground vsl.
Told me to write previous attempts questions.. I wrote capt muduli questions of my first
and capt jbsingh questions..few of them as not worth mentioning...
Additional verification of smc. Scopic clause.
How as master u will be sure if psc will come on board.
Laytime. Despatch. Demmurage. Who carries internal audit of ISM…


He asked all questions of previous attempts.. I replied well..

Than came to Marpol 73/78... Asked why 73 did not come into force
Wat was the name of 78 protocol..
He wanted to listen the minimum requires countries did not ratify and 78 protocol name I did
not remember told me to find out...tanker safety and pollution prevention...
Than define distressed seaman...wants to hear distress at that place
Define HRA... BMP4 BMP5….
polar orbiting satellites and geo stationery satellites
Most important information for Master in damage control plan and only one point..
Wants to hear information on escape routes from under decks..
1. ROR cards - Towing vessel, Sailing vessel, Air cushion vessel and (Card which is
combination of aground vessel and NUC vessel seen from stern)


2. Flashing Yellow over white light and pilot vessel card

3. ISM elements
4. PI, after PI how to go about FI
5. PSC, SSP and procedure for ISSC
6. Multimodal transport and incoterms
7. Seat belt in life boat.
1. SOLAS Chapter 2,3,5 & 11.2 in brief.
2. Why Marpol called 73/78?
3. Why Marpol not came in force in 1973.
4. What happen between year 73 & 78, so all country retified the convention.
5. Which all ships not required to register ?
6. How will you cancel false distress signal?


7. What will you do to avoid same in future? What is the most important?
8. What is PI & FI?
9. Who conduct FI?
10. How many minimun assessor as per MSA?
11. OLB Entry for death of seaman.
12. Reporting for Death on board.
13. Types of B/L, total how many?
14. What is strait B/L?
15. Cold room not working, Action as Master?
16. What is the most important action as Master?
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17. Visibility Criteria as per SOLAS?

18. What is the Latest amendment of IAMSAR?
19. MLC title 5?
20. List out the contents of title 5?
21. Master's responsibility at sea?
22. Why FI is conducted?
Started with previous remarks.
questions from previous remarks n asked why u failed last time to which I replied the surveyor
was not happy with my answers.
1. What is ISM? In detail. And how will you implement SMS onboard ?
2. Taking over as master
3. Define Special area
4. When u takeover 5 imp things to chk?
5. Original BL is lost action ?


6. Fixed Foam system where it is mention, what is low and high expansion where it is mention
n where to use?
6. Fog signals pilot, vsl aground, anchor,towing and also flag and morse for aground vsl.
7. What if ISPS part A is not complying ?
8. What is Port state, coastal state, flag state, diff btwn all?
9. Who is registrar in India? Procedure for registry, and what all document will be checked
after registry is done?
10. Liquifaction system? (Also My previous remark).
11. Current from astern berth on stbd side make fast S/S A/S with tug, draw and show
procedure with steps.
12. Damage stability plan and booklet in detail?
1. History background of marpol 73/78
2. D1 D2 standards
3. Define Special area


4. Wen u takeover 2 imp things to chk? Unsure something specific he wanted

6. Certificates fr oil tanker
6. Fog signals pilot, vsl aground, anchor,towing
7. Which is most strict PSC and why
8. Diff bw psc and fsi
1. Taking over as Master. Replied everything except missed the word motivation.
2. ISM amendments.
As per 6.2/12.2. I could not frame 12.2 properly
3. Showed 3 cards of which I identified all 3 but he wants word by word all behind the card. I
got fckd here


4. Amendments to IAMSAR. Answered this but he keeps looking for a word or he says u
missing the most imp thing which I didn’t know.
5. Asked to draw the full SAR from epirb to sat to shore including all stations ashore here I
missed LET.
6. Cogsa n multimodal in detail.
7. Diff between Hague n Hague Visby
8. Which reg as per MS act governs this carriage
9. Damage stability plan ( explained everything he said I missed mentioning the word
1) Latest ISM Code Ammendments
2) The various types of PSC inspections.
3) What is IOMOU and How many countries are a party to it
4) CIC and which is the present campaign


5) Head Reach and Track Reach and a sketch for the same had to be drawn.Limits set out
with regard to the same.
6) Latest Ammendments of IAMSAR and which Volume
7) Re Entry procedure after releasing CO2 in Engine Room (Refer MGN Notice which has
detailed instructions)
8) GMDSS Functional Requirements
9) Broaching of Seas and Action
10) Certification under ISPS Code,validity,Internal and External Audits frequency
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11) MLC Titles to be enlisted and Title 5 Contents (Main Point was Onboard Complaint
12) High Expansion Foam usage and expansion ratio
13) ROR - One Green Light
14) ROR - Fog Signal for Pilot Vessel
15) Vessel entering Special Area English Channel after an Ocean Passage
16) Types of B/L
17) Multi Modal Transport Document whether negotiable or not
18) Explain Straight B/L
19) Which Annex in MARPOL does not have a special Area
20) Bulk Carrier Notations
21) Formal Investigation under MSA
1. How you will take over as a Master. And: Start with meeting with super
2: Contents of SOLAS CHAPTER 3. And requirements of same
3:what is an unseaworthy ship
Ans: as per MSA and even if one certificate is disturbed then it's unseaworthy
4:Your ship is Grounded what's surveys you will do before refloating
Ans:H and M survey and act what class says put cement box etc
5:what certificates u get for ISPS code
And: DOC and SMC
6: Procedure for getting ISM certificates DOC and SMC
7: What is validity of same
And: 5 years
8: Is class required
Ans: I said no, he said listen to question first then answer. I said according to SOLAS no. But
for insurance u need it so answer is yes
9:one red light identify and take action
And: Sailing vessel or tow from Port side


10:why marpol didn't come into force in 73

Ans: countries did not ratify and due to old system of ratification convention got delayed
11: What is SOPEP and SMPEP
12:tell me clear grounds for psc
Ans: he needs at least 8 to 9 points
13: which ships have high expansion foam
Ans: roro,vehicle carrier , passenger ship
14.PSSA and Special area you will know gangway is poperly rigged
And: as per resolution 1331 , dock labour act section 24.
16.what you see while taking over except fuel and certificates and other things regarding
Ans: provision and FW
17.Damage stability plan and contents where u will see it
Ans. at least one in bridge ,ccr.
18. IAMSAR latest ammendents.
Ans:MSC 1513
19.ISM latest ammendents
Ans: MSC (353). He asked anything else was ammended with 12.2. And 6.2. I replied with
1) Started MSA, what is PI and FI , accesor, full procedure.
2) Who carries out PI? What does he do , to whome he deposit his reports?
3) Who carry out FI? Req for accessor ? How to appoint accesor?
4) Can FI take place without PI, If yes in what cases?

5) Who is distressed seaman?definition as per MSA. Up to this point he was quiet happy.

6) As per marpol annex 1 and annex 2 what are plans for pollution prevention?
7) What is the difference between sopep and smpep?
8) What are the equipments under sopep and smpep? Couldn't answer for smpep
9) how will you take over as master ?? Lot of cross questioning ...
10) while taking over found one certificate expired, Action?
11) which all places you will go for round while taking over?
12) RoR situation, before asking situation he warned me if do this wrong you will be in trouble.
RV situation. Own vessel course 000
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Radar working
4 target vessel ,one at stbd quarter one at port quarter one at 4 points from the port bow and
last one 4 points from the stbd bow
Roc exits with all four
Action? I made big time fuck up...
13) ship handling.
Northerly current , offshore winds, tugs available vessel 5 miles from berth berth at port side..
How will you approach the berth and what speed??
Got the remark here too.
14) what was the tactical diameter and head reach of your last vessel?
Couldn't answer , one more remark.
15) what is track reach and head reach?
16) what is sector search? How do you carry out search show via diagrams?
After making the diagram he asked now how will you start next search?
Couldn't answer
17) what are the new chapters added in solas
Chapter 13 I named it verfication and documentation instead of verfication of compliance ...
He asked me to find out about sector search and come back, and internal will decide what to
do about you .....
1)Define Enroute, special area, PSSA
2)GMDSS areas A1, A2, A3, define
3)Preparation for entering HRA
4)LOF, what is it and its contents
5)Solas Chapter 13 n 14
6)LRIT fails 3 days before arrival U.S. port. Actions


7)Ch. Off sees someone on deck who is nt a ships crew n informs you, actions?.
7)Least GM required for own type of vessel.
8)Informations given in CSC plate of containers.
9)MLC title 5 contents
10)Define NC and major NC
11)SMS requirements
12) GMDSS equip. req for sea area A3 A4
13)Documents required by registrar
14) who conducts FI
15)types of foam, expansion ratio and where used.
1. SMS in ISM
2. Defination of Major NC
3. Damage control plan
4. ISPS code - Ship security alarm system
5. Types of EPIRPs
7. IMSAR VOL. 3 contents and AMMENDs to Vol 3.
8. MLC 2006 does not apply to which vessel ( All 3 points)


9. MLC title 5 contents

10. Amendments to ROR - part name and general content.
11. Taking over as MASTER.
12. Stowage at sea action.
13. Total No. BOL issued and to whom its given.
14. Difference between seaway bill and BOL
15. Defination of Entoute.
16. Preliminary enquiry ?
17. Why Marpol 73/78 was not enforced till 1983.
18. Changes that were made in 1978 protocol.
19. REGISTRY of ship as per MSA
20. which vessel MSA is applied and on which vessel it is not applied.
1) How many Chapters are there in SOLAS. I had answered 12. He then asked me what is


Chapter 13 & 14. (I was not aware of Chapter 13 & 14, so could not answer him)
2) What are the latest amendments to SOLAS? (Answered this question)
3) What are the latest amendments of ISM? (I could not remember the amendments at the
4) What is PSC inspection? What is Flag State Inspection?
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5) 2 main differences with PSC &Flag State inspections? (Had answered this, but he was not
satisfied with my answer)
6) Who can be a PSC Officer/Inspector. (Had given him the answer, but when I mentioned that
he may be a Flag State Inspector of his country, he said that was entirely wrong)
7) What can you do if a PSC has detained your vessel and there are no clear Grounds? Who
can appeal and procedure for appeal.
8) Action on Finding a Stowaway at Sea? Who will you notify?
9) IAMSAR Vol3 search patterns. Asked me in detail Sector Search Pattern and Contour
10) Types of EPIRB’s? What message it transmits and the routeing?
11) What are the different types of Foam expansion? What is Low expansion and High
Expansion foam?
12) What is PI & FI? Who carries out PI & FI and sequence of events for PI & FI? Can FI be
carried out without PI? (To this question I answered NO, but the correct answer is YES)
13) What is a Distressed Seaman? ( Answered everything except failed to mention that a
Seaman who is stranded in a port outside India. He wants to hear this)
14) As per BWM Convention, what all documents are required? Is there a Certificate issued for
this? (I was not aware and said NO. Answer is YES)
15) How will you go about taking over command as Master?
16) What is the purpose of Registration of Ships? As per MSA which ships are not entitled for
17) Contents of CIC. (I did not know)
18) What are statutory Certificates. What are validity of these certificates?
19) What is Chapter 19. Tell me the contents of Chapter 19. (I started quoting the rule to him.
In between he interrupted saying I do not want you to quote the rule to me. I just want to know
the contents. I took some time to tell him the contents and in the bargain I missed one content)
20) RV Situation. Vessels on Port bow, Stbd bow, Port quarter, Stbd qtr. All ROC. Your
action. I said that I would reduce my speed to the minimum at which I can be kept on my
course and navigate with extreme caution. He said that the answer is wrong.
1. Elements of stowaway
2. IAMSAR amendments
3. SOLAS amendments
4. MARPOL 73/78, why did 73 not come in force and what is the name of the 78 protocol? ( I
didn’t know the name)
5. HRA definition, reporting to whom, what all preparations ( wants to hear SSAS also)
6. BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT - required on what kind of ships, what all documents to
be carried for this, standards of BWMP, associated certificates ( did not study BWM at all, so
could not answer anything)
7. How many chapters in SOLAS, what are ch-13 & 14
8. Head reach / track reach / tactical diameter, criteria of all & which of the 3 is greater
9. B/L: how many types, who signs, how many copies?
10. Casualty investigation code: who publishes, definition of marine casualty, contents of the
code ( I said I don’t know contents, told him everything that is written in samsul book, he said

you don’t know contents, you should know, it’s so simple)


11. Taking over as a master , made me write 10 points on a rough sheet

12. Clear grounds definition and examples
13. Distressed seamen definition ( I told him the definition but I didn’t mention outside India, he
wants to hear this)
14. Controlled pitch propeller
15. What is solas ch-9. Details about DOC & SMC
16. Types of EPIRB
17. Search patterns and calculations of track space
18. PI & FI in detail
19. Who conducts FI, can FI be carried out without conducting PI?
20. Tell me all you know about GMDSS sea areas
21. What all parties to be informed after a stowaway is found onboard
22. Contents of ISM
23. Masters responsibility and authority
24. Masters overriding authority
25. Loadline survey preparation
26. How will you carry out chalk test
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27. Difference between watertight and weathertight

All ship certificates and documents, registration,

Damage stability criteria of tankers , diff in IBC and IGC criteria,
Deterministic and probabilistic methods, importance of mortgage,

River sea vehicles, Ship manoeuvring ,


Berthing unberthing with/without current ,

Wind, tugs , anchor dredging,
ROR situations in TSS, Narrow channel,
Rule 18 and cross questioning, Cyber security,
IGF code, general average calculation
➢ M.S. Notice location on DG shipping.
➢ Taking over as Master
➢ Certificate required to check on left V/L.
➢ Document required on LPG V/L → administration approved.
➢ Certificate required for ESP.
➢ CLC bunker certificate
➢ Who will issue


➢ MS Act , wreck definition

➢ MS Act, Receiver of wreck , who is in Maharashtra
➢ LSA / FFA maintenances required as per Indian Ship.
➢ Marine Insurance Act
➢ Warranty
➢ Who will issue rating
➢ Certificate for financial security, Who will issue
➢ Certificate required as per Nairobi Wreck Convention
➢ Rule in ROR & 39, 40, 41 Explain
1) He asked me about my last vessel and flag - I said Crude Tanker and Panama.
2) Then he asked you didn't sail on any Indian ships? - I said No
3) What is MS Act and what is board - Started with act number 44 of 1958 and Told him purpose
of Ms act and National Maritime Board
4) Who can register and how many shares can a ship be divided in - Answer to shares is 10
5) What is Passenger Ship and What is STP - I started by saying section number 241 and 242
and explained, he said quoting section number gives us a very good impression. Finally it struck
me that Crew Certificates and Medical Certificates of crew. He still said anything more ? Out of
the blue I remembered about Type Approval Certificate of all equipments and he said Good for

6) You are in cabin and you feel a very strong vibration, Vessel aground, actions?

- Rush to bridge, Stop engines ( both smiled and looked satisfied) , safety of crew.
7) Cargo Leaking and Oil is rushing out now - I said I will implement sopep and rig booms , he
said how will you rig booms? I said rescue boat.
8) He said be practical I said I will ask coastal state , He said coastal state is taking time to
9) He said oil is leaking, take action fast - And then it clicked me that I will transfer this oil to
ballast tanks.
10) He said now your ballast tanks are hazardous- I said I will put IG in ballast tanks via
Emergency Connection and will rig spare P/V valve over it.
11) What is CMS - I was completely blank about this , told him honestly I don't know sir, he said
you know it . He said it is related to Certification and I recollected Continuous Machinery survey
by classification society.
12) As a Master how will you find about CMS ? - Class survey status report.
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1. Taking over ship as master, i started with same company briefing and all, he told me why you
want clerk to brief you
why dont yo check all this certificates yourself from somewhere else.
2. From where you can check you statutory certificates details and survey due etc....( he wanted
to listen about class status report)

not satisfied with my answers, asked me what info. in class status report.

3. Who issues CLC, (initially i told him flag state then he said what? and made me nervous.
I told him sir give me time to think iam little nervous. He said it doesn’t help me you getting
nervous and all. Then I told him P.I is my insurer and flag gives certificate.
I think by this time he felt I am week in certificates.
4. Tell me about all ship certificates from start.
Started telling him but when i told him ship radio as per solas 1 reg 12.
He said no as per ch.4, don’t know what he wanted, he was giving wrong answers and told me
definition of cbd was in ROR 18 you where partially right there also.
1. FI, in details
2. Registration of indian ship
3. OLB entries in details
4. Cross question, reason why not proceeding for assistance

5. MLC title 5, name full title and it's full content,

6. Latest ammendments to MLC

7. Ism content, name chapter13-16

8. Chapter 16- form issued under ism
9. ISPS- full procedure how to implement ISPS and certificate issued under ISPS
10. Marpol annex 2 and 5 special area
11.ROR, fog signal of fishing vessel
12. Does rule 13 applies to restricted visibility
13. Single green light card
Unberth the vessel port side alongside, current from ahead
Take over as Master
Company not providing you the status of certificates, where and how will you get it
Certificates to check onboard
Loadline certificate, its contents and any other thing related to it (Record of conditions of
Certificates expired, will you sail.

Window period for renewal, annual, intermediate.


Vessel departed rotterdam, pilot off and engine failed, action.

Unable to control this vessel, action.
They were leading me to declare urgency/distress.
Tug arrived, will you sign LOF. Yes.
Company will be very unhappy with you.
If its going to affect the safety of ship and no time is available then definitely will go for
it(overriding authority).
What other option you have. Establish towage contract if time permits by negotiation.
Where will you find details of MAS.
Certificates in chemical tanker

Pand a manual
Caego record book

1 berthing situation
Certificates reqd as per isps
What is dos
Lsa on tankers
Damage stability

Taking over Command

Cargo securing

Ship handling
Fund and CLC
RoR Cards
Piracy esp BMP5
STCW and Officers’ certificates
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COR very detailed certiicte affects wen owner change. Y Pn I.

Cyber security in detail is it approve. Action in case cyber attack.
Safcon survey pre. VDR data wat all to record.
And performance stndrd VDR. Hongkong convention.
Is it in force. Anchored vessel action.
Cyber security as per which code or reg. Safety of navigation full solas CH V
Ship manevring characteristics aa per IMO standard . From Bridge many Imo standard.
He was all the time looking for very detailed answer kr may b his keywords....
Confidence is d key even a unknown ques lik IMo standard of equipment...
1. Ms act unseaworthy.
2. If no charts for voyage, is it unseaworthy?
3. If not enough bunker for voyage, is it unseaworthy?
4. Where is isps covered in solas.? Anywhere other than ch 11.
What does it say in ch11 about isps?
5. You see a boat with people on it waving to them onboard. No distress. What all actions will

you take? Will you allow them on board or not?

6. What is EEDI? Where is it mentioned? Which IMO instrument made it compulsory?
7. How to prepare for safety construction survey?
8. Requirements for AIS. Where is it mentioned in solas. What does the solas regulations say
about AIS.? Why was AIS introduced?
9. How will you approve loading plans on bulk carriers and gas carriers. What all to check.
10. ROR situations. 4 or 5 of them. Who is give way and who is stand on in all situations and
action by both.
11. Lights and shapes for fishing vessel, fishing vessel at anchor, pilot vessel, pilot vessel at
anchor, vessel being towed. No cards, just asking what lights they will show.
1. Ms act unseaworthy.
2. If no charts for voyage, is it unseaworthy?
3. If not enough bunker for voyage, is it unseaworthy?
4. Where is isps covered in solas.? Anywhere other than ch 11.
What does it say in ch11 about isps?
5. You see a boat with people on it waving to them onboard. No distress. What all actions will

you take? Will you allow them on board or not?

6. What is EEDI? Where is it mentioned? Which IMO instrument made it compulsory?
7. How to prepare for safety construction survey?
8. Requirements for AIS. Where is it mentioned in solas. What does the solas regulations say
about AIS.? Why was AIS introduced?
9. How will you approve loading plans on bulk carriers and gas carriers. What all to check.
10. ROR situations. 4 or 5 of them. Who is give way and who is stand on in all situations and
action by both.
11. Lights and shapes for fishing vessel, fishing vessel at anchor, pilot vessel, pilot vessel at
anchor, vessel being towed. No cards, just asking what lights they will show.
Nairobi wreck how will you know your vl is party to same

ESP reason

High freeboard heeling criteria

Rudder cycling
And some questions on Cert
He started with ROR and asked me Rule 2. I explained the rule and he told me that
why are your guys showing so much of resistance in quoting the rule. I replied that I can’t mug
up the rules. (Don’t copy the style or try to act heroic as it may turn bad also). Then he asked
me rule 10. again the same story, I explained.
Further to that a few ROR situations where a simple crossing situation in TSS, and the

another one an overtaking in Restricted Visibility. (For overtaking in RV, he wants to listen that
you will overtake another vessel from her starboard side though you have both options). ROR
part was that much only.
Then He threw another bomb as question that Your vessel is going to Baltic Sea, What
precautions will you take for this transit?
My answer was a bit weird that I have never been to that place and can’t say anything
about the precautions, requested him to tell me where this place is or what is the eco system
over there then only i can speak about the precautions. to which he replied, you should have
read about the place as it’s written in your syllabus.
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Then he moved to next question which was similar but where he mentioned that your
next passage is from Kandla to Aqaba during monsoon, what all precautions will you take?
I only knew that the Aqaba is in Jordan and its near Suez so I told him, apart from all
precautions and procedures for normal voyage I will take measures for Piracy and Heavy
weather. Where he was giving emphasis on more and more but not ready to move to next
question until I answer it in a way he wants to hear. so next I asked him to give indication what
does he want? and after a bit of discussion he asked me whether you will be reviewing the
passage plan or not, to which my face was turning blank as its kind of implied thing which
everybody will be following.
Then He asked me about Polar code, IMDG, ISM and Master’s duties, Fund and CLC,
PSC inspection and how often PSC inspections take place, SCOPIC, precautions for avoiding
false distress alert and a few more but basic questions.
When you are facing Capt. Dubey, He will give you an expression where you can’t
judge whether he is satisfied or not. He behaves exactly like a weird girl on bed by whose face
you are confused whether to put more effort or not.
Guys after appearing twice I can only say that the ASM orals are more or less
discussion. They are not looking for the candidates who can mug up everything but you have
to show the practical aspect of the situation and law part in which give emphasis on safety and
be confident.
1. Introduce yourself.
2. Which company and ship types.
3. Started with quote rule no 5,6,9 & 13. He will change overr to next rule afyer few lines
may be checking only whether u can or cannot.( Worked in my favour.)
Normal explanations abt what all means of lookout u have, meaning of safe speed, limitations
of radar eqp, meaaning of constraints on radar range,
4. Rv situation roc with 3 vessels port stbd and right astern action.
5. Own vessel cbd and ram crossing narrow channel.. action and as per which rule
6. You see a vessel agroud rght ahd action.. told him lights displayed by aground and sound
signal...evrything else wat i can do but he wanted to listed as per admiralty notice to mariners
section 3 we are suppose to report it To adm. Told him that wil report to coastal state in case
of unknown charted depths or unlit buoy. ( to send admiralty note with information to adm as
per section 3 of ANM)

7. How many elements of ism and what is element 16


8. What is esp
9. Dry docking requirements.. how often.
10. Fire drill requirement as per solas.
11. Helicopter ship ooeration to be carried out. What all things u will prepare as a master.
12. Hamburg rule asked to other candidate.
13. Vessel listed to stbd by 3 degreeand loading 100 t at midship what should happen. Don’t
say negligible he gets v angry. I tried but couldn’t rem the formula he said as a master u
should be knowing these small things.
14. Can u sail with a damaged lifeboat.
15. Psc inspection what all they check as per which regulation. Can they check items
related to mlc.. if yes what they wil check.
16. What is marpol annex 5... tell me everything u know . Discharge criteria...principles of
Few qtn asked to other candidates...
Scopic meaning... imsbc code...quote and explain rule no 2...rule 10...
No ror cards... Capt dubey wil not let u know wheter ur anwer is correct or all of us
were not clear of the result till the end..but he gave good score to three of us.
1. Quote Rule no 2,5,6
Lots of cross qst on rule 6.what do u mean by any constraints imposed by radar range scale in

Limitation of radar

2.different situations with models

In rv and normal visibility
3.understanding of rule no 19
4.which all rules applies in rv
5. What all rules are in part b sec 1
6.understanding of rule 13 and 18( since one situation was given
where sailing was overtaking power driven vsl.
Visit for latest question set Phone:- 07715932112 from mumbai to jedah prepare your vsl for piracy area.
8.special trade passanger vsl certificates.
9.precautions and preparation for vessel ldg grain at montreal equipment cert form e what all things are there.
11.master overriding authority.
12.beaching vessel what all thing to take care of and prcautions.
14.defination of static electricity .precautions
15.few small qsts in between which i cannot recall right now.
As soon as I went inside room I saw Capt Dubey sitting thr alone, he only took my oral last
time and I reminded him that.
So he told me this time oral would be easy for you, you must have prepared well. I told him sir
last time as soon as I left your room I had self realization and thought of all the mistakes I
made n worked real hard this time.
1. Quote rules 6... ( Guys what other people say don't believe in that , no surveyor will ask to
quote any rule word by word but you at least should know what's thr in that part) just
remember what's in any rule.
2 . He then went to rule 2, 5, 9,10
3. He asked me which all rules applied on any condition of visibility- I said all rules from 1 to 10
just excluding sound signal in rv in tss and narrow channel.


4. Sound signal in narrow channel... Near the bend and over taking.
5. One very favorite question .. on a voyage in middle of ocean you came across a fog patch
and ur one radar not working.. what's the first action.. ( answer he wants to hear is reduce
6.limitations of radars.
7. Smc and doc inspection periods: intermediate and annual.
8. Form E and certificate associated by it. to calculate turning circle in case of anchoring: answer is use Pythagoras theoram.
10. Area A4 gmdss equipments
11. How does epirb works.. u have to say cosparsat lut MCC RCC.
12. Lut MCC RCC in India .
13. Frequency of Epirb.
14. Grain stability criteria.
15.psc inspection period.
16.clc and fund details n limits of liability. patterns
18. One over taking situation.
Quote Rule 2, 5, 6 , 10. What is all available means in look out?
What is limitations of Radar? Then ROR situations.
TSS crossing. Sailing vessel overtaking you who is required to clear.
RV situation., PSC - what all check PSC carries.
ISM. Certificates with ISM. Vessel aground action.

Lot of cross questions as Capt Muduli also joined and kept asking
Grain loading - i told him i don’t remember. Dg segregation table
All 4 types. Then i am taking over as a master in China indian ship how will u do registration
again cross questions on this who all are registar where r all registar
Who makes changes in Fire plan
How does Epirb work, Difference between RCC and MRCC.
GMDSS requirement in Sea area 4. What all area comes under A4.
CLC and fund . Why Fund was formed. Who gives money in Fund. Again lot of cross
Capt Dubey straight away told me to have a seat and told we will start with ROR
1. Qoute rule 2

I told responsibility and started with few lines and then he asked me what is good practice of

2. Rule 5 ,I qouted the rule then he asked me what does STCW says about Lookout I told him
Watchkeeping certificate and the COP he asked then what about day and night then I told him
about sole lookout in daytime and additional lookout during sunset to sunrise.
3. Rule 6 , started little bit and told about additionally with RADAR then he asked about
limitations of radar n all
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4. Rule 9 , I told Narrow Channels and he asked about how will go about overtaking a vessel in
Narrow channel ( He wants to hear the manouevring signals in case of overtaking)
5. Rule 10 and 18 in brief.
6. 2-3 ROR situations including RV and then Rule 19.
7. What is SMC and DOC their validity ,Interim SMC and DOC when will you carry out the
verification and audits for the same.
8. Frequency of PSC inspections and how do they decide about carrying about the inspection
of a foreign ship.
9. Iamsar search patterns Expanding square and Sector search in brief.
10. Plan a voyage from Mumbai to Jeddah in South West monsoons ( When I told him about
routing charts he went in deep with routeing charts what you get how many are there etc)
11. Before entering piracy area what all precautions you will take and what you will do as a
12. How will go about loading grain in a Canadian port.( Grain stability criteria)
13. If a tanker causes pollution in Indian waters what will happen? ( Basically CLC and Fund
who are contributors in fund , in India who makes the contribution)
14. Annex 5 of Marpol and it's discharge criteria.
15. Carrying out Medevac via Helicopter what precautions and how will you go about it?
Capt Dubey straight away told me to have a seat and told we will start with ROR
1. Quote rule 2
I told responsibility and started with few lines and then he asked me what is good practice of
2. Rule 5 ,I qouted the rule then he asked me what does STCW says about Lookout I told him
Watchkeeping certificate and the COP he asked then what about day and night then I told him
about sole lookout in daytime and additional lookout during sunset to sunrise.
3. Rule 6 , started little bit and told about additionally with RADAR then he asked about
limitations of radar n all
4. Rule 9 , I told Narrow Channels and he asked about how will go about overtaking a vessel in
Narrow channel ( He wants to hear the manouevring signals in case of overtaking)

5. Rule 10 and 18 in brief.


6. 2-3 ROR situations including RV and then Rule 19.

7. What is SMC and DOC their validity ,Interim SMC and DOC when will you carry out the
verification and audits for the same.
8. Frequency of PSC inspections and how do they decide about carrying about the inspection
of a foreign ship.
9. Iamsar search patterns Expanding square and Sector search in brief.
10. Plan a voyage from Mumbai to Jeddah in South West monsoons ( When I told him about
routing charts he went in deep with routeing charts what you get how many are there etc)
11. Before entering piracy area what all precautions you will take and what you will do as a
12. How will go about loading grain in a Canadian port.( Grain stability criteria)
13. If a tanker causes pollution in Indian waters what will happen? ( Basically CLC and Fund
who are contributors in fund , in India who makes the contribution)
14. Annex 5 of Marpol and it's discharge criteria.
15. Carrying out Medevac via Helicopter what precautions and how will you go about it?
1) All about CO2 system and maintenance procedures required in detail
2) ISM Code: Latest amendments, I could not remember which were the latest, told him so and
answered the amendments I knew – but mixed up latest with some older one, then he said
annual audit not done within 12 months – procedure to follow – wants to hear DPA will co-
ordinate with DGS
3) Vessel aground in forefoot region actions – First with no damage, then damaged & flooded,

which was followed by damage stability. Who to report to, Lead into MAS and who is MAS in

4) Lloyds open form
5) Teach rule 19 to him (As in he is a new 3rd mate), stopping distance led into manoeuvring
6) Some question on Insurance – which was then related to, How imports of Iranian oil
possible with sanctions
7) Polar code and pollution prevention aspect, communication equipment requirements in
polar regions
8) Tell me all about which conventions in place for all possible types of pollution
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9) Latest PSC resolution (fortunately could remember the number 1119/30, which helped as I
only knew the overview)
10) Inquiry & investigation difference and this led PI & FI
11) Registration of Indian Ships.
1) Incident happened on-board, whom to report and when and why?
2) DPA role and responsibilities as per ISM
3) How will u carry out Master review of SMS?
4) Taking over as master.
5) Damage stability booklet content
6) Distressed seaman as per MS act.
7) Pl and FI.
8) Content of SMC and DOC

9) Who issue DOC and how


10) Difference between salvage and towage.

11) After departure at sea found stowaway action.
12) Latest Marpol amendments
13) Aft peak tank inspection- preparations
14) Trawler at anchor lights.
15) How to change anchor swivel
16) RV- targets on port bow, stbd bow, port qrtr, stbd qrtr. Action
17) Rule no.19
18) Statuary and mandatory certificates
19) Certificates for FFA on board
20) Amount of discharge of CO2 in cargo hold fire.
2. Qualities of a master?


3. Fund clc
4. Vsl unberthing from berth when u have two vsl ahd n astern n tat too at 8 mtr distance from
bow n stern.. own vsl have rudder prop n thruster nothing else... lot of cross question....
5. Two sciffs chasing the vslwd 25 kts n own tanker at 15 kt with distance 11 nm. Action as
master... as u say answer he is dropping the time... lots of cross question.
1. Your ship has polluted oil in US waters. Who will take care of liability.
2. How to ensure Financial responsibility. How will company take care.
3. Requirements under OPA act for liability and compensation.
4. Difference between Piracy and Armed robbery.

5. Explain as per SUA and UNCLOS.

6. If coming from Open sea towards territorial waters will the definition of above change ?

7. How are the above unlawful acts dealt with.

8. What r guidelines of Bulk carriers under ESP.
ESP file
9. Details about the ship I last sailed on.
Inspection carried out during your tenure, details checked.

Some more cross questions, leading from the given answers, which was quite expected.
While giving answers, when stopped n surveyor going for next question is quite a sign that
your answers are satisfactory. Every surveyor has their own key word which they look for in
any answer, which might be very pleasing for them to hear.
1. LOI





1. Draw fixed firefighting system of last ship
2. ISPS code, is it mandatory for all ships ?

3. Difference between coastal state and port state

4. Difference between Dangerous Goods and Harmful Substance
5. Damage stability booklet
6. Damage control plan
7. Emergency Response service
8. Piracy and BMP5 . Who issue BMP5
Visit for latest question set Phone:- 07715932112

9. ROR situation - you are not in CON , your vsl in TSS, got port side and stbd side crossing,
ROC exist , your action, VTS role, if collision occurs who all will have the responsibility, legal
10. Trawler lights hauling and shooting nets, Fishing vsl light
11. On container ship how will you carry out loading plan with dangerous cargo . And what all
precaution you can take so that explosion of containers will not take place.
12. 1 person missing at sea before some time your action and detailed discussion in SAR
13. After Joining the vsl you found out that in last two months 2 persons missing from ship .
What will you do in this situation. How will you carry out SMS Review and investigation as
14. 1 light right ahead. Before visible but now disappear . Duty off called you at night . Also
there is much fishing traffic around your vessel. What will be your action.
15. Who will conduct investigation in case of collision near the coast of India.
16. SUA convention
17. SMC and DOC
18. Stowaway on board. SFP .
19. IOPP form A & B, Form E
20. Ch off reported contamination of cargo - action?
21. Case study of Maersk container fire off Indian coast .
1. What is ESP?
2. What is Port state?

3. What is Form A and Form B in certification?


4. What is disabled ship?

5. What is piracy and under which convention does it come ?
6. Is there possibility of contamination in gas carriers and when will that happen ?
7. What cert pertains to gas carriers and what does it contains ?
8. Is there a possibility of pollution from gas carriers ??
9. What is salvage ??
He picked up the pace and asked quick questions on concentrate risk.

Grain code. Certificates on chemical tanker as per which convention and reg.

I was average at answering certs as could recall the regulation no which he was keen to
He said you are not doing good but I will give you a chance.
He asked IMO structure, forgot technical cooperation committee, he was disappointed.
Told me to keep prepared for MLC, stowaway and structure fully.
Two more candidate there one for NCV and other 2nd Mate.

Q- How was your Oral's with ext?

Q- Draw search pattern as per IAMSAR?
Q- Asked 2nd Mate , there is NUC vsl on Stbd bow, what action will you take ? As Master what
you want to add it.?
Q- Vsl sailing from Haldia to Mumbai what all parameters will change ?
1. Crew missing suspect overbiard. Which search pattern to use.
2. Recent piracy/robbery incident

3. What will you do if Navy escort is refused in Nigerian waters-inform all parties, refuse to sail

even when asked by company-use overriding authority

4. Crew reported chest pain-action as Master
5. Radio medical advice
6. Medvec
7. He asked Mate candidate what is disabled vessel and asked me whether the answer is
1) Chemical tanker aground off Goan coast, all that i know about it
13-DEC-19 13-DEC-19

2) Who is tasked usually with the assessment of damage in such cases as per MSA

3) CLC /P&I in context of the abv mentioned tanker

4) Salvage awarded to whom to refloat and unload the tanker
5) Trawler hauling nets lights
Started with brief introduction from the other Master Candidate and then self. Thereafter
following questions were put up which required absolutely a sheer common sense and basic

1.) What is a survey ?
2.) Are surveys mandatory?
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3.) What is the difference between survey and inspection?

4.) Give example ..?
5.) Special precautions for loading iron-ore & concentrates in Indian port ? ( ref in with details
of circulars -09/2010,
& 34,31/2009)
6.) What is the “bullet”or specific points in it ... only that..!
7.) What do you mean by a disabled vessel ?
8.) At this point he called in a chief mate candidate and asked him this question.
9.) further he told us “ it’s a waste of time and waved me to handover
My EXN Form which was being deadly held in my hand.
And he used the blue pen ..
Further he was not directing any questions to me .. the chief Mate candidate was being asked
a lot of questions with respect to Grain loading as he asked him :-
10.) what all precautions you will take to load iron ores.
11.) how do you calculate VHMoments ..?
12.) can you load grain in a BOX SHAPED VESSEL if suppose you don’t have a grain stability
booklet and a COA- Grain.
...”failing question for the mate.. since he didn’t rely appropriately ... anyhow he was pretty
busy as such ... but in the end he asked for the other master candidate Ashish about his EXN
form and wrote with blue pen 🖊 pass ... mine was already lying on his table .. I really have
only suggestion to the people who are attempting Orals ...”don’t loose Heart ... the date & time
when you are Destined to pass is written ..”, don’t give up just yet... study a bit more.
U r on Panama Flag and have 3 different narionals onboard....

Two crew members died....who will conduct inquiry.. Iron ore loading circular in detail...

SID circular in detail... Why it came and benefits for Indians?

Chemical tankers off Goa coast who will salvage that....
Master Mariner company from Norway..
Trawler at anchor lights..
Green over white.. U are held on dead ship…What will U do...
Person dies onboard what ur action
He wnats to know how will u confirm if perosn actually dies
Fire drill and boat drill reuirement and what all u will do

In details

Certificates for ism n how will u obtain same

How will ensure ur complying wil mlc
14 working and living conditions
Mlc titles with subtitles
What all u will do with lifeboat weekly monthly and anything else you will do n carry out
Asked sum more question wic i cant rembr basically all practical knowledge what all a master
shud know and do n how action is to be taken since i gues. Internal had given good marks
1) What is a docking survey?


2) What is a PSSA?

3) What all tests to do in a lifeboat & Interval

4) What all areas of PSSA?? Action as a Master in PSSA?
1. Why Certificate of registry required?
2. How can u get a ship registered in India.

3. What is Internal Audit, Who conducts IA.


4. Certificates Issued under ISM.

5. Validity of certificates, what items inspected prior issuance of certificates.
6. Entries in OLB, When r such entries carried out.
7. Note of Protest.
2. Ms act master duty to render assistance.
3. Ms act, assisting in danger

4. Damaged stability criteria for Tankers, Damage assumptions, Damage Stability Plan

5. III code
6. Fatigue imo guidelines no.
7. Imo guidelines on mental health
9. Prototype testing
10. Importance of Pivot point in respect of using tugs and otherwise.
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11. Latest amendment to MLC, IMDG

12. Solas chapter 13
13. Port Health Regulations
14. Standards for Watchkeeping as per STCW (answer as a Master)
15. Drydock inspection surveys all certificates and test.
16. RO role, imo resolution
17. Preparation for Dry dock during previous 5 years
16. Ror only rule no. 19 quoted. A situation regarding RV
17. Co2 extinguisher weight, pressure and testing criteria
18. Collision action as master. Ms act
19. Leaving port, steering failure
20. Kyoto Protocol
21. Vetting inspection who conduts for Tankers, Bulky
22. Ship Risk Profile
23. Cargo claims
24. Fraud from Charter Party example
25. Container carrying dangerous goods fell overboard, reporting and action.
26. STP ship certificates
Before exam do try out anydesk and microsoft team .. i was second but was not able to
connect they keep skipping me... Finally they took my oral as fifth candidate.. and do
keep arrangement of keeping your secondary device aka mobile on backside of seating
position in such a way that your laptop has be visible in mobile throughout the oral.

- Registry of ship
- FAL convention
- rule 19 and rule 13
- You see a vessel in restricted visibility ..action
- NAIT, INDSPIRE, INDSAR, SAR. Who is in charge for SAR in India?
- As a master doing voyage from S.Atlantic to N.Atlantic and entering English Channel what all
things to do or look after
-OLB entries

- ORB entries

- unseaworthy ship
- unsafe ship
- fixed premium club
- IG club
- overiding authority of master as per ISM
- abondonment of crew and liability
-parametric rolling and how to avoid it
-wreck authority of india
- difference between hague visby and hamburg
- received shipment B/L
- What all comes under port health officer
- expanded inspection
- List of MOUs
- Limit of Indian coast
1. South cardinal mark.
2. Grounding vessel signal,

And he started filling my exn form with blue pen.


And while filling some more questions..

3.wat do u understand by intermediate survey
4.lifeboat dynamic test.
5. Docs req as per isps code.
6. ROR shape dimension.
1. What is CLC?

Compensation mechanism from owners for pollution by ships carrying persistent oil.

2. Registration of ships?
As per MSA Part V Section 26-32.
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3. What is declaration of ownership?

As per MSA section 29.

4. What is ship radio station licence and validity?

Ships complying with Solas Ch.4 issued with the license by WPC

5. What is procedure for cancelling false distress alarms?

As per 814(19)

6. What does SOLAS says about Bulk Cargo.

Reg 2 requires Shippers declaration.
Reg 3 Requires gas detection systems
Reg 6 and 7 enlists acceptability and loading and unloading precautions which brings IMSBC
into picture
Then Ch. XII which enlists various restrictions and strength requirements for ships

7. What precautions for narrow channel?

Extra lookouta, position monitoring, stg gear motors x 2, hand steering, detailed oassage
planning, discussion with pilots and sound signals as per 34(c) and 34(e)

8. What is CAA certificate.

9. Tow vessel lights and day signal when tow is 200 m.

Two masthead lights, side lights, stern light, towing light, second mast head light if length less
than 50 m then not obliged to do so.
no day signal.
1. Where done pre-sea, which company, rank, written cleared?

2. South cardinal buoy describe? How you’ll know cardinal buoys if top marks are missing.

3. Mid channel south cardinal buoy, which side to pass, give examples.
4. Aground vsl exact length 100m, sound signals?
5. How was external?
6. Prepare more and come next time.
2. Kyoto protocol

3. Paris agreement of kyoto protocol


4. Hague and visby difference

5. VGM
6. Oil spill out of Mumbai and ship ran away.. no one knows who did oil spill..who will pay ?
7. What is good for H&M piracy or war area. what would you declare?
Unberthing port side from berth, without tug and BT
Swing the vessel and turn around
Rubber cycling
Were will you get the indication that it is cover

MLC financial security, when to claim and how time it will take

Front page of IMSBC, how it look

Content and appendix
Vessel dead without engine and drifting toward island, cannot anchor please down there is
reef (and as per port regulation, criminal charge will apply if you anchor).
What is there with respect to greenhouse gas emission?
Content of EIAPP certificate, and mandatory or Voluntary.
Content of NOX file and what are pollutant as per annex 6.
1. what is IGF code and features
2. Polar code and features

3. draw towing vessel lights - own vessel 100 mtr, length of tow 200 mtr- draw and write all

4. 2 cards on towing only
5. Stcw ammendements
6. Ism certificates and validity
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7. what is passenger ship

8. what is special trade passenger ship
9. A and B certificates and contents
10. Validity of A and B - i said 1 year for both then he sent me out to find validity of B certificate
which ws only for the particular voyage
11. lights of vessel being towed - he said it will show if manned or not manned , as told their is
nothing written in ror book about manning or not then he tried to search for 10 min in book but
could not find so then said ok
12. Sound signal of vessel being towed - PSSS
13. Details of mast head lights
14. Day signal for towing , tries to confuse on each step
1. Aground Vessel Day Signal
2. Asked me to draw lights of towing vessel, length- 100m, length of tow- 200 m
3. Asked me to draw Emergency Towing Arrangemnt
4. ESP
5. SOLAS Amendments

6. Procedure on PSC

8. Worldscale
9. Certificates on chemical tanker
10. VGM
11. AREA A3 and AREA A4
12. FORM B
13. Finally, asked me whether I am ready to take over as Master, said Yes, then asked me
what are the duties of master?

Definition and details of passenger ship


Cert and docs related to ISPS code


Free fall lifeboat retrieval

Fixed firefighting checks full details
Towing light vessel 100 mtr....Draw and explain

1) Recovery procedure for freefall L/B.


2) VDR & SVDR basic difference between them.


3) CLC 69 and CLC 92 in detail describe also later, asked what is the major difference
between them.
Appeal procedure for detention: Just mentioned that its either available on Form B or can be
requested from PSCO. He wanted to know more
Lifeboat tests, Where will you find the requirements

I misundertood the question and mentioned about davit. He repeated I am asking Lifeboat. As

I was preparing to answer he changed the question

Nairobi wreck convention
Who issues insurance certificate for this
What is P&I
What certificate they give wrt Nairobi Wreck Convention
General average definition
Registration of vessel.
What is DOS ?

How will you implement ISPS onboard?


Certificates under ISPS code.

What is inshore traffic zone?
Prepare vessel for SEQ?
CSR? Contents?
Form A and B of PSC report and its contents.
1. Registration of ship and eligibility in detail. Explain regarding shares, joint owners.
2. Can u register under 2 flag-

ans- No, as per Unclos article 92


3. When can PSC detain your vessel?

4. When will you Abandon ship?
5. Documentation as per ISM?
6. Frequency of survey for DOC and SMC?
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1: ESP, same as JB singh

2: ENC numbering
Total 8 letter plus 3. First 2 letter producer code. 3rd letter navigation purpose. Remaining 5
letter country ENC cell nos. Additional 3 letter update nos.
3: ISM content
4: MLC content
5: just told LRIT
Requirement. Passenger ship and high speed passenger ship. Cargo ship and high speed
ship of 400 GT and above. Mobile offshore drilling unit.
6: Prepare vessel for narrow channel:
Bridge team meeting. ME trying out. Steering and emergency steering. Company checkilist
with respect to confined water. Follow colregs.
7: will you make sound to overtake in RV, which i think was the reason for failing me.
I told yes, as section 1 is in any contion of visibility (we while carrying group studies discussed

with candidate). He told me that so You dont know ROR hmmm. Again checking old remark.

8 :You received distress alert in HF area

Will switch off and switch ON the equipment. Changed to RT. Listen for any distress traffic.
Then relay to nearest coast station. And make a entry in Gmdss log book.
9: False distress alert
As per 814(19) and was starting the answer, he intrupted me and me okay. Aground vessl 100
mtr RV signal. Made one blunder and again hmmmm ROR. What is IG? I told sir inert gas. He
told what else, as i was thinking he told hmmmmm.. What is hydrographic note and that was
the last which i knew but didnt click and went out to get the answer? It is note that is send to
hydrographic office for any navigational error w.r.t chart and publication. He then looked at me
picked blue pen and then taught for sometime and told son you come next time and again
picked red pen.
Note: The main thing to say all this in elaborated manner so that the candidate know what
answer can satisfy surveyor and what not.
Any how they may not be right what i said, but this all what i had said.
And request everyone to post answer with questions if possible, even when you didnt clear, as
it help lot of candidates to boost the confidence.
Formal introduction
1. List the certificate required
2. How will you prepare ship for ship safety radio equipment survey?
3. Element of ISM code

4. Over riding authority of Master


5. Lifeboat 5yrly test

6. What is PI and FI?
7. What kind of fixed fire fighting system available in Engine room?
8. How will you decide on quantity / no of Co2 bottle required for Engine room?
9. What is detainable deficiency? Give some example.
10. How many MOU and India falls under which MOU?
11. What is Standing Moor procedure? And where it is used?
1. Types of bill of lading
2. Which all ship need to carry LRIT.?
3. Requirement of LRIT?

4. You are in a narrow channel in restricted visisbilty, vessel is overtaking you.. What all

precaution you will take?

I said I will follow rule 19 by not altering course towards the vessel abeam or abaft the beam.
5. Range of horn signal?
200 or more- 2 nm
75 to 200- 1.5 nm
20 to 75 - 1.
- list IMO conventions.

- is mlc not an IMO convention?


- What are rest hours? As per mlc?

- what is COC? For how long? Examples?
- what is owners declaration for registering a ship?
- what is a statutory certificate? Trading certificates? Whats the difference?
Visit for latest question set Phone:- 07715932112

1. SEQ survey preparation

2. What is dynamic test of launching appliances
3. What are the statutory certificate for passengers ship.
4. How do you know the requirement of LSA on passengers ship

5. What is TRS full in detail


6. Dry docking full in detail

7. Master overriding authority
8. What is SMC, validity and intermediate audit
9. Day and night signal of fishing vessel, trawler, towing vessel
10. Collision action as per master
11. What are the different search pattern
12. How will you deal with patients in passengers ship
Condition of loading grain with DOA.
What is DOA?
Running moor explain with diagram.

Overtaking in TSS

Quote rule 9
Quote 10 d and e
Certificate applicable as per ISPS code and ism
Validity of SMC including the requirement for SMC
When SMC is invalid.
1) ISM CODE. DOC AND SMC REQUIRED as per which regulation and it's validity
2) Masters over riding authority meaning
3)Fire in Engine room. Action
4) What is Paramount clause
5) Maintainence of Lifting appliance and loose gears
6) amendments to Marpol
7) What is a Beam, Sheer strake and Camber
8) Rule 19 and Rule 9
9) What Is CLC convention
10) Different type of Bill of Lading
11) What is Load test and Dynamic test and what is the frequency of the same
12) Various sound signals of Ror

13) How will you take over as Master


14) Actions in case of Grounding

15) How is registration of ships done?
16) What is PI and FI?
17) What is detainable deficiency as Per PSC
18) Types of PSC Inspection
19) What certificates are statutory ,mandatory and Obligatory
20) Cancellation of False distress alerts and procedures
21) Functional requirements of GMDSS
22)MTO and it's description
23)What Is COC and interim Certificate of class
24) Stoway onboard. Action
25) Hns convention
26) Manoeuvring booklet contents
27) Cardinal marks and their Characteristics
Safety equipment cert expiring what's action as master

ND in voyage expired then action


Carving n marking
Dynamic load test
Maintenance of davit
1. Ranging of anchor chain and how will u identify which link needs to be replaced.
2. Condition of class

3. Types of fire doors


4. CLC and fund.

5. Aground vessel lights, sound signal, day signal. here i made a mistake by not mentioning
also a anchor ball in the fwd part. lots of other cross questioning as how will u carry out this
sound signalling when aground who will monitor, what duration, intensity of bell n gong etc.
Visit for latest question set Phone:- 07715932112

1. LSA requirements on Passenger ships

2. Loading IMDG Class 1 container. Procedure

DAS 3. Validity of DOC for IMDG

4. What documents required as per ISPS?
5. What is Quarterly Listing?
6. What is Condition of Class?
7. What if Lifeboat engine is not working?
1. HNS Convention (ques from last attempt)
3. LRIT requirement and data distribution
4. Lights and fog signal for trawler at anchor

5. Light and fog signal for pilot vsl at anchor


6. Light n fog signal for aground vsl

7. Lights for vsl, towing alongside except in case of a composite unit
8. Standing moor and running moor
9. Stowaway onboard action and how as a master u will avoid this situation
10. Ice reporting obligation and reporting format
11. Latest amendments to Solas
He asked me 3 questions and on hearing the answers sent me out to find out the incomplete
answers I had given. The questions were as follows: Q1-South cardinal mark colour and light

Ans-I said Q(6)long flash 10s or VQ(6)long flash 15s (I guess this was my failing answer)

Q2-Tell me about Documentation in ISM - I told him all I knew about shipboard SMS Manuals
and checklists (guess he wasn’t happy)
Q3-Carving and Marking note, told him all what it means, except for the dimensions which I
found out later.
On returning back and telling him the right and complete answers he said that I answered
wrong initially, work harder and come again next time.
Asked me abt my wriitens result and abt my company and sea experience

30 min just cards and ror


Specifically towing, pushing cards

Rules all from 2-41 Also annex 2
With 5, 6, 19, 39, 13 & 14 quote.
ROR Cards?
Berthing Port side current 4 knots off shore?
IMSBC TML cert? who issues? How to test onboard
Salvage? Shipping Casualty Representative? LOF 2011 amendments?
Malacca strait entry? As a master what all important actions?
Types of Wrecks?
FFA Requirements?
LSA requirements in detail?
Who all can be MTO ?

Hauge visiby and Hamburg Rule Difference?


Marpol amendments?
Rule 18 and Rule 22(Range of lights)?
Days signals shape requirements?
Collision with coaster along African coast? What all duties as master? Legal and operational
Sea from quarters? Action
Detention of vessel? Action as master
Damage plans?
Priorities while carrying out salvage operations?
SMC? DOC? Verification interval
Receipt of shipment for B/L?
All MOU?
Some previous attempt questions
1) Solas protocol 88

2) Psc preparations

3) Stealer plate
4)Rise of floor
5) Damage stability
6) Passenger ship muster list requirements
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7) Draw Forepeak tank of last ship

8) Master implementation for ism
9) Take over as Master what all stuff .
10) Pi and Fi
11) Registry of ships
12) Gk questions in between.
13)Fixed fire fighting of last ship
14) Some questions related to chart correction.
15) Implementation of Ism
16) Certificate of ships statutory mandatory and all.
17) Convention and protocol difference
That's all I can recall
Instruments of IMO explain
When ratified.. do these conventions apply to all member states
Ism.. power to master
Psc fsi coastal state diffrence
Psc to board.. inspect fpt actions as master

Hague visby cargo liability


Chemical tanker cargo liability.

LSA equipment.
Anchor damaged. Bad weather. Actions.
Port of refuge.. GA or PA
Can PSC inspect any vessel anytime.. procedure.
Master's overriding authority.. examples
Mob.. actions.. flag
Owners interests time charter.
1. What is LRIT? On which ships it is required as per regulation ? Told him the whole bookish
knowledge. For requirements I was not so sure so he sent me out to find out.
2. What is the abandonship & fire drill requirement on ships ? He wants to also hear about
25% crew wala criteria here other than atleast once a month.
3. What is the drill requirement on passenger ships ?

4. What is interaction between ships?


5. What are documents as per ism code ?

6. What does element 11 say exactly ?
7. What are the documents required as per isps code ?
8. Is csr a certificate or document? What is the difference between certificate and document?
Long discussion on this. He was checking confidence here I suppose.
9. Validity of doc, tonnage, issc certificate.
10. What is given in safe manning certificate?
1. Name all Statutory certificate required on oil tankers
2. Certificates required under ISPS

3. MLC titles and work rest hours as per stcw and mlc

4. How will u take over as master

5. Duties of master
6. Name IMO conventions
7. Damage stability booklet contents
8. Types of inspection in psc and how u wil prepare.
General introduction,
1. As I had done bulk carriers - what safety measures are given in SOLAS for bulk carriers. (

As per ch 12 gave him few points. Told me to find out the rest and come).

2. What is quaterly listing ( class quarterly listing which gives details of all cert. and surveys
3. Duties of master onboard.
4. How u will spend ur day as master onboard. ( had to tell him what master does from morn till
1. Started with 20 yr old bulk carrier prepare for drydock and renewal survey ,ESP, drydock


procedure listening with patience ...

2. SAFCON SEQ SRT SURVEY IOPP SURVEY in details..Ship station radio license
3. MLC STCW REST HOURS ... MASTER overriding authority in details
4. How will you ensure ISM Implementation onboard
5. ROR Situations around 12-13
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6. Solas chapter 12 precautions for bulk carrier in details PREPARE ur vessel as per chapter
12 of solas
8. What is legal requirements to b a master COR
9. Anchoring in detail ... While anchoring lost one anchor ... I dropped another Then steering
failure action vessel collided MS ACT 348 ...
10. Berthing of vessel in congested port .
11. Loading iron ore from Brazil ... Precautions as a master
12. Safe Manning document on what basis issued validity
14. PSC Inspection how to ensure PSC to Go well.. Not satisfy with PSC inspection ... Action.
1. Started with 20 yr old bulk carrier prepare for drydock and renewal survey ,ESP, drydock
procedure listening with patience ...
2. SAFCON SEQ SRT SURVEY IOPP SURVEY in details..Ship station radio license
3. MLC STCW REST HOURS ... MASTER overriding authority in details
4. How will you ensure ISM Implementation onboard
5. ROR Situations around 12-13

6. Solas chapter 12 precautions for bulk carrier in details PREPARE ur vessel as per chapter

12 of solas
8. What is legal requirements to b a master COR
9. Anchoring in detail ... While anchoring lost one anchor ... I dropped another Then steering
failure action vessel collided MS ACT 348 ...
10. Berthing of vessel in congested port .
11. Loading iron ore from Brazil ... Precautions as a master
12. Safe Manning document on what basis issued validity
14. PSC Inspection how to ensure PSC to Go well.. Not satisfy with psc inspection ... Action
Introduction, What happened in previous attempt?
Q- You are onboard container ship, Fire on 4th tier container on deck? What action will you
take ? What is name of equipment you have for container fire fighting?
Q-How will you activate quick closing stop valve? Where it is fitted ? How does it work?
Q-How will you carry out training of EEBD ?
Q-How will you carry out maintenance of deck machinary, windlass, winches etc as per ISM
Q- What type of anchor you had? Why Admiralty cast type 14? Why is it different from other
anchors ?

Q- Contents of Solas ? What is Solas Ch-2?


Q- I S Code is required as per which convn?

Q- What are contents of Intact stability manual? What all information you will get?
Q- As a Master how will you check that vsl is complying with Intact stability criteria?
Q-How will you ascertain vessel is experiencing Parametric rolling? What action will you take
to avoid it ? What is formulae for Parametric rolling, Wind weather criteria?
Q- What is arrangement there in container vsl to avoid Torsional forces?
Q- What all firefighting arrangement there on deck of Tanker vsl?
Q- What is container packing certificate? Under which convn it is reqd?
Q-What is CSC? What all contents of CSM?
Q-As a Master when will you tender NOR ?
Q- You are port side alongside in Mississippi river, there is bridge behind, 3Kts current from
ahead, tell the procedure to unmoor and turn the vsl?
Q- What is MLC? What all amendments for MLC came in 2015?
Last attempts remarks
1. Types of vessel as a self hav done chemical tanker-detail question abt chemical

tanker p & a manual,IBC code.


2. CSR
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1) Started with which company, how many ships company have, what type of ship they have,
Type of cargo carried on last ship, Dwt of last ship.
2) Last ship was double bottom or single bottom?
3) What was the height of Double Bottom?
4) How much was the width of the Segregated Ballast Tank at ship's sides?
5) From which date Double bottom is not allowed? And as per which Convention/ Rule?
6) Draw a Midship section of a Double hull tanker and of a bulk carrier?
7) What is ESP and CAP?
8) What salvage convention is all about?
9) Which is the latest LOF form in use? So if LOF is signed then payment to salvor is decided
by salvage convention or not? if not then As per what? Which LOF form was there on board
your last ship and where it is kept?
10) What is TOWCAN?
11) On ur ship new Ch off joined and he will be loading Grain for the first time, so what all
documents u will ask him to refer before preparing cargo plan.

12) Grain stability criteria? What is the unit of Volumetric Heeling Moments?
13) Which all certificate was available onboard your last ship related to pollution prevention?
14) What is Damage Control plan? Have you seen it onboard ur last ship?
15) IBC code is applicable to which Tankers from which date?
16) what is COF? Is there a COF for Oil Tankers?
17) What is SEEMP?
18) Your Vessel on time chartrer, and chartrer ask you to go to Polar waters, as a master what
all information you will check?
19) which are Polar water?
20) Which certificate is required as per polar water code?
21) Ship is to go to Gulf of Aden, as a master what all things to check before proceeding for
22) What is the difference between BMP4 and BMP5?
23) Vessel to have a PSC onboard as a master what to check? What is the risk level in relation
to PSC? How a ship will know whether the ship is in High risk or low risk level?
24) Who is head of Indian Ocean MOU?
25) Amendments to MLC?
26) Which section of MSA deals with Investigation? What is Marine casualty?
27) As per which convention/Rule CIC is required? What is the main purpose of CIC?
28) Tell me about SOLAS Ch V?
1.draw midship section of chemical tanker type -2
2.Type -1chemical tanker definition & name few cargos and precautions
3.Hague visby and COGSA
4. Ism certificates
5. Solas chapter 2-2 and DOC

6.What are extra hazards chemical cargos poses other than oil tanker
7. Following current berthing port side
8. Certificate of fitness
9. Precautions while carrying caustic soda
10. What is scopic
And what is the difference between scopic incorporating and invoking
11. Who pays article 13 and who pays scopic remuneration
12 . Why the longitudinal are on deck on Chemical tankers
13. IOPC fund and HNS and Bunker conventions basics
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What is ISM in general,resolutions numbers

What is Risk assessment
What is the relationship of ISM & Risk assessment
How do you make Risk Assessment.Prepare RA for any job
What is ISM Element 9.Details on it with examples
Amendments to ISM in 2015 & 2010
PSC resolution number.Write the topic and explain A.1052(27)
Why PSC came into being.Why Different MoU's
Difference between PSC & FSI
Chart symbols for flood/ebb tide
LSA requirements onboard
FFA requirements onboard
How many EEBD in E/R
Low expansion & high expansion foam
Draw deck foam system diagram and explain
Latest amendment for IGS
E/R fire? From start to finish actions
If biofuel additive is added to jet cargo,fire precautions,carriage precautions and whether after
tank cleaning you can use ODMCS
Cargo tank fire fighting systems.Explain
E/R O2 analyser goes more than 5%. What do the engineers do to bring it down.All steps

E/R sludge,how is it discharged

During discharging it to shore,line on shore side breaks,actions and as per what liability will be
Latest garbage amendments
What precautions you will take during bunkering
OWS complete working
Purifier room fire.Actions
Wreck convention
Jet fuel overboard in high seas.Who will pay & as per what
Precautions while transiting Singapore strait
Singapore routeing chart number
What is Synoptic chart? Draw and explain Egg diagram
You are anchored alongwith other vessels near the coast.
Wind speed increases to force 9 onshore wind.Tell me your company policy,heavy wx
precautions and then actions as Master.All engine movements to be shown while drawing on
Vessel is now parallel to land,Engine on full ahead and rudder hard port but vessel not turning
due to high wind.Action now
tug and tow crossing,u are stby vessel.Range 2miles.Third mate on watch. You are down.
What do you expect your 3rd mate to do?
Now range 1.5miles,3rd mate panicked.didnt do anything and you come up on bridge.Action
he wants to hear all actions with appropriate sound signals.
Then turning circle. draw and show. How much advance and transfer of your last ship
Now same situation but tug and tow is RAM.action
What is PI & FI
LOF & Salvage.
As usual general introduction of hometown n all.
Registration of ship- complete procedure

Marking n carving note

FFA requirements
In between G K discussion about USA
PSC inspection, last ship inspection n CIC
Fire class door
Mallaca straits discussion

What is the need for Ms act?


What all u will do when u join a new ship before delivery?

Ur ship name on one bow has "A" missing but your COR is given to u? What will u do? Can u
take the ship to sea?
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Two engineers fight and injure each other and chief engineer reports to u. What will u do?
After making official log entry next day they come n tell u they have sorted things out. What will
u do of the log entry ?.
What type foam system u had on ur last ship?
Fixed foam system on chemical tanker how much time will it last?
How will u know if u can implement SMS on a brand new ship?
Difference between working language n official language.
If u have Chinese crew n u have indian master, how language will all ur manuals and
instructions be?
PSC board n tells u draft marks are faded? What ul do? If ur marks are not clear how will u
measure? Where will u know the correct freeboard for ur ship?
Marpol annex vi fuel requirements.
Certificates related to ships engine.
Where you'll know max no of persons u can carry onboard?
Actions in case of grounding right from the telephone call till the end. Grounding lights.
Grounding in Malacca one fathom bank. What's the use of VTS?
When can ship use fuel with 3.5 sulphur ?
Preparation for HRA. What will u do if no armed guards are given? Can u sail without them?
What safe option u hav ?
Deep water anchorage procedure to anchor. How you'll know if u can heave up ur anchor
easily if ur going to use 9 shackles. ?
1. All codes as per Solas?
2. Casualty Investigation Code? And as per which convention.
3. Few easy ROR situations easy


5. MOB and various manoeuvres.
6. Lifeboats and liferafts capacity
7. PSC preparations?
9. Boil off as I have done Gas ships. And types gas ships in Detail.
1) Certificates which all statutory?
2) Preparation for safecon survey?

3) Safety radio validity? Advantage of harminisation of survey


4) Water mist requirements

5) Cargo ship fixed fire extinguisher
6) Life boat davit maintenance
7) CLC bunker
8) ISM
9) ISPS how you prepare ssp if you have to what u will refer?
1. How ur responsibility will change as a master.
2. Indian ship in China, you as a master join 2 week before, how will u proceed about
implementation of ISM onboard
3. What all happens in sea trial as the new ship is waterborne.
4. Testing of WBTs, DBs and other tanks.
5. How spacing between frames decided. How FPk, Apk and ship’s bottom strengthened for

6. From where u will get weight of anchor.


7. Which certificate will give max no of persons can be onboard

8. PSC informs about inspection of FPK and AKP tanks 24 hrs prior. How will u proceed about
Told him about Enclosed space tank preparation and entry procedure.
Replied your answer don’t sound like of Master
9. What kind of fixed fire fighting foam used on tanker and where.
10. Search patterns
11. Charterer claims as per time charter party and how as a master u will protect ship owner
During cross question asked me how can a time charterer claim for any delays claims
12. Conventions for protection of owners against oil pollution and what is IOPC certificate


1) Class issues which all certificates?


Ans. Certificates of class, exemption certificates, H &M certificates

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2) While berthing Stbd side ur load line marks is rubbed off. How will u mark ur load line. Ans. I
told him From the deck line mark I vl mark load line using load line batten and the
measurements from the LLC then he told u r deck line mark is also missing for that I told I vl
mark the deck line 1st then load line. Then he went deep in constant for sheer strake and
transverse section of bulk carrier with hoppers and without hoppers.
3) Something he was asking abt rear of keel , rear of stem.
4) In FPK Tnk which plate is there ?
Ans: He wanted to listen abt painting beams in fpk tank
5) Cargo lost. Who will pay for the lost? Limits for the cargo lost ?
Ans: He wants to hear limit as per Hague , Hague visby rules, Hamburg and MTO
6) P & I covers what all things ?
7) For SMC certificate what all things as a master u vl prepare ?
8) Beaching what all precautions u vl take and how will u beach ur vsl ?
9) Ur vsl beached on port bow. Action ?
Ans: In this he wants deballast fpk tk and get the vsl trimmed by stern and then in high water
by using engine u can refloat the vsl again.
10) PSC told tmrw they will be doing inspection of fpk tank. As a Master what u vl do ?
Ans: I think Inspection of fpk tk by PSC comes under detailed inspections for which surveyor
should notify master in advance.
11) Liferaft requirement.
12) You are coming out from Japan port on which side u vl keep green conical buoy .
13) Clear visibility, Narrow channel, a vsl on port bow, there is sufficient sea room on Stbd side
for overtaking that vsl? What sound signal will u give? And is it mandatory to give those signals
As per him it's not mandatory whn u have sufficient sea room in narrow channel ?
14) lot of situations ?
15) Aground vsl fog signal?
15) I’m manoeuvring with difficulty which flag ? D
16) What is WGS-84? Remark from my last report.
-IMO resolution A741(18)
-Who empowers for psc inspection
-Imo psc regime
-Who issues Grab certificate
-Calculation for Grab swl for different cargoes
-Do we use the same


-Which certificate corresponds for restricting Max person to come onboard

-Co2 system in bulk carrier painroom requirement
-Lifeboats TPA requirements
-Ship handling:
- berthing of vsl flood tide and onshore wind
- No.3db stbd DB tank rubtured action
- CIF cargo
- Multimodal tranport limits of liability for lost or damaged cargo
- Helicopter operation for evacuation of seek person.
1. Fire control plan, bulkhead classes
2. PSC on entering FPK says there are no panting beams, what do you think you have?
3. Oil tanker cargo calculations
4. Coming from Dubai to Mumbai - Anchoring
5. Oil pollution insurances
6. HRA preparation, Citadel, reporting, New BMP stuff
7. Deck FFA system in brief (Foam)


8. Lateral marks
9. Lights of a Sailing vessel & using its sail & propelled by machinery
10. Head on situation with a container vessel , two barges in front of you collide, action?
11. Berthing of a vessel, flood tide , on shore wind, vessel berthed behind you
12. Few crossing, overtaking situations, narrow channel
13. Cancelling of False MF Distress alert
14. Surveys and inspections
15. Aground vessel sound signal
16. Class quarterly report
17. Taking over as master
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18. How many flags in international code of signal

19. LUT and LES
20. Fund
1) Different types of Marks as per IALA? Full form of IALA and where is the Headquarter
Why only Region A and B, why not C?
Tell the countries have Region B and why?
2) Explain your last company policy?
3) Indian which GMDSS Area?
4) How will you decide ur vessel lifeboat capacity?
Or if u r taking over a new ship how will u ensure u have enough lifeboat cap?
5) Number of Foam Applicator and capacity?
6) Foam monitor capacity?
7) Your Vessel aground, how will you come to know which part or side and what is the nature
of the bed?
8) Berthing stbd side alongside on( L shaped port side jetty )with following current, onshore
wind and no tugs.
9) What is a non displacement vessel?


10) Narrow channel at bend in RV, what signal u will give? Will u give any warning signal?
11) Again RV ur vsl going astern, what signal?
12) Narrow channel, gave me 2 ships said keep them one going westbound and other east
bound, actually he wants you to see whether u keep the vessel on the stbd side of channel or
13) Head on situation: Later you realize there is a obst on ur stbd near a land, the other vsl 6
miles off, action?
14) NC day signal, your vessel require salavage- engine breakdown: Which flag u will hoist?
15) How to salute naval ship?
16) You r in ballast and come to know that there is PSC insp. and he wants to inspect FPK
take, how u will go about it?
17) Certificate reqd Intermediate survey? Cert rqd annual and int survey both?
18) Name all cert other than statutory cert?
19) Static precaution for carrying out COW?
20) U made a OLB entry of 2nd and 4eng where 4eng had carried out misconduct with 2nd
eng and next day they come along with CH eng to tell that things are ok now, ur action w.r.t
OLB entry?
21) How and from where to find out disp. when u know fwd and aft draft?
1) How will you verify that your ship complies with the ships manoeuvring info ?
2) What certificates will give you the details mentioned in the manoeuvring info?
3) Co2 fixed fire fighting requirements? Line testing requirements? Whether testing done with
same pressure for cargo holds and engine room? As per him its different pressure for the both.
5) False distress alert sent on EPIRB? How will you cancel it? Who to contact? Which all
means to contact? How many MRCC in India? Where is the CES in India?
6) Lifebuoy requirements? MOB procedure with ships around? Flags to display and sound


signal? Preparations on deck for the same?

7) Salvage ,how to chose salvor, legalities and how will you safeguard yourself?
8) Berthing stbd side alongside on( L shaped port side jetty )with following current, onshore
wind and no tugs. Lots of cross questions in this. What speed, anchors ,distances ,orders,
when to pass ropes?
9) What is a non-displacement vessel?
10) WIG and Aircushion vsl all lights?
11) Aground vessel all sound signals, Flag to show with it?
12) Loading iron ore with shore crane from a height causing damage to holds, what alternate
measures you can take?
As i entered in the room he asked about presea, company, types of ship done.
1) Started with ROR, asked 5/6 different situations (crossing RV and fog signals, flag for

operating astern propulsion)


2) Name certificate with only intermediate survey no annual survey.

3) Can u perform marriage ceremony on-board?
4) How and where will u check cracks on-board
5) What is co2 line pressure testing requirement??
6) CLC liability limits.
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7) Pilot reported side lt not showing full arc.. How will u check and your actions?
As i entered in the room he told me to answer everything quickly, asked me about pre-sea,
company, types of ship done.
1) Started with certificates. Asked name all certificate with intermediate survey.
2) Name certificate with only intermediate survey no annual survey
3) Can u perform marriage ceremony on board? if yes what is the procedure??
4) During on load test as a master what will u check in life boat?
5) At harbour how will check and what will you check in gangway?? Safety measure of


6) What is paint room co2 requirement??

7) How will you fit the co2 system ? what all checks you will do ?
8) What are the ammendments in anti fouling convention?
9) What are the ammendment for psc?
10) How many flags in interco?
11) Sound signals of vessel goining astern in RV?
12) ROR situation.
13) What are all GMDSS equipment on-board?
14) Your vessel aground. broadcast msg on vhf?
15) How will you ensure no false distress alert is sent from ship?
16) Procedure for cancelling EPIRB distress alert? Questions are not in order...
1) What all documents to be maintained on board as per ISM - cross questioning in between.
2) Vessel grounded. What All plans you will refer and other things are most helpful to master.
How do you know that these plans are the actual ones and can be used in grounding?
3) What all Official logbook entries to be made. Can u perform marriage on board? Who
empower you for this?
4) Frequency of life boat maintenance. What all checks to be carried out Inside and Outside of
life boat after dynamic load testing is over.
5) You are joining/ taking over as a Master and PSC detains your Vessel. What all legalities as
a Master to prevent you from going prison. Explained full procedure as per my sea time.
He wanted to listen something else. Not satisfied. He told me that I’m giving zero to you in
6) Emergency Fire Pump requirement.

7) Static Precautions. On tanker vessel.


8) Where all list is mentioned in Annex II. Question was not clear to me finally I came on
certificate of fitness. He asked Full name of certificate of fitness.
9) Berthing with flooding tide and onshore wind. No pilot and no tugs available. One ship RT
ahead already berth. Berth is on port bow. Gave ship models and very less room for turning.
10) Collided with a vessel in a port while Berthing. What all procedures you follow up as a
master except all those formalities mentioned in MS act. and safety and environment aspect.
11) Sound signals of vessel goining astern in Rv?
12) ROR situation- ferry crossing in narrow channel.
13) Coming out from Mediterranean to atlantic- Passage plan.
14) Narrow channel. What all precautions to take in narrow channel. How to minimise
interaction between vessels?
15) Precautions you will take before abandoning the sinking vessel.
16) Describe any one incident of oil tanker which has caused major disaster and what as a
master you can do to prevent that.
17) What specific came in HNS 2010 protocol? He told me I want specific answer.
He was in a hurry and started his rapid fire. He had taken my orals in first attempt too. He did
not ask any of those questions. He took orals for all Master candidates today and his questions
were all different.
1. You join a new vessel and you need to implement ISM. All manuals in English but all crew
Chinese who do not understand English. Action as a Master?


2. Latest amendments to PSC.

3. Asked me the ships I have sailed on - all containers. PSC inspection expected in next port.
As a master what checks will you do on your deck to ensure vessel is prepared for PSC. He
wanted container ship specific.
3. Again asks what vessels i have sailed on. What type of fixed fire fighting I had on my ship
for engine room and for holds- CO2. How will you pressure test the system ? Frequecy ? How
much pressure ? What fixed fire fighting on tankers and gas carriers. Types of foam and
expansion ratios.
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4. Latest Amendments in SOLAS Ch. 2

5. Sea areas A1, A2, A3. What GMDSS equipment’s to carry. Wants the name of each and
every equipment as per the requirement. Procedure for cancelling false distress alerts for each
6. You are on bridge, quarter master falls overboard on port side, Action? many vessels
around, turning will be difficult, Action ?
7. You are in fog, vessel going astern what sound signal will you sound ?
8. You are coming out of Mumbai port and you sew a red can buoy ahead. Action ?
9. You are anchored off Dahej roads, vessel dragging port anchor, action ? What is the flag
signal for vessel dragging anchor?
10. Sound signal for a pilot vessel in RV
11. ROR situation in a narrow channel. He had 2 model ships with which he kept playing and
making situations.
12. Berthing situation with flood tide and onshore wind one vessel alongside in berth ahead of
you, no tug, mooring boat available. Needs exact details of approach speed, turning, how
many cables off the berth to drop anchor, and reasoning behind it. Wants us to move the
model ship accordingly. Now you are approaching and you are parallel to the berth the vessel
starts moving very fast towards the quay because of wind. Action ?
13. Why will you beach a vessel? How?
14. What precautions will you take as a Master when entering into salvage. How will you chose
the best salvor?
15. How many B/Ls signed by Master. Named a few types of B/L and asked me to explain the
16. You are in port, agent informs you that freight has been paid and so you discharge all
cargo. After diacharging it comes to your notice that freight has not been paid. Action as a
17. What is MTD, damaged cargo received on-board, will you accept it? Who is responsible?
18. LLMC limits for property and life.
19. How will you register a ship in India?
20. All entries in OLB. As per what?
He doesn’t have much patience and keeps writing continuously on the exam sheet, sometimes
tries to get the correct answers out of you.
How will you check the vessel u are joining is safe. (std answer of meeting with super in office.
Check class survey quarterly report. Check valid doc sms. Ism Auditors reports. On joining
check general condition of vsl. Lsa ffa. Meeting with crew. Hazard obs reports.etc)
Maneuvering requirements as per IMO (Advance - 4.5 times ships length. Transfer - 5 times
ships length. Track reach in crash astern - 15 - 20 times ships length)
What is the survey requirements for seq. (annual intermediate annual and renewal)
As a master how will u check the structure of ur lifeboat is intact. (check the foundation bolts.
Check for cracks)
What material is the lifeboat made of (fiber something. Pls check)
Latest ammendments of psc. And when it came. (2017. Guidelines for conducting psc
You are proceeding to release co2 and the main discharge valve gets stuck and all the bottles

valves have opened. Now the line has pressure. What will happen (told him line has a relief

valve to release the co2 to air. Was not very happy. Pls check answer)
What is that relief valve called.
Your vessel is at angle of loll at 14 deg. What action u will take. (reduce fse and ballast lower
side tank.)
How will u disconnect the anchor and let go the anchor cable into the water. Slipping of anchor
You are berthing with onshore wind and flood tide in a L shaped berth and no tugs. (was not
happy with my answer. Said i didn't use anchors and am berthing the vessel like a car)
Your vessel is fitted with grabs and crane and you are loading with conveyors. But the height is
too much. Heavy density cargo. How will u load. (ask shore to load on the jetty initially and use
ship grabs to load the holds till there is sufficient amount of cargo on the tanktop that you can
start loading using conveyors.)
What is A0 bulkhead. What does 0 signify (No time limit for increase in temperature. Check
solas chap 2).
What u will check in the ffa plan. (was waiting to hear the type of bulkheads. Class A, Class B.)
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Oil pollution who pays. What are the means of compensation.(clc certificate bunker clc P & I
club) what are the limits of clc.
Vessel at a relative brg of 105 deg from you. Coming up. Action

Coming out of port in india and red can buoy ahead. Action.
Now suddenly u have entered an area of heavy rain and fog. And you have a vessel ahead of
u so you on the ship have give full astern. What sound signals u will give.

