400 CÂU BÀI TẬP WORD FORM ÔN VÀO 10 TPHCM giaoandethitienganh.info

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400 CÂU


1. He left the room without any___________(explain)

2. A group of___________had an accident in the heavy snowfall yesterday. (mountain)

3. It was___________exciting that U23 won the silver medal of Asia cup this year. (surprise)

4. This momerial building is used to___________the heroes of Vietnamese people. (memory)

5. He was able to provide the police with some___________information. (value)

6. The most___________earthquake in Japanese history damages Tokyo and Yokohama (disaster)

7. A large number of car accidents are caused by fast and___________driving. (care)

8. Could you send me details of courses for___________who have never learnt English before. (begin)

9. Ba's family and Liz had a very___________day in the countryside last weekend. (enjoy)

10. My sister is wearing a T-shirt of the latest model. She always dresses___________ (fashion)

11. What were the reasons for the worldwide___________crisis? (economy)

12. We should make the most efforts to stop___________ (forest)

13. Bob gave away a___________sum of money to charity before he (consider)

14. Poets take___________from many things in life. (inspire)

15. The environment in our neighborhood needs to be___________ (conservation) that student didn't do
his test well. (lucky

17. The wind has___________changed the direction, (abrupt)

18. My mom thinks that watching television is time -___________ (consume)

19. Christmas, Halloween, Easter are important___________in many countries. (celebrate)

20. What about___________all ordinary bulbs with energy-saving one to save electricity? (replacement)

21. I don't understand the___________circles on the wall. (mystery)

22. When is the entrance examination___________held? (office)

23. Don't watch such___________TV programs. (inform)

24. Is the fire in Carina Apartment Block called one of the natural___________ (disastrous)

25. The crops were___________damaged. (severe)

26. The company will invest 2 million dollars to___________its factories (modern)

27. Don't you believe in___________between men and women? (equal)

28. Do you have any kind of___________of purchase? (prove)

29. The story is set in an___________world. imagine)

30. They waited and waited for something___________to happen. (excite)

31. ____________! You won the first prize. (Congratulate)

32. We must use our natural resources___________ (economy)

33. He always wears___________shirt (stripe)

34. I am not satisfied with my___________for the coming exam. (prepare)

35. The school was___________destroyed by fire. (complete)

36. Scientists are looking for an___________way to reduce energy consumption. (effect)

37. Nha Trang always attracts more and more___________ (sighseeing)

38. The old theater of our city is being enlarged and___________ (modern)

39. This book is very___________, I found it boring. (inform)

40. The price of___________has gone up again (electric)

41. They are old enough to be___________of their parents. (depend)

42. ___________, his father and my father used to be classmates. (interest)

43. After a year in English, now she can speak English ___________ (fluency)

44. This edition___________a little from the first one. (variety)

45. Today, English is considered a___________language. (globe)

46. It is important to reward good___________ (behave)

47. People use the Internet for___________ (entertain)

48___________she'd find out who he was. (Eventual)

49. Waiting for exam results is a time of great___________ (anxious)

50. Travelling in an airplane for the first time was a___________experience. (memory)

51. It is still a bit___________to use the Internet in everyday life. (cost)

52. They brought me two laptops, but neither worked___________ (satisfaction)

53. She was always so funny and___________ (entertain)

54. This means that___________we have no chance of finishing on time. (effect)

55. Art and English are___________subjects in our school. (compel)

56. We do not like him because he has been one of strict___________ (exam)

57. The environment in our neighborhood needs___________ (conservation)

58___________these innovations help us save the big amount of energy. (Ultimate)

59. Why not organize Easter___________in Vietnam? (nation)

60. Please call me if___________ (need)

61. The local authorities should___________the fish catching by electricity (prohibition)

62. If we go on wasting water, there will be a___________of fresh water in a few decades. (short)

63. Humans are gradually___________the environment. (destruction)

64. The internet has___________developed and become part of our daily life. (increase)

65. I feel disappointed because the laptop which I bought last week works___________ (efficiency)

66. Southern Fruit Festival at Suoi Tien Park is a very___________activity (joy)

67. Nowadays, more and more women go out to work and they become more___________than they used
to (depend)

68___________school l uniforms make students look more mature. (Additional)

69. The government has plans to___________this province. (modern)

70. We believe the new program will be___________to everyone. (benefit)

71. TV___________can watch many programs on different channels. (view)
72. Although my friend was very poor, she lived in___________ (happy)

73. The___________which she has just bought are very nice. (cook)

74. We are very surprised at the large___________of animals here. (vary)

75. My father is very___________and kind toward children (consider)

76. People have___________the Ao Dai in many ways. (modern)

77. Is Buddism your country's___________religion? (office)

78. My sister is old enough to live___________ (depend)

79. In the future, many buildings will be___________by solar energy. (hot)

80. It's important for the children to get a good___________ (educate)

81. It's very___________of you to leave your bag on the bus. (care)

82. Japan is an___________country in Asia. (industry)

83. Last year, many houses and people were destroyed___________by earthquakes. (disaster)

84. By learning English you can get___________to the world's development. (accessible)

85. The___________were disappointed that people has spoiled the area. (environmental)

86. Despite the benefits of the Internet, the users sometimes suffer___________risks. (variety)

87. The company has made a new motorbike having very low fuel___________ (consume)

88. Both competitors are___________strong and fast. (surprise)

89. She can find the___________of the people everywhere she goes during her visit. (friend)

90. He treated them with___________and thoughtfulness. (generous)

91. She was really___________by the beauty of Ha Noi. (impression)

92. Among many different___________in Vietnam, Tet is considered the most important, ___________

93. My father is well-known for his___________. (generous)

94. You should call a plumber to fix that___________faucet. It'll cost you lots of money. (drip)

95. Tom spoiled my___________by telling the end of the film. (enjoy)

96. She got through her work with speed and___________ (efficient)

97. Dad's words are always___________ (persuade)

98. We will have a decorator___________our room with some roses. (beautiful)

99. Nowadays, the Internet is___________used. We can see many products advertised on it.


100. Human beings are destroying the air by adding___________to it. (pollute)

101. I think all nations should live___________and take care of our planet. (peace)

102. We are___________to hear that bad news. (happy)

103. The Temple of Literature was___________built in 1070 in The Ly Dynasty (origin)

104. Tom was___________in finding his lost bicycle, so he decided to buy a new one. (succeed)

105. It would be more___________to tum off the air-conditioner before leaving. (economy)

106. Buckingham Palace is a major tourist___________ (attract)

107. It was a beautiful piece of___________ (embroider)

108. The two sides of the city are___________by the river. (separation)

109. This examination will test your___________in English. (proficient)

110. I'm going to apply for a___________to attend an English language summer course abroad.


111. You are very___________You should be an artist! (create)

112. I don't like these flowers they look___________ (nature)

113. He does not agree with the___________that there is life on other planets. (believe)

114. I think these poems should be___________ (memory)

115. Several hundred people demonstrated___________outside the Embassy last Sunday. (peace)

116. Living in a big city is___________because there is too much pollution (health)
117. Like paper, many other___________can be recycled. (produce)

