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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Paniqui North District
Eduardo Cojuango National Vocational High School
Senior High School Department
Paniqui, Tarlac

Project SAFE
(School Always in a Friendly Environment)
Year 2

Prepared by:

Principal III

Reviewed by:

PSDS, Paniqui North District

Recommending Approval:


Chief Education Supervisor
Curriculum Implementation Division

Schools Division Superintendent

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Paniqui North District
Eduardo Cojuango National Vocational High School
Senior High School Department
Paniqui, Tarlac

1. Project Summary
1.1 Project Title
Project SAFE (School Always in a Friendly Environment)
1.2 Proponent/ Contact Number
Evelyn D. Gallarde, Principal II
0908 624 6809
1.3 School/ Office
Eduardo Cojuango National Vocational High School
Senior High School Department
Estacion, Paniqui Tarlac
1.4 District/ Functional Division
Paniqui North District
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
1.5 Proposed Starting Date

First Quarter- October 17, 2022

1.6 Project Duration

First Quarter to Third Quarter of SY. 2022- 2023
1.7 Total Project Cost
Approximately 90,000.00- 115,000.00

2. Background and Context

Since education must continue, it was essential to adhere to and correctly implement
minimal health standards and regulations. The department's first priority throughout this
pandemic was the health, safety, and security of students, teachers, as well as students' parents,
and guardians.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Paniqui North District
Eduardo Cojuango National Vocational High School
Senior High School Department
Paniqui, Tarlac
Project SAFE (School Always in a Friendly Environment) is in line with the strengthening of
the implementation of Department of Education Memorandum no. 73 s. 2006 which is the Child-
friendly School System at the Elementary and Secondary Levels. In the implementation of face-
to-face classes, the school must be ready in every aspect of the needs of our learners for their
own protection to prevent the spread of the virus, and only learners, parents, or guardians of
legal age were allowed to go to school.
As the school head, the proponent was in charge to manage and cope with the needs of the
school with regard to its readiness on facing the new normal scenario of education. It is indeed a
challenge because the ECVNHS lacks the facilities and materials needed in ensuring that the
school follows the minimum health and safety protocol mandated by the IATF on emerging
infectious diseases.

To provide an extra mile in protecting the health and safety of learners, teachers, parents,
guardians, and other school personnel from the treatment of virus and provide an environment
conducive to learning, Project SAFE can help on ensuring the availability of resources and
facilities that enable ECNVHS to accommodate them on their needs aside from what has been
accomplished from the previous year through this project like providing safe potable water for
SHS students, disinfection of all classrooms as part of everyday routine, spraying pesticides for
dengue mosquitos, providing an exit gate of the students to decongest traffic, create drainage
system, providing additional handwashing area near the exit gate to promote washing of hands
for the additional measure in fighting the virus, and inviting authority for the inspection of
buildings for the safety of learners and preparation for any uncontrollable circumstances like an

3. Rationale of the Continuing Project

Project SAFE (School Always in a Friendly Environment) in its first year of implementation helps
a lot in the beautification, safety, and improvement of learning. The proponent ensured the availability of
resources and facilities that enable ECNVHS to accommodate them on their needs like proper guidance

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Paniqui North District
Eduardo Cojuango National Vocational High School
Senior High School Department
Paniqui, Tarlac
on following minimum health and safety protocols in banners and posters; simple medical needs in the
clinic to aid simple illnesses that can also function as an isolation area; handwashing facilities to promote
washing of hands for additional measure in fighting the virus; accessibility on clean urinals; clean water
facility; different learning areas to promote social distancing; a simple yet organize library; gulayan with
plant boxes. With the help of generous stake holders, NGO’s, LGU and 4Ps parent volunteers the project is
implemented, and it makes a big difference not only to the environment but also to the attitudes of
teachers which boost their motivation to work cooperatively.
The proponent made all possible to provide facilities and materials needed to serve
quality education, safe and conducive environment while ensuring that the school follow the
minimum health and safety protocol mandated by the IATF on emerging infectious diseases. The
successful first year implementation motivates the proponent to continue this project with
another objective to achieve for the improvement of learning.