(Messed up in ror. Capt gupta puts lots of pressure on you to answer and remember his ror
questions are simple but will put words in ur mouth by giving u wrong answers and making you
believe you are right.
1) Casualty investigation code as per which reg?
2) various chapters of SOLAS.
3) Unclos-criminal Jurisdiction In territorial water.i said no criminal jurisdiction as per article

27,28 expect few conditions but he said you are wrong.


4) How to recover cost of anchor damaged at sea due to rough weather?? Vessel arriving
Singapore in 2-3 much money we will get after deductables.
5) What is base line in draft survey?
6) PSC about to board in24hrs informed us to do fpk tank inspection? What preparations you
will make?
7) your vessel is aground near Somalia ....what message you will transmit to nearby
ships....transmit the message.
Which regulation talks about Casualty Investigation Code?
Your vsl aground . Broadcast message on VHF.
PSC inspector comes on 15 year old ship. .. what all items would you think he will check on

main deck.

How will you check structure integrity of Life Boat from inside.
What items would you check on LB davit for strengthening.
24 hrs Arriving Singapore your vsl suffered port anchor and windlass damage. Who all will you
notify. ...and who will pay for damage. ....
How much percentage of damage expense will owner be able to recover from insurance?
Vsl at Mumbai anchorage. C/E informs you that sewage treatment plant is not working and
tanks are already full. What will you do?
1. After going through file and seeing types of ships, asked tell me all about your last ship.
2. When you go to office what will you ask from supdt. & DPA.
3. What are the only 3 things you require as a Master for a vessel for a passage safely from port
A to port B. (Power- Auxiliary engines, your main engines and steering)
4. What is reduced GRT.
5. FFA onboard, requirement.
6. Life boat and rescue boat requirements.
7. What cargoes you carried( mine was a product tanker) and all precautions required for static.
8. Vessel disabled 8 miles from the coast, actions priority wise.


9. Medical emergency onboard, evacuation procedure including reporting requirements.

10. Fire in engine room, preparations for co2 discharge.
11. Why hypermist is provided for certain machinery? How it will help you in case of fire?
12. CE is missing in engine room n fire, how will you decide to release co2.
13. Helicopter operations procedures and precaution as per ICS Helicopter operations guide.
All the topics were kind of generic ones, had lengthy discussion on each topic. He wants to find
out your practical knowledge and as a master how will you handle the ship in actual distress
scenarios, cz safety of life of all crew members depend on your actions as master, bookish
knowledge will be of little help. No regulations asked, he is not interested in your paperwork stuff
like certificates and all.. as per him that a clerk can do. So please put your answers priority wise
list.. think as master priority to safety of your crew first, then environment and then property
1. u r joinin as master explain in detail...lots of cross questionin frm gupta as well as muduli
regarding certificates n wht information u wll ask frm technical department while joinin


brfing...wht is important thing except certificate u wll ask frm other master...
2. while taking over while taking deck round what all u wll check as master....
3. while taking deck rounds while taking over u observe cement box on fir line on deck...ur
4. wch gas is heavier LNG or LPG...
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5. how to change swivel onboard without any assistance..u have spare swivel onboard...
6. wat diff cert u have onboard container vessel.
7. in detail about cargo claim on container ships....
8. u see fire on deck on tanker..wat type of foam u wll use fr fire fighting..low expansion or high
9. engine fire in detail..hw u wll go about and wht all to check before releasing co2....and how u
wll come to knw tht fire has been extinguished...frm whr to make entry fr inspection...
10. log book entries in detail...onboard C/E and 2nd off involved in physical fight in e/r...u had
made OLB entry bt after 2 hrs they came back to u tht thy wr not fighting and r gud frnds...ur
action....hw u wll cancel log book entry...
11. wat all crew certificates u wll check...crew medical reqd as per whch...some more
questions on mlc by muduli
12. TRS
gupta gets irritate very fast..he dnt like when u take time to answer or u r explainin in detail..he
wants specific answer
1. How does Port state control derives to a conclusion to carry out Inspection of a ship?
Ans.: Describe all the factors which PSC Take into account for inspecting a ship which
includes Age and Type of Ship, Nationality of the ship. It's Class, Company and Any history of
the ship if involved in any accident involving Pollution or Loss of life/ Injury.

2. How does Master Ensures compliance of ISM Code onboard?

Ans.: As per ISM Code Master's responsibility and authority is laid down in SMS and
confirming compliance of ISM onboard is a must. A Master achieves the above through
carrying out inspections, conducting meetings, carrying out Audits such as Navigational audits,
Management meetings and Random checks.

3. Actions as Master if PSC informs you 24 Hrs in advance that they want to inspect After
Peak tank.
Ans.: the following were the points as answered by me but he was not satisfied.
a. Preparation of the After peak tank for PSC Inspection after compliance with Enclosed space
entry checklist, carrying out ventilation, following entry procedures.

Post discussion of above question with other candidates came to a conclusion that May be he
is looking for the Master a arrange an inspection of After Peak tank by ship staff to make sure
that everything is all right before PSC inspects it.

Note: He simply discarded the fact that a Master can refuse for the inspection of APK Tank to


be carried out by PSC.

4. What are the FFA certificates onboard?

Ans.: 1. Cargo ship safety Equipment certificate.
2. SEQ Form E
3. CO2 bottles pressure testing certificate.
4. Fire line pressure test certificate.
5. Portable fire extinguisher Pressure test certificate.
6. BA Compressor air quality test certificate.
7. Low and High expansion foam concentrate annual test cerificate.
8. BA Set air quality test certificate.

5. Vessel Aground in Mallaca Straits, Broadcast Safety Message.

Ans.: Securite Securite Securite

All Ships...............*
* Self explanatory
6. Requirement for a ship to be a passenger ship.
Ans.: A ship which carries more than 12 passengers is the key sentence.

7. Actions as Master before going to Port of Refuge.

Ans.: 1. Inform all concerned parties which include Owner, Operator, Charterer, Insurer etc.
2. Asses the own vessel's status and survival capability regarding safety of Life at Sea and
Pollution prevention.
3. Asses the facilities provide by the Port of Refuge.
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4. Very Imp. to Inform Insurers as vessel will be deviating. Also Master to keep a seperate
account of The expenses and the facilities provided to the vessel from Point of deviation to the
Vessel coming back to Business.
5. Inform Charters as they have specific interest on the cargo onboard the vessel and for the
next voyage or schedule if planned.

8. What is Angle of Loll, Hazards involved and its correction procedure. Also what factors to be
kept in mind while choosing the tanks to be Ballasted.
Ans.: Standard answer as provide in Books.

9.How the static is generated during Crude Oil washing on Crude Oil Tanker and Precautions
to be taken.
Ans.: Explained that the static is generated in Crude Oil due the Oil Flowing in pipelines makes
the Oil to accumulate Charge and While doing Crude Oil washing the charged Oil is
discharged in cargo Tank. If proper precautions such as maintaining O2content of tank less
than 8%, Earthing MMC Tape or Dipping rod at the time of using are not being taken, chances
of explosion are very high.

10. What is Rake of Keel and Rake of Stem.

Ans.: Rake of keel is defined as the height the keel raises from the after perpendicular to the
fore perpendicular.
When the stem comes up from the water, if it is perpendicular to the waterline it is "plumb." If it
is inclined at an angle to the waterline it is "raked." (E.g., "The hull is single decked and
characterized by a plumb stem, full bows, straight keel, moderate deadrise, and an easy turn
of bilge.

11. What is the difference between VHF with only DSC alerting Facility and VHF without DSC
alerting Facility and is VHF Radiotelephony is incorporated in VHF DSC Equipment on board.
Ans.: VHF With DSC Alerting facility is a requirement in which after the VHF DSC alert is
received the VHF Radiotelephony is a must to communicate on Ch. 16. On the other hand
there are some VHF Equipment without DSC alerting facility such as the VHF eq. being carried
by Small boats and Lifeboat GMDSS Radio.

12. Indian region is under which GMDSS Sea Area.

13. How to check is SMS Policy displayed on Bridge is up to date or not?

Ans.: Check who signed it, when signed it and is the same person is still MD of the company, if
in doubt verify it with Company's HSEQ Dept.

14. Have you experienced any Oil Spill onboard?

Ans: Described a minor pollution incident and remedial actions taken.

15. What are the dangers associated with Loading Boxite as Cargo?
Ans.: A new warning that bauxite may become unstable when carried in bulk on a ship,
potentially causing the vessel to capsize, has been issued by the International Maritime
Organization (IMO).
Bauxite is one of the world’s major sources of aluminium with around 100 million tonnes
transported annually by sea. In 2015, a bulk carrier sank while transporting bauxite, with the
loss of 18 seafarers. Research presented this week to an IMO Sub-Committee found that
certain forms of bauxite with a large proportion of smaller particles could be subject to a newly-
identified phenomenon of “dynamic separation” when there is excess moisture in the cargo.
In such conditions, a liquid slurry (water and fine solids) can form above the solid material,
according to the report of an international Global Bauxite Working Group on Research into the
Behaviour of Bauxite during Shipping. The resulting free surface effect of liquid sloshing about
could significantly affect the vessel's stability, leading to the risk of the ship capsizing.

16. Oil Tanker requirements of Foam Concentrate for High and Low expansion Foam.
Ans.: For Oil / Product / Chemical tankers an alcohol resistant foam is used. In this case a
Fluro protien foam compound (FP-AR) is selected.

17. What was the dia of the Hawser onboard your last ship.
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Ans.: 117 mm, He asked this question test practical knowledge.

18. What are the methods for starting Emergency fire pump if both ship's power and
Emergency power is failed.
Ans.: An Independent Small Diesel Oil Tank and Diesel Engine is provided.

19. Causality Investigation code is part of which convention?


Also asked by Capt. Gupta to other ASM Candidates

1. Girder Stake
2. Cargo holds FFA Capacity and how to calculate.
3. Latest amendments to Marpol
4. Is USCG considered as PSC MOU.
1) vessel enroute from Australia to Singapore, SMC expired, action?
2) SMC audit in Singapore, preparation for the same
3) Can SMC auditor check hatch cover? If yes then as per what?
4) testing of hatch cover-he was not interested in nozzle size, pressure etc, we wanted to know
how hatch cover are closed, I explained he what was given in the books....he asked me have
you ever seen a hatch cover....I said no, I have seen it on net and in books- sailing on lng
only....he said- tab tujhe nahi pata hoga....and gave a sarcastic smile.
5) How the water which has been spilled during testing is drained- told him about drainage
channel provided- he said tell me exact location and there is something more to which I was
not aware of.
6) Last vessel fixed DCP system it works, have u ever seen it's actual
operation....told him I have seen it's working during 2 yearly inspection.... explained him how it
works....told him I have never seen real activation of it as never experienced any fire on
7) you are OSC and looking for a missing liferaft with person....dense fog... .what all you will do
and how will you detect liferaft.....I told him about standard precaution to be taken during rv
then parallel search....with adequate spacing.. safe speed, lookout, adequate radar settings to
detect small craft, look for sart signal in x band radar as liferaft probably carring a sart.

8) entries in gmdss log a master how will you ensure that they are in correct format-

told him sample entries given on first page will verify from that and then standard entries,
signature etc.
9) star sight .. .read from myseatime blog .. same procedure I explained to him....then he
asked what time u will take sight... basically he wanted to hear that time you have taken from
almanac is LMT and you will convert it to SMT.
10) what is snatch block.
11) What is bow line, where it is used?
12) Length of heaving line.
13) Length of lifebuoy line, it's breaking stress.
14) how will you calculate strength of wire rope.
15) vessel length 40 meter can it show two masthead lights.- yes
16) lights show by air cushion vessel in displacement mode- normal pd vessel light.
17) discharging cargo in Port, u see freight not paid, action- told him that I will call owner,
charterer , p&I club and local agent and instruct him not to clear cargo to consinee, take cargo
lien.... little discussion on cargo lien.
18) tug assistance is required in Port, how will you ensure tug is pushing in correct position- no
marking on deck and on ship side- I started will fore and aft strengthening....then after short
discussion I told him tug will push in location where transverse bulkhead are present- he said
itna ghum phira k answer Kyu deta hai....
19) What to check in life boat as master- foundation bolts.
20) how psc decided which all vessels to inspect.
21) what is pounding, how to prevent it?
1 berthing situation witj current

2 types of cargo claim


3 what is semiblanced and balanced rudder

4 can you weld a bulkwark and can you weld it to the sheer strake
5 liferaft water capacity
6 liferaft HRU failed when the ship sinks will liferaft
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come up
7 you are proceeding to port of refugee Hong Kong precautions as master
8 interco how many flags are there and flag D meaning
9 anchoring in sand you have no option but to anchor
10 general anchoring procedures
11 smc expired after take over action
12 how will psc shorlist your vessel for inspection
13 psc asks you to that they want to inspect your FPK tank
14 chief engineer says sewage plant not operational and tank is full your vessel is at anchor
waiting for berth in 3 hours action
1. What will you do when a war Ship is passing by.
Ans. Salute. What instructions you will give to cadet. I could recollect that you must lower
country flag half mast and then hoist it back. Didn’t remember the full procedure.
2. While joining a ship, what all things you will check on Ship side.
Ans: Hull marking specially loadline , draft marks ( readable) , no excessive sign of corrosion,
no dent / damage.
3. In case you see a dent on Ship side at midship what notes you will make for identification.
Ans. How many meter above water level and with reference to any point approx distance
longitudinal so that I can pin point on shell expansion plan the plate number. With the help of
GA plan. But he did not agree.
4. Name of first plate on Ship side from top.
Ans. Goofed up said stealer plate ( correct ans sheer strake)
5. Inspector went into tank and reported panting beam is missing your action.
Ans. Didn’t remember the requirements of fpk construction.
6. Procedure for releasing co2 in E/Rm.
Ans. Normal procedure.
Said generators are not stopping what you will do. Emcy fuel cut off didn’t work.
I can’t risk life for sending someone down to stop generator. Will proceed with releasing.
7. Now Ch/Eng suggest you, since fire is small we can use only half of the co2 bottles and if
fire still not extinguished then will discharge the remaining bottles.
Ans: No I will discharge all of them together. Can’t take chance.
7. After 12hrs of releasing how you will proceed with entry.
Ans. Check for hot spots and ensure fire has extinguished and send a team with scba to


Said” scba Sab choddo ye batao fire extinguish hui kaise pata chalega. He wants to hear by
checking temperature.
8. From where you will make the entry.
Ans. Upper deck engine casing. He wants to hear from top of E/Rm
9. On oil tanker oil spill on deck and fire. And foam monitor not covering that area because of
some obstruction. What you will do.
Ans: Use foam applicator.
10. How many required
Ans 4
11. Duration of low expansion foam continuous discharge.
Ans. 20min not sure if that’s correct. I read somewhere. But he didn’t said anything.
12. You have to divert for port of refuge in hongkong. Precautions.
Ans: normal ans about contacting all parties ( flag/ owner/ charters) get information from MAS .
Told him about MAS.
13. Crew reported epirb is activated. Action.
Ans. Cancel allert by sending msg to nearest coastal state Nd MRCC. Over sat -c cancelling
msg under distress priority. He said you will not send to a particular authority? I said that just
send a msg over sat - c under distress priority. And in addition I will notify the nearest costal
state / mrcc separately.
Not sure what he wants to hear.
13. Port of refuge-GA / PA
Ans. GA
14. You are engaged in towing / precautions
Ans. I don’t know what he wants to hear. Told him general points about towing and
navigational signals and lights. Considering already towing didn’t mentioned about bollard pull
n all.
15. Precautions for loading iron ore with conveyor belt.
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Ans: told him wrt high density cargo dropping from ht. Load density n all.
16. You on emergency steering what flag to display.
Ans. Didn’t remember flags.

Keys points abt Gupta.

1. Very impatient. Don’t wait to listen to your answers. Kept on saying don’t take time to ans.
Kind of in a rush.
2. Wants to hear specific point according to his answer bank.
3. Tells you straight away if you answer wrong.
4. He ask you basic questions nothing like hardcore rules n regulations. Provided you know
those basic ans.
Oral started with introduction, right from Pre sea training till 40 mnths of ch mates Sea service
including company and ships sailed on.
What was your failing question?
You are taking over command of 3yr laid up ship, company doesn’t have SMS, how will you
take over?
Does vessel needs to do any surveys? Which survey? Which all certificates applicable to this
ship? After surveys what will be expiry date of these certificates? Who issues the certificates?
– Lots of cross question
What are different types of crew agreements are there? What is difference between Indian
ships and Foreign ships ?
Does Indian flag vessel have CBA?
New 3rd mate onboard, how will you make sure he can keep navigational watch properly? –
Cross questions
Indian west coast, full of fishing traffic, Duty officer of called you on bridge, how will you go
about it? Cross questions
How will you use RADAR efficiently in such condition?
Ship is at anchor and yawing, action?
How will you decide how many shackles to drop? What all factors affect the ship while

anchoring? What are limitations of anchor and windlass?


Procedure for issuing MLC certificate. Contents of MLC.

You collided with other vessel, how you will go about it, also tell the MS act numbers.
How ISPS certificate is issued? What are ISPS drills carried out on ship? How you practically
do it onboard?
What are latest amendments?
You have mixed crew, how will confirm all crew having required certification? Company
doesn’t have any checklist.
GMDSS equipment required as per different area? Entries in GMDSS logbook.
False alert on HF, action.
Contents of ISM code, certificates as per ISM code.
LSA and FFA equipment, testing requirements of each and every equipment. Schedule and
what will you test?
Your ships 1 tank is breached, action. How will confirm if ship won’t sink?
You have wind from 000 deg. What will heading of your ship and what will be your drift?
What do you know about Wreck convention? Who is receiver of wreck? What is the liability of
What is LLMC? What are its limits?
What do you know about VGM?
What do you know about LOF 2011? What is scopic?
What all things you will check before signing BL?
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1. Weather routing (Read about the Wx charts).

2. TRS rule 1-2-3.
3. Instruction to junior off wrt to rule 8 and 17.
4. Yawing of anchor. Lots of cross qsn on anchoring.
5. STCW – amendments.

6. Collision - action as master as per M S Act.


7. Collision - Action other than MS act.

8. Passing between islands - checks as master, instruction to your second mate?
9. PSC inspection - what instructions will you give mate n chief engineer?
10. ESP in detail?
11. Damage stability booklet?
12. Dense fishing traffic - Instruction to jr officers to counter this traffic? How to pick fishing vessel
on radar?
13. Vessel stopped, wind from beam, how will she drift?
1. Brief introduction from cadetship till now.
2. ISM implementation onboard. (More stress on SMS review frequency and procedure).
3. What all certificates are required to be onboard (where is the information given regarding
certificates required to be carried on tankers).
4. Where is it mentioned that the vessel is certified to carry Crude Oil/product. (IOPP Form B).
5. As per new SOLAS amendment, what is the requirement for carrying out lifeboat tests and
inspections (As a Master what will you check). Exact test and inspection.
6. PSC inspection is going to happen tomorrow, what instructions you will give as a Master to
Chief Engineer and Chief Officer. And what documents you will prepare/check for same.
7. What is EEXI - I answered this part in second session (New Amendment for MARPOL Annex


6 coming on 1st Nov 2022 which will make CII, Carbon Intensity Indicator mandatory from 1st
Jan 2023).
8. LOF 2020 content and how it is different from 2011. How is SCOPIC different from Article 14?
9. TRS 1-2-3 rule
10. A diagram of Anchor yawing was shown and lot of cross questioning on same. Effect of wind,
current, when will the force will be maximum on Anchor? How will you calculate same. At what
point Anchor will drag and what will be your action to reduce yawing and to prevent anchor from
11. For 2 months Crew haven't received wages, what actions will u take?
12. MLC Latest amendments
13. ESP code. What files as a Master u maintain?
14. Latest Amendment for ESP.
15. Renewal survey and preparation for Renewal survey.
Taking over as Master
Where will you find the list of approved documents to be carried onboard?
What is an enhanced survey program?
What all checks are carried out in ESP and you as master how will you prepare your ship for
123 rule to avoid TRS
Contents of LOF 2011
Scopic article 13 and 14 in detail
Difference between article13 and article 14.
PSC preparation. Lots of cross questions on the same.

As per rule 8 and 17 how will you guide your third officer for watches.

What standing orders you will give your duty officer for CPA.
Masters standing orders cross questioning
Fake BL at discharge port ,discharging of cargo how will you go about.
Bunker convention. Emergency Anchoring.
Frontal depression ,TRS.
Foreign nationality officer can he sail on an Indian flagged vessel.
(He has to get his COC converted by giving oral exams for conversion).
Can you sail out with one officer short (Dispensation).
Marpol Annex 6 amendments.
Wind and current effect on anchoring/drifting/draft to depth ratio.
Cadet on deck working heavy weather get injured what all as per ISM has been breached.
Death onboard action / reporting MS act.
Refloating a vessel .Suez canal incident discussion.
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P & I what all it covers.

Started off with asking which topic I have prepared, I said PSC.
1) What is PSC, why was it introduced?
2) How will you go about preparing for PSC inspection?
3) There is a certain deficiency onboard your ship and the owner/manager tells you to hide it
from psc, what will you do?
4) What all documents you'll keep ready for the PSC inspector.
5) What certificates are required to be carried onboard as per ism
6) As a master, how will you ensure that SMS is implemented properly on your ship
7) Why is Master's review of the SMS necessary?
8) Wages not paid, your action as master
9) Where will you get information about the MLC security provider?
10) How will you know you are approaching TRS?
11) Actions to avoid TRS
12) 123 rule to avoid TRS
13) What instructions will you give your d/o when navigating near of TRS.
14) Showed me a paper where a collision case study was mentioned (vl on stbd side, give way
vl alters to STBD, but stand on ship alters to port and collision). Question: As a master, what
instructions/standing orders would you give so that this situation would not arise on your ship
with third officer on watch. (Told him many things, but he wanted to hear something peculiar
which I didn't mention, and he makes a remark on my form that ROR rule 8 &17 not familiar).
15) Gave his book and asked me to do radar plotting, explaining the OAW triangle.
16) On personal radar with true vectors, how will to ascertain if risk of collision exists.


17) Open sea, vl right ahead/very fine on stbd bow, will you allow your OOW to pass green to
green. If yes, how much CPA and why. What will be your standing orders for CPA by day and
by night, by red to red and green to green.
18) You are taking over as master on a ship which is laid up for 3 years, how will you go about
19) If the intermediate surveys are not carried out, will the certificates remain valid.
20) Difference between oil tanker and chemical tanker.
21) On oil tanker, how will you come to know which cargoes you can carry.
22) Where will you find the list of approved documents to be carried onboard?
23) What are the approved documents to be carried onboard?
24) Contents of the manual on recovery of person from sea
25) What is enhanced survey program?
26) What all checks are carried out in ESP and you as master how will you prepare your ship
for ESP?
27) How will you prepare your ship for safety construction survey?
28) What are the tests carried out on lifeboat and lifeboat davits during renewal survey?
29) What was the fixed for fighting system for deck onboard your last ship?
30) What is the ratio of foam solution and water?
31) How will you go about co2 flooding in engine room?
32) What procedure will you follow before, during and after co2 release?
33) How will you know that all the bottles of co2 have been released or not
34) Duties of master in case of collision. What documents/records /log will you carry in case of
35) Contents of LOF 2011
36) Difference between article 13 and article14.
37) What is Scopic and how is it different from article 14.
1. ISM history. Ism implementation onboard as master (as per samsual notes)
2. PSC preparation. Lot of cross question on same. (As per IMO res a. 1119(30). Some flag
states also provide checklist or p&i club pocket note books as a guideance
3. Preparation for safcon survey (

safety-construction.html?m=1 )

4. Ship having deficiencies and vessel calling port after 2 days action as master- report to port
in advance and take remedial action such as repairs etc
5. Berth on port side current from stern onshore wind turning basin available berth the ship. (
turn ship using anchor only one shackle in water, face current and then berth)
6. Gave a case study. Chief enginner failed to discharge co2 in e/room. How you will make
sure that doesn’t happen on ur ship. How your will make sure co2 is discharged. ( proper pms
is followed and refer imo msc circular 1318 for checks and maintenance.
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7. Precautions for re-entry to engine room n co2 room after discharge.(Cylinders will be colled
after co2 is discharged) for co2 room ventilation to be on. Atmosphere check. For engine room
re-entry seek expert advice monitor temp and team will scba and lifeline to be entered from top
with 2 radio minimum proper torches 3 or 4 intrinsically safe)
8. Loadline survey checks - refer
9. What all cert to be carried on ship ( asked as per bulky specific - refer from samsual notes
or solas annex 1)
10. Gave 2 case study(sending photos seperate) of collision. How you will make sure that it
doesnt happen on your ship
11. Damage control plan content
12. Hypermist system functioning and where they are fitted how to check proper functioning
13. PI n FI basic info only
14. Bulk carrier cargo liquification. How you will come to know (rolling period
changes)Precautions to avoid same - (can test onboard no loding during rain for
concentrates)and action as master after liquification (pumpout bilges. If wx permits ventilate
and use portable pumps to take out water. Course altered to vaoid rolling seek expert advise
and head for place of refuge and sheltered waters)
15. Gave a surface analysis chart and asked various symbols and how you will calculate wind
speed from isobars (answer in subra meteorology book).
16. Some simple ror question about light and shapes
17. What is difference between between fixed beacons and buoys shape wise- was not able to
18. Why scopic came and change in LOF 2011. Answer available in lloyds website in scopic
clause section
19. Gave lot of fishing traffic in a diagram . How your will pass which side of trawaler to be
avoided and other fishing vessel. Trawler - aft side have lines and trawls. Other fishing boats if
drifting pass leeward side ( he told me later)
20. Type of fishing gear - he sent me out to find. check NP 100 explained there
21. How a vessel will drift with wind. Refer peril at sea & salvage chapter 5 - he only told me
and told to refer and then answer.
22. B/L endorsed 2/3 times. How master will make sure he is delivering cargo to right
consignee ( confirm with charterers).
23. Rule 8 and 17 basic info only
24. Master duties and checks as per mlc answer as per notes.
25. How you will find out who is insurer for mlc ( check cert for insurance of mlc and itf blue
card. Itf blue card in case of itf vessels.
26. Distress signals - as per annex 4 ror
27. Gmdss - with which all equipments you can send distress alerts
28. Radio survey - what all annual report are there. VDR, ssas, epirb, sart , ais etc
29. Seq survey - what all report surveyors checks - for lifeboat n rescue boat davit servicing.
Liferaft servicing. Inventory of items of boat and rescue boat pma of lsa items etc. Nav
equipment service report if any and compass error log etc pms of nav equipments.
1. ISM master overriding authority.
2. MLC financial security proof.
3. How to implement MLC.
4. Masters review.
5. How you will prevent collisions by junior off on your ship
6. How to find out fire extinguished by co2.
7. Weather fax explain all symbols and info, he gave a Wx Fax to me.

8. Radar plotting.

9. ECDIS simplified and traditional symbols, for floating and fixed buoy.
10. How to find extent of grounding in case of grounding.
11. USCG find magic pipe in engine roo, actions.
12. vsl layered up from last three years actions as master for takeover.
13. Implementation of rule 17 and 8 f by junior officers how to ensure they comply.
14. Casualty in Indian coast.
15. Cases covered by MLC financial security.
16. How to confirm co2 cylinder empty after fire.
17. ESP details.
18. If a person comes to you with BL will you release cargo.
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19. Why you don't release co2 in engine room one by one bottle.
20. Special precaution for fishing and trawlers.
21. Wind how it effect standing moving ahead and moving astern vsl.
22. BT effect moving ahead and astern.
23. 1,2,3 rule for TRS.
24. Singapore straits chart.
25. STS amendment tankers.
26. ESP.
27. How will you declare person is dead.
28. Engine room got fired and ship is preceding to US your action. And few machinery are not
1. ISM Code, how will you implement as master on board.
2. Various certificates on board.
3. Prepare for safety construction survey. What is special about it.
4. Vessel going to US, prepare for USCG.
5. As a master how will you check the passage plan on ECDIS.
6. Showed a passage plan on chart and asked what are the mistakes.
7. 3 case studies of navigational incidents and asked how you would have avoided, one
grounding of Maersk vessel in Singapore straits, one collision in Japan and one collision
between a bulk carrier and
container- similar like msc prestige and super tanker in bablemandab.
8. What standing orders you will give your duty officer for CPA.

9. Will you maintain same CPA for port and stbd passing.

10. Showed wx fax and asked about expected weather. How will you determine the wind
11. Collision at one fathom bank, how will you minimize pollution.
12. What you will check in BL.
13. Most important clause in BL.
14. Discharge port will you disch cargo if a person comes with original bl.
15. For deck cargo what will you check in BL.
16. Amendment to marpol regarding STS.
17. Berthing with current from behind and onshore wind.
18. Engine stop where will vessel drift coz of wind.
19. ESP and what all documents.
20. 2 very simple ROR situation.
21. TRS 123 rule.
22. Vessel in heavy weather, precautions.
Weather fax symbols and wind direction
Drift of vsl as per ocimf
Berthing with strong following current 7 kts stbd side berth on port side
Case study of iyer regarding collision
Scopic clause
Special survey
Collision actions


ROR cards buoyage

Radar plotting aspect
Master standing orders
Bl & clause of time charter
Hamburg Rotterdam rules diff
Heavy weather actions and rescue of person radhika menon case study
TRS 123 rule
Ice accretion action
Oil tanker lighter age amendment
He wants practical answers no need of mugging up regulations
1) Action on flooding

2) Damage stability general.


3) Case study Herald of free enterprise.

4) Effect of wind,current and swell at sea / Harbour.
Was unable to answer anything about "some inherent clause about cargo" asked by capt Iyer
in charter party rest all gave some answer
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1) Tell everything you know about ISM practical implementation. Master review, how will you
do it.
2)How will you motivate crew for implementation of ISM onboard
3) Bill of lading- whom will you discharge cargo. Checks to be done in B/l
5)LOF 2011
6) ROR situations from his typical set. He carries lots of case studies
7) MagiC pipe found in engine room, Action as master. Legal issues
8) Liferaft HRU connection diagram, how will you ensure it’s correct . He carries 6 wrong pics,
will ask you to correct it.
9) Wind & current effect on anchored vessels
10) Damage control plan content

12)Documents required for ESP


13) PSC preparations

14) Ship laid up for 3.5 years. How will you prepare the ship?
15) Chartrer comes up with a bL with Hamburg rules. What will you do?
16) Onload & offload release
17) Marpol amendments
18) Grounding at anchorage action
19) What standing orders for duty officer wrt navigation based on rule 8, 17
20)Radar plotting, aspect on ROC sheet
21) Quick closing valve maintenance
22) MLC rest hours, complaint handling procedure
23) Pelagic & demersal fishing gear
24) PSC detains vessel, action
25) Difference between fishing v/l and trawler
26) Low & high expansion foam differences and working
27) Liquefaction of cargo in bulky, action
28) Paramount clause
He wants only practical answers. As per him if u have kept ur eyes and ears open on ur ship u
r not required to even study for ur orals.
Started with general introduction. What all prepared. I told him ISM , PSC etc as per syllabus.
Q Implementation of ism?
General answer .
Q How u will motivate the crew?
Q. What all LSA/FFA equipment specific certificates checked by PSC? ( not satisfied with my
answer )
Q How does hypermist helps in extinguishing fire? ( Cooling effect due to latent heat of
vaporisation he wants to listen )
Q Enhanced Survey Programme in detail?
Q What is special survey? ( Renewal Survey )
Q Taking over a ship laid up for 3 years. ( All previously issued statutory certificates stands
invalid as no annual/intermediate surveys. All cert to be reissued )

Q Lot of case studies w.r.t navigational incidents? What as a Master you would have done to

prevent ? How will you teach your duty officers rule no8 and rule no 17? What will be ur
standing instructions to ur duty officers regarding CPA/TCPA ? How will you ensure they are
complying with it? (Study ROR thoroughly. He dont want to listen any rule just the practical
application of rules. Substantial alteration, safe speed, position plotting, essential chart
markings etc. Enhanced measures when navigating in high traffic density areas etc. Be firm in
your answer. )
Q ECDIS limitations w.r.t alarm setting especially safety contour. How to prevent it?
Q Salient features of LOF 2011?
Q Vessel aground action as a Master?
Q For carrying deck cargo what endorsement on BL ( 'STOWED ON DECK AT SHIPPER'S
Q Fixed fire fighting system on last vessel?
Q Foam expansion ratio , What is proportionator, How foam forms? What type of foam?
Q Effect of wind on a drifting vessel from port side and stbd side . Will it be same or different? (
Couldn't answer properly)
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Q 1,2,3 rule of TSS ?

Q Changes in Annex-1 w.r.t STS operations? ( New Chapter -8 added IN ANNEX-1 and
details on chapter -8 )
- Vsl laid up 3 yrs.. take over w.r.t. ISM
- How you wil motivate crew
- PSC detains vsl..action
- Cert u carry on oil tanker
- Cert which require annual verification
- Gmdss fun req
- How u will rescue distressed craft in bad weather
- Procedure to lower n pick up rescue boat in bad wx
- FFA foam and CO2 req n working procedure
- LSA req
- MOB 4hrs past..action
- Showed weather chart and told to read it

- Wat checks to b done in Passage plan


- Wat u will consider while preparing standing orders

- 3 Case studies..he has some sets..lot of discussion
- ROR situation..easy ones..but lot of cross quest
- Anchoring procedure
- TRS..123 theory..
- Damage assuptions for tanker
- Cow
- Diff between HV and Hamburg
- LoF 2011...details
- Recent collision..cas study
- Marpol ammendments to all regulations
- Aground..action
- Beaching procedure
- Registration of ship
- CLC and fund
Below are the questions
1. Registration of Ships
2. What's NMB?
3. What's IBF?
4. Structure of IMO
5. Structure of IMO Council
6. Rule 7 and Rule 13


7. 2 ROR Cards
8. Contents of IMSBC code
9. Contents of MLC
10. Benefits under Social Security Protection.
11. Duties of Master as per ISM Code
12. what happens when DOC is withdrawn
13. what happens when SMC is withdrawn.
14. Duties of Master as per ISM Code
15. Give information on Cyber Security
16. Grounding emergency (operational and technical aspects)
Normal introduction. Scanning of room.
1. ROR cards. For NUC, Aground , Pilot vessel. Preferred channel to port
2. Contents of MS act. MLC IMSBC.
3. Amendments to IMDG/IMSBC/ SOLAS /MARPOL
4.9 security protection as per MLC


5. Amendments to MS ACT
6. Fire in engine room
7. Tele-medical advice
8. Rule 8/13
9. Cyber security
10. Structure of IMO
11. Parametric rolling and quartering seas action as master
12. What all eateries you will make in official logbook
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13. Cyber security plan Dg circular and what does it say . It will affect which certificate
14. Corona patient on-board action as a master
1. Taking over first time as Master from receiving mail at home to taking over in master's cabin.
2. ISM Skipped because I knew last time, Instead focussed on ISPS, certification and
inspection from delivery.
3. PSC black list and grey list in detail.
4. RO who gives them authority, Ae of some RO.
5. Duty of Master as per ISM, masters over Authority.


6. Refloating after grounding.

7. Fire control plan.
8. Daily radio checks.
9. Distressed seaman
10. ROR, Fog signal for pilot vessel, vessel aground. This is where it went downhill. What is 1
green light. What is 2 red lights. What is light of fishing vessel at anchor.
11. Marpol 73/78 why 73 78 amd some background.
Discharge criteria from machinery space. All certificates as per anmex 1. ORB 1 and 2
1) What is CBA
2) How many types of agreement are there ?
Ans - standard agreement, tcc and ibf agreement
3 ) Psc many types of psc ....what all is checked in different types of psc inspection, how
will u prepare for psc inspection ...lots of cross questioning on this topic
4) U are master of an indian vessel , suffered collision on West coast of Africa. Actions as
Ans : reporting to etas , coastal state and dg comm centre
Also assistance to other vessel as per section 348 and also 349 and 350 apart from other
usual actions

5) major fire in engine room, u activated co2 system, vessel in mid Atlantic, now ur action as
master ?
Ans : lots of cross questioning ...took 15 minutes on this question
In short, ......We will continue the boundary cooling, monitoring the temp and inform all parties
.....since vessel in mid Atlantic asking for salvage tugs to proceed may not very feasible
after establishing it's safe, we will enter from place where least chances of introduction of air
.....then once checked beyond doubt ...that no chance of reignition we will ventillate and carry
further repairs as possible

6) What all ship reportings are there for India


Ans : Explained Indsar and Inspires along with dgs order 7 of 2010 .....
Their purpose and requirements as per gross tonnage

7) Each and every certificate on tankers along with conventions/ regulations with each of them
Ans : started with loadline ., Tonnage safe Manning, smc ,doc issc with csr , anti fouling ,
ballast water , clc bclc , etc , iopp , nls cert and cof ., Safcon , seq, src ,,..around 15 certificates
along with conventions told him ....after that I told him I may have missed some , to get
exhaustive list I will consult solas Annex 1 , MSc circular 1586 , mepc 873 and fal circular 131
...for list of certificates
Important is to tell relevant convention and regulations.

8) Contents of solas ch 2

9) What do you know about port health requirement ?

Ans : port health requirement 2015 .....arrival stay and dep requirement, role of pho, mentioned
about PHEIC ( public health emergency of international concern )

10 ) How will u do risk assessment .... everything in detail

Ans : usual normal answer

11) enhanced survey programme in full detail

12) what is NMB ?

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Ans : National Maritime board's a type of CBA applicable to ratings on indian flag vessels
For officers - INSA MUI cba is applicable for indian ships
Refer dgs order 4 of 2013 ....where it gives the updated version of crew agreement and
mentions NMB and INSA - MUI cba agreements.

13) What is polar code

All contents of polar code
Ans ; total 12 chapters are there in polar code part 1a ...told him all chapter names ....

14 ) What is IGF code

Ans : part a to d where part A1 gives main specifications requirements for ships carrying gas of
other low flashpoint fuels ....part b gives .... manufacturing and workmanship and testing
Part c and d gives drill and training requirements

15) what is world scale ??

16) What are the contents of multi modal transport document

17) quote rule no 7 .... word to word / or in own words and then explain it

18) around 6 cards trawlers , nuc , ram , etc

Also preferred channel mark

19) cyber security risk management ....all details

Ans : apart from usual ans ...also mention ENG circular 6 of 2017 and MSc circular 428(98)
and MSc.1 / fal circular 3
And it's required as per ism code section 1.2

20) Hague visby and Hamburg rules in detail

22) details about multimodal B/L and through B/L

MLC titles 1-5, SCR,
Vsl aground MS act/ practical, Certificate as per conventions
What is priority of salvage convention, Amendment of IMDG,

Who signs the BL?


Ready for shipment BL means?

Cyber security?
IMO setup.
How many in council?
Quartering seas, Give brief answers, ROR 2 cards, Pilot vsl, Buoys preferred channel.
What is difference between group flashing and composite group flashing
1. Introduce yourself from per sea time as he didn’t had my file with him.
2. Why 3 years after first attempt. Personal reason
3. ROR cards- NUC, Trawler, pilot vessel, day signals- preferred channel to port and stbd.
4. Rule no. 13 cover all 4 points in your words. If you have prepared word by word then do
5. Contents of damage control plan.
6. You are in middle of Atlantic Ocean and caught in heavy weather, action.

7. What is quartering seas?


8. What action you Will take to avoid it?

9. Do you know about parametric and synchronous rolling? How does it affects container
10. What is pooping, surf riding?
11. After long passage you are arriving malacca straits, action as a master.
12. Latest amendments of MARPOL
13. Latest amendments to MS act.
14. Do you know about cyber risk management? Under which certificate it will be verified?
15. Types of cargo as per IMSBC code.
16. Do you know about multimodal transport act? How it works? Tell me everything
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17. You are on Indian vessel, ran aground action both practical and as per MSA.
18. Fore peak tank, no.1 db port, no. 2 DB stbd and 1 centre open to sea, action.
19. How will you assess that vessel is foundering?
20. What is the stability criteria for assessment of foundering? Is there any calculations to be
21. Taking over as a master, tell me everything.
22. Tell me about fund convention.
23. What are the statutory requirements as per MLC? I told him most of them, later he
assisted me in answering by asking cross questions
24. Social security benefits in details.
25. CIC in details.
26. What types of inspection a PSCO can do? In details.
27. Personal injury required helicopter evacuation, tell me everything.
28. Do you know about substantial——————? I Forgot this word. I didn’t answer this
29. Registration of ships as per MSA. Everything.
30. Do you know about IBF agreement? Tell me
31. Are IBF and ITF agreements same or different?
32. Tell me everything about CBA.
33. What is green card and blue card?
Start with discussion how you prepared syllabus etc.all.
Most of the que from his set
And he basically covered all the topics.
1)Started with 3 to 4 ror cards
Preffered channel mark quote rule 13 and 19 or explain in ur own words.
No situation.
2) content of solas ch 5
I don't remember all the regulation in sequence whatever I remembered the important one ,I
told him and he was like satisfied.
3. Ships routeing.
4. Vdr and lrit.
5. How u maintain gmdss records.
6.requirement of fixed fire fighting system.
7.cert on chemical tankers.
8. U r a master on tank,taking deck round and suddenly oil spill.
Told him to stop operation immediately,
Try my best to prevent oil not to go overboard and inform QI for additional assistance.
9.who appoints Qi.

10. Content of damage stability booklet.


11.structure of imo.
12. Marpol latest amendment.
13. Content of imsbc code.
14. Concentrate loading precautions.
15.registration of indian ship.
16.Fal convention.
17. New York Antwerp rule just an outline. act latest amendment.
19.cert reqd as per ism code and validity.
21. Esp code.
22. Psc and type of inspection. protocol.
24. Seemp.
25.after long voyage vessel enter Singapore.
Basically he want to listen all control as per checklist and engine test astern. will u take over as a master.
27.berthing situation with onshore wind ,no tug and no bow thruster.
28. Synchronous rolling.
29. Alrs volume part only.
30.covid patient onboard ,action as a master.
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31. Helicopter oprtn - crew injured - as soon as I told him about to remove any obstruction from
winching or landing area , he went to next que.
32.types of bill of lading u know.
Only types no explanation.
33.hague visby and hamburg difference. security benefit as per mlc.
35.wheel house poster info.
And some other que from his set only.
Introduced himself and asked how did I prepare for the orals.
*What is CSS code
Got a reaction as if I was telling something wrong that's where I had to make sure for myself
that it wasn't the CSC code but I continued with CSS code.
*9 elements of social security as per MLC
Told him a few never counted them so I didn't reach the reqd number of 9
*Abandonment of seafarer as per MLC
Told him about the nonpayment of wages, non-maintenance and support to the crew and
delayed or non-repatriation.
He asked if there's any financial security regarding this.
I told yes there is.
He asked what's the article/ reg no. for that in MLC.
*What's an IBF? What's blue card?
Told him all about the ship-owners association (IMEC, IMMAJ - could not recollect the exact
*Where is the office for this association.
How does a company registers for this association.
Was your last company part of this?
Told him about the JNG, IBF, grab card as well.
*What's IG group
International group of PnI club
*What are the class notation for a bulk ? What's BC-A, B, C Class notation.
*What's tier1,2,3 pollution - explained CLC, FUND,SUPP FUND.
*Fire in ER, CO2 released.
Precautions procedure for reentry


Told him I'll wait for 24 hrs, after ascertaining the temperature is safe to enter I'll send 2 crew,
he asked who you'll send,I said 2nd engineer and a MTM.
with SCBA, lifeline and flashlights.
then what?
I said after they report there's no fire rekindling and no possibility of reignition I'll still take no
chance only do be sure and keep the ER closed to air supply and ask for assistance to
proceed POR.
*You are master of Indian vessel, Collison with coaster. Action.
Told him about the MSA 348
Also inform MAS and other concerned parties.
Asked if reporting to DGCOMM was mandatory and was there any circular/notice on this?
*What's an unseaworthy vessel.
*What are River sea vessels?
It's there in your syllabus
*What are your views on cyber security risk management?
Told him abt the latest amendment to ISM.
Asked if there's any certification for this.
I said as of now only a part of SMS and implemented both onboard and ashore.
*latest amendment to SOLAS, IMDG
* Risk assessment
* Taking over a vessel - certificates to check and what else the check.
* What's IMSBC code?
* What's ship Risk profile - told him about the New inspection Regime, LRS, SRS,HRS.
* Your vessel detained, what's your action?
Told him abt the detention review panel.
* 2 cards , 1 CBD, 1 preferred channel
What's the difference in composite group flashing and group flashing.
*Quote Rule 13 - Quote or in your words and cover all parts.
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* Vessel entering piracy area - Preparation wrt to Reporting.

* You are going to enter special area, precautions and actions.
By special area - As per syllabus like Singapore, Baltic Sea.
Here I thought he was asking about MARPOL special area.
* Med Evac inured crew with helicopter .
* You are on a loaded tanker anchored in USA. pump room bilge high level alarm
I said I'll stop any operation, send ch off down to assess and report.
Check all the tanks if any change in level.
He said there's no change all tanks are holding.
CO reports it's a mixture of oil and water.
I said I'll transfer it to slop tanks.
Now there's water ingress and CO don't know from where.
I said I'll recheck the status of any ballast valve maybe it's not holding.
Maybe the sea chest is not holding.
He said you can't see where's it coming from and it's increasing.
I was running out of what else to say.
Start with discussion regarding COVID situation and sailing experience
Safe Manning certificate
Damage control Plan
Wheel house poster
Engine room major fire action
How u maintain GMDSS records
False distress cancellation
IAMSAR content
INDSAR, nodal agencies
Place of refugee
Solas Ch 5 content
VDR data storage requirements
Quartering sea, synchronous rolling
How u will anchor in running moor
TRS n how u will take bearing and avoiding action


High latitude navigation

Certificate on chemical tankers
Surveys onboard, safety construction, seq, radio etc
Concentrate loading, Shipper not providing TML( call P & I)
Amendments of Marpol, IMSBC, IMDG, ITC, STCW
Salvage, Latest LOF
Multimodal transport, transport document
MLC title
ISM certification, audits, If SMC is withdrawn, will it affect DOC
2 ROR card, towing and preferred channel region B buoy
Risk profile of ship (Black grey list etc).
FAL convention
LLMC application
III code
Quarantine is under which convention, IHR 2005
PSC detention review procedure
What is SOSREP



Records of Radio on board
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Vessel grounded action , further to it fpk , no 1 P and Stbd Db had reputer

As a master how will u decide to abandon it
What is criteria for foundering
Ratification date of salveg convention and when india retified it
Specifications of ball
Difference between group flashing and composit group flashing
Casuality investigation as per ms act
Fire fighting equipment onboard ship
Certificates on chemical tanker
What is CSS
Amendment to IMDG Code
What is routeing
Type of Indian reporting system
Asked about previous remark, Started, made me comfortable,
Registry of Indian ship, Wreck convention,
Difference between marine casualty and shipping casualty.
Told same as per casualty investigation code and other by MSA.
PI and FI in detail. Complete ISM.


All certificate carried on chemical tanker. P and A manual.

ISM amendment. Complete MLC and amendment.
Ship hull ruptured. Damage control.
Damage stability. Fire control plan.
Fire system available in engine room.
ROR cards - 25 only identify. IALA buoy complete description.
Oil spill in US water, VGM, MSA content, IAMSAR content,
Ship reporting system complete.
1) Join a vsl at anchorage
a. What all will you check at company?
b. On arrival visual checker (Imp – loadline & draft marks).
c. What all certificate with associated annexures (Eg – Form R, Form E)
d. Difference type of Conventions – SOLAS , MARPOL, etc.
2) Now both the vsl, current / tide from right ahead, anchor cable – long stay. (Diff speed how


will you approach and Rudder Cycling.)

3) While picking up anchor, fluke picks up submarine cable. Action?
4) As soon as berthed, who will attend vessel and under what convention & what certificates
will be checked. Immigration of Customs – FAL conventions. (Some other too) like PSC,
Quarantine - ???
5) Where you will find Stowaway Reporting Form.
6) Who will pay for damage to submissive cable?? (As asked in above Q.3) = I ans P & I.
7) What is P & I club.
8) What is the endorsement done on Cargo ship Safety Radio.
1. ROR cards/ Specification of Cone
2. Cards of Preferred Channel Buoys
3. Quote Rule 19, word to word or in own words
4. Ship Registration
5. Entries in Official Log Book
6. Procedure of Casualty Investigation
7. MS ACT latest ammendments


8. SOLAS latest ammendments

9. STCW latest ammendments
10. Certs reqd as per ISM code and validity
11. If SMC expires what happens to DOC?
12. Certs on chemical tanker and as per which convention
13. ESP
14. PSC, types of inspection
15. When PSCO will carry out Expanded Inspection?
16. Name all PSC MOU's
17. Last CIC and whether it is followed by all MOU's?
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18. Action as a master, when ur ship collided with FV off the coast of East Africa
19. Contents of Damage control plan.
20. Contents of Damage control booklet.
21. Fire fighting arrangement in machinery space.
22. Contents of fire control plan.
23. Fire control plan wrt fire fighting arrts in E/R. (Remember to say Emgcy Escape Exit
24. Entries in GMDSS log book
25. How to avoid false distress alerts
26. LRIT in detail
27. POLAR code
28. Difference between COP and previous watchkeeping certs for seaman
29. What is VGM?
30. What is H & M insurance?
31. York & Antwerp rules
32. ISM latest amendments
33. Is there any cert. related to cyber security?
34. What is INDSAR? Who is conducting it?
35. IMO structure
36. Functions of Council
Previous remarks related to contents of IAMSAR.
GMDSS functional requirements.
Fund ratified by India or no and their share- yes as per 352s and share is 14%.
Why flag is required?
Latest amendment to ISM code - cyber security certificate is now required.
TRS in south hemisphere n actions.
When is Intermediate survey carried out and window period.
Contents of ISM code and polar code.
Day signal of trawler.
No rules or cards asked as my previous remarks was good in ROR
Chap of MLC and latest amendments.
At sea as master, what to check with coal cargo and little detail of IMSBC code.
What ppm of methane is allowed in coal surface bfr u take action?
Main duty of master while loading concentrates – shipper declaration.

About cargo TML and other properties etc. CLC and OPCF.

What is wreck as per ms act and everything about it including duties of receiver of wreck?
INDSAR. Detension in PSC by IOMOU, actions.
Are results of detention review panel binding on psc - no its just recommendation,
What role india play in vessel detained by india - no role , flag state and country detaining are
not included in review panel?
After Long voyages arrival in Singapore, what to check,
Types of PSC inspections.
What is CIC this year - on stability in general( last year postposed due to COVID)?
Engine room firefighting what all is there?
Contents of damage control plan and booklet.
Contents of fire control plan - do mention abt escape routes.
What is ESP in detail?
Certificates to be carried. Contents of certificate of fitness, to which i asked he want for chem
or gas and then he said its ok.
What is ISPS and all docs required by it?
LRIT in detail. Marpol annex 6 and SEEMP.
Shipping casualty as per MS Act and actions - till formal investigation ( last time i screwed up
Who sits in court - judge and assessors (2-4)
How will you take over as master?
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MS act Amendments
Fire in ERM major fire
Vsl aground oil spill took place action
IMSBC code content, IGF code,

Why ESP for bulk and oil tankers
Few ROR cards,
Various other certificates, When to do intermediate,
ISM code cert. Full procedure for abandon ship.
GMDSS functional requirements. LRIT, VDR, Standing moor, Anchor dragging,
Ships routeing, Wx routing,
TRS in full detail, Type of bulk cargoes, VGM details
What went wrong last time? Marpol amendments.
Certificates of ISM and validity. External audit requirements.
Internal audit requirements. If smc is withdrawn will doc be valid.
If doc is withdrawn then will smc be valid.
Ror quote or explain 7 13 19. Diameter of cone.
Cards. Short and prolong blast duration.
Action in quartering seas and winds
Is wind on beam good for vessel
mlc contents. Securities as per MLC.


List of certificates for chemical tanker and as per which convention

IMSBC contents. IAMSAR contents. Search patterns.
Berthing stbd side alongside berth on port side onshore 4bf scale wind
CO2 release - precautions after release. Collision in africa actions.
Standing moor and advantages. Precautions to be taken when arriving congested waters.
Bulk carrier class notations. Contents of damage stability.
Hamburg and hague visby features. Scopic. Latest LOF form. Salvage priorities.
Indsar & head office
Types of psc Inspection
Iopc funds
It started off with brief introduction abt myself and what all when wnrg last time.. confirming if I
have learned anything from it ..
1. Cards and RoR
2. Damage stability contents
3. TRS, how would you know where is the centre ans avoiding action

4. Quartering seas

5. Your master in indian vsl had collision with another in the coast of Africa, what will you do
and whom you report.
Ans:- as per ms act 348,349 and 350.. report to flag state(DG Shipping) through DGcom
6. Imo structure and everything abt it
7. Number of committee
And : 40
8. Marpol ammendment
9. loading of concentrate
It started off with an elaborate introduction about myself and thoroughly went through my file
checking each and every ship I had done and asked me about many different particulars about
the ships, about the company, the crew I had sailed with. I believe he was trying to gauge my
attitude, confidence here.
1. ROR - Quote rule 8, 13, 17. Can also say in your words as long as every point is covered
2. Cards including buoys. About 5-6 of them


3. Damage stability contents

4. TRS, how would you navigate in vicinity
5. Quartering seas effects in detail.
6. You are on Indian flag ship and have a collision with another vessel off coast of Portugal, all
situational and legal aspects to this
7. Loading of concentrates
8. Fire in engine room, have to release CO2 actions as Master
9. How would you know it is safe to re-enter. Wanted detailed answer and some cross
questioning here
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11. OPA 90
12. How to carry out a new voyage?
13. Transiting through area with lots of rigs.
14. Running moor
15. Coming to berth on the port side, how would you berth starboard side alongside with no
tugs, bow thruster
16. How to implement ISM code on board
17. You come onboard and do not agree with some items in the SMS. How do you go about it?
18. MARPOL Amendments
19. Information available in Damage Stability plan
20. NAIS along the coast of india
21. Fund Convention
22. Hague Visby and Hamburg Rules key differences
23. MLC contents, latest amendment
24. All certificates on board as per Solas and marpol and from which chapter
25. CIC
26. Shipped Bill of Lading
27. Multimodal Act and MTO. Who can apply? How to apply?
Qtns from my previous attempt (Capt. Panigrahy)
1. Guidelines for cancellation of false distress alerts and Circluar no.
2. PSC as per which conventions?
'Thats good enough, lets begin'
1. Quote rule 13,19?
2. ROR cards: Towing,trawler, region B buoys preferred channel, Size of shapes
3. How will you implement ism onboard?
4. what all certicifates required?
5. What is MOU?
6. Can 2 countries be part of the same MOU? example?
7. Name all MOUs?
8. India is part of which MOU?
9. Wheelhouse poster info?
10. What all will you discuss in a BTM meeting?
11. Coal loading precautions?
12. Your vessel is loading oil cargo in USA, you are on deck and suddenly there's an oil spill.
13. Ammendments to Marpol?
14. Registration of indian ship?


15. What all docs for the same? Who is a registrar?

16. Frequency of enclosed space drill? How will you carry it out?
17. ITF blue card,green card,JNG,IBF,CBA?
18. Co2 released in the ER. Checks to be carried out?
19. Standing moor and its advantages?
20. Your role as master after Abandoning ship?
21. How will you prepare your vessel for transit through piracy area?
22. Stowaway found onboard. Action?
23. Class notations and where will you find them?
24. You are just coming from a long voyage and entering the Blatic sea. What all checks to be
25. What is a letter of protest? when will you issue it? Is it of any legal importance?
26. Social Security benefits as per MLC?
As i mentioned earlier, just show confidence while answering and Capt Jairam will be happy.
I started most of my answers with 'As per IMO Res/MSC Circ/Solas Chp....'
Advise you to do the same. It will gain you an extra point.
Stick to key points while answering.
The moment he hears those points he'll move on to the next qtn.
If its your day,its your day.
Dont lose hope if its not. All the very best to candidates appearing this month and in the future.
Good luck and Godspeed.
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1. ROR cards
2. Preferred channel buoys
3. action in case oil spill in USA
4. can u use OSD
5. Quatering seas
6. buy ballots law & TRS
7. action in case collision of Indian vessel with FV.


8. PI/FI in detail
9. MLC title 5
10. berthing with onshore wind.
11. Gas tanker preps for loading
12. Hazards of LPG cargoes.
13. ISM implementation.
14. quote rule 7 and 19.
15. Latest amendment to Marpol.
16. Latest LOF
17. Scopic and SCR
Introduction, past all vessels and companies from cadetship.
1. Asked what happened last time. Ques from past remarks.
2. About 14-15 ROR cards.
3. RV situation like baweja - where u increase speed.
4. Right hand propeller, berth on your port side, on shore wind 4 knts, no tugs, no pilots.
5. Quote rule 7,8,13,19.
6. IMSBC CODE contents.
(Few questions from IMSBC I don't remember).


7. How to prepare v/l for transit through piracy area.

8. Heli evac, ab injured.
9. Marine casuality quite deeply n cross ques.
10. PI , FI
11. Standing mooring - n benefits.
12. All certificates of chemical ship.
13. Types of PSC inspection.
14. SMC / DOC.
15. ANNEX OF COLREGS - tech. Details of lights, dimensions of shapes.
16. What all required to be displayed on Bridge.
17. Blue card, Green card, IBF.
I had faced him in my first attempt. He first asked me abt my previous attempts and why I think
I couldn’t clear. Then he started discussing all my previous attempt questions which I couldn’t
answer to check if I’d studied them or not. Then he began with orals
- 8-10 ROR cards
- Rule 7 & 13 explain in own words
- Rule 22 visibility of lights
- Certificates required as per ISM
- If SMC withdrawn, what happens to DOC
- Interval of DOC/SMC audit
- Interval of Internal Audit
- What is Tier 1 Oil spill


(there are 3 tiers of oil spill. Tier 1 oil spill is the least serious of upto 700 tons. Terminals, Port
facilities and offshore facilities should be equipped to handle tier 1 oil spill on their own.
Tier 2 oil spills are when the terminals and port facilities cannot handle on their own due to the
quantity and extent of spillage being more and require Regional/National oil spill response
Tier 3 oil spills are when the spill cannot be contained or fought by one Regional/National
response team alone and require further assistance from multiple such teams from other
- What are various liabilities for Oil Spill
IOPC funds in detail
- MLC amendments
- What does Title 5 of MLC speak about
- What is substantial equivalence as per Title 5 of MLC
- Types of inspections carried out by PSC / what is expanded inspection
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- What is CIC? How does a CIC come into effect? Is it necessary for all MOUs to follow it?
- what are the FFA for Engine room
- What is Damage Control Plan
- You’re on an Indian vessel. You collide with a coastal vessel in Malaysian waters. Your
action (operationally and legally)
- What Radio records required to be maintained?
- What are all the LSA requirements onboard Cargo ships and Passenger ships
- What is TMSA
- You are supposed to load a cargo of concentrates. What will be the most important thing for
you as a Master to check. Where do you find the TML ( I said in Shipper’s declaration but
apparently he said it wasn’t right. I checked it’s given in IMSBC code appendix 2)
- When was International Salvage convention adopted? Has India ratified it?
What are the priorities as per Salvage convention? (Saving Life, Environment and Property.. in
that order)
- What is a Special Casualty Representative? How many SCRs would normally be for a
salvage operation?
- One unberthing situation
Your vessel has a Right handed fixed pitch propeller. NO BT/ NO TUGS/ NO DRAFT
RESTRICTION/ENOUGH SEA ROOM all around the basin. You are berthed Port side to and
have 3 knots current from ahead. Your action step by step.
Here he wanted to know how will you use the current to your advantage.
1. CSS Code
2. Ventilation requirements in carriage of coal.
4. Ror rule 1,8,13.
5. Salvage convention
6. Duties of salvage representative.
7. Vessel aground on indian coast, action as master.
8. Damage in 2 compartments while aground, action.
9. Criteria for foundering.


10. ROR cards,

11. IALA buoyage
12. Helicopter evacuation
13. Indian registry
14. What do u mean by abandonment of seafarer?
15. Cross-question on above.
16. Does MLC cover abandonment?
17. Cyber security manual as per which convention or code.
18. under what survey it will be covered.
19 date of enforce of cyber security
20. Contents of IMSBC
21. Latest amendments on IMSBC.
1. Quote or explain rule 7, 13,8. ROR cards/ preferred channel buoy
2. Indian flag ship grounded in South China Sea? Action as master.
3. Requirement to be MTO in multimodal transport.
4. What is INDSAR.
5. Content of IAMSAR
7. What is Recvd for shipment B/L
8. Content of Damage control plan


9. Registration of ship in India? Process of registration.

10. Certificate under ISM? Validity of doc and SMC and ISM audit duration?
11. IMSBC Code contents?
12. Berthing stbd side with strong current
13. Functional requirement of GMDSS?
14. FFA requirement in engine room For a tanker?
15. Certificate as per convention in chemical Tanker?
16. How will you implement ISM on board as master?
17. English channel transit action as master?
18. How many MOU are there establish date of Indian Ocean MOU?
19. Contents of MLC. Amendment of MLC?
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20. Amendment of IAMSAR?

21. Quartering of sea.
22. Action to avoid surf riding?
22. Who is SCOPIC?
23. Amendments in MARPOL / solar?
24. No.1s and 3p tank ruptured action as master?
25. What is foundering and Action to take after foundering?
26. Content of fire control plan
27. Action as master for evacuation through helicopter operation.
1. Quote or explain rule 7, 13,19
Ans. Explanation point by point.
2. ROR cards. - Simple. About 5
3. Indian ship collision with fishing vessel in Atlantic. Action?
5. Blue card green card
6. CBA, IBF?
7. Recvd for shipment B/L
8. Damage control plan
9. Ship registry process?

10. Doc SMC expiry, duration


11. IMSBC code contents?

12. Berthing stbd side with strong onshore wind
13. LSA reqmts
14. FFA reqmts
15. Certificate of tanker
16. How will you ensure your vessel complies with ISM
17. English channel preparation
18. What are MOU how many name them.
19. Contents of MLC
20. Fire fighting arrangements in ERM
21. Quartering sea. ( Action? How much alter and how much speed adjustment)
22. Complete explanation of SCOPIC, why introduced?
23. Amendments in Marpol (All)
ROR Cards / FV /pushing vessel / pilot vessel / Region B buoys
What is composite group flashing
Rule 1 / 7 / 10 / 18 ( Quote or explain) but I think he needs quoting.
Fixed Firefighting requirements
Drill requirements
Over riding authority example.
Fire control plan contents
Master role as per ISM

Council structure

Subcommittee of MSC
Content or general description of ship captain medical guide
Types of PSC inspection, CIC.
Fire on board Indian vessel and it’s out of control. Actions.
Casualty investigation code. PI FI.
Oil spill in US waters. Liability as per USA.
What is IMB and IG?
Certificates of chemical tankers with convention.
GMDSS functional requirements.
Collision with vessel. Whom all you will report as per MS act?
IMSBC cargoes. IMDG cargo loading. Precautions as Master.
Started off with intro, company names etc
All past attempt remarks

1) Colregs 9,10,13,19 quote


2) Few ROR Cards, preferred channels in Reg B

3) Collision with fishing vessel in Oman , ur an Indian flagged vessel,response as master
4) After a long voyage vessel entering English channel , instructions to 2nd off and reportings
5) PI n FI
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6) Shipping casualty as per MSA

7) ISM code implementation
8) Statutory certificates as per various IMO conventions
9) GMDSS log book entries routine and distress situations
10) HV rules vs Hamburg rules immunity enjoyed by carrier on case of HVR
11) Types of BL's and description
12) SOx NOx latest amendments due to come into force
Result (makes no sense but) pass.
Started with introduction. Capt Jairam is a gentleman. Speaks well. But there is no way for you
to know if your answer is pleasing him or not.
Cards towing pushing pilot trawler pair trawling.
Preferred channel buoy marks. ROR no situation. Only quote rules 7 8 13 19 and some Def's

from 3. If you cannot quote exactly at least get the starting of the rule correct and that is ok.

After that you can explain in your own words. IMSBC contents.
Types of chem coating. Types of cargo done.
Precautions for coal. Contents p&a manual.
Cargo leak and fire – action. Same in USA action.
New marpol amendments. Iopp form b. Why do we have a sulphur cap ,special area for same.
Mlc contents. Mlc rest hrs. Solas marpol chapters and certificates as per the chapters.
Mooring situation. No current on shore wind mooring port side alongside.
Current from behind mooring same situation. CLC iopc. Who pays in each case.
Pv valve use operations regulations.
He is a very soft spoken fellow. Makes you comfortable.
Started with basic introduction..
asked me abt Pre sea institute, cadet ship company, present company, etc
Then he asked me abt the status of my writtens, to which I said that I’ve just appeared this
month.. and his facial expression changed and told me have you got enough time to prepare.
- 10 ROR cards
- Rule 8, 17 & 19 explain in own words
- you’re joining a Chemical Tanker, mention all certificates required to be carried and as per
which convention (all Statutory/Mandatory certificates including specifically for Chemical
- Certificates required as per Ism
- Interval of DOC/SMC audit
- Interval of Internal Audit
- IOPC funds
- MLC amendments
- MARPOL amendments in the last 1 year
- Types of cargoes as per IMSBC



- Types of inspections carried out by PSC / what is expanded inspection
- Registration of Indian ships
- Registrars in India
- What do u know about UNCLOS
- what are the FFA for Engine room AND tell me what u will after discharging co2.
- What information available on Fire Control Plan and why is it required
- You’re on an Indian vessel, vsl runs aground in South China Sea. Your action (operationally
and legally)
- In above case, the FPT and No.1 DB (P&S) are open to the sea. Action?
- What is foundering? He needed a little more professional answer
- One crew member needs to be evacuated using helicopter. Your preparations and action
- Relation of Advance & Tactical diameter with ship’s length
- Frequency of Enclosed space drill
- Interval of Enclosed space inspection
- What Radio records required for
- functional req of gmdss
-types of cba agreement
- One berthing situation (mentioned below) where I couldn’t give him a satisfactory answer
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- You are on a 200mtr long vessel with Right handed fixed pitch propeller. NO BT/ NO TUGS/
is on your Port side. There’s Onshore wind of Force 4/5 (I.e on your Stbd beam) you need to
berth the vessel Stbd side alongside.. your plan? (Told Him abt Baltic moor, looked okay with
- buy-ballots law, trs with dangerous and navigable semicircle and what will happen to wind,
how will u avoid it ...confused me with north and south hemisphere so stick to ur answer.
-crude oil while loading there is a spill and ur action.
He is a very soft spoken fellow. Makes you comfortable.
Started with basic introduction..
Asked me abt Pre sea institute, cadet ship company, present company, etc
Then he asked me abt the status of my written, to which I said that I’ve just appeared this
month.. and his facial expression changed.. don’t know if it had anything to do with final result.
- 8-10 ROR cards
- Rule 8, 17 & 19 explain in own words
- you’re joining a Chemical Tanker, mention all certificates required to be carried and as per
which convention (all Statutory/Mandatory certificates including specifically for Chemical
- Certificates required as per ISM
- If SMC withdrawn, what happens to DOC
- Interval of DOC/SMC audit
- Interval of Internal Audit
- IOPC funds
- What is Tier 1 Oil spill?
- MLC amendments
- MARPOL amendments in the last 1 year
- Types of cargoes as per IMSBC

- Types of inspections carried out by PSC / what is expanded inspection


- Registration of Indian ships

- Registrars in India
- What do u know about UNCLOS
- what are the FFA for Engine room
- What information available on Fire Control Plan
- You’re on an Indian vessel, vsl runs aground in South China Sea. Your action (operationally
and legally)
- In above case, the FPT and No.1 DB (P&S) are open to the sea. Action?
- What is foundering? He needed a little more professional answer
- One crew member needs to be evacuated using helicopter. Your preparations and action
- Relation of Advance & Tactical diameter with ship’s length
- Frequency of Enclosed space drill
- Interval of Enclosed space inspection
- What Radio records required to be maintained?
- Daily, weekly, monthly tests of GMDSS equipments
- One berthing situation (mentioned below) where I couldn’t give him a satisfactory answer
- You are on a 200mtr long vessel with Right handed fixed pitch propeller. NO BT/ NO TUGS/
is on your Port side. There’s Onshore wind of Force 4/5 (I.e on your Stbd beam) you need to
berth the vessel Stbd side alongside.. your plan? (Now here I’m not sure whether he wanted to
check ship handling or Master’s overriding authority to refuse berthing without tugs till wind
Started with all previous remarks
Smc ,Doc validity surveys

Quatering seas action


Blue card,green card

Den started again with other ques
Ror quote rule 7,13,19
Ror cards pilot vsl at anchr and seen frm aster
Bouys card
1 berthing situation
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Expanded inspection of psc

Structure of imo
Content of iamsar vol3
Prevnt false distress alert how as a mster u do onboard
Co2 released wat all checks u carried out...all aspects...entry place of refuge wgrh wgrh
Collision in malaysian waters indian flag vssl..action
What is scopic
Search patterns
1. Various cards about 10 RAM, fishing, buoys, preferred channel, trawlers
2. Explain rule 1,7,10
3. Master duties as per ISM
4. Certificates as per ISM and their validity
5. How many MOU
6. Name countries in Indian ocean MOU
7. Types of inspection and latest CIC
8. Manoeuvring booklet and contents

9. Fire control plan contents


10. Drill requirements

11. MLC titles and new ammendments
12. What is IMSBC CODE
13. precautions for loading coal and itz hazards
14. Standing Moor
15. Vsl in trs actions
16. Clc fund
17. Iopc fund contribution criteria and who makes contribution in India
18.IMO, ocimf, TMSA
20. Registration of Indian ship, who is receiver of Wreck, mas in India and its function
Full updated questions
Note: he will make you comfortable, but will ask you each and every question in detail, will
listen to you continuously but will not tell you anything right or wrong.
As usual asked abt vessels, company, makes u comfortable
then started questions

Asked about what happened in previous attempts, all the previous remarks.
1. NUC card, two white lights in vertical line, towing vessel and 3 preffered channel buoys in B
region. Dia of day signals.
2. quote or explain rule 7, 8, 13 and 18, 19( better to quote as he wants all the points even if
you explain in own words, chances of mistake is more in own words)
3. contents of IAMSAR
4. As a master how will u avoid false distress alerts to be sent(drills and training, also do
mention about imo resolution which gives directions for makers of gmdss equipment and


5. Certificate reqd on chemical tanker with convention name(regulations not required)

6. Fixed fire fighting system onboard a ship.
7. How does hyper mist works( difference between working if hyper mist and co2 ( hyper mist
has cooling effect whereas co2 has smothering effect, also hyper mist can be put on auto
activated by heat sensors whereas co2 has to be activated manually, hyper mist is not harmful
to humans and person will not suffocate)
8. Contents of imsbc
9. berthing of ship stbd side alongside- berth on your port side and and stbd bow(onshore
current). (Take a turn on port side and use baltic moor to come alongside, make sure your
bringing point where you drop anchor is little bit behind jetty as current will also push you)
10. You are on deck of a tanker doing cargo operations and oil spill happens, action as
master(do basic contingency and then do the reporting including qualified individual-QI in US)
11. You are on indian ship and have collided in malaysia, action as master( do basic
contingency as per checklist, render assistance as per section 348, then do reporting to
DGCOMM centre which is the MAS in india, then explain flow of info from dgcomm to Dy NA,
and then Pi and Fi as he will ask you more)
12. Decision to abandon ship has been made, as a master what will you do and how will you
do, also how will you motivate them in survival craft and how. ( stop ship, abandon on verbal
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order of master, take all important things, do reportings, then board survival craft, survival craft
has book on survival procedures, etc)
13. contents of fire control plan( please mention areas protected by A class division,
Emergency Escape routes, also emergency direct bilge suction in engine room)
14. MLC latest amendments,
15. certificate of financial responsibility lies with whom for any RPSL( could be in a form of
insurance or a bank guarantee, the certificate is issued by the insurer and not by flag state,
therefore the financial responsibility lies with a central governing body that is dgshipping)
16. How to decide how much security( MS notice 4 of 2017, also say number of ships, mlc
covers wages upto 4 months)
17. Coming to congested waters after long sailing, what to do as master( call master point,
bridge manning level to jncrease, engines on stand by, 2 generators, try out engines, check
special area, etc)
18. CBA, IBF, ITF, blue card and green card
19. Contents of dmlc part 1 and 2
20. marpol amendments
21. Structure of IMO- assembly, committee, etc
22. How to become MTO in india
23. TRS in north atlantic, avoding action
where is storm centre and why u r keeping on stbd if storm in stbd quarter.
24. When you are veering with the wind that is altering to stbd, aren’t you going towards the
centre( when you are altering the storm is also moving ahead therefore the you are not going
towards the centre, the purpose of altering with wind is that at any point the storm centre
should be on your 8-12 points on your stbd side.
25. contents of damage control pan
26. u r going piracy area, how u prepare ur ship. ( registering with MSC HOA and reporting to
UKMTO, prepare ship as per SSP and BmP-5, full speed if not in convoy, post extra lookouts,
no one on deck, strict radar look out, make sure radar not off centred, correctly tuned, specially
x band radar(3 cm) as it can acquire small targets better than s band)
26. Stowaway discovered
27. Concentrate loading in india( dg notice 31 of 2009, mmd surveyor to do ship inspection for
structure, TML and loading plan, presence of p and i surveyor)
28. how will u implement ism onboard as a master( 6 points of master + tell him about imo
resolution of implementing ism wit respect to administration also)
29. Certificates with respect to ism and there validity and their verification.
30. What to do after PSC has detained your vessel, action as master? (Ans: DGS circular 5 of
2017 PSC inspection of indian flag vessels reporting, corrective and preventive action.)
31. Interval for flag state inspection of Indian vessels? (Ans: age wise criteria and not standard
1 year MS notice 4 of 2017)
1. He started with Ror cards for pilot vessel, Vessel pushing ahead, Preferred channel, Safe
water mark Trawler
2. Rule 7 and 13, explanation
3. Liability for oil pollution in US waters - Cofr, QI
4. Preparation for piracy area, Bmp5
5. Certificates required for chemical tanker, and as per which regulation
6. What is IBF?
7. What is ITF Blue and Green card (I didn't know this)
8. Indian Rpsl company mandatory schemes to be provided to a seafarer ( health care etc as

decided when India ratified Mlc)


9. Marpol latest amendments , answer as per the technical regulatory news by Dnv posted in
this group
10. Precautions when loading concentrates , Here include the new imsbc amendment that
shipper has to provide TML
11. Action after release of CO2, (could not answer this to his satisfaction )
12. Difference between Hamburg and Hague Visby
13. MLC contents
14. Berthing Stbd side alongside with current from ahead
15. Situation where trawler is on my port side , 2 points on port bow, Action - Alter wide to stbd
and go round her stern- He agreed to this answer
16. Full LSA requirements for a Tanker: This was a long answer, all from Samsul’s notes
17. Fixed fire fighting system for a crude oil tanker, From Samsul’s
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18. 2nd mate calls you from your sleep and tells you that we have ran aground, Action??
19. Basic understanding of what is PSC and what is class
20. What are statutory certificates?
21. How will you know your ship will survive a breach of fwd port and stbd side ballast tanks, I
told him ERS, Damage stability booklet He said you cannot get through them and cannot find
the booklet on-board , Then I told him the damage stability criteria for Tankers and will check
this on the loadicator, He was ok with this.
- Rule 8/18/19
- Cards Towing, trawler shooting nets, pilot vessel, preferred channel buoy.
- TRS in Atlantic ocean. How will you no the centre of TRS.
- ISM elements
- master overriding authority
- What does PSC do?
- PSC boarded your vessel. What inspections they will carry out.
- PSC regime
- What is Black and grey list.
- Can black ship sail?
- Certificates required for Gas ships as per which regulations
- Sanitary exemption and Sanitary control certificate
- During the voyage what will you check with regards to Coal cargo.
- Different classes of bulk carrier ships


- Unclos which year and what you no about it

- Fund
- Stowaway as per which regulations and what action if found onboard
- MLC contents
- MLC ammendments
- Blue certificate
- Green certificate
- RPSL what security do they provide. Under Which department in DG. What is the criteria for
deciding the amount and what is d scale.
- Ammendments to Marpol.
- How is standing Moor carried out and d advantage.
- Distance of transfer and tactical diameter how many ships length.
- FFA in engine room
- Interval of enclosed space entry drill.
- Helicopter operation procedures
1) Capt Jairam started wid my previous remarks that was expanded inspection to which i
answered the same as mentioned on Paris MOU website and in Nitin mahajan notes to which
he completely agreed wid d answer except der is a line written in Nitin Mahajan thqt it is a non-
mandatory inspection he said it it wrong he also checked the source of my information.
2) den he gave me a situation of collision on west coast if africe he want the exact procedure
to be followed i.e. sec 348/348/350 of MS act to which i explained him all den he asked me
how do you report to Dg shipping i gave hin answer here and there abt ICO or telephone to
which he himself told me that we have setup dg comm for this purpose kust send an email

3) all the amendments of marpol and mlc after telling all he asked me about annex 6

amendment in us waters during sts i seriously didnt knew it

4) he asked me to explain rule 2 / 6 / 13/ 19 he asked it can be own words or whatever way
He is more int. In how u start dese rules especially the first para of these rules
5 ) certs for chemical tanker he doesnt not want regulations dat wht he pretends but if u tell
him he is very happy with regulations
6) basic knowledge of inspire and indsar
7) what is quartering seas and avoiding action told him abt msc circ 1228 and d procedure
mentioned der he is more
than satisfied
8 ) wht is d structure of imo and how are resolutions passed
Guyz i quoted him word by word as written in our fav. Blog my sea time by capt. Jassal
9) how do you carry out sms review
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I explained him the procedure that my company requires monthly review of safety and env.
Policy to ensure the abidance of sms wheres as 6 monthly remview of sms to ensure
compliance of all 16 elements of ism code
As a master i will conduct a meeting with mngt committe and take der
inputs for suggestions
10 ) two cards one for towing vsl and another pilot vsl at anchor
11) preferred channel region b buoy
12 ) what all i can tell abt annex 1 basically he is looking for a ge. Explanation of vertical and
horizontal positioning of lights i explained it to him on my own words all tge positioning
13) contents of damage control plan
Self planatory guyz as most of the notes hv d same answer
14 ) what is a rpsl company for
Told him the full form and dat it is reqd. Only in india as dey provide security for repatriations of
indian seafarers to dg shipping by providing insurance cert. He correct me and told that rest all
is correct
Except ins. Cert since rpsl provides security only by written undertaking to dg shipping
16 ) general details of hns concention
I started that it covers oil which are not covered in clc and he stopped me
Started with general introduction and last attempt questions.
1. ROR cards and actions, Rule 1, 10, 15 explanation
2. Size of shapes
3. Duration of long and prolonged blast

4. Action in TRS

5. Vessel foundering action as Master to quickly check survivalibility

6. Loading of concentrates
7. Bulk carrier class notations
8. Running moor with details of engine movement and helm
9. Amendments to MLC
10. Amendments to Marpol
11. Action in quartering sea
Started with general introduction & other stuff. Made me very comfortable.
He was very generous and said look my son you guys should set good impression of Indians
when working with foreign shipping companies. People should look at you with chin up.
Discussed previous remarks.
1. Certificates required as per ISM
2. Under which Regulation these certificates are Mandator
3. Audits requirements -DoC & SMC
4. How to carryout SMS review on board. Told him as per my company procedures , hope you
all guys must be doing it on regular basis on behalf of Master
5. Rule 13, 19 & 1 // Not necessary to quote word by word but I did quoted him word by word
except rule 1
6. CBD and towing ror cards

7. 2 nos Preferred channel buoy region B and define composite group flashing light

- Group flashing lt in which flashes are combined in successive groups of different numbers
and repeated at regular intervals .
- Dimension of cylinder shape
- LSA requirement on board cargo ship. Quoted him all of them with Solas regulation. Though
he didn’t ask me but just to have good impression.
- Frequency of enclosed space drill and as per which regulation// 2 months -SOLAS
- Fire control plan content wrt to E/Rm. told him all but skipped emergency escape routes
- How to make entry in E/rm after fire extinguished. Key point entry from top as CO2 is heavy
then air & check temp to confirm fire extinguished.
- Marpol latest amendments- told all wrt to each annex.
- Food waste discharge requirement ( normal ans but added following
- 1. You can discharge even vsl not enroute if causing health hygiene hazard on board ship but
after getting permission.
- 2. Poultry food waste to be sterilized prior discharge in Antarctic
- Damage control plan content. Quoted solas 2-1/19
- All certificates carried on Gas tanker. Told him about 4 cert with Solas regulations and he
jumped to next question.
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- Precautions you will take prior to loading concentrates // told him hazards and requirements
as per IMSBC schedule. Added few more point - alternate hold loading requirements as per
Solas -12 & load density precautions.
- How will you verify the moisture contents provided by shipper is correct// - will refer to imsbc
schedule to confirm correct TMC and is it matching with declared value.
- Precautions for carrying coal on long voyage // initially first 24hrs ventilation to remove
methane and then later on measure carbon monoxide regularly, if CO level going up and
exceeds 50 ppm that means spontaneous combustion has taken place and follow procedures
to deal with it. Though I forgot to mention that I will monitor temperatures as well on passage
- India comes under which MoU
- Why same state is member in different MoU. Like France. // Not sure of correct ans but to my
understanding it’s because MOU covers the regions and some states has extended territory
like La Reunion is part of France and situated in Indian Ocean. Same goes for Netherlands (
Paris + Caribbean MoU) as ABC islands comes under kingdom of Netherlands
- Scopic clause: told him in detail. No cross questioning.
- Collision off west Africa and you are on Indian flag vessel. Tell me your duties as per MSA . //
told him as per MSA 348,349,350
- Preparation to be done for piracy prone area. // Reference made to BMP5 and told point by
point as per BMP5 1. Piracy reports assessments 2. Risk assessment 3. Reporting to UKMTO
4. Hardening measures and submitting same whilst registering. Also included PCASP and flag
authorization letter for carrying security guards.
- MLC amendments // told him all three 2014/2016/2018 - 2018 amendments expected to be in
force in 2020.
- Medical evacuation procedures: explained as per IAMSAR including obtaining tele medical
advise & entry in OLB / Medical logbook. Reporting to Owners / Charterers/ Flag but forgot P&
I which is very important.
- GMDSS records
- Casualty investigation required as per which regulation // Solas 1/21, Marpol article 8 & 12,
Unclos article 94
1. Few ROR cards (pilot vessel, trawler hauling nets, fishing vessel, preferred region
- try to answer as per card sequence wise
2. Quote rule 19 and rule 9
3. Diff between Hague Visby and hamburg rules - P&I club not responsible for the
exceptions ( of Hague visby), if B/L signed with Hamburg rules
4. Action as master during collision with a vessel off Malaysian coast! Your vessel is
Indian flag
- say as per ms act, sections 348,349,350 and 351
5. What will be the operational things as a master you do in above situation?
- stop engines, damage assessment and follow checklist (try to involve the imo res
1072(28)for integrated contingency planning here)
6. Implementation of SMS on board as a master - Imo res 1071(28) guidelines for


implementation of ism, Element 5.1 of ism code

7. Provisions for display of info on bridge- imo res 601(15) try to fit in this and solas
chII-1 reg 28
8. List of lsa as per which all regulations- try to use SOLAS regs and LSA code
9. Why standing moor is preferred for strong currents and not running moor
10. Scopic clause - try to include article-13 and article-14 of salvage convention
11. Measures for piracy - try to include 5 fundamentals of BMP-5
12. Stowaway ports action as per master
- try to include imo res 871(20)
13. Action if concentrates liquify at sea
- pump bilges out, take out top water, precautions vessel don’t roll much, seek port of
14. Action after CO2 released in engine room
15. Dimensions of ball, diamond and cylinder
16. Positioning of lights
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17. PI and FI
- try to include section 358-371 of ms act
18. MOU why?
19. Fire control plan
- try to include SOLAS ch-3, reg 16
20. Amendments to MARPOL - try to include mepc(59) for sts, chapter 8 to annex-1 ( I
gave special reference to this) and annex 5, annex 6
21. GMDSS log entries
22. How to Decide as a master whether to proceed refuge or not
23. Note of protest and why to give
General intro, my history, types of ships iv done (containers from cadetship)
Cic report Msc Chitra, Khalija 3, Storm valves- type n uses, IMSBC cargo groups, Coal loading
and carriage precautions as per master, What is VGM? EEDI and its units.
What is shipped Bl and who all are authorised to sign it. Fire fighting arrangements required for
tankers. Masters duties after collision as per ms act and otherwise too. Types of multiple
aircraft search patterns. Nav shapes dimensions. Dmlc part 1 and dmlc part 2. Mlc
amendments. LRIT limitations. Higher lat navigation problems. Polar code manual
New Polar code requirements in Stcw. Marpol annex 5 amendments.
Marpol annex 6 amendments. Wht is single window as per FAL.
LOF amendments. Scopic, article 13 and article 14 in detail and many cross questions.
Damage stability probabilistic and deterministic theory.
How a vsls subdivision decided? ISM ELEMENTS.
Smc and doc details in certificates. PSC mous.
1st PSC mou. What is cic under PSC? INDIAN mou states and last cic dine by indian mou.
PSC inspector boards the vsl and meets master, then starts his inspection, suddenly stops and

issues form A and Form b, wht dose this mean and action as per master. Why psc regime?