118. The use of light and dark___________good and evil. (symbol)

119. He felt a great___________to tell her everything, (compel)

120. Many chemicals have___________affected the environment. (disaster)

121. Why don't we have a computer___________in the lab room? (install)

122. She travels to different parts of the world as part of her job in that

company (nation

123. Lots of___________activities have recently been held in our city. (culture)

124. It was such___________news that they all sat there saying nothing, (worry)

125. Bahasa Malaysia is known___________as Malay (simple)

126. What___________did you take part in at school? (act)

127. She was surprised to find her name on the list of___________ (nominate)

128. Traditional___________are a good source of fun and entertainment (celebrate)

129. You shouldn't read that kind of newspaper. It's___________ (inform)

130. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is the world's___________volcanic eruption. (large)

131. The consumers want products that will work___________and save money. (effect)

133. Please accept my warmest___________on your engagement (congratulate)

134. He appeared___________and confident before the match, (relax)

135. London has always been a center of ___________(cultural)

136. I think you___________ very badly towards your father yesterday. (behave)

137. The hotel is___________situated on the edge of the lake (delightful)

138. The remote desert area is___________only by helicopter. (access)

139. Some young people today have a very strange___________ (appear)

140. Walking on the grass is heavily___________in this university. (fine)

141. She is one of the most active___________of the campaign. (preserve)


142. Your daughter always plays the piano___________ (amaze)

143* What should we do to stop these___________actions? (pollute)

144. If Tom keeps acting___________everyone will stay away from him. (polite)

145. The company needs to reduce its___________on just one particular product. (depend)

146. New York is a___________city. It has people from all over the world living in it. (multi-

147. Doctors have just found out a new___________for cancer treat)

148. She has___________passed the final exam. (impress)

149. She is extremely___________about the history of art. (knowledge)

150. My grandparents prefer the___________of country living, (simple)

151. Her scars are hardly___________now. (notice)

152. It is becoming___________clear that this problem will not be easily solved. (increasing)

153. Many people believe that well-p jobs are___________in the city. (plenty)

154. What first___________me to her was her sense of humor. (attract)

155. Some of my___________are living in the countryside now. (relate)

156. A school or college for special training is an___________ (academic)

157* I am afraid I have no___________but to ask you to leave. (alter)

159. Jan speaks French with a great___________ (fluent)

160. Though he is a manager of the company, his___________makes people comfortable. (simple)

161. He___________his paintings in local art galleries regularly. (exhibition)

162. These fish___________in weight from 3 pounds to 5 pounds. (variety)

163. She smiled___________in front of the camera, (confident)

164. The company is very efficient and gives a___________service. (speed)

165. Air and water are___________in our life. (necessary)

167. The sky was___________The weather was rather bad. (cloud) giaoandethitienganh.info

168. Cowardly and mean are used to describe unacceptable___________ (behave)

169. We were___________by the display of lights. (attract)

170. Are you asking for my opinion of him personally or____________? (profession)

171. ___________accounts for three-fourths of the income of the newspapers. (Advertise)

172. I can't say anything at this time. The result is entirely___________ (predict)

173. There were over 200___________for the marketing's post. (apply)

174. The news is almost certainly true although it is not yet___________informed. (office)
175. Grammar___________change from language to language. (structural)

176. We admired his___________under pressure. (calm)

177. I don't know why it causes so much___________ (embarrass)

178. Reading books is both a means of___________and education. (relax)

179. Try to act___________even if you feel nervous. (confident)

180. One example of___________in real life is cooking. (conduct)

181. The 2013 tornado in Oskahoma caused___________damage to the city. (extend)

182. The girl coming to our class this morning sang very___________ (attract)

183. This news has___________his fans all over the world. (delight)

184. Is this one of the most___________experiences of your life? (stress)

185. The region___________over 50% of the country's wheat. (production)

186. It is important to reward good___________ (behave)

187* The council has placed a___________order on the building. (preserve)

188* The use of cameras in this museum is strictly___________ (forbid)

1894. I work___________ but I live in the suburbs. (town)

190. He fought the illness with courage and___________ (determine)

191* The noise outsides made___________ difficult. (concentrate)

192. He is very___________ about his work as it is very tough. (confident)

193. He seemed a bit___________ about his work situation. (depress)

194. Cuba gained___________ from Spain in 1898. (depend)

195. Fishing is his favorite___________ (relax)

196* She gave me a___________ look. (worry)

197. This film is good family___________ (entertain)

198*. The___________ on the island is still unacceptably high. (literate)

199. Peter gets special___________ because he knows the boss. (treat)

200. The test is based on the___________ of blood levels. (measure)

201. Two main candidates are emerging as___________ for the presidency. (contest)

202. The town itself is not especially___________. (picture)

203. She gave me a faint smile of___________ (recognize)

204. Hundreds of houses in the typhoon's path suffered___________ damage. (structure)

205. He's got a really___________ laugh. (annoy)

206. They looked___________ when I announced I was pregnant. (astonish)

207. We acted in a spirit of___________ (cooperate)

208. Japan is a major___________ of cars. (export)

209. Plant growth is most___________ in spring and early summer. (notice)

210*. The view from the top of the mountain is___________ (breath)

211. The view from the top of the mountain is___________ (magnificence)

212. She works as a___________ secretary for an insurance company. (language)

213. As the economy develops, it will continue to___________. (global)

214*___________.in French is required for this job. (fluent)

215*. There is a bonus scheme for employees who show good performance and___________. (punctual)

216. He tried to___________.the story for the younger audience. (simple) giaoandethitienganh.info

217. The invention would have a wide range of___________.in industry. (apply)

218. ___________.at these lectures is not compulsory. (attend)

