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Stock overview (HANA and non-hana)

User Guide how to prepare incident for fast processing
This program is used to prepare a list of stock on hand at the beginning and end of each period. Unlike
the generic stock programs, it shows the value of the stock as well as its quantity. The main destination
is to get data for checking financial accounts
There are 2 reports:
Old version New version ( for HANA )
Release • SAP ERP 6.0 and higher • SAP enhancement package for
• SAP_APPL 600 and higher SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
• SAP_FIN 617 and higher
• S4Core 100 and higher
872474fbed03a40a3262ccb/6.18.09/e 435bb383396ab34279b2/1809.002/en-
n- US/131082531b486857e10000000a44538
US/b8e9492a89b3450980362b5f5e3a d.html

2019739 - FIN_LOC_CI_42: VAT solution,

Cash Flow, Stock Overview on HANA
947515 - J_3RMOBVED behavior and
2860332 - J_3RMOBVEDH Stock
Overview (New). Limitations
Business function NO FIN_LOC_CI_42
Connection to SAP NO YES
HANA Studio
STEP 3.7
SQL script NO YES
execution required
STEP 3.8

The report in transaction J3RFLVMOBVED/H is not for submission to the regulatory authorities. It was
developed for usage in internal reporting. So the incidents with the issues in this report can’t have Very High
2821220 - RU-FI/LO: correctness of priority in J3RFLVMOBVEDH and J3RFLVMOBVED incidents
The only way to unsure that tr. J3RFLVMOBVED or tr. J3RFLVMOBVEDH reflect correct data is to compare
the result of tr. MB5B
2657134 - RU-FI/LO: Output of J3RFLVMOBVEDH doesn't match with output of J3RFLVMOBVED
What are the main columns in this report? Only 4 columns:
Compare with tr.MB5B

Stock/Value on period start and Stock/Value on period End must be the same and with positive sign. So
in the picture above we can see the error. Other columns are not so important and can have different values.
Only tr.MB5B can be used for comparison!
KBA 2557041 - SAP RU-FI: Different result of tr.MB5B and tr. J3RFLVMOBVED


All notes for tr. J3RFLVMOBVED or tr. J3RFLVMOBVEDH must be implemented.
Why? Read KBA 2757209 SAP RU / UA / KZ localization: How to ensure that all notes were implemented?

Search criteria for notes:



There is no customizing.

The logic of this report was described in KBA 2671026 RU-FI/LO: Dump in J3RFLVMOBVEDH. SQL error:


1. In tr. J3RFLVMOBVED/H there are 4 recommended fields in selection screen: Company code,
Posting date, plant and material. It’s recommended to use 1 material for investigation.
2. Run tr. MB5B with the same parameters. If the results is the same – there is no issue.
3. If the results are different, the date of difference appearance should be found. Follow the description
in KBA 2611575 RU-FI/LO: What should be done for tr. J3RFLVMOBVEDH before incident
4. When the date of issue is found. It’s necessary to ensure that this isn’t issue in tr.MB5B. So it’s
recommended to use tr.MMBE and tr.SE11 -> MBEW with the same selection criteria
The same example:
Here it’s obvious that tr.MB5B has the same result as in table MBEW -> the issue is in tr.
5. Incidents with tr. J3RFLVMOBVED can be forwarded to development, If the issue is in tr.
J3RFLVMOBVEDH additional steps are required.
6. Find name of Main Schema or Owner as it’s described in KBA 2518221 RU-FI/LO: How to find a
name of main schema for HANA DB
7. Provide access to SAP HANA Studio which contains the same Main scheme.
According to the previous experience, providing HANA access with the takes much time on the
customer side that resulted in delay with question analysis by Product Support. As without access
and relevant privileges the incident can not be analyzed. So then faster this requirement will be
fulfilled the faster solution can be found.

