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Okay here goes one scrutinize

scrutinize two hinder three

remunerate remunerate be careful
with the pronunciation remunerate
nurture number four nurture
number five deteriorate deteriorate
number six articulate to articulate
seven to embrace embrace eight
liais liais and usually with their
preposition with liaise with
somebody and nine accomplish to
accomplish and finally 10 grasp
grasp okay let's give you a
sentence with the meaning and let's
give you some examples scrutinize
he scrutinized the face of his
competition very carefully to see if
there were any weaknesses he
scrutinized the face of his
competition very carefully to see if
there were any weaknesses so
when we scrutinize something we
look at it really really carefully
please scrutinize the document
before you give it back please
scrutinize your exam papers to
make sure you've put in all the
details before you hand in your
exam paper to the examiner he
scrutinized the report line by line
okay so somebody looked at
something in a lot of detail yeah
you know we scrutinize when we
study in great detail either trying to
find fault or to make sure
everything was perfection the
gallery the art gallery had a bit of a
suspicion about some painting that
was hanging on their wall so they
got some expert to come and check
it out to make sure it was an
original and the expert came and
he spent many hours scrutinizing
every square inch of the painting
and finally came up with the
conclusion that indeed it was an
original okay and the gallery of
course were very happy to
scrutinize to hinder there was a lot
of traffic on the road that hindered
my progress it was a lot of traffic
on the road that hindered my
progress and to hinder something
means to slow down not
necessarily stop completely but to
slow down his progress was
hindered by the diversion in the
high street so they were doing
some road repairs and everybody
had to turn off left before they got
to the high street and then go and a
roundabout way around the city so
progress was hindered his career
was hindered because he had to
take two years leave of absence
when he was extremely sick so he
didn't progress his career as much
as he had hoped so when we hinder
something or we hinder somebody
we slow them down or we prevent
them from making progress he hurt
his leg when training for the
marathon and it hindered his
training program quite a bit so in
the end he decided to cancel his
application and his entrance and
would do the marathon race the
following year so his training
program was hindered by the
injury that he picked up during
training a sore leg a sprained ankle
damaged ligaments whatever it
might have been to hinder next
remunerate well we remunerate
means to pay somebody so a
sentence would be he was
remunerated for his hard work
when they paid him a very
substantial bonus he was
remunerated for his hard work
when they paid him a very
substantial bonus so to remunerate
somebody is to pay them and pay
them appropriately for the work
that they have done so from this
word remunerate comes
remuneration so if you're applying
for the job you might ask what the
salary is okay or what is the
remuneration what is the payment
for this particular job so to
remunerate is to pay to remunerate
appropriately is to pay them the
going rate or the right rate of pay
for that particular job to
remunerate it's very formal of
course you know because normally
we would talk about salaries and
the salary are going to be paid next
nurture to nurture when we nurture
something okay so let's give you
the sentence nurture the female cat
nurtured the litter of newborn
kittens that were born last week so
when the kittens are born the
mother nurtures them she looks
after them very very carefully and
in a detailed way for many many
weeks she feeds and washes them
and protects them and if you go
near the cat you'll know all about it
because she could get quite angry
and annoyed and aggressive and
spit and hiss at somebody who
might come near her so she
nurtures her kittens she feeds them
she washes them she trains them to
go to the toilet because they're not
able to do that themselves and until
such time as they've opened their
eyes and are beginning to wander
about then she would relax and
eventually she won't want to know
them because they would be off
and on their own but for the first
six or eight weeks or 10 weeks she
will nurture them okay so to
nurture means to look after to to
take care of yes we nurture our
children when they are born we
nurture them for many many years
yeah so to nurture to look after in a
very kind and gentle loving natural
way deteriorate and get the
pronunciation right here to
deteriorate the service in the city
has deteriorated since the new
government took over the service
in the city has deteriorated since
the new government took over and
what it means is to deteriorate
means to get worse or to drop
down in levels or to a level that is
really unacceptable so if you were
used to getting the bins collected
monday wednesday and friday and
then when the new government
come in they announced that the
bins are only going to be collected
on a wednesday or a friday once a
week so the service deteriorates it
gets worse the bus journeys that
used to take 20 minutes now take
30 minutes because there's so
much traffic and they haven't built
a wider road so as a result the
service on the buses has also
deteriorated there's been a lack of
investment somebody's condition
in hospital might deteriorate if they
pick up another infection so they
go into hospital for one condition
and when they're in there a week or
so they get another infection and
the doctor says well i'm really
sorry to let you know but your son
or husband or wife a daughter their
condition has deteriorated slightly
over the last 24-36 hours we've
increased the drugs that they're
taking and hopefully we'll see
some improvement in the next day
or so so condition can deteriorate
or get worse so to deteriorate
means also to rot yeah so plants
can deteriorate once they die trees
they don't get enough water or they
get some infection they can also rot
from the inside or deteriorate over
a period of time until eventually
they fall over and they die
articulate to articulate he
articulates himself very well
particularly when he's making
presentations he's very clear and
easy to understand please make
sure you articulate all the words so
that people can hear them very
clearly and understand exactly
what they mean so when you
articulate something you spell it
out you explain it very clearly and
in an understandable way that
people will know the meaning of
what point you're trying to get