219. The tour___________.will arrange transport and plan your itinerary. (operate)

1. He left the room without any explanation. (explain)

2. A group of mountaineers had an accident in the heavy snowfall yesterday. (mountain)

3. It was surprisingly exciting that U23 won the silver medal of Asia cup this year. (surprise)

4. This momerial building is used to memorize the heroes of Vietnamese people. (memory)

5. He was able to provide the police with some valuable information. (value)
6. The most disastrous earthquake in Japanese history damages Tokyo and Yokohama. (disaster)

7. A large number of car accidents are caused by fast and careless driving. (care)

8. Could you send me details of courses for beginners, who have never learnt English before. (begin)

9. Ba's family and Liz had a very enjoyable day in the countryside last weekend. (enjoy)

10. My sister is wearing a T-shirt of the latest model. She always dresses fashionably. (fashion)

11. What were the reasons for the worldwide economic crisis? (economy)

12. We should make the most efforts to stop deforestation (forest)

13. Bob gave away a considerable sum of money to charity before he died. (consider)

14. Poets take inspiration from many things in life. (inspire)

15. The environment in our neighborhood needs to be conserved. (conservation)

16. Unluckily, that student didn't do his test well. (lucky)

17. The wind has abruptly changed the direction. (abrupt) giaoandethitienganh.info

18. My mom thinks that watching television is time-consuming (consume)

19. Christmas, Halloween, Easter are important celebrations in many countries. (celebrate)

20. What about replacing all ordinary bulbs with energy-saving one to save electricity? (replacement)

21. I don't understand the mysterious circles on the wall. (mystery)

22. When is the entrance examination officially held? (office)

23. Don't watch such uninformative TV programs. (inform)

24. Is the fire in Carina Apartment Block called one of the natural disasters (disastrous)

25. The crops were severely damaged. (severe)

26. The company will invest 2 million dollars to modernize its factories. (modern)

27. Don't you believe in equality between men and women? (equal)

28. Do you have any kind of proof of purchase? (prove)

29. The story is set in an imaginary world. (imagine)

30. They waited and waited for something exciting to happen. (excite)

31. Congratulations! You won the first prize. (Congratulate)

32. We must use our natural resources economically. (economy)

33. He always wears striped shirt. (stripe)

34. I am not satisfied with my preparation for the coming exam. (prepare)

35. The school was completely destroyed by fire. (complete)

36. Scientists are looking for an effective way to reduce energy consumption. (effect)

37. Nha Trang always attracts more and more sightseers. (sighseeing)

38. The old theater of our city is being enlarged and modernized. (modern)

39. This book is very uninformative, I found it boring. (inform)

40. The price of electricity has gone up again. (electric)

41. They are old enough to be independent of their parents. (depend)

42. Interestingly, his father and my father used to be classmates. (interest)

43. After a year in English, now she can speak English fluently. (fluency)

44. This edition varies a little from the first one. (variety)

45. Today, English is considered a global language. (globe)

46. It is important to reward good behaviors/ behaviours. (behave)

47. People use the Internet for entertainment (entertain)

48. Eventually, she'd find out who he was. (Eventual)

49. Waiting for exam results is a time of great anxiety. (anxious)

50. Travelling in an airplane for the first time was a memorable experience. (memor

51. It is still a bit costly to use the Internet in everyday life. (cost)

52. They brought me two laptops, but neither worked satisfactorily. (satisfaction)

53. She was always so funny and entertaining (entertain)

54. This means that ineffectively, we have no chance of finishing on time. (effect)

55. Art and English are compulsory subjects in our school. (compel)

56. We do not like him because he has been one of strict examiners. (exam)

57. The environment in our neighborhood needs conserving (conservation)

58. Ultimately, these innovations help us save the big amount of energy. (Ultimate)

59. Why not organize Easter nationwide in Vietnam? (nation)

60. Please call me if necessary. (need)

61. The local authorities should prohibit the fish catching by electricity. (prohibition)

62. If we go on wasting water, there will be a shortage of fresh water in a few decades. (short)

63. Humans are gradually destroying the environment (destruction)

64. The internet has increasingly developed and become part of our daily life. (increase)

65. I feel disappointed because the laptop which I bought last week works inefficiently. (efficiency)

66. Southern Fruit Festival at Suoi Tien Park is a very joyful activity. (joy)

67. Nowadays, more and more women go out to work and they become more independent than they used
to. (depend)

68. Additionally, school uniforms make students look more mature. (Additional)

69. The government has plans to modernize this province. (modern)

70. We believe the new program will be beneficial to everyone. (benefit)

71. TV viewers can watch many programs on different channels. (view)

72. Although my friend was very poor, she lived in happiness. (happy)

73. The cookers which she has just bought are very nice. (cook)

74. We are very surprised at the large variety of animals here. (vary)

75. My father is very considerate and kind toward children. (consider)

76. People have modernized the Ao Dai in many ways. (modern)

77. Is Buddism your country's official religion? (office)

78. My sister is old enough to live independently. (depend)

79. In the future, many buildings will be heated by solar energy. (hot)

80. It's important for the children to get a good education. (educate)

81. It's very careless of you to leave your bag on the bus. (care)

82. Japan is an industrial country in Asia (industry)

83. Last year, many houses and people were destroyed disastrously by earthquakes. (disaster)
84. By learning English you can get access to the world's development. (accessible)