Please open connection to HANA DB as to analyze the issue with the J_3rmobvedh further on, Local
Development needs a direct access to the SAP HANA Server.
Please ask your basis team to read the note 1592925 – ‘SAP HANA Studio service connection’ - it contains
instruction how SAP HANA database connection can be established.
Also the following authorization will be needed for the user you will provide for SAP:
- rights to create/change temporary tables
- rights to execute storable procedures ( in main scheme)
- rights to display the main scheme

Before sending the incident back, please check if the user provided has sufficient authorizations to work with
You can use the note 2533814 as guideline if you feel you can manage this problem yourself.

If you will need assistance in regard of authorization granting, please raise a separate incident on the
component HAN-DB-SEC asking that team to assist you to establish proper HANA DB connection and grant
the user with all necessary rights. It is highly recommended to create a separate incident for getting access
and privileges help.

Also, please keep the general R/3 connection open.

8. When the access to both systems established, login to SAP HANA STUDIO and follow this KBA
2533814 - RU-FI/LO: How to get the solution for tr. J3RFLVMOBVEDH faster
9. Fix all the results in the incidents with this template:
Issue Description: Text of description

Details for SQL statement checking

Main schema: name of schema
Material number: 123456789
Plant: 1234
Date of difference appearance: 01.02.2019

Access to R/3
System: SSS
Mandate: 001
Server: server_name_example
Saved variant: variant name in tr.J3RFLVMOBVEDH and variant name in tr.MB5B
Main schema: main_schema_name

Access to SAP HANA Database (only for tr. J3RFLVMOBVEDH )

System connection: WTS or direct connection to the system with SAP HANA Database
Privileges status: We confirm that all privileges were granted and checked.

10. Sent to Product Support

2821220 RU-FI/LO: correctness of priority in J3RFLVMOBVEDH and J3RFLVMOBVED incidents
2757209 SAP RU / UA / KZ localization: How to ensure that all notes were implemented? - this KBA
explain why all notes must be implemented
2734782 SAP RU-LO: Message No. J_3RMOBVEDH102 in tr. J3RFLVMOBVED – Issue fix
2733121 SAP RU-LO: wrong WBS value in tr. J3RFLVMOBVED – Issue fix
2671026 RU-FI/LO: Dump in J3RFLVMOBVEDH. SQL error: “2.048.” – description of the logic
2667723 RU-FI/LO: J3RFLVMOBVEDH Syntax error with parameter 'I_OBJECT' – Issue fix
2659170 RU-FI/LO: Output of J_3RMOBVEDH doesn't have sales order and item for E stock – Issue fix
2657134 RU-FI/LO: Output of J3RFLVMOBVEDH doesn't match with output of J3RFLVMOBVED –
description of the logic
2611575 RU-FI/LO: What should be done for tr. J3RFLVMOBVEDH before incident creation – description
of the logic + guide for date of issue search (can be used for gaining time in case of huge queue)
2595280 SAP RU-LO: Issue with 340 movement type in tr. J3RFLVMOBVED – Issue fix
2557041 SAP RU-FI: Different result of tr.MB5B and tr. J3RFLVMOBVED – only tr. MB5B can be used
2533814 RU-FI/LO: How to get the solution for tr. J3RFLVMOBVEDH faster – description of manual
activity in SAP HANA STUDIO + sql script
2518221 RU-FI/LO: How to find a name of main schema for HANA DB – description of the process
2449598 RU-FI/LO: Resource for discussion of Russian FI/LO localization in SAP ERP – in case of
development request
2444858 SAP RU-LO: Translation of the report J_3RMOBVED / J_3RMOBVEDH – Issue fix
2190588 SAP RU-FI: Performance issues with the report J_3RMOBVED – Issue fix

Useful information for Step 7 and 8
1. How to Setup Hana Authorization Trace
2. SAP KBA 2370781 - How to set the Database trace for Authorization to info
3. SAP NOTE 1809199 - SAP HANA DB: Debugging user authorization errors
4. SAP NOTE 1592925 – SAP HANA Studio service connection


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