About NGO

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14/06/2023 - Today's assignment -About NGO

Non-governmental organizations
Non-governmental organizations, or NGOs, were first called such in Article 71 in the
Charter of the newly formed United Nations in 1945. While NGOs have no fixed or formal
definition, they are generally defined as nonprofit entities independent of governmental
influence (although they may receive government funding).

NGO, typically is established to work toward public or social welfare goals. For instance,
an NGO could focus on human rights, voters' rights, healthcare, helping the poor, and
preventing cruelty to animals. NGOs can be funded by donations and grants.

Types Of NGOs
Charity. Charitable orientations refer to paternalistic endeavours with little involvement
from recipients. Service. Participation. Empowerment. Community-based organisations.
City-wide organisations. National NGOs. International NGOs.
The main purpose of this NGO
NGOs worldwide perform a wide range of services aimed towards human wellbeing and
social welfare. These organizations relentlessly work towards development and bringing a
positive change in the society.

What is the role of NGO in India

They engage in fundraising activities to raise money for carrying out the work they do.
Ever since independence, NGOs have played a crucial role in helping the needy in India,
providing aid to the distressed and elevating the socio-economic status of millions in the

The 5 pillars of an NGO

 organizational culture strategy talent operational excellence and  collaborationThe 4
principles of NGO
Committed to principled humanitarian action
INSO is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation operating on the humanitarian
principles of impartiality, neutrality, independence, and humanity.

The largest NGO

BRAC is an international development NGO based in Bangladesh. Because of how many
employees it has, it's the largest NGO in the world. It works in every district in Bangladesh
as well as in countries like Kenya, Liberia, Afghanistan, and Myanmar.

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