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Test 5 Reading and Use of Engish " Part 6

You are going to read a magazine article about a teenager who has completed an unusual swim. Six
sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each
gap (3742). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

The lsle of Wight s a large island- about 380 square sunset and sunrise and had to race against the clock
kilometres - off the south coast of Britain. You need to to reach critical points to beat the time. Indeed, she
be an extraordinarily strong swimmer to swim round frequently felt as if she was spending hours swimming on
the island as it mearns covering a distance of over 110 the spot.
kilometres. Yet this feat has just been completed by a 40 decislon then to head inshore allowed
nineteen-year-old woman called Nel O'Connor. her less tide to swim against and within an hour she was
Nell became one of the few people to have ever swum making forward progress again.
solo, non-stop, around the lsle of Wight -a notable feat Speaking to repoters after the swim, Nell said that
for a couple of reasons.37 knowing people were thinking of her and willing her
The swimmer was welcomed by a large crowd as she on definitely helped when the going got really tough.
touched Ryde Pier, the point where she set off last Her reason for doing the swim als0 spurrod her on.
Friday at 10.31am. The ferry that leaves the island for the 41
mainland every hour had even delayed its departure to let The swim was carred out under the generally accepted
passengers watch her arrival. Hundreds of people were
rules of the sport wearing just a standard swimming
waiting on deck as well as on shore.38 She
was officially congratulated by Brian Merriman on behalt costume, goggles and a swimming cap. It was the
culmination of the three-year Seven Island Swim
of the European Swimming Association. He ls no stranger
Challenge which Nell had set hersetf. She had already
to long-distance swimming himself as he has swum
across the English Channel on several occasions. Successfully completed circumnavigations of flve other
Before setting off Nell had said that she was well
lslands.42 This happened because strong
winds combined with bitterly cold water to force her to
aware that she was attempting a very challenging task,
give up on her attempt to swim round Foula, one of the
particularty because she could not avoid occasionally Shetland lslands, in the far north of the British Isles.
having to swim against the tide. 39 She saW
A She was doing the challenge to raise money for a E
But she had to abandon her next challenge after
number of charities. doing 32 kilometres of a 48-kilometre swim on
August 13 this year.
And she was right to expect it to be tough.
They all applauded her achievement and, after
As is the rule on such swims, Nell was being helped out of the water, she shouted a big
accompanied by a team on a range of craft. thank you to everyone.

Not only was she one of the youngest people ever G One of the toughest points of the swim was as
to complete the swim, but she also did it in only she approached St Catherine's Point, when the
26 hours, 37 minutes and 45 seconds, arriving current pushed her back more than a kilometre.
more than three hours ahead of schedule.
Test 5 Readlng anu

some revlews of theme parks. For questions 43-62 choose from reviews (A-E). The
You are going to read
reviews may be chosen more than once.
Mark your answers on the separate answer

Whlch of the theme parks

is praised for being situated in a fitting place?

has developed from something that was part of a major event?

has made good use of a former industrial site?

is noteworthy for the opportunities it offers for sport?

was buit in a style to match its theme? 47

frequently hosts impressive musical performances?

has potentially inconvenient opening times? 4C

has an exciting ride that holds a record for its size? 30

has an attraction that is operated in a traditional way?

is most likely to appeal to one age group? 52
opened in June 1962 as the midway area of the
A Southern Fun Park
Southern Fun Park is a brilllant theme park on the capital's extravagant 'Centenary Exhibition', and was
south coast and ls situated close to the popular resort Intended to be its lasting legacy. At that time it featured
a number of family-triendly rldes with a particular
of Telton. Perhaps its one drawback is that, unlike the
appeal for younger children.
larger parks on the north coast, it operates seasonally.
Included in its attractlon line-up are a single small
rollercoaster, a selection of off-the-shelf thrill rides, and Adventure Town
a variety of water slides. The park first opened to the One of the most popular theme parks in this country
public in 1979, when it was known as Crossman's Fun and throughout the world, Adventure Town combines
Park. It was constructed on what was once a limestone
classic amusement park attractions with beautiful
quarry, with the area being effectively re-landscaped to landscaping and a huge variety of restaurants. Open all
include a number of lakes. A total of 420,000 tonnes of year round, the park's most famous attraction is Rolling
sand were used to create its attractive new look. Rainbow, one of few wooden coasters romaining that
still requires a brakeman to control its speed. Modern
Air Word offerings include the sixty-metre-tall Mystery Tower
The aircraft-themed Air World is one of the world's drop tower and the borderline-insane Niagara, which
largest indoor theme parks, and is located inside sees guests plummeting towards the ground in plane
themed gondolas. Live entertainment is a major part
a sprawling. 180,000 square metre structure. The
building is impressive in that it's designed to resemble of Adventure Town's appeal, with acts of almost every
type appearing regularly. Having first opened in 1884,
the side profle of the body of a jumbo jet, and features
models of three historic planes on its roof. The park is Adventure Town is one of the ten oldest amusement
parks in the worid,
home to a varlety of breathtaking thrill rides and family
attractions, including the worid's fastest rollercoaster,
Concorde Cascade. Air World opened in November, E Starry World
2013, and has an appropriate location close to Starry World is an attractively unusual space-themed
the country's first-ever airstrip. It offers a range of
attraction aimed primarlly at the under-tens. It hasa
restaurant faclities to suit all pockets and has quickly
become a popular destination for a day out. small but not uninteresting selection of rides and is
also popular because it is home to an action centre
offering archery, laser shooting and golf. The Terrifying
C Sunlands Tornado is the largest rollercoaster in the west of the
The second-largest theme park in the entire country, country, hitting a not unimpressive top speed of 88
Sunlands, is now a member of the largest international kilometres per hour. Bredon Farm, which hosts the
chain of theme parks. Located on the edge of the park, used to be a dairy farm until its owners decided
capital, it hosts an array of thrilling rollercoasters and to transform it into a tourist attraction. Initially it
flat rides. The park's headline attractions are Titan focused purely on farm exhibits, but gradually evolved
(once the tallest coaster in the country), Pluto (the into something closer to a traditional theme park.
world's tallest dual-track wOoden coaster) and Dracula The park plans to start hosting musical events next
(an inverted coaster). Look out, though, for the older summer.
but no less enjoyable rides such as the Merry Rider
and the Monorail transportation system. Sunlands