What is uncitral and unctad? Lifeboat to launch time requirements.

LSA requirements for containers. New Requirements for portable water monitors on container
How can you become a MTO, Limits as per MTO when sea transportation is not involved
during the carriage Master to demonstrate intact grain stability to shore authorities (he wanted
the entire calculation). Why is verification of compliance added in all conventions, wht is its
Clc, fund limits and how clc certificate issued (answer as per ms act)
Courts of survey (ms act), Standing mooring.
Vsl heading 330 Onshore wind 5/6 relative 060 S. Wooden berth located on port side, vsl to
berth stbd side. Clear waters near berth. Explain manoeuvring. LLMC limits for passengers
ships and per ms act
Manoeuvring info requirements. Manoeuvring poster contents.
Rule 13 ror , quote or explain. Few ror situations. Ror cards, towing, cbd, trawler, saling vsl
Buoys, cardinal marks. Ror Annex 1 in detail - horiz and vert placements of lights and practical
cut off limits. Med evac helicopter ops. New bmp and mention fee changes in it. Wht is IBF
wht is green card and blue card. Capt jairam will definitely cover the entire scope no matter
wht, but he will listen to you allow you to talk and guide to get the right answer from you.
Formal introduction
1) ISM in general - detailed about SMC & DOC
2) PSC, MOU, first MOU to form & year. Indian Ocean MOU members. Types of PSC
3) list all certificates in a Chemical Tanker with regulations & validity.

4) All FFA in oil tanker with regulations & requirements.


5) FFA in E/R of a oil tanker with details.

6) List all LSA on a cargo ship & their requirements.
7) Radio records to be maintained onboard.
8) All you know about MLC.
9) Contents of damage stability booklet.
10) ROR cards buoys - (preferred channel to port region B. Then asked which side you will
keep in on departure.)
11) dimensions of shapes. Can they be of any other colours ?
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12) signs of TRS, action in dangerous Quadrant, where will be the Strom center ?
13) what is IBF ? What are blue & green certificate as per ITF
14) latest ammendments of MARPOL, MLC.
15) who keeps the security for MLC & how ? RPSL related cross questions.
16) collision in Gibraltar strait with a fishing vl. Whom n how will you report as a master. As per
17) PI & FI in detail. Who files the case in the court.
18) IOPC fund.
Jairam started with ror cards ... preferred channel buoys..rule 13.rule 19
Safe speed need to quote ..just basic understanding..
-LSA requirements on board
-Certificates on chemical tankers with convention
-FFA in engine room
-Indian ship collision with freighter in the coast of Mombasa

MLC and latest amendments


-Marpol amendments
-Bulk carrier notations
-damage control plan
-co2 is release in eng room , how u will proceed with entry now ..too much cross questions
-TRS how u will determine storm centre .. dangerous quadrant avoiding action ...when wind is
on one point on the stbd bow .. where will be the storm centre
And there were many more..
Answered almost all ..but Failing questions were...damage control plan ..need to know in
detail..small fuckup in trs.
Bulk carrier notation.. Indian ship collision..
External started with general discussion about pre sea, company sailing with.
Said master oral is just a discussion between you and me.
He want every answer with regulation or by which resolution in every qstn he will ask you what
action you will take and by which regulation.
1. Started with ROR cards , Fishing Trawler shooting nets, Towing vessel , two cards of
Perffered channel to region B.
2. As a master how you will implement ISM on board.
3. What all certificates related to ISM.
4. Cross questioning about validity and expiry of DOC & SMC.
5. During an ISM audit what all will be checked in the case of issuence of DOC.
6. PSC MOU , 1st MOU and year.
7. What all countries are there under Indian Ocean MOU.
8. What is CIC. Any example of CIC.
9.what is IMSBC .
10. What are categories of cargo under IMSBC.
11. What is frequency of Enclosed Space Entry and by which regulation.


12. What all checks will be done during and enclosed space entry by the PSCO when it's
enclosed space entry regime going on.
13.Then again PSC in details what all things will be checked during an PSC inspection.
What is detialed inspection.
14. Contents of IAMSAR.
15. all search patterns.
16. Helicopter Operation.
17.what is INDSAR & and where is head office.
18.what is INSPIRE.
19.As master you are taking over chemical tanker and what all certificates you need to have
on Ship and by which regulation. One by one .
20. As I am container hand so asked all the FFA in engine room and what all things are given
in FFA plan and each by what regulation.
21. Asked me lest ship LPB .. then asked me tell me all the LSA on your last ship and by which
regulation , one by one., Contents on LSA Plan.
Which all ships need to carry liferaft in forward.
22. Damage control plan contents.
23.Again back to ROR.
Asked me either quote rule 13 or just tell me the application.
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24. Safe speed and all the points not word to word but should know all what is give in rule.
25. Lights on towing vessel .
26. Diameter of Cone and colour of cone.
27. Berthing a ship with wind force 4 on shore wind , No Tugs no current.
28. In Indian Ocean open sea about 200 miles of South Africa your ship collided action as per
MS Act what section.
29.section 350 how will you inform centres gvt or it is contracting govt. ??
30.what all enteries you will make in Radio log book and by which regulation.
31. Latest marpol amendments.
32. What is E waste.
33. Who will carry out investigation in case of marine casualty and by which regulation.
34. PI & FI in detail.
Masters duties as per ISM.
Pump room flooding in us waters vessel at anchorage your action. Wants to hear QI and what
help u will ask from him.
Vessel coming to Singapore after 2-3 weeks any special thing that you need to do. Wants to
hear will try out engines astern.
Grain code - as a master what will you demonstrate to the port state.
Contents of IGC code. PI and FI full procedure.

Collision of indian coast your duty as per MSA.


Distressed seaman as per MSA.

Received for shipment B/L and who signs it.
Document in MMT. Requirement for becoming MMTO.
RPSL how is the company registered.
IBF agreement. Blue certificate and green certificate. Which one u had on your ship.
Few ROR cards.
Overtaking rule13.
Size.of day signals.
Technical details of navigation lights .
Told to wait and called after few minutes. Internal did not Ask any thing as was sitting there
only and listening to all the answers.
1.Started with my previous companies, type of vsl and general info.
2. Masters Duties as per Ism. Doc + smc validity
3. PSC regime / MOU / Indian ocean mou / countries included / why some countries are in 2 or
more MOU's
4. LSA Requirements in details
5. Fire control plan contents
6. Vsl runs aground action as per master.


7. How would you know vsl will not founder after it has grounded.
8. Manoeuvring information
9. Quartering seas - action taken to avoid them
10. Fire in E/R, u have used co2 , what actions need to be taken after that.
11. helicopter operations
12. Grain code / dangers of carrying grain
13. Concentrates / dangers / TML / how is TML tested ashore
14. Ror cards + overtaking situation + explain rule no. 13
15. Running Moor
16. Stowaway onboard action as master / which convention applies to this.
I was the second master candidate that day, he called me at 13:15.
Started with general introduction and makes you comfortable. He is a very polite person and
the best part is after he asks a question he never tries to confuse you (no cross questions)
He started with my past remarks from first and second attempt i.e. SOS Morse code, P & I,
Lights when pushing alongside, berthing situation with current from astern & PI/FI.


After that he started with the oral :-

1) What is SMS? How will you implement SMS as a master?
2) What is master’s responsibility and authority?
3) Which certificate issued onboard as per ISM and how surveys carried out for that?
SMC and initial > intermediate> renewal.
4) What is PSC? What is MOU? India falls under which MOU? How many Countries in Indian
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5) Contents of Damage control plan and as per which regulation?

6) Functional requirement of GMDSS?
7) Vessel in USA and pump room started flooding. Action as a master?
8) Vessel at sea collided with another vessel, your duties as a master?
9) Vessel is going to transit HRA.What all preparations as a master?
10) What is INDSAR? Who is operating it?
11) ROR Cards:- Towing alongside more than 50 meters, Preferred channel to port region B.
12) Explain rule 15, 16 & 17.
13) One simple crossing situation and action by give way and stand on vessel.
14) Duration of prolonged blast?
15) Loading of Bulk carrier?
16) Re-entry procedure after CO2 is released in engine room?
Re muster, temp. Of all bulkheads, continue boundary cooling, SCBA party & replenish CO2 in
port of refuge.
17) Contents of MTD?
18) How to register Indian ship? Who is registrar in Mumbai?
19) Stowaway found on-board action?
1. Functional requirement of ISM
2. Master’s duty as per ISM
3. Overriding authority
4. English Channel n Baltic Sea transit
5. Marpol latest amendments
6. Bulk carrier class notation
7. ROR cards
8. Scopic, special compensation, reward
9. LSA requirement of last ship
10. Certificates for a Gas tanker including regulation numbers
11. Polar code. Equipment’s requirement
12. Functional requirement of Solas Ch 4
13. Oil spill
14. When to use dispersant

15. Running moor


16. PSC MoU. Why there is MoU. India belongs to which MoU
17. MLC amendments
18. Types of inspection by psc
19. Posters to be displayed on ship along with regulation no.s
20. What is IMO no. Significance of it. If Flag is changed, will it change ?
21. Contents of Fire Plan
22. ER fire fighting appliances
23. Precautions before co2 release. Co2 release system
24. Dimensions of day signal. Duration of long blast
25. Damage stability criteria
26. Abandonship drill. How n when to abandon
27. Entering special area after a long passage. As a master , what u would like to do first
28. Precautions for loading concentrates
29. Multimodal transpiration .
30. FUND convention in details
31. Registration of ships in India
32. Future amendments of Marpol
1. Vessel anchored outside USA, pump room flooding , action as master, told him evrything ,
forget to tell QI notification.
2. Duties of master as per ISM .
3 . PSC regime , lot og cross questions.

4. How will you take over chemical tanker ? Whr will u find that all certificates are required

5. Damage control plan ?contents , Specially what do you know about ER flooding ?
6 . What all equipment in ER with respect
7. If your SMC certificate voids what happns to DOC and vice ~versa.
8. Capacity of emergency fire pump ?
9. Lot of questions about chemical tanker ,, I did not knew as i hav nvr sailed on chemical
tanker .
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10. Daily, weekly, monthly GMDSS .

11. IAMSAR in details, to draw creeping line search , calculation of track width etc.
12. 3~4 ROR cards , told him wrong fog signal for Pilot vsl (Failing question) .
13. Given me lot of situation of crossing , overtaking ,had to tell him action with regard to which
rule .(cross question by capt Mudli) collided with frieghter in Atlantic ocean , master's responsibility as per MS act.
15.Running moore ,(told him stranding moor) but corrected later .
16 . Quarteing of seas, avoiding action.
17. TRS avoiding action .
18. Type of solid bulk cargo .
19 . BL as per diffrent rule and CP as per diffrent rule , which rule will be more affective .
20. Person sick need medical evacuation , how to go about it ? Till helicopter operation .
21. Shipping casualty , PI and FI , lot of discussion .
Quite a long introduction, followed by:
1. Since you have done all containers, tell me what will you do when you're in US waters and
you receive a cargo pump room
bilge alarm?
2. What do you know about damage control plan? How do you use that information?
3. Damage control booklet contents and what information does it give you? How will you use it
as a Master?
4. What information is there on a fire control plan? Tell me about number and requirements for
5. Where all is a fire control plan supposed to be posted?
6. Requirments for all LSA equipment onboard.
7. What is a MoU? Name all MoUs. Which MoU does India come under? Name some other
countries that come under the Indian
Ocean MoU.
8. You are in the South China Sea, you're 3/O calls you and tells you that he suspects that you
have run aground. Action as
a master? Lots of cross questioning Which subsequently led to action in case of
flooding/foundering/beaching and quite a
lot of cross questioning on damage stability.
9. What is SCOPIC? What led to its development? When can SCOPIC be invoked? Touched
upon Article 14 and then when does
towage become salvage?

10. Differences between Hague Visby and Hamburg rules.


11. How will you implement ISM onboard as a Master? SMC and DOC? Can a SMC be valid
when a DOC is cancelled? Surveys and
verification for both the certificates? When is an interim certificate issued?
12. How will do a running moor? When will you do it? What are its advantages? When do you
do a standing moor?
13. Which posters are required to be posted on the Bridge? Contents of wheelhouse poster?
14. What is INSPIRES? What do you know about it? Who manages it?
15. What do you know about bulk carrier notation?
16. What do you know about IOPC Fund and why was it setup? Cross questioning led to CLC.
India's status with respect to CLC
and FUND.
17. Explain the process of registration of ships in India.
18. You're vessel is about to transit the Red Sea Area. What actions will you take as Master? -
Basically led to Anti
Piracy measures and lots of cross questioning - Pirates are attacking, what will you do? -
Pirates have boarded, what will
you do? and so on. How will you brief your crew before transiting? Selection of citadel? - He
touched upon almost
everything as per BMP.
19. ROR cards on fishing vessels and lateral marks/preferred channel in both regions. Sound
signals underway/anchor for
fishing vessels, vessel at anchor, etc. Some basic questions on sounds and lights displayed -
very easy ones.
20. Tell me about all that you know about vertical spacing and horizontal spacing of lights.
21. What is a seaworthy bow?
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22. What is a margin line?

23. You're in the North Atlantic in tropical latitudes, you see the barometer falling consistently.
Action as a Master?
Followed by avoiding action to take in case of TRS?
24. Titles of MLC? How will you ensure compliance as a Master? What were the recent
amendments to MLC? Questions on MLC
Certificate - DMLC Part I and II.
25. How will you prevent false GMDSS alerts as a Master?
1) General Overview on ISM, Certification and Enforcing on-board.
2) PSC inspections how it is carried out and MOU.
3) Joining a chemical tanker so what certificates will be required and their reference to SOLAS
and MARPOL Conventions
4) LSA requirements
5) GMDSS functional requirements
6) FFA requirements

7) Fixed fire fighting systems on-board


8) Fixed Co2 is released in the Engine Room re entry procedure and location of entry
9) Latest MARPOL Amendments
10) Damaged Stability Plan Contents
11) ROR Cards with Buoyage Cards
12) Berth vessel in opposite direction of port entry and onshore wind
13) After ocean passage entry into English Channel actions as master
14) Explain Safe Speed
15) Collision with FV in MEDI actions as master on a indian registered vessel
16) PI/FI
18) IMSBC code
-Define IMO L & Reg L, guys rmmba to mention Significance of each, like IMO L is for various
IMO conventions and Reg L features as the official L in the COR
- IMO No- what it is and who issues(IHS Fairplay) main purpose to prevent marine fraud
amongst others,
- how do you decide when to abandonship ( rmmba to mention advise from ERS on vsls
survivability amongst other things )
- main hazards of grain, fund convention in detail with dates (i cud rmmba only the years )
- when will a ship founder( complete loss of res buoy and intact stability)
Few more but cant recollect, now from capt Jairam:
- ROR Cards - 5 , 2 of buoys
- typical from his sets, guys rmmba to know the Res nos and relevant regs like the back of
your hand as it comes in very handy and you surely will succeed even if your ans's arent

complete, plus it boosts your confidence and you have an edge over the surveyor,

- what to do with s/w after you departed from an African port,

- What do you know about UNCLOS ( i started off with all the articles i knew) he stopped me
after 5 mins and asked me about inn passage,
- ship handling, current from stern , have to go port side a/s, no tugs, guys rmmba to have
principles clear, putting them in one piece is no issue for any situation of S/H
- fire fighting eq on tankers, complete including IG
- vertical spacing of lights
- trawlers lights, (include the day signals)
- psc inspections and how many, (include CIC)
- latest amendments ALL, better reply with dates else it is considered vague,
- damage stability and fire plan, ( include res nos)
- lashing steel coils and pipes, rmmba BS of each wire (samsul) & mention cargo securing
- grain loading, be thorough
- seaworthy Bow ( i mentioned all the strengthing and perforated flats etc, but there was more
that he was looking for)
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1. All certificates along with Conventions. - pls don't waste time by-hearting regs no.. went on
with oil tanker certs ..
2. Marine casualty along coast of India.... Goes with PI and FI, later on asked what's procedure
laid out if u know
3. Ur vsl (Indian Regtd) collided with another vessel along US coast. Ur actions, reportings n
operational duties as per MS act.
4. Whats IMSBC n categories
5. ROR cards 4-5. Meaning of composite group flashing
6. Berthing situation, on shore wind force 4, no current, how will u berth with stbd side
alongside, presently heading on port side... Told will go for stbd swing and then asked y
...cross questions

7. Hague visby and Hamburg difference


8. Told me to write on paper all LSA on board along with their quantities reqd. He then went
out and came after 10 mins
Told me to tell some more abt LSA. Liferaft reqts deeply.
9. Annexe 1 n 2 ROR cross questioning
10. Fire control plan contents. Incl E/r fire plan contents .. what special who wud find
11. Hypermist system. How it gets activated. Mechanism. Testing procedures.
12. Scopic and Salvage difference, why scopic came .. latest LOF... Advantages ...
13. IMO structure, parts ...diff committees. How many members in assembly. Name
committees and subcom...s.
14. SMC n DOC detail. ISM...
15. Transfer, tactical dia, contents of wheelhouse poster. Told me to draw n exp. Head reach.
16. One more was u r discharging in US Waters . .. oil spill occurs ..ur action. ... Then later he
asked will u use osd ...I said only after taking permission
17. actions in case u transmit false distress alert...
After he goes through the file, he started with the questions from previous set. Then he started
from top starting with ISM.
1) As a master taking over a ship, how will you implement ISm onboard?
2) What all certificates you shoukd check when u join a ship?? ( I blkabbered what ever came
to my mind, and finally told him if i forgot something, i will check the list SOLAS Annex 1.
Dont know what answers were correct or wrong, because he gives same expressions for my
every reply.
3) He asked some ROR cards, 4-5 cards randomly.
4) Berthing situation, Port side alongside, wind from sea, no current, no tug.
I told him, i will come parallel to the berth, drop stbd Anc, and witbh the wind, will come
alongside slowly.
Then he asked, which lines will be made fast first, i told him as no currents are acting, Springs
will be made fast first, then breast and then head and stern lines. then he asked me, if head
current is there then?? i told, first headlines and back springs will be made fast first.
5) He asked about PSC, MOU regime, PSC detention conditons, Types of PSC inspection,
(Initial, if cleaqr grounds then expanded or detailed ins)


6) He tried to confuse by asking me, what will you do if u receive a False distress alert? I told
him we cant be sure if the distress is false or not, If even 1% chance of rescuing someone is
there, I will take that chance. I think he was happy with that answer.
7) He asked me about Latest MARPOL ammendments. I told him about the POLAR code and
Water ballast management ammendments and the annex IV ammendments.
8) Contents of the fire plan?
9) What are the life saving appliances onboard the vessel?
10) 2nd mate reports he thinks the vessel is aground. Your actions??
11) You are in US coastal waters, Product tanker, Pumproom high level alarm, Actions??
I told him, transfer the contents to the Slops and Residue tank, Then investigate, he says still
level is increasing. He wanted me to tell about asking shore assistance, I told i will ask for
barge and submersible pumps, then investigate the hull using underwater divers, and as the
level goes down, make tank entry after taking all precautions and investigate. I think, He was
okke with that answer.
12) He asked about how you go about conducting a Standing Moor, What is its uses??
13) He asked about whether a vessel can founder if she is aground, He wnated to know about
margin lines and all,
Also about the GZ curve, for having positive stability, Also about some Equation for the same,
but i could not answer him, properly
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Very calm demeanour and makes you comfortable. Went into depth of all questions asked and
stuck to the syllabus line by line.

- Previous remarks in depth

- ISM - what is it and duties of Company/Master and practical implementation. ( Do mention
Stop Work in case SMS is not complied with)
- Priorities as a Master after joining a new ship wrt ISM and implementation
- PSC initial regime and present MoU’s and types of inspection
- PSC appeal procedure, practical steps in case vessel is detained
- Chemical tanker - all certificates with conventions
- Damage Control Plan - details and practical use as a Master
- Fire control plan details and E/Rm FFA
- Detailed procedure for pump room fire and Engine Room fire - procedures for re-entry after


CO2 total flooding - point of entry and when to enter

- Radio Certificate details and Log keeping requirements - testing and communication
- IAMSAR - use and procedure to follow in case of a MOB
- Quartering seas and heavy Wx precautions
- Procedures when approaching coast after a long sea passage (Japan coast to be precise)
- MTO and MMTD
- Hague Visby and Hamburg rules difference
- IMSBC code and groups of Cargo
- Vessel in US water and then at sea - Oil pollution suspected - Actions operationally and
reporting requirements
- LOF’s and difference between 95 and 2011
- Registration of vessels in India
- Casualty on board Indian vessel in Mediterranean Sea - Actions as Master
- who is the registrar of ships in India
- ROR cards - 8 to 10
- berthing situation wind onshore, berth stbd side to and at present berth is on port side
Initial introduction about the company sailed with, types of ships, hometown.
Pretty long introduction for about 15 mins.
Started with ISM. What is it?
What are your responsibilities as a Master according to ISM?
Is there any certificate related with ISM?
DOC and SMC- What is their validity?
What happens to DOC if SMC is withdrawn?

You are Master on Panama registered vessel collided with a Fishing Vessel in Mediterranean.

What are your duties/obligations and what will happen next w.r.t. this incident?
ROR cards. One towing alongside and another preferred channel buoy.
Latest amendments to MARPOL?
What all certificates required onboard Chemical tanker and as per which regulations?
What is UNCLOS all about?
Vessel grounded. Actions?
You are on a passage from US to English Channel.? What would be your concern.? Other
than many other points I feel, Capt Jairam liked the mention of Passage plan meeting, meeting
with Chief Engineer regarding bunkers and lubes, meeting with chief cook for provisions and
with chief officer for stability conditions and draft limitations for entire length of passage.
Started with general intro and introduced himself:
1) started with previous remark not in detail just brief.
2) what all you understand by chapter9 of solas .
3) certificates under ISM code.
4) what will happen to DOC if SMC is cancelled.

5) PSC regime in world.


6) countries in IOMOU and where is the headquarters.

7) Why is France in 2 MOU.
8) ROR card night one's and then buoys. Around 6-7.
9) one berthing situation
Berth on port side , onshore wind , navigable water all around you have to go STBD side
10) turning circle in shallow water and deep water.
11) registry of Indian ships.
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12) collision with fishing vessel in Med. Sea you are an Indian ship actions as per MS act.
13) TRS , approaching signs n how to take avoiding action in dangerous quadrant.
14) buys ballot law.
15) you are a tanker safely alongside and another vessel coming to berth ahead of you with
pilot onboard and while turning she collides with you and ruptures your hull leading to oil spill,
action .
16) you have a patient onboard who needs to rescued via helicopter , actions.
17) difference between Hague visby and Hamburg rules.
18) quote rule no.6.
19) hyper mist system size of particles.
20) All certificates required onboard a chemical tanker along with the convention and
regulation numbers.
21) Cancellation of false distress sent via VHF dsc.
Started with Intro and went through my file and type of ships done. Since it was all on
LPG/LNG all questions were keeping only that in mind. Muduli was present during the exam.

1) Ship Particulars of the last ship. Max capacity and how much could you load. Where to find
the info? Diffirences between Steam/DFDE/MEGI and Motor LNG Vessels.
2) Which charter was my vessel under and asked me to state a few clauses specific with
numbers. He even asked me the demurrage rates but that I didn’t know and told him.
Discussions on charter party (time charter) deviation clauses/speed requirements/Daily Fuel
consumption loaded and ballast/Operational Window Period.
3) When do you issue Letter of Protest.
4) COF and information contained.
5) Reference Temp definition (asked by muduli in between)

6) Certificates carried by Gas Carriers


7) Information in Trim & Stability Booklet and Manual calculation of FSC.

8) Sloshing limits and where is it mentioned. Discussions went into part loading and where will
you refer and stuff.
9) Ship handling situations for berthing without tugs and floodtide. Different scenarios related
to twin screw. Discussion led to SMS Masters overriding authority.
10) Leakage into the barrier spaces how will you detect and if any leakage how to discharge
the same. Discussion went into cargo claims and who will inform/who will pay.
11) Bunker management onboard/what to do incase fuel is off spec and you come to know
while at sea. Bunkers clauses contained in Charter party.
12) Preparation for docking/procedures and safety related.
13) Seaman dies onboard while vessel is at port. What are your actions. Long discussion on
14) What certificates and booklets are carried onboard LNG vessels.
15) Dry docking and what all preparations and what all publications/books you will refer to In
terms of safety if your SMS is not complete. (He wanted to listen to SIGGTO/ISGOTT which I
The general discussion on where I had done my pre sea, function. Wht type of ships, which
company I have sailed with. He asked me how have you prepared for your orals. Then he
started with previous attempt questions.
1 Wht is WGS-84
2 Ship’s identification no. requirement. Whr it is marked & importance, wht other markings on
3 Marpol came after which incident, entry date

4 MLC Certification

5 DMLC-1 and DMLC-II who prepares and why

Then he introduced himself, till then I wasn’t aware who was taking my orals. And said he will
start with orals now and require answer as master not as mate
1 How will u take command of a new ship
2 How will u implement ISM onboard new ship
3 Cert. required as per ISM and their survey requirement
4 Wht will happen to SMC if DOC is withdrawn
5 you hav fire in engine room, can not control, u hav decided to release CO2. Tell me how wil
you go abt it. And action after releasing co2.
6 how wil you know co2 from bottle has been released.
7 how will you confirm the CO2 is going to engine room and no other place
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8 when and from where you wil make entry into E/R and why
9 Tell me requirements about all fire fighting appliances in machinery space
10 Tell me requirements abt all LSA FFA equipments onboard
11 ROR cards lights and Bouyage
12 wht is group flashing of 2+1
13 Range of fog signals
14 Berthing. jetty on the port side, onshore wind, hav to go starboard side alongside,
navigable water all around.
15 Transverse thurst whn ahead and astern in right handed propeller
16 After long trans atlantic voyage , vsl wil be transiting English channel, wht prep as master
17 wht is unseaworthy ship
18 Difference between hauge-visby and hamburg rule
19 wht is MOU regime? What importance does it have?
20 name All MOU
21 Name members of indian ocean MOU and Paris MOU
22 France member of which all MOU & why
23 wht is CIC in detail
24 All certificate reqd. for a chemical tanker along with convention and regulation
25 Tell me about damage control plan and booklet
26 wht is IOPC fund, how compansation paid
27 you are on indian ship in Mediterranean sea, collided with fishing vessel. As master wht
action you will take as per operational requirement and as per MSA requirement.
General introduction, asked are you sailing as second mate? (I got a hint this guy was a cunt,
as I had read from one of his sets he asked a chief mate, you have done only two ships as
Questions not in order of actual questioning
1) duties of master as per ism
2) your ship is foundering, you know you are going to sink, no land close by, how would you go
about abandoning ship
3) what is CBA? I explained everything I knew from Kevin colaco book, but he was not
satisfied, he asked me about some unions from outside India which I never heard of.... I only
knew mui and nusi
4) difference between Hague and Hague Visby
5) contents of fire control plan
6) what fire fighting equipment in ER
7) contents of MLC
8) ror cards, dreger, sailing vsl (day signal) , 2 buoys, no situations asked
9) how would you maneuver a ship to a berth on your port side, port side alongside, no
current, off shore wind

10) what all statutory certificates you will carry onboard your ship (product tanker) , also with

respect to which convention/annex (no need to mention regulation number)

11) how would you hang off your anchor, I didn't understand the question so asked for
clarification, disconnect anchor from joining shackle and use anchor cable for moorings? ( He
fucked with lube me here onwards saying my Seamenship is bad) .
I told him I'll use wire to lash anchor through the hawse pipe, he said ok what diameter wire, I
told him approx 55mm but in any case the SWL should be more than the weight of the anchor,
he then asked what would be the breaking strength of the anchor, I said I don't know but I
would be mentioned in the wire cert. He then asked me formula for breaking strength, I said I
don't know. He asked how many types of wires do you know? I mentioned a few...will they
have the same formula, I said no, because construction would be different.
12) contents of BMP and duties of master when when transiting HRa
13) how would you prevent false distress alert
14) Various MOUs
15) what I know about CIC
16) what do you know about seafarers employment office. Told him as per ms act, but he
seemed unhappy
17) how would you go about registering an Indian ship
18) contents of damage control plan
19) prepare your vessel for ice conditions
20) what is the construction of wire rope
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He started with My previous remarks and Told, tell me the ONBOARD COMPLIANT
PROCEDURE then he started his Qns.
1 - U r sailing on a Chemical Tanker , which all certificates u will carry on board and tell me
each with Regulation Nos.
2 - What all Audits take place in DOC & SMC .
3 - If SMC is cancelled then what it will have effect on DOC or Vice versa.
4 - Contents of DAMAGE CONTROL Plan and what is their in Engine room regd DAMAGE
5 – One situation Fire in Engine room and it is out of control , Action as master.-
I Told I will release Co2 system after all blab la procedures Then he asked How will u check
that U Release co2 in Engine room extinguished fire.

6 - How Will u Make entry in E/R After co2 released .


7 - I want full details what is there in Fire Control Plan.

8 - One ROR Card of FV and Preffered channel to Port in Region B
9 - What is the duration of Long blast and Short blast. Then mudulli baba intervene Can Ship
Use Other then Fog Horn . What is composite group flashing light and Group flashing light.
10 - Ur ship collided with FV In Mid Ocean . Tell me masters duty as Operation wise and
Legal Wise.
11 – He asked me Requirements of GMDSS Equipments. (TOTAL 9). I told 5 Points unable to
recollect 4 more Points.
12 - What is There in MS ACT regd Shipping casualty And u faced shipping casualty . Action
Pilot vsl card, 2 more cards of Lateral marks. Rule 30: Quote.
Rule 6,13 : Quote. Annex 1 - Vertical positioning of lights (All till Sidelights).
Action in Following seas (I said alter course and speed, he said till where you’ll alter i said to
take it on head or nearly ahead as bow is more strong). Wheelhouse what all info displayed.
Running mooring how to do? Damage control plan and contents. Differences between HV
Rules and Hamburg Rules. IMSBC code classes.
Fire fighting equipment’s in ER on tanker ( i told him about my last ship). PSC Mou’s.


PSC types of inspections ( I told him Initial, Detailed and Expanded, Expanded i was not clear
so he said ok don’t worry. CIC and it’s inspection regime.
India in which Mou. Oldest MoU and which year? Marpol Amendments. MLC amendments.
Abondememt meaning as per MLC ( Given in Samsul in MLC)
Duties of Master after Collision
Cert req as per ISM. DOC validity and insp. SMC validity and Insp. As a Master how to
Implement ISM onboard.
How to ensure that False Distress alert is not transmitted onboard ( I told him proper training of
officers , to which he replied good). As per MS act PI and FI and who conducts. Cold weather
Q: Tell me about yourself, the companies you have worked with and type of ship’s you’ve
worked on.
A: Explained.
Q: How much experience as Chief Officer do you have:
A: Answered.
Q: Tell me about ISM and how is it implemented on board your ship.
A: Developed as a result of Herald of Free Enterprise, adopted and Inforce dates,

Requirements of ISM (Functional Requirements). DOC and SMS.

Q: How are DOC and SMS issued? Validity?
A: Validity of 5 Yrs, DOC annual audits, SMC Intermidiate Audit.
Q: Ship’s Registration in India?
A: Entire procedure for registration of ships (Builders certificate, Declaration of Ownership,
Survey of ship, Marking and Carving etc etc).
Q: Who are the registrars of ships in India?
A: PO Mumbai, Kolkata, Vizag, Goa, Tuticorin, Chennai, Port Blair.
Q: Tell me about MLC and its contents.
A: MLC contents explained.
Q: What do you know about CBA and why is it necessary?
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A: Collective bargaining Agreement, needed so that ship owners and seafarer’s can decide
terms and conditions of employment, discuss topics of concern and come to an agreement so
that no is taken benefit of.
Q: MS Act and amendments?
A: Could not answer completely. He was looking for a specific amendment.
Q: Amendments to Marpol.
A: Annexe 4 (Baltic Area special area for passenger ships), Annexe 6 (Baltic Sea and North
Sea now in Nox ECA), Requirement for loadicator for oil tanker and chemical tanker, New
COF for Chemical tankers.
Q: Amendments to IMDG Code and life cycle of Code
A: Explained that issued every 2 yrs and can be voluntarily used from next year and is
compulsory of 2 yrs. Amendments he was not fully satisfied.
Q: LOF (What is it and what are its contents and latest edition)
A: I said 2010 is latest he told me afterwards that it 2011. Explained How to use LOF and all
the 9 boxes of the form.
Q: Quote Rule 13
A: Quoted as best I could.
Q: What card is this?
A: Could not see the cards so he moved on to the next questions.
Q: How will you take over the Ship?
A: Start from Office, explained in great detail.
Q: Ship Aground, Actions and legal requirements.
A: Contingency checklist and told him that legally we have to inform DG Shipping / MMD.
Explained in great deal and he was with
Q: Casualty Investigation Code
A: Told him about its uses and general idea about investigation.
Q: What was your last CBA?
Q: What is IMCAP (Don’t know exactly what he said but he moved on).
Q: How does Ship-owner join any CBA, does he need to be a part of any group or organization
for that?
Q: Crew member is sick, how will you get medical advice?
A: Find nearest Coast Station who provide medical advice, call them up. Also told him that
company has Doctor on call 24 x 7 so we usually call him up and they provide necessary
advice for treatment. If serious then deviate for landing crew member or call for helicopter.
MS act amendment
Registry of ship - complete
Unsafe and unseaworthy ship as per MS act and difference.
IGF code
Hague visby rule and what are the 17 immunities enjoyed by carrier/ when carrier is not liable
for cargo loss or damage. World scale and Afrascale.
Have you anchored and berthed VLCC by yourself.
You have gone to takeover new VLCC 15 days prior delivery, what all you will do.
What all certificates to be onboard with there expiry period.
PSC boards your vessel and finds gangway dirty and wants to detain. After all he said is there
something regarding this in MS act also. I don’t know.

PI and FI in detail.
ORB entries.
You are anchored in singapore strait , bunkering in progress. Anchor dragging.action . After
Ans , ok now ship collided with other anchored vessel , action.Damage plan and survival
capability of vessel after collision. What is ETAS.
How do you do risk assessment, complete procedure.
Do you prepare risk assessment, every time you perform a task. How often do you prepare RA
for pump room entry.
How do you perform Tool box meeting. Everything.
How do you mentor your juniors.
you have left singapore strait , 2 days and c/e reports e/o missing.last seen 4 hrs before.
Various search pattern.
Is there any convention for SAR.(SAR convention).
you are 25 miles off fujairah anchorage. Suez tanker.Anchor the vessel.Everything about
it.wind 15 kts from ahead and current 4 kts from stbd.
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parametric and synchronous rolling.

ISM code chapters , in between stopped and asked tell me chapter 13,14,15,16
SOLAS chapter 9 content.
SMS review by Master.
Tell me three situations where you have found observations during review and reported to
What is resilience. What are training you impart to your crew in this regard.How often do you
do this. How it is perfomed.
Quatering and following seas.
You are in suez canal. So many turns and pilot speeding at 13-14 knots. What will you do.what
will happen if ship proceeds at high speed in narrow channel around turns. What do you call
that effect.
Explain Master over-riding authority.
What all you will check 2 days prior yard delivery of the vessel.
Salvage convention
Scopic clause
LSSA and Lloyds form.
Which rules applies in GA , latest in force.
What are certificate issued to ships personnel with respect to polar code?
Warranties and condition in marine insurance
IDL date line


New Diamond case study
CLC limits
Covid + crew found onboard.
1) SOLAS start what do u know
2) Amendments latest

3) Damage control plan in depth probabilistic and deterministic method


4) Pick up any chapter in SOLAS again

I will grill you. I picked up LSA every thing from forward to aft in LSA equipment and LSA
code corresponding requirements
5) Loadline convention in detail Type A and B ships
6) Polar code and PC notations all of them.PWOM
7) Solas chapter 11 and 9 contents

Asked what kind of ship I have sailed on? I said Oil-Chem tankers.

He then asked how many types of chemical tankers are there?

I said Type I, II, III
Discharge Criteria of Category X cargo
I said prewash and discharge to shore till residue concentration is below 0.1% by weight.
1. What is your rank?
2. Which ships have you worked on ?
3. What routes have you done ?

4. Tell me about load line convention ? Dont tell me history, tell me everything other than

history? ( I knew he is going to fail me after this question itself as he wanted deep details of the
convention and i had not prepared for it, he was pissed with the kind of answer i gave to him )
5. What are differetn types of ships as per loadline convention?
6. How will you takeover the ship as a new master ?
7. Which certificate do not need annual endorcemrnt ? ( Told him but he wanted to hear more )
9. Who contributes in clc fund?
Q1) If two crew members fight with each other and injure each other which country should they

face prosecution in
Q2) Entine LOF 2011 with special reference to scopic, please read the scopic explanation
which is available on llyods site other than samsul, he sent me outside gave me 30 mins to
read and called me back inside and asked to to explain. Then he took his pen and wrote the
golden words pass.
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➢ Asked me what type of ships i have done- mainly container and before that was in offshore
on DP vessels for a bit,
JAYKUMAR ➢ Asked how did i find the transition to main fleet, told him i was in mainfleet itself but moved
to offshore for sometime

➢ So what did u like about offshore ? anything special? Spoke about the ship handling
experience , its given a lot of confidence in ship handling, elaborated more on the Dp
systems and Different handling situations which were done close to a platform
➢ Asked about how the ppl worked on the platforms how do they get there etc. ( more of a
discussion, that i led on )
➢ Ok , my colleague has found u ready to take command , i agree with his results , shook my
hands and congratulated me.
1. You join an Indian ship as Master. Action if wages unpaid for 1 month?
2. Now unpaid wages for two months, action?


3. Wages unpaid for 3 months, action?

4. So you contacted the financial security provider who has paid the wages to you and your
crew for 4 months. Now, after 5 months onboard, the company does not repatriate you, nor
does the Flag help. Company wants you to stay onboard to comply with SMD and the
company is not paying you any further. The financial security provider will not pay you any
more, since he has already paid our 4 months wages. Action?
1) you are onboard wages not paid for one month, action as a Master...
Until 2 month wages not paid- request / insist to company,
After two months you are DEEMED ABODANDED, pls use deemed word as want to listen this
deemed word...
After that do not we will inform flag state, he said flag can't help you because they are not

issuing any cert of financial security same like clc certificate so after 2 month directly invoke
and claim the financial security to insurance company, keep copy of information to company
and flag..
And he asked what will you do after flag state ask you stay on board for min safe Manning...
Ans for this is .... don't listen to flag ,,, once you know that wages will not be paid after two
months directly go to court ,,,,( I told him after 45 days ) he said why will you wait for 45 days
....just by next day you can go to admiralty court.....
What all things are covered under financial security?
Abdondment, not repatriation, food water , medical care, accommodation... Only covered min
required things like rice and Dal, sleeping bad etc ,,,, (Do not contain luxuries things)
1. What you will do if wages are not paid for 2months.
Told him General ans, insist owners and not resolved, take up with flag and implement MLC
financial security.
2. Flag said ok go ahead n claim as per security then what you will do.
As per mlc financial security details are need to be displayed and accessible to everyone with
details of entity providing security
3. Ok now got wages and I hope you wouldn’t be willing to sail further but owner not

disembarking you. Then what you will do ?

Again take it up with flag as it’s their jurisdiction over vessel.
4. Flag said no you continue as we require to fulfill minimum safe manning requirements
If not resolved then shipping master / DGS
5. Still nothing happening
I said then it can be taken to open court
Yes you are right take it up with admiralty court. I don’t know y people are aware of this that
you can go to court. Also he told me after about 45 days you can approach to court.
6. Again he asked, now since you already got wages for 2 months then what will happen to
your remaining days till you get repatriation after 2months. How will you claim that?
I said seafarer consider to be abandoned if wages are not paid for 2months but wages are
covered up to 4months hence I can approach insurer for remaining days as well
1. Why opa-90

2. You are master on one of the LNG vessel which had casualty recently, your action
3. What is satellite compass, what is dip of magnetic compass, where is magnetic
poles, what is the diff between the magnetic north and true, why is it not constant, can
you adjust a compass, what is latitude and settling error of gyro, principle of directional
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8-FEB-19 Types of ships iv done, company name,
What is financial security requirements under mlc?
PSC clear grounds
Intact stability containers
Fixed fire fighting on tankers requirements on deck

Only polar code what all challenges vessel faces regarding navigation,
directional gyro principle,
why normal gyro and magnetic compass will not work,
what precautions you will take regarding speed.
Then he asks can i ask you few questions too? To which I confidently replied yes sir please go
1. Which ships I have sailed on - containers. What latest regulations are coming in future for
container ships?
2. Which IMDG volume is currently mandatory and which one is voluntary?
3. Latest amendment number for IMDG. What is the amendment.
4. I guess Capt. Gupta had put some remark for latest PSC amendments so he asked me the
same question. He wanted to know which new paragraphs have been added. What are they?
5. What are the latest regulations that will come into force in the coming years ? All of them,

which I did not know. He asked me to go out and find the same and called the other Master
candidate. He also came out within 5 mins and said that he was also asked to find out the
same thing. After 15 mins he calls us both together and asked us about these latest
regulations. Which and why? Some cross questionings on the same. Where were they
adopted? He explained us as to why these regulations are coming into force. He says since
we are appearing for orals, our knowledge should be way better than what he knows. So next
time when we both appear again he will remember us and will ask these questions again to
decide if he can pass us or not to which both of our faces became small :(
But while he was telling this to us he was looking into our file which was in his hand while
holding a blue pen :). He finally writes pass for both of us and appreciates our confidence in
answering him. He says he is proud that Indian COC holders have a great value in our industry
and we must all always keep the flag flying high. Main thing he looks for is your confidence in
answering so be confident when you face him.
1. Registry
2. FFA
3. Manoeuvring info
4. SSAS( becoz I said that acronym not Ship security alert system)
Additionally he had wrote Poor conduct / lack of clarity of mind...which capt jaykumar told me.

1. Conventions related to pollution at sea.


All the certificates onboard ship with respect to conventions.

2. What all certificate onboard with regards to cover liability.
3. Is p& I certificate mandatory or not, some discussion to check my clarity
4. Differences between Hague, Hague Visby and hamburg and Rotterdam
(Couldn't answer Rotterdam as I didn't even went though it, so told him , sir I don't know, as I
didnt go through)
5. Have you heard about UNCTAD and UNCTRAL ( I said no...)
He asked again what all documents you have onboard pertaining to UNCTAD and UNCTRAL,
then he asked me to how long I would take to find out...I told him 10 mins .....
Started around 11:30 with general experience / type of ship sailing on / idea about tolani
cadets if known to any / promotion aspect etc ...
1) ISM implementation ( i started with all asm written syllabus....)
Action if u find records/documents not maintained as per ISM ( wants to hear word "continous

improvement ") Master SMS review, how will you do it. (wants to hear "to firstly ask all head of
depts. for feedback" )
2) PSC general understanding /specific instructions u will give to mate and c/eng one day prior
arrival port ( i gave list of things wants to hear all records to be updated and verified)
3) Bill of lading- whom will you discharge cargo. Checks to be done in B/l / identifying fake B/L
( should include in your answer to confirm with agent or authorised personnel about identity in
4)Scopic / difference between article 14
5)LOF 2011 (only bullets he wants and not in detail)
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6) ROR situations from his typical set. Some a4 paper sheets showing drawings of situation /
asks what went wrong and differently u would do to avoid the same.
7) Emergency situations ,collision, fire in cargo hold some cross questions .
8) Liferaft HRU connection diagram, how will you ensure it’s correct . He carries 6 wrong pics,
will ask you to correct it.
9) Taking over a ship with no ism in place / company is new etc etc.
10) Damage control plan content ( should answer as it also contains compartment with colour
codes for easy reference )
12)Documents required for ESP / determining stages of corrosion
13) Going for rescue in very rough weather/ should u launch ur rescue boat and other gears
14) Ship laid up for 3.5 years. How will you prepare the ship / documents to check regarding
15) Charter party clauses, hague and hague visby rules /Sea worthiness also as per ms act /
16) Free fall lifeboat general / important actions prior relasing / difficulty in complying with
lowering requirments.
17) Marpol amendments ( wants to know in detail and not only the name.)
18) What standing orders for duty officer wrt navigation based on rule 8, 17/Can u alter to port
as per ror or not in normal case,some.cross questions.
19) Radar plotting, aspect on ROC sheet.
20) Fire fighting appliances portable and fixed maintenance of co2 system
21) Quick closing valve maintenance ( wants to hear about checking of leakages)
22) MLC rest hours, compensatory rest.
You're on a container vessel, which has caught fire and now you have no choice but to

abandonship. What all actions will you take as master?

Then, what all actions will you take with respect to environmental protection?
Please do stress upon - Plugging air vents and sounding pipes for fuel tanks,
activation of quick closing valves,
reporting requirements for loss of Dangerous Goods & possibility of discharge of oil.
General introduction and type of vessel.
1) There is big fire on conatinership mid part what all action you will take.
Ans) Slow down , away from wind, flag J , head count make sure everyone present no injuries,
proceed for as per emergencies repsponse procedure, report nearest coastal authorities, DPA

and all then he add person stuck in fwd part and bad weather. Again alot of cross question.
2- Abdonship procedure Ans) Same procedure for abdoning ship but he want to listen for
prevention of pollution but i was not getting it so he slowly slowly drove me there Now Engines
should be stooped , main generators to be stopped, Quick closing valves to be closed, FO
tank airvent to be blanked off, sounding pipes to be close tight so oil will not come out and at
last Quick closing valves of emergency generators before leaving vessel. All tjese point if we
have sufficient time. As he advise that while abdoning vessel we should also think about
enviourment protection. Also possible bring vessel near To anchorages and then abonden.
After greetings asked me what went wrong with external surveyor?
To which I replied the latest MARPOL amendments regarding change in GRB.

Some cross questions to it.

Second question - Panama flag vessel at Port of Mumbai. 2 filipinos fight with knives injuring
each other badly. Can indian police intervene.?
Rather than an answer (coz i didn’t knew regulation nos and all) it went more like a discussion
for sometime. But I did mention that this could be very much related to the serenity and Law
and order of the nation, so police would intervene.
judging me on the fact that Vaz told him I was borderline
1) crew not paid for 2 months? Action. Mlc financial security, how n who to approach for this,
master can directly approach insurance company, the procedure/details will be on the

2) psc didn't like your face( literally for he said that, I laughed) and said I'm detaining your
vessels made false detainable def. I told him that I will inform company, RO( if applicable) n
administration and they can handle it better at a govt to govt basis. He agreed but wanted
3) continued on same question lines,can u do anything about this? Appeal procedure,which is
the duty of the psco to inform master and also given behind form b and on mou website.
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4) Vaz and Jayakumar both stressed a lot on certificates, MLC and PSC. They don't ask direct
questions from the book so make sure you guys are familiar about their application. I was
passed only because I could impress Jayakumar with a lot of discussions. Finally he supprised
me by saying son you are ok, u have passed.
Straight away told me that as per capt vaz I am at border line so will c how it goes.

Taking over as a master - as I started with office briefing ..said now u arrive at jetty.
So many dents on ship side, no gangway net,
lot of cross questions n changes in scenario then finally starts taking over
All certificates in detail means ..
contents, supplement ,surveys, validity
How hypermist works and requirement.?
Contents of COF in gas?

Name certificates which has only annual and certificate which have only intermediate and
certificates which has only has renewal.?
Started Solas chapter wise and Marpol annex wise and certificates under it.?
If your outside india and psc detains you and you as master feels it's un reasonable grounds
for detention,wht will you do.?
He said you deserve to be passed and continue learning.
1. Total how many rules, how they are divided, name of all parts, which rules applicable in all
2. Annex 1 of ROR.
3. No ROR cards but couple of situations first trawler on port bow which all lights it will show
and your action, second situation RV 2nd mate calls and informs that he was tracking one
target on stbd bow ROC was there and he lost that target when 4 nm off your action ( i told him
that action as per 19 (e) he was trying to get me to say i will alter to port by mentioning that u

hear on vhf vessel on my port bow alter course and other things, told him clearly i will not
these things for any action to avoid collision and maintained my answer)
3. Asked about taking over vessel from yard, how will you go about it
4. Registry procedure and what is provisional registry
5. Briefly explain about LRIT
6. Clear grounds for detailed inspection, what is no favourable treatment and can a psc detain
a ship to which a convention does not apply
7. Working of EPIRB, what is LUT, MCC, RCC, frequency of COSPAS SARSAT and
8. CLC and Fund convention, limits , is India party to fund, how it helps India and how
contribution is made?
1 Tell me abt the recent incident of collision of indian ship in which vsl sank.
I was blank on this.
2 wht is TML , which category does it belong to as per IMSBC
3 how will u load category A cargo on bulky
4 Shippers declaration shows MC higher than TML, wht will you do

5 wht addition cert. required for ships carrying IMDG cargo

6 tell me abt incident of oil pollution on indian coast, again I was blank
7 Contents of indian certificate of registry
8 how will you take over a vessel
9 Certificate as per ISM and survey
10 Certificate which require only renewal survey
11 Certificates which require only intermediate inspection and not annual
12 you hav to go in polar waters, wht all things you will check as master
13 wht all equipment required for polar water
14 How does the satellite compass works
*wat all ships u hav sailed on?
*wat is d diff btw oil n chemical tanker?

*wat if there is pollution from chemical tanker.... Wat coverage is there?


* wat r Rotterdam rules.... Diff between hague visby n Rotterdam rules?

* why dese rules did not get much acceptance?
N by mistake i asked - for which rules r u asking sir.... N he was like.... Which rule do u think i
m asking.... Which did not get much acceptance.... I knew i had asked a silly question.... Den i
answered... N he was happy.
* which rules india follow?
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He said he was listening to all my answers and was satisfied with my approach. He just asked
me my action in case I was on sanchi tanker of China incident as he was not in cabin wen I
JAYKUMAR was answering this. I answered that my first priority wid be to save lives onboard my ship and

other ship and den pollution prevention. I said sir I would have abandoned ship earlier after
taking note of damage and fire. He asked me my priorities as master and I said that safety of
life , safety of environment and then safety of property. He was impressed and congratulated
me and said I will be good as my approach is very correct and then asked my exn form. He
was surprised dat this was my first attempt but said that he is satisfied with me and again
appreciated my approach.
Grounding - impact of ships bottom on the seabed, Stranding- Aground in such way tht ship
cannot refloat on its own power.
Foundering - loss of intact buoyancy
Collision - Impact between two seagoing vessel.
Detection of stowaway after 2 days of sailing
I will take stowaway in safe custody.
Conduct search onboard for any other stowaway.
I will gather information abt him by asking questions.
Inform company, last port agent, next port agent.
He added you should ensure stowaway is in healthy condition, if not render medical aid.
Instruct crew attending to him keep interaction to minimum.
Ensure stowaway is not used for carrying ships work.
Chief purpose for registering ship- to enjoy privileges of nationality
Chief purpose of damage control plan- I told everything about plan with regulation no. solas ch

3 Reg 19.still not happy.

When will you abandon ship?
I will consider abandoning ship where there is imminent danger of foundering breaking up,fire
explosion any other circumstances that may endanger lives of crew if they remain onboard.
Procedure for the same? Given in shamsul notes
Imo guidelines for abandoning ship? I said I don't remember
What is IAMSAR takes from MAS? In case of search & rescue.
How will you take over at yard delivery? He wants to hear checking sea trial reports
How will you prepare vsl for PSC inspection? Ensure no NC is raised in present scenario.
Check previous NC observations etc.
Hyper mist System?
MLC guidelines for fatigue?
I told about MSC circular 1598.
Duty of Master after collision?
As per MS Act 348, 349, 350.
Entries in official log book
As per MS Act sec 213.
Define collision, stranding, Grounding, foundering.
What is the duty of Master after collision.
Olb entry. Under which we require OLB.
Docking survey.

Prepare your vessel to come out from Drydock.

Hyper mist requirements.
Bridge resource management.
Ship registration and main purpose.
How will you prepare your vessel for PSC.
Paris MOU
When dry docking of vessel to be carried out.
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Same starting one liner. He needs short answers and crisp like a master would give.
1. Why is there an official log book? He wanted only legally binding in the court of law.
2. Why do we need to register a ship? He wanted to enjoy privilege of that nationality.
3. Docking survey- Requirement.

4. Taking over ship in the yard? Only wanted that I check sea trial results.
5. CIC code? I started with regulation number and its contents. He cut me off and said its
required to prevent such occurrences in the future.
6. Grounding stranding foundering
7. Definition collision
(His set looks basic, but he’s not allowing to answer these questions, I was answering with
answers in his set and adding my answer to which he was cutting me off and saying partly
correct. It was like he was taking classes, not really an oral exam).
Jb singh is very particular about the wording’s. Will cut you when answering if answers are not
well framed. Wants lawyer like answers. His concept: master must be a leader and must use
commanding leadership english to answer to anything that comes on his way.
Questions to some answers he gave.
What are the CBA bargaining procedure signed by employee and employer
-As per Loudwich and Sydney web (don’t know what that is - anyone who knows, please do let
me know)
OLB entries
-All entries as per first page if OLB. What is casualty international code?
-Defines qualification of investigator.
-Uniformity for all nationals.
-When did casualty investigation come in force? What’s the frequency of dry dock?
-Interval is 2.5 yrs increased based on underwater survey CCTV as proof.
What is dry dock survey? What is rudder drop and propeller drop?
Instrument used for measuring rudder drop.
-Trammel gauge
Instrument used for measuring propeller drop

- Filler gauge
What is tonnage convention?
How do you prepare your vessel for PSC?
What’s is grounding and collision?
What is abandon ship?
Requirements of hypermist. When colregs came in force and who promulgated?
Why do we keep navigating lights on in restricted visibility- as per rule 20c.
When does iamsar take over from mars?
Importance of sea trial of ship. What does deepest subdivision draft mean?
-Water line which corresponds to the summer load line of the vessel
Advantages and disadvantages of multimodal transport
Types of containers
ISO type containers
-GP, open top are of 2 types hard top and soft top
Dry bulk containers, tanktainers, temp control containers are of3 types self sustained, shore
powered, cool containers, half height containers, flat racks
When did marpol come in force, why? When was torry canyon grounded
Ism code what is it?
-As per solas ch 9:reg 4 which is mandatory, that is why company must get doc
What is a code? What is protocol and convention? Precautions when anchoring.
1. Why do we register ship
2. Liability. Various definitions
3. Casualty investigation code in details. Imo based
4. Convention various definition -

5. Omnibus rule - PNI

6. Marpol 73/78 definition annexes
7. Grounding, Collision stranding actions to take in all scenarios. He stops within a minute and
wants only key words
8. Imo resolution definition
9. PSC preparation
10. Master overriding authority
11. Polar code why it is there and who uses it.
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12. Pi fi
13. Torrey canyon - how much oil spilled
14. Abandonment - definition and action
15. Difference between TRS and TLD - he only wants to know direction
16. Team work and leadership
17. Unseaworthy vessel. - he only wants expired statutory certificate
18. When does MRCC take over from MAS
1. Tell me practically, what is the main reason for registering a ship? To get a loan approved
for buying the ship.
2. What is Leadership? You can define it in a way you see fit. Answer with authority and
3. What is teamwork? Where every member contributes equally to complete the job. “1+1
makes 11”
4. What is an IMO convention? A written treaty between 2 or more nations which is binding in
international law.
5. What is a Port/Place of refuge? The standard definition.
6. Why is drydocking required? Why not just carry out an underwater survey?
7. What is a Docking Survey?
8. What is the criteria for Bridge Visibility?
9. How will you prepare for a PSC inspection? He wants to hear the first thing you do will be to
check if there are any pending NCs from the previous inspection.
10. Define Collision – “Impact” between two vessels
11. Define grounding
12. Define stranding - aground in such a way that she cannot refloat by her own power.
13. Define foundering – loss of intact stability.
14. What is a safe port? There are 5 points to this answer as per him: Safe access to port, safe
berth where ship can safely stay in all stages of tide, facility for trade- proper wharfs,
warehouses and other establishments, politically safe and Enter in and out without touching
the bottom.

15. When does IAMSAR take over from MAS? Here he wants to hear the word “rescue”
16. What is the main difference between a TRS and a mid-latitude depression? It’s to do with
their movement. A TRS moves WNW whereas a mid-latitude depression moves E.
17. How will you know the ECDIS is the primary means of navigation on your vessel? SEQ
certificate form E
18. What is squat? What are its effects on the ship? Don’t just say shallow water, instead say
shallow water in relation to the draft of the ship.
19. What is Polar Code?
20. Power supply to navigational equipment?(he did not finish the question as he got busy with
some paperwork)
21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of multimodal transport?
22. Guidelines on fatigue as per MLC.
23. What is IMDG? IMDG are cargoes as defined in the code that are transported by sea.
24. What is the Omnibus Rule? Covered by all P & I clubs as a catch-all provision which
covers any other cost or liability or expenses arising out of ship owning, provided, it is not
covered elsewhere.
25. Why and when did MARPOL 73/78 come into force? 2nd Oct 1983
26. Where exactly did the Torrey Canyon disaster occur? Ran aground between Land's End
and the Isles of Scilly.
And he asked a few more questions which I don’t recall now. Capt. Azad only asked the
following questions:
27. Where in MS Act is the implementation of MLC given?
28. What is General Average? Give example.
29. What is the damage stability criteria for a car carrier?
30. Damage Control Plan details.
1. Tell me practically, what is the main reason for registering a ship? To get a loan approved

for buying the ship.

2. What is Leadership? You can define it in a way you see fit. Answer with authority and
3. What is teamwork? Where every member contributes equally to complete the job. “1+1
makes 11”
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4. What is an IMO convention? A written treaty between 2 or more nations that is binding in
international law.
5. What is a Port/Place of refuge? The standard definition.
6. Why is drydocking required? Why not just carry out an underwater survey?
7. What is a Docking Survey?
8. What is the criteria for Bridge Visibility?
9. How will you prepare for a PSC inspection? He wants to hear the first thing you do will be to
check if there are any pending NCs from the previous inspection.
10. Define Collision – “Impact” between two vessels
11. Define grounding
12. Define stranding - aground in such a way that she cannot refloat by her own power.
13. Define foundering – loss of intact stability.
14. What is a safe port? There are 5 points to this answer as per him: Safe access to port, safe
berth where a ship can safely stay in all stages of tide, facility for trade- proper wharfs,
warehouses and other establishments, politically safe and Enter in and out without touching
the bottom.
15. When does IAMSAR take over from MAS? Here he wants to hear the word “rescue”
16. What is the main difference between a TRS and a mid-latitude depression? It’s to do with
their movement. A TRS moves WNW whereas a mid-latitude depression moves E.
17. How will you know the ECDIS is the primary means of navigation on your vessel? SEQ
certificate form E
18. What is squat? What are its effects on the ship? Don’t just say shallow water, instead say
shallow water in relation to the draft of the ship.
19. What is Polar Code?
20. Power supply to navigational equipment?(he did not finish the question as he got busy with
some paperwork)
21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of multimodal transport?
22. Guidelines on fatigue as per MLC.
23. What is IMDG? IMDG are cargoes as defined in the code that are transported by sea.
24. What is the Omnibus Rule? Covered by all P & I clubs as a catch-all provision which
covers any other cost or liability or expenses arising out of ship owning, provided, it is not
covered elsewhere.
25. Why and when did MARPOL 73/78 come into force? 2nd Oct 1983
26. Where exactly did the Torrey Canyon disaster occur? Ran aground between Land's End
and the Isles of Scilly.
And he asked a few more questions which I don’t recall now. Capt. Azad only asked the
following questions:
27. Where in MS Act is the implementation of MLC given?
28. What is General Average? Give example.
29. What are the damage stability criteria for a car carrier?
30. Damage Control Plan details.
He goes line by line as per the formate and will just tell u like TRS..
Now u have to ans all abt TRS u know until he is satisfied, then he will go to next ques.
1. Why do ship require Registration??
A- To get nationality, class, and so finally to trade.
He told that main aim is to get finace for the vsl
2. What is PHO??
A- PHO will grant quaritine for vsl without which vsl cannot do its loading/discharge
He told-To stop any virus from other country into their

3. CLC and FUND

A all about CLC69,92,2000,2002, its liability
ANISH-why liability is limited??
Many cross ques and finally he told that to sustain shipping industry if not limit then countries
will fine whatever they want
4. Casualty investigation code??
A- To find root cause, prevent futre accident and not to blame anyone
5. STCW??? He just said this word
A STCW 2010 is latest and rest hr....
6. STP??
A- spl trade passenger. it rqr cert A & B
7. CERT requred on bulk carrier??
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A- As per SOLAS annex-1 and resolution A. (I forgot)ITC, safe manning...and whatever I could
remember i answered most
8. Anish- Tell about rule 10(TSS)
A- i told in simple words.. not satisfied
He wanted to listen first 2 lines from ROR...He quated it, then
FV impeeding ur passage action as per which rule??
I told rule 18-NO, rule 2-NO, rule 17-NO..he told
as per rule between this many cross ques
9.What are obligatory cert
A- cert required by particular state like OPA90. suez cannal, panama...
10. prepare for safety eqpt survey
A- as per Form E and SMS, all LSA,FFA item to be in good cond.
told him all LSA items starting from lifeboat...

11.IMO situated??
A-in london
12. what is old name of IMO
A- I don't know
13. what is tokyo and paris mou??
A- told about mou.... tAim is to not inspect same ship again and not to
leave any ship
14. duration of reinspection?? - 6 mnths
15.ur duty after collision??
A- render assistance to other vsl without endangering our vsl
told him MS act sec 348
16.grounding,stranding and foundering??
A- touching bottom, cannot be refloated and losing positive stability
17.Anish- ur all generators have failed, vsl rolling hvy action??
A- i could answer only few things like securing, alertig crew---not happy
lot of cross ques and one accident discussed by him of same cond where vsl broke
A-emc'y towing arrangement, booklet...
A-i answered all about emc'y response service, paid service by class and all
A- Classification society- total 13, they survey and make sure vsl comply
with int'l rule and reg
21.content of SOLAS ch II and III
A- only ans heading to cancel false distress alert?
A- ans separatly for all eqpt...swith off and broadcast..
23. content of ch v-SOLAS
A ans few..
24.IAMSAR-for distress
A- 6hr reports, can be reduced upto 15 min by flag...
26.Anis-how many BMP??
A- i know only BMP5.. he told BMP-west africa also is there
and more ques abt BMP
27.synchronos and parametric rolling
28.Anis-INTERACTION bet vsl-positive pressure fwd all that
29.multimodal trnsp. advantage and disadvantage??
and many more ques guys which could not be remenbered.
1. Registration of Ships
2. Duties of PHO


3. Anchoring procedure
4. PI and FI
5. Hyper mist
6. Container firefighting equipment requirements
7. Action when cargo is not listed in COF
8. WGS 84
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9. Unseaworthy ship
10. Difference between port state and flag state
11. Stowaway action
12. General Average
13. Anchoring procedure
14. Contents of SOLAS ch 3 and 5
15. Duties of Master in case of collision as per MSAct
16. ISM and ISPS code in force date
17. Lessons learnt after casualty investigations
18. Surveys carried out in dry dock
19. Purpose of load line survey
20. What is detainable deficiency
21. What is Black and grey list
22. Difference of stranding, grounding and foundering
1. Why u do registration of ship
2. Official log book entry - for Dead person (Dont Declare Dead by Urself, only done by CIRM)
3. Master Discretion and as per which regulations
4. Nairobi wreck and what is receiver
5. ISPS Code
6. Piracy Def. & Prepartions while entry
7. Casulaty Investigation Code
8. Risk Assessment
9. TRS ? and how to avoid
10. Certificates required as per X1
11. Certificates expired at mid sea (+3 months extension complete)
12. Docking Survey
13. Loadline Convenction and its contents
14. STP ships
15. ESH & contents
16. CSR & contents
17. PSC
18. MOU
19. Black / Grey List
20. ETA (Emergency Technical Assistance)
21. IASC
22. Damage Stability

23. Co2 Requirement and Maint. Criteria

24. How go test Co2 lines (He was Insist on Soap Test)
25. Avoidance of false distress alert
26. TMAS and ALRS volume contents
27. IAMSAR contents
28. VDR Perforamance
29. LRIT Perfarmance
30. Contents of SOLAS Ch: 3, 5 and 11
31. POLAR code
32. PWOM contents
33. VTS
34. Colregs - Rule - 10, 19
35. ROR Annex Contents
36. Synchronous & Parametric Rolling
37. STS contents
38. Squat
39. Explanation of Pivot point
40. One TSS example - Where ship is entering inside & outside of Separation Zone and whats
ur action (He required that such vessel are engaged in survey)
41. Contract of Affreightment
42. AFRA
43. Worldscale
44. Criteria for MTM contract
45. Diff between Hague vs Hague visby rules
46. Marpol History
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47. CLC & Fund Conevntion and its liability ? and what is ratified by India
48. Port clearance and who issues in india and its validity ( Indian Customs)
49. Catzoc and its type
50. How to do Investigations in India
51. Dry Docking Intervals and as per which regulations?
52. Flag State Inspections
53. Bank Effect and how to avoid
54. BL and types of BL
Registration of ship. Dual registration.
CSS code in full and why? IMDG VOLUME contents.
Dry dock in detail. ERS.
Receiver of wreck. TSS ONE SITUTAION.
DEAD MAN ENRTRY. SOLAS CHAPTER 5 and 3 in detail ..

TRS ( sign &avoiding action ). Chapter 2 only name.

OPRC(who is the first point of contact in india ), CAS & CAP,
ESP why and which vessel,
How mlc has put pressure on administration?
Some regulation and dry dock and preparation. Load line survey preparation.
Special trade passenger ship.
LRIT (He wants to hear to which vessel it apply and when it came in force).
SVDR. What Do you know about ISPS code, in which chapter and some basic questions?
1. How did you prepare for the orals?
2. What are the contents of SOLAS ch XI-1?
3. What is enhanced survey?
4. Why did it come into force? Wanted to know why so many accidents in 80s to bulk carrier.
5. Cross questions by Capt Manas.
6. Is the ship made of same steel throughout. Which is the thickest strake. Are all strakes
same. What is garboard strake.
7. Why IMO number came?
8. What is maritime fraud?
9. Who gives IMO number?
10. How will you prepare your ship for PSC? After preparing also your ship is detained what
will you do?
11. Contents of chapter XI-2 ?
12. Engine room fire what will you do?
13. Why is liferaft there forward?
14. When and why did Marpol come into force?