85. The environmentalists were disappointed that people has spoiled the area. (environmental)

86. Despite the benefits of the Internet, the users sometimes suffer various risks. (variety)

87. The company has made a new motorbike having very low fuel consumption. (consume)

88. Both competitors are surprisingly strong and fast. (surprise) giaoandethitienganh.info

89. She can find the friendliness of the people everywhere she goes during her visit. (friend)

90. He treated them with generosity and thoughtfulness. (generous)

91. She was really impressed by the beauty of Ha Noi. (impression)

92. Among many different celebrations in Vietnam, Tet is considered the most important. (celebrate)

93. My father is well-known for his generosity. (generous)

94. You should call a plumber to fix that dripping faucet. It'll cost you lots of money. (drip)

95. Tom spoiled my enjoyment by telling the end of the film. (enjoy)

96. She got through her work with speed and efficiency. (efficient)

97. Dad's words are always persuasive. (persuade)

98. We will have a decorator beautify our room with some roses. (beautiful)

99. Nowadays, the Internet is commercially used. We can see many products advertised on it. (commerce)

100. Human beings are destroying the air by adding pollutants to it. (pollute)

101. I think all nations should live peacefully and take care of our planet. (peace)

102. We are unhappy to hear that bad news. (happy)

103. The Temple of Literature was originally built in 1070 in The Ly Dynasty. (origin)

104. Tom was unsuccessful in finding his lost bicycle, so he decided to buy a new one. (succeed)

105. It would be more economical to turn off the air-conditioner before leaving. (economy)

106. Buckingham Palace is a major tourist attraction. (attract)

107. It was a beautiful piece of embroidery. (embroider)

108. The two sides of the city are separated by the river. (separation)

109. This examination will test your proficiency in English. (proficient)

110. I'm going to apply for a scholarship to attend an English language summer course abroad. (school)

111. You are very creative. You should be an artist! (create)

112. I don't like these flowers because they look unnatural. (nature)

113. He does not agree with the belief that there is life on other planets. (believe)

114. I think these poems should be memorized (memory)

115. Several hundred people demonstrated peacefully outside the Embassy last Sunday. (peace)

116. Living in a big city is unhealthy because there is too much pollution. (health)

117. Like paper, many other products can be recycled. (produce)

118. The use of light and dark symbolizes good and evil. (symbol)

119. He felt a great compulsion to tell her everything. (compel)

120. Many chemicals have disastrously affected the environment. (disaster)

121. Why don't we have a computer installed in the lab room? (install)

122. She travels to different parts of the world as part of her job in that international company. (nation)

123. Lots of cultural activities have recently been held in our city. (culture)

124. It was such worrying news that they all sat there saying nothing. (worry)

125. Bahasa Malaysia is known simply as Malay. (simple)

126. What activities did you take part in at school? (act)

127. She was surprised to find her name on the list of nominees. (nominate)

128. Traditional celebrations are a good source of fun and entertainment. (celebrate)

129. You shouldn't read that kind of newspaper. It's uninformative . (inform)

130. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is the world's largest volcanic eruption. (large)

131. The consumers want products that will work effectively and save money. (effect)

132. Mai invited her pen pal to Hanoi last year. (invitation)

133. Please accept my warmest congratulations on your engagement. (congratulate)

134. He appeared relaxed and confident before the match. (relax) giaoandethitienganh.info

135. London has always been a center of culture (cultural)

136. I think you bahaved very badly towards your father yesterday. (behave)

137. The hotel is delightfully situated on the edge of the lake. (delightful)

138. The remote desert area is accessible only by helicopter. (access)

139. Some young people today have a very strange appearance. (appear)

140. Walking on the grass is heavily fined in this university. (fine)

141. She is one of the most active preservationists of the campaign. (preserve)

142. Your daughter always plays the piano amazingly. (amaze)

143*. What should we do to stop these polluting actions? (pollute)

144. If Tom keeps acting impolitely, everyone will stay away from him. (polite)

145. The company needs to reduce its dependence on just one particular product. (depend)

146. New York is a multi-cultural city. It has people from all over the world living in it. (multi-culture)

147. Doctors have just found out a new treatment for cancer. (treat)

148. She has impressively passed the final exam. (impress)

149. She is extremely knowledgeable about the history of art. (knowledge)

150. My grandparents prefer the simplicity of country living. (simple)

151. Her scars are hardly noticeable now. (notice)

152. It is becoming increasingly clear that this problem will not be easily solved. (increasing)

153. Many people believe that well-paying jobs are plentiful in the city. (plenty)

154. What first attracted me to her was her sense of humor. (attract)

155. Some of my relatives are living in the countryside now. (relate)

156. A school or college for special training is an academy. (academic)


157*. I am afraid I have no alternative but to ask you to leave. (alter)

158. He received the award in recognition of his success over the past year. (recognize)

159. Jan speaks French with a great fluency. (fluent)

160. Though he is a manager of the company, his simplicity makes people comfortable. (simple)

161. He exhibits his paintings in local art galleries regularly. (exhibition)

162. These fish vary in weight from 3 pounds to 5 pounds. (variety)

163. She smiled confidently in front of the camera. (confident)

164. The company is very efficient and gives a speedy service. (speed)

165. Air and water are necessities in our life. (necessary)

166. There will be live entertainment at the party. (entertain)

167. The sky was cloudy. The weather was rather bad. (cloud)

168. Cowardly and mean are used to describe unacceptable behaviors (behave)

169. We were attracted by the display of lights. (attract)

170. Are you asking for my opinion of him personally or professionally? (profession)

171. Advertising accounts for three-fourths of the income of the newspapers. (Advertise)

172. I can't say anything at this time. The result is entirely unpredictable. (predict)

173. There were over 200 applicants for the marketing's post. (apply)

174. The news is almost certainly true although it is not yet officially informed. (office)

175. Grammar structures change from language to language. (structural)

176. We admired his calmness under pressure. (calm)

177. I don't know why it causes so much embarrassment. (embarrass)

178. Reading books is both a means of relaxation and education. (relax)

179. Try to act confidently even if you feel nervous. (confident)

180. One example of conduction in real life is cooking. (conduct)

181. The 2013 tornado in Oskahoma caused extensive damage to the city. (extend)

182. The girl coming to our class this morning sang very attractively. (attract)

183. This news has delighted his fans all over the world. (delight)

184. Is this one of the most stressful experiences of your life? (stress)

185. The region produces over 50% of the country's wheat. (production)

186. It is important to reward good behaviors / behaviours. (behave)

187*. The council has placed a preservation order on the building. (preserve)
188*. The use of cameras in this museum is strictly forbidden. (forbid)

189* I work downtown, but I live in the suburbs. (town)

190. He fought the illness with courage and determination. (determine)

191*. The noise outsides made concentration difficult. (concentrate)

192. He is very unconfident about his work as it is very tough. (confident)

193. He seemed a bit depressed about his work situation. (depress)

194. Cuba gained independence from Spain in 1898. (depend)

195. Fishing is his favorite relaxation. (relax)

196*. She gave me a worried look. (worry)

197. This film is good family entertainment (entertain)

198*. The illiteracy rate on the island is still unacceptably high. (literate)

