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STAT2, 2nd Edition, Ann Cannon

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Table of Contents
Chapter 0 What Is a Statistical Model?
0.1 Model Basics
0.2 A Four-Step Process
Unit A: Linear Regression
Chapter 1 Simple Linear Regression
1.1 The Simple Linear Regression Model
1.2 Conditions for a Simple Linear Model
1.3 Assessing Conditions
1.4 Transformations/Reexpressions
1.5 Outliers and Influential Points
Chapter 2 Inference for Simple Linear Regression
2.1 Inference for Regression Slope
2.2 Partitioning Variability—ANOVA
2.3 Regression and Correlation
2.4 Intervals for Predictions
2.5 Case Study: Butterfly Wings
Chapter 3 Multiple Regression
3.1 Multiple Linear Regression Model
3.2 Assessing a Multiple Regression Model
3.3 Comparing Two Regression Lines
3.4 New Predictors from Old
3.5 Correlated Predictors
3.6 Testing Subsets of Predictors
3.7 Case Study: Predicting in Retail Clothing
Chapter 4 Additional Topics in Regression
4.1 Topic: Added Variable Plots
4.2 Topic: Techniques for Choosing Predictors
4.3 Cross-validation
4.4 Topic: Identifying Unusual Points in Regression
4.5 Topic: Coding Categorical Predictors
4.6 Topic: Randomization Test for a Relationship
4.7 Topic: Bootstrap for Regression
Unit B: Analysis of Variance
Chapter 5 One-way ANOVA and Randomized Experiments
5.1 Overview of ANOVA
5.2 The One-way Randomized Experiment and Its Observational Sibling
5.3 Fitting the Model
5.4 Formal Inference: Assessing and Using the Model
5.5 How Big Is the Effect?: Confidence Intervals and Effect Sizes
5.6 Using Plots to Help Choose a Scale for the Response
5.7 Multiple Comparisons and Fisher’s Least Significant Difference
5.8 Case Study: Words with Friends
Chapter 6 Blocking and Two-way ANOVA
6.1 Choose: RCB Design and Its Observational Relatives
6.2 Exploring Data from Block Designs
6.3 Fitting the Model for a Block Design
6.4 Assessing the Model for a Block Design
6.5 Using the Model for a Block Design
Chapter 7 ANOVA with Interaction and Factorial Designs
7.1 Interaction
7.2 Design: The Two-way Factorial Experiment
7.3 Exploring Two-way Data
7.4 Fitting a Two-way Balanced ANOVA Model
7.5 Assessing Fit: Do We Need a Transformation?
7.6 USING a Two-way ANOVA Model
Chapter 8 Additional Topics in Analysis of Variance
8.1 Topic: Levene’s Test for Homogeneity of Variances
8.2 Topic: Multiple Tests
8.3 Topic: Comparisons and Contrasts
8.4 Topic: Nonparametric Statistics
8.5 Topic: Randomization F-Test
8.6 Topic: Repeated Measures Designs and Data Sets
8.7 Topic: ANOVA and Regression with Indicators
8.8 Topic: Analysis of Covariance
Unit C: Logistic Regression
Chapter 9 Logistic Regression
9.1 Choosing a Logistic Regression Model
9.2 Logistic Regression and Odds Ratios
9.3 Assessing the Logistic Regression Model
9.4 Formal Inference: Tests and Intervals
Chapter 10 Multiple Logistic Regression
10.1 Overview
10.2 Choosing, Fitting, and Interpreting Models
10.3 Checking Conditions
10.4 Formal Inference: Tests and Intervals
10.5 Case study: Attractiveness and Fidelity
Chapter 11 Additional Topics in Logistic Regression
11.1 Topic: Fitting the Logistic Regression Model
11.2 Topic: Assessing Logistic Regression Models
11.3 Randomization Tests for Logistic Regression
11.4 Analyzing Two-Way Tables with Logistic Regression
11.5 Simpson’s Paradox
Chapter 12 Time Series Analysis
12.1 Functions of Time
12.2 Measuring Dependence on Past Values: Autocorrelation
12.3 ARIMA models
12.4 Case Study: Residual Oil
Answers to Selected Exercises
General Index
Dataset Index

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