15. Why it came in force so late?

16. Grounding, stranding and foundering?
17. How will you know survivability of your ship?
18. Capt Manas - What is floodable length? Survivability criteria give me some numbers?
19. How will you anchor?
20. What are advantages and disadvantages of Multimodal transport?
21. What and why fund convention?
22. What is IMO length and registered length?
23. What is tow holding agreement?
24. Which is the latest one?
25. How many countries in Tokyo MOU ?
26. How many countries in Indian MOU ?
27. Preparation dry dock going in and coming out?
28. What is P & I? What do you understand by protection and Indemnity?
29. What is OLB why is it there on board?
30. How will you maintain discipline on board?
31. Can owner refuse to cross Gulf of Aden if charterer forces them.
32. Who will pay ransom? Can P & I cover ransom?
33. How is ransom paid?
1. Ditch criteria of marpol annex2 and cat of cargo explay cat x y z

2. Duties of master on the bridge


3. Anchoring procedures
4. Content of solas ch xi
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5. Ism implementation on board

6. what is un safe ship
7. what action in case u find stow away onboard IMO resolution
8. Structure of IMO
9. Instruments of IMO.
10. Marine casualty as per cic and imo res no and as per solas which chapter and regulation
11. Why marpol 73/78 and history and when it came inforce.
12. Dead seaman what entry in olb as per which msact make entry and show.
13. Why register a ship?
14. What is Olb and as per what MS act.
15. Why MLC and when it came inforce.
1. VLCC very difficult to maneuver how will u know. refer maneuvering booklet diagram
2. CBD lights. NUC in front of u action. tell him you will chk drift and pass clear of him.
3. MTO registration.
4. Advantages and disadvantages of modern
5. Solas chapter 11-1 and 11-2 contents.
6. ESP
7. IMO number importance.
8. COR importance
9. Dry docking what to chk as a master before going in and before coming out.
10. Docking survey.
11. How is surface preparation carried out.


12. What is used as grit?

13. Underwater area what paint and how many coats are applied.
14. Where are ozone depleting gases used onboard. what gases are ozone depleting.
15. Reason for marpol. dates.
16. Wreck removal . Dates.
17. ratified by India but still not party. Difference between ratification and party to convention.
18. Anchoring VLCC procedure... I started from chart he said this is VLCC not a small ship ...
then I said will check approach and try out engines... then asked when will u not proceed...
19. When does mas become IAMSAR..
20. SV overtaking u how will u know.. Who will keep clear... tried to confuse me but acting
surprised at my answer....asked are u sure....
21. Wgs84 datum where is it... I gave him explanation from np100 ... but he said it is in center
of earth mass...
22. What is omnibus clause?
1) What is wreck convention?
2) Safe port
3) You are taking over a vessel which is going to make a maiden voyage. You have 10 days..
4) What you will implement on board relating to MLC


5) Types of container. Also different types of tank Containers, diff types of temp. Control
6) Anchoring procedure.. (Photos attached) what he wants..
7) Marpol history. When canyon disaster occurred “date”
8) LOF 2011
9) Why to register ship.
10) Contents of Solas chapter 11-1 and 2
11) IOPC fund convention
12) What is multi modal transport system? Who can become MTO?
1. How will you check the survivability of your vessel?
- Damage stability & ERS.
JBS : donot waste time onboard as everyone is in panic, contact ERS.


- I as a master will not waste time and check the conditions of the damage in the damage
stability booklet, if not the same cond. I will try and interpolate / match until help / reply recd
from ERS.

2. What is ERS? Requirement?

- Marpol Annex 1, reg. 28
- req. As per class
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- paid service
- all the information and survivability cond. is already given by class.

3. Did u have hypermist system onboard, requirements?

- MSC 1387

4. Any other extinguishing medium?

CO2 , requirements?

5. What are sea areas A1, A2, A3, A4

6. Method for cancellation of false alert.

- IMO A. 814(19)

7. What is ESP?
- SOLAS CHAP 11, 2 , reg 2
- IMO A.1049 (27)

8. CAS & CAP?

9. Define freight?

10. What is a safe port? Legal defination?

- wants to listen all the 5 points defined in the defination, please don't give short answer for this

11. What is the minimum draft required for launching a free fall life boat?
- same as the min. Draft required for a float free VDR, 4.5 mtrs.

12. Can u explain me the recovery procedure for a free fall life boat?
- explained same company procedure.

13. Why do most of the bulk carriers have a free fall life boat?

14. Why do bulk carriers sink fast as compared to other ship?

15. What is weather tight and water tight?

16. What is a scuttle?

- it is a opening fwd of the dead light in the port hole, below the main deck or freeboard deck.
- used to prevent ingress of water, has a rubber packing making is weather tight.
- has a glass window ahead of it which can be opened.
- usually found in cabins below main deck.

17. How many chapters in SOLAS, latest which ones, when did they came in force?
- 14 chapters
- chap 13 : 1st Jan 2016
- chap 14 : 1st jan 2017

18. What is chapt 12?

- additional safe practices for bulk carriers.
In brief tell me the contents, what all is there ?

19. What is putting by?

20. Explain me the procedure, how would u anchor?

- please start with selecting the chart( check latest edition, corrected upto latest NTM, largest
scale in use)
- deciding a place to anchor ( explain various factors , seabed and all)
- check current and wind, any other related factor.
- calculate the scope of the cable to use
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- carry out a BTM, explain my officers what have I decided.

- inform my chief officer about the plan & and ask him to carry out a tool box meeting/ briefing
to the anchor party.
- if any change in the plan, will keep every one informed so as to avoid 'one man error'
- put a mark on the radar and keep the position in mind while going to anchor.
- this much he wants to hear and then u can add up any other points.

21. What is a docking plan, docking survey?

- just after the DD is completed, and before the flooding , the mate with the master takes a
complete round to check the openings on the vessel's hull. Followed by the vaccum test.
-then the survey is carried out by the surveyor prior issuing any certificate.

22. Advantages and disadvantages of Multimodal transport?

- for disadvantage he wants to listen just two points
- small owners who have small packages to deliver have to wait for the complete container to
be filled, before the consignment can be shipped.
- aftr the container reaches the final destination, the packages are taken out and keep our in
the port for some time, for those who stay close by do collect the package on time but for the
ones far off, by the time they come and collect their package, it gets damaged on the port ( he
told me it has happened in the past many times)
This is the other disadvantage.
As the consignment is booked for one container only, not after the container is delivered.

23. History of Marpol 73/78?

Why is it called so?

24. Difference between Hague and Hague visby ?

Difference between Hague visby and Hamburg rules?
What does India follow?
Who is has advantage in Hague visby ?
- India follows Hague visby
- Ship owner has tSid, The advantage

25. What is Glass fiber & fibre glass? Where is it used on board? How will you repair your life
boat if damaged?

26. What do you know about the IMO NUMBER?

- SOLAS CHAP 11-1, Reg 3
Why did IMO number came into existence? - to safeguard from Maritime fraud.
How is it issued ? Who issues it?
- IHS FAIRPLAY changed to IHS LLOYDS. When does it change?
- NEVER ( FROM DELIVERY TO SCRAP YARD). Position where is has to be stencilled?

27. How many certificates are there onboard?

- I said sir a lot. I mean many of them, shall i say all of them, he's said okay what types of
certificate s are there?
- Mandatory , Statuary and Obligatory. Examples of each.

28. Who gave certificate on your last ship?

- I said class issues certificate.
Why not flag state, they are suppose to issue, is class and independent body, do they have
and existence without flag?
- My last class was DNV-GL
What is the full form of DNV-GL?
Earlier it was only DNV, why GL now?
1: what are ISO container

ISO container are international Organisation Standardised container.

2: Type of container:
Standard container
Open top container
Ventilated container
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Temperature controlled container

Bulk container
Tank container
3: Type of Open top containers:
Told him different size are available in open top. He told there are more types.
4: Make a Entry for dead in official log book:
All the symptoms was forwarded to CIRM, (International radio medical centre, delhi)
They declared that the alleged seaman is dead.
Along with that made a entry of PPE and money under his custody.
Any Balance of wages and any deduction.
And all the statement how it happened.
Signed by master, mates and one crew.
5: Convention, resolution, protocol:
Told him first resolution, then protocol and convention
Resolution: decision form in making by IMO assemble and sub committee with respect to
recommendation or amendment.
Its is an amendment to convention, which had been adopted, but not yet in force.
Of very vital information.
Convention: Multilateral treaty document which is legally binding and written agreement with
group of countries through common forum like IMO.
6: what is Grounding, stranding and foundering:
Grounding: generic term for grounding when ship bottom touches bottom
Stranding: Accidental grounding for certain period of time, with is not intentional. Intentional
grounding is called beaching.
Foundering: loss of intact stability, due to ingress of water.
7: ESP:
ESP as per solas chapter 11-1 and reg 2.
For bulk carrier, due to lot of accident were caused due to construction and enchased survey
was need. Tanker was also added due to nature of cargo she is carrying.
Content. Code of bulk carrier. Single hulled and double hull. Code for Tanker.
Double hull and other than double hull. Annes : close up survey for vessel which is Less than
5-10 year, 10-15 year, More than 5 year,
Annes: thickness measurement during the years given above..
Meeting is held with RO and Owner along with minimum criteria as mention in annex 1 and
annex 2 and history of vessel. Finally Condition evaluation report CER:
Content of CER, Tank coating condition. Detail of buckling, denting, indentation.
Substantial corrosion and condition of tanks and hull. Any Condition of class.
8: what is fiber glass and glass fiber:
Told him in woven available in fire blanket in galley and material used in lifeboat (reinforced
Told him don’t no difference, he told that glass fiber is the glass in the fiber which is removed,
didnt understood what he said.
9: lifeboat is damaged
Take a dispensation from flag state, carry out temporary repair with the kit available in the
lifeboat, inform company and will not use the lifeboat. Take a meeting with all onboard and
breif them about the condition. Cross questions, Then what. Told him next port authorized
repair team will come and carry out repair, and additional survey may required.
10: At what angle lashing material are tested:
Told him it should be at angle more than where maximum heeling can take place in fulfilling
damage stability, Told me what is angle, Told him more than 30, He want figure. He gave Ans
is 35 degree.
11: Dry Dock preparation during docking and after docking
Told him most important is stability, Stability must be meeting the intact stability during docking
and same is the requirement by the dock master. Will liaise with him.
Will carry out with the minimum trim, allowed by my stability criteria at that condition. And once
docked meeting will be held. He told all job finish now what?
Told him will undock with the same stability which was there during docking. Will compensate
for fresh water consumption and will transfer fuel if required to maintain the same condition.
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Ballast as i came it was unpumable, so all the of the ballast is drained for inspection and
12: Solas chapter name for 5, 9, 13, 14
5- safety of navigation
9- management for safe operation of ship
13- verification of compliance
14- safety measures for ship operating in polar water
13: Content of solas chapter 11-1 and 11-2
14: Area of polar code
South of 60 degree. North of 60 degree. Including Greenland. Excluding North sea and Iceland
Due to gulf current.
15: what is Salvage
Operation to carry out For removing dead and wrecked ship, cargo from sea.
First was Brussel - on basis of NO CURE NO PAY
Salvage convention 1989, Article 14 special compensation.
SCOPIC clause added in LOF
16: what is latest LOF
LOF 2020
17: what helped salvor in scopic?
He will get 3 million security. Have right to withdraw if security not provided in 2 days
No limit on geographical location and doesn’t have to prove that had took steps to minimise
environment damage.
18: what is squat?
Bodily sinkage of vessel, due to both when ship is in static or dynamic state.
Static due to movement of water underneath
Dynamic due to movement of vessel
Factor which affects squat are
Vessel speed
Block coefficient of vessel
Movement of water
Area under ship
19: Advantage of Multimodal and disadvantage of multimodal trade
Advantage told him that
Door to door service
Take responsibility for complete transport
Mostly done by container carrier also called combined transport carrier
Disadvantage :
Was not able to re-collect
Then he told me
Small shipper cant transport there good in complete container,
I told him sir but that have been overcome by NVOCC- non vessel operation container carrier
and use of bill like Groupage bill of lading,
On that he told that but the consignee had to wait for his cargo if it comes in groupage,
On that i told sir, its all insured and normally the freight forwarded and NVOCC take the
responsibility, and the time to reach is pre calculated and if as per terms between by the
NVOCC and small traded are violated then compensation given as per terms.
20: Difficulty faced by master on container trade:
1: High GM: make the ship very stiff and subject to high and voilent rolling, tell chief officer to
have optimum GM, which self had gained from sea experience by sailing
2: parametric rolling: due to pronounced flare and wide beam they are subject to this natural
phenomenon, will train duty officer on this and instruct them to call me
3: Windage area: mostly will affect my navigation at port, where speed is less, so will prior
entry take all the weather condition from the port control and agent, nowadays we have
computerised software and phone application which give us complete condition of weather and
also discuss with pilot coming onboard.
4: Rest hour: container trade subject to lot of port and short voyages.
Will have a meeting after joining and breif Head of department to pre-planning of rest hour
21: Hyper mist requirement
Passenger ship more than 500 gt
Cargo ship more tha 2000 gt
High pressure water from special nozzle to create mist help in cooling and create blanket
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Should work for minimum 30 min

How much quantity of water required, told him must be sufficient to work for 30, he ask him
how much quantity, I told sorry, He told me see the rate multiply by 30 you will the water

1. SOLAS - what do you understand of Chapter XI-1, XI- 2, XIII & XIV. CROSS QUESTIONS.


1) How will you administer as a master
2) Prep for PSC
3) Death on board in detail and log entry
4) MS act sections amendments
5) registration of ships with sections and cross questions
6) master refuses to hand over con
7) ROR sections rule by numbers and name random and annexes
8) ram/nuc actions when u see
9) in tss on ship not following lane - what will u do


10) Marpol 73/78 why when how

11) OPA 90
12) IOPC
13) Radar failures at sea
14) IAMSAR in detail
15) FFA engine room and hyper mist in detail
16) Casualty investigation code in detail with amendments
17) Abandon ship in detail cross questions- testing my patience
18) Deck foam system
19) Grounding/ Beaching /stranding
20) Adv/Disad MTO
21) Helicopter Operations in detail
1. What is HNS convention?
2. What is International compensation fund? convention?
3. When as a master you will abandon your vessel?
4. What is Casualty investigation code?
5. How will you carry out helicopter operation onboard your vessel?

6. What is P and I club? What all it cover? What is that it can cover also?
7.what is convention , Protocol and resolution?
8. What is Marpol 73/78 and why it is called that. Inforce date ?
9. Define timber vessel?what is different with other vessel.
10. How to register a ship in India?
11. What all stability data shipyard will provide to registrar?
12.What is ship in need of assistance? Define
13. What is the IMO circular related to ship in need of assistance?
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1. Latest Solas amendment

2. Differences between passenger ship and cruise ship
3. Who decide and why where will the passenger ship trade
4. Loadline
5. Registration of ship and why
Cross question
6. Why Marpol came?
7. Anchoring procedures and precautions


8. PSC detained ur vessel. Your action .... lot about this cross questioning.
9. Types of containers
10. Convention, prototype and resolution
11. What is safe port?
12. IMO structure
13. Marpol amendment
14. Close quarter and risk of collision define and cross question
15. Where is IMO headquarters and what is the difference between UK and London?
16. What are the stresses encountered on container and cross questions
17. Documents as per ism
18. Conduct of master or how as as a master, you will have control onboard and cross
Started off with a small introduction, which company, Pre sea training etc...
Asked me which college I did my ASM from and I told him my good college name,to which he
TEACH YOU TO PASS ORALS (wonder which college in India does that )
Started off by saying that he will ask general questions, and he wants to hear answer as a

Questions (not in sequence) :

- your ship is attacked, whom will you inform? (he doesn't mention pirates, it may be an act of
-PSC detained your ship, whom will you inform(after a while, when you are into your
answer,he will stop you and say- First of all, why did your ship get detained, what were you
doing as a master, you should know that your ship is due for Psc and must had prepared the
ship for inspection.... You are a poor administrator)
-what is a ship in need of assistance
- difference between close quarter situation n risk of collision (here also when you are into your
answer, he will stop you and say-why did your ship reach into this situation of close quarter or
collision... What type of master you are that you can't give proper instructions and training to
your officers)


-what is coc
-what is SDR and what is it's value
-when will IAMSAR take over MARS
- when did marpol come into force, why, when was it amended
-what is ATL & CTL
-what is P&I and what all claims is covered
- precautions while anchoring and what time will you prefer to anchor your ship
- what is different between conventions, protocols and resolutions
- fire in engine room what would b ur action..(main thing he wants to hear is you will be in
consultation with c/e and decide on releasing co2)
- when did mlc come into force
-how has mlc helped seafarers
- how will u prepare for hra.
- what precautions you will take while entering into TSS.
- how are ships registered
- what is solas chapter 3,5,7,12 and most important regulations in them.
-infringement of Master's over riding authority.
-how will you maintain discipline on ship
-how will you prepare your ship for pilotage(do not by mistake say that you will CHECK the
pilot card, per him, MASTER has to prepare/fill all the details in pilot card)
-things to be discussed in master pilot info exchange
-what causes a ship to turn.
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Started off with a small introduction...

Asked how well are u prepared n how did u which i replied that sir I've prepared
well along with my batch mates...he didnt like the idea of preparing with batch mates as they
have the same experience n mind frame...

- Difference between minimum manning n safe manning certificate
- Difference between close quarter situation n risk of collision
- IMO n its history
- Marpol n its history along with latest amendment
-what is P&I and what all is covered
- Throw output capacity of nozzles of fixed CO2 system and local hypermist system- i could
not answer this
- What do u understand by terms putting in, putting out, putting by - couldnt answer this
- Definition of contract of carriage, freight and money
- Precautions and procedures for anchoring a vlcc
- What are conventions, protocols and resolutions?
- What is the difference in piracy as per Unclos, MSA and BMP
- Why psc detain a vessel
- Fire in engine room what would b ur action...he does nt want to hear the entire procedure...all


he needs to knw if ull release fixed firefighting system or nt..

- wind force 7/8 effect on maneuverability of a 50000 t n vlcc.
- what mlc came into force
- how will u prepare for hra..again does nt want to listen d entire procedure
- how will u determine ur vessel is overloaded...doesnt want to hear use of draft marks
- U r in tss...vessels in close proximity of 1 mile vts ask u to stop ur vessel immediately...ur
- what is the chief purpose of registration of ships
- foreign flag vessel person dies onboard ur action...he wants a some different word for
shipping master in foreign ports
- what is solas chapter III and most important regulations
- what is solas chapter V and most important regulations
- what is a unstable ship..i even drew a unstable ship diagram...he wanted to hear something
- definition of seaman...why there was no onboard complain procedure in early shipping days
- can a master navigate in mandatory pilotage waters if hes confident...he wants to knw where
is this thing mentioned..couldnt answer where its written..
- pilot forces d master to change members of btm...ur action..

This show went on for nearly 2 hrs..there were few more irrelevant questions asked by him
which i m nt able to recollect...basically he has a set of question bank which he uses it and
wants the answer the way it is written in dat question set..questions are word to word as he
Introduction: You have done container ships throughout so you should know the trade in and
- I’d like to think yes sir
Are you prepared?
- yes sir
Why are you nervous? As a master you cant be nervous.


- sir I am nervous cuz its an exam, but i am confident about what I know and how I have
prepared. Ok, he said.

- containerships- benefits and let downs
- you found a stowaway 36 hours after sailing!
- what is imo number and its importance
-what is P&I and what all is covered
- Fire in engine room
- Grounding, beaching and foundering
- what all equipments connected to emergency switchboard
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- what are hague visby and hamburg rules

- precautions and procedures for anchoring
- Conventions, protocols and resolutions
- how, why and when marpol came into existence
- psc detained your vessel
- how will you maintain discipline onboard
- how will you prepare for drydock in and out
- what are iso type of containers
- what is GA and example
- if a container is on fire, the next container is getting affected, what is it called ( sympathetic
loss) - this he told by himself, i got confused!!!
- Description of eebd
- tell about ships routing
- difference between risj of collision and close quarters situation
- what is the chief purpose of registration of ships
- what is solas chapter III and most important regulations
- what is solas chapter V and most important regulations
- difference between piracy and terrorism
- stability details onboard
- what are hull underwriters
- what affects a ships turn

The above questions are word to word as he you can see sometimes its difficult to
gauge what is he looking for....also its apparent that he has a fixed set of questions from ages.
The catch is that he also has his fixed set of hand written answers which by the look of it
seems like written in the 80’s. He may let you speak non stop, but he has a set mind frame. If
you dont say the catch words/phrases that he wants, he wont be convinced. He will definitely
give you a 2 minute counter logic (sometimes alienating you) on every question he asks. So
roughly he asked me about 30 questions, but he penned down about twice more on my sheet.
Why marpol is called 73/78?
Reason it came.
When came in force full history?
What is yaw?
Full anchoring procedures.
Advantages and disadvantages of multimodal transport
When BWM is in force....why?


When will you abandon ship?

PSC gave you deficiency action.
Grounding stranding and foundering.
CIC code in force what and why?
IMO guidelines.
Stowaway found per what all?
Types of containers....describe them.
How will you calculate foam tank capacity....he showed me some calculations?
Solas full history.
No cross questioning but lectures on working culture onboard these days.
1) Why are masters not fit these days to carry out PSC tasks properly. Why are they not
keeping the vessel and its equipments up-to standards
2) What is putting up
3) asked what is Solas and its history
4) Case study of Torrey canyon disaster and who was the MRCC for the same
5) Actions in case of stoways onboard .What is the email id for STOWAY FOCAL POINT


6) Importance of Imo number

7) P and I club and what all it covers, he wants all the 21 points
8) Draw flags R, S and T
9) Solas reg on Emergency generator no. ,chapter and page no
10) Safe port definition in insurance.. He wants 4 points and not the general definition of safe
11) importance and principal needof COR.. he wants 4 points from marine insurance
12) Master has to go to a port which is out of Sar facilities, action
13) Make an official log book report for person death onboard
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14) Clc fund convention history ,max liabilities

15) IMO GUIDELINES on investigating,. Need for investigation as per IMO..

He wants only one line. No matter how much answer one gives, he has his own theory, he will
not allow you to answer, but will start answering. Oral taken for 2.5 hours, with most of the
time, he interrupting
SOLAS. Date came into force.
History. Titanic. Case study.
Previous versions. Explain chap 2-3-5-11.
Fire in engine room. Define freight.
Define COA. Multimodal transport.
Advantage disadvantage. Define ship in need of assistance.
Port of refuge. How will you carry out administration on board?


Who is master responsible to Port clearance, Who issue?

What is validity of port clearance? Why issued?
EEDI unit, To which ship does not apply?
Grounding beaching stranding. How will u maintain discipline on-board?
Type of LPG carrier. Type of freight payment modes.
Actual total loss. Total constructive loss.
When will u sign bill of lading. Limitations of ECDIS. X band s band radar how will u use for
How will checks bridge equipment’s in yard delivery? Fund convention.
Why vessel need flag state? Action when IG fail?
1. How will u carry out administrative duties on board ur vessel as a master?
I answered same like how I take over the vessel, getting info frm office, meeting with DPA and
supt and used lots of ISM words. Onboard I’ll carry out the meeting with management people
etc nd kept on saying what are the objectives need to achieve and all. Capt JB felt happy when
I lead towards commercial aspect that, ill make sure abt profit of the owner in my objective with
complying with all rules and regulation.
Capt JB review that teamwork need to b dre.
2. Anchoring procedure and precautions. Answered whatever I could.
Remarks from Capt JB: I have not given EOSP, also avoid using Safe speed. Use the word
Man. RPM to control the ship.
3. MLC implementation and how to carry out administrative duties on board. Given him all
possibility of MLC, how is it beneficial. Capt JB review: need to comply with it, since it is
mandatory now
4. OLB requirement’s and Entries
5. IMO no benefit and how it will b assigned, who issues it etc
6. Convention, Protocol and Resolution
7. Emergency generator supplies power to which all equipment


This one i told him the equipment’s and other power supply requirements
Capt JB review: SOLAS ch and reg no?? told him I m poor with no and cant remember any
nos. so pls giv some time I ll go and find out the same after the oral ends
9. Damage stability booklet
10. Who can sign the BL
11. How MARPOL came in force. All annexes names.
12. P and I, what is it and how many, Remembered all 21 points, and gave him all
13. Multimodal transport.
Answered whatever I knew abt it and diverted his ques by saying MTD negotiable and non
He then asked m how and what is that. Gave him the ans with ref to delivery.
Capt JB review: Better words to b used, instead of saying authorized to collect of his behalf,
14. Fire in engine room, action
Capt JB review: Forgot to mention that ll consult the opinion with Ch Eng (most imp point)
15. PSC onboard, vessel detained, action as a master.
This i answered as what is PSC and what they check and inspect,

He said vessel detained action, I told him that I ll find the reason and ll rectify the fault ASAP to
ensure vessel don’t get detained.
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No feedback on this by Capt JB

16. 3-4 more ques related to master qualities, answered whatever came in mind, leadership
qualities etc
17. What is COA? Contract of affraitment
Told him all what been taught in massa
18. Pulling up(PET ques)
19. Grounding, beaching and foundering
20. Berthing of vessel frm Astern tide, STBD side alongside
Then for about 5 mins without asking a single questn started writing on my oral sheet.
After about completing 6-7 lines asked me my first questn:
1. How will you carry out administrative duties onboard ur vessel as a Master ? I could not
hear it properly, so asked can u plz say agn. He asked did u understand the qustn, I said no.
Then he asked how u would make sure that onboard ur vessel everybdy carry out duties as u
want. I started out by saying i would encourage everybody to carry out any operation with due
diligence to all rules n regs as applicable. Moreover, wil nt encourage any illegal activity. For
example wil ask Ch mate to carry out all the cargo operations with due regard to all required
applicable rules n regs especially Solas, marpol, stcw, Ism. He asked me which is the most
important one. I told all are imprtnt including IBC, IGC, IMDG etc as per the type of the ship m
working on. He said no soon Loadline convention is the most imprtnt n continued with proving
His point for next 5 mins.
2. When wil u sign a BL ?
I said i check all the entries including cargo qty, port names, master name, freight rate shud nt
be mentioned blah blah. He asked me most imprtnt thing. I went on adding few more things he
himself then told that you shud look for ‘Freight payable at’ stamp on the bl. I told him so far i
hvnt seen any of this stamp on so many bl’s i hve come across. To that he said thats the issue
u guys dont knw wat to see n where u refer al this. Went on for another 5 mins explaining
things relating to this.
3. Who can sign on BL apart frm Master ?
I replied in case of EDP Master gives LOA to agent n hence he can sign. He asked bt whose
name. I told him prior arrival we receive a msge as to our agent details for the concerned port,
hence we wil put the name as per the details provided. He want to knw which person wil sign,
can a peon of the agency sign. I told him the highest rank of the agency or the otherwise

authorised person. Finally he gave the answer the person registered as the custom office can

sign. It can be 1 or more persons. 5 mins explanation agn.

4. In force dates of Solas, marpol, mlc
5. Why Marpol came into force?
6. How u will take over a vessel from yard 10 days prior delivery n dep. You tell all the possible
things in the world like i did, he wil ask the most imprtnt thing. Which off-course i couldn’t tell to
which He replied you wil check the results of sea trail report. I told him Sir nrmly Master n
Cheng are always present during sea trail. To which he explained sumtimes after sea trail
master can sign off due to some problem n then u hve to join then u vl hve to check sea trail
report. I kept mum nw.
7. What is safe port ?
I told port where we hve sufficient waters to keep vl alwys afloat n where there is no political
outcry or any kind of war state. He told me u are nt saying all the possibilities n gave his notes.
Answer is to cover al 5 points frm his notes. Safely afloat, no obstruction in the channel, hve
enuf trade facilities, no state of war or political tension, no need to cut ships mast.
8. What is Convention, resolution n protocol. I started with convention he told first there is
resolution, then protocol n then comes convention. Went on to next qustn.
9. Grounding, stranding n foundering
10. Link between Statutory n Certificate of class. If CoC is suspended all Stat certs become
11. Indian ocean mou, Tokya mou n Paris mou.
12. IACS members. He wants all names. I missed one.
13. P & I coverage. Agn he wants all 21. I missed few.
14. What are Hague, HV n Hamburg rules ?
I started with Hague rules came first in 1924 as act for carriage of goods at sea. Went on
further to name a few provisions under Hague. He stopped me and told that Hague came first,
HV came as an amendment to Hague, then came Hamburg as an amendment to HV.
Changed to next qustn.
15. VEF u answer watever he wants to listen only that used to compare ship n shore figs.
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16. Cargo to load which nt mentioned in COF. I told him permission frm Class required by
giving all the req details n info abt the cargo to class. Class then in communication with load n
disch port will assess the situation n provide the req permission. Only then can load. He wants
to listen that ask permission frm class, class will assess n then list of things to carry out prior
approval. Discuss with charterers abt the sane n then proceed further. Changed qustn.
17. Why Grain n Imsbc code are different codes ?
18. Baltic n Mediterranean moor.
19. Fund convention
20. Can MTO declare GA. I had read in the Act that if incorporated in the MTD, MTO can go
for GA. I think he wanted to listen no he can’t declare.
21. Chmate after 36hrs finds stowaway n reports u. I started as per his sets that breach of dep
checklist. Stowaway checklist prior dep nt followed diligently. He wants to listen this.
Taking over vessel from yard. ROR annexure.
MTD advantages and disadvantage. Type of ISO containers.


Putting bye. Anchoring.

Convention protocol ammendents. Diff between roc and close quarter.
Marpol - how it came and Annexure. EMG gen requirement.
IMO no why it came. Terriosm and new area of piracy.
Baltic and spider mooring. Safe port- he has some point in his own notes.
Fire in E/r. Grounding, stranding and foundering.
1. SOLAS chapter 2 , 3, 5 and 11.2, all in details
2. Why marpol came in force?
3. Marpol Annex 6 in details
4. Fire in E/R, Action?
5. What is grounding, standing & foundering?
6. What is putting bye?
7. MLC title 2 in details

8. Hague, hague visby and hamburg rules?

9. Multimodal transport
10. Visibility criteria as per SOLAS
11. Function of P&I ?
12. Difference between Risk of collision & close quarter situation?
13. Why ship registry required? As per what?
14. Full form IALA?
15. OLB required as per which regulation?
16. Entries in OLB
17. Life boat made of which material?
18. B/L and types of B/L?
How will you implement administration on board
What is innocent passage as per UNCLOS.
Importance of COR
What all items covered by P and I.
Advantages and disadvantages of multiple modal transport.
Berth a ship with current from astern and stbd side alongside.
Anchoring procedure.
Functions of BL.
If BL is evidence of contract then where is the contract.

Types of BL

IMO number why is it required.

IMO Structure
Spider Mooring
OLB why required and entries
Grounding Stranding Foundering
Who pays for ransom if ship arrested
Convention Protocol Reselution
Indian MOU countries
Baltic Mooring
MLC how is it beneficial
Emergency Contingency and Accident
Can MTO declare General Average
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WGS 84

What is innocent passage as per UNCLOS.

What is Prized Ship
Importance of COR
Structure Of ROR
ROR Annexes.
What is ordinary practice of seamanship.
What is the difference between ROC and close quarter situation.
Explain Integrated Navigation System.


What all items covered by P and I.

Advantages and disadvantages of multiple modal transport.
Berth a ship with current from astern and stbd side alongside.
Anchoring procedure.
Functions of BL.
If BL is evidence of contract then where is the contract.
Types of BL
IMO number why is it required.
Voyage from cape Town to New York. Both radars fail two days after sailing. Action ?
Categories of Garbage as per Marpol annex 5.
Types of fire.
Fire fighting arrangements in E/Rm.
1. Precautions & preparations for anchorage ?
Start from passage plan ......
2. What is P&I club ?
3. What all expenses does P & I club covers.
(I mentioned around 25, he said it’s 21 and gave me the paper from his blue bag to read).
4. As per IMO when does a master decide to abandon ship ?
Ans: He wants to hear As per the masters professional judgement.
5. Rule # 10
6. Can a ship violate rule # 10
Ans: yes if it’s a RAM Vsl
7. He asked me to make a OLB entry of death onboard ?
8. When did MLC come in to force, he wants the date, I guess it’s 20-Aug-13.
9. When did Wreck Removal Convention come into force (He wants the date)?
10. When did Marpol Come into force, again he wants date!! I told it’s around 1981, he said as


a Indian don’t forget it’s 02-Oct-1983.

11. Drew a channel with flood tide asked me to Berth the vsl Stbd alongside ?
12. What is MTD ?
13. General Average during Multimodal Transport, what is MTOs duty ?
14. How many types of BL ?
As per him it’s 14.
15. Some more details about MLC, like when can a crew refuse work etc etc ?
16. IMO Nav Bridge Visibility Criteria ? (mention all 3 2Ship Length or 500 mtr whichever
less, for 10 deg no blind sector and 225 deg horizontal field vision)
17. Significance of IMO # (He wants to hear to avoid maritime fraud)
18. Foam tank on deck it’s capacity & rate ? ( was not happy with the FSS code answer of 0.6
ltr/min/ and 20/30 mins with IG/ without IG)
19. You are going to take over a ship, master not giving you command ?
20. Damage stability booklet, it’s content, what’s the first thing Master will look at in a Damage
stab booklet ?
21. Salvage convention / LOF 2011, SCOPIC?
22. Significance of Casualty Investigation Code? (To bring in uniformity in the Investigations).
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Registration benefits.
Close qtr and risk of collision .
Human resources mgmt.
Legality of container.
Unseaworthy ship
PSC detains action


Solas chapter 9
Solas chapter 11-1
Solas chapter 11-2
Master discretion example
Special measures in container ships construction features
Anchoring procedure
Prior berthing safety procedure to be followed.
Who oversees ships flag states.
Your company IMO no.
Oral started on a negative note asking me why I haven't got promoted to chief mate and this
fact came up 2 to 3 times during the oral.
1.Solas Chapter IX-1 contents
2. How often will you conduct thickness measurements?
3.Taking over a 2nd hand vessel with class IR and now you have to change class to DNV..
How will DNV change over classification, What will you check... I told him certificates and a lot
more but he wanted to hear the words "Dnv surveyor will conduct a thorough survey of the
4.Definition of Accident.. I did not know this
5. How many items are covered under P&I.. He wants to hear 19 even though I think there a
're more than 19.. but for him 19 is the right answer
6.Preperarions for docking and undocking of a ship in DD.. he wants to hear that the ship
should come out in the same condition as she went In
7.When will you disconnect the shore power when it departing a dry dock.. He wants to hear
after the water level is above the sea suction pipes of the cooling system only then you will tell
CE to start and bring generators onload
8.MLC... why the need for a new convention

9.What is the most important thing of the Certificate if Registry.. he wanted a one word

answer.. the answer is "insurance " he's not satisfied with trading or Identity certificate
10.Definition of grounding stranding and foundering
11.Fire fighting in ER.. told him everything from the discussions on the group and net but he
was not satisfied
12.Hazardous cargo... certificate of will you go about if asked to load a cargo not
in Cof.. I told him I will get dispensation or approval from class but he wanted to hear that we
should ask the class survey what all amendments have to be made to machinery and
equipment for the new cargo and endorse the COF for those amendments
13.Spider mooring
14. Berthing stbd side alongside with stern current in river
15. How will you ensure your authority and administration and ensure your ship is complying
with all the requirements and your officers know their job
16.How will you take over a new ship in dry dock.. told him alot on this topic but he wants to
hear that you will have a meeting with the "Dpa" in office and obtain the sea trial results to
ensure the engines performance is good .. then u will go onboard and as CE to calculate
bunkers required based on engines performance
17.Definition of unseaworthy ship.. have him definition as per Msa first but as I was going to
continue he said your ship is unseaworthy if even one certificate is invalid.. so he wants you to
start with that point
18. You find a stowaway.. Actions.. First he wants to hear the term " stowaway focal point"
Telling him anything else is almost useless.
1. Taking over as a master, how will you implement the ADMINISTRATION AND


Ans: As per his sets....Important point is to allocate jobs and taking information from all
departments c/o, 2/o, 3/0, CE.
2) Port clearance? What? When? How?
Ans: normal answer (Caution: he wanted to hear that custom will make sure that cargo is
LEGAL CARGO prior issuing PC.
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Validity:48 hrs confirmed with Capt. JB singh.

3) P and I club? And what all things covered?
Ans: Total 19 as per his sets. Made me read all 19 points.
4) Vessel loaded from kharg island for Mediterranean, hijacked near the coast of Somalia.
Who will pay for ransom.
Ans:I Said General average... Then he said that mostly there is no general average for tanker
cargo as multiple owners are not involved mostly, now who will pay.
Owner to take Additional war risk/HRA cover (on my last ship we used inform p and I club
prior entering HRA. (Caution :word used is RANSOM and not piracy.
Ans: normal answer as per his sets. (do not forget the word SAFER PLACE)
6)Solas ch 5 in general..
7) SOLAS ch 9 contents and what is the aim of chapter?
8) OLB? Why OLB is required? Make entry for death onboard.
9 ) E/R fire. Action as master?
10) E/R flooded. Will the ship sink? What do you think?
Ans: master to ascertain that if the final water line after flooding is below the lower edge of the
any opening through which the progressive flooding can take place. If yes the ship can sink.
11) Grounding, stranding, and foundering?
Ans : grounding - vessel touches ground. Stranding - vessels touches ground and cannot be
refloated. Foundering - Loss of intact buoyancy.
Caution : world is the intact buoyancy and not the positive buoyancy.
12) COR? Why is it require?
Ans: It establishes the nationality of ship. Ship can enjoy the privilege of that nationality. Cor
is important for TRADE AND FINANCE and INSURANCE.
13) IMO number?
14) To what all ships Imo number is applicable and why is it necessary?
Ans: All commercial ships. To prevent maritime frauds and malpractices (Capt. JB singh has
sailed on a ships without Imo numbers so you will face the cross questions).
14) Carriage of goods at sea by which rules?
Ans: Hague, Hague Visby and Hamburg
15) What is hague, Hague visby and hamburg rules?
Caution: To this question please say that hague came in 1924. Hague Visby is amendment to
Hague rules in 1968 and Hamburg is more advanced rules came in force 1992. He was happy.
16) Amendment to MLC and MSA
17) When Mlc came in force?
18) Why marpol 73/78? Why marpol was introduced.
Ans : because torry canyon disaster.
19) Torry canyon disaster? Date ? Place?
Ans: 1967 south west of England.
20) Date marpol came into force?” Indian Seafarers should not forget this date’’.
Ans: 2nd October 1983.
21) Current from behind in narrow channel berth the vessel stbd side alongside?
Ans: He wants to hear about the turning circle. That is the place you will turn your vessel and
keep the angle minimum with jetty.
22) Mediterranean and baltic mooring? Draw and explain?
23) What is Multimodal transport and its advantage?
24) GA in Multimodal?
Ans: MTO is responsible from the point he takes the charge of the goods till the delivery so no
25) Abandon ship as per imo?
Ans: professional judgment of master when the ship is unsafe.
1. How will you ensure there are no accidents and incidents onboard?? (Here he doesnt want
any Ism or any other funda ,he just wants to hear the words management and
administration.Being a senior master he has his own set of correct terminology and he just


wants to hear them)

2. Proceeding to an anchorage and anchoring ?
3. Entries to be made in OLB and entry for a deceased seaman.
4. Grounding,stranding and foundering
5. P and I club ? What does it not cover ?
6. EEBD ?
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7. Why was Marpol implemented ?

8. What is Solas chapter 11 ? General contents ? ( I was clueless ,but still started to give some
vague funda related to bulk carriers which he didnt listen to carefully as he was distracted by
Capt Azad . The situation was advantageous to me as i hardly spoke some words and stopped
and after he was done he thought i had given some satisfying answer and went to the next
questn )
9. Engine room fire fighting procedure.
10. Unseaworthy ship ( Dont quote Ms act)
11. Dealing with incompetent Junior officers?
12. Cargo is short at discharge port ? Actions ?
13. You found a stowaway onboard after carrying out search at the dep port . Who will you
blame and why didnt your chief officer(Security off) carry it out diligently? Actions ?
14. Loading grain ?
15. Intact stability criteria
16. Action on grounding
17. Requirements in solas relating to steering and navigation.(Just answered anything i knew
about steering.
He is a senior master and wouldn’t agree with most of the things you answer, but will be
lenient when it comes to giving the marks.So dont get disheartened and keep answering.
1. As a master how will u do administration on your ship....I spoke max on this. Covered all
practical n theoretical aspects. As I didn't stop, he changed the question
2. Solas chap XI. I spoke whatever I could, Finally he interrupted. What is csr ... Again went for
4. Chap 9 of solas... I spelt out full about ism code including it's chapter, stopped gave his
book showed me titles of chap 9 of solas, I said I went to the code....He said not required
4. Olb, y is it required. Flag state requirement. Entries. I started stating what ever I read, he
interuppted, where do u get that stuff ... He wanted to listen ''given in front of it''.
5.Putting up....This is his favourite question... I said I can't recollect. He asked me to find out,
It's intentional beaching to avoid collision in a narrow channel. He asked me y I could not
answer initially, r u nervous, I said little bit. U r going to be Master can't afford to be nervous, I
said sorry
6. Close quarter situation and risk of collision. Contact/ no contact.
7. Fire in engine room...I went in depth. Local then fire fighters then fixed then post checks
then last ship story.
8.Grounding, stranding and foundering. I explained with d definition. Not satisfied, For d
second time he sent me out, I still felt it as a good sign. For foundering- loss of intact stability.
9. pi and fi.
10. Manoeuvring... Berthing stbd side no tug no thruster up stream tide from behind. I gave


answer as per ship handling. He wanted to listen turning area available in the river, I argued
stating my answer was based on available data... He agreed....But said I was looking for
turning area.
11. Unseaworthy. I gave ms act definition. Not satisfied....If material not satisfactory what was
class doing
I said stowage not fit for next intended voyage what were u doing as Master then, I said invalid
certificates, how's that possible. I said expired certificates, what were u doing, To this he didn't
give me the expected answer.....But said just don't go only by the books
12. Why cor is important, I said trade. What else, Finance.....No one will finance ur vsl
13. IMO guidelines for Master to abandon ship. I started giving general condition how to
decide. He said what does IMO say, Professional judgement of master when its unsafe to stay
14. Latest amendment of MS ACT. For this I clearly said I don't know.
15. IMO number, Caught the point,asked me to repeat.... I said required by SOLAS .... But who
issues it
Asked me to find out and come. IHS Fair play, part of Lloyd's Register
16. Who can impose restrictions on vessel trade. I said flag state and insurance company. He
gave me his book and asked me to read. Even class can- ice restrictions, he gave the
explanation, Another for passenger ships, I can't recollect.
17. why did marpol came and when, Torrey canyon and 2nd october 1983
18.Hague and Hague Visby... Also difference.
19. Multimodal transport- explained in detail
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My last vessel was Genessa which was on fire at Kandla in January. Lot of questions on it,
sort of enquiry on me. Here we had discussed on Abandon ship and fire which happened in
1) As a Master how will do you administration of ship and training of officers under command
2) Spider mooring
3) SOLAS chapter 11 discussion and PSC as per chapter 11-1
4) PSC rights and duties as per Res. 1052(27)
5) Grounding, Stranding, Foundering
6) Chief Officer says stowaway on board after 36 hrs of departure. Action. End of this I added
ongoing Rohingyas news and told they are also Stowaways but land stowaways. Here both
internal and external started looking at me and kept listening to me for next 10 mins. I brought
human rights in and politics of Myanmar against Rohingyas.
7) Fire in Engine room. Action
8) Difference between risk of collision and close quarter situation
9) Define: convention, protocol, resolution
10) Define port safe, lot of discussion. He finally gave me his book where answers are written
and asked to tick what all I said.
11) P&I club and what all it covers
12) Various funds - CLC, Fund, Supplementary

13) Unseaworthy ship Define

14) PSC detained vessel. Action. Lot of discussion
15) What is IMO no and who issues it and what’s the importance
16) Multimodal transport - here I had taken over JB as I am from chartering in shore and I was
just waiting for commercial topic. I kept on telling Charter party on various occasions to
provoke him to ask me this C/P
— Next question What is your understanding on charter party and clauses. I took a long deep
breathe and stared. Spoke for non-stop 15 mins and explained each and every point of charter
party including shell time charter party. By then again Both surveyors started listening to me
and by their face I was sure I m at the Helm of the topic.
17) Damage control plan and booklet
18) Why MARPOL 73/78
19) Statutory and Mandatory certificates
20. Paris MOU and Tokyo MOU - explain
21. To which ships MARPOL apply
22. Imo resolution for encountering following and quarter seas and explain what is it and what
will happen
23. What is SDR and limits of funds
24. PI & FI
25. General Average in Multimodal transport
26. Ship is hijacked by Somalian pirates. Who will pay for ransom. Here explained him ransom
to arbitration to insurance.
27. Hyper Mist.
Started with general intro on how i have come in this field n so on l...
1. Types of ships
2. What diff in panamax cape and vloc wrt what they are different.
3. Y there damage stability criteria differs {vloc is double skin whr panamax generally single
4. Hw does fast load rate matter and its effect.
5. How ll u prepare ur hold for differnt cargo
6. Chemical used for same

7. Dg cargo segreegation

8. Hw to make dg cargo manifest.

9. What is lime wash. He was more on cargo part as due to my previous remarks
10. Yard delivery take over implement ISM{want here also abt cert which he has reminded me}
11. Enclosed space entry procedure.
12. Procedure for 0 calibration of o2 meter. I told him abt multi gas detector, he was suprised
to here that i ws having multigas detector no o2 meter. So as per him nitrogen gas is provided
for 0 calibration of o2 meter.}
13. Ror situations one training ship on port hlf point 1 nm ahead action.
14. Pi fi.
Capt. Jha was gentlemen calm and will help u if u gets stuck
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Started with general introduction what companies i have sailed with from cadetship
1. Don’t u feel uneasy in wearing suit while orals.
2. who inspire u to join this field.
3. U r joining ur company as master how u will go about it?
4. u will be passing Singapore strait how u will go about it
5. U reached pilot station pilot says wait for one hour ?what u will do ? He wants to hear u will
go back half hr and come back again half hr total one hr?
6.u dropped anchor in Singapore strait but because of depth it’s hanging ur action? As per him
maximum windlass power is 11 Ton so if u have three shackles hanging the total weigh of
anchor plus three shackle will be around 14 t so will not be able to pick it up. That’s what he

want to hear.

7.whats the difference between damage stability of bulk carrier and tanker? He wants to hear
something related to raised construction of bow in bulk carrier?
8. How will you load Class 1 IMDg cargo onboard?
9.ur second mate told u that cadet is missing from last 4hrs action.if he is not found how will u
decide to stop serach?
10.Crew died onboard action and how will u safeguard owner interest?
11.what will u do if ur crew will not get paid on time as in case of Varun shipping ? He wants
that u will contact shipping master.
11.Crew member is injured u have to evacuate by helicopter action
12 how will u go about registering Indian ship.
13 what all certificate will change wid change of flag?
14 how will u abandon ship?
Started with introduction.
Status of written exam - I said I gave my writtens in January awaiting results. So he then asked
what wer the toughest question is writtens and I explained 2 questions and answers.
Safe manning certificate - how is it decided, which operation as per u require most manning - I
said mooring and he was satisfied, can manning be reduced nd cross questions on this,
PSC inspection preps - can detention be appealed against, procedure as per Indian psc
As a master how will u take over a ship,
Cargo record book entries and procedure,
Chemical tanker type of ships as per ibc, my experience with diff Chemical cargoes,

Categories of cargo as per Marpol and 2. How they r decided,


Latest IBC code amendment,

Emergency on-board like fire on deck, oil spill action as master ,
Ror situations in Singapore strait crossing and overtaking, pilot delayed action in Singapore
Difference between narrow channel and TSS,
Berthing vessel with one tug and bow thruster stbd side,
Turning circle draw and explain . Last ship turning circle, if u r on ultra large tanker or container
what will be different in turning circle and why.
What is major difference as master on small chem tanker and ultra large container,
R u aware of latest collision near China coast. Action as a master on that tanker,
Ammendment of mlc, as master ur action if Vsl in Dubai coast and owner has abandoned ship
not paid wages, no prov no water,
1. What happened in your last attempt? Brief Discussion on my Past Questions which I
2. Taking Over a Vessel from a different Owner for your own Company what all will you check
and go about? How will you obtain Certificate of Registry if Flag State, Class and Owner
3. What is Code 30,17 of PSC?

Give Examples

4. Explain Dry Dock Survey and How will you prepare the vessel for Dry Dock?
5. What all Certificates will be updated during Dry Dock?
6. Explain about Fixed CO2 system
7. Which System you had on previous Ship- I said Foam . There is a fire in the E/R please tell
me how will you go about it and who will take the call for Releasing the CO2 or Foam in the
8. What all information you will get from Manouevering Booklet and Wheel House Poster? How
will you calculate the Stopping Distance?
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9. Explain Deep Water Anchoring and the Precautions. Cross Question wrt to speed, turning
10. 4 to 5 ROR situations. (RV, Overtaking, TSS) then asked to Explain Rule 6 Safe Speed in
your own Words. He likes it when u give examples. Explain Rule 2 in your Own Words.
11. Narrow Channel Sound Signals. Will You Overtake a vessel in Narrow Channel?
Cross Questioning Here.
12. Explain Interaction for a ship Overtaking and Ship Head On in a Narrow Channel.
13. What all checks as a Master you will carry out prior entering a TSS( Singapore or English
Channel) .
14. How will you Monitor Depth , UKC besides Echo Sounder. In Channel with UKC reducing
how will you come to know? ( he wants to hear Vibrations and Speed Change). What will you
do about it? (Reduce Speed to increase UKC- he said Very good after).
Lot of Cross Questioning wrt Ship handling and Manouevering ( 10mins)
15. What is the changes in the latest LOF? What is SCOPIC?
16. Latest Amendments of ISM
17. Latest Amendments of MLC
18. Your Owner stops providing you food, stops giving Salaries to all crew. STRANDS YOU..
Action as Master? Who will you Approach?
19. Is NUSI affiliated to ITF?
20. How will you carry out Calibration of your Gas Equipments?
21. Enclosed space Entry Procedures.? Handling Of Sluge etc
22. Company Procedures for Permit to Work and Risk Assessment? What as a Master you will
ensure? ( He wants to hear No Negligence with respect to Safety).
Very few topics asked, very practical questions, take a pause construct the answer and deliver
I have written the answers which I gave as I feel these could be relevant if you face such
questions because they mentioned that they both were happy with these answers, not sure
about correctness of each and everything. Bit lengthy, so those who dont like to read much can
give it a pass. Here it starts....
Casual but important (because questioning started from within this) conversation started by
Capt. Joseph:
Why do you think we are taking orals.
Described the role of Master onboard a ship first and closed the answer by relating it to question.


Are you prepared as per what you just said. Yes.

How did you prepare. As per the structured syllabus available referring to IMO
instruments(named conventions) and codes.
What do you think are qualities of a Master? A good leader, mentor, knowledgeable,
accountable. These qualities will lead him to be confident in delivering his own duties and get
the job done as per the regulations from his officers/crew and handle third party
officials/authorities/agencies efficiently.
Do you have these qualities. Yes.
Give examples where you have performed jobs highlighting these qualities while working
onboard as chief officer. Gave few examples of management, dealing with shore
authorities/pilot, mentoring juniors etc.
Have you carried out anchoring operation under Master's guidance. Yes.
1) Pressure testing of Bunker line..procedure and interval
2) PSC, why required and legality? Lot of cross questions in this
Ans- Particularly he wants to hear to protect their own ports
3) While on E/R Rounds what will you check regarding to electrical?
Ans- Insulation Mats which should of type approved with certificate
4) Hypermist requirements in detail, how will u ensure that minimum water required for

Hypermist is not being used for domestic purpose.


Ans- other than the normal requirements..the connected water tank should be fitted with alarm
system which warns if water reaches to that Level.
Also domestic purpose suction of water tank connected to hypermist should be at higher level
so that minimum water required is not used
These things are called Fail safe devices
5) Taking over as Master..what will you check at Gangway with reference to Lifebuoy
Ans- Other than normal things, Capt KHAMBATA says lifeline not to be connected with Buoy,
which i was not aware
6) Catzoc, posacc, souacc and read me text files with Reference to Ecdis
Ans- Posacc is position accuracy and souacc is sounding accuracy
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7) Use of Iridium/thuraya phone on Indian coast?

Ans-Banned to use on indian coast
8) Audit, Inspection Survey?( asked by Capt Manhas)
9) EDP?
10) As Master role ij bunkering?
11) Some term catfins related to bunker..i did not answer?
12) Cappuccino Bunker.( this question came as I mentioned as a precaution while explaining
bunker duties)
13) Cargo finished at 2354 hrs on 13 date and B/L came on 14..what will u check in B/L
Ans- Date should be of 13 only in B/L, rest normal checks
14) special requirements of lifeboat on Tankers?
Ans- Air Support system and Sprinkler
15) 2nd Eng called you and reported Chief engg not picking up phone, Action as Master?
Ans- I started with, I will call up his cabin, and common places check for him, cant find then, I
will take Chief mate and 2nd Eng with me and go to His cabin as he might be in problem or
drunk etc
Ques- After entering in his Cabin u found him dead..what now? Other than all things as to
reporting etc.he want to listen only that u will take photographic evident and ensure no
evidance has been tempered, as soon as Intood this he stopped and jumped to next question
Capt KHAMBATA do not want to listen to all procedure of reporting to Cirm and all.
16) Latent Heat defination?
17) difference Between Position Plotting and monitoring?
Ans- Plotting by Gps and other means and Monitoring by Parallel Indexing
18) certificates which dont have Expiry?
Ans- Cor, Safe manning, IEEC, Csr
19) Emergency fire pump?
20) U got call saying that Your Epirb is transmitting distress alert, after verifying it u found
Epirb in off position but it is transmitting how you go about it?
Ans- Wrap the Eprib in Aluminium foil to stop the transmission or we can remove battery also
but that will take longer time..then followed by cancellation of distress alert as normal
some more practical question which i am unable to recall.
1. Who is disponent owner
2. Types of Charter parties
3. Clauses in b/l and charter party
4. What is DMLC part 1 and 2
5. In case of medical emergency whom will you contact in high seas ( he wanted to hear
medical support as per mlc )
6. Distress alert on HF actions
Lot of cross questions

7. Abandon ship procedure in detail


8. Marpol disch criteria for annex 1

9. What is EEDI and EEOI
10. Ship recycling in detail
11. Green passport
12. Blue card / green card
13. Psc in detail
14. Passenger ship as per MS act
15. Assisting on receiving distress alert as per Ms act
16. Master pilot info exchange
17. Emergency generator fuel tank capacity
18. Amendments in Ms act
19. Diff between stcw and opa 90 rest hours
Login by Microsoft teams & share screen through same only. "Anydesk" software was not

Recvd link at 0830 by email from Capt. Manhas & reqd exn form(signed), form 29, admit card
to be sent. Link will be activated at 0900.
Attendance taken around 0930. Room inspected. He asked me to show hard copy of
Passport, CDC, COC. Then, on blank paper he asked me to write date, time , sign & show to
him through camera
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External:- Capt. Khambatta (1 hr 15 min)

Short introduction about myself, types of ship sailed & rank experience
IG fail on product tanker - action as per master?
can u disch without ig on product tanker
can u disch without ig on crude oil tanker
Working aloft to be carried out. how will u proceed
Safety Harness maintenance
bill of lading & types
what is non-negotiable BL
what information is mentioned on BL...cross-question on same
both to blame collision clause
what is LOI...purpose
Does LOI has importance during cargo dispute in court
Rotterdam rules
u see other Vsl in distress...take action as per Solas & ms act
what are the conditions when u will not proceed to assist
what ship's info is transmitted through epirb
what is hex id
epirb shore based maintenance details
epirb performance standards
autopilot -- what are the functions of rudder control & counter rudder
GPS...RAIM function (this I couldn't answer)
u r taking over a ship -- yard delivery (this answer took almost 7-10 detail..)
as a master u want to conduct aft ETA training, how will u conduct onboard
aft ETA reqmt
Snapback zones marking on deck reqd? ... (I said not reqd as per MEG4) ....he said correct &
then asked how else u will mark these mooring areas..
Iceberg sighted right ahead.....take action
Now this iceberg was not mentioned in any safety msgs....your duty as master & what u will do
Quartering seas, dangers associated with same, synchronous rolling, parametric rolling,
avoiding action (I told full msc circular 1228)
general average defn & example
ISPS code security levels
what u will do at security level 2
what will be your priority safety or security? (I said at level 3 security will be priority, rest all
safety)...he said correct
what is COF, if cargo is not mentioned in COF, what action...little cross question
if cargo is mentioned in COF , will u directly load cargo ?...(I said no....will request
charterers/shipper for msds/info of chemical to be loaded, cross-check in resistance guide list
onboard, & see if compatible with tank coating because if COF has not been amended after
change in tank coating)...he said correct
Salvage, Scopic LOF
NUC lights, shapes, sound signal
Aground vessel lights, shapes, sound signal




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16- NMB
23- SEEMP?
1. Function of telemotor in steering system.
2. Sire inspection.
3. Hyperrmist locations and why instead og sprinkler.
4. Nox technical file content.
5. Ram frequency in gps.
6. Why we use vhf on low power in port or at an chorage.
7. VDR and SVDR requirement
8. IMDG code available on some tanker why.
9. Cargo contaminated action.

10. Two way ram and 4 way ram steering.


11. As master which one u will preefer contract or lof.

12. As per isps which is the prime option safety or security. He said always safety over security
only in security level 3 security over safety.
13. Factor for bow or stern squating- its block coefficient 0.7 criteria.
14. Form a and form b in one of the statutory certificate regarding tanker.
15. Polar code polar water ooerational.manual details and applicable to which ship.
16. Minimum speed in congested anchorage area.
17. Anchoring in congested anchorage area.
18. Mob procedure which turn u will preefer.
19. London dumping convention.
20. What is non negotiable bill of lading.
21. Shadow and blind sector and how to avoid it.
22. Types of ballast water method in dilution method requirement.
1. Vessel received HF DSC distress alert, what is your action.. Monitor for sometime for any
Ack by shore station, or any ship station in the vicinity, check position of the vsl. Lot of cross
question, will u proceed to rescue! I said if there are no ships around and help is not arrived
then I will proceed, he said but I gave u hf frequency, I said I will relay the distress alert and
enter in the log down and for reason why not proceeding to assist.
2. DMLC part 1 and 2. Normal description of Part 1 flag state, part 2 owner's duty.
3. What is the certificate with respect to Wreck removal convention, validity of the certificate.
Insurance Certificate of financial security for wreck removal, validity 12 months.
4. What is the stand on Safety or security as per various security levels. Explain security level

2 and 3.
I said safety overrides security, he said what if I say no. Then he explained me that only under
security level 3, safety and security of the vessel is equivalent. Bcoz at level 3 u can't do much,
u will lock down every access and hide and only means to escape will be there. Outside
people cannot come as well.
5. Anchoring in congested Singapore st.? You have already anchored, now other vessel
dragging towards u, yr action?
Normal ans how to anchor, starts with bridge team meeting n all that. Action to avoid, I said
payout extra cable and use engine to move away from other ship. He wants to hear more, he
answered saying veering of cable, use fenders to reduce impact of contact.
6. How will u prepare your vsl for 20 mtrs draft transiting in Malacca st. Inform VTS, CBD
lights, cylinder, use deep water route, give special attention to restrictions bue to draft and
navigate with caution.
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7. How will you decide how many tugs to order on departure for fully loaded ship. Loading
conditions, wind, force, strength if current, turning basin available, movement of vessel in the
channel, availability of bow thruster.
8. Master pilot exchange and when does it start. Starts before pilot boards the vsl, exchange of
information regarding pilot pick up point, speed restrictions, tidal restrictions, vsls draft, any
defect to vsl, onc pilot boards, exchange of information abt ships handling characteristics.
9. Your crew member refused to carry out alcohol test, your action. Log it down in the official
log book with mates sign a witness, inform company and take action.
10. ESP, what all documents required as per ESP? ESP purpose and documents, ESP
file,condition evaluation report, thickness measurement report.
11. Unseaworthy as per ms act, 2 cargo pump not working will that make your ship
unseaworthy? Explained as per msg act. No, it will not be unseaworthy.
12. Liner and addenda to charter party? Difference between them.
Explained about liner C/P, couldn't answer addenda
13. Types of C/P, demise C/P
Explained 3 types and demise cp
14. Gen. Avg, who declares it, if property is not saved who will contribute to gen avg.
Owner, no one will contribute.
15. Particular sensitive sea area. Special area. Definition explained in own words by giving
16. Pilot ladder requirements, can u change the steps, if yes how many? If no as per which
rule. What is the max. Allowed angel for combination ladder? I couldn't ans this.
17. ODMC, bulk carier does have ODMC? No bulk carier doesn't have ODMCS.
18. Fast rescue boat requirements as per SOLAS.
This one couldn't ans
19. What is SCOPIC, advantage of scopic?
Explained it's included in lof 2020 form, advantage as salver can get the remuneration even if
not sucess
20. Everything about Damage stability booklet?
Explained the content of it.
21. What is Smelling the ground?
Occurs when ship nearing an extremely shallow depth.
22. What is FAL convention?
Explained purpose and various forms
1. Vessel received HF DSC distress alert, what is your action.
2. DMLC part 1 and 2
3. What is the certificate with respect to Wreck removal convention, validity of the certificate.
4. What is the stand on Safety or security as per various security levels. Explain security level
2 and 3
5. Anchoring in congested Singapore st.? You have already anchored, now other vessel
dragging towards u, yr action?
6. How will u prepare your vsl for 20 mtrs draft transiting in Malacca st.
7. How will you decide how many tugs to order on departure for fully loaded ship.
8. Master pilot exchange and when does it start.
9. Your crew member refused to carry out alcohol test, your action.

10. ESP, what all documents required as per ESP?

11. Unseaworthy as per ms act, 2 cargo pump not working will that make your ship
12. Liner and addenda to charter party? Difference between them.
13. Types of C/P, demise C/P
14. Gen. Avg, who declares it, if property is not saved who will contribute to gen avg.
15. Particular sensitive sea area.
16. Pilot ladder requirements, can u change the steps, if yes how many? If no as per which
rule. What is the max. Allowed angel for combination ladder?
17. ODMC, bulk carrier does have ODMC?
18. Fast rescue boat requirements as per Solas
19. What is SCOPIC, advantage of scopic?
20. Everything about Damage stability booklet?
21. What is Smelling the ground?
22. What is FAL convention?
Q - When u switch on GPS, it comes RAIM … some no - what is it - couldn’t ans


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Q - What is GPS spamming couldn’t ans?

Q - Gyro failure table top drill
Q - Steering failure middle of sea no one around .. ans step by step.
- switch to 2nd telemotor he wants to hear?
Q - what is CCRP in Radar?
- it’s indicates distance of Radar antenna from c/l
Q - Purging of Ecdis, can we use normal keyboard and mouse in Ecdis, and under what
regulations- Ecdis performance standards
Q - Emergency Generator test
Q - Can 1 B/L be issued for 2 different grades - why - can issue if only one receiver and one
port and all details of both grade
Q - what is LOP, its legal value, why we issue it , legal term for the use of LOP- it is a evidence
of occurrence, and is issued in due diligence to save owner’s interest
Q - What is AGM MOT cert - couldn’t ans
Q - what is Green Passport, IHM, - example - i told asbestos- asked what are hazards of
Q - you have to load few grades on chemical tanker, how will you know you can load or not -
COF , paint compatibility( this he wants to hear), double valve segregation, vapour segregation
Q - what is in transit losses - vaporisation, unpumpable, sedimentation
What is a wreck? Convention for wreck? Everything about it.
Which insurance is wreck covered in? Vector Management Plan.
Risk assessment, it’s graph. What is Acceptable Risk?
Drug and alcohol policy on ship? How is alcohol measured ? Unit ?
How much it is allowed?
You found AB drunk on bridge. Your actions ?
Code for tankers – ISGOTT. NOX file.
Types of scrubbers.
Armed Guards on India ship transiting HRA - Procedure, and how will you go about it? What
all documents are needed? Requirements for Emergency Fire Pump.
What is mentioned in ISGOTT? Is IMDG applicable for tanker?
Difference between hyper mist and sprinkler?
Boil over effect? Is dual class allowed on ships?
EPIRB - Frequency, what data does it transmits and to whom?
What is MMSI number? What is COSPAS SARSAT?
Reporting system on Indian coast. Certificate of origin.

Certificate of quality and quantity. INDSAR and INSPIRES.

New joiners onboard what covid precautions will you take ?
Purging of ecdis? What is Kyoto protocol? What is carbon credit?
What is EEDI? How much depth is suitable for anchoring as per ship’s design?
Anchoring in deep waters? You receive a distress alert on HF. Your actions?
When will you carry out distress relay? How is enclosed space entry defined?
How much oxygen is required for survival?
What is PSC? What are grey black and white list?
What certificates are required for grain loading?
What is DOA?
What form to be filled for the calculations? (He was asking about the name of that NCB form)
What condition of class? What to do as master when you get this?
Explain CLC? OPRC and OPRC HNS?
What is SOPEP and SMPEP?
Cargo completion on 2345, BL came on 0600 next day? What date to be on BL?
EDP? What is SCOPIC? Navigation in Malacca Straits?
How will you manage rest hours in Malacca straits?
Master Pilot Exchange? When does it start?
If the pilot is very pushy what to do? Rudder cycling? What is OHSAS?
Explain Multiple load lines? How often the loadicator is tested? How to test the loadicator?
CSR. ESP (detail). Thickness measurement.

ECDIS Purging. Rudder cycling. Zig zag test curve. Global warming.
Kyoto protocol. Hyper mist Vs Sprinkler. IMDG container loading procedure(Detail).
Multiple loadlines. EMG generator reqmts.
GPS spamming. Registry outside India.
Fund convention. EEXI. Piracy.
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After Departure port found stowaways onboard without any documents action as master (still
in coastal waters).

1. Definition of unseaworthy as per MS Act

2. Whom will the crew complain if the vessel unseaworthy?
3. What is the difference between Inquiry and Investigation? – basically P.I & F.I sec 359-366
4. What is Management of change and how will you go about it. - He wants to hear carry out
RA also.
6. Line Management Plan
7. Bump test on gas detectors.
8. How will you go about STS operation. Which guide you will follow.
9. How will you carry out Passage plan briefing.
10. Deep water anchoring
11. Weight will come on stopper or break. – He wants to hear stopper.
12. Nox technical file content – what parameters exactly
13. Rescue boat requirements
14. Mob marker requirements

15. Drug and Alcohol policy

16. What is BAC
17. VGM
18. Who gives VGM
19. Precautions when loading DG cargoes
20. B/L contract between which parties
21. What will you do if Freight paid is mentioned in B/L – answer confirm from company then
22. Gmdss tests
23. Gmdss log book entries
24. Risk assessment
25. CLC , FUND – Liabilities
26. What is SDR
27. IALA Bouyage system
28. How antifouling paints are selected
29. PSC
30. What is substandard ship
31. Master Pilot Exchange
32. 2hrs After departing Senegal you found three stoways - Action
- Cba
- Nmbi, nusi mui
- U loaded bulk cargo and as per your calculation u have more cargo as compared to shore ,
your action?
- Catazoc, posacc, souacc
- Date dependent view
- How you go about chage of flag?
- Gmdss drill
- Incinerator requirements

- Difference between position fixing and position monitoring ( fixing by gps , radar , visual and
monitoring by parallel indexing ).
- Vessel dragging anchor in Singapore due to strong wind - action?
- Requirements for fixed CO2 system.
- Permit to work system
- Risk assessment
- Emgcy fire pump Requirements .
- How u will carry out master pilot exchange?
- Port of refuge
- CLC, fund and supp fund.
- Pilot not cooperative action?
- How u will prepare ur vessel for psc?
- Rest hours requirements as per mlc and STCW.
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- Bill of lading, signatories of BL.

- Cargo loss during voyage .( Volatile cargoes vapourise leads to reduction in weight).

What is a wreck? Convention for wreck? Everything about it.

Which insurance is wreck covered in? Vector Management Plan.
Risk assessment, it’s graph. What is Acceptable Risk?
Drug and alcohol policy on ship? How is alcohol measured ? Unit ?
How much it is allowed? You found AB drunk on bridge. Your actions ?
Code for tankers – ISGOTT. Nox file.
Types of scrubbers. Armed Guards on India ship transiting HRA - Procedure, and how will you
go about it? What all documents are needed ?
Requirements for Emergency Fire Pump.
What is mentioned in ISGOTT? Is IMDG applicable for tanker ?
Difference between hyper mist and sprinkler ? Boil over effect?
Is dual class allowed on ships?
EPIRB - Frequency, what data does it transmits and to whom?
What is MMSI number? What is cospas Sarsat?
Reporting system on Indian coast. Certificate of origin.

Certificate of quality and quantity. Indsar and inspires.


New joiners onboard what covid precautions will you take ?

Purging of ECDIS? What is Kyoto protocol?
What is carbon credit ? What is EEDI?
How much depth is suitable for anchoring as per ship’s design?
Anchoring in deep waters? You receive a distress alert on HF. Your actions ?
When will you carry out distress relay? How is enclosed space entry defined ?
How much oxygen is required for survival?
What is PSC? What are grey black and white list?
What certificates are required for grain loading? What is DOA?
What form to be filled for the calculations? (He was asking about the name of that NCB form)
What condition of class? What to do as master when you get this?
Explain CLC? OPRC and OPRC HNS ? What is SOPEP and SMPEP?
Cargo completion on 2345, BL came on 0600 next day? What date to be on BL?
EDP? What is SCOPIC? Navigation in Malacca Straits?
How will you manage rest hours in malacca straits ?
Master Pilot Exchange ? When does it start?
If the pilot is very pushy what to do? Rudder cycling ? What is OHSAS?
Explain Multiple load lines? How often the loadicator is tested ?
How to test the loadicator?
1) Registration
2) As indian owner can u register in Panama
Ans- yes

3) can u register under 2 flag-

ans- No, as per Unclos article 92
4) Covid precautions and Management?
5) Dead person on Board..procedure in detail?
6) Desertion, how will you tackle this situation?
7) Use of lugless joining shackle.
8) Condition of class
1.All the requirements of gangway in detail from boarding platform, inclining angle
requirement, hull marking, height of railing, distance between railing, requirement of gangway
net why certain type of ships don’t need to rig gangway net.

2. PSC boards vessel and wants to give you observation on you cargo pump not working- You

should defend and contest PSC for not giving you observation as it is not affecting safety of
person, property or environment. As per him it comes under scope of Flag State not port state.
It comes under PSC but as a Master you should not let this observation reflect in the report.
3. How will you know if you GPS is SPEND(This means a third party trying to induce a error in
the GPS signal)
principle of gps position fixing, what is doppler shift.
4. Can you accept a BL containing more than one cargo.
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5. Basic overtaking situation ask me what does coming up means ( her speed is more than
yours) after coming fwd of your bow her engine fails/she reduces by any reason. Who is to
keep clear she isn’t displaying UC. Quote Not withstanding anything contained in part B
section I and II any vessel overtaking any other shall keep out of the way.
6. What is AGM Inspection which all areas it cover.
7. How much minimum O2 require to sustain combustion? SCBA bottle supply how much time
requirement? Does it change if the wearer runs, climb ladder, etc. What is the requirement for
safety relief value for SCBA air compressor?
8. What is purging of ECDIS.
9. Latest LOF? What’s the use? When will you go for a towage contract discussion on towage
salvage SCOPIC.
10. What are the latest changes in BDN don’t want answer saying sulphur limit also no on
MARPOL sample serial numbers.
11. What are multiple load lines and how are they maintained?
12. No fire detector in Forepeak store, is their any requirement? There is no requirement.
What safeguards will you place till the time you do the fitting. tell him you will isolate the
breaker for fpk store and hydraulics at the end of the day.
1. Company’s Drug and Alcohol Policy?
2. Frequency of D&A test? Monthly on random basis
3. Second mate found drunk, action? Will Carry out D&A Test, donot allow him to carry out
watch, take over his watch or assign other officer of watch, make log entry signed by myself,
mate and a crew member as evidence.
4. Content of Nox file?
5. Requirement of gangway and pilot ladder? And as per what regulation
6. How will you carry out GMDSS drill?
7. UKC policy and factors?

8. How will you carry out briefing of passage plan and who all will be involved?
9. Requirement of IG system
10. O2 content in tank
11. O2 content below which fire cannot take place
12. Mou names and appeal procedure
13. Criteria for PSC to inspect ships?
14. All codes of PSC
15. Flag state obligation as per MLC
16. Ship shore figure difference, action
17. What is important for you as a master of your ships figure exceed shore figure
18. What is quarter mean draft
19. You midship drafts not submerged in Summer loadline, but your quatermean draft is more
can a vessel be detained? Yes
1. Brake rendering test - he was interested abt at where you find Formula, SDMBL, BHC and
at what percentage - 60 %
2. Why AIS should not to be used in collision avoidance-
3. CLC convention for which type of tankers. Nitin Mukesh asked
3. Define persistent oil.

4. Requirement of fire hose on deck.

5. How will you know that buoyant smoke signal is for life bouy /MOB .
6. What you mean by approval certificate- to many cross questions
7. Why VHF is kept in low watt in port- normal answer hadarzous as per isgot .. not satisfied
be practical he said. VHF has long range so it can disturb nearby terminal facilities. Low
transmission will be in smaller area.
8. Second isolated fire zone because of malfunction, same time u were in bridge? Chief
engineer not happy with your decision to man engine space/ rest hour and all dat. how will ur
convince him.
1.What are the types of permits used onboard?(I started with my company's work permit
system lile enclosed space,working aloft,etc but he doesn't want that)He asked what are the

3rd party work permits.

2.What is mortgage certificate?
3.Requirement of emergency fire pump
4.How will yoy carry out master pilot info exchange?
5.When will you refuse to assist a vessel in distress?
6.How will you conduct a debriefing of your last passage?
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7.What all will you check in Cargo ship safety Certificate?

8.What fixed fire fighting system is there in galley?
9.What is that machine in galley used for food waste and criteria of that?
10.As per your company what are the requirements of incinerator usage?
11.Who approves the garbage collector when you go to port?Can you land it to anyone who
comes and takes garbage for free?
12.EPIRB testing.
13.How will you monitor your position in coastal waters.
14.How will you come to knw if your gps is jammed and giving false position.(i told him everyy
aboit position fixing with land objects but then he said no.You will veri your postion with
another ship)
15.Who gives you a Wreck certificate?
16.How will you anchor in heavy weather ?
17.What is CSR?and forms
1. Why did ISM came into force? What was not present before that lead to ISM?
Ans: I started with Herald of free enterprise. Why she sank. No procedures. No safe guard
against risks. No risk assessment. No emergency preparedness.

2. What all levels are there in approval of risk assessment.

Ans: I said tool box meeting is also a risk assessment so it starts with HOD, then as the risk
increases it is then approved by master then company and final flag state or costal states. (For
Example, you need permission from Fujairah port for doing hot work in anchorage on tankers).

3. What are the levels of safeguards in ISM?

Ans: Procedures-Checklist-Risk Assessment-Permits

4. Why was PSC formed and from where does PSC gets power to inspect a foreign flag
Ans: Initially the burden of implementing IMO instruments was on flag state, however due to
limitation in its geographical reach and limited resources especially in developing countries it
was observed that coastal states should be given power to inspect vessels calling their ports.
Every IMO convention gives power to inspect vessel.
MAROL Annex 1/ reg 11
Load Line Article 21

Tonnage Article 12

UNCLOS Article 25
STCW Article 10
AFS Article 11
BWM Article 9 etc.

5. PSC boards your vessel and says one of your three COP is not working so your vessel will
be detained. Your action.
Ans: PSC can’t detain my vessel as COP not working does not amount to any breach of safety
or pollution prevention standards. However, they can give an observation.

6. Why an Observation?
Ans: Since maintenance of ship board equipments is a part of ISM and ISM elements are
subjects to PSC checks.

7. What all Fixed fire-fighting equipments are there in engine room?

Ans: Fixed CO2, Fixed Foam, hypermist etc.

8. What are the requirements of Hypermist?

Ans: Required for cargo ships more than 2000 GT and above, passenger ship 500 GT and
above. Protects machinery with internal combustion. Other requirements as per

9. Why hyper mist and why not sprinkler system?

Ans: Hypermist produces a mist of water like fog and smothers fire, whereas sprinkler may
cause a boil over effect as the system it is made to protect has oil and the fire will be an oil fire.
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10. How will you fight a mast riser fire?

Ans: I said there is a fixed fire fighting system CO2. Will activate it. He said what if you don’t
have. To which I could not answer. He said you can use IG to fight fire as well.

11. What kind of foam will you use on deck fixed fire fighting system and why?
Ans: I would use low expansion foam as main deck is exposed to wind and high expansion
foam could easily be blown away.

12. How will you conduct quarterly GMDSS training?

Ans: I would divide ships staff in two teams. One would comprise of ship’s deck officers and
other would comprise of other ship staff. Deck officers will be trained in detail about how to
send designated as well as non-designated distress plus how to cancel a false distress alert.
Other team will be briefed about how to send designated distress alert.

13. Validity of Certificate of Registry?

Ans: Unlimited

14. CSR as per which chapter? How may forms?

Ans: As per SOLAS chapter XI-1. Three forms. (I was not aware of number of forms).