199. Peter gets special treatment because he knows the boss. (treat)

200. The test is based on the measurement of blood levels. (measure)

201. Two main candidates are emerging as contestants for the presidency. (contest)

202. The town itself is not especially picturesque . (picture)

203. She gave me a faint smile of recognition (recognize)

204. Hundreds of houses in the typhoon's path suffered structural damage. (structure)

205. He's got a really annoying laugh. (annoy)

206. They looked astonished when I announced I was pregnant. (astonish)

207. We acted in a spirit of cooperation. (cooperate)

208. Japan is a major exporter of cars. (export)

209. Plant growth is most noticeable in spring and early summer. (notice)

210*. The view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking (breath)

211. The view from the top of the mountain is magnificient (magnificence)

212*. She works as a bilingual secretary for an insurance company. (language)

213. As the economy develops, it will continue to globalize. (global)

214. Fluency in French is required for this job. (fluent)

215*. There is a bonus scheme for employees who show good performance and punctuality. (punctual)

216. He tried to simplify the story for the younger audience. (simple)

217. The invention would have a wide range of applications in industry. (apply)

218. Attendance at these lectures is not compulsory. (Attend)

219. The tour operator will arrange transport and plan your itinerary. (operate)


1. Due to this plant's -------------------------so it attracts a lot of investment. (produce)

2. The ------------------------- of this machine requires the latest techniques. (produce)

3. This energy- _-------------------------bulb is not cheap. (save)

4. The------------------------- are requiring us to repair the machines. (consume)

5. Watching Korean films on TV is a-------------------------activity. (consume)

6. Water-------------------------is increasing this summer. (consume)


7. The-------------------------of the model attracts us. (efficient)

8. They are working-------------------------so we are ------------------------- (effect / satisfy)

9. Life always needs a lot of------------------------- (innovate)

10. The-------------------------are cleaning the beach. (conserve)

11. -------------------------our environment must be protected. (ultimate)

12. Tet is the most important-------------------------in Viet Nam. (celebrate)

13. Fruits' festival in Suoi Tien park is a very-------------------------activity. (joy)

14. Look at the-------------------------bulbs. They are so beautiful. (color)

15. My-------------------------are so strong that the word "love" can't describe them. (feel)

16. The-------------------------caused a lot of bad effects. (volcano/ erupt)

17. Our------------------------have not warned our fishermen about the Ninth Typhoon. (science)

18. A------------------------eruption occurred here last night. (disaster)

19. The beach is full of all kinds of------------------------ (pollute)

20. He used all his------------------------to force the door open. (strong)

21. The police are interested in the sudden------------------------of the valuable painting. (appear)

22. My teacher------------------------me to take this examination. (courage)

23. Recently health foods have increased in------------------------ (popular)

24. The old lady hid all her------------------------under the floor. (save)

25. Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your------------------------ (satisfy)

26. The council has promised to deal with the problem of------------------------ (employ)

27. Tung had eaten so much. He had to------------------------his belt. (loose)

28. The dictionaries are with the other------------------------books. (refer)

29. I had to check the wages in------------------------to my normal work. (add)

30. He was very------------------------of the work he had done. (pride)

31. There is a------------------------of 10% for buying new books. (reduce)

32. He is interested in the------------------------of old buildings. (preserve)

33. Saucepans are sold in the-----------------------goods department. (house)

34. Friends of the Earth' is concerned about the-----------------------of our environment. (conserve)

35. Thousands of people have been made-----------------------by the war. (home)

36. He wouldn't listen to her repeated-----------------------so in the end she went. (refuse)

37. The teacher gave his students-----------------------to leave the classroom.(permit)

38. He overcame all difficulties and-----------------------to become the most successful actor. (hard)

39. They said goodbye' to each other just because of minor----------------------- (understand)

40. He is old. His-----------------------often makes a lot of trouble. (forget)


1. The air in the city is very----------------------- (pollute)

2. What can we do to keep the environment-----------------------? (pollute)

3. Please listen to the lecture----------------------- (care)

4. I think the careless drivers should be fined

5. She felt-----------------------because of her bad result. (happy)

6. She has-----------------------provided a picnic lunch for us. (kind)

7. My uncle teaches the-----------------------sciences. (nature)

8. I'm very-----------------------because they use electricity to catch fish. (worry)

9. Gasoline fumes-----------------------the air. (pollution)

10. To my great-----------------------I didn't get the letter from her. (disappoint)

11. He shouted and looked-----------------------at me when I broke the vase. (angry)

12. We are talking about the preservation of-----------------------resources. (nature)

13. Gases from factories and vehicles mainly cause air----------------------- (pollute) giaoandethitienganh.info

14. Smoke and waste chemicals make the air and water----------------------- (pollute)

15. This organization is concerned about the----------------------of the rain forests. (destroy)

16. This group is concerned about the----------------------of the natural environment. (conserve)

17. We'll make this beach clean and----------------------again. (beauty)

18. Be----------------------! The bus is running toward you. (care)

19----------------------these innovations will conserve the Earth's resources. (ultimate)

20. We should end the letter----------------------with the words "Sincerely yours". (polite)

21. Lan spoke English----------------------after she lived in England for several months. (nature)

22. Anna takes----------------------in her daughter. (proud)

23. He is one of the most famous----------------------in the world. (environment)

24. If we go on littering, the environment will become----------------------polluted. (serious)

25. The baby laughed----------------------as she was playing with her toys. (happy)

26. ----------------------air can cause illness and even death. (pollute)

27. The inhabitants have made----------------------on how to protect the environment. (suggest)
28. My mother was----------------------worried when I went home late last night. (extreme)

