Data Communication Network and Internet Worksheet

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Catherine High
Grade 8 Information Technology May 2018
TOPIC: Data Communication, Networking and the Internet
*****Research the information that are necessary for the completion of this worksheet.*****

Names of group members: (GROUPS 5/6)
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

1. Match the following terms with the suitable definitions. Write your response on the area
provided. (7 mks)

ISP (Internet Service Provider)_______ A. a global address used to locate resources on the
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) _______ B. rules and conventions for communication between
network devices.
IP Address _______ C. a term used to differentiate between multiple private
computer networks within the same infrastructure.
Network domain _______ D. the speed with which data can be transmitted from
one device to another.
Transfer Rate __________ E. the delay before a transfer of data begins following
an instruction for its transfer.
Latency __________ F. a company that provides individuals and other
companies access to the Internet.
Computer Network Protocol _______ G. unique address that computing devices such as
personal computers, tablets, and smartphones use to
identify itself and communicate with other devices
in the IP network.

Types of Signals
Complete the table below by writing the definition and drawing for each signal in the space
provided. (6 mks)

1. Digital (Discrete) 2. Analogue (Continuous)

(4 mks)

Drawing of
the signal
(2 mks)

Transmission Modes

The lines that transmit data can also be classified according to the direction in which data flows
through them.

Use the following words to fill in the blank spaces and give an example of each transmission
mode. (6 mks)

a. A _____________________ line permits data to flow in only one direction. You can send
data or receive data but not both.
EXAMPLE: ___________________________

b. A _________________________ line can alternately send and receive data. This means that
at only particular time you can either send data but not receive it or receive data but not it.
EXAMPLE: ______________________________

c. A ________________________ line can simultaneously send and receive data. EXAMPLE:


Communication Channels/Transmission Media

The means through which data is transformed from one place to another is called transmission or
communication media. There are two types of transmission media, Wired and Wireless. Wired media are
the physical links through which signals are limited to narrow path. Wireless media refers to a form of
unguided media that does not require the establishment of physical links between two or more devices.
State whether the following transmission media are WIRED OR WIRELESS and include the latest Data
Transfer Rate for each. An example has been done for you. (14 mks)
Transmission Media Data Transfer Rate
a. Infrared ____WIRELESS__ 1 Mbps to 4 Mbps
b. Twisted Pair _____________________ ___________________________
c. Coaxial Cable ____________________ ___________________________
d. Broadcast Radio __________________ ___________________________
e. Cellular Radio __________________ ___________________________
f. Fibre Optic Cable ________________ ___________________________
g. Microwave _________________ ___________________________
h. Communication Satellite ________________ ___________________________

Bandwidth determines the volume of data that can be transmitted in a given time. The wider the
bandwidth the more data it can transmit.
The following are three (3) classes of channels – Broadband, Voice band and Narrow band.
Use the classes of channels to fill in the blank spaces. (3 mks)
a. A ____________________ channel can transmit data at the rate of 1000 to 8000 characters per
second (cps). E.g. telephone line
b. A ____________________ channel is almost obsolete. E.g. telegraph system. It can transmit data
at slow speeds of between 10 to 30 cps.
c. A ___________________ channel can transmit large volume of data at speeds of over 100 000
cps. Coaxial cables, fibre optic cables, microwave links and communication satellites are
commonly used to provide this channel.

Data Communication Protocol

Protocols are formal descriptions of digital message formats and rules. They are required to
exchange messages in or between computing systems and are required in telecommunications.

1. HTTP-Hypertext Transfer Protocol- used by the World Wide Web and this protocol defines
how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers
should take in response to various commands. It is used to transfer webpages across the

2. HTTPS-Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure – an extension of HTTP for secure

communication over a computer network (Data sent between browsers) and the website.
3. TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol – which is a set of networking
protocols that allows two or more computer to communicate. Use to interconnect network
devices on the internet.
4. FTP-File Transfer Protocol- is a standard internet protocol for transmitting files between
computers on the internet over TCP/IP connections. This is the sharing of files over the net.

5. POP3-Post Office Protocol- standard protocol for receiving email, which are then held for
you by your internet server, which can be transferred to your local computer to be read offline
and this uses one application.

6. SMTP-Simple Mail Transfer Protocol- This protocol is used for sending emails.

7. ICMP-Internet Control Message Protocol-used by network devices including routers to send

error messages to the source IP address when network problems prevent delivery of IP

8. IMAP-Internet Message Access Protocol- most protocol used for accessing emails on remote
web server from a local client. Use on multiple devices simultaneously.

9. TLS-Transport Layer Security-using encryption to protect the transfer of data and

information. Used in secure web browser where the padlock icon that appears in web
browsers when a secure session is established.

Examine the scenario and determine the most appropriate data communication protocol based on the
definition given above. (4 mks)
a. Surfing from one webpage to another ________________
b. Downloading an attachment ________________
c. Error message that says a requested service is not available ________________
d. Accessing emails ________________

Total 40 marks

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