15. Life boat is self-righting, what is the requirement of lifeboat engine when lifeboat is
Ans: Life boat engine should be operated for at least 5 min while submerged in water to the
level of the centreline of crankshaft with engine in a horizontal position. (Was not able to
answer this question)

16. Free fall life boat has no requirement of 200% like enclosed life boat in a cargo ships.
Ans: Free fall life boat is located at stern of vessel and is not affected by adverse effects of list
or trim.

17. How much is the adverse effect of list or trim allowed for enclosed lifeboats?
Ans: 20 / 10 Respectively.

18. What are precautionary areas? Are vessels navigating in precautionary areas exempted
from certain rules?
Ans: A routing measure comprising an area within defined limits where ships must navigate
with particular caution and within which the direction of traffic flow may be recommended.
No, as per rule 10 TSS vessel must navigate with caution in these areas however they must
comply with appropriate rules when there is risk of collision.

19. How will you review passage plan as a master?

Ans: Company checklist and random checks.

20. Restricted visibility what all checks?

Ans: As per checklist and additionally any particular item specific to ship.

21. Difference between grounding stranding and beaching?

Ans: Grounding - Generic term for contact of vessel with ground
Stranding – When a vessel is in contact with ground for certain period of time.

Beaching – Intentional grounding on a (preferably sloping beach) to prevent immediate


22. Precautions while transiting Malacca Strait

Ans: Passage planning, TSS, piracy, reporting, high traffic density, safe speed, bridge watch
level etc etc.

23. EDP? Certificate of origin? Quality certificate?

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Ans: Early departure procedure – Master gives written authorization letter to agent to sign B/L
on his behalf after approval of draft B/L from master.
Certificate of Origin: It tell where was the cargo made / blended / extracted.
Quality Certificate: It gives the various parameters as per ASTM standards of a particular
cargo, sulphur content, colour etc.

24. Dangers associated with Iron ore?

Ans: Liquification. To be transported below TML.

25. How many types of exhaust gas scrubbers are there?

Ans: I said I m not able to recollect types of scrubbers. He told me two types opened loop and
closed loop. He then asked me what is the difference between them? I said open loop the
water used for scrubbing is dumped back to sea and closed loop uses the same water in a
closed loop.

26. Why do we use scrubbers when u are cleaning the exhaust gas and dumping it back in
Ans: I said it much cheaper in long run than running a ship on a compliant fuel.

27. Latest form of LOF? When would you use LOF and when a contract?
Ans: 2020. LOF in case of emergency and when you have time you can enter into a contract
with salvors. However as a master if I have time I would prefer getting into a contract as it
would be comparatively more beneficial for my owners as Article 13 and Article 14 have more
favourable terms to ship owners compared to LOF’s SCOPIC clause which is used in place of
article 14 when incorporated and invoked.

Capt. Khambata then told me that I am happy with your performance and recommending you,
however you need to answer questions and satisfy Internal examiner as well.
Q.1 : As a master how will you implement onboard the new changes coming to SMS / new
checklists, procedures .
Ans : as master , your co ordinal relation with your crew helps, all new changes are because of
some incident , need of industry, hence make them understand that need . Motivate them.
Q.2 : As a Master how u conduct de briefing of Passage plan, do you do it onboard ?
Ans : Yes, after completion of voyage, BTM.
Q.3 : You join a new ship , have two ECDIS , how you know which one is primary ?
Ans : Form E of Ship safety equipment cert., serial no. of ecdis is mentioned.
Q.4 : Person died onboard, action as master ?
Ans : Contact CIRM, inform them the symptoms, they will declare him dead. Inform company,
Preserve his body in body suit and Deep freezer of meat room, take control of all his
belongings, Make entry of all statements related to event in log book, signed by mate and one

Q.5 : How you check functioning of emergency fire pump ?


Ans: During fire drills, required to try out emeg. Fire pump., and try out two fire hoses.
Q.6 : which two ? how will you be sured that press is enough, C/E says its good pressure in
E/R ?
Ans : One at Fwd and one at Bridge wing, pressure will be checked from bridge wing gauge,
min req. 2.55 kg for cargo ship
Q.7 : Before Departure, how will you conduct Master pilot info exchange ?
Ans : Involve D/O, Mate, Bosun, helmsman.
Q.8 : You are on bridge, C/o os giving you distance from jetty, what kind of distance you are
asking ?
Ans : Clearing Distance , and not lateral distance.
Q.9 : Stoway discovered onboard , action as master ?
Ans : If discovered while in territorial waters , inform the last port, land him ashore . If outside,
inform company, nxt port . treat him humanly, try to acertain his nationality…..
Q.10 : How you test emergency gen.? what is sequence test ?
Ans : During drills, Manual mode- on Battery and hand crancking. Sequence test : if one gen.
trips,second should come on load, then 3rd. and if not than within 45 sec..emerg. gen.
Q. 11 : One crew hospitalized, action ?
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Ans : check if he part of min. manning.( asked me where?) . Min safe manning doc. ( told me
yes and you need to sail out without him .now your action?) .inform flag and ask for
Q. 12 : validity of safe manning doc. ? how long dispensation?
Ans : Dispensation till next port. Validity : life time, but if change in trading pattern than we
need to inform flag and get new doc issued.
Q. 13 : PSC gave you deficiency, detention, how you know ? which code
Ans : Form B, also PSCO will inform master of the procedure for “ right to appeal”. Code : 30.
Q. 14 : Procedure for getting armed gaurds onboard ?
Ans : inform Flag, company, inform nxt port of call , declare arms in port papers.
Q. 15 : Diff between BMP4 and BMP5 ?
Ans : as per BMP5 risk is dynamic we need to be updated and carry out RA, also gave him the
reference of contents of BM5 (asked me how will you be updated ?). Security circulars,
company circulars, IMB issues circular.
Ans : Shore Based Mantainance test done once in 5 years.
Q. 17 : P & A manual ?
Ans : contents of P & A manual.
Q. 18 : After loading , your ships figure is more than B/L figure ?
Ans : We will check if the difference is within allowable limits of c/p or load instructions. If not
then inform charterers and await their instructions.
What is MEG (mooring equipment guidelines)-never heard of
SWL and MBL (min breaking load), what is used for rope and what is used for winch
What is LBDF- never heard of
What is an aphis container (reqd in US port)-never heard of
What is the difference between Positions plotting and position monitoring and position
verification. How will you monitor in coastal waters. (Position plotting is done by GPS on
ECDIS, by using LOP you are manually plotting and verifying that GPS is working fine, as per
him monitoring is done using Parallel index PI)
What is a memorandum? How many MOU?
Can other MOU check when you go from one MoU to another.
I answered: if vessel plying within the countries of a same mou, then no need to check, but
travelling from one mou to another, other mou can check.
As per him, other mou will also not check. Quite strange as on ships we prepare for vessel for
each mou, maintain their records and prepare when it is next due.
Advantages/ disadvantages/ difference between rotary system over 2/4 ram hydraulic steering
gear system. - wasn’t prepared for marine engineering
What info in master pilot exchange.
How to decide number of tugs required for berthing.(deadweight, weather, width of turning

basin, whether need to turn or not, Presence of bow/stern thruster, POWER/BOLLARD PULL
How to know what bollard pull to be used on ships- (SWL bead welded on mooring bitts)
What if bollard pull of tugs more than SWL of bitts(tell pilot not to go more than so many
tonnes, also it is written on pilot card and told to pilot during master/pilot exchange
Garbage amendment-(HME/Non- HME, garbage record book form update)
What is e waste?
Cargo destined for kandla, now you get orders to go sri lanka-(1.check range of ports
mentioned in charter party like any port of discharge west coast of india, sri lanka, etc. After
this tell whatever like Check Port of destination on BL and that will also need to be changed.)
What to do when cargo damaged.
What to do when person died on board on an indian ship(tell symptoms to CIRM roma, basis
that they will declare dead, put him in mortuary bag from hospital then into ice room, take
custody of belongings, make wages statement, make official log book entry with mate and
crew sign, medical log book entry, inform company, flag state(not sure DG or shipping master),
next of kin within 24 hours, inform next port of call and land body and belongings to agent)
Ballast water convention, what is D-1(normal ballast exchange), D-2(through BWTS)
When D-2 coming in force for existing ships- I told him at the next dry dock(ans is next IOPP
renewal survey).
Why davit launched ships have lifeboat 100% on port side and 100% on stbd side, that is total
200% whereas free fall has only 100%(with davit launched with adverse list one of them might
become unsuable, wheas list has got not effect on freefall from stern)
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Requirements for a normal lifeboat to become a rescue boat(davit heaving capacity 0.3 m/s, 5
seated 1 petson lying)
Types of life jackets (normal, oversize, child)
Immersion suit pressure testing requirement. How is immersion suit tested onboard.
What is CSR, info and number of forms(form 1,2,3. Csr main page(1), amendment(2) and
Low expansion and high expansion foam ratio and which one to use where(low on deck 1:20,
high in enclosed spaces greater than 1:200)
What is foam burn out time- never heard of ( given in myseatime blog)
What are zigzag manoeuvre. where to find(manoeuvring booklet)
What is BAMF with regards to bunker line pressure testing
As a master how how will you check STP(sewage treatment plant) is working satisfactory. (I
answered visually it should not produce visible floating sewage and should not cause
discolouration of water, and check that proper PMS of adding bacterial tablets is being done,
he wants you to go and check aeration is being done)
He did not ask any remarks, no colregs, he told i go and audit ships, he was basically asking
me all the audit findings on board the ship from his laptop and had no relevance to the
Started with last attempt remarks of Miranda....
Have u done any drydock...
I said yes, I have done drydock and new ship yard delivery...
Question-1 what is the procedure of gangway test....just include each step Should be tested
with sand bag of min 75 kg and alll..
2)What are the emergency fire pump requirements? Standard and from samsual
3) back up emergency power for 18 hrs .
4) how much time after emergency generator come in load?
Within 45 sec...
3) rescue boat requirements, launching test procedure, standard answer..
4) life raft davit launching procedure...
5) forward life raft requirements and additional items..
I told him 6 person, without hru, emergency lighting, launching instructions, embarkations
ladder and ,6 lifejacket, 2 immersion suits...
6) what is ECDIS purging?
I sincerely told him that I didn't hear this word before,,, he has given me hint for cargo
purging...than I told him ..sir I am not sure it may be related to removing expired cells from
ecids.... He said it's right and he was happy...
7) you are going for deep water vlcc anchorage, like in fujairah, as a Master what will you

check first thing,,, he repeated first thing 3 times....

And I answered windlass capacity, 80% of safe lifting capacity and than depth of water....he
said always first thing check onboard windlass capacity....than told him standard anchoring
8) is spill from vegetables oil include in marpol,,, I said yes sir, it's oil pollution,,he asked what
action will you take after oil pollution into sea?
Standard answer but he said always say key words first like reporting to dpa, company, coast
station, than start with other points..
9) what is EPIRB SBM...
I told him about shore based maintenance but he said no...
He said it's about EPIRB testing...I told him annual epirb testing during periodical survey but he
said it's not...
10) what is CSR?
continuous synopsis record,,, main documents with serial number and imo , having ship
history, form-2 about amendments and form-3 is about index...
11) as a Master you want to amend route in open sea , how will u go about it and what all
instructions will you give?
I answered him standard things about passage plan in ecdis and than cross questioning about
ecdis cells, how the cell numbers given...he wanted to know cells are numbered as per their
12) what is p & a manual and it's contents?
13) which orb was with you? I said part-2, what are content and what all entries will you made
in it, chief officer made wrong entry, how will you him suggest to correct it ?
14) cargo off spec by terminal?
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I told him first to inform company and p&I, than loading port samples, load port surveyor paper
about tank cleaning procedure, dry check and all .... C/p terms like maintaining double v/v
segration and if required vapour segregation,,, sometimes it may happen due to shore side is
using only one manifold for different grade, note of protest to be issued with all evidence of
He said first inform p&I manual and than go as per p&I advised and company advice..
15) how will you implement garbage management plan onboard? What will you do for food
waste? If you are in special area and garbage store is full, now company is not arranging for
food waste discharge to shore?
I said I will use master overriding authority and will ask agent to arrange the shore Facility for
16) how many packs are there in survival craft?
I said 2, he asked name Solas A and solas-B , and asked content
And some small questions ....he asked other guys MEG( mooring equipment guidelines),
CCRP- I think it's in radar if scanner is not on center line ..
- [ ] Markings on gangway
- [ ] Load test of gangway
- [ ] Foam analysis certificate content or the circ number for testing requ
- [ ] Drill requirements
- [ ] Hydrant requirement
- [ ] Free fall lb lowering requirement
- [ ] Berthing with tug of higher bollard pull than your ships bollard SWL- will you use? Yes with
caution inform the pilot not to exceed the swl
- [ ] Now the tug broke your bollard n the pilot says I don’t know, what will save you? A signed
copy of master pilot info exchange
- [ ] SSAS test how will you ensure as a master it’s conducted properly
- [ ] Anchoring in heavy weather wind force 7-8? Will not anchor as per my SMS
- [ ] What is master review and how is it done
- [ ] Ships registration as per ms act, what’s instrument of sale
- [ ] What’s mortgage certificate
- [ ] Cargo short in port of unloading how and what will you do

- [ ] Cargo contamination in port of unloading what will you do


- [ ] What is dead freight

- [ ] Fire detection system installed in forepeak store? What is required to be done after that?
Basically the plan and documents to be updated
- [ ] On-board have chart and 2ecdis? What to be used as primary and secondary how will you
come to know
- [ ] Both Ecdis fails
- [ ] What is Ecdis approval certificate? What if it’s expired?
- [ ] Ship structure access manual
- [ ] CAP and CAS
- [ ] ESP
- [ ] Latest Amendments to marpol
- [ ] Psc number code, psc tell he wants to conduct drill what all will he check during the drill
- [ ] Psc comes with deficiencies what will you do as master
- [ ] Gmdss test power source requirement
- [ ] LOF
- [ ] Ship chandler comes with a life jacket which needs to be tied no buckle, what will you? Do
not accept it, new lj supplies should always buckle type, on-board ones if conventional type it’s
not an problem but the new supply should be buckle type
- [ ] Requirements for oversize life jackets
- [ ] cross questioning in all above asked question
1. You join a ship. What all you will check in the gangway / mot. SWL/ max angle .As per
which regulation?

2. After gangway you came to manifold..what all u will check at the manifold?

3. ISM and implementation of ISM?

4. You have posted in CCR that your one cargo pump is not working and PSC boards the
vessel.Can PSC detain your vessel? If yes then what will you do?
5. You are master, MOB situation in extreme cold weather. SAR In progress, only your vessel
is involved in SAR operation. If you are not able to find the person. To save owner’s,
charterer’s and self interest when will you call off the search?
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6. Charterer changes orders for discharge port and you have B/L with the name of other
discharge port. What will you do?
7. Going for loading, tanks are not ready. Charterer ask you to tender NOR upon arrival,
saying that berth is not empty for next 48 hrs. Will you tender NOR?
8. IWL/ INL?
9. Tests of foam sample?
10. What is hyper mist system. And how does it work?
11. As a master what all checks you will carry out when in Emergency generator room (
accompanied by ch. eng)How will you start it. Should the hydraulic pump be kept
charged?Requirement of fuel for EM’cy generator. Load test frequency.
12. GMDSS EQUIPMENTS daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual tests?
13. What is FPD? Then cross questioning when i mentioned LRRS. What does your SMS says
about about use of FPD after LRRS?
14. SBM of EPIRB, requirement?
15. 2RAM, 4 RAM and rotary veins steering gear system. What type of ships are fitted with
rotary veins system?
1. Pressure testing requirements for cargo pipelines & entries in ORB for that
2. Pilot calling u to come inside beyond PBG...Ur action
3. Requirements of DOC as per which rule...Validity & all
4. Type approval certificate validity...Who issues...
5. Changes made to OWS ..Where info can be found
6. ECDIs carriage requirements...Where to find that it can be used as primary means

7. What is Puzac & suzac in ENC( comes under catzoc)

8. No of consecutive starts for main engine...Hw many...And where to find info
9. Hw will carry out RA
10. COF issued to which ships & what info given in it
11. What is TBT & as per which requirement
12. Free fall LB launching requirements
13. Rescue boat requirements
14. Fire door requirements ...What us standard fire test
15. MTD...MTO... International multimodal transport
16. Vessel has discharged cargo...Shore claiming less out turn...Ur action
1. What do you understand by master's overriding authority? Give me two examples when you
would exercise it onboard? A few mins discussion on that.
2. What is weathertight and watertight compartment on ships?
3. Give some examples for weathertight comapartments and watertight compartments?
4. What requirements are stated in SOLAS for a weathertight and watertight compartments?
Could not tell him about this.
5. What all markings are done near the Gangway of ship?
6. Once i told him about SWL and Max Persons he asked what test are carried out on
7. Gangway test is it a Static or Dynamic test?
8. In a dry dock what is the procedure to carry out a dynamic test of a gangway?
9. Why are PSC inspections more stringent?

10. What is the frequency of PSC inspections onboard?

11. Can you expect a PSC inspection at every port you call?
12. What are the three differnt list as per PSC? how will a ship be categorized in a list?
13. Can you appeal on a PSC deficiency and how?
He checked which all ships i had done and as i have done oil and gas carriers he said he
would ask about oil tankers.
14. What is difference between a low and high expansion foam? he wants the ratio figures
luckily i could tell him.
15. what is a fire test as per FTP code?
16. Examples of compartments on oil tanker where a low expansion and high expansion foam
will be used?
17. What are FPD and there purpose? There requirements as per SOLAS?
18. Anchoring in congested water? Checks and precaution while anchoring as a master?
19. What factors will you consider to order number of tugs while unberthing a ship in river port?
20. Unberthing a ship in river port with current from behind and ship has berthed with head up
the river? A few mins discussion on this.
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21. Asked me whether i have done ENC and then lots of questions on ENC, purging of ECDIS,
what are ENPM's ? What is a readme file and how can we get that other than the weekly
22. Wht is SOLAS Pack A and B in Liferafts and what equipments are additional in Pack A
from B?
23. You are in Baltic Sea at long anchorage and your Sewage tank is full what will you do?
24. Discharge criteria for Sewage?
What if this is a frequent scenario what solution? wanted to hear special arrangements which
can be done in aftpeak after approval from class.
24. What is LOF and Contract of Agreement? Some discussion on this.
Capt. KHAMBATA is a very soft spoken person and gives time to think, he wants answers
which have practical view with a little reference on regulations,
*General introduction
*Your company is sending u master for a new yard delivery. Wat will u do?
As i had already gone for 3 yard deliveries so i told him in n out.... He was cross questioning in
* Then he came to sea trial.... Wat do u do in sea trial.
* little bit of manoeuvreing characteristics.
* then finally i was telling him about survey n certification prior commissioning d vessel... He
changed d question.
* Ecdis - safety contour n shallow contour n deep contour.
* Ecdis failure... Action as a master.
* What all checks u expect ur gmdss officer to carry out. Daily, weekly, monthly .
* u receive a distress alert on HF dsc... Action.
*u hav collided with another vsl. Action.

* one of d crew on board died... Action.


* wat do u know about iamsar?

* who has to carry out d search n rescue operation.
As i said the SMC is the head of operation, he is responsible for d sar operation.
*Then he asked wat will be ur role?
*When will you abort d operation or stop searching.
*who will pay for all d extra expenses like bunker, etc for dis.
* Wat do u know about VTS.
* Suppose u don't follow their instructions... Wat powers do they hav regarding dis?
* night time there is a tug n tow not showing proper lights.... How will u identity?
* requirements for emg fire pump.
* how much pressure is required.
* what is the length of fire hose in eng rm n on deck.
* why there is a difference in length.
* u hav a compliment of 23people.... L/b capacity 25. What should be d capacity of sewage
treatment plant?
* U finish cargo at 2345hrs.... And bl was presented after 3hrs.... What should be d date on bl?
* amendments in anx 5?
1) Define Special trade Passenger ship
2) Registrars of India
3) National Shipping Board
4) Bill of Lading implications

5) Helicopter Landing Preparation

6) Factors to decide for Landing Area and Winching area.
7) Hague Visby rules
9) Nairobi wreck convention in detail
10) Factors to decide Scope of Cable
11) Factors to decide number of tugs
12) ISGOTT edition and Use
13) Enclosed space permit changes in 2021
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1. Duties of shipping master as per MSA

2. No MMD or shipping master at Indian port, whom to approach
3. What is risk assessment and risk matrix?
4. An auditor boards via pilot ladder and tell you as master that i am giving observation as you
changed 2 steps on pilot ladder, so are you allowed to change any steps and how much, what
is regulation for the same to counter him.
5. What is psc and sire inspection and how there scope is different from each other.
6. PSC inspector tells you your ship is substandard, what do yo mean be the same.

7. your 2nd mate call you on bridge MOB on stbd side, action.
8. MOB marker solas requirements
9. Emergency fire pump Solas requirements.
10. What instructions you give to your officers for heavy WX
11. How much deep anchoring depths are considered safe for anchoring operations.
12. What is persistent floaters ( annex II)
13. Marpol annex 1 discharge criteria
14. Hypothermia
15. departed from port 3 days later detected covid case on board, Your action, will you
immidiately deviate ship
16. Your company supplying cloth mask's, will you accept or request of any specific masks
17. Details of N-95 mask
1) What is FI, what is PI, who does PI and related topics.
2) Casualty in territorial waters of a state. who will do investigation and as per which
regulation? Procedure, reporting.
3) Latest amendments to MS act and what does it say about MLC?
4) You are on bridge as master, vessel in narrow channel. steering failure. Action? (related to
navigation only, not reporting and all)
5) On what factors master will decide not to proceed for assistance? what will you do once
decided not to proceed.
6) What is ESP and when it becomes applicable? what are the preparations for ESP and what
all equipment will you prepare. Thickness measurement.
7) Preparations for HRA transit.
8) What all parties need to be notified and take permission prior taking armed guards

9) Precautions for loading iron ore on bulk carrier?

10) How can you determine TML of cargo onboard?
11) How will you check cargo have high moisture content. what will you do if you find high
moisture content in cargo during loading?
12) What is demise charterer? what is under owner's responsibility when vessel is under
demise charterer?
13) What is disponant owner. Explanation?
14) Contents of damage control plan.
15) Inspection and maintenance of fixed CO2 fire fighting system in detail.
16) Fast rescue boat requirements. how is it different from normal rescue boat. Few more que
on LSA/ FFA.
17) What are Persistent floaters?
18) What do you understand by smelling the ground? How will you identify this phenomenon?
19) Some questions on manoeuvring, specially on pivot point, short round tern, transverse
thrust etc.
20) Overtaking in restricted visibility. Overtaking in RV in narrow channel. which rule have
more power 9 or 19?
1. How will you carry out brake rendering test? Equipment to be rigged, jack pressure to be
calculated using company formula sheet, disenge clutch, tight the break till the indicator, then
apply pressure on the jack, the brake should slip at the calculated pressure.

2. You detected stowaways onboard without identity. Your action..... He was specifically

looking for reporting to p and i club.

3. Ship figures in excess of bl figure,, your action.... I will ask my chief officer to re gauge and
double confirm ship is evenkeel.
If still excess inform owners, company, chartered and p and I club... And khambhatta was
expecting to lodge protest for ship shore difference.... Which i missed.
4. Amount of CO2 required on board?
40% for largest cargo space.
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And machinery space

Without casing 40 %
With casing 35 %
5. How will you carry out master pilot exchange?
6. How much was number of consecutive start on your ship. Is it with compressor running or
without compressor running ?
I said 10 (Which I just guessed and gave....which I think I was wrong), and it is without
compressor running.
7.When your ship is detained what psco will serve you with... I said notice of detention and
form A and B..
8. What is code 30 and 17.
9.What all equipment you will prepare for safety radio survey? I said I will refer form R for list
of equipment...
10. What is SBM in epirb certificate?
I said shore based maintenance,
11. validity of SBM CERTIFICATE. I said 5 year.
12.what is dmlc part 1 and part 2.
Dmlc part 1 prepared by flag state it will list how flag state will comply with provison of mlc in
their legislation.
Dmlc part 2 prepared by shipowner listing how he will comply with dmlc part 1.
13. What is the formula for mean of mean? Unable to answer
14 . What is scac code in bill of lading?
It Is the code used in usa for cargo loaded in USA.
15. On board ship how your lifeboat is protected from fire?
I said lifeboat is painted of fire retardant paint, and sprinkler system is there, and potable
extinguisher 2 kg. Also I added compressed air bottle inside lifeboat can be used during vessel
is on fire or toxic vapours surrounding vessel.
16 . Is GMDSS walkie talkie intrinsically safe... I said yes,,, he said u r wrong it's not
intrinsically safe...
17. Any other walkie talkie onboard? I said
As per solas amendment firefighters each team to have at least 2 walkie talkies.
1) Intro & Last ship details (bulk)
2) Tell me what works you did onboard besides watchkeeping?
3) deck work maintenance, other than greasing painting.
4) How will you prepare for annual survey? Checks for it
5) Loadline anniversary date, period of survey, validity of load line certificate
6) How will you carry out hatch cover hose test?
7) Checks in compression bar, hatch covers
8) Why hatch cover is weathertight and not watertight? diff b/w weathertight & watertight

9) if you are carrying out hold wash and bilge education is not working, your action?

10) Overhauling of NRV, how it works

11) Why NRV valve in bilge
12) Any other valve you have seen/overhauled?
13) How to test leakage rectified of a fire isolation valve after overhauling.(before boxing up)
14) Alternate hold loading, was your last vessel allowed to load in alternate holds
15) How will you know if your vessel is allowed for alternate hold loading?
16) What are high density cargoes?
17) Which chapter of Solas deals with bulk cargo and high density cargo -also the content of
the chapter
18) IMSBC details and amendments
19) Iron ore loading checks (loading at Indian ports).
1. What extraordinary experience did you have on your last ship other than just keeping
2. What is Anniversary date in Statutory certificates? What is it based on?

3. How will you go about preparing for Certificate of fitness renewal?


4. What is EDD? Is it a standard requirement? (Meaning as per SOLAS or class/flag state)

5. What is done in EDD? What is checked with regards to seachest, propeller and rudder?
6. CBD vsl definition. How will you declare yourself as CBD wrt Width?
7. How will you calculate quantity of vapour in the tank?
8. How will you calculate quantity of Coolant required?
9. 2 vessels approaching a bend. Who will be give-way as per good seamanship?
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10. Sailed 1 day off of Cape of good hope. Now you have water in FPK tk. you are a loaded
11. Pilot vessel sound signals
12. Dredger at Anchor lights
13. New 3rd officer joined. How will you deal with him?
Have you seen shell Explelsion pla. Tell me dtail.
Load line cert. And what are things there in first page.
How will you prepare ur. Vsl for drydocking. Checks. How will you check suface preparation
before painting. How will you order paint. Cross questions.


Satautory cert. And other cert.

Conditions of class and eg.
Your life boat damage during drill. Action.
Critical period. Why it is called?
Pilot vessel sound signal in RV. Dredger, trawler vsl, trawler vsl at anchor light. In tss two
vessel meeting each at obstruction who will keep clear. They ask simple question but i got
confused in lights and sound signal.
1) Normal Intro & then details of last vessel.
2) Maintenance c/out on last vessel.
3) Lashing materials of container vessel. How will you order?
4) How will you confirm that lashing materials have the same SWL / BS, as stated in certificate
& how will you confirm that SWL / BS as embossed on hashing material is the actual SWL /
5) Hatch cover ventilated flags on container vsl. If you carry out repair, will you inform class?


6) How will you carry and loadline survey.

7) Definition of Anniversary date.
8) You received distress on State from A vessel – 400 NM your action.
9) New 3/off. How will you make him comfortable.
10) Container floating at sea. Your action.
11) Hatch cover on container vessel, weather or water tight & details of it.
12) Format of Report (A/P Q.No.10)
13) C/O & work- fighting as bleeding your action.
14) Will trim change due to speed
15) Dredger lights.
1. When you talk about car carriers, the first thing that comes to mind is the incident where the
ship capsized and sank, which led to the ISM code. Which ship was it and what measures are
in place on your ship to prevent the same from happening? Cross questions followed.
2. Why did the water remain in the ship? If the water flowed in, it can flow out.
3. What is capsizing and what is sinking?
4. What was the main reason for the ship to sink? (Wasn’t happy with my answer).
5. Any other case study which you know? I answered about the collision between Primula
Seaways and City Of Rotterdam.
6. What did you learn from it?
7. Which chapter of SOLAS talks about the additional safety measures for Bulk Carriers and
what does it say?
8. Why is there a separate section for the same?


9. Which chapters of SOLAS are you most familiar with?

10. What does chapter XI-1 say?
11. What is ESP?
12. What is the need for ESP? What makes it different from other surveys? Cross questions.
13. What are critical areas? Tell me the critical areas on a bulk carrier.
14. How will you prepare your vessel for ESP?
15. Have you seen the Loadline certificate of your ship?
16. Have you seen it displayed in the alleyways?
17. What information is given in the first page of the load line certificate?
18. Any date that’s given on that page?
19. What is the validity of the load line certificate?
20. What do you mean by a CBD vessel?
21. Let’s say your draft is 10m, at what depth will your vessel become CBD?
22. Will you consider a tug and tow as RAM?
23. When will you consider it RAM?
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24. You are a CBD vessel in a TSS. A tug and tow RAM is crossing the TSS. Who should
keep out of the way of the other? So you’re saying that a tug and tow should impede the
passage of a CBD in a TSS?
25. What is a NUC vessel?
26. Let’s say your vessel is encountering adverse weather and the ship is yawing 30 – 40
degrees and she is not following helm orders given. Are you a NUC vessel?

General brief introduction of last vessel and about company.

1- Last ship description and details
2- After talking about GT and NT of last vessel, asked what is it – given the definition and
formula was not satisfied, told not to give bookish answer, what do you understand
3- Optimum UKC and cross question regarding static ukc and dynamic ukc
4- What is squat? And explain in your perspective.
5- Does change in densities can affect trim o the vessel? and how? Cross question in Cb and
6- Does vessel tender or stiff for less GM and if it does for anyone what is the reason?
7- What is seaworthy? Same as per MS act 334- told be do not tell me sections needs
understanding of it.

8- What is Unsafe ship? Same as per MS act 336- same remarks what you understand by it?

9- What is the difference between unsafe ship and unseaworthy? Give him as per mentioned
in My seatime.
10- Have you seen Charter party what is it- told him as per BIMCO or as for container ship
New York BOX TIME charter standard form and terms and condition for it.
11- What is working instruction in charter party? Told about the port which are going to be
called , local agent details, fuel reporting’s, various forms of charterers for reportings and
emails for reporting’s.
12- Mess man and chief officer was fighting with each other as a master what action to be
taken? Most important point after medical assisting for each of them, asking the cause to each
other in private along with other top 3 officers. and logging down in OLB and
acknowledgement and informing company is giving them warning form/ In disciplinary act form
as per SMS.
13- Container Sighted floating in water action as Master? More important how and from where
you will find out coast station to contact? And as per India where to contact?
1. When you talk about car carriers, the first thing that comes to mind is the incident where the
ship capsized and sank, which led to the ISM code. Which ship was it and what measures are
in place on your ship to prevent the same from happening? Cross questions followed.
2. Why did the water remain in the ship? If the water flowed in, it can flow out.
3. What is capsizing and what is sinking?
4. What was the main reason for the ship to sink? (Wasn’t happy with my answer).
5. Any other case study which you know? I answered about the collision between Primula
Seaways and City Of Rotterdam.
6. What did you learn from it?

7. Which chapter of SOLAS talks about the additional safety measures for Bulk Carriers and

what does it say?

8. Why is there a separate section for the same?
9. Which chapters of SOLAS are you most familiar with?
10. What does chapter XI-1 say?
11. What is ESP?
12. What is the need for ESP? What makes it different from other surveys? Cross questions.
13. What are critical areas? Tell me the critical areas on a bulk carrier.
14. How will you prepare your vessel for ESP?
15. Have you seen the Loadline certificate of your ship?
16. Have you seen it displayed in the alleyways?
17. What information is given in the first page of the load line certificate?
18. Any date that’s given on that page?
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19. What is the validity of the load line certificate?

20. What do you mean by a CBD vessel?
21. Let’s say your draft is 10m, at what depth will your vessel become CBD?
22. Will you consider a tug and tow as RAM?
23. When will you consider it RAM?
24. You are a CBD vessel in a TSS. A tug and tow RAM is crossing the TSS. Who should
keep out of the way of the other? So you’re saying that a tug and tow should impede the
passage of a CBD in a TSS?
25. What is a NUC vessel?
26. Let’s say your vessel is encountering adverse weather and the ship is yawing 30 – 40
degrees and she is not following helm orders given. Are you a NUC vessel?

1. Tanker emergency cargo P/p

2. Slop requirement and Residual tank req.
3. What wil happen when u load a cargo related to tank structure.
4. P/V valve requirement.

5. Height of pv valve

6. Mast riser and pv breaker req.

7. Loadline certificate and renewal inspection. What is there on page 1 and what about
inspection date.
8. ROR - rule 2 explain with example
9. When u r doubt regard overtaking or not ? Criteria
10. Inerting / purging
11. These days suicides happening a lot. What will u do regarding this on ur vessel.
What should be the height of mast riser?
How to gas up the cargo tank,
Procedure to carry out grade change from Ammonia to LPG
When will you proceed to port of refuge?
In case crack in the FPK tank what will you do (Extensive discussion on Port of Refuge).

Who will you report to when proceeding to a port of refuge?


What will you do when proceeding to port of refuge?

How will you justify your action to proceed to port of refuge?
Upon reaching port, port refuses to take you in. What will you do?
If port takes you in what all will be your actions and how will you carry out repairs.
Why P&I to be informed, why H& M to be informed?
Give example of Masters overriding authority.
Incase vessel in port and bad weather outside port, pilot board vessel and says master your call.
To proceed out or stay. What will be your action and how will you justify?
1. Why did Solas Ch 12 cum into force? I answered due to lots of cases of bulk carriers sinking
due to excessive stresses breaking the vessel into two. He cross questioned that for stresses
there is a loadicator. Why this new chapter?
2. Deck and Engine crew have a tussle among themselves about a job stating it is not they're
job. As a Master how will u get the job done? I answered as per employment contract, they join

at a rank and that Rank duties are there in SMS. So depending on that they will have to do the

Job. He said there is a grey area to it. It is a job that is out of the SMS, how will u get the tussle
solved as to who will do the job? No answer.
3. Does the trim change with change in density? I answered yes. Then he asked about which
point does the ship trim. I answered LCF.
4. Ur heading to Load port, how will u calculate the Cargo that u can load?
5. As per your calculations, vessel can load 50000 t, shipper is providing 40000 t. How will u
load? I told him that I'll distribute cargo and ensure not to exceed stresses and comply with
stability criteria.
1. Tell me about your ships background, i told him crude and oil/chem. Asked me to tell about
cleaning procedure when changing grade of cargo, I told him about general steps and we check

company sms, charter instruction, dr. verweys guide and milbros to check the cleaning req.

2. Where else do you find international standard instruction for cleaning apart from these books,
where to check? I told him about P.A manual, further more questions related to P.A manual
about contents and information.
3. Who gives P.A manual, period of inspection (I told him manufacturer and endorsed by flag
and only inspected when there is change in procedure or design or construction.
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4. From where you get information about the unpumpable cargo remaining in cargo tanks.
(I told him P.A manual and pump manual).
5. What is wreck, unseaworthy and unsafe ship (give definition and explain).
6. You are in coastal waters saw container floating in water action. I told him as per Solas Ch. 5
reg. 31 and 32 reporting danger
7. What is CBD vessel?
8. When tug becomes RAM?
9. You are in DD, how you will tell your fire man to take rounds(tell him about planning of fire
patrol route ship specific and DD specific).
10. What type of protection from fire in accommodation (I told him about water type fire hoses in
galley co2, etc...)
11. I told him about type A and B type fire protection, asked me where to find the details(told him
about fire control booklet).
12. Scenario Galley fire, steps to control and extinguish fire (sms checklist).
13. Galley fire uncontrollable, 1 person missing and already determined in galley, as a master
what you will do, fire fighters unable to enter.
i told him i will motivate my crew to proceed and rescue the guy, as I don’t know if he is alive,
enter with charged hoses in spray mode and some other things
14. How you will determine safe speed, radar fully operational in R.V (i told him in relation with
manoeuvring characteristic, turning circle etc.). I think he wants to listen about stopping distance.
15. Further from above safe speed when visibility 2nm, then 1nm, then 0.5 nm. I think he was
looking satisfied with my answers and was telling me fair enough, he told me to go out we will
call you.
Type of ship, Trading pattern of vessel.
Since I did all container vessel, Started asking tell me about you last vessel any problem you
faced during your last contract.
I mentioned about rough wx faced at Cape Town port.
1. What was you Gm during that period and how did the vessel behave.
I told him about stuff and tender ships...
2. What action did you take to reduce rough wx effects?
I told him considering parametric rolling period and synchronous rolling motions we will adjust
vessels rolling period which changes with GM.
3. Cross questioning on GM how vessel behaves with change of gm.
As the GM increases vessel becomes stiff and rolling period decreases. And vice versa
4. Maersk honam case study. What went wrong and what lesson you have learnt? Cross
questioning on case study.
I covered most of the point and told him about what I have learnt from that regarding alternate
EHQ to be made in case the same is not accessible in case of any emergency.
Drills were not carried out efficiently..and so on
5. Why certificate of class is required? Why we have certificate of class if we have all the


statutory certificate in place.

I told as per SOLAS chapter II, regulation 3 requires that ship need to be constructed and
maintained... He was not so happy with the ans . He said ok to it
6. What is anniversary date. What is its significance.
I could not ans properly but I mentioned that after initial survey the date of issue and then with
renewal surveys the date remain same no matter whenever the renewals survey are being
conducted in the period of +/- 3 months...something like that .. but I think he was not ahppy
with the ans...
7. What Statutory certificate and name few of them.
All knows about this...
8. How you will prepare vessel for loadline survey.
Most of the points I covered mentioning meeting with staf to prepare for it and cover all items
as per loadline
9. Why loadline survey is required. Purpose adn aim of loadline convention.
I mentioned about to maintajn water tight integrity of the vessel and mentioned about some
loadlines ...not sure but was looking ok with it....
10. If you are onboard as master, pilot on board, vessel casting off and pilot complained that
vessel is suddenly heeling slowly to the side tugs are pulling. Your action as master.
I told him since the vessel was behavin tender and was heeling to the side tugs were pulling, I
will increase the GM by filling up DBs and shifting topside tanks to DBs ..
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He said no space and no option for ballast adjustment then what you will do pilot is angry,
tugs are waiting, all cast off..
I said I will ask pilot to take back vessel to port and adjust with cargo ...and first of all I would
have checked this before loading and inforrmed charterers about it and to make GM to my
satisfaction... He was ok with the ans..
In between kept commenting and asking about problems faced on container vessels.
11. Rule 9 narrow channel... In own words.. What all points are covered.. Mentioned all points
in my own words.
12. Gave me a situation you are on Power driven vessel nearing a bend in narrow notice another vessel coming from other end. You have the other vessel on your
stbd side. What is your action and who will take action? Initially I told him I will give him blast
as mentioned in the colreg as per rule 9 and sound as per rule 34e.
13. How you vessel squating?
I told him all points for shallow water effects ..and mentioned the echosounder fwd and aft
transducer will give an indication but cannot be relied upon..
15. How do you determine and factors to be considered for vessel constrained by her draft.
Basically he wanted to know how you know your vessel is constrained by her draft.
I told about breadth of vessel and channel breadth...
Then he asked what is draft in relation to available witdth of channel..? What all things you will
Like he said length will also matter while turning..
In determining width of navigable water you should know the tactical diameter of you own
He was pointing out the turning ability of the vessel in narrow channel where widht is the
issue...that also needs to be consider making vessel constrained by her draft....
15. Joining as master how you know vessel is seaworthy?
I mentioned that I will join check all the statutory and mandatory certificates , certificates of
crew, and then I will go on deck to check over all status of vessel , go on jetty to check shop
side for any deformation or any dents. Then engine room round to check engine and auxiliary
machineries are in order same will confirm with ch eng .
Indos No., Type of ship, Trading pattern of vessel.
1. What are the temperatures of the cargoes that you are carrying them at in LPG ships -
propane and butane.
Ans: BP temp.
2. What protection devices are there for the lpg tanks?
Ans: MARVS and tank insulation, and hold spaces
3. What and how are hbr setters calculated and put?
Ans: On the basis on IGC code calculations, cargoes to be carried, type of tank and ship,
finally class guidance. In between kept commenting and asking about smaller aspects of LPG
4. Vapour weight calculation would you take into consideration for cargo calculations or not
and why and how?
Ans: i think i goofed up ere - i spoke about calculation sheet stating they also have vapour cals

in them and all. he wasnt happy with this much he wanted more, didnt know what that is/was.

5. Explain in my own words overtaking rule and key points only.
ANs: Explained him key points, happy he was.
6. How do u know there is a doubt in overtaking or when is there a doubt in overtaking
Ans: Told him when at the edge of sidelights and sternlight, exactly at 22.5 abaft beam such
that due to obscurity of lights maybe see both side and stern light at the angle. also during
some crossing/overtaking situations. He was happy.
7. Asked if i had heard about the two vessels colliding in gulf of kutch recently, which i had.
Then he said in deep draft channel both vessels meeting at 'X' in such a manner that one is
hdg SE and other SW, who should have taken action and which rules. Both vessels are not
CBD but only PDV.
Ans: I said if both are CBD then both should alter towards stbd edges of the hannels so as to
pass at safe distance, then he said they are not CBD, then who should keep clear. I was lost
said rule-2, but i didnt get it.
8. Why tss are made?
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ANS: I said made by coastal states to protect certain areas from intl marine traffic such as port
entrances, fishing zones, oil fields etc, but not happy. He said if that was the case they would
have just said this is a restricted or no-go area, merchant ships not allowed.
9. Give an example of Rule 2.
ANS: Guys very important do not give examples of head-on situations and having obstruction
on stbd side. He wants sumthing more or different.

10. Joining a first time master how will you ensure vsl is seaworthy:
Ans: certificates, round on deck, spk with mate, ch.eng, 2nd mate, anything urgent prior hdg
out to sea for the voyage. C/cook also for provisions. Happy he was, cross questioned
generally on certificate of class - why important?
11. Then brand new 3rd mate joins your ship, wht will you do?
Ans: i said make him comfortable and advice and assist him with extra hands for watches as
he needs, blal blah blah. Ext said u havent done anything as his introduction, social
background, health, travel and all, (which i thght was given when i said make him feel
comfortable on board), but not happy.
12. Same 3/o, missing after 2 days of sailing, action.
Ans: i said search and re-confirm, last seen or met him, witnesses, mood recently, after
confirming missing turn the ship and inform company, send "urgency" message. This he
caught me on and said urgency? then i corrected "distress" danger to life/person.
Asked me to decribe my last vessel.
When will you consider your vessel a deep draft vessel.
When does a Towing vessel put RAM light.
When will you put NUC light on your ship.


What all jobs can be only done in the DD

You have to give instruction for Fire watch in DD. What all instructions you will give.
You are in a dense fishing traffic area. What instruction you will give to your lookout.
How will you know if the container weight and the cargo inside is loaded as it is declared.
What all you will check in when loading IMDG cargo.
Under what situation you will use ROR Rule 2. (explanation with example).
3rd officer has called you at 0030, 2nd officer didnt come for watch. And he is not in his cabin.
-How do u know your vessel is a deep draft vessel?


-height of fwd light above hull

- vertical distance between fwd light and anchor light.
-Horizontal sector of side lights
- quote Rule .15 why stand on vessel cannot turn to port side.
1. How to know the current from Navigational chart at any given place. Tidal diamond in detail.
2. Why MLC required.
3. Why PSC inspection. If PSC inspector suspends his inspection and detains the ship, action
as Master.


4. As per ISM what are the critical and crucial operations.

5. Procedure for change of Flag. How will u prepare the ship as a Master for change of Flag.
6. Interval of Dry dock requirement.
7. Under which international convention, Certificate of registery.
8. Misdeclaration of container weights, your action.
9. Ship handling while approaching port with the tide or stemming the tide?
10. Discussion of casualty incident which u know of and lesson learned from that incident.
I was the last one at both the venues, just tried holding my nerves so that i didn't fumble my
answers. Some answers were not upto the mark so i have put most probable answers in the
Started off with brief introduction of myself where in the end i mentioned bulk carrier and as

expected questioning begin with Bulk carriers.


1. What is so typical about bulk carriers?

The local stresses experienced due to the uneven loading of cargo in the holds unlike any
other dry cargo vessel.

2. How would you go about calculating maximum cargo you can load suppose an order for
loading vessel up to Summer loadline is received?
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I went about explaining the dead weight calculation.

3. What is the difference between Displacement and Dead weight?


4. What is lightship?
Weight of the ship excluding every additional weight onboard

5. Why would you go for dead weight and why not displacement? Would it not change in
Dead weight maximum would never change but the displacement will change eith the density.
(Dock water allowance comes into picture here whenever you can not load upto SW density)

6. Suppose you had to load a cargo of 1 lakh tonne in seven holds how would you go about it?
Will distribute basis SF and BM to be kept to minimum.

7. How would you decide how much to put in each hold?

Using the allowable load diagram for each holds and total for two holds in the stability booklet.

8. Can we put the maximum allowable in each hold as per this diagram?
We have to distribute the weight as equally as possible unless its a grain cargo where we have
to keep maximum number of holds full. Stresses play a big part in distribution of weights.

9. How would you distribute the weights without using loadicator?

I said i can use hydrostatic table and Trimming tables. Tried explaining but ran out of ideas
and gave up on this.
(Both are different, best way for this is to refer to loading conditions in the stability booklet)

10. What is inclining test? Why is it dine?

It is done in the yard to determine the lightship KG.
Then he got deep into it I tried explaining with whatever little I knew about this and told him do
not know the full procedure of the Test how its carried out.

11. What are annual, renewal, periodic and intermediate surveys?

12. Loadline inspection annual, surveyor onboard how will you go about it?
Accompany the surveyor as he will have general overview of the condition of the vessel.
Checking the Hull condition for rust, draft and loadline marks, All openings on deck, Air pipes,
doors, railings, scuppers, hatch cover, piping and bilge pumping arrangements.

13. What all checks in hatch cover?

Condition, dents, damages, rubber packing condition, cleats and crutches, Wathertightness of
hatch cover.

14. Why is hatch cover weather tight?

It needs to protect against only on the weather side but not stop flow of water from the hold

15. List out some watertight doors onboard?

Basically any openings below waterline of vessels, bow door and side scuttle.

16. What is side scuttle?

Opening on the bulkhead below freeboard deck or one deck above but not below 2.5% of
Breadth or 500 mm whichever is greater from the loadline fitted with Deadlights and glass with
arrangements for it being watertight

17. Drydock preps?

Started with previous drydock, defect list in pms, sending the specifications for jobs to the
office. onboard check of spares and special tools required.
(Corrected me here as i did not mentioned the jobs which could be done be ship staff that
should not have been sent).
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18. What all jobs could be done only in the yard?

Cropping and renewal of major dent to shipside or hatchcovers.

19. What is the need to go to the dock?

Basically docking survey, Painting of hull, anchor ranging, inspection of bilge keel.
(Also should have added, Echo sounder inspection, Seachest valve cleaning, log inspection)

20. What is done in docking survey and why is it required only in the dock?
Basically overall inspection if bottom part of the ship rusing and wastage of hull if any.
Basically two bottom ship survey are required in every 5 years and one of them can be carried
out as In Water Survey, but for ships 15 years or more in age IWS not allowed.

21. How will you know the paint to be used under water and the area required and till where
Antifouling is to be applied?
From data supplied by the yard, previous drydock reports and the Antifouling is applied till the
summer loadline marking.

22. Data in the yard supply would be old how can you use that?
Lots of substances such as TBT is banned i would ensure the Antifouling paint is not unto that
category and uae this data as indication only and determine the Two primer coats, tie coat and
top coat accordingly.
(Coating technical file is where all data related to paints could be found)

23. Surface preperation standards for hull painting?

Told about the surface preparation involved but was not satisfied.

24. Herald of free enterprise, what happened?

Bosun forgot to close the door, actually he was sleeping and no one noticed as the vessel
sailed out of Zebbrugge vessel flooded and eventually capsized.

Capt Anish intervened here and asked was there no indication on the bridge for the same?

There was none.

25. What do you know about Intervention convention?

It enforces the rights of coastal state to take necessary actions on the high seas to protest its
coastline against oil pollution.

26. Why did it come into force?

Torrey Canyon
1) Started with General intro and asked me to tell about my experiences of ship.
2) Took over said as u r bulk experience so start with bulk only and asked how do we come to
know if we can load heavy density cargo.
3) what else other than triangle indicate if we can load or not
4) what is the criteria to decide heavy density cargo

5) Loading of Sulphur & as per what regulation & precautions


6) How to divide 1 lack tonnes of bulk cargo into 7 holds ship , on what basis do we decide. He
wanted to hear something else than loadicator.
7) Draft survey full procedure step by step
8) Formulas used in draft survey , trim correction formulas
9) Drydocking
10) Special survey, why is it done and when is it done
11) ESP , is this for bulk carriers also
12) Berthing and unberthing situations without wind current and with current.
1) Bulk carrier loading full calculation

2) Narrate a near miss situation on board


3) Which rules were violated

4) Explanation on overtaking rule
5) ASD contents? How is it different that Guide to port entry
6) What info u will get on a routeing chart
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7) Draw wind on a routeing chart?

8) Draw the wind rose on a routeing chart
9) Can Sulphur be loaded on all kinds of bulk carriers? As per which code?
10) What are the annexure of IMDG code?
11) Contents of the certificate of fitness.
12) What is VTS and what is VTMS? Difference between the two?
13) What are the annexure of IMSBC code?
14) Positioning of sidelights on board ships.
1) How will you take over as a master, v/l in Singapore?
2) While taking over you find a dent on the ships hull.
3) Master refuses to give you any info about the same.
4) What is synchronous & Parametric rolling?


5) How will you loading Sulphur on a bulk carrier?

6) What is VTS and VTMS?
7) Difference between both – VTS & VTMS.
8) What is weather tight & watertight?
9) Loading coal and no.2, Cargo Hold Temperature rising?
10) Person dead on board, how will you go about the same?
Explain anchoring of VLCC in mumbai port starting from when you are 2 hours away from
anchoring position, tide is ebbing
As I answered, he asked me how is tide going to affect you- 'help me' I answered with reason
The point where I mentioned that I will reduce me speed to 2-2.5 knots at about 1 mile, he
asked if vessel will be able to steer at such a slow speed, replied yes and explained how, also
mentioned about kick ahead method to keep her on track
And then the usual anchoring stuff
Points important to remember and mention - own familiarity with manoeuveribility of the vessel,
BTM, shared mental model on bridge, challenge and response. Briefing of the plan to chief
officer, confirm his understanding of the orders/equipment familiarity and other aspects,
vertical fall of the anchor(NMT 15m, 10m optimum), ensure speed nearly zero if walking back
keeping in mind the current and so on. Is the current advantageous or disadvantageous while
lowering the cable. Both... It will help me laying the cable nicely in case of letting go but in case
of walking back vessel may catch up speed, so need to be watchful(although I mentioned this
caution before).
2. days to berth at Mumbai and u have been told by the port that unberthing will be without
pilot and tugs. 80k dwt. Will you accept? Will inform the company.
Company says it's your call Captain.
In that case will re-assess the situation utilize my inward call/berthing experience with respect


to vessel's behavior in the prevailing conditions. Although I have the knowledge and skill of
manoeuvering, still will request the berthing pilot post bething to give any inputs and verify my
unberthing plan with him as he is the person with local experience. If there is any doubt or
concerns which can affect the safety of the vessel I will inform company.
Ok, un-berth this ship now without tugs.
Refer DJ house for accurate and crisp answer.
15 days to Drydock, last discharging prior drydock, prepare your crude oil tanker.
Will conduct management meeting, Put forward my expectations, hear their plans and current
status wrt Drydock preps including any special procedure required/followed by the yard wrt to
RA and Control of work(bridging procedures between yard/vsl), will particularly share my
hands-on experience of Drydock preps with C/O which includes requesting full COW for all
COTs permission from the terminal as that will reduce the oil residue handling post tank
cleaning, interrupted me happily(noticed as his mask slipped while nodding and smiling) and
asked will you discuss about incidents in Drydock (prompting question). Yes.
Have you experienced any incidents in Drydock, tell me. Told him about minor actual incident.
What else will you discuss about incidents? Lifting operations and confined space related
Particularly the fact that gas freed tanks can become unsafe anytime due to the presence of
residues, opening of any valve for any purpose, gas pockets.
How long is gas free certificate valid in yard? 12 hours but personal gas meter still to be
How will you declare general average? How will you decide general average?
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1) He asked tell me about ur last ship and wat it was . What u sail as? They dont have our
physical files wid them so , we need to brief them about us.
2) Case study of Hough Osaka and sequence of events which took place and why ?
3) As i m a car carrier person , he started grilling with all wind heeling criteria, wind age area
and stability ., Gm, criteria for your ship .

4) How you will maneuver the vessel , approaching to port. He was looking for a specific word,

but i couldn't give him that.

5) About certificates, which all is required by class for a roro ferry or car carrier .
6) What is statutory cert.
7) What was da class of my last ship
8) What is mentioned on da loadline cert. Of ur ship , car carrier . I couldn't answer mentioned
on the first page of cert. Of ur ship type .
9) safety construction cert. Safety equipment cert.
10) ship security cert. Its inerval and renewals how its done
Very calm and makes u comfortable before taking off.
1. Explain General average.
2. Why Master dsnt clain General average for everything; he wanted to listen how Gen
Avg is disadvantageous to the owner...and d details of it.
3. How wil u prepare vessel for special survey


4. U have to carry out steel replacement on the hull, how wil u go abt preparing for the
5. where wil u find details of thickness and grade of steel, how wil u describe the
location of plate
6. Which Certificate wil get affected by this steel replacement
7. how many grades of surface preparations, how u wil ensure yard is following
instructions for the surface preparations prior painting work begins
8. how wil you motivate ur crew on board
1) what is grt and nrt??y is it required?
2) intact stability for tankers?
3) will you sail with a GM of 0.15?how will she behave?
4) wind heeling criteria?
5) stiff and tender ship?

6) which ships can use inshore traffic zones?


7) in which case you will use?? precautions for it??

8) how will you motivate the crew?
9) what is LOA?LBP?
10) why need 2 pilot bottles in CO2 release system?
11) master over riding authority??
12) y roll period of a tender ship is more?
13) vsl goes to berthing and sits on the bottom...loads...and refloats with tide...what will be ur
action as master??
1. Preliminary inquiry & Formal Investigation in just ridiculous detail with lot of cross questions,
also involving casualty investigation code.
2. Marine board in detail.
3. National Shipping board
4. ISM code contents
5. Validity of interim DOC and SMC
6. On what basis is DOC given


7. ISPS code content

8. Elements of ISPS
9. Then he wanted to know what is round wire around ports called. I just did not understand
what he wanted to know. I answered razor wire, barbed wire etc but he was not satisfied. How
will you know a port is ISPS compliant?
10. Latest BMP and contents.
11. D & A policy. What is alcohol limit. From where do you get alcohol limit.
12. Then he gave me a SEQ certificate issue date and expiry date and asked when will the
annual survey take place.
13. Port state procedures. Clear grounds, example.
14. What is the latest MOU.
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15. What is target factor, where will you get it from. Some more questions on PSC I don't
16. ALL sound signals.
17. You are in coastal waters and enter a fog bank what will be your action. Had lot of
discussion on this and little bit argument also with both internal and external.
The whole situation got off on a very sour note. There was no email from MMD Delhi till
midnight. So I downed a few good ones and went off to sleep. I was sleeping at about 11 in the
morning when the phone rang. Someone on the other end said ‘I am calling from MMD
Chennai, you have your oral today?’ I said no, I have no information and I started suspecting
that maybe it’s someone playing tricks. Then the person hung up the call and a moment later
Capt. Poswal from MMD Delhi called up and started saying check your email we have sent
you intimation. He also added that it’s not mandatory for us to give so much advanced notice
to candidates.
So to cut it short, I checked the email and I had received intimation from Poswal’s personal ID
at ‘0636’. At this time ON THE DAY of the orals. I am sure no one here checks their email at
six thirty in the morning.
Anyways, again got a call from Capt. Azad asking me if I will be able to make it. I asked him for
five minutes. Jumped out of bed, stroked a dry razor across my face, put on a jacket and tie
and went and sat down in front of the laptop.
When I joined the meeting Capt. Azad was having a detailed discussion with MMD Delhi about
why this lapse occurred.
After he got over with his call he turned his focus to me. He said ‘we have mandated that at
least 3 days notice is given to candidates, why it was not followed in this case I don’t
understand’. Then he asked me if I was ready to proceed. I said yes. At this instant another
gentleman named Rahul also joined. From his face I could tell that he had also jumped out of
bed and come. So Capt. Azad then said let’s take some time and conduct the orals at 1400.
So we got a little time to freshen up.

Now the actual questions. Orals for me started at 1350

Capt. Mandal started off with COLREGS, he said that Capt. Awasthi had once told him that
these days candidates are weak in ROR so he said he will be focusing on this and on the

outcome of this he will decide if going further is warranted. He said he doesn’t expect the rules

to be mugged up by heart but he wants to hear more or less the same language
- Started off with Rule 2. Detailed discussion on paragraph (a) and (b) both. He asked when
will part (a) apply and when will part (b) apply. Asked for examples
What is a fishing vessel
Rule 17
CBD and FV, crossing situation (FV on the stbd of CBD), who is give way who is stand on.
How will the situation develop
Rule 19. Full contents
Rule 10
Own vessel proceeding along the TSS and FV crossing stbd to port
CBD proceeding along the traffic lane and own vessel crossing the TSS from the stbd to port
of the CBD
Annex 1 to COLREG what does it contain
Annex 2 to COLREG what does it contain
Rule 34
Rule 13
Just the ROR part lasted for 45 odd minutes. He went into great detail of everything and quite
a few times he was not satisfied with my answers. He was saying he’s not getting the
‘keywords’ that he’s looking for.
The other part for non ROR questions lasted for another 1 hour.
Why registration? Benefits of registration. Registration as per MS Act.
Duties and Responsibilities of Master. Where is it given? Which ISM element deals with this?
Intermediate ISM Audit? Which ISM element deals with this?
ISSC. Life cycle. Audit cycle of ISSC.
List of Statutory Certificates. Tell all the certificates.
Port State Control. What is Ship Risk Profile. Target Factor. What are different types of PSC
inspections. CIC in detail.
CLC92 full. Limits under CLC92.
FUND92. Who manages the corpus under the CLC.
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How is the contribution for CLC done.

MLC. What amendments to the MLC? MS Act MLC?
Amendments to SOLAS. ITF. ITF Blue Card? ITF Green Card?
No wages provided on board for over 4 months. What will you do as master?
Ballast Water Management Convention in detail.
Risk Assessment in detail. How is risk assessment carried out.
Drug and Alcohol policy? What is the amount of alcohol allowed?
FAL Convention? Latest amendments to FAL convention? What all it covers?
What will you do if the H&M insurance expires in the middle of the ocean?
Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention?
1. Registration of Indian ships
2. MOC as per MSA
3. Unseaworthy action
8. VGM
11. MMT
15. CIRC 1228
16. CIC



18. VTS
19. LRIT
20. VDR
40. IOPC
42. MLC
1) What are KN curves
Ans : these are curves of stability with an assumed kg as zero and it is like righting lever
measured at keel ...told him formula of KN and GZ also.

2) What is critical period


What it's importance ?


Ans : at end of critical period residual gm shall be positive

3) What is declivity of blocks ? And what is the relationship between critical period and declivity
of blocks ?
Ans : Declivity of blocks is to counter the trim of vessel during dry docking and declivity of
blocks reduces the critical period and hence virtual loss of gm is reduced.

4) Why port state control is required ?

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5) EEDI and seemf , Kyoto protocol , Paris agreement .....cross questions in these.

Ship routing how will you carry out, Content of IMSBC,


Shipper declaration, Great circle disadvantage,
Polar code route, Annex 1 light intensity formula,
EEDI, Kyoto protocol,
What is their aim with respect to shipping, by 2050 reduce emission of Green house gas by 50
1. Ship Routeing
2. If Mumbai port authorities decides to include any any ship's routeing, what is the procedure?
3. Role of coastal state as per UNCLOS
4. Bridge Visibility
5. Various ROR situations in RV
6. Difference between TRS and a normal Low pressure area at sea
7. What is pivot point? How does it help u as a master?

8. Manoeuvering Characyeristics of vessel

9. What will u do if submarine cable comes up hanging with anchor flukes?
10. What is critical dilution line in flammability diagram?
11. Will a atmosphere of 99.9% LEL catch fire?
12. What are the advantages of using hypermist system?
13. Latest fire fighting requirements on container vessels
14. Gases as per Annex-VI and how it is controlled on ships?
15. What is EEDI? How do u calculate it and going very deep on these topic like why chief
engineer sending EEDI information to company, when it is send, how does it look like, etc, etc.
16. How do u control NOx, contents of NOx technical file
17. How is a resolution is brought into force?
RoR cards including those of Region B

CLC and Fund


Oil Spill
GMDSS Eqpts and maintenance
Flag State Inspection
Detailed examination
1. You are power driven vessel 100m length, you have to tow vessel in distress... Lights and
In this situation, you see vessel on stbd side what is your action?
2. Which vessel? Containers.... What is VGM?
3. Terminal gives you VGM certificates... How will u verify they are authentic? Where will you
find out approved organizations for issuing vgm certification.

4. You are on Indian coast, you get orders to anchor and await further orders... As per

UNCLOS can u anchor in territorial waters?

5. What is the start of calendar date for P&I clubs?
6. What are P&I calls? Types of P&I calls?
7. What type of vessels don't need to show masthead lights?
8. What are conditions and warranties? Examples of warranties and examples of 3 conditions
9. Special Trade passenger ships what certificates required to carry? What is certificate B?
Contents? Validity of certificate A and certifcate B?
10. What is decision support system? To what kind of ship does apply? How does it assist
11. Wreck removal convention... Can owner limit liability?



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10. PSC/ MOU
12. ETAS
1) Master's responsibility as per ISM code. State element and details.
2) Crew unruly, not carrying out routine duties. Action? State as per ISM code.
3) Risk profile matrix as per PSC. State conditions for inspecting a ship.
4) PSC boards ship and wants to inspect GMDSS equip. What all tests he may request.
5) Annual testing of GMDSS battery- requirements.
6) CLC convention, details. Limits of liability. Requirement for financial coverage.
7) Multimodal transport. What doc issued under MMT.
8) Is BL required for MMT? What is Multimodal transport doc, who issues it? How is carriers

obligation n terms stated in MMTD?


(I said contract of carriage is separately stated as MMTD does not include contract of carriage.
But, I am not sure abt this answer)
9) What is COA. Why is COA required, if it's same like Voyage charter (For carrying large
amount of cargo over a period of time)
10) Both to blame clause. How is proportion of blame determined?
11) Hong Kong ship recycling convention. Details.
12) Crash stop requirement. Where is it stated?
13) Other requirements of IMO Manuevring criteria.
14) Own vessel PD, observes PD on port bow. Action? Which rule?
15) In above situation, what vessel on port can make you give way. State the rule.
16) Drill requirements of Free-fall launching L/B.
1. What is the purpose of LBP
2. You hv to take over a vessel from a greek owner.
3. while taking over u found a dent on the ship side. Action
4. ROR cards
5. CSC plate.

6. Fixed fire fighting equipment on a tanker

7. Can a general cargo ship load grain.
8. What is a MMTD
9. Damage Control Plan
10. Contents of Shell expanion Plan.
11. Manouvering Information on Bridge.
12. Chief mate reported 1 crew member is missing, action.
13. He asked me to draw expanding square search.
14. Sea area A2 to A3
1. Duties as master as per ism
2. How to take over as Master: wants to listen practical aspects
3. Damage stab booklet & contents
4. CSC Plate
5. Loadline survey preparation
6. CLC and Fund convention
7. Info in manoeuvre poster

8. Action on knowing nxt voy is thru HRA

9. Few ROR cards for lights, buoys and day signal,abt 8 total.(rv sits)
9. Voy to UK, what all to chk as mch before time to chng ovr to lsfo.
10. Grain loading stabilty criteria
11. How to prevent false alerts on gmdss eqpmt, duties afr rcvng distress alert.
12. Concentrate hazards and precautions
13. crew member missing- action
14. difference between B/L and Multimodal
15. frequency of lowering freefall lifeboat and recovery
16. Frequency of fire drill and items to check during drill
17. info frm imsbc code
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18. disch criteria for oil frm machi spaces.

19. smc & doc who issues,validity n contents.
20. what is polymerization & how to prevent it.(this is d only qstn i cudnt answer completely,as
i didn’t know how to stop polymtn-im a bulky hand thruout.)

1. Location of Majuro
2. How to take over as Master: wants to listen practical aspects
3. P & A Manual
4. CSC Plate
5. Loadline survey preparation
6. CLC and Fund convention
7. SCOPIC clause

8. Shell expansion plan

9. few ROR cards for lights, buoys and day signal
9. ROR situation for crossing
10. Grain loading stabilty criteria
11. Heavy lift loading precautions
12. Concentrate hazards and precautions
13. crew member missing- action
14. difference between B/L and Multimodal
15. frequency of lowering freefall lifeboat and recovery
16. Frequency of fire drill and items to check during drill
17. MLC
Pre-sea training place. How were the written and if results out.
Types of ships done, I said bulk carries. Then he saw my file and that I had done tankers when
I was cadet so he said my knowledge about tankers should be good as cadetship is the best
time we learn at, but he did not ask me about tankers. Then he saw that some of my vessels
PoR was Majuro so he asked me:
Q: where is Majuro?
A: Marshall Islands in the Pacific.
Q: where exactly?
A: Polynesia
He said Polynesia is a big place and that I don’t know exactly where Majuro is.
Then he started with Taking over as Master on a bulk carrier, what is NC, give examples.


Masters authority under ISM and how will you motivate crew, CLC and Fund convention, ROR
cards: trawling vessel with nets fast to an obstruction, day and night RAM vessel and action of
own vessel in each case to keep clear. Situation: 2 power driven crossing vessels, who will
keep clear, mine was the stand on vessel.
What is LRIT and requirement, Multimodal transport, warning signs of TRS, contents of
Manoeuvring information on bridge, for what is Advance and Tactical diameter useful, contents
of Pilot Card, difference between Pilot card and Manoeuvring poster on bridge. Damage
Stability Booklet, what is cross flooding, precautions when loading concentrates, Fire
extinguishing systems in ER, fixed CO2 firefighting maintenance, person reported missing at
0900 in the morning - action, MARPOL discharge criteria for discharge of machinery space
bilges, Official log book entry. That’s all I can remember.
Miranda told me all my answers are correct, only thing confidence is not so good. He told me
at Masters level we want confident candidates, who can take the best action possible in a
emergency when time is factor, he said your internal will be Capt. Das and so be prepared for
his questions.
ROR cards on his cell ph. Buoys cards on his cell ph.
ROR situations with same cards. He will put a dummy ship in front of his ph.
ISM elements. Situation in Jammu Kashmir.
What is Art 370 and 35A. What is good and bad abt that?


Co2 System details and all criteria. Can U load Grain on General cargo vsl.
Damage stability booklet contents. Example of outer hull closing devices.
Contents of ISGOTT. Contents of IAMSAR Vol 3.
16 elements of ISM. VLCC deep water and heavy weather anchoring.
Who is present DG name?
What is written outside DG office when U enter...Guys some slogan is there every day they
change...just read that....
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ODME alarms and how to rectify them... Contents of Ship Master Medical Guide...just few
general points. Helicopter onboard from which side U will board....
Answer is avoid stern of heli as there is rotator.... Tankers Damage Stability criteria.
What is Subdivision? What is Margin line...that 76mm and all that.....
Who is present LT Governor of J & K. Master dead onboard...
Can U takeover. Dry dock preparations in Tankers.....He wants step wise..He wants more abt
COW and Purging together....
Mlc: toilet broken n psc gves deficiency how will u as a master go about ? Onbaord crew 10
nos and toilets 3 nos provided common space
Vsl in distress: action with search pattern n drawing datum and finding sweep and trach space
Diffrnce betwen havgue visby and hamburg
Cadet accidnetly activates vhf action as master
What is pyrophoric oxidation
What is polymerization?
Which certificates chemical tanker carry so I said I have not done chemical to which surveyor
said is ur masters cert oli for tankers
Precautions while loading concentrates


And explain in details ship safety shore checklist he wnats to know what is a p r in the checklist
Ror towing day cards 4
And two situation
One vsl port bow action
I asked him does roc exist to wic sir said. That u decide n tell me
So i said ill monitor on radar n if roc exist will take action sbd n pass round. If not maintain co n
What is container csc with dimesions and what is acepVsl on the way fm weat aftica to us
And stoways on board action
He wants to know the stowaway Reporting form
Vsl making her passage fm india to med : what all precautions
He wants to know all about bmp 5
How will u motivate crew
Daily i told all resolution n circulators so he was happy .
What are master's duties as per Ism...say in sequence as given in Ism.....
What is near miss...example...procedure to report...speak out text format of reporting...
Damage stability contents... What is cross flooding.....what is it's use...which ship it required
Red south china sea.....what is urs actions…
What are psc detentions... What are the latest marpol annex 1 ammendments regarding


Antarctic........ Banane ka chilka in bilge during regular rounds urs action...again next
week it same repeated..............answer in all possibilities as a master...
Diff. Types of current names...he asked there locations.......
Chif officers reported morning @7 oneof the a/b missing...actions.....current 1 knot...which
search patterns n recovery turn......which he drifting which search pattern with
Foam discharge rate on much area to be covered by foam requirement........
Iron it a concentrates..... What is a parametric rollings...... What is radio licence.......
Started with Introduction.
1. How will you take over as a master on an oil tanker.
2. What all certificates are there on an oil tanker and as per which convention or code.
3. Masters responsibility and overriding authority.
4. How to motivate your crew to follow SMS.
5. How will you prepare your vsl for psc inspection?
6. What are MOUs and how many are there.


7. Preparation for Safety Equipment Certificate Survey.

8. Damage Control Plan and contents.
9. Maneuverability Diagram and IMO criteria’s.
10. Fixed firefighting system on last ship and testing of same.
11. IMSAR Search pattern.
12. You receive Distress alert of a ship 600 miles away.Action as master.(here he wants to
listen that eventually you will go for help.)
13.How will you conduct Abandonship drill and requiremnet.
14.Action and precautions will transiting english channel and HRA.
15.Hazards of H2S and Coal.CSC plate.
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16.Grain Loading of Slack hold and precautions.

17.MTO and MTD and its content.
18.CLC and Fund Convention.
19.GRB and entries.(Here he wants to listen abt changes to GRB)
20.LOF and Scopic.
21.Few ror cards.
21.And finally his fav quest…What is constant?


Started with why i failed earlier attempts - Told him ror so he started with ROR.
1. Vsl on port bow crossing situation roc exists. (Actions as per stand on vsl. Will alter to stbd
at 1.5 nm from other vessel and take round turn).
2. How long will u take to take a full turn.
3. Range of sound signals
4. Rv situation one vsl on port bow and one on stbd qtr. Action( based on cpa and tcpa of
5. Both tcpa 20 min port bow target cpa 0 stbd bow target cpa 0.5 overtaking. Action.
( wide alteration to port as 19d says avoid but does not say do not alter to port. Avoid alter to
stbd as that is overtaking.)
6. Can u increase speed. I said yes that can also be done but i would prefer to alter course
7. Cards - RAM, day signal cards of NUC, Aground and a few other.
8. Difference btw clc and fund
9. In multimodal transport are BLs issued for each leg or a single document. (Single document)
10. Responsibilities of master as per solas chap 9 ( Element 5 of ism)


11. How u will motivate crew ( drills training safety meeting hazard hunt etc)
12. What is parametric rolling and actions to avoid it ( as per msc cir 1228)
13. Additional gmdss equip for a2. ( mf dsc).
14. Certificates on a oil tanker.
15. Ffa on last vsl (Co2 in ER)
16. Why no co2 in cargo holds ( exemption cert as per solas chap 2-2. Can carry only certain
types of cargo.
17. How will u prepare for PSC . ( Details as per imo re a.1119(30). Check any deficiencies.
Cert upto date. Inform co and ce to check all items. Cic of that psc. Etc)
18. What info is shown on bridge ( imo res a.601(15). )
19. 2nd mate calls u and says he saw a falling red star in the sky.( check on radar. Inform er.
And proceed for assistance as may be distressed vsl. Check for distress reports. Try to contact
mrcc and inform them of the same. )
20. Draw any IAMSAR search partern.
21. Helicopter evacuation ( as per checklist.helicopter guide, meeting with
crew. )
22. Precautions transiting english channel ( try out engines. Steering. Bridge team meeting.
Tides. Tss. Crossing ferries. Fog in winter. Reporting).
Then he go for which ships


1. How will u take over as master on tanker.

2. Which certificate u ll check
3. What do u mean by implementing ism
4. How ll u motivate crew
5. Info mentioned in maneuvering poster
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6. What is the diff between stopping distance and head reach

7. On what circumstance u ll discharge co2 in engine room
8. How ll go for rescuing person in er. I told him abt entry with co2 so he asked when rescue
party will come out. I told him thr is whistle on scuba set I ll have almost 5 minds to come from
er. So corrected me and told use 15mins for searching and 15 to come out from er then go
with new bttl again. Some discussion on it
9. Vhf false distress alert cancellation.
10. N pacific u sight an ice Berge for which no warning is issued action.
11. N Pacific u rcv distress msg action. He want to here before proceeding u will check
availability of bunkers.
12. Dangers od quartering seas
13. Hw to prevent parametric rolling
14. Precaution prior entering English Channel
15. Precaution for entering HRA
16. What is BMP5
17. Ur on a bulk carrier loading grain 3 holds are full and one is partly filled. Action
18. Multimodal transport document
19. What is csc plate
20. Diff between clc and fund
21. Sick crew how will you land him ashore helicopter is approaching and where you’ll find it.
ROR situation. Cards.
1. ISM, How will you motivate crew
2. Around 10 ROR day cards
3. RV situation, one vsl on port bow & one vsl on stbd qtr, roc exists
4. Vsl crossing in TSS, which rule will apply.


5. Headreach, Trackreach and stopping distance

6. Vsl doing 178, 2 knots current, what will be CTS inorder to make good 178
7. Types of EPIIRB
8. What is statutory & mandatory certificates with example. Is COC mandatory?
10. Multimodal document
11. Pyrophoric reaction
General Introduction
1) How will you takeover 2nd hand bulk carrier(Change of management)
2) Preparation for Loadline survey
3) Type of Chemical tanker
4) Marpol Discharge criteria of Annex 2
5) Ror cards around 10.. And action as per.


6) 1 Ror situation in sight of one another

7) CLC and Fund convention
8) Difference between Hague and Hague visby
9) Voyaga UK to Usa and in the middle of ocean u saw ice.. Action
10) Fire fighting on ur last ship.
11) Marpol amendments
12) Person missing.. Search pattern how will u decide.. And how to calculate datum
13) Cadet sent false distress message on VHF.. Action..
14) Prior proceeding to hra.. Preparation
15) Difference between BMP4 and BMP5.
Started with introduction, company, ships done etc.
How will u take over command of a ship?
CLC, Fund convention details
difference between Hague and Hague visby rules

Rotterdam rules ...why it is not so much accepted difference between Hamburg and hague

visby rules
MTD has been prepared ..u receive damaged cargo to load onboard ... what will u do ?
ROR situation...RV situation vessel on port bow and one vessel on stbd quarter
...action..always ask for risk of collsion exist or not in this case
ROR cards ... around 20 day cards... 5 night cards...5 buoy cards
2 crew members had fight on board action ad per MSA
SOLAS ch 13 details
How to cancel VHF false distress alert?
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You are at North Atlantic Ocean ..u see a ice berg ahead action.
Marpol discharge criteria for Machinery spaces
Fixed fire Fighting system onboard last vessel
Type of foams used
Use of Fall preventer device.
ISM amendments
As a master u find the sms procedures are not correct ..what will u do
You find a stowaway onboard action...who all will u inform..
PMS routine for GMDSS batteries in your company.
1. Take over as master.
2. How will u prepare ship for psc.
3. Contents of damage control plan.
4. Manouevring information on bridge.
5. Fixed fire fighting systems for deck on last ship.