Proposed Project Description and Objectives

1. Provide safe potable water for the students
2. Put up additional handwashing facilities;
3. Create an exit point to decongest traffic during class dismissal;
4. Spraying pesticides for dengue mosquitos and disinfection against Covid 19 viruses.
5. Consistent check of buildings in preparation for any uncontrollable circumstances like

4. Project Implementation and Management Plan

4.1 Project Beneficiaries
The beneficiaries of this project are the eight hundred eighty-nine (889) SHS students,
twenty-six (26) teachers, and four (4) non-teaching staff under the Senior High School
Department of ECNVHS.

4.2 Expected Project Results

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Paniqui North District
Eduardo Cojuango National Vocational High School
Senior High School Department
Paniqui, Tarlac
It is expected that ECNVHS will be a safe place for all school stakeholders; conducive to
learning with complete health and safety facilities, and complete materials to face the new
normal in education through Project SAFE (School Always in a Friendly Environment)

4.3 Budget
4.3.1 Funding Sources
Expenses relative to Project SAFE (School Always in a Friendly Environment) will
come mainly from donations, canteen fund and MOOE allocation.

4.3.2 Assumed Budget Matrix

Safe potable drinking water Canteen Funds

Exit Gate 45,000.00

Hand washing facilities 40,000.00

Pesticides for dengue mosquito Donation

Materials for disinfection 2,000.00 (donation)

Drainage system 25,000.00

Total 112,000.00

4.4 Project Activities and Workplans

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Paniqui North District
Eduardo Cojuango National Vocational High School
Senior High School Department
Paniqui, Tarlac
A. Planning
1. Inspection and observation of school facilities
2. Do necessary planning with HT in charge for senior high school, senior high school
teachers, possible stakeholders, and volunteers for the clean and green like NGOs,
Samahang Ilokano, United Ilocandia, and 4 P’s parents.
3. Submit a proposal of the project to the Division Office for approval.

B. Implementation
1. Conduct
2. Launch Project SAFE (School Always in a Friendly Environment) Year 2

4.5 Project Monitoring and Evaluation

The report shall be submitted by monitoring and evaluating the before, during, and after the
implementation of Project SAFE (School Always in a Friendly Environment) and

4.6 Risk Management

Risk Causes Impact on the Mitigation Contingency Action

Identification Project/School
1. Spread of Failure to Implementatio Follow the 1. Comply with the IATF
Corona Virus follow the n of Project IATF health health protocols and consider
(COVID19) IATF SAFE (School protocols local law requirements and
health Always in a such as the World Health Organization
protocols. Friendly proper advice 2. Consider alternative
Environment) wearing of a communication solutions (eg
face mask, or video-conferencing or phone
face shield patching, etc.), especially in
and always the implementation of the
observing said project.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Paniqui North District
Eduardo Cojuango National Vocational High School
Senior High School Department
Paniqui, Tarlac
2. Teachers, Failure to Failure to Follow the Continuous monitoring and
Learners, follow the attain the IATF health reminding stakeholders to
parents, and IATF objectives of protocols follow minimum health
other health the project. such as the protocol
stakeholders protocols proper
not following wearing of a
health face mask, or
protocols face shield
and always
3.Not Lack of Failure to put Consistent Orientation on the
cooperated co- motivation up a project follow-up importance of project to
workers and and focusing on and materialize.
stakeholders convincing school motivated
power facilities. actions and

Prepared by:

Principal II

Reviewed by:

PSDS, Paniqui North District

Recommending Approval:

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Paniqui North District
Eduardo Cojuango National Vocational High School
Senior High School Department
Paniqui, Tarlac
Chief Education Supervisor
Curriculum Implementation Division

Schools Division Superintendent

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