across how did he articulate
himself oh excellent he's really
good on his feet he's one of those
natural speakers just give him an
HINDERaudience gifts give him a
topic a little while to prepare for it
and he's really really good he's
very good at articulating points
he'll get the point across everybody
will understand very very clearly
what he means so to articulate your
point to explain it to explain it
properly to explain it in an
understandable way and format
articulate next to embrace when
she came down the stairs he
embraced her with a large hug he
hadn't seen her for two years so to
embrace means to wrap your arms
around somebody pull them
closely to you and give them a big
squeeze hug kiss to welcome them
home if it's been several years
since you have seen them to
embrace they embraced at the foot
of the stairs they embraced each
other at christmas time yeah he
always embraces his kids and
grandchildren when he sees them
so to wrap his arms around them
and give them a nice squeeze or a
nice hug but we can also use
embrace to when we talk about
change he embraced the change
meaning he meaning he welcomed
the change he embraced the new
management in the company he
didn't literally go up and hug them
but what what it meant and what it
means is that he took on board the
change the necessity for change he
welcomed the change and he was
very open to suggestions that they
would make so he embraced
change you can say i embrace
change i love change i like change
i welcome change to embrace it to
liaise with somebody to liaise with
somebody now this can be quite
formal so the foreign department of
one country decided they had to
liaise with the foreign department
of the other country otherwise they
were not going to find out what
happened to their missing citizens
so the department of foreign affairs
liaised with the foreign department
of the british officers to find out
what had happened to the missing
people to liaise so to liaise is to
contact but it's not just simply to
say yes and no is to find out more
information so in a detailed
professional way so to liaise might
mean initially to make a phone call
send a request send an email make
a formal application these are all
ways in which we can liaise with
somebody who is going to liaise
with our new business partners in
china so we need somebody who
understands the language
somebody who knows what they're
talking about to liaise who will
liaise with the solicitor in this
matter this legal case is going to go
on for several months and we need
somebody with a legal background
to liaise with them okay so to liaise
a formal way of saying negotiate
contact discuss ask find out what's
going on to liaise next to
accomplish well when we
accomplish something we achieve
something he accomplished four
promotions in the space of seven
years he was a star performer in the
company so to accomplish
something is to be successful to
reach some goal to achieve
something he's accomplished all
his exams in record time so he
achieved top marks right
throughout his university course
from his first year to his last year
so he got a one degree meaning the
top degree yes a one one so it
couldn't be better he got honors
first class honors degree in his
medical course he was really really
one of the top people in his year in
his class or in his particular grade
okay so he accomplished a lot in a
short space of time meaning he
achieved a lot in a short space of
time what have you accomplished
in your life somebody might ask
you the question indeed i ask
myself that question many times
what have i accomplished in my
life so we look back on our lives to
see what we've done what we
could have done better what we
can do what we can do better
because what we want to do is we
want to accomplish something not
necessarily for the financial reward
not to be remunerated the word we
used earlier on but for our self-
satisfaction to say that we could do
it that we have done it that we have
achieved accomplished something
okay so to accomplish and then
finally grasp he wasn't able to
grasp the concept i explained it to
him several times before he really
understood it he grasped my arm
and squeezed it tightly so here we
have two meanings of this
particular word he wasn't able to
grasp the meaning of what i said it
took me six or seven times for him
to understand it so meaning he
wasn't able to understand to grasp
to work out exactly what i was
telling him it might have been too
complicated i might have
explained it badly but whatever it
was he wasn't able to grasp the
concept and then he grasped to
hold tightly he grasped my arm and
whispered something in my ear to
grasp means to hold on tightly
yeah so you grasp the bar on the
bus as it's going around the corner
yeah you grasp onto something to
to steady yourself so you don't fall
to grasps or to hold tightly or to
understand a concept to grasp okay
so let me give them to you one
more time and remember these are
c1 c2 verbs they're quite difficult
so you have to give them a lot of
thinking but you can use them
from an exam point of view so to
scrutinize to look at something in
detail to scrutinize to hinder to
block slow down prevent
somebody from making progress
remunerate to pay somebody to
reward them for doing a job reward
or remunerate for the right work
the right pay for the right job to
nurture to look after something
really carefully the the cat nurtured
her litter of kittens we nurture our
family for many many years
deteriorate his condition
deteriorated over several days and
finally unfortunately he died to
deteriorate to go downhill
articulate he is well able to
articulate the point he's able to
present and get the point across so
that everybody understands it in a
very very clear way to embrace to
take somebody in your arms and
embrace them to welcome them to
hold them in a loving and
affectionate way to embrace or to
embrace change always look
forward to change never close your
your mind uh to any idea always
look ahead to liaise to liaise with
somebody or some people
pronounce it liaise but to liaise to
liaises to communicate with to
contact to discuss to ask questions
to find out in a fairly professional
and top-level way particularly
where diplomats from different
foreign offices or embassies will
liaise with their counterparty in
another office in another country to
accomplish what have you
accomplished in your life nothing
well yes we all would like to
accomplish something to
accomplish and then finally grasp
grasp the idea grasp the concept
grasp my hand and hold on for the
journey okay so those are advanced
english verbs at c1c2 level


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