6. How many foam monitors on last ship.

7. How to calculate wheelover position using manoeuvring characterstics.
8. U see ice pack at sea, what are ur obligations as master.
9. V/l grounded port bow, what are dangers associated with that. (Topple over with low tide)
10. Parlty filled grain hold, can u load and what precautions.
11. Contents of CSC plate.
12.CLC and Fund Convention.
12. SCOPIC clause.
1) Bulk Carrier, Greek owned Bulk Carrier. New owner Indian- Checks onboard, Procedure,
Flag Changes Procedure. Full details.
Same question: Bulk Carrier is 10year old. Big dent in fwd. What all to report ?
Where to find information? Which all plans in details?
2) From cross questions of 1 SEQ details
3) Another vessel at berth. You own vessel berthing, hits the other vessel at about 4S tank.
Crude oil pollution from other vessel. Actions? Who will pay for pollution? Some more cross
4) Damaged Stability Book and plan contents and how to use the information available. Too
much detailed. I fumbled a lot.
5) Cards 12-15 including Buoys and day signals.
be thorough with ROR cards He will show you very rapidly...woh bhi on his mobile phone But

yaar ROR cards mein gadbad he will get angry then..woh thik nikal gaya toh there are high
chances ki pass kar dega
6) Distress msg rcvd on Voyage from Usa to Japan. Psn 300nm west. Actions detailed.
On reaching the distress psn. Nothing sighted. Now action.
7) Vsl around Sri Lanka Medivac to be done via Helicopter ops. Detailed Procedure.
8) Ship Shore Safety Checklists contents especially meaning of A|P|R
9) Marpol amendments
10) What is Polymerisation and Process to stop the same.
11) Maneuvering information and how to use for collision avoidance. The above question was
based on a simple crossing situation.
12) You are on a bulk Carrier with 5 holds. No1 to No4 hold fully filled. No5 Hold partially filled.
Cargo is grain. Will you sail out from the port ??? what all measures you will take ??
I fumbled here also.
13) What is CsC plate?
14) What is pyrophoric oxidation..?
1- General Introduction, Type of Ships
2- POR flags of last ships(Panama,Malta,Liberia)and there geographic locations.
3- Duites of master as per Solas Ch 9.
4- How you will take over as master on oil tanker.


5- How you will prepare for PSC inspection.

6- Pump room fixed fire fighting system and there maintenance requirements.
7- Types of ships certificates.
8- Vessel bound for USA to Japan received distress alret 500 NM away.. action what all to be
done.. will proceed for rescue or not. If you reach there and no one found then what you will
do. Alot cross questioning.
9- Scopic
10- Damage stability book content.
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11- Grain loading.

12- CLC and Fund convention.
13- Master obligratiy On sighting Unreported ICE.
14- Hauge rules.
15- ROR cards rapid fire round only identifications.
16- Two RV situations. a) one vessel on parellel course on stbd side abaft beam. b) one vessel
crossing on port bow.
17) Entries to be made in OLB.
18) Machinery space discharge criteria.
19) Turning circle.
20) Wheel house poster and details.
21) Precautions before entering piracy area.
1. General introduction
2.Where is majuro,Marshall islands,where do u find address of shipping master of Marshall
3. Damage control plan contents
4. Multimodal transport Document
5.What is PSC not supposed to inspect
6.Ror cards ( day as well as night cards ) shown from his mobile (
7. R.V. Situation ( only sound signal heard ).
9. Csc plate
10. Hold with partly filled grain action.


11. Official log book entered.

12. Swell from stbd. Quarter what dangers possible.
13. Manoeuvring booklet and poster details.
14. Crude oil washing requirements.
15. Fixed fire fighting system on deck and requirement for foam used on deck
16. Voyage from Europe to USA vessel sinking behind you at 100 Nm, action.
17. What precautions to take while passing through piracy area.
18. Person missing for 3 hours, action- ( if lost over board what search pattern technique will
be used)
19. How will you prepare for PSC
20. Explain CLC and Fund
21. Duties of master as per solas ch.9
22. Precautions prior entering English channel
23. Static electricity precautions.
1. General introduction
2. What is P & A manual
2.Taking over ship as Master.
3. Damage control plan contents
4. Name all certificates which you will find onboard on LPG ships.
5. One simple crossing situation.
6. ROR cards ( day as well as night cards ) shown from his mobile. Want to hear identification
of vessel only name like NUC or RAM Plot target and take bearing first then take action.
7. Crossing situation with tug and tow.
8. R.V. Situation (only sound signal heard).
9. What are COW washing requirements? Here as soon as I mentioned washing of Heavy


weather ballast tanks every voyage he asked have you still load ballast in cargo tanks. I was
not well aware. He asked how much ballast quantity ship has to carry. Which I was not aware
so I diverted him saying. As per stability booklet ship has to take ballast to maintain minimum
required drafts.
10. Then he asked how much is trim requirements.
ANS= 1.5 %OF LBP. At this stage he said Ok. But was not looking so happy.
11. Hold half-filled grain action.
He want to hear securing arrangements just names not in details.
11. Official log book entries.
12. Difference between TLD and TRS.
13. Manoeuvring booklet and poster details.
14. Damage stability plans.
15. Fixed fire fighting system in LPG. As soon as I said on deck, Dry power. He jumped to next
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16. Voyage from USA to japan and a vessel sinking behind you, action.
He wants to hear. I will proceed directly. I will not wait for acknowledgement. And will inform to
nearest RCC with fastest means of communication. Then add your points.
GMDSS log book entry inform owner charter and manger etc.
But as soon as you will say first 2 lines he will jump to next question.
17. What precautions to take while passing through piracy area.
Don't forget to mention Raise security as per flag requirements. inform P and I club.
18. Person missing for 3 hours, action- ( if lost over board what search pattern technique will
be used)
19. How will you prepare for PSC.
20. Explain CLC and Fund.
21. Light house symbol on chat said to draw on paper.
1. General introduction
2. Taking over Oil Tanker as Master.
3. Damage control plan contents
4. Multimodal transport Document
5. Name all certificates which you will find onboard.
6.Ror cards ( day as well as night cards ) shown from his mobile (
7. Crossing situation.
8. R.V. Situation ( only sound signal heard ).
9. Csc plate


10. Hold with partly filled grain action.

11. Official log book entered.
12. Swell from stbd. Quarter what dangers possible.
13. Manoeuvring booklet and poster details.
14. Crude oil washing requirements.
15. Fixed fire fighting system in pump room.
16. Voyage from USA to japan and a vessel sinking behind you, action.
17. What precautions to take while passing through piracy area.
18. Person missing for 3 hours, action- ( if lost over board what search pattern technique will
be used)
19. How will you prepare for PSC
20. Explain CLC and Fund
1.Introduction about self
2.Drydocking hazards
3.Critical period during drydocking
4.Signs of trs
5.Weather symbols-Trs ,hurricane symbol for north hemisphere and south hemisphere,show
how you represent 120 kts wind.
6.Chart symbols wreck,light house,flood tide stream,ebb tide stream,current in restricted

7.Bulk carrier runs aground,action as Master
8.Course to steer to counteract current basic one.
9.Various Ror cards including day signals from his mobile
10.Difference between bill of lading and multimodal transport document.
11.Various Ocean current from Goa to Antwerp through Cape of good hope.
12.Pyrophoric Oxidation.
13.How will you identify a vessel is Not under command in restricted visibility Radar
14.Situation Day signal of Sailing vessel with a cone apex downward on your port bow
crossing roc exist action.
COW requirements
Trim and ballast requirement

Heavy wx ballast tank requirement

Approaching pilot station in buoyed channel with strong wind and current gave various speeds
for FA HA SA DSA ( here he wants all movements and helm orders )
Course alteration near land wants to know everything. Wheel over etc
ROR cards and chart symbols.
I screwed up in ROR card and he marked everything on the form
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1. How to take over a oil tanker?

2. Prepare vessel for PSC?
3. What is datum?
4. Statutory and mandatory certificates?
5. CLC and Fund
7. Inspire, AMVER

9. Types of chemical tanker?


10. Polymerisation and precautions to take?

11. Assist vessel in distress?
12. Few cards night and cardinal buoy
13. CSC plate
14. High risk area and precautions, citadel and reporting
15. Latest SOLAS AND MARPOL amendments
16. Assist vessel in distress in mid pacific- vessel sinking
17. Masters duty as per ISM and how to motivate crew?
18. Types of Fire fighting system in pump room which are allowed and some description?
19. CO2 fixed extinguisher
21. ROR situation - crossing vessel normal day light
1) How will you takeover laid up bulk carrier ?
2) You find dent on ship side while takeover, action?
3) Damage control plan?
4) Contents of wheel house poster? Use of turning circle?
5) Explain how will you use your advance to calculate wheel over point?
6) Explain fire fighting system on deck of tanker and gas carrier ? Calculation of amount of
DCP required?
7) How to cancel false vhf distress alert ?
8) Duties of OSC and prepare SITREP report?
9) Your vessel grounded, action, explain how will you check stability ?
10) Tell me all you know about Hague visby rules?
11) What is MTD? Who all parties sign it ? What else is it called ? Is it necessary to also have


bill of lading in multimodal transportation?

12) CSC plate?
13) Wind veering in South China Sea, action?
14) marpol amendments ?
15) Synchronous rolling?
16) Person missing, it is 0700 hrs, last seen 0500 hrs, action?
17) All you know about clc fund and iopc fund?
18) You need to carry out medical evacuation by helicopter, explain?
19) About 10-12 ror cards?
20) Ror situations

- cbd crossing from port to stbd in tss, dist 4 nm, roc exists, action?
- cbd crossing port to stbd, open sea, dist 4 nm, roc exists, action?
- RV, one vsl on port bow, other vsl on stbd quarter, roc with both, action?
- open sea, p/d vsl crossing from port to stbd, dist 5 nm, roc exists, action?
- vsl aground right ahead ?
1. Take over 2nd hand ship from Greek owners
2. What all certificates will change
3. How will u prepare for Psc

4. How will u setup SMS/Define NC,Major NC/5 situation of Master's overriding authority.

5. Damage control plan.

6. What are cross flooding arrangement
7. Damage stability criteria for oil tanker.
8. What all manoeuvering info on bridge and contents of Wheelhouse Poster
9.GMDSS equipment area A2 and A3.
10. Explain clc and fund
11.LOF 2011 and recent amendments to same.
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12. 25-30 ROR cards.(Mostly Day Cards,I couldn't answer 2 cards sailing vessel power
driven,trawler nets upon an obstruction) Had Brain fade moments in 2-3 cards,asked for 1 min
break from him, he was very considerable.
As soon as cards got over he wrote pass on the orals sheet.
For him cards decide pass or fail.All 3 candidates before me were failed as they couldn't
answer cards.
So if going to DGS pls do cards as Miranda and Baweja's oral results depend on cards.
13. Ror situations (Simple RV)
14. TRS action ,Conditions for formation.
15. Hazards of H2S gas ,TLV,TWA.
16. Fire fighting arrangements on tanker
17. What is CSC plate ,info and why?
18. What kind of fixed fire fighting equipment in pumproom.
19. How will u plan your passage through high risk area.
20. How will u plan passage through ice areas...precaution as master .
21. Latest amendments to Marpol .
22. Your action as master when you receive distress alert in the middle of Pacific.(For him
don't wait for acknowledgement ,proceed straightaway)
23. Fire in engine room
24. Abandonship decision as master.
25. Symbols on Wx Charts,Chart Symbols.
26. Man lost overboard crew reports to u at 0700 last seen at 0400 in the morning ..what
27. Wheel Over Point Calculation.
28. Helicopter Operations.
29. Diff between TRS and TLD.
30. What is SCOPIC? Discussion on Towage.
1. Take over 2nd hand ship from Greek owners
2. What all certificates will change
3. How will u prepare for Psc
4. How will u setup SMS
5. Damage control plan.
6. What are cross flooding arrangement
7. Damage stability criteria.
8. What all manoeuvering info on bridge and contents of the same
9. Turning Circle of ur previous vsl.
10. Difference between clc and fund
11. Diff between hauge and hauge Visby and Hamburg
12. 15-20 ROR cards.
13. Ror situations (will post separately)
14. Second mates calls you on bridge in heavy traffic situation . action as master


15. Hazards of H2S gas

16. Fire fighting arrangements on tanker
17. What is CSC plate ,info and why?
18. What kind of fixed fire fighting equipment in pumproom.
19. How will u plan your passage try high risk area.
20. How will u plan passage tru ice areas...precaution as master .
21. Latest amendments to Marpol and ISM.
22. Your action as master when you receive distress alert.
23. Fire in engine room
24. Abandonship decision as master.
25. Free fall lifeboat launching requirements .
26. Man lost overboard ..crew reports to u at 0700 last seen as 0530 in the morning ..what
27. You have 4 filled holds with grain and one half empty ..what action as master.
28. Imdg segregation ...
29. How will u report pollution incident .
30. What is SCOPIC clause and why it is there ?
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1. Why muduli failed u,, i said becoz of frauding of BL, dock labour act about gangway, have

him the answer.
2. What is CsC plate.
3. Stowaway found, action.
4. What u will do if synchronus rolling occurs
5. OLB entries
1) taking over as master....tanker vessel.
2) started with ROR CARDS..15-20 per him all action were wrong.
3) RV situation.... standard situation with one vessel on port bow....other on stbd quarter....

4) how to calculate datum, person missing....last seen at 04...reported at 07.....what course u

will follow while going to datum position....
5) Marshall islands....where it is and flag.
6) normal visibility crossing situation.
7) amendment to marpol.
8) found banana peels in engine room per him there can be stowaway....
carry out stowaway search.....
1. Committees of IMO.
2. How will you take over as a master.
3. Before boarding the vessel you see a dent on ship side actions?
4. What are the certificates required to be valid at all the times?
5. How will you cancel dsc distress alert on VHF?
6. You receive a distress alert in mid Pacific distance from your ship 1000nm actions?
7. You are informed that a person is missing at 0700 actions? He was last seen at 0400

8. Lots and lots of cards on his mobile phone.(I answered him as per what is written on the
cards, but he told me at the end of this session of cards you didn't say even once that you will
assess ROC. He was not at all happy because of that)
9. Amendments to Marpol annex 1.
10. Before loading a container on your vessel you see that one container is damaged, will you
receive it for shipment?
11. Contents of damage control plan.
12. One symbol from synoptic chart, I had absolutely no clue what it was and I can't recall it
even now how it looked like.
1. Interim class certficat
2. Ballast tank survey what all will check-tip pressure testing also
3. Single green light
4. Vessel aground light
5. INCOTERM FOB,FAS,CIF ,where these term use
6. Contract of afreightment,can voyage charter include in COA
7. As per UNCLOS which all certificate issued

8. Cargo insurance, how clame is settle if cargo claim arise who will pay

9. LRIT not working and you are arriving in US in 36 hour what action will take
10. Bunker spill in coast of Canada what action you will take
11. Vessel aground what action tell me in sequence
12. Vessel is in X country which all rules applicable to vessel
13. COFR, What all covers by COFR
14. As per STCW minimum age requirement for watch keeping
15. Vessel belong to a country who not ratified CLC 69 and 92. How he can get certificate
16. DOS when filled
17. Who is QI, can agent be a QI
18. How many MOU,USA come under which MOU
1. Benefits of Registration (not satisfied with 5-6points as per notes)


2. Registration procedure in detail (he wanted even date of the Co-op Societies act, what
details are marked and carved onto vsl etc, Decl of ownership details)
3. Does instrument of sale change incase ship is sold
4. PI FI
5. When does PI change to FI
6. Limits of Liability
7. Collision bw two foreign flag vessels in Indian waters, who will investigate
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8. Substantially interested party

9. Mortgage instrument
10. When ship is lost/abandoned how does mortgage instrument apply
11. Limit of liabilty
12. CIC code and contents
13. Polar Code contents
14. Type of Polar Ships
15. Qualification of Officer to sail on PC ships
16. Seaworthiness definition
17. How to ensure vessel is seaworthy
18. Preparing ship for 1st loading after DD
19. Heel qty calculation for Gas carrier (Wants the use PV x nRT, critical temperature and as
per volume of tanks. Not rough 1% gross vol of tanks)
20. How ship is chartered
21. Define Time charter
22. Time charter and on/off hire survey
23. Tanker to be chartered, how owner prepares vessel (Wants to hear vetting)
24. Cargo short after discharge, action
25. Clauses in CP
26. Ice Clause
27. 2nd mate calls u at night, vessel lost engines 20nm from Thailand.
28. When is NOR tendered
29. Port Health Officer Qualifications
30. When is he reqd to board and what does he inspect
31. When is Free pratique granted and what are its implications
1. At night 2nd off have reported any floating object sighted for which u need to deviated the
Action an as per which regulation ( He means to say danger of navigation)
2. What is Cesar in casualty investigation code.
3. What is the procedure to be followed in need to cancel the CoC of Officer/Engineer.
4. How to check if CoC is cancel to any particular officer who joined ur ship.
5. What are the latest amendments to MS Code.
6. Latest amendments to SOLAS/STCW he only wants latest so if u remember give only latest.


7. How to change class procedure and which all class Indian flag ship have. What all things
change with the change of class.
8. Contents of ISM code, what does chap13 says what the latest circular or which talk of
interim certification. And which all condition u will get interim certificate.
9. In which condition SMC will be cancel.
10. Which all ships are eligible to get MLC certificate and how.
11. BPM5 Contents.
12. What are the aspects of MLC.
13. What is the procedure to change foreign vessel to coastal vessel.
14. Crew Wages due for more then 5 months how you will recover the wages of crew.
And lots of cross question on each topic which I don’t remember now.
1) York Antwerp rules?
2) Your vessel departed from port and ran aground does it consider for general average(I said
no as this act is not "Intentional".) Then Sir again asked what action you will take for owner
interest(I said to prevent the vessel from hull damage may be he want to listen to put every
effort to prevent environmental damage)
3) Vessel B and A collided and vessel B sink which clause applicable here( I said both to
blame collision clause)Then again he asked which insurance involved( I said P&I and Hull and


4) What is Both to Blame collision clause?
5) What is "Heave to" and how to make ship "heave to"?
6) What is squat? What is difference in Squat in coastal water and pacific Ocean?
7) What are the component of Towing contract (Component like Towing vessel is common
carrier, Master can enter into contract, Jurisdiction and elaboration of same he emphasise
more on Jurisdiction.
7) What are the function, Components and safety parameters provided on Towing vessel.
8) What is P & I club, List of insurance provided by P & I club?
9) Function of Bill of Lading?
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10) R.O.R. Rule number 31

11) Overtaking in Narrow channel which sound signals?
12) Fog signal of Vessel aground?
13) What are factors responsible for global warming?
14) What is Carbon credit?
15) What is zero emission goal?
1. Under what conditions are SMC certificate get expired?


2. Cargo discharge got delayed due to cargo inspection at berth . Who will suffer loss amount?
3. How is internal audit carried out?
4. Cargo claims and handling
5. When is NOR served. With some Cross questions.
A1, A2, A3

How you prepare your vessel for loadline survey as master.


Latest amendment of Ms Act.

Which section comes under MLC?
One of your VHF changed or not functional.
What you will do as master?
1. When do we need to sign DOS?- He said good.
2. Company requirement as per isps code. -He agreed to my answer. Said good.
3. MLC title 3. I named it. He asked to explain each of the requirements. I managed to. But for
food and catering he was not agreeing that food to be of adequate quantity and quality for the
voyage. Also to cater to cultural and religious backgrounds of ppl. He was saying you say you


have adequate quantity. I disagree I say we have less. Who is to decide. ( he was not
convinced but moved on).
4. STP ship? I gave the definition? he asked as per which regulation? I replied as per
Conference on STP 1971 and ms act. He agreed. Asked me where do these stps go? I told
him Mecca Madina (Jeddah), he asked any other place? What about Andaman and Nicobar? (
I didn't want to guess, I told him I will find out about this, as he is seated in Port Blair)
5. Certificates obtained in DD. I said all renewal certificates are carried out. And I started
naming them safcon, SEQ etc. He wanted more. But moved on.
1. MS act purpose
2. Collision action as per MS act
3. LSA rules as per MS ACT
4. LLMC rules as per ms act
5. MS act amendments
6. Certificate of tanker
7. STCW watchkeeping standard as per STCW
8. How will u investigate incident onboard as master?
9. ILO composition. Like IMO we have assembly and all. What about ILO.


10. IGF code

11. Polar code
12. Polar code certificate me kya special hai
13. Amendments of SOLAS, Marool and all.
14. Severe wind heeling criteria
15. RV situation simple
16. Simple crossing situation
17. IMO circular for fatigue
18. IMO circular for mental health
19. iMO circular for corona.
20. What is resilience.
21. Imo circular for heavy sea. Parametric rolling and all.
1. Radio survey
2. Types of surveys. Periodical survey in depth. What items are checked?
3. Radio requirements for different sea areas.

Gmdss battery requirements. How to demonstrate to surveyor that it is in good working order?

Details of test procedures, power supply details

4. EPIRB test light not working.
How to ascertain that EPIRB is functional? EPIRB accidentally triggered. Action. Contents of
ALRS Vol 5. Contents of IAMSAR vol 3
5. MF/HF distress and radio-telephony procedures in great details.
6. Contents of safety radio certificate and attachment R.
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7. Functions and differences between MRCC and RCC

8. Polar Class vessels.
Contents of Polar Code.
SAR in Polar waters.Passage plan Norway to Japan.
9. CLC, Fund , Supp Fund in details and lot of cross questioning on it.
10. Liability limits of LLMC, CLC, Fund. How are claims sorted? Bunker convention.
11. Dry-docking of damaged ship, partly loaded ship.
Can we enter dock with trim by head?
Cross questioning on above, critical point, critical period.
Preparing vessel for dry-dock.
12. How do u define Seaworthy ship?
Intact stability and damage stability requirements.
Damage stability calculations.
Floodable length, permissible length, compartment standards.
13. Various situations regarding B/L, types of B/L. No one claiming cargo...procedures?
2 different persons come forward with B/L. Actions?
Contents of general cargo manifest and shipping docs.
14. Some UNCLOS articles
15. MOU- s and their function.
PSC and FSC difference.
16. As Master, how to determine if your ship is seaworthy?
17.ISM Code element 5 and 9
18. Target Factor. Risk Profile. What are the inspection durations as per Risk Profile?
20. ROR - Rule 19 related few situations and cross-questions on various RV situations.
21. SV and FV crossing ahead in TSS. Actions.
22. VOC, VECS, Nox Technical Code.
23. CLC as per MS Act
24. Ballast Water Convention in force dates. D1, D2 standards.
25. VDR and LRIT performance standards.
1) What is UNCLOS? He wanted lots of details.

2) you have a loaded bulker with fertilisers and have to discharge all the cargo at Djibouti and

then transit suez and go to Malta for white peas loading. He said I want to hear what you will
do as a Master. ( Lots and lots of cross questioning in this including documentation part,
MARPOL, HRA, FAL, B/L and much more and this was the end of my oral).
He said all your answers are as per Chief mate and I want your approach as a Master and not
as Chief Mate. So come prepared as a Master next time.
1. Prepare for Renewal Survey of SMC. Difference between Survey, Audit & Inspection.
Frequency of Masters Review of ISM.
2. Gangway wire parted during last master tenure, carry out review of the incident after taking
3. PSCO suspended inspection. Action as a master. Clear grounds, Add on situation - Indian

Flag vessel in India.


4. Ice Navigation - difficulties pertaining to Navigation only, nothing else.

5. Vessel in distress, action as a master. ( Catch words - Designated and Undesignated
Distress Alert, Sat-C working, MRCC & RCC difference).
6. English Channel - M/E Failure. Action as a master. ( Anchoring In territorial waters, leading
to UNCLOS, innocent passage ).
7. Cargo: after discharging, shore giving you NOP, for cargo shortage.
8. NOR- When to tender. What if free pratique is not granted by port, will NOR be valid. ( As
per Capt. Muduli, it's on ship owner account).
Few basic questions: Maintenance on gangway. Crew training for ISM audit.
1. Loadline survey preparation as master
2. Norway to japan polar route, actions and precautions as master

3. L/B damaged by shore crane, action as master


5. Quartering and pooping of seas

6. Indian ship detained in India and procedure for review and appeal
7. English Channel, engine breakdown action as master
8. Port authorities came with fine due to anchoring in their territorial waters
9. Gangway requirements and causes of wire parting
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10. Gangway needs modification, action as master

11. Latest amendment Annex 4 Marpol
12. Documents required for registration of ship (MSA)
13. How settling of cargo claims carried out
14. Running Moor
15. DCP fixed fire fighting system maintenance
16. How you will review ISM and what changes you will carry out in your company SMS once
you will be master
17. Chemical tanker certificate
1) ISM contents
2) Armed guard boarding what will you check (told him lifeboat capacity as per form e, cabins
on board, their guns and all to be kept on bridge under constant supervision, not interfering
with deck crew.
He kept on asking and put a big remark. He wanted to hear I will check see age certificate also
as it mentions no. Of persons )
3) Voyage from Canada to Europe, charters telling you to GC, but there's a storm developing
there. Your action.
(Told him I will use my overriding authority and won't go from there, sent email to owners
company telling them with images of weather fax, sat. C warning, bridge software for weather
and all.he said he is not satisfied. Later he told me he wanted to hear that you should
approach that area and then later you can alter ,initially you cannot say you cannot go.
Showed me a claim from a charters
5) whom does SSAS report go and hiw. for an Indian flag .
( CSO and DG com)
6) Next question how does it goes to CSO.
( DG com sends it to CSO)
7) Name 5 regulation say master should go for rescue.
8) Drydocking formula .

9) Amendments to LOF 2011


10) Shipping casualty representatives and duties.

11) Article 13 14 and scopic.
12) how will you know the exact time if all time showing equipment fails ( chronometer and
corrected by 10,000 freq on mfhf.
13) you are going for a search and rescue and you entered other loadline which you are not
complying with ( I just said safety takes over everything)
14) which all certificates on board can you give to choff for keeping( I just told I can give him
the Xerox of all crane wires ,grab wires and all. Originals I will prefer in my cabins as ships
office is a busy place
15) types of Billof lading
16) received shipment of bill of lading.
17) your agent has signed bill of lading and now cargo is being loaded and you found
damage. Action.
Stop cargo ,inform owners charters, shippers.
Just told as agent is appointed by owner only and we have informed well on time at the
instance of loading only. Inform p$I club and letter of protest to shippes( they will not accept as
they have Received bill of lading) but still give..
He said good on this.
19) biggest threat to shipping
I said automatic ships.
20) biggest threat to Indians seafarer , I told Chinese are coming more and more.
21) Two three simple ror situations...
Questions Exactly not In perfect sequence as asked
1) How many chapters of ism code
2) Name all chapters of ism Code

3) How will u prepare for smc renewal survey


4) How will u implement ism on board

5) Masters role as per reg 5.1 of ism
6) Which all sections give power to psc to inspect ships
7) What is code 30 and 17. What is the difference between two
8) Polar code contents
9) As a master what all u will u check starting a voyage in polar water areas
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10) What is scopic in detail. Advantages and disadvantages

11) Advantages of registering a ship
12) Action as master in detail when ig fails for 10 mins on crude tanker. Action when u receive
off hire statement for the same.
13) Berthing of vessel in 1 kt following current
14) Action as master when chartered asks you to load a chemical cargo not in COF.
15) Action when u see a green light group flashing 2+1 when you are departing Sanfrancisco
16) Can salvage be taken into general average?
17) What is general average?
18) Does hull and machinery come into picture in salvage operation
19) Grain loading procedure and stability requirements
20) How will master demonstrate to administration that vessel complies for grain loading?

Overall in between There were discussions on most of questions where he kept on telling me
not happy with my answer, after which he was guiding me to an answer he wanted to hear.
1) Started with lot of ror situations
2) Ch. off reported cargo package exceeding load density..ur actions?
3) What is scopic clause and rewards if salvor withraws scopic clause
4) What is multimodal transport act
5) What is dmlc 1 and dmlc 2
6) Questions regarding doc..smc...
7) Implementation of ism as master


8) Fund convention and liabilities

9) Registration of ships..why it is done
10) Who cinduct PI and FI
11) Damage control plan
12) Grounding and checks as master
13) Questions on maneov characteristics
14) Statutory certificates.
15) IMSBC code
16) LRIT.
17) Diff. types of B/L.
1) Element of ISM. Defence in Observation and NC. Lot of cross question. Remark - time to
close NC? Time to close observation?
2) Berthing with fvrbl current - was completely satisfied it took almost 10 non wheel house
poster of last ship all detailed n all. Type of mooring ?


3)10-15 questions on container - IMDG, fire, first aid and all. Action if loading damaged
container ?
4) MTD, requirement of MTO few cross question
5) Latest amendment in FSC regarding communication. When it will be in force ?
6) OLB requirement and entries to be made.
7) SSAS test.
8) PSC asking for SSP.
Mine was first turn
1. Cross flooding arrangements (was my previous remark)
2. SCOPIC in detail
One question he asked regarding scopic ... once the salvor has invoked scopic as owner has
to deposit 3 million dollar as security (as we all know) but if the salvor is not able to save
property and his expenses are more then 3 million then what ???this part i coudnt answer
3. CLC in detail who all can claim frm CLC, (one case - Vessel


Alongside another vessel berthing, hit the vessel which is alongside oil spill frm vessel
alongside... who will pay
And if coast guards come to help for cleanup can they claim frm CLC - i said YES( i m
Not sure but)
And he said what about ships crew they also helped in clean up , can they claim - i said NO
4 . FI - who is the presiding officer and told about assesor ( list of assesor .. where to find ... i
told DG site - this answer is WRONG.. list of assesor is NOT on dg site)
5. U r the master and yr company is also the MTO, u saw a damged container about to load ,
what will udo as master
6. What all u will check as master for loadline survey as a master
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(He dont want mate points .. rubber packing and vents and all)
- check and compare the loadlines and plimsoll mark . Check the exact lengths using loadline
BATON(he told he was looking for the word loadline baton)
And second thing conditions of assignemnt of loadline(he himself told this one)
7. What will u look for while loading IMDG cargo
-shippers declaration
- DG Manifest
-Packing certificate
-Document of complaince
8. Who can carry out ISM audit
9. Vessel in english channel black out
10. Then he said u anchored near french waters due to above situation tion french coastgurd
came saying They will arrest as u have voilated UNCLOS. And anchred in our territory
Ans- they cant as UNCLOS article 18 says vessel can stop in territorial waters due to
emergency and force majure
1. Black out in English channel
2. 0700 chief officer is nt thr on bridge action. He ll lead scinario to mob cross question
3. Marking and carving

4. Y u need to register ur vessel.


5. Nc send to company for parting gangway wire how will u implement safety and what checks
to carry out.
6. In case of casualty who is suppose to do the investigation.
7. Difference in mot ang normal gangway which regulation it says abt max inclination of
gangway and safety requirement.
8. Y u need to register ur vessel. Guys be confident in ur ans.
1) Can Naptha be loaded on lpg ship. As i have done lpg...
Too much cross question on flag... Chemical properties of naptha.. Pump characteristics..

2) Sick crew to be sent ashore.. Helicopter procedure in detail as per IAMSAR vol 3.. He

wants exact answer... He showed me wht al things i did not told..

He forced that company is telling its expensive n all... He wanted to know that u have overiding
authority or not... I told him exactly that i will overide.. As life of a crew comes first priority...
3) CLC and fund convention.. Who issues clc certificate and who is liable... He fucked me on
this... I said sorry i will keep in mind...
4) Defination of persitent oil..
Type of ships done: Gas Carriers a
DCP system servicing requirements.
Procedure to be followed on hydrates formation, will you inject ethanol?

What will you do after you have injected Ethanol and discharged cargo (Issue protest. Note of

Protest in detail)
Muduli gets into commercial aspects.
Medical Evacuation procedure as per IAMSAR. he took out a copy of IAMSAR from his drawer
and was comparing my answers with what is written there.
He was more or less satisfied with my answers and then asked me how do you think you jave
performed, I said satisfactory.
Why you failed last time.
Type of ships done.
1.You are loading cargo in fully pressurised ship and your tank pressure is increasing close to
MARVS setting what action to take. I told him I will stop cargo start sprinkler rig additional fire
hoses to cool down tanks, inform company and owner. He said now charters have claimed for

the delay what you will do. I told him I stopped cargo for the safety of vessel so I will include

these timings in SOF also. He was not very happy with my answers he told me you have
options for vapour return and slowing down the rate. I told him all these things are decided
before loading starts during Ship shore safety checklist if this is the case all the parameters of
operating the vapour return will be pre decided.
2. Your vessel is taking water in mid ocean your actions. Lot of cross questioning on ERS
serving, what will ERS do once you have informed them.
3. CLC and FUND in brief.
And then asked me what do you think you jave performed, I said not very good but good.
Then he told me I am giving you benefit of doubt and I am passing you.
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Started with my all previous remark

1.Safeport amd safe berth ( can vsl safely agrnd is safe berth)
2.seq cert
3.if expired and u did not get xhance to renew action
I asked extensiom from flag he told correct by which convention or law HSSc he said no
4. Ship handling
New qsn
1. Ur in ur cabin CE comes and reports to u vsl collided with fishing vsl action
2. U saw that people are in water and they boarded back yhe boat is it distress yes or no and
action and as per which law

He removed unclos and msa and had a lot of discussion on it almost 10 mins

3. Olb entries in the abv scenario

4. Can u rely on ce only staement 2/0 tells no collison and by what convention
Lot of discussion
5. What preparation will u do if u had to save where it is written and then comea great iamsar
as i had told him
6. What turn will u execute for rescue
7. No distresss as per ur sight but my ans was go for stop, rescue inform coastal, turn back,
meet the skiff as no communication, inspect ur vsl,and olb entry he told no i stood firm i am the
master i will do as safety life priority after 3 repeated statement yess he told u are right never
from this decesion of safety of life and truthful log book entry and then he excellent and passed
Some few more twists of insurance pand i, and claims in between lsa reqmnts of tpa rescue
boat, pi and fi, casualty investigation if hapenned latest scenario of fishing vsl in kerala luckily
I read it thoroughly all in one qsn few i dont remember
1) Ice Navigation - Equipments required and limitations off GNSS system.
2) prepare ur vessel for MLC survey.
3) crew complained to auditor secretly that master not complying with crew rest hours.
4) why there was need for MLC when all ready ILO existing.
5) Isgott contents and amendment.
6) which is last update to Viq. Do you think the changes will help ship owner or managers?


8) How will you load Gasoline. what all docs required for loading it safely.
9) what will you do if ur ship collided with fishing vessel 15 NM off the coast of Japan.
10) Who will conduct PI and FI.
11) ur vessel had to anchor 50 NM off Indian coast due to engine failure. What will will you do
as master.
12) Last vessel LSA requirements. Can vessel sail with one life boat?
13) Berthing of vessel with stern current. No tugs.
14) Salvage convention.why scopic came. What are the benefits to ship owner from LOF 2011.
After drilling holes in every part he finally passed me.

1. What is SCR ?

2. Salvage convention
3. Special compensation and SCOPIC
4. What do you mean by discount in SCOPIC
1.) You are at Discharge port in Germany, finished discharging Ammonia, you got instruction
for handing over the vessel to New shipowner at Lisbon Drydock. You got 4 days.
As a master what all you will do & prepare.
2.) Shipper has given you Bill of lading with Hamburg rules, will u sign & what all you will
Clause in Bill of lading other than Hamburg rules

3.) You are at discharge port , Discharging Ethylene, Ch/off informs you, Cargo pump has

stopped in one cargo tank. Action to safeguard your interest.

4.) Your detected one Stoaway onboard after departure, He is only saying " Appa Chappa
Dhabba". Your action.
5.) At sea Indian bosun cut his leg, unfit for sea service. Who will Carry out investigation. Your
investigation as per what rule & regulation.
6.) Enclosed space Entry procedure in Gas free tank which was carrying Ammonia,
difference between competent , Responsible person, STEL for Ammonia.
7.) Your are 48 hours Away from USA, LRIT stopped working. Action.
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1) You are discharging cargo of crude oil and IG fails, what action?
2) Due to stoppage a shore guy comes onboard with a piece of paper which says that for
stoppage time and losses ship owner is liable, will you sign and accept that letter?

3) When signing B/L it is written as per Hamburg rule, will u sign it, if not then y not? In what
sense Hague visby is better then Hamburg rule for ship owner?
4) what is the difference between Hague Visby and Hamburg rule?
5) As per Hague Visby carrier is responsible for cargo from tackle to tackle, so In case if No
one come to take delivery of cargo and u transferred the cargo to a warehouse, then Who is
responsible for loss/damage to the cargo when it is in that warehouse?
At every question there was many cross questioning, didn't even allow to answer the question,
at every answer he looks unhappy,
1) Safe port
2) Safe berth
3) Agent says it's normal for ships to touch ground and sit while loading, would you consider it
safe and go ahead(no restrictions in CP) - I said Yes and he wasn't happy
3) Incase of a pollution, After CLC is exhausted what comes in, said Fund, now the port/state

is not a party to the fund, who will pay? Whatever I said, not happy.

Till here blue pen in hand!

4) at discharge port, 2 persons come with original BL, after all the normal stuff about
comparing with the copy, handing over to the holder of the BL etc I said that will inform
company and charterer. Not happy
5) The million dollar question, is class mandatory? I was unsure but said Yes as per SOLAS.
He gave me SOLAS and wasn't convinced with ch2-1.
He asked if there was anything asked which wasn't fair. I said No. Then came the red pen.
Said that ext not happy with my ROR cards. But started with
1. LSA reqts ..same as above.

2. Hague visby n hamburg.


3. Liferaft reqts in deep again.

4. Gave 1 situation, 2nd mate calls u at 1am , vsl almost 1/2 point stbd bow. Range 1.0 nm;
5. One more situation. Mountain stbd side and one vsl on stbd bow ahead of mountain, u can't
see visually but detected on radar. Ur actions. Which rule.
1. Things to keep in mind before Abandoning vessel .General answer ( 1sr point should be to
get the knowledge of other vessels around own vessel visually and by radar rest all other
general point) Cross Questions.

1. How much water to take. (As much as possible)


2. What type of extra food items to take. ( Other than the food items which cause dehydration
and perishable item )
3. If crew members want to take their personal Official Document which are not required by the
master to keep with himself should I allow them. I said no. But he told if time permit's I can
consider it, but try for documents only.
4. Lifeboat lowered action - move away from vessel as soon as possible.
5. Compressed air present in life boat , for how long we can use it and why do v use it.
1. Discharging cargo...IG becomes inoperational....Can u discharge cargo....What


2. What is safe port & berth
3. U ar doing cargo ops & ur vessel touches bottom....Ur action...
4. What is note of protest & procedure for noting protest
1. Amendments to ism. I replied the same.
He asked me what was earlier written before amendments .
2.checks before pilot boarding.


3.which epirbs are carried on ship.

I told him inmarsat E.
He said what about area A4 , I said cospas sarsat. He was annoyed and said u shud have
told this earlier.
4.checks of pilot ladder. He was not satisfied.
5. Jurisdiction of coastal state in territorial waters.
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5-JUNE-18 Maersk honam how claims settled

Container ships latest fire fighting ammdts
Who will carry out GA
Can u become an average adjuster
Q What type of ships ? (Chemical Tankers )
Q From which certificate you will get the info regarding what all substances a chemical tanker
can carry? ( Certificate of Fitness and its attachment )

Q How will you go about carrying a chemical which is not mentioned in certificate of Fitness? (

Carry out a risk assessment onboard taking into consideration the safety and environmental
hazards of that chemical , refer IBC code chapter-17 , MEPC2 circular if applicable, MSDS of
chemical, coating resistance list and complete "Management of Change" form and report to
the company. Company will assess and apply to flag state for provisional certificate of fitness
for that cargo. Flag state after assessment will issue Provisional COF for that cargo which will
be valid for. 1 year. Will appraise PI club and H&M underwriters regarding the same.)
1. Certificates on Gas Tanker.
2. LPG cargo Propane at -42 deg. Sea water temp is 4 deg. Cargo have to discharge to jetty
tanks at + 10 deg. How you will you discharge.
Ans: wants to hear that on-board we have Steam heater vaporizer we will use that.
2. LPG tanker charter want to carry cargo which is not listed in certificate of fitness.
What action as per Master.
Want to hear Take permission from Administration. Send plan of loading and other technical


Wants to hear load density of tank if allowed to carry such cargo.

3. Bunker spill at port action as per Master.
Ans: Raise alarm Stop bunkering No muster start containing spill.
Want to hear Take action as per SOPEP manul. Send reports Intial as format given in SOPEP.
Deployment of oil booms in water with rescue boat. If rescue boat not then call Port boats.
4. Legal action in case of above case. Who will pay.
Inform coastal state. Port authority. Company. Charter. p and I and manager.
Owner will pay and recover from
P and I.
5. What is bunker convention and why it will not pay.
Ans given by me.
1. Taking over as master. Standard answer starting from gathering all info about the ship from
company office and then proceeding to ship .General condition of hull
,markings,gangway,gangway watch while u board.give letter of introduction to master.chk
certificates.upcoming voyage.chk what cargo and operation going on ,what reporting needs to
be done to charterers and so on.
2.You are master on a General Cargo vessel proceeding to Singapore for part discharge. The
mate who loaded cargo signed off and now new mate comes and tells u that GM will be
negative after discharge.Action.
I answered this question as per commercial aspect of not being able to do the discharge as

ordered.But he was not satisfied with.Soon I realized that he wanted the stability part of it as

answer.nyway by the time he had moved to next question.

3.As a master what will u tell ur mate or what extra you will do other than the usual enclosed
space permit.
I answered three things: be double sure that gas eqp are properly calibrated.
2.will instruct the crew to also take responsibility and see that all procedure r followed and let
me know if short cuts r being taken.
3.will review the permit while signing that properly filled.
Some discussion on this.
Basically he said that dont directly tell the crew discuss it in your safety committee
meeting.and while reviewing just see that no inexperienced crew member like cadet is being
sent inside.

➢ Navigation in higher latitudes problems-only navigation


➢ Owner obligation under huage visby rule

➢ Cargo loaded on ship, ship arrives at discharge port - no one come to claim the cargo-
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➢ Psc inspections in progress onboard he suddenly suspends the inspection and issues psc
form A AND B- actions as per master
➢ LRIT limitations
1. As per unclos, define baseline ?
2.criminal n civil jurisdiction of coastal state extends upto how many miles ?


3.if a vessel is going to another country , that country is a party to a convention n our vessel is
not ratified that convention , do v need to hv that convention compliance certificate ?
3. What is lrrs ? What are latest amendments in it ?
4. Vessel loading grain in Australia will you practically demonstrate the grain loading
stability criteria ?

1. Wreck removal convention? Who issues the certificate?



2. CLC and FUND

3. Define piracy and armed robbery? Differentiate between them?
4. What is UNCLOS?
5. Amendments to MSA?

1. When ur ships SMC will be withdrawn


2. Vessel at berth and duty officer reports you that there is a oil sheen on sea side alondside ur

3. U r in a port of australia and chief officer informs you that stevedors are refusing to board as
they are saying gangway is not properly rigged.. what all is wrong with gangway and as per
which regulation gangway rigging is to be done??
4. Entries in OLB?
General introduction
Last remarks- ROR so he started with ror.. lot of buoys and situations...means identify the
buoys and proceed in a channel
Pilot vessel sound signals
Validity of SMC and DOC etc
Engine room bilges discharge criteria.
Can class conduct PI.
Who conduct PI.

Berthing with current from stern and u hv one tug use it and turn the vessel go alonside

starboard side.
U heard fire alarm first action as master.
Who else can go alongwith firefighters...i sd only firefighters but he was not satisfied i dont
know y.
Stowaway found first action...wants to listen search again...
Lot of discussion on PI and FI
Grain stability criteria..
What all docs will u carry if uload grain etc
What is IMSBC fitness cert..who issue it.
Validity of DOA.
As per annex2 tell me something about what XYZ..categories..
Saw my previous remarks and than rapid fire
1. Limits of llmc I said 1208 906 and 604 he said what’s 1208 answer sdr/gt

2. What is maximum liability llmc covers ? Answer 3.02 +604sdr/gt


3. Chief engineer comes to u and complains 4 th eng slapped me action as per na act?
Answer as per ms act 194 and 196 I will take statements of both of them /investigate /make
entry in log book have it signed by chief officer and one crew and I will show same entry to
both of them and they can but their remark and sign ?
3 firefighting system on deck for tankers? What is the interval of foam testing.
Then he went back and come up with IMSBC and ISM
1.Started with elements of ISM.

2. Cert. As per ISM, DOC is expiring action as master, explained all about informing company

and all.
3. DOC expired action, but was not satisfied.
4. Bcz of MLC wt all changes were made in safe manning cert. It as a bouncer for me.
5. Safe manning req. as per polar coed. Told him about training and all but was not satisfied.
6. Training of engineers as per polar code. Again a bouncer for me, I was having no idea at all.
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7. Thn started with IMSBC and asking randomly anything. 3,4 questions from there but was
not satisfied.
8. PSC asking for SSP, i will refuge bcz it’s a confidential doc.
9. In wt case u will show SSP to PSC, I will not show SSP in any case to PSC. Little bit
discussion but was satisfied.
10. You are in Mumbai port and ur sewage tank is full,action ? Lot of discussion but was
satisfied bcz same thing has happened wid me on a ship and class was involved, bcz in port
there was no reception facility.
11. Collision of Panama flag ship at sea, managed by Hongkong, all Indians.
Who will carry out PI, I told him almost everything but he caught me on “ who is person
appointed by central gov.” I hold him DG, thn he smiled at me and put red ink on AXN.
1. You are in Australia and stevedores are refusing to come onboard to start cargo due to
some problem with gangway? TOLD him the answer ...the he said what specific checks will

u do in gangways ...have std answer and details as I remembered from COSWP ....He said its

not correct and I will find out and let him know
2. What is innocent passage ....did not studied unclos at all so ....told him whatever I could
recall ..he said I have to tell him in right terminologies.
3. Polar code....explained entire polar code ...then he asked how does satellite gyro
works...told very clearly. Never seen one ..have no idea ..
1) 5 situation of Masters over-riding authority as per ISM
2) L/B servicing due in 5 days and next port after 4 days. All of sudden charterer changed
voyage and now next port is after 15 days ( tried all possible ans like dispensation, POR, but
all wrong as per him)
3) Definition of Condition of Class ( explained him what is condition of class with example but
he wanted definition only)
4) You are in Port of paradip and TRS is forming in Bay of bengal action ( told him all the
possible action with 1-2-3 rule but not satisfied)


5) Grain loading all calculation, criteria, precaution(explained him all as from bulk carrier ) then
came the googly
6) what is X-axis and Y-axis of VHM curve
7) condition necessary for the formation of TRS
8) clouds associated with TRS
9) condition necessary for assignment of Freeboard
10) Type A ,B, B-60,B-100 freeboard
11)whats is Solas chp3 reg 20.3 ???
12) Person deserted from ship in foreign port, Action?
13) MTO, MTD (explained him fully) then
14) Duties as a master in above, u rcvd damaged shipment action???
1. The Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC) Mumbai of the Indian Coast Guard
received a distress message at 9:45 PM yesterday from a Singapore Flagged 330 mts long
container ship Maersk Honam . The ship had left Singapore on 01 Mar 18 and was having
passage to Suez. The ship has 27 crew of which 13 are Indians including the Captain of the
Ship. Remaining crew reported are Philipino, British, Romanian and Thai.
2. The vessel reported explosion and fire onboard and requested immediate assistance.
The ship was at a distance of 570 km (340 nautical miles) from Agatti in Lakshwadeep
Islands. The MRCC immediately alerted all the merchant ships near to the location, through
the satellite based communication network, the International Safety Net (ISN).
2. Simultaneously, Indian Coast Guard ship Shoor patrolling near Lakshadweep Islands


has been diverted for assisting the distressed vessel. ICGS Shoor is an Offshore patrol vessel
having specialized fire fighting equipment on board. Further, the Coast Guard plans to press in
their Dornier D 228 maritime reconnaissance aircraft from Agatti Island for search and rescue.
IG KR Nautiyal, the Coast Guard Commander(West) said “Search Operations are on and
Coast Guard assets have been pressed into action, It is our priority to save and rescue the 4
missing crew and also continue our efforts to salvage the vessel with assistance of specialized
vessels which is being arranged in co-ordination with the Ship agency”
3. Indian Coast Guard’s Maritime Rescue Co-Ordination Centre Mumbai has directed four
merchant ships near to the location to assist the distressed ship. Merchant Ship MV Als Cicero
reached Maersk Honam at about 11:25 PM and reports Maersk Honam on fire with flames
from the main deck of the ship rising upto the ships bridge (height of about 25 metres). The
crew has abandoned the ship as fire spread beyond control. Mearsk Honam had 27 crew
onboard, out of which 23 has been rescued by Als Cicero. Remaining four are missing.
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4. At present, a search operation is in progress by merchant vessels Als Cicero, Seaspan

Zambezi, Navigator Centauri and Al Jasrah. The search is being coordinated by Indian Coast
Guard Regional HQ(West) and MRCC Mumbai.

1. Types of cargo frauds in ships

2. How will you decide as master if multiple people come with same bill of loading as to who
is the receiver of cargo
3. On cargo ship who is the receiver of cargo


4. CLC fund
5. Vessel at berth and loading. Other vessel banged and made hole on ship cargo leaking.
Who is to blame and why and who will pay
6. Difference between note of protest and letter of protest. Legality of both. How will master
safe guard himself in cargo claims
7. IMO its parts its committees and sub-committees?
8. How does imo bring amendments?
1.PSC detained your vsl, how will you apeal...??
Not satisfied with my answer. Said half true.
2. New chemical cargo, not in COf, shipper wants to load, what u will do...??


Answered, will request shipper for more details of cargo n msds, will check with IBC Ch-17,
wether vsl can load or not, then vsl will request to company to amend the COf through class.
Lots of discussion on this.
3. Rcvd distress alert on dsc, what action on it.
4. Bunker spill at port during bunkering.
Who will pay..??
Went through the morning questions and said Capt KHAMBATA has gone through with you on
many topics how was it, i said i performed my best what i could sir, Checked my last two
attempts and ships i had done and asked whether i have prepared for the remarks from those,
i said yes and then he asked why a remark on B/L in my last attempt.
Then he started with B/L
1. What do u have to check prior signing a gas carrier bill of lading? Ans :- Its the freight pre-
paid remark
2. What are the different Clauses in Gas Carrier charter party name and explain them? a good

discussion on this and he was happy.


3. What is reference temperature for a semi-pressurized ship as per IGC code? Defn
4. On your ship on a long voyage one of my cargo compressor is not working and you are
unable to regulate the pressure action?
Want a practical procedural answer, ask Ch Eng what is the cause, try options onboard
equalizing the tank pressure, check for spares, arrange for spares and check for port of
What if you have to go to port of refuge? who will pay for all the expenses?
5. What is the purpose of intercooler in a reliquefaction plant?
6. Who can become a MTO? Compensation amount and under what conditions?
7. What is LOI? a small discussion on this and finally he asked writtens clear? yes sir, i would
pass you and there it was the Single "P" which is the most important requirement for all of us.
1. How was your Oral with the External?
2. What are the latest Amendments? Which all will be coming in 2018?
3. Marpol amendments
4. Pros and Cons of Ecdis


5. Unseaworthy as per MsAct

6. Amendments to MSact
7. How to appeal for PSC Detention?
8. ISM in short
9. Do Gas Equipment need shore Calibration? If No then who does it onboard? How Often the
Calibration ( Here the External has entered a remark on my sheet and hence he asked me this
question). Lot of discussion on this.
1. Harmonization of contingencies


2. Ammendments to PSC procedures and appeal process in case of detention

3. LSA and FFA requirements onboard.
4. Action as a master in following and quartering seas
5. Fixed fire fighting system requirements
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6. Assumed damage criteria as per marpol annex 1

7. Damage stability criteria as per solas
8. Requirements regarding reporting of incidents involving dangerous goods
9. Ch 9 of solas, no of regs and name.
10. Meaning of verification and control
11. Rotterdam rules
12. Ammendments to msa act
13. Latest lof form and main changes
14. Action as a master on detection of stowaways on board.
15. What is P.I. and F.I.
16. Req for SAR Manual
17. ISM in one line
18. Polar code in details.
19. Latest ammendment of SOLAS.
Who is the registrar for Indian ships?
-principal officer of respective MD’s or surveyor in charge
Explain ownership requirement for registry
Well explained in bodh
Port health requirement
Explain wrt to Covid
Why fund convention came?
Requirements of parties to fund
Supplementary fund
Who contributes?
Is India a part-no
Ism code how many part
-2part a and b
How many chapters -16
Mention last 4
What is risk assessment?
How many types
-routine and non-routine
If routine do u do every time
-no we do revision at SMS specified intervals or if some conditions have been alters
Non routine - Office approval is required
Casualty definition as per msact

Defined-shipping casualty

How to mentor your juniors

What is the amendment to mlc
Last 6-7 months back
Continuation of sea even if seafarer is held capitive
What is psc code ?
17 and 30, If psc detains u, Ur rights as master.
-can go for review as per administrative laws or ask dog and go for review panel.
Indian vessel collided with fishing vessel off coast Vizag.
Explain actions as master both preventive and communication.
Communication. Ms act 348,349,350.
Requirement of co 2 systems for deck and engine room
-please read them from Nitin Mahajan in detail
2nd mate reports ab missing - Actions
Take muster and search on board
Find probable datum and do track line search
In case of more than 4 hours have elapsed or sector search in short time
Inform Mecca and distress alert.
Inform owners flag state.
New crew joins and after sailing from disch port 3 days he fella sick with cough and cold
Isolate him as per Covid outbreak management plan
Now one more crew member experience same
Isolate him. Put notice in front of his cabin
Strict protocol measures for persons who are in attendance Inform company and send
temperatures and medical condition.
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Inform next port. Agent and authorities.

What is IAMSAR manual? Why used on board.
For helicopter and sar operations usage. What is polar code?
What requirement as per officer certification of this. LRIT.
Oral mmd exam app on you tube. Awesome and complete.
Approaching Fujairah bunkering anchorage. From 20 miles off actions as master.
What is piracy and armed robbery?
Difference is piracy is on high seas and armed robbery in costal waters.
What is shallow water effects?
Explain how cusgion and bank suction effects and action taken.
Please refer bodh-given. Pilot comes on board .
What information to be given to him? What is Afra? Lates amendments to IMDG cargo?
Tell me ms rules -registration of ships. Pi and fi.
What is Kyoto protocol? Adaption of climate control of Paris convention.
What is smeep? What all is there inside.
Certificate as per marpol annex 6, Marpol amendments related to annex 6.
Scopic - Full form - Why scopic came?
What is itf - What is itf blue certificate - What is ibf - What is cba?
Which cba u had on ur last ship?
What was flag of ur last ship? -Hong Kong
Is it dependent - Yes it is under prc
Is it national or foc, It is national.
1) Who are the registrar in India?
2) Location of registrar
3) How will you register a ship in India?
4) What is carving and Marking note?
5) Who all can register a ship in India?
6) What is wreck?
7) Tell me about Nairobi Wreck Conv.
8) Scopic
9) Marine Casualty, PI n FI
10) What all types of crew agreement are there?
10) ITF blue card
11) IBF
12) MLC - Titles n rest hours
13) How will you take over command, vessel 20yrs old in DD.
14) ESP
15) How is the survey carried out for 20yr old vessel.
16) Which all certificates will u check while take over?
17) OLB entries

18) ISM CODE - How many parts n chapters


19) How will you implement SMS on board

20) How will you review SMS, give example of NC
21) What all precautions you will take before DD flooding
22) More questions on DD critical period, stability condition
23) You have maximum crew changed at DD, how will u conduct drills
24) Frequency of drills
25) Fixed firefighting system in ER
26) Requirement of CO2 discharge in engine room
27) Hypermist system
28) How and when will you release CO2 in engine
29) After departure from Port, CE reports EO is missing, your action
30) IAMSAR, Search pattern, why Williamson turn
31) For how long will u carry out search (I said 24hrs, donno y)
32) Singapore strait
33) Rudder stuck at 20 in Singapore strait
34) Bunkering at Singapore strait, anchor dragging, action
35) Even after ur attempts, vessel collides, action
36) After departure Capetown, 3/O reports food ration missing in lifeboat, action
37) Found stowaways onboard, action
38) Anchoring in Fujairah
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39) Tanker cargo ops

40) How will u load grain
41) CSC plate
42) Latest IMDG ammend
43) Latest ammend Marpol, MLC
44) Polar code, class notations
45) Hague Visby rule, exemption from carrier liability
46) Unseaworthy n unsafe ship
47) 3days after departure port, Ab is having high body temp n cough, vessel proceeding to
Vishakhapatnam, action.
1. ISM ch 14 15,16.
2. Scopic ? what it is
3. Dry-docking a vessel with damage on side
4. Dry-dock Critical period n critical moment.
5. RV situation and cross questioning.
6. Fund and clc major difference - CLC is paid by owners pni club and Fund is by the
importers of oil in the contracting state
7. Hague Visby carriers liability.
8. Transfer and Advance.
9. Special trade passenger ship?? Certificates required.
10. Bank cushion and bank suction effect.
11. How will u ensure false distress msgs are not sent.
12. How will u cancel distress alert.
13. Polar code what it is and certificates required
14. STCW amendments
15. solas amendments
16. Marpol annex 6 amendments
17. MLC amendment
18. What is NMBI (national maritime board) agreement

19. Charter party fraud? example


20. Autonomous ship? what is it example

21. Note of protest? when to make a note of protest
22. IRNSS working? what is it?
23. VDR requirements? performance stds
24. ESP
25. Certificate of registry as per which convvention
26. Unsafe and unseaworthy ship? definition
27. ship reporting , Indsar and Inspires
28. PI and FI
29. You received a distress alert ? what will u do? will u always go to assist?
30. Crew sick onboard action? after few days died? action? procedure & enteries to be made
31. PSC appeal procedure
32. Fixed fire fightng system on last ship? hypermist system where?
33. IAMSAR? which volume u carry?
34. how will u carry out risk assessment
35. grey list of psc
36. helicopter operation equipments
37. What is squat? formula
38. Reqmt for fire hydrant
39. Multimodal transport ? MTD? advantages
40. You sail from cape town to US, lifeboat ration found missing after 2 days. action
1. Anchoring in Singapore anchorage between 4 vessel ,with 3 kts currents and 15 kts wind
start from 15 nm
2. Fog signal of vessel in normal visibilty vessel overtaking

3. Carriage of nickle cargo precautions


4. Drydock preparation start from 1 month before dd

5. Difference between VDr and Ais
6 Standards of VDR
7. Which Gyro used in northern ice areas
8. General average
9. Warrenty define
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10. York Antwerp rules

11. Himalaya clause
12. Exemptions of Hugue visby rules
13. Load line amendments
14. Contents of Isps
15. ISM chapter 13,14,15,16
16. Ration missing from stbd life boat action - Ans is stoways on board
17. Unseaworthy and unsafe define as per ms act
18. Critical period and critical moment of vessel during drydock, Period is whn vessel aft
touches till forwd touches docks, Moment - when aft touch which I ansmered him.
19. Diagram of vessel topple off from dock, Ans - it's bassicals when your G moves up
reductions of Gm ,causing upthrust it's simple diagram you can find in google
20. OPRC convention
21. Loadline convention basic
22. IMDG amendment s
23. MLC amendments.
Basically he asked all latest amendments solas, marpol also
24. At 0200 you get call from 2nd off chengg missing action
25. While carrying out bunkering anchor dragging action and further you collided with vessel in
astern action
26. Esp wt you knw
27. ISM contents
29. INSPIRE who looks after , Ans navy
30. IMSAR contents
31. Special trade passenger ships what are they - wt certificates required in Indian coast
32. What is passenger ship?
33. Viq and vpg and who's gives you these
34. Hav you carried out viq explain preparation s
35. Planning for drydock take our as master during drydock
36. Entries in official logbook
37. How you make sure no false distress alert is transmitted as master
38. Action after false distress alert
39. Management of change define?
40. Certificate under Annex 2 , contents
41. RAS
42. Tool box meeting
43 wht is grey list .
44 Damage stability booklet
45 Emg fire pump as per solas
46. Fire hydrant req as per solas
47 CO2 in engine room
47 what is on deck of oil tanker for firefighting and why, ans - low exoention foam bcz wind is
thr on deck high expention is not effective which I said to him
48.Diff between armed robbery and piracy
49 ETA req
50. Advance tranfer and tectical dia
51synchronious and parametric rolling
52 what is polar code and what certificates required for whtchkeeping
53.what is crash stop ,is it same for al engine moments like full ahead half ahead etc etc
54 Any 4 inco terms
55 define worldscale
56 Contents seemp
57 fund clc and supp. does india retified supp ans is no
58 who payes for clc and fund
59 IGF code explain
1. ISM ch 13,14 15,16.

2. Masters review and examples


3. Scopic full form

4. Drydock completed, and you joining as master how will you take over.
5. Drydock Critical period n critical moment.
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6. RV situation
7. Fund and clc major difference - CLC is paid by owners pni club and Fund is by the importers
of oil in the contracting state.
8. Your vessel loaded Nickle ore precautions.
9. after all precautions after sailing vsl listed 7deg action.
10. Hague Visby carriers liability.
11. Transfer and Advance.
12. Special trade passenger ship?? Certificates required.
13. Bank cushion and bank suction effect.
14. How will u ensure false distress msgs are not sent.
15. How will u cancel distress alert.
16. Grain loading, DOA, and ships without DOA.
17. On deck fire fighting requirements for Tankers.
18. Technical service provider whom u can contact during emergency?? TMAS.
19. Latest ammendment to Marpol.
20. Information on Damage Stability plan.
What do you know about Ch 9 of Solas.
Management of safe operation of ships then said 6 rules - app,def,etc.
- Masters Sms review- give 3 ex of review.
Change in checklist like addition of item- draining if IG lines prior starting IG or any additional
procedure wrt to cyber security. A new checklist for cook and steward for galley hygiene.
Frequency of review?
Within one month of joining and after 3 months but atleast once in a contract of 4 months.
What is TMSA?
Tanker management self-assessment.
Basically SMS and KPI of company (like vetting of office)
- What is MOU?
Memorandum of understanding between states sharing common waters to eliminate
substandard ships and not to have duplication like same vsl being inspected in many if these
- Grease on gangway and PSC says he wants to detain your ship.
Will defend discuss and try to rectify it on spot. Immediately clean it and will try to convine him.
Again said he wants to detain what is your action or rights.
Within 7 days owner or master will approach to court of survey for that port and appeal for
If don't want to go official way then inform class and flag then flag will approach to detention
review panel of that mou where secretariat will make a team of 3 mou other then this flag state

and the psc. After evidence review the decision will be made by the team and secretariat will

update the result.

What is code 17,30?
17 Rectify deficiencies before dep.
30 detained
What is Polar code?
Required for ships operating in polar waters. Adopted in 2014 and inforce from 1 Jan 2017.
Basically to have design, construction, training, structural requirement, certificate in respect of
ships trading near poles or ice area.
There will be a polar ship certificate. Polar operational management code.
What certificate required by officers?
for Open water ( for tanker ) master and mate need to have basic training certificate. For other
waters junior officer require basic training and master and mate required advanced training.
For ships other than tanker and passenger. Only advance training for mate n master in open
waters and basic for junior off.
- What fixed firefighting system you had?
Foam on deck pumproom and E/R
Which type of foam and why?
Deck low expansion having foam aerated exp ratio is 2:1 to 20:1.
E/R & P/R - High exp ratio having ratio 200:1 n more. Basically air will blow the foam if high
expansion is used in deck.
What is a fire control plan?
A GA plan having fire subdivision boundary, location of all FFA item like ext spares eebd scba
fireman's outfit location of fixed fire ext system. Escape and access points . With their symbols.
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What is damage control plan?

Permanently display or available on bridge for OOW
Have watertight boundaries marked of ship including closing arrangements and any controls
fitted then it's location from where it can operate.
Arrangement for correcting list.
Doors reqd on passenger ship which is permanently kept open at sea.
Doors which are not to be open at sea clearly marked.
Bilge and ballast pump details.
All internal doors
- what is IAMSAR?
International aeronautical maritime search n rescue and ships to have volume III. As per
Solas ch V reg 21. Vol 3 helps aircraft vessels and other craft to carry out operation in SAR
Search patterns.
- C/E report at 0800 E/O missing
Say he was last seen at 0000, your action?
Alarm, head count, check on ship , not found means def overboard, carry out Williamson turn
or scharnov turn.
Then reduce speed post extra lookout began search as per track line search Contact nearest
RCC and nearby vessel. Inform DPA,P&I, owner and charterer.
How long will you carry out search and rescue?
It will be decided by SC sar cordinator in any case IAMSAR vol 3 says for 20Deg temp
minimum 24hrs search to be carried out. So if the decision is to me I will carry out search for
atleast 72 hrs
- what is marine casualty as per ms act.
As per MS act 358 on or near the coast of india any serious injury or loss of life.
- Masters Sms review- give 3 examples of recommendations. Frequency of review?
- What is Mou? India in which mou? Have you ever had a psc indpection in india?
- What is a detainable defeciency? Give some examples. What is code 17,30?
- If detained, your actions as Master? Preocedure for challenging a detention?
- What are CIC’s? What’s the CIC for this year?
- Certificate of registry? As per which convention? Validity?
-What is Fal convention? Is india party?
- What is itc-69? Expand. What certificate?
- What is LL convention? Expand.
- Give specifics on Polar code. What certificate required by officers?
- How many hydrants required on a ship?
- What fixed fire dighting system you had? CO2- describe requirements in detail
- What is a fire control plan?
What is damage control plan? What all details can you gather from it?
- What is IAMSAR? Wanted everything about volume III. Search patterns.
- 2/E reports at 0800 3/E missing on the way from Singapore to Cape Town. Your action?

Say he was last seen at 0700, your action?


How long will you carry out search and rescue?

- say he cannot be found, your actions then?
- what is PI and FI?
-Anchoring in strong cross currents? Chittagong anchorage, you are 10-15 miles from it. How
will you go about it, say practically!
- you are anchored off singapore, taking bunkers....there are vessels very close to you fwd and
aft. 2nd off calls at 2200, anchor is dragging, your actions?
- Now say you collided with the vessel aft, action? Your duties as a master in collision?
- you have a lot of bunkers onboard and you run aground. What will your course of action be?
How and Who will you contact?
- is there any shore assistance you can request for? How will they assist you? (Ers/eta)
- what iso containers? What types?
- You are in suez canal, nearing a bend. Very narrow, what precautions? You give hard to stbd
but vessel going to port, why? What will be your action?
- what all manouevering information available on bridge?
- Main difference between hague and hague visby rules? Whats the three most important
exemptions in carriers liability in hague visby?
- Sox 2020, sulphur cap, how is it implemented? How was the transition onboard?
- How will you go about conducting helicopter ops? What all helicopter equipment you had?
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- nairobi convention? Has india ratified?

- stowaway found onboard. What steps will you take next?
- difference between convention, protocol and resolution?
- what is lof. Which is the latest version?
- drydock preparations? 16 year old ship. Your considerations wrt stability when entering
dock? After drydocking, checks before refloating? Checks while refloating?
- false distress, why so common? How will you make sure that doesn’t happen on your ship? If
false distress sent out, your actions? How will you cancel false distress - All equipments.
- What is P&I? What all do they insure?
Crtitera for assigning freeboard, MLC full certification in detail,

Few ROR Cards, Trawler Light, dredger light,


Vertical separation of lights,

What type of light and how much is visibility,
BWM amendments, CLC,
Fund & Supplementary fund explain in detail.
1. Who conducts a PI and FI .. lot of cross questioning ..( please read sec 358 thoroughly )
2. London dumping / protocol .. which is stricter .
3. PSC appeal procedure .. cross questioning

4. Stcw amendments

5. Zig zag test

6. Marpol disch criteria for annex 2
7. Cargo contamination actions .. more about polymerisation ( as I have sailed on chemical
tankers )
8. Ship recycling
- Boil Off Management on LNG Carriers
- Charter Party
- Gas Detection System
- Secondary Barriers and Alarms
- How LNG Carrier is different from other type of Ships (Operation Wise)
- Insulation System of LNG Carriers
- Stability Criteria of Vessel
- Whats Worst Condition of Stability and how will you be sure that even then Vessel is Stable
- How will you take over as Master, he wanted specifically for LNG (at this time i assumed that

he wants to hear whats extra i will do there so i talked about SOLAS, MARPOL and

- Content of SEEMP manual
- Sox and Nox Emission
- Third Mate onboard for 9 months and no sign that he will sign off in coming months and he is
getting desperate and restless, Action
- Rule 13 and 10
- CBD Vessel
- Positioning of Navigation Lights (i fucked up here and later i was told that this is Failing
Question because as Master of Vessel you should know everything)
- Casualty as per MS Act
- Difference between Statutory and Mandatory Certificates
1. Quote rule 5, 7, 9
2. STCW marpol and solas latest ammendment
3. Note of protest and letter of protest.
4. PI and FI in full detail.

5. Marpol annex nox discharge requieement.


6 Solas all 14 chapters in brief.

7. Action in case of collision.
8. Polar code full info.apllicable to which ship.
9. Dg circular for training for ships operting in polar water.
10. Container damaged an seal broken at sea due to weatger action.
11. Hague and hauge visby rule which one is better.
12. Subdivision index.
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1. Eprib transmitting what are your actions

2. Zig zag test and it's application

NITIN 3. London dumping and its protocol which is more stringent? And why
4. Has india ratified it
5. New mate on your ship you have to do gas free how will you go about it
6. Agent comes to you and says do you require tugs? What will be your first question to him?
And how will you decide how many tugs you need?
1. Eprib transmitting what are your actions
2. Zig zag test and it's application

3. London dumping and its protocol which is more stringent? And why

4. Has India ratified it

5. New mate on your ship you have to do gas free how will you go about it
6. Agent comes to you and says do you require tugs? What will be your first question to him?
And how will you decide how many tugs you need?

1) your ship is detained in Indian Ocean mou, your action? Lot of cross question. If your vessel

is has been detained in India, will India will party to review pannel?
2) London dumping convention, which is more toughest, convention or protocol? What is the
toughest part in it?
1) your ship is detained in Indian Ocean mou, your action? Lot of cross question. If your vessel
is has been detained in India, will India will party to review pannel?

Explained first appeal to the state where ship got detained as per thier regulations,

If still not satisfied with review, iomou detention review pannel will form 3 member states who
are part of IOMOU, he asked will india be party to it. I said no.
2) London dumping convention, which is more tough, convention or protocol?
Protocol. What is the toughest part in it? Strict regulations and liability.
Introduction of Sailing Career so far.
1. DMLC parts, and who will issue?
2. What is ICE Clause in Charter Party Agreement? What us SBT Clause?
3. Is Towage Different from Salvage? What is the LOF? Which version is in use at present?
4. Actions in case of EPIRB activation?
5. Cargo finished on Friday evening with damaged cargo in 2 holds. Shipper insisting clean
BL. Owner and Charters not replying to your calls and emails. Port asking you to vacate berth.
He was satisfied with the answer Ask for P&I club attendance.
6. Is Class a Requirement? Why does the owner want to have class.
7. P&A Manual

8. Oil Spill alongside berth. Actions. Mainly he wants to here who all will you contact.

9. Can vessel be on Sec. Level 1 and Port on Level 2?

10. When you call off the search for MOB, what will you do to safe guard yourself from man
slaughter charges by the next of kin?
11. NPDES and QI
12. What is Safe Port?
Ship can safety go in and out, Remain Safely Aloft, Terminal has safe cargo handling facilities,
Ship won't have to cut off or alter the masts to go in and out of port, port is free of any political
unrest or war.
13. Shipping Causality
14. PI and FI
15. Appeal Procedure for PSC.
16. How will you prepare for MLC certificate.
1. How was your External orals?

2. Ship Registration, how many owners or parts of ownership


3. Fixed CO2 requirements.

4. Procedure for recovery of FF lifeboat
5. How will you do about preparing for Safety Equipment Survey.
6. Can we register vessel in two countries?
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1) Ms act application
2) Incoterms and example
4) ROR rule 2
5) Definitions of distress seamen, high seas, fire at sea 200nm away from indian coat action.

6) Actual Cargo 950 tons but bill of lading shows 1000 will you accept it, actions.
7) 5 additional persons joining vessel (2 suprnumery, 2 superintendent , 1 child) what all
things you will check.
8) Unclos
9) Appealing procedure for detention in india.
10) Which Convention is 100% ratified?
11) What is universal ratification?
12) Investigation code.
13) OLB entries as per Ms Act and section no.
Started with introduction!
Since m chemical hand ..
Started Static accumulator oil — conductivity, precaution n when to increase. Straight to RoR.
Flags to Identify -Y ,A, F , C. Orally asking how some flags looks like - G, J.

Tides semi diurnal . Diurnal ,spring , neap. I was rustic but told since I had not referred this

Some depths and chart symbols. Situation near one fathoms bank .. engine disabled ..
display NUC, inform VTS and consider anchoring .. some cross question about tidal streams
at that time .. which u will pre calculate and have handy.
Rational horizon 21 N and declination 18 S drawing. Here I went wrong in diagram. oral stops
1) flags, Meaning A,J,Y,F.
2) Buoys on table (W-cardinal without top mark + fairway By details). W-cardinal I'd told him
may be driftig so check chart before action. Then said it's on chart. Now if drifting wat action -
report using form in annual NTM
Aground vsl day signal. Chart symbols / historic wreck.
3) Separation of lights vertical & horizontal.
4) Manoeuvring characteristics of last vsl... Requirements as per regulations for bridge poster
5) RV situation vsl ahead on port bow... (Once I have taken all way off how will the other vsl
come to knw about it ?)
6) What is TLDZ.... Wats it's significance ?
7) Vsl entering port flood tide sudden change of plan, ur already in narrow channel action ?
how will you turn back ? (Anchor underfoot.).
8) Singapore 1 ftm bnk west bound vsl ahead. Ur Engines fail action - (steer to clear waters by
momentum broadcast security msg.).
9) how to calculate tidal streams in previous qstn stream taking you to shallow water... (said
Drop anchor at reasonable speed). If vsl swung after dropping anchor n then dragging.. (said

will drop 2nd anchor ensuring that it won't foul.).


10) Write security msg.

11) Windlass speed for heaving up anchor - imo criteria for same.
12) Certificates required onbord ships as per regulations & their attachments.
13) Certificates carried for trade.
14) Anything for Wrecks in particular - (insurance) by whom (P & I)
15) What is chaffing ring & stroping bar, what is it associated with (anchor hawse pipe exterior)
16) What is flange bracket (didn't know... I drew a bracket & a pipe passing through it... Asked
me wat material in bwtn...)
17) Latest amendment for marpol annex V
18) How did u manage HME wash water... (Approved by class internal transfer using GS pp)
asked me how did ur non return v/v operate have u seen urself. (Had to draw the NRV)
19) CO2 requirements.. which v/v will pilot btl operate first... How much time delay ? Reason fr
20) MLC general... DMLC parts
21) Taking over ship after 6 months lay up... Hw will ISM be affected ?
22) PSC finds Emcy p/p not operational... He intends to detain.. action. (I told him it's a
detainable deficiency so will try to repair asap, inform owner fr spares if required... Apply fr
dispensation if spares not available - allowed to sail if class approves with alternative
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23) Difference bwtn audit & inspection.. can auditor be inspector also ?
24) BWM latest ammd. Wat are D1 & D2 criteria. Asked me to wait out at 11.15 (along with 3
mates & 2 2ndmates candidates).
Ext- asked which company u r sailing and there were lettered flags lying, told to identify.
Flags-A,F, and some more
I could identify only A, then he asked B flag details
West cardinal mark was there without top mark- i got it N cardinal and i gave action as per N
Safe water mark- identify and its lights, he went in to detail of lights like what is
isophase,occulting and all

Then u r in japan and u saw composite group flashing rt ahd action

One open sea situation- one vsl parallel of u on same cource on stbd side and one vsl rt ahd

ROC with rt ahd vsl, action- I made mistake of reducing spd.

Then he went on asking how much time do u need to reduce ur engine in open sea and then
he told now u collided action, then i told all bla bla after collision.
Every time he was telling that remember u r a master candidate, answer as per that.
And some more which i don't remember.
Basically capt. Oak asked only upto 2nd mate lavel ques to me, may be because he was not
happy with my initial ques.
Max about 20 min of ques by ext.
If u get capt. Oak then study very basic of everything. And he asked me some chart symbol
about 5 or 6 regarding depth only.
1. Some chart symbols..
Example historical wreck, sounding etc
2. IALA Buoyage
West cardinal mark, safe water mark.. etc
3. Flags, foxtrot, Julliete, alpha
4. How will you anchor in Fujairah

5. VLCC westbound Lane suddenly engines fail and vsl drifting onto shallow patch.. Actions

6. Synchronous and parametric rolling

7. Recent Msc circular for bulk carriers
8. Nairobi wreck convention
9. Damage plan and booklet
10. Latest amendments to Mlc and seafarers employment agreement
11. Questions in BL, in my trade how is the procedure...
12. Cargo claims
13. Limits of funds
14. Some ROR situations.. In restricted visibility..
1- Flags- 4-5 with meanings. Unable to answer some
2- east cardinal buoy with top mark missing seen right ahead, action also isolated danger
3- situation RV TSS - overtaking action and interaction between vessel
4- vessel approaching port with flood tide and suddenly vts informed pilot unavailable. Action
5- ror card 3-4
6- chart symbols various including historic wreck and SD depth and many more ( previous
attempt question)
7- lbp and importance- previous attempt question
8- frame numbering, stake naming, garboard and shelder stake

9- dd precautions and surface preparation standards and as per which regulation. What all to

check during dd.

