Assignment in GEC3

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Assignment in GEC3

1. What is your understanding of the term Globalization?

-Globalization is the process by which ideas,knowledge,information,and goods and

services spread around the world. In business the used in an economic context to describe
integrated economics marked by free-trade,the free flow of the capital among countries
and easy access to foreign resources,including labor markets,to maximizes returns and
benefits for the common goods.
Globalization,or globalisation as it is known in some parts of the world,is driven by the
convergence of cultural and economics system.This convergence promotes and in some
cases necessitates increased interaction,integration and interdependence among nations.
The more countries and regions of the world become intertwined politically,culturally
and economically,the more globalized the world becomes.

2. Explain why globalization is a multi-faceted phenomenon?

-In globalized economy,countries specialize in the product and services they have a
competitive advantage in.This generally means what they can produce and provide most
efficiently,with the least amount of resources,at a lower cost than competing nations.If all
countries specializing in what they do best,production should be more efficient
worldwide,prices should be lower ,economic growth widespread and all countries should
benefits in theory.
Policies that promotes free trade,open borders and international cooperation all drive
economic globalization.They enable businesses to access lower priced raw materials and
parts take advantage of lower cost labor markets and access larger and growing markets
around the world in which to sell their goods and services.
Money,product ,materials information and people flow more swiftly across national
boundaries today than ever.Advances in technology have enabled and accelerated this
flow and resulting international interactions dependencies.These technological advances
have been especially pronounced in transportation and telecommunication.
Internet and internet communication.The internet has increased. The sharing and flow of
information and knowledge,access to ideas and exchange of culture among people of
different countries.It has contributed to closing the digital divide between more and less
advanced countries.Communication technology.The introduction of 4G and 5G
technologies has dramatically increased the speed and responsiveness of mobile and
wireless networks.

3. Is globalization a new phenomenon?

-Globalization is a complex phenomenon.It is the interactive co-evolution of millions of

technological,cultural,economic,social and environmental trends at all conceivable
spatiotemporal scales.Although economic in its structure,globalization is equally political
phenomenon,shaped by negotiations and interaction between institutions of transnational
capital,nations-states and international corporations but it also needs the firm hand of
states to create enabling environments for its to take root.
Globalization has emerged as a new paradigm for describing the way in which the human
family can relate to each other.Globalization is the increased interconnectedness of all
people of the face of the earth.We can now more easily,rapidly and cheaply move and
thus share ourselves,our consumer goods our material and human capital and the values
that comprise our respective cultures.Our ever increasing ability to share our god-given
and complementary gifts with one another holds with it the possibilities of enlarging the
scope of our communion and solidarity.
The technological revolution and social dimensions of modernity have made this
increased interconnectedness possible.Advancement in technology have made quick and
radical improvements in communication and transportation capabilities.The social
dimension of modernity contributes the assertion that because all men and women are
equally valuable.they should be free from unfulfilling constraints Imposed by the other
persons or the state.These technological capacities and freedom to develop and use them
promise to enhance the potential for integral human development by promoting authentic
development in at least the areas of economics,politics and culture.
4. Is globalization good or bad why?

-Globalization has accelerated significantly over the last half century due to advances in
technology such as internet,email and container ships,which have made it easier to move
around the globe.Globalization is a political phenomenon,shaped by negotiations and
interactions between institution of transnational capital,nation-states and international
institution.It is driven by institutions of global capitalism and requires the firm hand of
states to create enabling environment for it to take root.In highly developed countries
like US,Japan,UK and Germany,globalization is manifested in the form of ford motors
and cars,Sony technology,House of Harrods and Mercedes Benz and BMW.Developing
countries such as Philippines,Malaysia,and Thailand have respective prominent and
quality product that make them globally competitive and seen.Globalization has brought
about immense changes in the lives of people nowadays,with the pervasive and potent
powers of technology embedded in the growth and impact of the English language.
Cultures,traditions,beliefs,religions and language find their way into the current stream of
the World Wide Web or the internet and language and society always go hand in hand.
Social media can be powerful tool for learning the other cultures,appreciating
language,communicating with many people utilizing e-mails,engaging in
teleconferencing,indulging in chatting and uploading information via videos.

5. List at least 10 things in your home.Determine its place of origin and explain the
reason why you choose to buy and use those items/products in your house.

1. Refrigerator- the fundamental reason for having a refrigerator is to keep food cold.
Cold temperature help food stay fresh longer. The basic idea behind refrigeration is to
slow down the activity of bacteria so that it takes longer for the bacteria to spoil the food.
2. Electric fans- electric fans are important for enhancing the airflow of a room. Though
it does not lower the actual temperature of the room, it circulates the air present which
creates a motion and we feel comfortable.
3. Television- we depend the on TV for entertainment, news, education, culture,
weather, sports, and even music, since the event of music videos. TV available we now
have access to plethora of both food quality and inappropriate TV content.
4. Internet- has ability to access other devices connected to your network, for example
multiple computers can use one printer without a directly wired connection. Access to the
internet on devices like smartphones and tablets to download books, music, movies, and
apps, or surf the web.
5. Mobile phones- they help us in making us in making our lives easy and convenient.
The mobile phone help us communicate with our love ones and carry out work
efficiently.Furthermore, they also do work of the computer, calculator, and cameras.
6. Heater- the biggest benefit you could have from a properly heated home is the
maximized comfort for your family. A large number of people relies on their heating
systems to cope with all types of weather and live in a comfortable temperature in their
7. Light- one key aspect of housing quality is lighting.Light is important for visual
performance and safety, and also plays a vital role in regulating human physiological
8. Washing machine- a washer could save you a lot time over doing your laundry by
hand. Simply load your clothes into the washer and start the laundry cycle and walkover.
You’ll be able to finish another task, so go to your washer and spring out garments to
hang on a hanger.
9. Oven- oven are used as kitchen appliances for roasting and heating. Foods normally
cooked in this manner include meat, casseroles and baked goods such as bread, cake, and
other dessert. In modern times, the oven is used to cook and heat food in many
households around the globe.
10.Electric stove- an electric stove helps your kitchen cool, which also makes for a more
inviting place. With an electric cook-top, the clean-up is simpler and easier thanks to its
smooth and you can get your kitchen sparkling in no time.



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