29. If the----------------------continues, there will be no forest left ten years from now. (forest)

30. In order to keep our environment----------------------, we shouldn't drop litter. (pollute)

31. We should do something to keep the environment---------------------- (pollute)

32. It's----------------------that Lucia passed this exam. (surprise)

33. We have sat here for hours to enjoy the----------------------of this lake. (beautiful)

34. They are discussing the preservation of natural---------------------- (source)

35. If the----------------------continues, what will happen? (pollute)

36. Dane had an accident last month because of driving---------------------- (care)

37. The building was----------------------by fire. (destruction)


38. They are talking about the----------------------pollution. (environment

39. Mr Brown felt----------------------that people have spoiled that (disappoint)

40. I want to see the----------------------of environment from the local authority (protect)


1. Solar energy is----------------------by the sun. (provision)

2. What can we do to----------------------energy? (conservation)

3. Energy supplies can be---------------------- (extend - conserve)

4. Tom, remember to use energy more----------------------! (efficient)

5. Mary was----------------------pleased that she passed the exam. (extreme)

6. Evelyn Murphy is one of the best----------------------in the world. (environment)

7. We can protect the environment by ----------------------air (reduction - pollute)

8. John's bad result makes his parents---------------------- (disappoint)

9. Huong speaks English more----------------------than Lan. (fluent)

10. I'm very----------------------of my father. (pride)

11. She speaks English quite--------------------- (good)

12. The old man walked---------------------to the park. (slow)

13. The street is---------------------with people watching colorful parades. (crowd)

14. Tuan sighed---------------------when he heard that he failed the test. (sad)

15. That's wonderful. I'm---------------------that you are working hard. (please)

16. People crowded the streets on---------------------Day to watch colorful parades. (Nation)

17. I'm---------------------that you didn't phone me. (disappoint)

18. I will---------------------my birthday tomorrow. (celebration)

19. The president is a man of ---------------------. (important)

20. At Christmas we put---------------------in the house. (decorate)


21. He's a generous man. He is---------------------- known for his generosity. (good)

22. Tet is the most important ---------------------for Vietnamese people. (celebrate)

23. Tet is one of the most important ---------------------for Vietnamese people. (celebrate)

24. Easter is a---------------------festival. (joy)

25. People crowd the streets to watch---------------------parades. (color)

26. Thu is not satisfied with her---------------------for Tet. (prepare)

27. Tuan is an---------------------student. He takes part in many activities in his school. (act)

28. The children participate in---------------------charity activities. (difference)

29. She is not---------------------with her preparation for Tet. (satisfy)

30. There are many---------------------throughout the year. (celebrate)

31. Africans were sold into---------------------between the 17th and 19th centuries. (slave)

32. I was so---------------------of my father. (pride)

33. Kelly is very---------------------to see an football match on TV. (excite)

34. Her father is really a---------------------man (generosity)

35. During Tet people enjoy special food such as---------------------rice cakes. (stick)

36. My father is a---------------------man who is loved by everyone. (consider)

37. Passover is a festival which celebrates---------------------from slavery. (free)

38. Sometimes I have some---------------------which can't be explained. (feel)

39. He is very--------------------- ( humor)

40. He often takes part in many different charity--------------------- (act)


1. Nowadays, the---------------------can know when a volcano will erupt. (science)

2. Many people become---------------------because of the natural disasters. (home)

3. The bad result makes his parents--------------------- (bore)

4. A lot of people and buildings were carried along on the---------------------wave. (tide) giaoandethitienganh.info

5. A person who studies science or works with science is called a--------------------- (science)

6. She has nothing to do this morning. She feels-------------------- (bore)

7. He gets--------------------with doing the same thing day after day.(bore)

8. Young students are very--------------------in story-books. (interest)

9. That is a very--------------------song interest)

10. I'm--------------------that I could win the first prize. (amaze)

11. --------------------the typhoon didn't cause any damage to the village. (lucky)

12. The most--------------------earthquake in Japanese history damaged Tokyo. (disaster)

13. A tidal wave brings death and--------------------in its quake. (destroy)

14. __________energy can be used on cloudy days. (sun)

15. Here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. Ha Noi will be clear and ------------------- (sun)

16. It is not fine today. It's a-------------------eruption. (volcano)

17. These hills were formed by------------------- eruption ( volcano)

18. Today-------------------can predict when a tidal wave will hit land. (science)

19. Pompeii was------------------destroyed in AD 79 by an volcanic eruption. (complete)

20. Last summer, Jimmy and I enjoyed the------------------scenery in Nha Trang. (coast)

21. The------------------of earthquakes occur around the Pacific Rim (major)

22. Floods and Earthquakes are natural------------------ (disastrous)

23. It's difficult to give a speech without------------------ (prepare)

24. In America, hurricanes are------------------storms that reach 120 kilometers per hour. (tropic)

25. He is an------------------doctor. He has saved a lot of people. (experience)

26. The hurricane swept in------------------without any warning. (abrupt)

27. This man, who------------------escaped from a volcanic eruption last week. (lucky) giaoandethitienganh.info

28. The terrible------------------of the storm made thousands of people homeless. (destroy)

29. We live in------------------Vietnam with my family. (Centre)

30. The story about UFO, caught the------------------of the whole class. (imagine)

31. She has many------------------projects. (science)

32. Imagine that someday you would live without------------------ (electric)

33. Many reports in newspapers talked a lot about the------------------of UFOs. (appear)

34. They said that UFO, existed only in films for------------------ (entertain)

35. The------------------trip makes us happier and healthier. (excite)

36. What an------------------record our players set! (amuse)

37. The baby fell------------------when watching a boring film. (sleep)

38. Those pollutants have------------------the lives of many seabirds in the past few years. (danger)

39. Do you believe in the------------------of God? (exist)

40. People are talking about the------------------circles on the fields in Great Britain. (mystery)


1. She broke the glass because she was------------------(care)

2. Scientists are looking for an------------------way to reduce energy consumption. (effect)

3. That's------------------! I'm pleased that you work very hard. (wonder).

4------------------is better than cure. (prevent)

5. There is a------------------faucet in your kitchen. (drip)

6. Energy-saving bulbs should be used to save------------------ (electric)

7. To keep air unpolluted, we ought to use------------------energy to create electricity. (sun)

8. We must learn to save------------------resources. (nature)

9. Fuel------------------can be cut down by having fewer cars on the roads. (consume)

10. ------------------are very demanding. They want cheap and good products. (consume)

11. This table may break under a lot of------------------ (press)

12. It was about the------------------meeting between the great leaders at Yalta in 1945. (history)

13. You should go on a diet. You're a bit------------------ (weigh)

14. The car is a complete write-off. It is quite------------------ (repair)

15. That little boy has a------------------of cakes. (mouth)

16. The Sai Gon Giai Phong is a------------------newspaper. (day)

17. She is from Tel Aviv. She is------------------ (Israel)

18. Mary looks------------------about something. She looks ------------------at everything. (worry)

19. I can't believe you, what you say is quite------------------ (logic)

20. He is an------------------doctor who's just graduated from the medical school. (experience)

21. He is a------------------boy. He is always asking questions. (curiosity)

22. All the pupils have done the exercises------------------ (perfect)

23. Keep------------------! The teacher is explaining the lesson. (silence)

24. Time passes------------------when you are alone. (slow)

25. He drives------------------, so he rarely causes accident. (care)

26. Ho Chi Minh City is an important------------------center. (economy)

27. We have a------------------newspaper in the town. (week)

28. Mrs. Green can help Alice to make a good------------------ (present)

29. How------------------the dress is! (magnify)

30. She has finished her best------------------ (perform)

31. The cartoon last night was very------------------ (excite)

32. She------------------goes to the movie with her younger sister. (occasion)

33. Last night the singer sang very------------------ (beauty)

34. The story is about an------------------trip (fascinate)

35. In May, day time is often------------------ (length)

36. He got rid of the------------------by drinking orange juice. (exhaust)

37. Nobody showed them to their------------------ (sit)

38. Helen speaks English------------------but we avoid laughing nature)

39. This is the most------------------machine in our field. (power)

40. can keep------------------land in condition by killing weeds. (well)