10- llmc
11- wreck as per ms act
12- amendments to ism with section
13- how to chose anchoring ground
14- lifeboat davit test requirement.
15- ammendments to lof
16- ESP code, survey and info in file
17- dent on ship side how will you mark on shell expansion chart( previous attempt question)
18- while overtaking in tss, m / eng fail. Action
19- test on gmdss equipment.
20- onload offload test and requirement of gmdss battery
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21- method of cancelling false alert by epirb.

22- AIO wrt ECDIS
23-barometer correction and formula for altitude correction.
24- CO2 system working.
25- fire in cargo load loaded with coal. Action
26- cold layup and hot layup and effect on ISM.
1.He put 3 flags in front of me. I couldn't answer.
Showed me few chart symbols. One place along with depth SD was written he asked me what
does this SD means, I couldn't answer.
2.He shown me cardinal Marks, safe water mark and isolated danger mark and asked full
details along with lights associated with it.
3. Difference between isophase light and occulting light.
4. ROR Rule no.6
5.what is ITCZ. I couldn't answer.
6.GMDSS battery maintenance and test routines.

7.Write down a distress msg for fire on board to be transmitted over VHF and Sat C.

8.what cargo documents u sign as a master.

9.Explain What is CLC what certificate is associated with it.
10.Ammendments to ISM.
11.MLC documents. Difference between DMLC part 1 & part 2.
12.What all certificates u carry on board.
13. How will u prepare for ILL renewal survey
14. How will u prepare for PSC audit.
15.How will u obtain port clearence.
16.For coastal vsl in place of port clearence what document u show to pilot, I couldn't answer.
17. What is the difference between head up, course up and North up mode of radar.
18. How a wreck is taken care of, I couldn't answer.
Started asking general intro last company, type of vessels, when u gave written.
Construction of Lng tanks.?
Material of LPG tanks.?
What is coefficient of expansion of tank structure.?
Now Started with his usual set...
Identify Flags Y,A,Z,K,G and meaning of same.?
West cardinal witout top mark.?
Describe region B buoy showing composite group flashing red light.?
Chart symbols of Sounding doubtful and sounding by wire gauge...?
ROR situation:
Normal visibility, ahead PD and stbd beam NUC Action.?
Ans: Rule 2, wide alteration to port.
RV in tss..overtaking PD with stbd side shallow he asked me wht is sound signal
for vessel over taking...Also your action?
Ans: no sound signal for overtaking,rule 19 vessel can alter port n stbd since shallow patch

overtake vessel on her port or reduce speed and jus follow her.

Precautions while u in Tss and master obligation.?

Ans: imp to ans is report your actions to vts.
How will u decide anchorage area if port says go outside limits.?
What is scope of cable.?
What was your last vessel manoeuvring.?
Characteristic and how would you utilize in berthing.?
What is transverse thrust?
Requirement of ROT Indicator.?
How will u calculate WOL and execute turn.?
You are in narrow channel steering fails actions.?
Lot more discussions on this as emergency started doubling up saying now anchor lost..
What msg will you transmit now and How?told me to write?
Ans securite msg
What type of anchor was on your last vessel and its weight.?
How many types of anchor you know?
How to carry out Loadline renewal survey.?
3rd mate accidently activates EPIRB action?
Ans Brodcast cancel alert.
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What is floor and how many types you have onboard.?

Ans kemp n young
What is scantlings.?
Co2 system requirement, operation and maintaince.?
Ans normal
All certificates on gas tanker.?
Ans normal
What are trading certificates.?
Wreck removal convention and certificates?role of costal state?
Ism ammendments?
What is VGM and what is the circular all about.?
What instructions you will give to 2nd off n ch eng after receiving voy orders.?
What is time charter and charters duties?
Instructions you will give to ch eng?
What if bunker picked is not up to standards and you sail out?
Ans: Here catch is master will issue note of protest.
Lot of cross quetsions on this.
Told me to write down note of protest.
If your bunker gets over at sea your actions.?
What is Salvage article 13 n 14?
How to undergo towage and precautions and explain your last ships ETA.?
Damage stability plan and how to use.?
Oak will judge you on your 1st three quetsns rest he will give you emergency to see how u will
handle as master and use your resources,he will try to misguided you so u give wrong ans, so
stick wit wht u studied n feel is correct.
1. Kept one cardinal bouy without top mark,
Preferred channel, then a situation in tss, RV, overtaking. Will u go to port or no. I said I can.
Then asked now suddenly ur engine fails. Told him all to be done for NYC. Then he asked how
will u broadcast NYC.
Then I said will anchor in separation zone.
Then about anchoring with current on your port quarter. Basically all cross questioning.
With Oak if u don't crack ROR he will not proceed ahead.
2. What is ship's routeing?
3. How PSC conduct inspection?
4. Ism amendments.
5. What is synchronous sailing....I asked sailing or rolling. He laughed. And said u don't know
then tell me any synchronous rolling.
6. How will u ensure you hull integrity before flooding the drydock.

7. 2nd mate calls u at night that he is confused of a fog signal he is hearing is of NYC or not. I
said by fog signal only we won't know, doesn't matter which vsl I will tell him give wide

alteration will go on the bridge by the time and will ensure passing at extra CPA. He asked
what all vsls hv same fog signal as NYC?
8. IMDG code, loading DG containers onboard. What things u will check.
Told him all possible....Finally he was asking u r not telling me one imp thing. Ans for that he is
looking is "Stow Guide", never used anything like that.
9. What is the most strengthening member as part of Hull on container ships.
I said.... Torsional box...One of his set question only.
10. What is VGM...MS Notice for the same.
11. Where is the coast earth station of India...I answered this wrong....Answer is ARVI,
12. 2nd mate has activated EPIRB by mistake....Actions? As per samsul
13. What is the symbol for flood tide and historical wreck.
14. What all statutory cert required onboard. What cert u need to enter any port.
15. What is article 13 and 14 of Salvage?

Oak listens everything u say properly and cross question of course.

1. Cardinal buoy with top mark missing to be identified and action.(west c.buoy)


2. Safe water mark and characterstics.


3. How does flag G/L/I look like with meaning.

4. Prefered channel to stbd buoy region B
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5. How will u approach for anchoring.

6. Joining shackle/spile pin/gap is filled by lead pellets and all..
7. Approaching pilot stn in narrow channel and now pilot is cancelled ..what to do ?
8. Laid up vsl take over and certification ?
9. Preparation for loadline survey, have u done it what all to check and class survey what all to
check ?
10. ISM implementation/procedure for getting interim smc..doc...full smc..full doc.
11. Clear grounds.
12. PSC want to detain ur ship..what will u do.
13. Crew snabbed another crew onboard...what will u do...n how will u evacuate casuality.
14. With ref to above..helicopter oprtn procedure.
15. What is spool piece...what is "some kind of flange"...i said i dnt knw .
16. What are statutory certificates and examplea.
17. What are commercial certificates and examples.
18. What is certificate of entery.
19. Commercial and arrvl communications prospects wid arrvl port.
20. What all docs to b signed by master ref container ship.
21. Reefer container ldng/disch/voyage precautions and what will u do as master before reefer
is loaded.
22. Container damages and in what all ways can get damage.
23. IMDG container fire/actions/ if chf off fighting fire what master wil do.
24. Mearsk honam discussion related to above.
25. Latest IMDG ammendment.
26. Latest ISM ammendment.
27. What all things gin in MLC and which certificates to be carried as per mlc.
28. How to cntrl SF/BM/TM in container ship during construction and during operations.
29. VGM purpose and aim nd how to ensure its compliancement.
30. Ex-meridian and amplitude with rational horizon diagram.
31. Vsl anchores in sing apore cross west bound lane and join east bound to approach.
32. With ref to above....anchor not coming up nd too much traffiv to concern..what will u do.
33. What is d licence of ship.
34. How to decide abandon ship...related to fire onboars linking wid mearsk honam.
35. PAN PAN and MAY DAY broadcast when n write.
36. What is AIO and cosco busan case study wid cross questioning.
37. When you will amd how you will tendor NOR.
38. Despatch/Demurrage/Laycan/Lay time.
39. Types of B/L's....cargo shortage and B/L figure showing more...Action ?
40. Gyro fail at berth..ur vsl has to u will sail.
41. Deviation to make and when to renew...can u swing if at a place where variation
and deviation not as per deviation cars.
42. Andreson and Scranov turn.
43. Manoeuverting characterstic of last vessel.
44. Scope of cable and how much shackle to lower.
45. Weather routening.
46. Synchronous and paramateric rolling and action to prevent.
47. Who issue safe manning certificate.
48. Fixed fire fighting on my last ship (CO2)..procedure to
49. What will you ask from C/E..C/O...2/O for a proposed voyage.
3.Rv situation

4.What will u do if port allows u to sail out from inner anchorage and ther is no pilot to take u

out. U have to self navigate. Commercial pressure from chart and owners to rch asap to nxt
port. Your action.
5.Garboard strake
6.Margin plate
7.Oil leak while bunkering and heavy rainfall ur action.
8.Draw flooding symbol
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9.17S lat, 22S dec : draw the rational horizon diagram showing amplitude of the sun and name
10. Temp for carrying propane and butane
11. Types of floes
12. Wreck convention and cert.
13. Cert that will change when owner cha ges
14. Ammendments to ism
15. Where do u use chequered plate
16. Scantling
17.Vsl proceeding to Japan sees composite group flashing 2 +1 red
18. 3rd mate activated epirb by mistake.ur action
19. U r NUC. Alert others by vhf
20.Fixed firefighting on deck for tankers
21.All Gmdss tests
22.INDSAR. masters obligations as per INDSAR
23. ALRS.
24. Vsl laid up for 4 months. How will u take over.
Started with general information abt my sea career and compny. I Replied saying MSC from
start. He said alright lets start
He started directly with navigation and that too with flags and buoys
1. Merchant alphabet flags (8 diff flags) right ahead action
2. Buoys (region b) , safe water mark
3. Cardinals marks without top marks, i said the buoys has missing top mark. He replied
saying the topmark is damaged now identify and action
4. Pilot vsl ahead stopped and suddenly starts and nearly opposite course to you , action- i
gave 2 answers assuming 2 scene ( assumed if pilot vsl suddenly starts and opp course then
own vsl must be proceeding towards pilot station and 2 assumption a normal case of power
driven vsl )
All above cases Roc exist.
5. Polaris calculation- could answer all the data from whr all u can get to solve a polaris
6. Ex meridian calculation - couldn’t answer well
7. Ex meridian limit calculation - couldnt answer at all
8. Distress msg Sat-c formal - made me write on paper
9. Abandon ship duties of master
10. Msc Chitra and khalija case study- too many cross questions in this
11. Distress process my vhf/mf hf- he wanted all the steps involved in sending a designated
distress alert

12. Clearing marks


13. Clearing bearings

14. Shallow water effects
15. Types of tugs and advantages and disadvantages
16. Scantling meaning
17. Storm valves - type n use
18. Most important part of container ship construction-
19. Tm/ how is tm controlled during construction
20. Bm/ how is bm controlled during const
21. Sf/ how is sf controlled during construction
22. Garboard strake
23. Bottom plug removal and refitted procedures
24. Ship preparations for class renewal survey- spoke for 15min continuously non stop
25. Ms act wreck
26. Nairobi wreck plus claims settlement
27. Insurance for wreck
28. Bulk carrier Imsbc code(group of cargo, and many definitions in it)
29. Load concrete precautions
30. Container load precautions
31. Container lashing precautions
Above all 3 precautions answer as wht master is required to check
32. Types of b/l
33. In wht all ways cargo claims can occur and wht will you do in each case of claim
34. Imsbc cargo attained flow state / action
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35. Fire fighting fixed on bulkcarrier

Started with flag directly 3 flags he showed me could ans only 1.

What is use of Z flag ??
Cardinal buoy. Note dis cardinal buoys don’t hv head marks u hv to ans with respect to spar.

How are cargoes classified on bulk carrier - IMSBC category A, B, C.


What is TML??
What is TLV??
As a master how will u go abt loading concentrates ??? I started answering was not satisfied
coz I started wrt to how ch mate will go abt I should hv mention d certificate first dats my
Started with introduction, Capt Pal said he will not be going in to the normal question on
syllabus. He started with why oil prices are going up.
Needed basic understanding of the shipping. What is Baltic index?
Why container freight is increased for some days?

You C/O come to you and tell you we will pass close to maturities for network.

Basically He was talking about Wakashio incident. Cross questions.

Documents for ship registration in India.
If you’re owner Will you employ foreign crew on Indian vl and why.
P& I club. FV crossing in TSS own vl CBD. Action.
Dredger how will you determine safe side.
As the connection was not stable Internal gave a warning.
1) vetting inspection on tankers
2) vetting inspection on bulk
3) IMSBC code amendment
4) Solas CH -IX in detail
5) Solas CH- XIII content and guidelines for bulk carrier
6) Duties of master for reporting dangers at sea and how to report it
7) VGM requirement
8) P &I role in oil pollution
9) CIC code
10) how you will as master contribute for carbon credit.
11) CLC and Bunker liability full details
12) MS act many sections 355 354 358
13) polar code in details and content
14) amendment in STCW and IMSBC


15) damage stability of bulk carrier

16) condition survey
17) reporting imdg incident
18) pcs ful details and required as per which all conventions
19) prototype test
20) ROR 16 17 rule
21) 3 situations
22) LRIT purpose
23) Incoterms
24) WX criteria for high freeboard ships
25)unseaworthy ship and regulation
26) VDR data recorded
27) world scale
28) dry dock requirement
29) visibility criteria for navigation
30) volumetric heeling moment
31) CSR in detail
33) docs require as per ISPS and ISM
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MS Act full outline, Official log book entries for RO RO ships, CIC code ,
ESP code, Dry dock requirement as per MS Act,
underwater survey requirement, Parametric Rolling Circular Details,
Prototype testing details as per which circulars,
SOLAS Ch. 9, 10, 11-1 & 13, III code,
Damage Assumptions for tankers and as per which convention,


Reporting requirements for AMVER, IRNSS, INDSAR, IGF code in detail,

Wind weather criteria for RO RO ships,
VGM, Rule No. 17 & 19 and Few ROR situations,
Reporting requirement of DG as per which circular,
Insurance(CLC, Fund and IOPC),
STP ships certificate, CSR requirement, Risk Profile,
MLC(full certification), ISPS and ISM code related certificates,
Amendments of IMDG , IMSBC and BWM conventions,
Cancellation of distress alert, Kyoto Protocol,
Carbon credit and IMO description,
COLREGS rule no. 19, 17 and 18 & Mental health circular
1. Investigation and Inquiry as per MS Act.
2. LSA as per MS Act
3. Latest amendments to MS Act
4. Casualty Investigation Code
5. Stability criteria as per IBC
6. What is IOPC Fund?
7. Berthing Stbd side alongside with strong on shore wind, current from ahead, working bow
8. What is SCOPIC?
9. Kyoto Protocol?
10. Wind heeling criteria on Car carrier
11. Action when Dangerous cargo spill overboard
12. Format of reporting of DG cargo
13. Action when distress alert falsely transmitted
14. Hamburg Rules
15. IMO regulation on Fatigue and what it says
16. IMO regulation on Cyber Security

17. Watchkeeping requirements as per STCW

18. Latest amendments to STCW
19. What is IGF code?
20. Navigational equipment required as per Polar Code
21. Damage control plan details
22. Content and details of SOLAS chapter IX
23. Details about verification and control in Ch IX
24. Content and details of SOLAS chapter XI-1
25. Content and details of SOLAS chapter XI-2
26. Details regarding verification and control
27. Content and details of SOLAS chapter XII
28. Latest amendments to IMDG and IMSBC codes
29. Details of ISPS code
30. Certificates as per ISPS code
31. What is IRNSS?
32. INDSAR including reporting format
33. What is Prototype testing with circular number.
34. Amendments to COLREGS
35. RV situation One v/l 2 points on the port bow, one abaft stbd beam. Action.
36. Rule no 17
37. About 5 to 10 ROR cards- Air cushion v/l, Tug, Dredger with obstruction, mine clearance
v/l and a few others.

1. Who all can register ships in India and procedure for registry of ships.

2. Name of Registry ports and WHO REGISTER SHIP’S AT THOSE PORTS.

3. Contents and details of Solas Chap 12
4. IMSBC amendments
5. Unseaworthy and unsafe ship as per ms act
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6. Contents of IBC code

7. Contents of IGC code
8. Couple of ROR situations
9. What is the session of MS Act abt Liability of Oil pollution?
10. Rule no.9
1. Stated with Registry of ships.
2. Name of Registry ports and WHO REGISTER SHIP’S AT THOSE PORTS.
3. Content of CIC
4. Which ch. of SOLAS talks abt ISM code? And details.
5. Details of SOLAS Ch IX?
6. Details of SOLAS Ch XII AND XIV?
7. PSC Requirements as per Solas
8. Tell me about the session of MS Act abt Casualty?
9. What is the session of MS Act abt Master's duty in Collision?
10. What is the session of MS Act abt Reporting of dangers? In SOLAS? Format of
11. What is the session of MS Act abt LSA/FFA rules? Full detail
12. What is the session of MS Act abt Liability of Oil pollution?

13. What is the session of MS Act abt Liability of others?


14. What is the session of MS Act abt Investigation & Inquiry?

15. Latest amendments to IMDG AND IMSBC
16. Details of ISPS code
17. Which chapt. of SOLAS talks abt ISPS requirements? What all certificates?
18. Mental Health circular & its details?
19. IGC Code content
20. FFA Requirements in detail as per IGC
21. Damage stability criteria for passenger ships.
22. Synchronized and parametric rolling circular and details.
23. Clauses in case of collision (Both to blame )
24. Wind Healing criteria for larger vessel? Equation?
25. Watchkeeping principle as per my STCW
26. Condition survey.
28. IRNSS , why it required
29. Prototype test? Circular?
30. COLREG Amendments and detail.
1) Master’s obligation upon collision
2) Survivability criteria of Dry cargo ships / Chemical ship
3) What is MSA rules in MSA in detail?
4) What is SOLAS Chapter IX, total. How many regulations?
5) What is verification & Control as per IX Solas?
6) PI & FI
7) What is CIC, what is in MSA about the same, in case & casualty. What will be the procedure

in detail?
8) What is Ch XII in SOLAS. How many regulation?
10) Wx Criteria in IS (Intact Stability) Code?
11) PSC in SOLAS & other instruments.
12) Latest Amendment to COLREG, what is Rules 41.
13) Reporting Procedure of Dangerous Cargo in detail.
14) MAS
15) Wind Heeling Criteria
16) Normal Crossing Situation (PDV)
17) How many Reg. in SOLAS CH X & some more, which I’m not able to recall.
1) Tell me about the session of MS Act abt Casualty?

2) What is the session of MS Act abt Master's duty in Collision?


3) What is the session of MS Act abt Reporting of dangers? In SOLAS? Format of Reporting?
4) What is the session of MS Act abt LSA/FFA rules?
5) What is the session of MS Act abt Liability of Oil pollution?
6) What is the session of MS Act abt Liability of others?
7) What is the session of MS Act abt Investigation & Inquiry?
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8) Latest amendments to SOLAS, IBC, IMSBC, MARPOL

10) Rule 19,Rule no 17, Latest amendment of COLREG?
11) Which ch. of SOLAS talks abt ISM code?
12) Details of SOLAS Ch IX?
13) What all certificate req as per ISM code?
14) Which chapt. of SOLAS talks abt ISPS requirements? What all certificates?
15) What is Solas Ch XIII & XIV?
16) What is IGF code? What is in its implication in SOLAS?
17) Casuality investigation as per SOLAS?
18) Mental Health circular & its details?
19) SCOPIC clause?
20) EEDI & EEOI? What is kyoto protocol?
21) Damage stability criteria as per IBC & IGC code?
22) VGM, what is it?
23) Fauds of B/L?
24) ADRS & how will u use it?
25) Wind Healing criteria for larger vessel? Equation?
26) Guidance to masters in heavy WX circular number?
27) How LRIT works? its purpose? What info it will transmit?
28) LOI and LOC?
29) STCW amendments
30) What CAS?
31) Guidelines for PSC?
32) Obligations of masters for rendering assistance?
33) What is Waranty?
34) In a collision role of P & I club?
35)Damage control plan
36)Damage control booklet
37)Fire control plan
38) Ms act latest amendments
41)Prototype test? Circular ?
42) What is bridge visibility?
43) Definition for distress, urgency & security message?
43) What is underwater survey?
44) What is SEEMP
45) actions for accidental discharge of A-III cargo
46) Rule 19
47) RV situation on his working white board.. fwd of the beam port and abaft abeam stbd side..
Action? simple as per 19d and 19e also asked fog signal

1. Under what conditions are SMC certificate get expired?


2. Cargo discharge got delayed due to cargo inspection at berth . Who will suffer loss amount?
3. How is internal audit carried out?
4. Cargo claims and handling
5. When is NOR served. With some Cross questions.
V.Imp-“ Imo resolution,solas regulation and ms act sections numbers should be well prepared”
1. Solas ch XII
2. Msc circular for fatigue and content
3. wind heeling criteria for high freeboard vessel
4. Psc resolution/solas regulation and procedure

5. IMDG cargo lost overboard .action and imo resolution and solas regulation

6. Contents of igc code /ibc code/polar code/imsbc code

8. Damage control plan and damage stability
9. Bridge navigation visibility
10. Amendments to marpol,stcw,solas
11. III code
12. casualty and investigation as per ms act
13. registration of indian ship
14. kyoto protocol
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15. llmc new limits

16. ror situation 2 simple one. 2 power driven vessel crossing i am stand on vessel. R.V. one
vessel port side fwd of beam and one stbd quarter .radar operational.
17. charterer party fraud.
18. loi and loc.
19. imo guidelines for stress management of seafarer.
20. ror amendment part F -relation with III code.
21. casualty investigation code.
22. psc appeal procedure




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1.started with statutory certificates
2. trading certificate
Then external surveyor fired rapidly regarding IMO resolutions, MS act sections,
He wants contents of everything,

ROR narrow channel and inshore traffic zones.


Started with verification and camera adjustment.
1. Have you studied MS act, tell me about it?
2. Seaworthy
3. Master responsibility in casualties?
4. Solas chap 13? What is written and explain?
5. Colregs latest amendments
6. wetting inspection

7. Survival criteria on tankers


8. IGF code contents

9. Prototype testing
10. What is MS LSA FFA? I
11. Circular for heavy weather and syn and parametric rolling? Explain what is in it?
12. Risk profile of ship
13. Circular regarding PSC what is it?
14. Latest amendment for PSC
15. Latest amendment to IMDG, IMSBC, SOLAS all chapters
16. Function of LRIT
17. Certificate required more on gas and chemical tankers
18. Content of certificate of fitness.
Started with verification and camera adjustment.
1. Have you studied MS act, tell me about it?
2. PI & FI?
3. Have you encountered casualties? - No. Tell me about what you learnt in your ASM and
give an example?
4. Solas chap 13? What is written and explain?
5. Colregs latest ammendments
6. what is on bulk carrier like sire on tankers? Something called bright ship I didn't knew.
7. What is viq?
8. Incoterms why are they used
9. C/P frauds examples

10. Survival criteria on chemical and gas tankers

11. IGF code
12. Prototype testing
13. What is MS LSA FFA? I didn't knew said only about LSA code and FFA code with various
14. CO2 maintenance
15. Do you know any circular for heavy weather and syn and parametric rolling? Explain what
is in it?
16. Risk profile of ship
17. What is grey list and black list
18. Circular regarding PSC what is it?
19. Latest amendment for PSC
20. You are on general cargo ship, how will load explosives?
21. Rule 19
22. One crossing situation where you are standby, all actions as per which rules
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23. Latest amendment to IMDG, IMSBC, SOLAS all chapters

24. Certificate needed to be carried, given by whom validity and surveys
25. Certificate required more on gas and chemical tankers.

Started with inspection of room with secondary device, then he asked me to sit down & show
CDC + Admit card. No introduction directly rapid fire.
Almost same questions as mentioned by Gaurav will add few different ones.
1. Vessel arriving port almost 30 miles off,your No.2 hold is on have loaded Coal in
that hold.Action.

2. From ROR overtaking situation & Amendment to cloregs.What was the need of Part F.
3. How many MOU's & Why.
4. Amendments to SOLAS,IMDG & IMSBC.
5. IBC code survivability criteria as in b/w he asked me which type of ships u have done as
CO..... I told him iam sailing on Oil/Chem Tanker.
6. If you have bow thruster and astern thruster.what are the advantages/disadvantages of not
having tugs while berthing.
7. Maintenance on fixed firefighting systems.(i told him regarding fixed foam on tankers and he
was happy).
Orals exam went like a rapid fire round, almost every topic covered and were strictly as per our
As soon as u speak the word he want to listen, question was changed.
Learning the sec number from ms act and imo resolution / circular number have helped a lot.
1. Registration of ship.
2. Ms Act master duty to render assistance.
3. Ms Act, assisting in danger
4. Damaged stability criteria for dry ship and as per IBC code. : Probalistic
5. Iii code
6. Fatigue imo guidelines no.
7. Imo guidelines on mental health
8. CIC
9. Prototype testing
10. Quartering seas IMO circular
11. Latest amendment to code of intact stab, IMDG, IMSBC,
12. Solas chapter 13 11.1 11.2

13. ESP IMO resolution

14. MLC certificates and titles. All certificates including insurance.
15. Drydock inspection surveys all certificates and test.
16. RO role, IMO resolution
17. Social and welfare security
16. ROR only rule no. 16 17 and 19 quoted. Iii code relation to colregs.
Nothing else.
17. Imo guidelines on co2 emissions pollution
18. Collision action as master. Ms act
19. Damaged stb plan and booklet
20. Safe manning IMO resolution
21. Flag of convenience UNCLOS
22. PSC latest guidelines IMO resolution
23. Few simple berthing situation
24. Rescue of person plan, IAMSAR etc
25. Autonomous ship
26. IMDG accident reporting and action imo circular
27. Oil spill in USA waters
28. Scopic and LOF in detail
29. Fraud from charterer party example
1) What is IGF code? What is the modular course which trains officers to work on ship with

this code?
2) What is the role of P & I club in OPRC & HNS convention?
3) What are the contents of the LSA and FFA code? What information do these codes give?
4) What is prototype testing & certification?
5) What are the latest amendments to ROR?
Visit for latest question set Phone:- 07715932112

6) What are the survival criteria for Gas carriers & Chemical tankers?
7) What is the role of the Master in ISPS code?
8) What is leadership and resilience?
9) What do you understand by warranty?
10) What kind of inspection is undertaken under MLC?
11) What are port health regulations?
12) What are trading certificates?
13) What are the contents of the Suez Canal tonnage certificate?
14) What is Parametric and Synchronous rolling? Which circular deals with the same?
15) How will reduce the effects of the above?
16) What is the difference between COGSA and Multimodal transport?
17) What are York Antwerp rules?
18) What is fatigue? How will avoid it?
19) What are the requirements of the STCW convention?
20) What is KYOTO protocol? What is carbon credit?
21) What is the Ship recycling convention?
22) What are the requirements of the IHR? Which year was it first drafted?
23) What is Global warming?
24) What is Ship risk profile?
25) What is Black, grey, white list?
26) What is a vetting inspection?
27) What precautions do you take for a ship of high wind age area?
28) What is a damage stability booklet & damage control plan?
29) As a master how will you ensure that a false distress alert is not transmitted?
30) What is the convention wrt Pilot boarding arrangements?
31) What information do LRIT & VDR give?
32) What info does the polar code give?
33) What is leadership and resilience?
34) What is letter of indemnity?
35) What are the claim wrt cargo and how do you resolve them?
36) What are MASS SHIPS? ( Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships)
37) What do you understand by the word “ Quarantine”?
38) What do you understand by electronic handling of cargo documents ( As per Rotterdam
39) What are the reporting requirements of Ships carrying dangerous cargo?
40) What is meant by Ship cyber security? Is there any resolultion dealing with it? IMO RES
41) As a master your steering fails?? Action?
42) What is wreck removal convention?
43) What are different types of seafarer agreement?
44) What are the contents of the IAMSAR manual?
45) In a dry dock what are surveys are carried out wrt hull?
46) What is a MLC inspection? Describe the process for issuing a MLC and DMLC?
47) You are transiting the Magellan straits? What precautions u will take prior transiting?
48) What is SEEMP?
49) What is ADRS?
50) What are the frauds wrt cargo?
What is IBF agreement?
What is CBA or any other contracting agreement. Can a seafarer join ship without it.
Investigation and enquiry as per MS act tell in detail. As per which section.
How many sections in MSA? Latest amendment to MSA. Went after MSA. Few more
questions. What is survival capability of ships.

What is prototype testing and certification. Who certifies. Heavy weather precautions.
Imo resolution on heavy weather.
Parametric and synchronus rolling. Actions to reduce the same.
How to avoid false distress alert on ships. Imo resolution regarding that and what does it say.
Amendments to IMSBC, IMDG, colregs, marpol.
What is LOF. Which is the latest and features of LOF 2020. SCOPIC explanation.
When will you take technical support of Classification society?
What all surveys are done in Dry dock?
What qualifies as distress? What qualifies as urgency?
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What is vessel response plan?

ETAs fwd and aft explain.
Vessel spilled dangerous Cargo at sea. Actions. To who all will you report. Reporting format.
What is P and I club? Its Responsibility in case of oil spill.
Precautions for navigation in higher latitude.
What do you mean by leadership and resilience training?
What is world scale?
What is SMPEP?
Precautions for Singapore strait transit. Other than normal, like ecdis, ror etc. What other
precautions you will take.
Master's responsibility under isps code.
Received distress signal on high seas. Sequence of actions. Have to rescue casualty from
other ship. How to proceed.
OPRC and HNS convention.
1. OLB Entries
2. Health Regulations. What was before IHR. How was yellow fever etc regulated.
3. Master duties when derelict sighted. Told as per msa. What kind of signal would you send
out. Tell me the complete msg as if you are relaying to nearby ships/coast stns.
4. LLMC Liabilities for injury/loss of life
5. Amendments to MSA. Told him abt mlc, afs and sid. Asked procedure about registration for
SID. Why they are doing it? Who does it? Who checks the documents etc.
6. Cybersecurity- what hazards are there?
7. LRIT- when came, requirements.
8. VDR- Reg no, performance stds.
9. What is BPG, what all is there, who issues?
10. Fatigue? Any ways to manage it? How will you do it? Any rules, regs??
11. D&A Policy
12. STCW amendments
13. Survival capability for tankers
14. COF for gas, Which IGC chapter you’ll find details for cargoes, precautions etc.
15. IMDG cargo, spillage, reporting to coast.
16. Enclosed space rescue, how to administer the casualty, what all will you do?
17. Certificate & documents required on a vessel. As per which all regs

18. COLREGS amendments. What are part F rules? 39-41. Contents? Quote rule 19.

19. How to load chlorine. Where you’ll find details etc?

20. SOLAS, ITC, LL amendments
21. Black grey list, PSC as per what conv.
22. Abandon ship procedure
23. Prototype test for LSA FFA equipments.
24. Prepare for safety survey
25. False distress from EPIRB.
26. What is reporting system
27. What is ILO? Structure?
28. What is IMO structure?
29. What is bmp? Who issues it? Bmp 4&5? What all is there?
30. How to take a short round turn?
31. Parametric & synchronous rolling, how to avoid?
32. What is pivot point, transverse thrust? Their role in ship handling?
33. Rotterdam rules
34. Autonomous ships, their maintenance? Autonomous main strategy?
35. MMT goods act
36. Reporting when carrying dg cargo?
37. What is imsbc code, what all info there?
38. Chemical spill on chem tanker, actions?
39. Global warming, kyoto protocol?
40. H&M insurance. What all it covers.
41. IGF Code, its contents
42. IRNSS, WWRNS, Islerep, inspires.
Visit for latest question set Phone:- 07715932112

1. Chp 9 of SOLAS in detail

2. Reg 6 of chp 9 is associated to which other regulation in solas.
3. IMO resolution number for guidelines for a structure of an integrated system to emergency
4. How many modules in it.
5. ISM chapters
6. Damage control regulation

7. Damage stability criteria

8. IMO resolution number for cancelation of false distress alert
9. What does P and I cover in case of oil pollution
10. Latest dg circular number for psc
11. Tanker survival capability. Regulation number.
12. How many sections in MSA
13. Dangerous goods notification
14. Quote rule 8
15. Port state control. All conventions and codes in which it is mentioned with regulation
16. Which section links IAMSAR to MSA.
What do you understand of chapter 9 solas?
What is verification and control?
Who does verification and who is responsible for control?
What precautions will you take as per master for false distress alert?

Guidelines for integrated system of contingency management? and the relevant resolution?
What guidelines are given to masters for heavy weather and as per what resolution?
As per ms act which section cover investigation and what do you knw abt it?
What all things are covered by P&I in case of pollution?
What resolution talks about fixed gas detection system?
What is stability criteria for gas and chemical tankers?
What is the lastest version of LOF And what is new in that?
Quote rule nos 8? regulations....resolution chapters and about
it.....amendments to msa.....pi and fi as per msa sections and tell me abt sections what it

says....rough weather imo resolution and about it....plenty and only chapters regulations
resolutions etc etc....psc....ism...solas chapter 9 and 5....resolution on goods notification.....chapters 9 and 5 of
solas....etc etc....continued....ror amendments and quote about each of them...quote rule
8...emergency preparedness...weight...temp....pressure in bottle....state of gas in bottle....valve
arrangement....of fixed co2 requirements...survival of tanker criteria....few more
OLB Entries



Parametric and synchronous rolling

1.Definition of Stowaway, Piracy and armed robbery as per which convention.


2.Diff betw towage and Salvage.


3.CBD lights and vertical spacing dist.

4.Grain Loading of Box shape vessel.
Visit for latest question set Phone:- 07715932112

1. You are the master of a bulk carrier and you are required to load grain. How will know if it is
SANTOSH DARODKAR feasible and what instructions will you give your chief officer?
2. What other document other than DOA for loading grain?
3. What happens when you don’t have the DOA?

4. How will you load livestock on board?

5. What is the latest convention which India has adopted?
6. What are the latest DG orders/ circulars you know?
7. What are the latest acts/ bills passed in parliament regarding shipping?
8. Has the Ship Recycling Act and Rules already passed in Parliament or are they pending?
9. What is your duty as a master as per the OPRC HNS Convention?

1. You are the master of a bulk carrier and you are required to load grain. How will know if it is

feasible and what instructions will you give your chief officer?
2. What other document other than DOA for loading grain?
3. What happens when you don’t have the DOA?

4. How will you load livestock on board?

5. What is the latest convention which India has adopted?
6. What are the latest DG orders/ circulars you know?
7. What are the latest acts/ bills passed in parliament regarding shipping?
8. Has the Ship Recycling Act and Rules already passed in Parliament or are they pending?
9. What is your duty as a master as per the OPRC HNS Convention?

Made me update everyone's results so far, so, you're welcome. Then made me do other IT

jobs in his room. Which was fun.

So for the record so far everyone's result is updated. I'm an eyewitness.
Then he asked the following

Piracy definition where it occurs

Today if your cargo mixes with another in product tanker what will you do insurance and law
Form e from r
Casualty reporting
Death on ship how to report
Trawler lights
Disabled ship - ship is considered as disabled when it is unable to sail efficiently or in a
seaworthy state as a result of engine trouble, lack of officers or crew, damage to the hull or
ship's gear.
Form A and Form B
Can be for psc or IOPP
Then he asked from statutory certificate point of view
That is IOPP. It's Contents.

Then asked PSC form A and B

Deficiency code - 10,15,16,17,18,30,99
How to implement ISM as a master-from samsul

Stowaway found action - samsul

Solas chapters - which one is for ism and isps
Define annex and diff between audit, survey, inspection - google it
Iron ore precautions in India - didn't asked me but his pet question. Something to do with the
cargo kept for a longer time on the jetty before loading which is exposed to get wet with rain.
Moisture content increases. Reqd to test for TML prior loading. Can also do can test. (Look for
a better answer)
DOC and SMC - what it is and requirement and validity as per which convention
TSS - one vessel on port bow and one on stbd, both crossing. Your action for both. Can you
enter inshore.
He wants to hear that you will inform VTMS
Difference between VTS and VTMS
VTS for single port or small area used only for reporting purpose
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VTMS covers larger area, they are equipped with radar and other navigation equipment and
they monitor vessel movements and give instructions incase of any concerns wrt navigation
and situation.
Lifeboat life raft in general, maintenance and checks.
Place of refuge in India - MS notice 20/2010 says about place of refuge in India , all major
ports and non major ports are place of refuge. Basically all ports are place of refuge (not asked
to me)
Asked me about salvage and towage -
Towage contract governed by ordinary law / Salvage by maritime law
Towage service is for agreed purpose and agreed sum / salvage for no agreed sum (no cure
no pay). No maritime lien in towage/salvor has maritime lien over salved property.
Towage is not voluntary/ salvage is.
Asked me about DPA and CSO as required as per which convention (I was knackered at this
point, couldn't answer him properly).
Immersion suit testing - refer samsul
MLC content - preamble, general obligation, 16 articles, 5 titles and 4 appendix. Just
remember the titles. Wasn't asked but his question.
Vertical and horizontal spacing of NUC lights - he is particular about Atleast
Not less than, Not more than, Don't just say 2.

Annex 1 and 2 ROR read (he may ask). That's all I can remember. If external gives you 6 or
7and you answer most of his question, he will definitely pass you.
If 5 then still high chances of passing. If 4 still there is good hope.
Took my oral with one 2 mate , told me to explain following to him:LRIT , AIS working principle

performance standard, and Sight calculation


1) Trawler light at anchor

2) Aground vsl fog signal
3) How will u explain grain loading to newly joined mate
4) Loaded iron ore from Indonesia to china and on passage u encountered rough wx, what
action to be taken related to cargo.
1. DOC and SMC
2. Stowaway onboard actions , Stowaway focal point – as per which convention
3. Person reported missing by Chief Cook early morning – actions – details on IAMSAR

4. Form R and Form E – which all equipment covered.
5. Chief Mate candidate is invited now for more fun, fortunately this guy was well prepared with

emergency actions after calling Master on bridge. Emergency question asked to him was Main
engine failure actions, which he started well by calling Master on bridge – Now Two Master
there to guide him further.
The only part came for our review was spacing requirement between lights for not under
command. We gave the answer for light and shapes but missed out more than 20m in length
condition. This was finally recalled well in time by Chief Mate candidate and was appreciated
by Cpt. Darodkar. His EXN was marked with pass in less than 10 minutes.
6. Rigour continues for us now, Emerald star disaster.
7. Maersk Honam disaster – lessons learned.
1) Midnight 2nd off called u & reported one five minutes before one light was crossing bow but
suddenly he is not able to see that light action

2) As a master what u advise your mate while loading iron ore in india?
3) Casualty investigation

4) Ship capsized 5-6 years before now u r joining that ship how u will make sure all in good
5) You ship collided in Indian coast action
6) Port of refuge in india
7) Where u get port of refuge detail
8) What is the range of fog signal
9) Grain loading booklet not onboard how will u calculate grain volumetric heeling
10) Scopic clause


1) mid night 2nd off called u & reported one five minutes before one light was crossing bow but
suddenly he is not able to see that light action

2)as a master what u advise your mate while loading iron ore in india?
3) casualty investigation
Visit for latest question set Phone:- 07715932112

4) ship capsized 5-6 years before now u r joining that ship how u will make sure all in good
5) u ship collided in Indian coast action
6) port of refuge in india
7) where u get port of refuge detail
8) what is the range of fog signal
9) grain loading booklet not onboard how will u calculate grain volumetric heeling
10) scopic clause
1. He asked about my training, which companies I have sailed with, rank experience

2. Questions by baweja which were not answered

3. Three missing person incidents onboard your tenure as master,
your actions - he requires to know about investigation practically, finding the common factor
and observing human behavior.
4. Mine clearance vessel lights ….
1) List the item in Form A and Form B of PSC.
2) What is Form E.
3) Difference between certificate and its endorsement (did not know this answer).
4) difference between Survey and Inspection.
5) Is Survey a statutory or Mandatory requirement and where it is mentioned.
6) Give example of survey and inspection.
7) List all certificates required as per Marpol ( no short forms allowed). Only Annex 3 and 5 do

not require certificates.

8) Definition of Piracy and Armed Robbery and difference between the two.
9) Security incident took place at a location between 40NM and 200NM away from Singapore.

Is it piracy or armed robbery.

10) which all conventions define piracy. Only UNCLOS Article 101.
11) Italian Navy killed fishermen off coast of India at location only 20NM from coast- discuss
the case study and what happened. Thanks to Capt.Gupta sir I knew this and he was
12) As a Master how will you take over. Basically he wants to check if you know which all
certificates are required to be carried.
13) Is Class a statutory requirement. NO.
14) Name one statutory certificate which does not list the equipments carried on board
15) Define and differentiate between Salvage and Towage (This question saved my life)
16) Is CSR a statutory requirement. If the Flag state to which a ship belongs has not ratified to
SOLAS then it is not,however she may be detained if visiting a country which is party to
SOLAS convention ( no favourable treatment to non-party states).
Started with introductions, asked about questions I missed

1. false distress alert

2. difference between survey and inspection

3. trawler at anchor light

4. Hole in lifeboat detected during PSC inspection, code 30 given. Action
Needed. Can you sail from port after repair.
5. CLC oil and bunker
6. 2 crew member missing, action as master. Action wrt ISM
Could not answer this properly so was sent out to find out.
Later was called in with a second mate candidate sitting, he asked him what is the preferred
method for star sight calculation as he answered it wrong same was asked of me.
1. Lof 95

2. Damage stability plan . Is it mandatory


3. Armed robbery and piracy

4. Trawler lights
5. Charter party clause in case of cargo contamination and legal action taken by you.
General introduction
1. Ror situations


2. Anchor lights for trawler / mine clearance

3. Lights and shapes general all other vessels white light at 2 points on port bow second mate calls u at 1 in the morning saying
monitoring for an hour no change your action.
5.piracy / robbery / stowaways ( definition/ understanding )
6.What all is there in MSA
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7.Grain loading / without Doa lot of questions regarding how to go abt it / shipper description
which also carried to iron ore loading
8.IMSBC code
9.survey audits
10. Exemption and exempted
11.Isgot / OCIMF
12.all publication available on bridge
13.MSA / CIC
14. Very detailed understanding of ism very importantly explaining how to carry out master
15. Taking over no briefing you find out in last 3 months two crew members missing
WHAT all steps will u take how will u go about in your review
How will find a crew with same stress/ symptoms
16. PSC all the codes your understanding abt them how will u prepare.
17. How will u check in your vessel all LSA and FFA equipments working fine
18. Incident in africa cost action
19.Survivability criteria for tankers
20. Towage /salvage / PI club / who pays in oil pollution
21. Cargo details required as per CP
22.All insurances mandatory ones.
Group session (2 master candidate and one chief mate candidiasis)
Introduce yourself
He reviewed the questions asked by external and told You your marks
He threw questions to chief candidate and asked you whether it is correct or not and if not will
asked each master candidate to guide chief mate candidate
Trawler lights , trawler when hauling nets ( lights )
Piracy is covered by which convention
Definition of piracy
How is armed robbery different from piracy
Armed robbery covered by which convention
Difference between surveys/audits/inspection
What is mepc and what do they do
Cow requirements ( number of Tank’s to Be cowed each ops )
Which convention covers cow
Difference between Vts and vtms
Decision based support system

Statutory certs or passenger ship

What is FORM A and Form B( note - he is asking about PSC report)

What is Vayu (Trs, cyclone, very severe cyclone-what does each of these terms mean )
Have you read charter party?
Actions when differently grades product cargo is commingled and Contaminated due to the
same? Clause in charter party wrt the same.
What is damage control plan
What is damage control booklet
Lot of cross questioning on procedures followed for loading, discharging , tank cleaning ( self
is tanker man)
Once tanker done, he moved to bulk ( the other candidate was a bulkie)
Bulk carrier given to kid grain cargo , what will you check first( question to mate)
Can you load without grain loading manual
Calculate volumetric heeling moment of a Box tank
Hazard of loading iron ore
Can vsl load iron ore in Goa in rain ( pls note there is one ms notice on this topic which the
others candidate was aware about and that really impressed Capt Dharodkar
How will you conduct your self and your crew in case or oil spill on-board
What is IOPC fund
Crane jib fell on-board and a shore worker died? Actions ? Who will conduct investigation
Publication on-board to guide master in carrying out investigation ?
Is master authorised to declare someone dead in mid seas
Validity of smc ( if we answer only 5 years, he will fire us , he wants to Hear 5 years subject to
external audit (intermediate ) and annual internal audit.
Visit for latest question set Phone:- 07715932112

Pls note that if you supplement your answers with the convention/chapter /regulation (for ex as
per solas chapter 5 regulation 2), it really makes an impression on him, I failed to make that
good impression but thankfully he didn’t fail me on that basis. The other master candidate did
much better preparation and Capt Saab was really impressed since he started all his answers
in that manner.
1. Loading of iron one , types of iron one, precautions, Circ. 09/2010 thorough knowledge

3. Trawler at anchor lights, mine clearance vessel lights


3. One 2nd mate was also there, what he could not answer was coming to matters. Is VTS
(vessel traffic service mandatory): No
6. Ship crane fall and dock worker died on board actions
7. View on Hormuz incident, torpedo attack
1. Wages comes under which title on MLC?
2. Which certificates the vessel need to carry as per MLC.

3. What is the difference between the disabled and unseaworthy ship?

4. What are Master’s obligations incase of unseaworthy ship.

5. Cargo contamination onboard. Your action as a Master.

6/13/19, 09:40 - +91 94549 47142: Friends trying to book for oral exam but facing issue while
making payments. Anyone else has booked the exam
6/13/19, 13:30 - +91 98181 99040: M.T Front Altair has been abandoned and its all crew has
been safely picked up by nearest vessel Hyundai Dubai.
Master of Hyundai Dubai reported cause of fire on Front Altair as surface attack.
Front Altair is a loaded tanker on fire and adrift about 18 NM off our position.
Kokuka Courageous has fallen silent. It is not being able to be contacted. Its AIS has also
gone off air.
1. Loading of grain in box shape vessel( we explained about loading ship considering a ship
without DOA and then how to go about the calculation) Here he wants how to calculate
volumetric heeling moment for cargo holds for box shape holds( we did not knew the

2. Loading of iron ore in august from goa( same notice dg notice 31 of 2009 after incident of
MV black rose which sunk in Indian territorial waters after loading in india)

3. Validity of TML Certificate

4. One 2nd mate was also there, what he could not answer was coming to maaters. Is VTS (
vessel traffic service mandatory) : No
5. Is ship reporting system (SRS) mandatory: i told him yes as per solas ch -3 reg 21 and also
gave example of INDSAR but he wasn’t satisfied, but then he said is it for foreign ships
also. So as per him it is not mandatory
6. Family of a died person has complained that master has killed him, how to save yourself as
master? As per him there is a book ‘collecting evidence as master’ all masters must read
Darodkar wants as a master instead of knowing all things you must know where to find them.
1. Can u load timber on bulky
2. Maersk Honam fire case in details.


3. CIC code mandatory or recommended. I said mandatory he got angry. Showed me the book
its written recommended guidelines.
4. Tanker mate candidate was almost zero so all the mate questions were back to me. Even i
had to draw Flammability diagram.
5. Difference between Port of Refuge and Place of Refuge
6. Which all ports in india as port of refuge ( all 3 of us had no idea).
1. Dredger vsl at anchor Lights.
2. Salvage vs Towage

3. Who does fi. Where it is given(MSA). Is CIC code mandatory?

4. How will prevent false distress alerts to happen (msc circular)?

5. Unseaworthy vs disabled ship

6. Lifeboat damaged, PSC boards action? Difference between Dispensation vs exemption
7. Some simple RV situations
8.Cargo contamination, action as Master. As per what legal document (Tell him that we'll take
samples to protect our interest)
9. Mine clearance vessel light. Why it doesn't display ram lights
10. PSC All 9 MoU
11. Piracy and armed robbery definition. Where it is given
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12. Difference between coastal, Flag and port state

13. Int'l compensation fund
14. Person missing, action. As per iamsar vol 3 how long back u can go to trace a person
15. LOF
16. How will you carry out tank cleaning for grade change, what precautions
17. ISM surveys and certification
18. Stowaway precautions in port
1. Dredger vsl at anchor. Lights.
2. Salvage vs Towage

3. Casualty investigation code.

4. Iran port, ship capsizing .gen questns

5. Unseaworthy vs disabled
6. Dispensation vs exemption
7. 2 simple RV situations
8. Define GA
After my orals I can surely say..
Orals is not 90% luck.
It’s 20% luck,40 % how nicely u have prepared and 40% how badly u want to pass. I
answered many questions just on guess work, but with full confidence.
1. Called me and asked me to explain to my 3rd officer how to take a star and moon sight,
Now he wants step by step procedure including the chronometer calculations, I did not dare
tell him I will use GPS to obtain the time , He is an extremely busy person and kept me waiting
for 1 hr 15 mins with this answer in his office
2. He said I will not judge you on your external result but make my own judgement , Asked me
where I went wrong in my externals and landed up asking me the same questions where the
external and made a note
3. Passenger ship certificate in detail and what all it contains
4. Supplements to certificates , Form A, B and which all certificates have supplement , I
answered him this well
5. Definition of piracy and terrorism and where is this definition found , Gave him the right
answer but could not remember the regulation number

6. He called the other masters candidates and asked all of us the same questions and kept
shouting and cursing when we could answer any 100% as per his opinion

7. Loading grain on a box shaped vessel, I couldn't answer this properly

8. Lights for a mine clearance vessel and why it has no RAM lights , i told him coz we have to
pass more than 1000 m and same is in Rule 27, He was happy with the answer
9. What survey is done before a new ship is put in service and after that , Basically he wanted
to know ism certification , Initial survey , Interim certification , basis where interim certificates
are granted and how the permanent ones will be issues and renewal process and interval, I
answered him fairly to his satisfaction
10. Case study of the person's missing in the Baltic, including one Indian, He asked us who will
lead the investigation, He was ok with the answers... I.e. as per marine casualty investigation
code, Coastal state, flag and substantially interested state will decide , and leading state can
permit others to carry out their own investigation
11. Marine casualty, FI and PI.
He was very grumpy the whole time and kept shouting at us
But in the end after 2.5 hours of torture, All 4 of us has the happiness of passing
My Ror was 100% and this was an important deciding factor in my result even though the
external failed me
Thanks to this group, A lot of knowledge was gained. Thanks to everyone for sharing all the
pdfs and their knowledge.

-Mine clearance lights


-Robery as per which clause

-Name few oil incidents in Indian coast. who will carry out investigation.
-Name Latest incidents out side india and who will carry out investigation
-Who will carry out SAR operation in Russian waters
-How will you load grain in boxed shape vessel without grain booklet.
-No damage plan onboard what you will do.
-Can changes be made in FFA plan and how.
Visit for latest question set Phone:- 07715932112

-Pi and fi
-Oil contamination of 2 grades of cargo action.
-How u will no what medicine have to be in d medical locker.
1. Smc / Doc - as per which convention, validity of certificates (Interim durations)
2. MS 348 collision actions (with fishing boat) (Collect all circumstantial evidence -


video pictures) - Follow up question

3. MAS - ( Capt Santosh is the Na DG for Marine Casualty)
4. Dyna structure
5. Nodal agencies for SAR & Pollution
6. Crossing situation
7. RV
We were 4 guys 2 Mates and 2 Masters
He asked Questions from Mates and then told us to correct/ answer.

Diff b/w audit snd survey



What is coastal state ( Dnt know what the he wants to listen, surely was not happy with my
Asked Mates action in case of oil spill, then diverted it to me ok now you explain or correct
Nigeria where is piracy - East or West coast - I didn’t knew said u shoul know as a master
An explosion has occurred recently any idea - I said no.
If a Shore person dies onboard- who will conduct enquiry ( He wants to listen Dock Inspector,
His questions were all depends on what chief mate n Mate candidates were not answering.
1. Trawler Lights at Anchor

2. Narrow channel n dredger right ahead


3. Damage dontrol plan

4. Piracy n Robbery Difference
5. Disabled Ship n Unswaworthy Ship
6. What all change when density of water changes
7. Main Engine fail Action
8. Now u r in the middle of channel at anchor, action?
He says us to give our introduction as he doesn't have much tym for checking our file. He
wants us to tell abt our sea time as a chief mate and what all types of ships we have sailed on.
He is vry busy person.

1) what is Form A and Form B?

2) Contents of Form A and Form B
3) Fire in ur ship at high seas ? Action

In this basically he wants to hear contact MAS and flag state along with others once we are
4) We carrying iron ore fines frm Indonesia to China so what all precautions u will take at sea ?
5) At sea how u vl knw ur cargo has shifted without the cargo moisture content exceeding
For this I replied I vl monitor my actual rolling period with calculated rolling period and if it has
changed that means there is shift of GM which means shift of G (cargo).
For confirmation if weather permits I vl open hatch cover in canopy position n check the cargo
condition visually.
1) Which charter party clause can protect in case of 2 grades of cargoes getting mixed on-
board and going off spec


2) Trawler lights at anchor

3) Mine clearance vessel lights
4) Armed robbery & piracy, to whom to report, which convention applies, plus what about
recap and IMB
5) ISM code specifically masters management review, accident occurred onboard what
preventive action for future.
What is Scopic? Action in case of injury onboard.


Who can carry out PI? Ror situation - own Vsl CBD, NUC Vsl on port bow crossing, stbd bow

crossing a mine clearance Vsl, action.

You found one stowaway in Port. Action.
What governs the procedures for stowaway?
Started with formal introduction,

There was a second mate candidate, so he was asking questions with him then transferring to
me, e.g fire triangle, diagram for co2 system for ER, Cargo hold.
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How to use it, gave me condition that chief engineer and chief mate not available, brief 2nd
mate how to operate co2, what checks for co2 bottles, net weight, tare weight of co2 bottles,
what certificate is for that co2 bottle, how to check fixed gas detection system, frequency for
shore testing,
Fire in cargo hold action,
Fire in a container - actions,
Chief mate reported cargo contamination on oil tanker - action,
In case of cargo related issue whom to call first as pr ism (asked to 2nd mate candidate then
transferred to me - answer is flow chart is given - shipboard organisation, as per that chief
mate to be called for cargo issues first.)
Casualty in pump room - action,
Ship collided with another ship near South Africa mine is Indian vessel, some discussion on pi
and fi, stowaway found - actions.
What is form A and form B - i answered that it is part of PSC, form A is a proof that PSC has
inspected, form B is given when there r deficiency, then he asked what is code 30 -
detainable deficiency. Then he asked what is code for before departure - code 17).
Where else form A, form B - I answered it is IOPP certificate, then he asked the contents of
form B (for tankers).
Who can invoke scopic, some discussions on lof. How to go for salvage (means he gave a
situation that my ship is damaged and disabled then action-diverted to salvage)
Difference between audit, survey,
What is armed robbery,
What is latitude and longitude of present HRA,
ROR situations-
1- Lights for trawler at anchor
2- Lights for fishing vessel while shooting nets
3-light of mine clearance operation
4- rv-1 vessel on port bow and 1 vessel on stbd bow - sighted on radar - action(i answered i
will alter to STBD) then by which rule and asked to code that paragraph, then couple of more
targets on STBD side, he wants to listen that i can alter to port also as pr rule 2 and also 19
says that i should AVOID but it doesn't says i cant, so if sea room is there then alteration to
port should also be considered.
Masters review of SMS - he gave me a situation that casuality in ER, action as per ISM (he
wants to listen that SMS should be reviewed by masters).
Procedures for reporting near misses, accidents, hazards etc, why it is required (as per ISM).
1) ROR situation

2) Why minclearance vessel lights are different from ram? reason is written where?
3) You have to load grain cargo first thing u will instruct to chef officer?
4) What is LOF?

5) What is certificate a nd certificate b?

6) Which certificate can be used in liue of certificate a?
7) What are the legeal implication of cargo contamination due cargo migration?
8) Liabilities under oil spill?
9) What is the difference between audit and survey?
10) At port crane breakdown labour died who will carry on the investigation? There were some
more question i couldn’t remember.
1. Life raft requirement?
2. Draw and explain HRU and weak link?
3. What is the requirements for loading iron ore in India?

4. What is DOC and SMC?

5. What is written on DOC and SMC?

6. Validity of DOC & SMC?

7. Types of audit?
8. Who carry out audits for DOC and SMC and interval?
9. Difference between Piracy and Robbery?
10. Piracy and Robbery comes under which regulation and code?
11. What is safety and security? Is it same or different?
12. Who is DPA and CSO? can DP become a CSO or vice versa?
13. Who became a Assessor?
14. Who conduct FI?
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15. Lights for fishing vsl hauling nets?

1. Started with sight calculation, star sight n how to go about it. Which method to use, long by
chronor intercept..any why.
2. Contamination onboard, what legalities involved.
3. Trailer lights and vertical space between them.
4. Explain him about angle of loll and problem associated with it.

5. Obligation to assist as per which all conventions.

6. Piracy and armed robbery and where are the definitions given.

7. TPA requirements.
8. Stability criteria for container vessel.
9. Flamiblity diagram.
10. Lot of fishing boats right ahead, actions as 2nd mate, mate and Master.
11. Damage control plan and requirements.
12. IMSBC code.
13. Loading iron ore from vizag, precautions.
14. TML certificate validity.
15. Emerald star case study.
16. MS Act obligation of master to assist.
1. Your ship being towed how wil u prepare and things to do...( contingency planning...lot of

cross qtns ..u r totally disabled and immobalised) tried my best to explain everthing...whom to
report...towing boat will do check whether they can tow us safely same to be done by us and

info frm towing ship to be obtained.

2. Difference btw salvage and towage.
3. Was maerak honam salvage or towage.
4. Where she was taken for repairs and how ma y teus was she carrying.
5. Difference between exemption and dispensation.
6. Vessel aground action. Who wil u contact and who wil carry out investigation. Alot of cross
1. Dredger crossing ahead of you in narrow channel, action.
2. Towage voyage, what all precautions for towage and how the towing v/l is paid.

3. Contents of chain register and who approves it.


4. Salvage and how payments are made.

5. What if salver is not invoking SCOPIC clause.
6. What if salver is not helping and demanding more money.
7. In what case arbitrators come into play.
He was too busy with the collision of sci v/l and fishing v/l off kochi and manoverboard in
Paradip as he was in charge of casuality, these may be hot topics.
GK general questions.....where r u from, where all have u sailed, name of the rivers of those
ports, etc

1. What was the class of ur previous ship?

2. Full form of DNV GL?
3. How do u go about anchoring? All details as possible.

4. Precautions while planning a passage from Mumbai to a port in Red Sea? Wants to hear
anti piracy measures in detail.
5. Angle of loll....!! All details, was not happy with my answer!
6. Fixed fire fighting appliance on board ur last ship, details of fixed foam fire fighting
7. Mister list
8. Fire control plan
9. Types of cargoes carried. Some details abt then, general questions.
1) validity of DOC and SMC
2) which first certificate is issued as per ISM and its validity.

3)SSL Kolkata case study


4) who will carry out investigation.

5) Maersk honam, will India carry out investigation and why under which rule?
6) PSC has given u code 30, how will u appeal?
7) difference between piracy and armed robbery and as per which convention?
8) definition of stowaways
9) IOPP form A and Form B contents
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10) how to prevent false distress alert onboard

11) singapore flag vessel, u r master holding indian license, person died on board, singapore
adminstration asked govt of india to cancel ur license, ur action ( couldn’t answer).

- initial intro, how many months as mate and what ships, i said all VLCCS etc
- started of with the situation
- guys be thorough with the CIC including Resolutions: 849, 884, 1075, 1025. They will be your
saviour, plus be up to date with all latest case studies
- fishing vessel hit at SCS action, start from lookout, interrogating your OOW, and go reverse
to thr location, then you elaborate as necessary,
- who will carry out investigation in this case,
- who carries out investigation if an Indian ship with Indian crew becomes casualty at the
border of China and Hong Kong, ans is Qualified investigators as appointed by central govt

- PI/ FI with section nos ( skimmed through it)

- case study of SSL Kolkata

- all lights of fishing vessels and trawlers including day signals,
- guys be sure to be firm at your replies as you will be puzzled at every action, if you do not
know something, better to take time to think rather than blabber,
- in the above mentioned situation, how you will contact and who, guys rmmba to inform
company and they contact DG, apart from informing chinese authorities
- why did the fire take place in SSL Kolkata, ( undeclared chemicals)
- how will you go about extinguishing, ( start from manoeuvre, Get wind stern, exhaust all
means, fixed fire fighting etc)
- your life boat found holed, no repair at port, action ( add more L/Rs, dispensation from flag,
arrange repair next port)
- salvage, LOFs
- thats all about it and then the divine blue ink at 21:10 LT
Guys rmmba to stay focussed, as per my experience the only aim to get you puzzled is to
gauge you for an actual situation, all the best to you guys, thanks to my batchmates and all of
you, i'll be around in the group for a lil longer for my friends and then make space for others.
He wants a brief intro about urself. Be careful when answering him, or when giving definitions,
He asked about Difference between Piracy and armed robbery, I told him the difference, but
he wants the answer, where it is defined, which convention, which publication etc etc. He was
not at all happy with vague or over the top answers.

1) HE asked me which type of ships i sail, i told him I sail in bulkj carriers, He started with the
risks of carrying iron ore.
2) He then asked about the two incidents which happened in the indian coast in Manglore and
Paradip. Also DG issued a circular regarding these. M Notice No 9/2010. I did not know about
it. but when he sent me out later to call the other master candidates, I found out about it.

3) He cross questioned about the questions asked by the external.

4) He asked about a SIngle ISM document from where u will come to know about the status of

the ship. I told him, class report file, he repeated ISM document, I told SMC cert, He told no,
Then I told, certificate Status, he again said no, the answer he wants is Master's review of
SMS. He went deep into it. Pls go through the MAster's SMS reveiw file.
5) He asked about light signals by trawler when shooting nets??
6)He asked about whether Surveys are mandatory or not?? I along with other candidates
replied Yes, then he asked where is it written?? Answer as per him is SOLAS MARPOL etc
etc. Another candidate said it is also mentioned in HSSC (Harmonised system of Surveys and
7) He asked about EMERALD STAR incident and asked about the Mearsk Honam, Who will
do the Investigation?
I replied Flag state will do the Investigation with coastal state and crew state as interested
parties. HE did not go much deeper. He is involved with the Casualty Investigation, So go
through all the Incident Investigation Reports.
Finally after many discussions and advices, he Passed 2 of us. As per him, Master needs to
be confident, If a team leader shows nervousness, the whole team gets nervous. Be confident,
Show confidence while presenting answers. He looks for that.
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1. Sec mate call at 2... lot of fv alone the vsl all around with 5 cablesradius... ur action as
2. Same situation but this tym reports vsl collided wd fv now action... lot of cross questions
3. Master ashore psc boards the ship found irrepairable hole in life boat.... psc ready to detain
but master somehow manages to stop him from detention... but now have ti di something to

sail out action as master

5. Smc doc ism psc related extensive questions
6. Ror with mine clearance vsl its lights, vsl nuc dist btwn their lites

7. What r form r ,e , p in cert??

8. Master review its content n what all it represents
9. Polar code n contents
10. What r surveys, inspection, audits, protocol, resolution
11. Ism code is mandatory or recommended n y
12. What is inquiry n investigation
13. Fig signal of ram
14. Case study of honam n who will carry out investugation
15. Emerald star case study n criss questions
16. Grain code n DOA
17. Cert related to the type of shio u did
- Intro followed by any recent casualties in your company ( he knew the details of a recent

incident by heart )
- SCOPIC and why is it important
- Pump room COP mechanical seal leak flooding of Oil in Pump Room and leaking in Engine

room through shaft seal - Actions as Master of an Indian vessel

- Collision in Straits with a lighter vessel - Actions as a Master
- IMDG container and a normal dangerous container differences( Tanker hand - No idea!!)
- Precautions for loading Naptha
- Discussion on SSL Kolkata and MV FENG HUI HAI( had to ask him the latter case)
- Vessel in Inshore TSS in singapore with 2 vessels crossing port to stbd and stbd to port -
ROC exists - Actions and any role of port?
• Introduce yourself!
• What is the difference between port state and coastal state?
• What vessel have u sailed on? (all vlcc’s) How many grade did u carry?
(in between he had asked a 2nd mate to show how will you calculate noon sight. He fucked
him left right and centre and then asked me to check his work. He was literally screaming over
him. When he gave me to check, just to support the poor chap I said he just missed set and
drift, to which he said there is more and said even I don’t understand the concept 8-O. (Maine
socha ab to L lag gaye)
• Suppose if there is cargo contamination, what are the legalities involved?
• Mearsk honam, who will carry out investigation?

The he sent me to wait outside around 1530 hrs, Called me in around 1900 hrs.

Another second mate was being fucked and was under rapid fire with navigation question and
Finally gave him a situation vsl CBD has a NUC vessel on the stbd bow, ROC exists action.
He answered and then he asked me if he was right.
• You are a management person now, how will you guide him to keep proper lookout. (as I
started, tum logon ko basics hi clear nahi hai, this is why I keep getting complains and this is
why casualties is happening on board. You should know the system (prounced it as
SISTAEM). Literally screaming on top of his voice.
• He then asked the second mate when will u take sight, show me where it is written in subras
book. Why will u take it at that time? “I know you have never done all this. Sala kuch nahi aata
tum logon ko. All bloody useless. Failed the second mate and sent him off
• Over to you, u have three stars on the horizon how will you take a sight.
• When will u take a sight.
• Tum logon ka basics hi goal hai bloody, I could have sent you in the afternoon but I m
spending an extra 20 mins here to teach you something. You are a master candidate now and
you should have confidence and thoroughness.
• What is a code? Are all the code mandatory? How will you know if the code is mandatory?
• What is the most scientifically proven accurate method of taking a sight?
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Char gaalis more, lots of scribble with black pen, I can’t allow this but I m trying to teach you
something here. Then came the red pen he made one small line and stopped. Threw it on the
table with hell lot of irritation picked up the blue pen and then wrote pass.
Asked for my exn form wrote P on the form,
Again with sound authority, “Listen son, I hope you have understood what I am trying to
convey here, discuss with people. My conscious is clear about it. Now get out”
I went out feeling happy and miserable at the same time. Samajh nahi aaya balatkar ke saath
puchkar gaya. ☺
1. Report near-miss regarding Navigation.
2. While coming alongside lifeboat damaged, PSC boarded vessel next day and detained ship
3. If repair of lifeboat not available for next 2 months can vessel sail out ,if yes where it is

4. Place of refuge in India.

Mearsk Honam can she proceed to place of refuge.

5. SRS and VTS are they mandatory.
6.Grain loading without grain loading booklet, Chief mate not onboard.
7. ROR
8. Roc with CBD and NUC vessel in Singapore start,action wants to here as advised by vtms,
is master adhered to follow advise and what are legal implications of he does not follow.Does
VTS give advice or VTS advise to vessel.
9.When you collide what will be the first convention that will come into picture, where is it
10. What are implications in case of oil pollution.
Questions asked were standard questions from his set, Needs practical answers, Latest Case
studies are a must to read ( Maersk Honam, Kanchipuram Case)
1. Lights exhibited by Mine Clearance Vessel and why it does not show RAM Lights.
2. Structure of MLC.
3. You joined a vessel as Master without briefing at Office, what document to check first after

Taking Over in relation to SMS. Ans.: Master's SMS Review and its frequency.
4. Describe Kanchipuram Case study.

5. You are on Indian Coast and 2nd Mate informs you that he has a fishing cluster ahead of
him and he is not confident and in doubt.
Ans.: Go to Bridge, take over Con, Increase watch level, Avoid all fishing cluster with as wide
margin as practicable.
5. Actions after 2nd mate informs that he suspects that he collided with a fishing boat.
6. CLC, Fund and supplementary fund convention, in Brief only.
7. How to identify a person onboard with signs of depression and how to go about this
8. How was your Oral with External?
9. Difference between Investigation and enquiry.
10. Difference between Audit, Survey and inspection
1. Sight calculation
2. First time teo ,missing on one ship.You join another ship,how as a Master you prevent such
incidence from reoccurring
3. Difference between piracy and armed robbery,theft and petty theft,Salvage and
towage,audit and survey.

4. Bulk carrier runs aground oil spill action,Indian coast guard and private tug approach for
salvage.How you decide whom to pay How much

5. restricted visibility situation

6. Maersk honam what could have been the reason of fire if you were Master how would have
you prevented that incident
7. At what range can you see day light shape ,what is the required regarding its range?
8. You are in a dover strait restricted visibility one vessel on your stbd bow one on port bow
range 7 mile on your radar ppi roc exist action.fog signal.stbd vessel engine problem how will
you know?
9.Own Vessel is cbd in Tss, port bow Nuc vessel and stbd bow mine clearance vessel roc
exist second mate on watch confused calls you at 0100hrs,Action
10.Angle of lol and action when vessel at angle of lol chief mate could not answer so asked
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11.Flammability diagram asked 2nd mate to draw and asked me to check.

12.Asked chief mate to draw fixed co2 system and asked me to correct it.
13.Registration of ship as per ms act
14.what is certificate of survey
15.what is certificate of seaworthiness
16.Vessel in distress Action as Master and as per what and where is it mentioned
17.what is Lof
18.Damage stability plan and contents
19.Intact stability criteria for a Container vessel
20.PSC onboard ask to start Emergency fire pump,Pump doesn’t start action and how will you
convince psc inspector.Technical requiement of emergency fire pump
21.How many mrcc in india and where can you find details regarding it.
22.What do you understand by CIC(Casualty Investigation code),tell me whatall you know
about it.
23.Carving and marking note
24.How will you implement Ism on a new delivery vessel.
25.Ism audit in details which is the first document issued
26.Action on sighting a stowaway what is a stowaway.What will you do if a port does not
accept a stowaway
27.IMO visibility criteria and where is it mentioned
28.What is parametric and synchronous rolling how will you avoid it
29.What do you understand by Major non confirmity,objective evidence
30.LLMC limits
1. Given intro, hows ur oral. Said fine.
How u decided it was fine. I said dekh Bhai I have all answered to him may b except one or
two.. bas Bhai for kya shyamat aa gai meri jab maine ye bola sab chod k meri file utha k bola
lets start then. Simulataneiusly He call up one ch mate candidate who is having 4 attempt as
told by the candidate while waiting.

1. Wat is iopp. Form a n b. Wat is heading of form a n b. Wat are particular content of form a n

What do u call form a n b.. he wanted to listen they are the supplements to iopp which I
2. Unclos wat is it?? Full form
3. Stoway def as per unclos?
4. Diff btwn code convention n guidelines
5. Ch mate candidate answered the definition . Then darodkar said see he knows y u don’t
know I said it’s his 4 attempt probably tats y ... bas fir ho gayi kayamat...

Action as per stoway boarding after port departure, grounding action.

Then he said tat as a master candidate I shud start answer with wat regulation or code or
convention it’s nmbrs n all and then get into details of tat particular answer.. as a master think
same thing wat other thinks but thoda hatke... slightly different...
Made to sit with 2 mates and 1 second mate and had to answer what they couldn't.
What type of ships, trading area and cargoes carried.
1. Situation given to all mates, all screwed up (Own vsl CBD and Mineclearance vsl on Stbd
bow action)

2. Problems with grain cargoes? (mate couldn't answer)

3. Port of refuge

4. Formula for angle of Loll (second mate couldn't answer)

5. Difference betn Immersion suit and TPA (not answered by second mate)
6. What is the scope of Multimodal transport in india.
7. Piracy and armed robbery. What are high seas, what is territorial waters
8. Where will you find which country has jurisdiction upto what limits
9. What rights can a country have upto EEZ
10. Structure of MLC
11. Vsl at anchor and shipowner not providing food and air condition. Actions?
12. Showed me a mail from singapore flag vsl with indian crew complaining about above issue.
Why is master not approaching flag and instead approaching DG?
13. Legal implications of shipowner abandoning crews on ship?
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12-APRIL-18 Latest amendment to MSA

Latest amendment to MLC
Polar code vessel ordered from Norway to Japan .. I missed on insurance ( first failing criteria)
Lifeboat release system ( could not recollect much) that's the failing
Some discussion on cargo work. I was passed by external but above two points mentioned
made internal unhappy so could not.. as master first thing to remember is insurance for
Most of the questions which were not satisfactory to the external asked again.
What is the certificate in ISM which gives record of all insp,audits,vessels status etc

Person overboard. How will you carry out enquiry and reporting to company and
authorities.Doesnt want navigational part.

What is solas ch9,contents

Stowaway found.actions in territorial waters,high seas,stowaway focal point,legal will you prevent stowaways in future
CIC in depth PI & FI
Case study of kerala fishermen and armed guards.Full details
Piracy,armed robbery
There is a very thin line between person missing and overboard.Can a missing person be
investigated as per CIC? when I said yes,gave me CIC book and told to show me where it is
written and discussion and cross questioning.
Q- 2nd mate informs suspected collision at midnight. Actions ?

Q - certificates on gas carrier

Q - which radar to be used when coasting on what range

Q - definition of Marine casualty

Q - what’s the name of Code?
Q - what do you mean by investigation ?
Q - how will you conduct one ?
Q - certificate of insurance? Full name for it ?
Q- what all certificates related to insurance on board ?
1. What is accident and incident?
2. What is corrective action and preventive action? (As I had used these terms in my last

3. ISM Latest Amendment(353.92)

4. Discussion on Stowaway.
5. Where all you find Form A and Form B( I told IOPP & PSC). He said anywhere else,I
couldn't answer he told Passenger Ship Certificate A&B.
6.Stability Criteria of Passenger Vessel.(Couldn't Remember as was tired sitting whole day) He
went to next question.
7. MLC( Explained 14 pts as per Captain Mainkar)
8. How many ports of refuge in India(ms notice 10 of 2010).
9. A cadet was murdered in Somalia,he had to go for its investigation. (Discussion PI and FI)
1) general introduction.
2) special mark details.


3) person aspest, why it is happening so frequently, what you will do as

master.... around 10 min discussion on maintaining good atmosphere on board.
4) navtex stations in India, who send navtex msg .
5) where is dg communication centre, what all jobs they do.
6) difference between salvage and towage.
7) what is MAS, what is there function.
1. General Introduction

2. IOPP form B contents, how will u verify that all the contents reqd are mentioned in the Form
B. Told him i can cross check it with Appendixes to Annex 1 to mArpol, where sample form is

3. Latest amendement to Marpol and Solas

4. A little abt Pi and FI.
5. If ur vessel grounds what is tge first concern....the moment i mentioned loss of reserve
buoyancy he moved ahead
6. What is ur understanding of port and place of refuge, what are the latest amendemnt to
place of refuge (something i couldn't answer till the end) He sent me out to find out, but still
wasnt satisfied with the answer.
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7. Last time there was a remark with RoR, so he asked me abt IALA buoyage system....what is
the full form of IALA, is it an inter govt agreement
8. How many port of refuge are there in India ( again i couldnt answer this) I told him Sir, i didnt
go into detail with port of refuge
9. How many MoU are there, which one does India fall under, any latest changes in Indian
ocean MoU, does India fall under Tokyo MoU, can a country fall under 2 MoU
10. One question abt CSR, that i cant recall now
Q- 2nd mate informs suspected collision at midnight. Actions ?

Q - certificates on gas carrier

Q - which radar to be used when coasting on what range

Q - definition of Marine casualty

Q - what’s the name of Code?
Q - what do you mean by investigation ?
Q - how will you conduct one ?
Q - certificate of insurance? Full name for it ?
Q- what all certificates related to insurance on board ?
1. Formal introduction about yourself.
2. How was your oral
3. Showed me a picture on pc abt oil spill on deck. What do you think.

Oil pollution if oil has gone overboard and spill if retained on board.
4. Oil has gone overboard.

Implement sopep. Try to minimize spill and contain it with available sopep equipments. Restrict
spreading of oil with oil boom n morning ropes.
5. To whom you will send notification.
Ans: As per port contact list.But you are already in port. harbor master/ local requirements in
addition to sopep contact list. He was not happy.
6. Difference between port state and coastal state. I wasn’t clear about it.
7 Is class mandatory?
Yes : as per SOLAS II-1/ reg 3-1. He said it’s not. Many srilankan ships are not classed. I said
Vsl required to be classed for insurance purpose and ships are built as per class standards.
1.Inspection , audits ,Surveys difference. topic Maersk Honam -salvage or towage and as per which clause .
3.who will conduct inquiry in case of Maersk Honam and who will be the substantially
interested states.discussion on CIC.
4.difference between salvage and towage

5.definition of peril ? night 2/off calls you ,lot of fishing traffic , how will you go about as a master.

7.what guidance will you give to 2/O.

