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Name of the Patient Mr. Ramon Del Poso Age: 64 years old Sex:Male Name of Student Angelica Mae E. Ronquillo
Civil Status: _____________ Religion: _____ Rm/Bed No. _Area: Station 2 Level/ Block: BSN Level 3 Block A
Address : ___________________________ Date Submitted: May 18, 2023 Date of Admission:May 13, 2023
Diagnosis: DM TYPE 2 UNCONTROLLED, UGIB, ANEMIA Rating: ________________________

Drug Classification/ Indication/ Side Effects Adverse Nursing Consideratio

Name/Dosage/ Mechanism of Action Contraindication Reactions ns
y/ Drug Order
Generic name: PHARMACOTHER Indication: (Byetta): CNS: Headache, Before:
Omeprazole APEUTIC: Duodenal and gastric Frequent (44%): dizziness,  Check and
Benzimidazole ulcer. Nausea. fatigue. verify doctor’s
Brand name: Gastroesophageal Occasional (13%– GI: Diarrhea, order regarding
Empraz reflux disease 6%): Diarrhea, abdominal pain,
the medication.
CLINICAL: including severe vomiting, dizziness, nausea, mild
 Observe 10
Usual dosage/ Proton pump inhibitor erosive esophagitis anxiety, dyspepsia. transient
frequency: (4 to 8 wk Rare (less than increases in liver rights: Right
40 mg once daily THERAPEUTIC treatment). Long- 6%): Weakness. function tests. patient, drug,
given via infusion EFFECT: term treatment of Urogenital: He dose, time, and
over 20-30 Increases gastric pH, pathologic (Bydureon): maturia, route.
minutes until oral reduces gastric acid hypersecretory proteinuria.  Make a
administration is production. conditions such as 5% or greater: Skin: Rash.
possible. Zollinger-Ellison Nausea, diarrhea,
ACTION: syndrome, multiple headache, card with the
Usual route: Inhibits hydrogen- endocrine adenomas, constipation, complete
IV potassium adenosine and systemic vomiting, dyspepsia, doctor’s order,
triphosphatase mastocytosis. In injec-tion site name of the
Drug order: (H+/K+ ATP pump), combination with pruritus or nodule patient, bed
an enzyme on the clarithromycin to
Omeprazole 40 surface of
gastric treat duodenal ulcers number and
mg q12 parietal cells. associated room/ward.
with Helicobacter  Obtain and
pylori. record vital
TICS signs.
Contraindication:  Ask the
Absorption: Poorly Hypersensitivity to client’s full
absorbed from GI omeprazole, other name to verify
tract; 30–40% reaches proton pump his identity.
systemic circulation. inhibitors.
 Educate and
Onset: 0.5–3.5 h. Concomitant use
with products explain the
Peak: Peak inhibition
of gastric acid containing medication to
secretion: 5 d. rilpivirine. the client, how
Metabolism: Metabol it works, why
ized in liver. it is given to
Elimination: 80% him, and the
excreted in urine, 20% Caution use:
possible side
in feces. May increase risk of
fractures, effects.
Half-Life: 0.5–1.5 h.
INTERACTIONS: infections. Hepatic
Drug: rug: Concomit impairment, pts of
ant administration Asian descent. During:
of diazepam and  Position patient
omeprazole may appropriately
increase diazepam for medication
concentrations. administration.
Concomitant  Follow the
administration directions on
of phenytoin and the medicine
omeprazole may label. IV
increase phenytoin le Reconstitute
vels. Concomitant with 100 mL of
administration dextrose 5% or
of warfarin and NaCl 0.9% inj.
omeprazole may
increase warfarin lev After:
 Remind the
client to report
all adverse
reactions and
to notify
 Monitor the
patient’s vital
 Lab tests:
urinalysis for
hematuria and
Periodic liver
function tests
with prolonged
 Evaluate the
of the
 Wash your
hands properly
 Document the
time, location,
dose, and
given to the

Patient and Family


 Report any
changes in
such as pain or
associated with
urination, or
blood in urine.
 Report severe
diarrhea; drug
may need to be

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