154 Test 5
146 / 234
Readins v or EngIsn Part 7
Test 6 Reading and Use of English" Part 1
For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B,C or D) best fits each gap. There is
an example at the beginning (0).
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

A engaged B absorbed C occupied D employed


Young people help society

Young people tend to spend most of their out-of-school hours (0) with homework and other school
commitrments. These keep them so busy that they have no time to (1) for other major projects. But there are
some remarkable exceptions to this (2)
Some use any free time they have to (3) themselves to environmental issues. Ava Lang, for example, is only
14 but at weekends she goes round restaurants to persuade the owners to (4) her with their used cooking
oil. She then arranges for this to be (5) into biodiesel.

Another youngster who does a considerable (6) to help others is Tim Fried. He races g0-karts as a
of raising money for charitable causes. In this way he manages to (8) his love of sport with
some socially useful work.

A spend waste D
pass spare

2 A case B rule C set D test

3 A dedicate B contribute C reserve D involve

4 A provide B offer C donate D give

5 A substituted B adapted C converted

6 A degree B extent C deal D amount

7 A chance kind C means D possibility

8 A adjust combine C join D merge
Reading and Use of English Part 1
Test 6 | 163
For questions 9-16,
in each gap. read the text below and
There an example at the
is think of the word
which best fits each gap. Use
Write your answers IN beginning (0). only one word
CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.
Example: 0T|HERE

If you are
interested in the
Website for tigers
website called Tigernation.environment, (0)
The website was set (O)
is an excellent

with the
conservation of tigers. It focuses its work particularty .to
a country (10)
on India,
many thousands of tigers once lived. There are
now thought to (11) fewer than 2,000
Did you know that a tiger's remaining there.
stripes are ike a person's finger prints
(12). the sense that every individual is
(13) unlque? This makes
possible for thee website to track the tigers as it
recognises them by the pattern of their stripes. If someone is lucky
(14) to
catch sight of a tiger, then they take a picture and
uploadt to the website. The website ls gradually collecting a
researchers to ldentify how the animals move from one place to (16)quantity
of photos, (15) enables
understanding of how tigers live will help us to ensure their survival. The hope is that an Improved
Test 6 Reading and Use of Engllsh " Part 3

For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to
form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.
Example: o| B|ALANCoNG|
The first bicycle
The first vehicles with two wheels used for transporting people and requiring
riders to develop (0) skills appeared in Gemany in the BALANCE
early 19th century. The design was registered in 1818 and it was the first
(17) .successful vehicle which, although it did not have COMMERCE
pedals and was not called a bicycle, has a clear (18) to the RESEMBLE
vehicle we know as a bicycle. It was popular for several decades but the
(19) of accidents resulting from its use led to its eventual FREQUENT
(20) in some European cities. PROHIBIT
There is some (21) as to who exacty invented the pedal AGREE
powered bicycle, but its (22) .began in France in the 1860s. PRODUCE
Designs gradually improved its speed and (23). then, as road SAFE
surfaces also got better, its use became widespread.
We usually think of the bicycle as just a means of transport but its role in the
emancipation of women should not be (24) as it allowed
them a freedom of movement that they had not previously enjoyed.
Iest 6 Keadlng and Use of Engiish Part 4

For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including
the word given. Here is an example (0).

Karen didn't really want to go to the party.
Karen wasn't really to the party.
The gap can be filled by the words 'looking forward to going', so you write:


25 Ican't talk for long as my parents think l'm doing my

I can't talk for long as .my homework.
26 Mum didn't expect the tickets to be so expensive.
Mum thought the tickets. they did.
27 The path down themountain was so slippery that it was hard for us to stay on our feet.
The path down the mountain was so slippery that
on our feet.
28 James is the best goalkeeper at the
James is a else at our school.
29 Sam is too young to learn to drive.
Sam isn't driving lessons.
30 The teacher said we didn't need to spend too long
on the exercise.
The teacher told us.
too long on the exercise.

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