8.which document will you find all details about ships inspections , audits and surveys all in
one documents .
9.form A and Form B .where all you can find. are near Kanya kumari surrounded by lot of fishing boats and received a message of a
cyclone originating from south of Sri Lanka .Your action as a master.
11.Light and shapes of a fishing vessel and a trawler at anchor wrt Annex 2 of Colregs.
12.MLC in detail. will the people who lost their life in the Maersk Honam incident will get compensated
without delay.
14.ISM names of all the audits .
1) Types of search
2) which search you will follow is you now knowing the casualty position.

3) Draw on paper.
4) Will ISM apply on layup ship. ( I said No but I don't know what is correct answer)

5) Same lay up ship sails to Alang for scrap. Will ISM apply now. Discussion on this topic.
6) what are the documents you will send to scrap yard ? ( He wish to listen Hongkong
7) did India ratified Hongkong convention?
8) what are the other counties ratified Hongkong convention?
9) inforce or not?
10) ROR situations ( simple situations). Here i answered all in correct manner he satisfied will
all actions but
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He said Now as a master I have to say as per which rule I will decide if collision will exist or not
then say as per which rule you will take action. Say the rule no and part of it and As a master
you have to backup all your action as per rule.
11) Lots Fishing traffic at night time 2nd Mates call you to bridge? Actions.
12) After this Action He asked now 2nd mate reported you he suspect collision with fishing
boat, Actions.
After this he called chief mate candidate and started.
13) Cargo contamination chief mates reported you. Legal actions as per master.
14) will you informed charter. As per which clause in charter party.
15) What are the all clauses in charter party?
16) Latest Solas amendment regarding to Passenger ships. ( Which I was not able to tell)
17) Maersk Homan Incident?
18) Probable cause ?
19) Who will investigate?
19) Will India investigate?
20) If Yes then Why if No then why?
21) What MSA say about this?
22) What is CIC?
Information required from shipper to load iron ore (wants 7-8 thing)
Structure of IMSBC code.category as per that code.whether it has appendix or annexes.
Form A B found where else other than PSc ( wants to hear IOPP A B)
Structure of MLC

Crew grievance redressal onboard

Survey audit inspection difference
Are survey mandatory

Difference towage ocean towage and salvage

Maersk honam towage or salvage
Abandonment in salvage
Where to find complete history of ship including status of all surveys ,PSC ,certificates(wants
to hear Master Review- no idea what it is )
Disabled ship and unseaworthy ship difference and definition
X band S band radar
Capt Darodkar will surely consider a candidate for passing if he has got good marks from
external....often calls along with u some ch mate candidate so be ready for some questions
which they can't answer...will surely question on Maersk honam rite now..
1. What are the legal implications in case of oil pollution.
2. Recent hijacking of Anglo Eastern vessel Marine express is it piracy armed robbery under
which convention ?( Wants to hear SOLAS as well along with UNCLOS article 101).
2. You are in Atlantic your main engines are under repairable and inoperative what you will
do?? Told him seek for place of refuge went in deep what is port of refuge and place of refuge
why you are not considering drydock repairs etc etc told me think like a master not like a mate

3. You have a deficiency onboard how will you go about it ( Told him inform PSC prior arrival
how will you inform pick up the phone n call them)
4. Stowaway onboard who will cover for it?? Again went in deep.

5. Hull breached oil leaking legal implications ??

6. What do you mean by anniversary date? He needs the definition.
7. MT Genessa case study.
He told me he wants to listen answers as a Master key points of conventions and I don't know
what all.
Then he told me to go out and find answers as Master not as a mate.
8. Then the question which I was expecting Man jump overboard your most important action
during this he called one mate candidate also and told he is your mate now go about it I told
him my priority is to save the life of the crew member and will carry out SAR with scharnov turn
and then he asked mate your captain has carried out his manouevre what will you do??? By
this time he had written pass in my oral sheet and EXN and told me to gain more knowledge
on the law part n be particular with the wordings as all words have legal implications.He told
me do well in future and all the best.
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1.Inspection , audits ,Surveys difference. topic Maersk Honam -salvage or towage and as per which clause .
3.who will conduct inquiry in case of Maersk Honam and who will be the substantially
interested states.discussion on CIC.
4.difference between salvage and towage

5.definition of peril ? night 2/off calls you ,lot of fishing traffic , how will you go about as a master.

7.what guidance will you give to 2/O.

8.which document will you find all details about ships inspections , audits and surveys all in
one documents .
9.form A and Form B .where all you can find. are near Kanya kumari surrounded by lot of fishing boats and received a message of a
cyclone originating from south of Sri Lanka .Your action as a master.
11.Light and shapes of a fishing vessel and a trawler at anchor wrt Annex 2 of Colregs.
12.MLC in detail. will the people who lost their life in the Maersk Honam incident will get compensated
without delay.
14.ISM names of all the audits .
1. Not very impressed by externals comments.

2. What is full name of form A of IOPP cert.


3. Ism qstns basic only.

4. What is the first ever audit to be carried on board.
5. How to motivate crew on board for Ism implementation.
6. After above he told me even though he is satisfied with my answers bit he cannot pass
someone with poor ROR.
Then he asked me which company n general intro
1. What are the legal implications in case of oil pollution.
2. Recent hijacking of Anglo Eastern vessel Marine express is it piracy armed robbery under
which convention ?( Wants to hear SOLAS as well along with UNCLOS article 101).
2. You are in Atlantic your main engines are under repairable and inoperative what you will
do?? Told him seek for place of refuge went in deep what is port of refuge and place of refuge
why you are not considering drydock repairs etc etc told me think like a master not like a mate

3. You have a deficiency onboard how will you go about it ( Told him inform PSC prior arrival
how will you inform pick up the phone n call them)

4. Stowaway onboard who will cover for it?? Again went in deep.
5. Hull breached oil leaking legal implications ??
6. What do you mean by anniversary date? He needs the definition.
7. MT Genessa case study.
He told me he wants to listen answers as a Master key points of conventions and I don't know
what all.
Then he told me to go out and find answers as Master not as a mate.
8. Then the question which I was expecting Man jump overboard your most important action
during this he called one mate candidate also and told he is your mate now go about it I told
him my priority is to save the life of the crew member and will carry out SAR with scharnov turn
and then he asked mate your captain has carried out his manouevre what will you do??? By
this time he had written pass in my oral sheet and EXN and told me to gain more knowledge
on the law part n be particular with the wordings as all words have legal implications.He told
me do well in future and all the best.
1. Situation for all, your vessel approaching a cluster of fishing vessels.
He asked one by one, starting from 2/0 to mate and finally me,, about actions,, changing

scenarios as we answered.
* Now the vessel has entered the fishing clusters.

Same routine asking from everyone, what action, 2/0 and he calls c/0, and then c/0 calls
master. Here the C /o says he will stop the vessels, then he asks me do u want such chief
officers onboard who want to stop ur vessel.
* Continuning the same situation he asked wht u need to do master, tell,, i said i will take the
vessel on hand steering, use the whistle, aldis lamp, radar etc.
* Discussions went for around 30 mins in this.
Finally he said, no body answered to keep extra lookouts, on bridge wings, deck, forecastle,
which is must .
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* I was continuously pressuring in coming out of that fishing area, anyhow, but he changed
situation by saying every whr till 8 miles u have these boats at 1 cable 2 cable 3 cable.

2. Same situation, 2/0 calls master that i am not able to see light of boat which was crossing
my bow, way too long discussion on this.
* I said may be not seen due to visibilty range from bridge or may b a collison, i will lookout for
damage boat from bridge wing, tell my lookouts to look, he then said its night, i said i will use
my vessels search lights, he said will u be able to see its debris, i said yes, he said no, i said
yes again, he said no, u cannot see it in day, how will u see it in day, i still said, but i will look
for the debris, long discussion in this too.
Before i would have said to inform this that loda lehsun party, he stopped talking to me and
changed back to 2/0 and c/0 of the team.

3. Then he started asking 2/0 , Q. Of his level about what kind of lights does a vsl shooting
neta shows, he was fucking with all his answers,, i was sure,, hw is going to fail.

4. Same again to mate candidate, wht is gyro error and why sextant is used,, this mate
candidate said,, we use sextant to measure distance,, may b he knew,, but was lost, ( as we
call gaand fatna). My second opinion,, i thought, bhencho ye b fail hai aaj.

5. Now before coming to me he called another candidate who was mate candidate (NCV),
asked him type of ships he has done, he said cement carrier, immediately question was shoot
out to mate candiddate (FG) about what are hazards of cargo.
6. Coming to me,, saying this NCV mate is ur mate on board, will u make him load grain, i said

7. Then he turned to NCV mate , how will u load grain, same time another Q was shoot out to
mate (FG) hazards of grain..

8. Then he comes to me and said shipper says angle of repose for grain to b load is 40 deg.
Will u load,, i thought fir 5-10 sec and i was lost about it, totally confused, i said sir give me 1
minute,, and i took paper and a pen from my pocket and started making my diag. For myself,,
he was not looking at me,, he started Questioning other candidates,, soon i was ready with my
answer and said yes, then a little discussion on it, and grain code.

9. I am missing so many small discussions ,, as many of them were relating to 2/0 and C/o
and my opinion was asked, and then i was Questioned.

10. Finally he passed the 2/0, which was strange as his answers were really bad. ( He was 3
rd attempt remaining only with function 1.)

11. Now this chief mate (FG) was asked how u calculate sun sight, have u done it onboard,, he
answered, sir i have done it several times, and then he gave him a paper and said to roughly
draw and explain how u take sight , gave him 5-10 min,,till the. ,Q to NCV mate..
After 5 min this FG mate gives fucked up drawing of sun sight,, and then solid bombarding
from internal,, mate candidate said,, sir i have taken sun sight in night only,, internal says,, how
can u take sun sight at night,, he said becoz i was in night watch in cadetship,, i still dont knw
wht was happening in this room,, finally internal said,, hey u master candidate, explain him
how to take sun sight ( fuck, the least ever expected Q from a master candidate,, i dint even
had a gist of it,,)still i said ok sir,, and took the paper,, started with sextant altitude and various
correction,, i dont knw how i was able to recall,, but then internal said,, he will not understand
this,, draw diagrams and proper sights ( ab Bc gaand fati) he started Q. With NCV mate,,
* Again i dont knw how,, but things started clicking although not very sure,, i however managed
to draw and explain the sight to him,, and then he was asked about staggerd,, and now i had a
fear from mates Q,, ,, he again failed to explain staggered,, internal sent him out to find,,
meanwhile Q. With us

11. Then he came to ch 9 of solas,, asked by mate candidate, he said its additional safety on
bulk carrier, then asked me if he is right, i said no, its IsM, then various easy Q on ism, like
which is the very first certificate issued in accordance with ism to a ship, i said interim SMc and
then Q on it , like its validity and extension if provided , for how long in which cases, etc.
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12. Then he passed the NCV candidate,, and started asking me more,, i was already tired and
sitting in fear.

13. Session resumes,, now a casual talk, about old Q,, which were asked in front of these
guys,, he says u have to think analytically priyank, i dont want wht is written in books, just a
good seamanship,, so now we continue.

13. Old mate candidate comes in with not a good answer about sight and staggerd, probably
as no one was there to help him as it was late evening or say night, and in phn its not easy to
understand,, capt darodkar said,, " i am giving u 20 hrs,, go back come tommorrow evening
1600 and explain me sun sight"

14. Turned face to me, and started again, priyank ur ship has ran aground in china coast
action,, and this was a lead to many Q, like PI and FI who is officer appointed by cent govt.
Which is central govt., What casualty investigation says about this , what MSA says about it,
what is the diff between both,,
# then for something i answered lead state will do investigation as two states are involved,,
then who decides leas state,, suppose china is not ready to agree with u,, and they want to b
lead state, now who is central govt in china, why u do inquiry and investigation, then came
what is the difference in both, what is diffrence in inspection and survey.
( I studied all this a day before so was able to tell him).

15. Till now it was apparent that he is going to pass me,, but i dunno why he was not asking
my exn form,,

16. Then he asked why did u failed last time when external capt miranda passed u,, i said i
was not able to tell dock labour act requirement about the gangway to capt muduli,, he
nodded, but did not ask me.
Asked my exn form wrote PASS.
Gave me the exn form and again started asking. Very simple Q about cargoes,, as whr willl u
find info if u want to load grain, cement, etc.

17. Then said ur name is priyank bahuguna,, do u belong to the family of Hemwati nandan
bahuguna,, i said no, but we belong to same native placee ( village).. then started more,, have
u read his books,, why not, u should, life is not passing masters exams,, but learning
something good, then asked what has he done for uttrakhand,, i said he has improved
education system , opened university etc. He nodded his head... This all went after i was
holding my exn form in my hand with PASSED written on it..

18. At last he said,, dont feel bad that u have passed in 3 rd attempt,, I ( Capt Darodkar) was
not able to make it till 4 th attempt, ,but see now i am sitting here.
Q1. Diff between piracy n armed robbery
Ans. Want to hear mainly that piracy is on sea n armed robary in coastal waters
Q2. Amendments to Solas regarding lsa in 2018
Q3. Diff between towage n salvage

Q4. Diff between audits and inspection ? Which is mandatory ? Where it is given ?
All was going well then came the turning point of my result

A phone call came some where that a ship got minor fire an OSV, I guess it was Indian
registered n dpa is not reporting so he started cross questioning in this he told me u r in same
scenario what will u do as master I told all the things except one that is to inform emergency
response service
N thn he asked me a situation
A mine clearance vessel on stbd bow , myself a cbd , u r in a rig area , second mate calls in
night 0200? Action
I told I will assess the situation n if roc is
I will take action he asked what action I told alter to port thn he said why u r altering I quoted
him rule 18 on this he said why are u not checking depth n if there is any oil rig or not.
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Iron ore loading in India precautions

Recent accidents of iron ore loading
Recent incident on oil tankers
Casualty investigation
Surveys as per what reg

Codes as per what reg

Are codes mandatory

Lots of questions on conventions codes resolutions ammendements protocols

Ism ..isps ..... Is it mandatory ......what regulations
Stowaways as per which reg
Piracy vs armed robbery
Disabled vs unseaworthy ship
Sopep as per which regulation
Dredger ahead in channel
Light RAM .... Spacing between
Lights trawler
MS ACT and MS rules examples
Investigation and inquiry
Casualty investigation and purpose
How it uploaded procedures
MS act for india any other act in the word
Incoterm example
Ism code in detail and certification procedures

Ballast water amendments


Mob situation in TSS
PSC latest CIC
Dry doking preparation in detail
Can panama flag vessel 26 year old come in india what you will check
Sec 194 ms act
Who can do mlc inspection in india
Full form of ISGOTT OCIMF sire cdi
Started with adjustment of secondary device, room scanning and matching face with CDC.
All questions by Capt. Sharda.
General introduction about the type of vessels I have sailed on, which company, what was the
route of the last vessel and how many TEU (as I am on container ships).
Questions below, not in the same order.
1. Your ship was going to Peru? I replied in the affirmative. Tell me what is the navigational
danger in Peru? I tried to think but couldn’t remember anything specific to Peru. So I said the
standard hazards, wrecks, shallow patches, traffic etc. He was looking for something specific.
Couldn’t think of anything so I mentioned about the contraband smuggling for which he again
mentioned that he’s talking about navigational hazard. Then I told him that the ports are open


to Pacific so we can expect strong waves when approaching and maneuvering at slow speeds,
difficulty in maintaining heading, rolling etc. He was not satisfied.
2. MSA 177, 194, 214, 196 and a few other sections. He will say the title of the section and not
just the number.
3. How will you legalize change of command
4. How will you assist in case of collision
5. Contract of affreightment
6. AOA
7. What is the international regulation for registration
8. Rescue manoeuvres as per IAMSAR. Describe Anderson turn
9. Documents to check for Ship sanitation certificate
10. Preparation for MLC, Loadline inspection
11. Master’s discretion as per SOLAS
12. Who will give permission to proceed to Port of Refuge
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13. How to promote SEEMP onboard? How can you reduce carbon emission. Which are
harmful gases as per Annex 6.
14. Why do we need PSC
15. Rotterdam rules exception
16. Damage stability booklet contents
17. Visibility criteria as per SOLAS
18. Zig zag test, Rudder cycling
19. Amendment to FAL convention
20. A few other questions which I can’t remember
1. MS Act - said parts and effective parts
2. Enties in OLB - Section 213/214
3. Unseawothy ship - Need to hear keywords which are basically all. He will say like as per
section 334 Useaworthy ship what it means.
4. Enties in OLB wrt Section 308 or 309- I forgot bw 309 and 398 so i said both to avoid
ambiuity, the ShipStability condition and The certificates list at the time of handover. Dont
know correctness.
5. Duties of master upon collision - Sec 348 Stuff
6. Marine board as per MSA/
7. Ship Inspection as per what section - He meant the crew accommodation/mess, procion
store etc.
8. What is master's discretion, what is overriding authority, What is the difference. I sadi both
appear same t me. Dont know correctness.
9. Wreck removal convention, does LLMC apply? I switched my answer 3 times here/Capt
10. Wreck removal convetion, is it necesssary to have the certificate that is issued by the
Flag? IWRC or security statement is sufficient?
11. Fatigue - 1598
12. What are the hazards on dredgers - Radio active material Cobolt 60, Excessive H2S gas
PR etc - Not Applicable for most of u candidates.
13. Methodolody of Project/Charter management - Dredgers - NA for u all.
14. Standing orders/night orders wrt dredging -, the expectations of the surveyor were u give
him quantifyinng figures like UKC 0.5 mtrs or less, u shall not hit that area, When the
CMG/Heading offset goes beyond 30degrees, Call me. RV less then 4NM call me, CPA less


then 100 Mtrs call me, basis the project is in a channel 400 mtrs wide - all points NA for all.
The isea is these thigs can be taken up in the court if a casualty happens and the figures shall
no vague, like sufficient UKC, safe to do so, OOW Confidence defers etc these shall not be
part of the Standing orders.
15. Amendments to SOLAS.
16. When were MS rules of Firefighting brought? If u dontknow say dont know, because i was
very sure and i took time and blindly said 1972 , He said now u r bullshitting, we are surveyors.
17. What is PSC, why is a PSC needed. after the Annswe - Wht cant flag state do it in their
GIs? Some talks on guidelines, that a convention never gives guidelnes etc, Code seldom
18. Contents of Damage Stability plan, Ch2-1/19 Circ 1245, i didnt get oppertunity to say these
numbers, Chapters
19. Contents of Fire Plan
20. RAMSAR Convention - this won’t be asked to u all.
21. What all certificates required in ISPS.
22. Verification periods for ISPS Audit.
23. VGM. DG list of all approved workshops/Available on DG Website.
24. Methods to increase l efficiency, I said its mentioned in SEEMP; I added Frequent
drydocking/Hull cleaning to upkeep ships performance/speed - He stopped; this is not u who
will decide, this is owner's ****, What u can do onboard, He wants to hear like cutting down on
power consumtption/Using light only when required/Using the LED instead of FL or CFL. I
added Using one engine for a passage instead of both and cutting fuel cost by 50%. Also as
per Capt Sharda if ship has two propellers and both are CPP, its not called Twin Screw. I
nodded I’m not convinced but then I just Said OK.The boss is not always right but the boss is
always right.
25. How do u calculate efficiently of the Dredging process - Not applicable to u all.
26. Estimation and why estimation goes wrong like 400% - he was talking wrt a dredging case
- It won’t be asked to u all.
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27. Hazards wrt to Navigation in Polar water.

28. Amendments to FAL - April 2019 - Electronic Data Exchange all FAL papers etc, What
else? I missed out the Single window concept that he told me.
29. London Dumping Convention - He was under the impression its applicable to
Dredging/Beach reclamation etc, Which is not the case.
30. Documents/verification required for issue of ISSC. Deratting/Deratting excmption stopped
in 2006
31. Zig Zag, Rudder cycling - i started with resolution no etc , he stopped and said i didnt ask
it, i asked what it is. the practical implication part.
32. Bathymetric survey - 2D/3D; What kind did u have? 3D - wont be asked to u all.
33. Multi Beam Echo sounder - in Bathymatry - Wont be asked to u all.
34. How do u calculate the quantity to be dredged - Survey Department of Charter/Client or
Seld progress survey by own surevy team/Simpson Rule method to calculate Area and
Volume of underwater topography /Real tide/Predicatied Tide/benchmark/Real time Tide
gauge - These Won’t be asked to u all.
35. Understanding of CSM- Mach
36. Foul BL
37. Who will decide the entry in a Port of refuge. I told him its a political decision of the coastal
state, not just the DC of the port, and the Place of refuge concept like they can assign place off
the port or coast etc He seemed to be less convinced with my answer on political decision.
1. Registry requirements.
2. Ms. Section - 91,101,194,208 (legalization of change of command).
3. Factors for weather routing.
4. Zig zag purpose and in detail.
5. Rudder cycling purpose and in detail.
6. ROR situation (standard 180 course and target 150 .. range decreasing )
7. Kyoto protocol.
8 .means of reduction of co2 emissions.
9. Master overriding and descriptions difference.
10. Safe manning rule ( reg 14 explain ).
11. Scopic.
12. Fund convention.


13 . Amendment ISM.
14 . Amendment STCW
15 . Value of alcohol as per STCW and in which chapter
16 . Unclos 91 (what is written).
17. Mental circular
18 .Fatigue circular
19 . Certificates required on board ? Where to find
20 . MLC inspection
21. Role of PSC and latest circular.
22. Rotterdam rule exception
23. Grain loading discussion
24. Container code
25. Solas CH 12
25. Solas latest amendments
26. IMSBC latest amendments
1. Purpose of registration.
2. Sec 101 - content of AOA.
3. CBA - contents
4. Masters discretion as per solas
5. Sec 348 and 355


6. Ism code amendments

7. Cyber security management
8. PSC detention - action
9. Prepare vessel for mlc inspection
10. How will you take over command on Indian ship in foreign state
11. Pilot transfer arrangements
12. Polar code ice hazards
13. Navigation equipment required in polar waters
14. Navigation in congested waters
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15. Diff between wreck convention and msa act

16. What’s is marine board
17. ROR he asked 3 points on port bow rv radar operational brg 150 range 6,5,4 action - this is
where he didn’t pass me as I said that roc exists and I will alter wide to stbd to keep clear - he
said as per 19 - this is scanty radar info
18. Rudder cycling and zig zag manoeuvre - this I goofed up
19. Place of refuge
20. Mas in India - completely blanked out and could not recollect. Rest all questions I answered.
1) Duties of Master as per M.S. Act.
Then Capt. Sharda left and Capt. Das took over.
Capt. Das only want to listen M.S. Act section numbers and duties.
2) Documents to submit for registration( Declaration of Ownership, Builder's certificate and
Instruments of sale i told him that but with same question he want to listen whole procedure
including surveyor's certificate and Carving and marking note and whole procedure.


3) Abandon ship drill SOLAS regulation number and details.

4) Maintenance of fixed firefighting equipment (fixed CO2 firefighting equipment).
5) Precautions to be taken when following narrow channel.
6) Situation in Narrow channel, one vessel ahead in restricted visibility and range decreasing I
told him reduce speed and if require take all way off on which vessel can stay on course and
Navigate with caution until risk of collision is resolved, safe passing and clear.
7) ISM documents.
8) SEQ survey he want to listed dynamic test certificates and othe Navigational, LSA and FFA
equipment certificates to check.
1. COR
2. Latest ISM amendments
3. Latest FAL amendments
4. Rotterdam rule exception
5. Simple RV situation, ur vsl on 180course, target vessel bearing 150, distance reducing,
bearing not changing, action.
6. Master's discretion definition
7. Standing orders after taking command when sms is faulty.
8. Polar code Ch-9, nav equipments requirement


9. Collision of the vessel, action as per MS act.

10. MLC inspection preparations
11. PSC detained the vessel, action?
12. Rudder cycling explanation
13. Difference between zigzag manoeuvre and rudder cycling
14. What records to be checked for sanitation control certificate
15. What Offences registered for Disciplinary action as per MS act
16. Safe manning definition as per SOLAS ChV.
17. Fire drill requirement as per SOLAS
18. Prepare for Fire drill
19. MASS latest news
20. Condition survey
21. Nairobi wreck removal convention and wreck removal convention difference.
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1. Registration of ships as per ms act

2. Unsafe ship
3. Master duties in case collision
4. Ms rules
5. Amendments to ism
6. Amendments to stcw
7. Where will you find certificate list for vessel
8. Annual loadline survey
9. Change of command of master as per ms act
10. Role of RO
11. Vetting inspections
12. Ship risk profile
13. Why psc inspections are carried out
14. Fire drill frequently as per solas
15. Damage stability requirements for tankers


16. Duties of OSC as per IAMSAR

17. What is the range of LRIT for flag states
18. Masters discretion
19. Bridge visibility
20. GOG guidelines
21. Anti piracy procedures for HRA transit
22. Weather routeing
23. Voyage estimation
24. Hazrds of sailing in ice waters
25. RV situation..vessel on port bow radar operational
26. Navigation in malacca straits
27. Contract of affreightment
28. Exclusion as per Rotterdam rules
29. Duties of master as multimodal transport act
30. VGM. How will master verify at berth before loading the VGM of a container
31. Energy efficiency measures
32. Dry dock preparation
33. Fal convention latest amendments
1) What is the purpose of COR.?
2) Your company is requesting to carry two additional people onboard for five days let say from
Cochin to Singapore, what all things will you check as a Master. (I told him about LSA, indemnity
etc. but he kept on asking what else what else... He was smiling and making me comfortable.
Later when i told him Certificate of registry i will check he was happy. I was actually not sure of
certificate of registry but it clicked.)
3) How will you Lower and launch your Free-fall Lifeboat at Kandla Anchorage. ( He wanted to
listen all steps before Lowering specially Risk assessment, Checking of tidal range, current, port
permission also will you send RA to Office, if office is not allowing you to lower at this Port due
to strong Tidal range, your action as your 3 monthly lowering and launching time is due)
4) Who are the registers in India, which all ports?
5) Where was your last company registered? Who are the registers of Majuro Flagged ships.( i
said I don’t know who are the registers in Majuro. Capt. Daniel smiling.)


6) While lowering Lifeboat, your Lifeboat sprinkler broke, what will you do? Will you call for class
7) ISPS Certification and implementation onboard. Full Detail of Certification process.
8) MLC certification onboard. Full in detail.
9) Contents of DLMC 1 & DLMC 2.
10) VGM. Where in SOLAS it is made mandatory? ( I just said SOLAS Chapter 6....Capt. Daniel
smiling are you should be telling me exact regulation, you want to pass in this attempt or not.)
11) Your Chief officer is drinking every day in spite of your warning, what you will do. (I was
confused as when I said I will give him warning again he said are baba warning tune de diya h
ab kitni baar warning dega....don’t hesitate to take action... to this i said if after repeated warning
also he is not improving then i will send him home. he started tickling and hinted me you will
straightway send him home, before that you must do something. Then i said him as per MS act
section 193-196 i will take disciplinary action. then told him all those warning procedure.
11 a) Where else it is written for Disciplinary procedure against Drunkenness what was your
company requirement.( he wanted to Listen STCW and Article of Agreement, Sea agreement.
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11 b) CBA, Sea agreement....Have you seen your Last vessel Article of agreement. I said yes,
have you seen CBA of Majuro Flag ....i said no...Are kaisa aadmi h....nahi bhi dekha h to you
should have said that you have seen smiling.
12) What is the need to Log down Offences in OLB.
13) Master duties as per MS Act.
15) PSC types of inspection, How will you Prepare for PSC inspection, few cross questions in
between simple one.
16) What do you understand from PSC mou. How many members are in Indian mou PSC.
17) What is djibhouti code of conduct, is India member to this.
18) Polar Code, advantage of Polar Code to maritime. Contents of Polar code....i started saying
chapters....i said few then he said smiling okay okay don’t say all.
19) Polar Fuel carrying restriction.
20) MASS...( Marine Autonomous Surface ship)?? i thought he is asking MASS so i said straint
away As per MSC Circular 950(23)....he interrupted smiling and said no no i am asking MASS.
I said to him sir i am not aware of this MASS. kehta h are this is the hottest topic of IMO right
now and you are not aware.
21) Angle of loll.
22) How will you Prepare your standing order suppose you are joining onboard a new ship and
there is no available previous record from where you can copy. (i said i will refer to bridge
Procedure guide)
23) He said at what distance you will prefer yourself to be called in RV. ( I said As per my
company policy is 3Nm however if there is no written RV visibility Distance in SMS i will write 5
Nm for 11 Min)
24) Why 5 Nm... (I said bcoz Mast Light visibility is 6 Nm)
25) How will you prepare for Singapore straits Transit. what CPA you will tell your Duty officers
to maintain in Singapore and open sea and why. ( i said what all i had to say... he was happy
with the making of RA, Transit approval from managements, prefer time of transit during Day
time if possible. for CPA i mentioned along with TCPA to which he asked why and with my
answer he smiled.
26) Innocent passage and transit passage.
27) When will you take the privilege of CBD vessel.
28) How will you Prepare your vessel for STS operation....( all from Bodh + Key words...must be
mentioned in IOPP form b that ship is certified for STS ops, RA for STS operation must be
approved by office, PSCO experience certificate i will ask, ICS guide for STS ops.)
He then said Go study what is MASS (Marine Autonomous Surface ship) and told me to log out
and wait for external. I can remember this only at this moment, to be honest most of the questions
were very easy only he was looking for firm and bold answers. He is very genuine and was
always making me comfortable.
In detail with cross questioning
1) How will you legalize your change of command
2) unsafe ship definition
3) how to report navigational danger
4) grain loading
5) multimodal act
6) difference between cogsa and Rotterdam rules
7) How to beach a vessel what all will u take into consideration
8) safe manning as per solas


9) difference between PSC and flag state inspection

10) weather routing
11) bridge visibility diagram
12) Bill of lading. Various types, how are they different from each other, how as a master your
duties or role change with different BL
13) CSC code
14) how to draw GZ curves
15) wind heeling criteria
16) parametric rolling
17) what all to inspect in sanitation certificate
18) how to prepare for loadline certificate
19) Zig zag maneuver
20) Carbon credit
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21) indian article of agreements

22) Amendments to MS act
23) training and mentoring of junior officers
24) fire drill interval as per solas
25) what all to check during fire drill
26) storm warning received proceeding to port action
27) engine failure in Juan de fuca straight
28) breakdown mid pacific action
29) port of refuge, who gives permission to enter port of refuge

1) Rule 6, Rule 2, Rule 19, Rule 17


2) which all rules will apply in RV and what is scanty radar information?
3) Few ROR situations (simple ones)
4) International requirement for registry of ships (I screwed it up here as I started with registry
of Indian ships)
Very nice guy , makes u very comfortable , introduction ,
Started with questions from previous attempt,
1. Ship anchored outside USA, pump room bilge alarm action ?
2. False bilge alarm action?
3. Pump room flooding, action?
Basically he wants to know onboard actions , not reporting etc , like engaging Fire and GS
pump to minimize flooding .
4. Type of bulk cargoes?


A, B, C , which one most dangerous.

5. Type A , most dangerous ,
6. You suspect there is moisture is more than TML ? Action .
7. You hav contacted P& I and carry out survey , moisture well in the limits . Who will pay for
Ship owner
He wanted to know that as a master its ur right and duty to be sure for what is being loaded
8. Fund convention
9. ROR cards 2
10. Running moor , stranding moor , open moor , (he did not ask straight question gave me
situation in tidal river with limited turning circle , ask to anchor)
Firstly it started with reviewing of self file.
Secondly he asked what all hot topics are going on with orals and other general intro.

He is very practical and wants to listen practical answers.he guides you to give correct
answers.hence all answers I gave were as in masters shoes.for ex he asked what are most
important things you will ask outgoing master..Usually we give all correct answers like certs
etc..But he wants to listen manoeuvering of vessel,me and steering gear. And list of pand I
club correspondents in each could try.


1. How will you implement ism on board
Masters overriding with and responsibilities
2 you as master what are your priorities on board
3 why ism
4 as master what is your
Role on board.
5.dpa role..Apart from ism practical approach
6 as master what to worry and check about bl
7 anchoring in deep water.what is the best depth for anchoring and approach to anchor
8 gave situation in channel with against current(wanted to listen bank cushion effect and how
to control)
9 shortage of cargo claims..
1. Previous attempts : All past questions with a cross against it were asked :/


2. As a master joining ship what all you would be interested to know with respect
to bunkers?
3. What is steaming of bunkers?
4. What will you discuss with C/E wrt to bunkering?
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5. What type of HFO is used onboard?

6. Types of HFO?
7. What is cst?? Or I think was cst… Something on the lines of some strokes….
8. What is difference between 380 and 180 cst?
9. What is slip?
10. What is the reason to have a high slip?
11. What factors for high slip apart from current?
12. What factor for high slip apart from hull (growth of barnacles and other marine growth)?
Autopilot setting…. Need to adjust yaw setting…
13. Types of charter party.
14. Articles of agreement.
15. Does articles of agreement cover the type of work?
16. What all parties are there in AOA?
17. What articles of agreement are there for other countries?
18. As my last flag was hong kong …. Does it have articles of agreement?
19. For owner what all favourable clauses in cp.
20. As a master what will you do to ensure compliance with ism
21. Cargo claims.
22. Types of cargo claims
23. As a master how will you safeguard owner wrt cargo claims>
24. During discharge of fully ref LPG c/o informs you that cargo pump is not working…..
25. How will you ensure hydrates do not enter cargo tanks
26. What all type of fuel is used in e/r
27. Can D.o be used in main engine?
28. What fuel is used in generators?
29. Can generators be run on hfo?
30. After joining what all will you be interested to know about the bunkers?
31. As master what will you tell c/e wrt voyage planning?
32. Death of seafarer action as master.
33. Will you do sea burial? In what circumstances?
1. What is ESP? As a master how will you prepare for and ESP Survey? How will you check
the tanks condition and what all will you check on ship? He wants to hear thickness
measirement test ?
2. As a master how will you prepare your vessel for 20th anniversary dry dock?
3. Owners have told you that vessel will be going to the dry dock innext 3 months what all will
you check?Now 8 days to go for dry dock how will you prepare vessel for dry dock what all will
you do ?
4. Difference between Old ship and New Ship with respect to Fire fighting ammenendments?.
5. You join an old ship as a master what will be your measures to enhance the saftey with
respect to fire fighting on old ships? How ism code will help you in dealong such problem?...he
wants to hear the solas ammendments to the FFA part and use of accident reporting and
master review and company responsibilty of ism to take care of such sitiation.
6. PSC inspector comes onboard with respect to MLC what is the first doc he will ask you??


Ans..Work and rest hr

7. What is the cert that is reqd to be carried by gas carrier ?? And under what is the cert issued
8. What all cert cannot be delegated to the RO??
9. COFR??
10. In wheelhouse poster what is the most imp info which as a master you will search for ??
Ans..Stopping distance Fullahead to stop
11. What all conditions can lead to transmission of false distress alert by EPIRB and
cancellation procedure??
12. Situation....Berth made totally of wood a river where vessel is berthed earlier many
times. No tugs no pilot and termianl operator says master you can berth whenever you can
..your vessel is anchored in the river wand C/P clause says Vessel to berth on one or more
safeberth and commence discharge ..what is your action as a master ??he wants to know how
will you go abt by plaiing current and all and berth there ??
13. Does Contamination take place in Gas tankers ...what are the contents of the Cert of
Fitness ???
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14. Drydocking preprartions.. prepare vessel for dry dock how as amasyer will you preprare
ship for DD?
15. Your vessel is in dry dock and Doxk master comes and says that capt after 30 min we will
start flooding the docks....what all instruction will you give to chief mate and what all precaution
will you take..
16. There was steel renewal of 300t what is the most imp thing as a masters prespective that
needs to be attended which class and superintendent will oveelook? Ans ...magnetic compass needs to be re adjusted.
17. You join a ship ... As a master how will you verify that your vessel complies with the Marpol
annexe VI requirement .....ans records of changeover ..bunker soundings ..positions and
logbookentries and all
18. What do you know abt imdg code how important is it for Gas carrier ?
19. What is LOF and what are the ammendment to the LOF ??
1. Why free fall lifeboats first installed on bulk carriers?
2. Launching procedure of free fall lifeboat ?
3. How you will know that your vessel complying with IAPP certificate?


4. Fixed co2 system maintenance

5. Which rule of ROR is most important for cadet? I told lookout. He said rule 4 to18
6. One case study (collision in singapore strait)
7. most important factor on wheelhouse poster
8. Contents of ISM ( i told almost 10 chapters. He was expecting atleast 12)
9. Contents o IMSBC code ( he was expecting all. I could not answer all). a company apply for DOC
2.As a master when you call audit after interim SMC to get full term SMC
3.what is statutory certificate.
4.what are all statutory certificate carried on board
5.what is FSI often FSI carried out
7.what is B certificate
8.FFA equipment on your last ship
9.what are the inquiries after any incident/accident as per MSA


10.Master role in collecting evidence

11.for what all documents and certificate purposes you can't go to RO
12.imdg good loading procedure. a master how imdg code help you
14.dry dock procedure
15. importances of manoeuvring booklet
16. What is safe speed
17.a cadet should known what all rules by heart.
18.what type of cargo u carry on your last cargo ship carry imdg cargo on your last cargo ship give practical explanation will you implement ISM
That's all I can recall about the external surveyor questions
Started with introduction
1. Structure of ROR including name of main parts and annexes
2. What is the most important chapter for a master in ISM. He wants to listen companies
responsibility and authority. His perspective.
3. How is MOU important and why they are formed?
Told everything wasn't satisfied kept on telling you don't know the Crux.
4. Some collision situation in Singapore strait and master was charged for under rule 5 lookout


master pleaded that he kept the lookout by all available means asked now tell who is right
master or the person who charged the master and how. Explained rule 5 and all available
means but didn't seem to be satisfied.
5. Manoeuvring booklet and what is important in this for master. He wants to listen safe speed
in this, told him the same.
6. During takeover of a new ship what to be check in IAPP certificate.
7. Certificates in Ism and importance of each.
8. How will you take over as master of a new ship in the company.
9. Vessel in in bharti dock Chennai on 03.01.2020 and discharging cargo. 40000 Mt left and
you get a message from office that you have to proceed to dry dock in Singapore on 10th and
the passage is of 4 days. Tell me how would you react and what all will be the procedures to
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be followed immediately. Told him everything since I have done dry-docks but again said you
don't go to the Crux.

1. Introduction and type of ship.

2. What cargo you carry on board. wht impt thing for Master in imdg. (Segregation).
3. MLC 2006.


4. Certificate where no RO involved, issued by dg directly ( COR, CSR & safe manning).
5. North cardinal buoy, what missing and colour code.
6. How EPIRB can operate by false, action. (during washing of deck, EPIRB cancellation
7. IMSBC Characteristics and about IMSBC.
9. 10 YEARLY inspection CO2, and about alarms etc. Mostly certification in details.
External – Started with introduction, and during the oral assessment he gave his introduction
and shared few of his previous work experience.
1. Solas Ch. 9 full review and importance for company
2. PSc in general discussion, importance of MOU. Review on first MOU – (Paris Mou), also a
brief discussion on history of trade and why MOU started. Logic behind Europe to start this.
3. IAMSAR Vol 3 Contents
4. EPIRB False alert cancellation and reporting procedure
5. Vessel Aground situation, actions


6. ROR Structure, which all rules you will strictly train cadets on and which part is very
7. GMDSS Areas, GMDSS in relation with IAMSAR
8. Wind heeling criteria graph – explain. Wind heeling which all vessel it applies
9. Angle of loll graph, which type of vessel it is more prominent
10. Broaching, pooping and synchronous rolling – which all type of ships getting affected
11. Container loading at Mumbai – which all condition Master will be running to MMD P.O.
12. Merchant Shipping rule for carriage of cargo
13. First time as Master onboard – how to verify that vessel is complaining the various
convention requirements.
14. How to verify that certificates are being respected, IAPP certificate was used as an
example to discuss on actions to verify compliance onboard.
First thing came is google as capt shukla was not coming from long time and he took only 2
ASM candidates he makes you comfortable and relax
He started with profile from second mates till today
Then asked about company and checked which all ships i have sailed
Started with ism code no definitions no elements
1 how will you take over oil tanker 12 year old ans the same theory but include practical
aspect dont forget to include manoeuvring data of ship after certificates
2 what is CIC why and whats the use and how psc decides on cic
Ans the deficiencies found in the most area as general decides the base for Cic or the new
implementation of any regulations
Q 3 u r working on a ship which is in 3rd cycle and u were discharging cargo crude oil in


chennai after discharging 75% percent of cargo u get an email from company that your
drydock is fixed on 20 dec in Singapore how will you go about it now
He said dont leave anything in this ans started with the crude oil washing reach the new
agreement with twrminal about 100% crude oil washing and try to minimise the sludge or
clingage in cargo tank which is the key to entry in dry dock no cargo no lel no fire hazard
As ship is in 3 rd cycle means 15 year drydock is due prepare for the emergency jobs list woth
specification and including the spares required and then the drydock calculation
Your ship is grounded what all surveys you will carry out after refloating
Radio loog book entries
If epirb is activated then how will u come to know
How the epirb will be activated automatically
Ans that epirb might get activated while carring out maintenance or whole hosing down due to
contact with sea water so tell crew not to hose down the epirb area
Minimum safe manning document
Which all certificates are solely issued by flag state
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Your insurance certificates

Tonnage certificate
Certificate of registry
CSR rest all can come from RO
What was the last ship fire fighting system?
I replied foam fire extinguishing system he said what the problems are encountered and what
are the testing routine and what do u test it for
He wanted to listen the ingress of water due to non-functional non return valve and sediments
sitting at bottom.
CLC fund and supplementary fund
Liability who contributes and limits
Who is the max contributor (India after japan about 13%
Manoeuvring poster information and the stopping distance and relate it to rule 6 ROR
What was the value of track reach on the largest vessel worked by you then he asked what is
stopping distance.
Safe speed if u approaching Gibraltar can u proceed at 13 knots while the position is 1 mile
away so he saus that u should proceed at 2 knots that’s the freedom u have as master
Anchoring of a very large vessel depth 80 mtr how will u go about it
He wanted to listen that i will make use of my chief officer forward to know when the ship has
actually stopped in water as bow will stop cutting the water lowering under power , scope of
Why freefall lifeboat is provided in bulk carrier.
If u have 20 persona on board and u have life boat capacity 25 and ship is designed to carry
only 22 persons , company wants to put 4 extra persons on board u have spare life rodt on
board which can make 300% percent capacity as required so can u carry more persons,
If u r product tanker what all publications you use.
And some requirements regarding lsa.
1) Documents issued under ISPS codes.

2) Validity of ISSC & Interim ISSC, surveys required. Contents of SSP.


3) How is Internal ISM audit conducted.

4) What is DOC? Is DOC required under any other code than ISM?
(IMDG code for carriage of DG Cargo)
5) What documents required for loading grain? What is DOA?
Introduction / Exp/ Vessel background etc.
1. Single hull phasing out & Double Hull tankers. How will you know that vessel is crude / oil
tanker. (IOPP cert + Form B)
2. Content of IOPP + form B what information you will get in form B, significance and as per
which convention etc...
3. Joining as master on double Hull tanker what are things will you check. what will be your
concern on double hull tanker. (I answered few of the advantages of double hull over single
hull wrt SBT, collision, ground, spill, Provision for IG for ballast tanks etc...he said "Ye sab to
double hull tankers k fayede hain I am asking CONCERN" he was not satisfied.
4. IG requirement for tankers.
5. PSCO comes on board and want to do ISM audit, as a master what you do. what empowers

him to do ISM audit , is there any provision, rule regulation, guideline?

PSC inspection and audit, detailed inspection, expanded inspection etc.
5. GMDSS equipment requimnt, from where you get info. certificate SRC and form R info,
functional requirement, Coast station/mrcc functioning...Area A1,3&4... Distress signal from
MF/HF and EPIRB.... (functioning, LUTs station) positioning/delay(doppler shift)/which one
better MFHF or EPIRB and why?
6. Certificate for chemical tanker and as per what convention (COF, P&A manual,SMPEP....i
also mentioned NLS certificate required for NLS cargo) He asked about
Content of NLS certificate.
7. what are all Drills and training requimnt and interval and as per which convention/
8. Pooping/surfing/broaching/synchronous and parametric rolling/ abnormal wave.... condition /
why / ( i gave definition, mentioned msc cir1228 and avoiding action....but he was looking into
practical aspect as a master.... visual observation and determining wave lenght and height,
wave period. also formula or thumb rule ....and discussion on Wx routing......
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Gave small lecture about master is top position on ship noone to ask for help. So understand
the responsibility etc etc... Looked at my file Oak had marked 6/10 so noded his head n started
his questions.
1) Showing files lying around in his office... Lot of files here about safe Manning... Wat is it
about ? Are ships not manned enuf... How much crew do u want as a master. (Told him at
least need 24) when u need more manpower (in port fr stowaways & antipiracy watches)
2) Why are ships registered (once I said makes legal.... he changed to nxt)
3) Do owners have a choice to register anywhere?
4) If I come for SMC renewals what will check?
5) If I come for loadline survey what will I check?

6) What is polar code ? Is it applicable only in polar waters ?

7) What are reception facilities ? Do we have in India.. (recently added.. all waste to be
declared in DGS website).
8) Is India party to bunker CLC.
9) What is London convention about ? (Dumping waste at sea).
10) Which rules govern trade in ur system - bulk carrier (Hague Visby).
11) As a master when will you give abondon ship order ?
12) Told me ur E/R is under fire... Will u abondon... I said No... Asked me y not. Told him I hv
means of extinguishing n moreover unless fire spreads to cargo spaces or there is an
explosion due to which ship starts taking water... My ship is the best lifeboat.
13) When will you consider towage & salvage... Told him sir as am tackling fire I have already
informed Owners & nearest coastal state. If I won't get any help only then I shall consider...
14) Sound signal of vsl aground 150mtr in length. (Other master candidate had made a
mistake here).
Quote rule 19
10 situations on Rv
what is GA

amendments to Lof

Navigation in Mid sea with RV for 7 days, one radar working.. Actions
What is Scopic
After that,, Sundaram said that he was Satisfied with the answers and if I can answer all
distress signals of Annex 4 ror, he shall pass me. In between he spoke with Jb Singh on the
I told him 3/4 , but he wanted all of them As per annex 4 . Asked what is One Square flag with
a round ball below. I was not aware.
1. GA

2. Give examples of GA
2. Which york antwerp rules are currently enforced
3. What advantage of 2016 GA rules than previous rules.
4. Radar failure 3 days after sailing on voyage from japan to usa
5. Life raft gone over board action.
Your ship in restricted visibility radar inoperative what signals will you show?
Are you unseaworthy?
You loose a lifeboat are you seaworthy?
Damage stability criteria?

What B/60?

Why PSC is needed?

Why fsi is needed?
Whats the difference?
Your vessel in Kandla mumbai registered what will happen fsi or psc?
How many gmdss officers are needed onboard?
You have crew complaining about chest pain your action as master?
What is important to you as master safety or commerce?
What is sound signal for aground vessel?
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1.what is ISPS how when what certs everything finally stuck on one more doc he hinted which
stays with vessel I said CSR but it is as per XI-I/ 5 but still applicable and again all details

about it given to him.
2. What is the meaning of investigation to you. I told him right from MS act 360 and 361 told
him after PI 358 n 359 he said give me just investigation.
3. Difference between normal and formal investigation - fi is carried only when there is a
shipping casualty followed by pi.

1. Why detailed inspection is carried out

2. Examples of clear grounds
3. No more favourable treatment as per PSC and why?
4. Documents required by ism code: (sms) . Importance of sms
4. Doc n SMC certificate details, validity n inspection requirements
5. Masters responsibility and authority and how will u exercise this authority with an example
6. CLC

7. Fund convention and who contributes to fund


8. Advantage of being part of fund convention

9. Stoways onboard action
10. Salient features of LOF, latest LOF form
11. Scopic clause in brief
12. Difference between hague visby and hamburg rule
13. MLC titles and latest amendments
14. Registration of ship
15. Procedure for PI n FI
16. What all expenses borne by chartered in time chartered.
17. Sistership clause
Firstly was called to the inside alongwith One more Masters candidate
*Once my turn came he started going through my File and enquired reasons of Last
unsuccessful attempt and what did Capt. Das asked me, told him about 3 points that were not
accepted by Capt. Das, and he asked me to give answers of:-
** Fixed Foam Extinguishing requirements
For chemical Tankers cargo deck area :—
1.) sufficient to cover @2ltrs/m2 cargo tank deck area means max breast X total longitudinal
extent of Cargo tank
2.) 20 ltrs/ mtr2 - for Horizontal sectional area containing largest such Tank.
3.) 10 ltrs/ mtr2 - area protected by the largest foam monitor but not less than 1250ltr/ min.
** Primary & secondary means of launching for Lifeboats freefall as well as gravity sabit type


Ans- primary by fitted release gear & secondary by recovery strops or controlled lowering

** East cardinal buoy time duration of flash:-
Ans-VQ(3) every 5 second OR Q(3) every 10 seconds - rest all cardinal marks timing is 10 for
VQ & 15 for Q
Started with orals :-
1) Indian ship registration
2.) Trawler port side crossing - what lights it will show making way / at anchor your action.
3.) FUND convention - I started off telling about CLC.
So he asked me tell me about FUND, told him why and how limits etc. he further enquired
about who is supposed to make contribution to it ??
(it’s an Oil importer who makes a contribution bss his import quantity to the central government
and further the central government contributes to Fund.)
4.) Stealer plate what is it ? and where is it used
Ans-joins two plates and converge them into one usually in areas which has Tapered ends in
the fore or aft sections.
He seemed to be comfortable with my answers and asked me to wait outside .


1) ISM implementation on board. Senario: You have joined a new company and they have


sent you over from other management. You have 10hrs. How will you go about it.
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*This includes complete ISM code: from All certificate part, Master's & company's
responsibility, establishment of procedure for critical operation.

2) During your round you see a crack on hatch coaming and the out going master says he has
carried out repair. What will you do?
Here all aspects of buk Carrier safety, Condition of class, Technical superintendent's role, Dpa
, Master's overriding authority, Class survey and Certificate of class validity.

3) Super is not taking any action for repair, owners are delaying the repair, COC expiring next
month. What will you do.

4) All you know about PMS. What are elements of PMS

5) At midnight 2nd officer calls you and informs fire on generator platform. What will you do.
*Your contingency plan will come into action, All on engine room fire fighting , Co2 release
procedure, All fighting equipment on Generator platform.
In the mean time keep mixing your answers with action being taken on bridge, by fire fighting

6) Now your vsl in coasting what will you do.

** All warning, MAS reporting to be carried out. Alll info that you will report, calculate time to
running into danger, calculate when will you reach anchoring depth.

7)How will you drop anchor if depth is more than 120 m then 80m then 50 m , will you wait
further to be drifted??

8) Will you drop two anchor or 1 , why not both.

9) Once you are set, how will you make re-entry in engine room ?
**All normal procedure. But before carrying any repairs on generator we will have to take shore
assistance to ventilate Engine room, as all my generator are kaput will not be able to use
Engine room blower.

10) Why can't you use emergency generator to switch on E/R exhaust blower.

11) Which all equipment is supplied power with emergency Generator.

12) While discharging steel coils, terminal came back with claim damages to coils - rust marks.
You have clean B/L. What will you do?
** Do not accept any liability, call up P&I correspondent and request attendance on ship.
Inform all parties of expected delay in departure. Present all log of weather and monitoring
carried out During voyage, carry out Silver nitrate spot test on Hatch coaming to trace if any
salt water have entered for Hatch cover, present UT test record. In short do not accept any
liability. If P&I advise the sign for receipt only.

13) what if you are loading and C/O calls up tell you that there are damaged coils being
** First of all, refuse the coils, Terminal and owners agrees to load then clause the B/L

14) Shipper and Owners are asking you to issue clean B/L. What will you do now.
** Don't issue clean B/L unless owner send you written instructions to do so and indemnifies
you for any claim and wrong doing. Also obtain LOI for Shipper.
Although i was against this, capt Sharma wanted to issue clean B/L with LOI.
In short it was just 4 questions which took 1 hrs by going in deep.
1) MLC contents, What is Dmlc 1 &2 n contents,


4) STCW and ammndmnt
5) ROR sections and annexes
6) Horizontal spacing of lights
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7) ISM functions n masters responsibility

8) Condition of class and interim certificate of class
9) Registry of ships
10) Casualty investigation code
1. ROR Situation - Port side Fishing Trwaler crossing/making way-cross question with respect
to same:-
i.)Whose duty to keep clear and why ?
ii.)lights Exhibited by Trawler - Making Way & Underway & at Anchor.
iii.)Suppose Own Vessel in TSS and same situation
(Trawler on Port side)-your action & Why.
iv.) Vertical Separation/spacing between all round Lights of Trawler.
v.) How much height Fwd. Mast head lights supposed to be displayed.
2. suppose your Power ddriven Vessel goes aground on Indian Coast ..action?
3. Now, there is suppsoed to be a PI to be carried out on your ship.
4. when is PI is Carried out ? How Will you carry it out on this ship?

5. How does a PI convert to FI ?


6. what is SSP and all relevant Documents in an SSP ?

7. What is CSR ?
8. Shipside plating which meets the uppermost continuos deck?
9. Some questions on Ship Plans- Lines Plan & Shell Expansion Plan.
**passed By External Capt. Uppal and further went to Captain Das**
a.)Primary and secondary means of Launching Freefall Lifeboat.
b.) HyperMist System explanation?
c.) Fire Extinguishing Appliances on Chemical Tankers especifically?
-both on Deck and in Engine Room
d.) What is DOC ?
c.) there is another DOC apart from ISM - which one is it ?
e.) How will you carry out maintenance of a Freefall Lifeboat ?
**( He wanted to know what surveys need to be carried out)**
** Capt. Das questions -not very clearly asked **
1) How many total rule in ROR?
2) Part F
3) Resolution and III code
4) Trawler on port bow, anchor, underway, making way, etc etc(light/ situation )
5) Pilot vessel sound signal in RV at anchor
6) Annex 2, cross r u sure shooting, hauling, struck for trawler
7) annex 1,vertical distance between mast head light, horizontal distance, how much distance
in between for container vessel length let say 300m
8) New danger mark
9) IMSBC what you know about it, plus solas chapter 12

10) MLC all 18, 16, 14 amendments. MLC titles why financial security amendment came I said

abandonment he was happy

11) Marpol amendment plus annex 5 discharge criteria
12) LRIT
13) Registry of Indian ship-carving marking all
14) CLC/Fund lot of cross question on this. R u confirm as India is contributing around 14% I
told him few days back I checked on iopc fund web it is showing India no 1🇮🇳
15) Piracy arm robbery stowaway
And fall forms
16) BOL/Seaway bill /stale(can't recall)
17) As per msa casuality pi fi
18) As per msa collision and olb entries
19) Rule 17 c part 19 d e and 8 f1, 2,3 explain
20) Master handing over n gmdss functional requirement-other can't recall.
1. CIC
2. How to refer shell expansion plan


3. What all surveys are done in drydock

4. You are in drydock and class says that you have to change 3 shackles of cable but drydock
says they dont have facility. What will u do
5. Steelar plate
6. Clear grounds of PSC
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7. Docs reqd as per ISM

8. Cert and docs reqd as per ISPS. ISPS thru which chapter in SOLAS which i had already told
him earlier.
9. Note of protest

➢ General introduction
➢ Strengthening on a container ship for the large hatch openings
➢ Draw a cross section of a container ship and a bulk carrier
➢ What all documents and certificates as per ISPS
➢ How to conduct a Ship Security Assessment

➢ Bill of lading diff types, what is a seaway bill


➢ PI and FI.. does all PI lead to FI when does PI need an FI , Assessors, some special
features of an FI ( open court ).
➢ MLC latest amendments
➢ Who provides the financial security, anything else about it? ( needs to be displayed ) (
follow up question to the MLC financial security)
➢ Marpol amendments
➢ More on Annex 6 latest amendments coming 0.5% sulphur cap , added on how it is
affecting commercial shipping, the different ways to comply etc.
1 . Trawler lights when at anchor and when underway
2. Crossing situation with trawler on port bow and ROC exists
3. Power driven vessel on port bow, ROC exits and not taking action. Your Action and by

which rule.

4. What is port state control. What are clear grounds for detailed inspection?
6. Bill of Lading. Types of B/L? Seaway bill in detail.
7. ISM code - certification and documents
8. MLC, titles, DMLC part 1 and part 2
9. IAMSAR different volumes and types of search Patterns.
10. PI and FI - Who are accessors? And who heads the FI and why FI is required.
Started with formal introduction on types of ships and how many months as mate.
1. ROR content and Annexes
2. Part F in Detail (was the main factor in my opinion)
3. Towing crossing situation.
4. Towing sideways (not composite unit) lights.
5. Some normal ROR situations.
6. Stealer Plate and Fwd construction in depth. I fumbled and told him am not good in
He then asked me to explain how to report a location of damage which i managed Telling


about the plans.

He then asked Shell Expansion Plan in Details. After that he said i should have known the
construction better but fair enough.
7. BL function and some examples.
8. Seaway BL and Normal BL difference.
9. Types of Charter Parties.
10. Time Charter what are expenses beared by owners.
11. Deadfreight and its calculation.
12. LRIT function & he told me CSP is ISRO, ASP is Tata Communications. Samsul Notes
may be wrong (guys please reconfirm on that).
13. Towage and Salvage difference.
14. LOF and Scopic
Started off with a formal introduction.
1. Capt. Uppal had models of vessels and buoys with him. He asked me about 7 situations of
towing, composite units, towing alongside, trawlers - most of which were crossing situations. A

few tricky ones, but not a big deal, if you have read ROR and Buoyage well.

2. A few buoys to be described and lights to be quoted verbally. The lights were asked in a
way to confuse you.
3. COLREGS structure, parts, sections and latest amendments.
4. Cross questions on 'Verification of Compliance' added as a part of COLREGS.
5. MLC 2006 - contents, amendments and some cross questions on contents of some titles.
Why was the need for MLC when there were ILO conventions in place before?
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6. Hague, HV rules contents and differences.

7. Multimodal Transport Act - contents, MTO, MTC, MTD functions in details.
8. You as Mr. Sushant, want to transport a cargo of some pens from Delhi to New York.
Explain the detailed procedure you will follow wrt Multimodal Transport Act.
9. Further to above, what will be the liability limitation if the cargo is damaged during road
transport. He went in depth on this.
10. Forepeak construction. He asked me the requirement for FPK construction. He went into a
lot of details with regard to this.
11. He asked me if I have ever been for an underwater hull inspection. I had been for it twice -
once as Chief Mate and once as 2nd Mate. He asked me who all generally are a part of the
underwater inspection?
12. Items to be inspected during the same. Asked me action as Master if any deficiency is
noted during the joint inspection with surveyor? Gave me 2-3 circumstances.
13. Some Chief Mate syllabus based questions on DD. Docking Trim req, critical period and
moment and why critical?
With small introduction started with previous attempts remark
Registration of ship as per msa some cross questions for ship out of India n all..

PI n FI..

York Antewerp rule

Hv rules
MTO and mtd
LRRS from previous remark
Polar certificate from previous remark
CLC and limits
Started with previous remarks
SMS audit
Difference between audit and inspection
Types of b/l

Stale b/l

Who drafts the B/l

Why B/l is required by which rule asked by capt Mudli in between
Condition of class
If lifeboat is damaged can u take condition of class. This also asked by capt Mudli in between
Registration of ship
Two red light in line and one white light below two red lights identity the vessel
Trawler making way crossing from Stbd to port which all lights u will see and action.
Started with previous remarks
Damage control plan in detail
How many watertight bulkhead in a ship.. I gave him funda regarding floodable length. Was
not happy.

Classes of ship wrt freeboard.


Mlc amendment detail with financial security .

Lof and scopic
FFA in engine room( last attempt remark)
Bulk carrier notation( last attempt remark)
Ship aground near coast of India action as master..then pi and detail
Very basic ror crossing situation ..further action as per rule 17
Trawler lights while underway at anchor.
ROR contents
Horizontal and vertical sector of lights
Trawler lights


Normal ror (crossing situation)

vertical spacing of light
Stiff and tender ship
Dry-dock hull survey and Further questions. Regarding frames
Panting and pounding
MLC latest amendments.
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- Introduction
- Difference between pv valve and pv breaker
- Watertight bulkhead requirements
- Sheer strake, stealer plate, wash plate, stringer plate

- strengthening of bow against pounding


- What is high velocity vent valve

- IAMSAR in detail
- Types of search pattern
- Lights for trawler
- rule no. 8
- Requirement for double hull tanker, strengthening of double hull tanker
- cross flooding arrangement
Introduction, Types of ships done.
1. ROR? How many rules? Sections and Annexes?
2. 2/off calls you RV one ship 8 miles stbd bow roc exist. How can 2off call u? He wanted to
hear about BNWAS.


3. BNWAS in detail.
4. LRIT in detail.
5. Flag state inspection and port state inspection.
6. Registration of ship. Who can register .
7. PI FI.
8. Bill of lading ? Types of bill of lading.
9. Independent tanks of gas carrier? Details
Usual set
Contents of Colreg
Placement of lights
Practical cut offs


Detailed inspection
Clear grounds (he counted)
CLC/ Fund and some cross questions
ISM code- Documents
ISPS code - Certificates & docs
• How many rules in ror?
• How is it divided?
• How many annexes and name them?
• Explain the practical horizontal cut off for lights?
• How much above the deck is the forward mast light placed?
• Situation of a vessel on port bow/ trawling vessel underway what lights, if at anchor then what
lights will it display / your action (I said I ll ascertain if ROC exists) / he said ROC exists now
action / as per what rule?
• Situation RV vsl on stbd bow, you have acquired it on radar, ROC exists, your action, as per

what rule and who is responsible?


• What is the difference between flag state inspection and port state inspection?
• Which ship I have worked on? (I answered VLCCs). Which is the mandatory certificate that is
required to be carried for tankers which defines cargo to be carried?
• What is open moor, how will u proceed for open moor
• What is running moor, how will u proceed for running moor.
• Berthing situation with a model ship/ current from astern / now you don’t have space for
using anchor how will you turn / casting off with stern astern.
• What is LRIT? How is the data transmitted and where is it stored? How can a flag state
obtain information about a vessel?
• Suppose EPIRB is activated, how will the information proceed?
• What is fund convention? Who pays for the fund?
• How many types of bill of lading? What is seaway bill?
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1. General introduction / Compnay / Pre Sea / ASM college / ASM written Result and Modular
Courses .
2. Contents of ROR
3. ROR parts / Section 1/2/3 off Part B – Steering and sailing Rules?
4. Trawler at Anchor Lights ?
5. Trawler Trawler on Port Bow , Action ? // AS per rule 18 A/co-Port


6. Annex 1 details about Masthead Lights / side lights ?

7. Sector Cut off for Side light and Explain, what it is ? ( Explained Below )
8. Documentry Credit Sysytem / What document bank will issue and what does it mean ? Whu
issues what ? and to whom it is issued ?
9. B/L , Types / Who issues and who signs it?
10. PI and FI ?
11. Statuatory Certificates ? Name few and as per What ?
12. Fund convention ? why it is required ?Who all are contributers to it ?
13. What is solas chapter 11 ? What certificate issued under it ? Who prepare SSP and how ?
1. Started with general introduction
2. RV situation.2nd mates calls u that he was tracking a target 4 miles off ..3 points on stbd
bow & ROC existed.when suddenly Radar became inoperational.You cannot hear any
3. Fishing boat on port bow.tell the lights it will show and action if ROC exists.
4. Two PD vessels on almost parallel courses and bearing constant while Range
decreasing.Tell ur action if ur alternately on each vessel.
5.cutoff requirements for side light sector in ahead and on the sides .


6.tell all parts,sections,annexes of ROR.which is rule 38.

For ROR questions he uses model of ships.Will not show cards instead ask u to just tell the
lights which a vessel is showing.Does corrects you if ur taking a wrong action.
7.what is CLC.describe and tell liability the whole system of financial security
8.what is P&I they get money.(P&I call)
9. MLC ammendments.
10.ISM auditor gives u a NC.Action by you as master.
11.What is a B/L.types of B/L.what do u understand by Stale B/L.
12.why India part of Fund convention what is the advantage.
13.Procedure for registry of Indian Ships.
➢ ROR parts and sections
➢ Day light fishing trawler on port bow action
➢ RV -PD vsl slightly ahead of stbd beam action
➢ Lights trawler and fishing vsl
➢ Lights NUC
➢ Ror annex in detail
➢ Mastheadlight position details
➢ Side lights practical cut off limits
➢ Damage control plan
➢ Pi and fi


➢ Registration of ship ms act

➢ Clc ms act
➢ Fund ms act
➢ Llmc ms act
➢ Who issues above 3 certificats and wht owner has to do to get these certificates
➢ Mlc titles in details
➢ Mlc ammendments
➢ DMLC LART 1 in full depth
➢ DMLC PART 2 in full depth
➢ How owner will insure complicance with the new mlc finincial security for abandoned
seafarers. He wants in detail
➢ LRIT, LRIT limitations
➢ Diff huage visby rules and hamburg rules
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1) Started will how the ship is build and who looks after the proper ship building
Ans: Class

2) How ull find if there is dent on Hull so how u'll get it's location.
Ans: shell expansion plan

3) What is PSC what are criteria for becoming a PSCO. can a PSCO be a flag state officer?


4)LRIT what and where do the information go and how does it work.

5) when PSCO will go in detail inspections needed 10 points atleast. Couldn't give all

6) RV situation first situation gave proper action. Next situation I fucked it up.
Then literally orals was stopped.

7 ) Hague visby and Hamburg rule. Gave the answer. Den came googly what does Tackle to
Tackle mean please elaborate.

8) Ammendment to MLC didn't answer this.

1. How many rules in ROR? Parts l, section & annexes ?
2. Which all rules apply at all times?
3. Day light, clear visibility, you are on starboard quarter of a vessel, action?
4. Cleat grounds for a detailed inspection
5. Running moor
6. CLC in detail?
7. What happens if pollution occurs on the coast of non member state ?
8. LLMC in detail

9. Is India party to fund ?


10. Is India party to supplementary fund ?

11. Why it is not ?
12. MLC titles - could not recall
13. how does the money goes around in case of multi modal transport
14. Anchoring in deep waters
15. PI & FI
16. Difference
17. When
18. FI in details
19. Ship registration in detail
20. Few other discussion on very general day to day topics, unable to recall.
Started with ROR.
1.How is ROR divided and how many rules. What is rule no 38?
2. At night 2nd mate calls you on the bridge. When you reach bridge 2nd mate briefs you that
it’s RV situation. One vessel was detected on radar at 2 points on stbd bow. ROC existed.
When the vessel was at 4 miles off the radar went off. Action as master ?
3. When you reduced your speed after that continuous shouting on VHF “ vessel on my port
bow we are on collision course please do something “. Now what action as master?
4.Lights for vessel engaged in towing length more than 50 mtrs and tow exceeds 200 mtrs.
Now this vessel is on collision course from your port bow 2 points. Justify your action with

ROR rule nos.


5. ISM in detail. Why it came to existence.

6. Certificates and documents under ISM.
7. What is LRIT. How it functions and how data exchange takes place.
8. What is NDC (national data centre and where is it located in India)?
9. CLC, FUND and supplementary funds.
10. MLC why was it required and what are the main features of MLC. When did India ratify
11. Amendments to MLC?
12. Latest MARPOL amendments?
13. What is PSC. Why was it required?
14. Your vessel has a dispensation from flag regarding GMDSS equipment, can psc detain
you vessel
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15. What is multimodal transport? Which rules govern the compensation?

16. Damage stability information on ships?
1. Started with ror as I had got poor remarks for rod in my last attempt.. Ror
How many rules , sections, annexes, what's rule 41,what's rule 2 ? In what scenario will you
use rule 2 ?
2. Ror situations in normal visibility n restricted visibility ...lot of Cross questions ..
3.what is harmonisation of surveys ?
4.what does condition of class mean? If the condition of class is expiring ..vl the relevant
certificate be valid ?


5.what are statutory certificate? List some statutory certificates

6.what are the rest hours as per mlc n stcw ? Are both the same ? many gmdss areas ? Define all gmss areas ?
8.if any vessel r coming in India , which gmdss sea area they have to comply with ? do u prepare vessel for piracy prone area ? per unclos, what is right of innocent passage ? Explain with example?
11. How many annexes in marpol ? Explain annex 6 requirements in detail ?
12. How to register a Indian vessel ?
13. What are Hague n Hague visby rules ? Differentiate n what r the liability figures ?
14. Explain LRIT ?
Started with previous attempt failure topics since last attempt was also with cpt Vaaz so he
knew what remark he has written on my file.
1. MLC he drilled me on mlc since last attempt also he screwed me on this topic finally when
there was nothing i can explain on mlc he asked me India has agreed on which social security
2. ISPS HRA Where it is documented.
3. Dual registration of ships as per MS Act
On this he screwed me a lot. Since during orals this was under process of some ship

registering with central and state gov. 4. Cic code what is substantial damage.

5. Clc and fund

6. Wing in ground definations.
7. Lights diplayed by WIG
8. Rule no 19 :
9. Action as per rule no 19 for vsl fwd of beam then discussion on taking all way of. Reducing
engine speed.
10. ISM in 3 lines hw will u explain. Where he screwed me cause while explaining ism
objective i said protecting environment. On which his question was what environment.
Basically word marine i skipped. So again time for him to play with me.
11. NOX SOX limits and how governments going to implement it. How ship owners will go
about this?
Appropriation in GA according to York Antwerp rules?
Marine casualty code which year and cases where' substantially interested state can


Indian custom act which year?

Which is only avt where person in charge is given (custom act)
Salvage convention which year?
Why is scopic preferred by salvours over art 14?
Csr and what happens to it when flag is new flag reflected?
-Code for gas tanker
-when igc came in force.
Why 1-july-86 ??
What all codes came in force on 1st July ???
As per Capt Vaz something is special about this date.

- When did cic came in force ??


- what is all about ???

- Singapore registered ship, in Japan now had casualty , master Indian ??
- can India do Cic.
-cic as per msa act.
-What is SEC ??
- when mlc came in force in India ???
Checks as per master for mlc ??
-Why so late what was reason ???
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-2nd mate call u just 1 min before collision , Action and accountability as Master
-When did Isps came in force ??
- Have u ever opened Isps code ??
- Is ISPS code applicable to Modu ???
- Many modu on Indian coast are not complying with ISPS code ?? Why ?? How can they ??
- Action on Psc detention ??
Many other questions which I don't remember??
No straight forward questions he will twist and turn it ...
Key for passing was reference to solas regulation numbers and Imo resolution numbers .
1.Which company and my background etc.
2. Which questions I did not get last time . I told JB Singh pet question 2 stoways found on
second day action. He listened to the answer.
3. What is stoaway code
4. Latest ammendments to the same.

5 def of piracy ,armed robbery .


6. Is PSC inspector allowed to see in the ship security plan the access locations
7 what about flag...are they allowed to see.
I answered no to PSC but yes to flag. Then he asked what if I send a naval architect from
here....toh usko bhi allow Kar doge if he is coming via class.
8. Imo crew list is required as per what convention.
9. If the SSAS is giving irratic reading what should be done.
10. What is the genesis of articles of agreement.
11. Diff between indian and foreign AOA.
1) What is sua convention? And in force date?
2) Name areas which are piracy prone
3) What is SEA? (Related to my past remarks of CBA) seafarers employment agreement
4) What is difference between title and elements? I did have any idea.
5) MLC titles
6) In detail on Dmlc part 1& 2
7) if company is ready with Dmlc part 2 at the time of interim audit only can we directly apply
for full mlc? Yes, some flags allow it, but mlc guidelines say 3 months window period is
8) Have u read ms act?
9) Ok then tell me part 5 and 8? I could not answer n told him I've just read the important reg.

Which are applicable to me. He liked my honesty

10) one example each on major NC for ism, isps and mlc

Ism- critical equipment non functional

Isps- SSP is not a restricted doc
Mlc- continuous NC on rest hours
10a) was going to ask me question on pilot Transfer arrangements and his phone rang
11) sewage treatment plant what is its certificate called. Ans is not cert of conformance, he got
annoyed when I said this, he wants to here type approved by admin
12) sewage treatment plant what are the requirements of the plant ( not it's discharge criteria)
no idea
13) if a renewal ism audit is going on, major NC is found how would u proceed in order to have
the ship sailing again, answer is 'downgrade the Major NC'
14) with respect to isps is the same major NC is found can it be downgraded. No
15) why? Why allowance given for safety n not for security?
No idea go out , find out n come back in 15mins. I asked on ASM group and managed to find
an answer which didn't really answer it exactly but was enough to answer something.
Small intro about me
1. What is the regulation for compliance of pilot ladder- solas ch V/ 23 talks about pilot ladder

2.What certificate pilot ladder required - certificate of compliance issued by appropriate


3.What are those authorities- approved by the administration or any such organization which is
complying the pilot ladder regulation
4. Actual incident on some ship,
Pilot fell off the ladder during boarding, reason pilot ladder parted from one side. Coastal
authority took the ladder and claimed 65 crores after investigating. Question As a master will
you land the ladder or object the landing - I said as a master I will land the ladder since it has
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caused the incident of pilot falling and coastal have more authority in their state but it will in
writing and take pictures of the broken ladder. Inform company and glad state about the
incident. Record all the events.
6. CIC code which year?? 2010
7. What is serious causality as per CIC - loss of Life, damage to ship & sever pollution.
8 Panama flag vessel, owner Japanese, British master Indian crew. Can Indian flag go and do
inspection- I said yes
9. Under which regulation Indian flag can intervene- don't know sir, go find out.
After finding CIC reg 8 Consultation.
10. When did Isps code come in force- year 2004.
Which convention got effected by Isps code- Don't know sir.
11. Life raft expire in the port action - life raft has 5 months extention
12. Who will grant extention- Adminstration
13. On what basis, what are the provision under which regulation where it is written- I don't
know sir
Find out
After finding Out-
Liferafts- written in solas 3 reg 20, state about 12 months inspection by responsible person
and vessel shall not be at port, if vessel at port and service is available no extention will be
granted due to any commercial reason or any such reasons.
14. ISPP survey - initial and renewal only, required no inspection only equipment of
compliance is enough, if any modification of equipment than required survey.
15. Definition of Area A1- Area under which provision of VHF DSC.
16. what us the range of Area A1- 30 miles correct answer is 20 to 50 miles.
17. In mumbai port which GMDSS area - A3 Why??? Indian coast doesn't have and provision
of DSC alert. Are you sure - yes sir
18. Now it is Kochin - same sir no provision of DSC.
Son Kochin is a big port don't u think they have DSC- Yes sir no DSC facility.
19. During the discussion of his latest inspection question came about PH value what do u
know about PH value- 1 to 6 acid and 7 natural and above 7 base. good son
20. Some Chilean port you left port and green light on stand beam Action - it is a sailing
vessel. He said No it is buoy- green light on Stbd side in Chili that means I am out of the
channel, as per IALA buoyage chili is Region B so green must be on Port, Immediate action
alter course to stbd side into the channel. Check position and ascertain that vessel is safe.
20. pilot is saying it no green light is some transit light - MY answer is sir you just said it is a
buoy. So he is laughing he said your action is right but listen to my question 1st.
MS act ( some parts and general contents , 5, 7,8 )
Solas Ch 3 ( general discussion)

Solas ch 5 ( general discussion, )


Pilot ladder arrangement complete description ( prepared same as this was asked by him 2-3
days before)
York Antwerp rules it's amendment (made some mistake)
Indian ocean mou
Which charterer is better as per Hague Visby rules for ship owner.
1) What are MS rules? - MS rules are enacted by virtue of Ms act. Gave him my understanding
that Ms act is like convention and ms rules are like code ( My opinion only). Told more about it.
2) Any 3 MS rules - Said randomly about accomodation, Wreck and Salvage and Medical Chest
and he acknowledged.
3) What does MS act say about Salvage - I said honestly sir I am not aware but I have studied
that crew and Master can't claim for it as it is their duty. He said Son your honesty is superlative


and I appreciate that you have studied Ms act thoroughly.

4) What is Flag state inspection and Port state inspection - He said he doesn't want bookish
answer. Asked me to explain in my own words. I said Flag state is like Father and Port state is
like police. He looked surprised. Asked me to justify my statement which I did it with confidence.
5) Asked me to Name all Statutory Certificates - I said around 30-40 certificates and he Grilled
me properly for 15 minutes but he didn't looked satisfied.
6) What will PSC inspector check for Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention, CLC convention and
Bunker CLC? - I said Insurance Certificate , He said anything else? - I said honestly sir, I don't
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7) What information about Racon is mentioned in ALRS ? - I said Morse Code, Light, Position .
He asked anything more? I said honestly sir I don't know about it. He replied Frequency is also
mentioned that at which interval will this Racon transmit.
8) Dry Docking - This discussion was so extensive almost for 30 minutes where it completely
drained me out and then he asked how will you prepare crude tanker for dry Docking ? What will
be minimum GM? - I said loss which will happen + Safety Margin, he asked how much Safety
Margin? I said 0.15 he said answer.






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