1. Due to this plant's productivity, so it attracts a lot of investment. (produce)

2. The production of this machine requires the latest techniques. (produce)

3. This energy-saving bulb is not cheap. (save)

4. The consumers are requiring us to repair the machines. (consume)

5. Watching Korean films on TV is a time-consuming activity. (consume)

6. Water consumption is increasing this summer. (consume)

7. The efficiency of the model attracts us. (efficient)

8. They are working effectively so we are satisfied. (effect / satisfy)

9. Life always needs a lot of innovations. (innovate)

10. The conservationists are cleaning the beach. (conserve)

11. Ultimately, our environment must be protected. (ultimate)

12. Tet is the most important celebration in Viet Nam(celebrate)

13. Fruits' festival in Suoi Tien park is a very joyful activity. (joy)

14. Look at the colored colorful bulbs. They are so beautiful. (color)

15. My feelings are so strong that the word "love" can't describe them. (feel)

16. The volcanic eruptions caused a lot of bad effects. (volcano/ erupt)

17. Our scientists have not warned our fishermen about the Ninth Typhoon. (science)

18. A disastrous eruption occurred here last night. (disaster)

19. The beach is full of all kinds of pollutants. (pollute)

20. He used all his strength to force the door open. (strong)

21. The police are interested in the sudden disappearance of the valuable painting. (appear)

22. My teacher encouraged me to take this examination. (courage)

23. Recently health foods have increased in popularity. (popular)

24. The old lady hid all her savings under the floor. (save)

25. Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your satisfaction. (satisfy)

26. The council has promised to deal with the problem of unemployment. (employ)

27. Tung had eaten so much. He had to loosen his belt. (loose)

28. The dictionaries are with the other reference books. (refer)

29. I had to check the wages in addition to my normal work, (add)

31. There is a reduction of 10% for buying new books. (reduce)

32. He is interested in the preservation of old buildings. (preserve)

33. Saucepans are sold in the household goods department. (house)

34. Friends of the Earth' is concerned about the conservation of our environment. (conserve)

35. Thousands of people have been made homeless by the war. (home)

36. He wouldn't listen to her repeated refusal, so in the end she went. (refuse)

37. The teacher gave his students permission to leave the classroom.(permit)

38. He overcame all difficulties and hardness to become the most successful actor (hard)

39. They said goodbye to each other just because of minor misunderstanding, (understand)

40. He is old. His forgetfulness often makes a lot of trouble. (forget)

1. The air in the city is very polluted. (pollute)
2. What can we do to keep the environment unpolluted? (pollute)

3. Please listen to the lecture carefully (care)

4. I think the careless drivers should be fined heavily (heavy)

5. She felt unhappy because of her bad result. (happy)

6. She has kindly provided a picnic lunch for us. (kind)

7. My uncle teaches the natural sciences, (nature)

8. I'm very worried because they use electricity to catch fish.

9. Gasoline fumes pollute the air. (pollution)

10. To my great disappointment I didn't get the letter from her. (disappoint)

11. He shouted and looked angrily at me when I broke the vase (angry)

12. We are talking about the preservation of natural resources (nature)

13. Gases from factories and vehicles mainly cause air pollution (pollute)

14. Smoke and waste chemicals make the air and water polluted. (pollute)

15. This organization is concerned about the destruction of the rain forests. (destroy)

16. This group is concerned about the conservation of the natural environment, conserve)

17. We'll make this beach clean and beautiful again. (benuty)

18. Be careful! The bus is running toward you. (care)

19. Ultimately, these innovations will conserve the Earth's resources. (ultimate)

20. We should end the letter politely with the words "Sincerely yours". (polite)

21. Lan spoke English naturally after she lived in England for several months. (nature)

22. Anna takes pride in her daughter. (proud)

23. He is one of the most famous environmentalists in the world. (environment)

24. If we go on littering the environment will become seriously polluted (serious) giaoandethitienganh.info

25. The baby laughed happily as she was playing with her toys. (happy)

26. Polluted air can cause illness and even death. (pollute)

27. The inhabitants have made suggestions on how to protect the environment. (suggest)
28. My mother was extremely worried when I went home late last night. (extreme)

29. If the deforestation continues, there will be no forest left ten years from now. (forest)

30, In order to keep our environment unpolluted, we shouldn't drop litter, (pollute)

31. We should do something to keep the environment unpolluted. (pollute)

32. It's surprising that Lucia passed this exam. (surprise)

33. We have sat here for hours to enjoy the beauty of this lake. (beautiful)

34. They are discussing the preservation of natural resources. (source)

35. If the pollution continues, what will happen? (pollute)

36. Dane had an accident last month because of driving carelessly.(care)

37. The building was destroyed by fire. (destruction)

38. They are talking about the environmental pollution (environment)

39. Mr Brown felt disappointed that people have spoiled that area. (disappoint)

40. I want to see the protection of environment from the local authority. (protect)


1. Solar energy is provided by the sun. (provision)

2. What can we do to conserve energy? (conservation)

3. Energy supplies can be extended by conservation (extend - conserve)

4. Tom, remember to use energy more efficiently! (efficient)

5. Mary was extremely pleased that she passed the exam. (extreme)

6. Evelyn Murphy is one of the best environmentalists in the world. (environment)

7. We can protect the environment by reducing air pollution ( reduction - pollute)

8. John's bad result makes his parents disappointed. (disappoint)


9. Huong speaks English more fluently than Lan (fluent)

10. I'm very proud of my father. (pride)

11. She speaks English quite well. (good)

12. The old man walked slowly to the park (slow)

13. The street is crowded with people watching colorful parades (crowd)

14. Tuan sighed sadly when he heard that he failed the test. (sad)

15. That's wonderful. I'm pleased that you are working hard. (please)

16. People crowded the streets on National Day to watch colorful parades. (Nation)

17. I'm disappointed that you didn't phone me. (disappoint)

18. I will celebrate my birthday tomorrow. (celebration)

19. The president is a man of improtance (important)

20. At Christmas we put decorations in the house. (decorate)

21. He's a generous man. He is well-known for his generosity. (good)

22. Tet is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people (celebrate)

23. Tet is one of the most important celebrations for Vietnamese people. (celebrate)

24. Easter is a joyful festival, (joy)

25. People crowd the streets to watch colorful parades. (color)

26. Thu is not satisfied with her preparations for Tet (prepare)

27. Tuan is an active student, He takes part in many activities in his school. (act)

28. The children participate in different charity activities. (difference)

29. She is not satisfied with her preparation for Tet (satisfy)

30. There are many celebrations throughout the year. (celebrate)

31. Africans were sold into slavery between the 17" and 19th centuries. (slave)

32. I was so proud of my father, (pride)

33. Kelly is very excited to see an exciting football match on TV. (excite)

34. Her father is really a generous man. (generosity)

35. During Tet people enjoy special food such as sticky rice cakes. (stick)

36. My father is a considerate man who is loved by everyone. (consider)

37. Passover is a festival which celebrates freedom from slavery. (free)

38. Sometimes I have some feelings which can't be explained. (feel)

39. He is very humorous. (humor)

40. He often takes part in many different charity activities (act)


1. Nowadays, the scientists can know when a volcano will erupt. (science)

2. Many people become homeless because of the natural disasters. (home)

3. The bad result makes his parents bored (bore)

4. A lot of people and buildings were carried along on the tidal wave, (tide)

5. A person who studies science or works with science is called a scientist.(science)

6. She has nothing to do this morning. She feels bored (bore)

7. He gets bored with doing the same thing day after day.(bore)

8. Young students are very interested in story-books. (interest)

9. That is a very interesting song. (interest)

10. I'm amazed that I could win the first prize. (amaze)

11. Luckily, the typhoon didn't cause any damage to the village. (lucky)

12. The most disastrous earthquake in Japanese history damaged Tokyo (disaster)

13. A tidal wave brings death and destruction in its quake. (destroy)

14. Solar energy can be used on cloudy days. (sun) giaoandethitienganh.info

15. Here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. Ha Noi will be clear and sunny. (sun)

16. It is not fine today. It's a cloudy day. (cloud)

17. These hills were formed by volcanic eruption (volcano)

18. Today scientists can predict when a tidal wave will hit land. (science)

19. Pompeii was completely destroyed in AD 79 by an volcanic eruption. (complete)

20. Last summer, Jimmy and I enjoyed the coastal scenery in Nha Trang (coast)

21. The majority of earthquakes occur around the Pacific Rim (major)
22. Floods and Earthquakes are natural disasters (disastrous)

23. It's difficult to give a speech without preparation (prepare)

24. In America, hurricanes are tropical storms that reach 120 kilometers per hour. (tropic)

25. He is an experienced doctor. He has saved a lot of people. (experience)

26. The hurricane swept in abruptly without any warning. (abrupt)

27. This man, who luckily escaped from a volcanic eruption last week. (lucky)

28. The terrible destruction of the storm made thousands of people homeless

29. We live in Central Vietnam with my family. (Centre)

30. The story about UFO caught the imagination of the whole class.

31. She has many scientific projects. (science)

32. Imagine that someday you would live without electricity. (electric)

33. Many reports in newspapers talked a lot about the appearance of UFOs. (appear)

34. They said that UFO, existed only in films for entertainment (entertain)

35. The exciting trip makes us happier and healthier. (excite)

36. What an amusing record our players set! (amuse)

37. The baby fell asleep when watching a boring film. (sleep)

38. Those pollutants have endangered the lives of many seabirds in the past few years. (danger)
39. Do you believe in the existence of God? (exist)

40. People are talking about the mysterious circles on the fields in Great Britain. (mystery)


1. She broke the glass because she was careless (care)

2. Scientists are looking for an effective way to reduce energy consumption. (effect)

3. That's wonderful! I'm pleased that you work very hard. (wonder).

4. Prevention is better than cure. (prevent)

5. There is a dripping faucet in your kitchen. (drip)

6. Energy-saving bulbs should be used to save electricity (electric)

7. To keep air unpolluted, we ought to use solar energy to create electricity. (sun)

8. We must learn to save natural resources. (nature)

9. Fuel consumption can be cut down by having fewer cars on the roads. (consume)

10. Consumers are very demanding. They want cheap and good products. (consume)

11. This table may break under a lot of pressure (press)

12. It was about the historic meeting between the great leaders at Yalta in 1945. (history)

13. You should go on a diet. You're a bit overweight. (weigh)

14. The car is a complete write-off. It is quite irreparable (repair)

15. That little boy has a mouthful of cakes. (mouth)

16. The Sai Gon Giai Phong is a daily newspaper. (day)

17. She is from Tel Aviv. She is Israeli. (Israel)

18. Mary looks worried about something. She looks worriedly at everything (worry)

19. I can't believe you, what you say is quite illogical. (logic)

20. He is an inexperienced doctor who's just graduated from the medical school. (expe

21. He is a curious boy. He is always asking questions. (curiosity)

22. All the pupils have done the exercises perfectly. (perfect)

23. Keep silent! The teacher is explaining the lesson. (silence)

24. Time passes slowly when you are alone. (slow)

25. He drives carefully, so he rarely causes accident. (care)

26, Ho Chi Minh City is an important economic center (economy)

27. We have a weekly newspaper in the town. (week)

28. Mrs. Green can help Alice to make a good presentation. (present)

29. How magnificent the dress is! (magnify)

30. She has finished her best performance (perform)


31. The cartoon last night was very exciting (excite)

32. She occasionally goes to the movie with her younger sister (occasion)

33. Last night the singer sang very beautifully. (beauty)

34. The story is about an fascinating trip. (fascinate)

35. In May, day time is often longer (length)

36. He got rid of the exhaustion by drinking orange juice. (exhaust)

37. Nobody showed them to their seats. (sit)

38. Helen speaks English unnaturally, but we avoid laughing. (nature)

39. This is the most powerful machine in our field. (power)

40. can keep the land in good condition by killing weeds. (well)


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