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1: Once you've built your professional online social network, you need to maintain it by

managing it effectively. How can you best manage your professional online social

Connect with as many people as you can find on the social network so that you can
build a huge and powerful network.
Click 'Like' for everything that your connections post on their profiles.
Contribute to it regularly by writing or sharing articles of professional interest,
commenting on others’ articles, and to acknowledging professional milestones like
work anniversaries, promotions or new jobs.
Intelligently critique the posts of people you don't like.
2: What are the two main reasons that many adults lose their innate sense of curiosity?

1. they become very comfortable in the world they know 2. venturing outside of
that world seems to hold more risks than rewards
1. things are not as much fun as they used to be 2. they become bored more easily
1. they know more than they did when they were children 2. they don't need to know
1. they become very comfortable in the world they know 2. they start to lose their
3: What can you do to ensure that you truly understand and can practice what you
learned in this course?

Teach what you learned to other people.

Watch it at least five more times.
Recommend it to your colleagues.
Take the next course in the series.
4: What does a company need to have in place in order to sustain a culture change over

A company needs to have large cash reserves and low debt to sustain the culture
change over time.
A company needs to keep its top executives in place to sustain the culture change over
A company needs to have great products and superior customer service to sustain the
culture change over time.
A company needs to have a long-term strategy and vision to sustain the culture
change over time.
5: We live in a time of accelerated change. Which of the following factors are the likely
cause of this?
population growth, political instability, and technological advances
population growth, increased global and social mobility, and technological
population growth, increased global and social mobility, and economic volatility
climate change, increased global and social mobility, and technological advances
6: The 70:20:10 model of learning and development proposes that 70% of a person's
development comes from _____.

working on challenging assignments or projects

working with a coach
classroom training
attending professional conferences
7: When we seek out information that supports our beliefs, which is known as "_____

8: A recent long-term study conducted by health psychologists concluded that _____.

stress is only harmful to your health if you believe it is

major change is too stressful for most people
stress will kill you
change-related stress is more harmful than you think it is
1: Which example best illustrates an internal locus of control?

A person is introverted and methodical.

A person is "being" oriented and believes in fate and luck.
A person is outgoing and optimistic.
A person is "doing" oriented and believes that fate is of little importance.
2: Your friend crosses in front of a red light, and a police officer notices. The officer
stops to question you. Which statement is most likely true?

In a rules-based culture, the officer will treat you, your friend, and all other citizens
In a rules-based culture, the officer will be flexible based on your friend's circumstances.
In a relationship-based culture, your loyalty will be with your friend.
In a relationship-based culture, the officer will give your friend a ticket.
3: Which statement best describes the difference between high and low context

In a low context culture, people gesture more than in a high context culture.
In a high context culture, people tend to communicate with detailed messages. In a low
context culture, messages are minimal and implicit.
In a high context culture, messages are communicated with fewer words and
more nonverbals. In a low context culture, messages are communicated with
explicit words.
In a high context culture, people tend to speak more softly than in a low context
4: Assume you come from a monochronic, direct, and low-power distance culture. How
could you best start reaching out to and securing a new vendor in a culture very
different from your own?

Dive right in and start introducing yourself to new people.

Learn the timeline for the assignment and set realistic expectations, knowing that
it may take longer to establish connections in this new culture.
Email your boss and say the assignment might be too hard.
Try to close the deal with the first vendor you meet.
5: What is the best definition of individual culture?

It is a culture were people place importance on relationships.

It is a culture where people prefer to be recognized individually and are more
likely to make decisions on their own.
It is a culture that is likely to be a high context culture.
It is a culture where people make decisions as a group but are comfortable acting
6: Which statement about risk in a culture is true?

Risk describes the degree to which people within a culture are comfortable with
change, innovation, and not following the status quo.
Risk is related to the historical background of a country, and it is often restrained in
cultures with a newer history and traditions.
Risk depends on the average age of a cultures’ working population. The older the
population, the more comfortable they will be with risk.
Risk is related to the number of relationships built in the workplace, and it tends to be
higher in Mediterranean cultures.
7: Which scenario best describes a monochronic workplace?
agendas, procedure manuals, and a free flowing meeting space
free flowing meetings and lots of open workspaces for collaboration
reminder emails, water cooler chats, and longer lunches
agendas, procedure manuals, and tight time management meetings throughout
the day
8: Which choice best differentiates between a direct and indirect communicator?

Indirect communicators say no without hesitation and direct communicators generally

have trouble saying no.
Direct communicators speak with conviction but are less likely to be succinct and to the
point when compared with indirect communicators.
Direct communicators will hesitate to ask open ended questions. Indirect
communicators are more likely to ask yes or no questions.
Direct communicators say what they mean and say it clearly. Indirect
communicators may gather more information by asking questions and offer
suggestions for consideration.
9: What is the definition of a high status culture?

In a high status culture, it is preferred that you send a direct email asking for a face-to-
face meeting.
In a high status culture, a formal communication style is preferable and
professional job titles matter.
In a high status culture, people refer to one another on a first name basis.
In a high status culture, junior-level professionals take the lead in meetings, and older,
more experienced attendees are mere observers.
1: Tough conversations can be intense. What is a main reason that people avoid them?

fear of success
fear of tension
Attempted correct option fear of conflict
fear of failing
2: What is the best scenario for having more accountability that transitions people to
become upstanders?

Attempted correct option a greater network of members

a dedicated network of mutual members
a smaller network of members
3: A culture can be free of microaggressions if the company is intentional _____.

with each circumstance

among the management team
Attempted correct option from the beginning
4: Hans is hired to address inclusion issues at Rocker, Inc. What is the first action he
should take?

Define his own biases as well as the company's.

Determine what justice means to the employees.
Attempted correct option Review the institutional base and ask critical questions.
5: The Reid Company employees have helped to implement a strategy of policies and
governing principles. What will this institutional base do for the company?

Build accountability, communication, and ownership.

Attempted correct option Build trust, accountability, and dependability.
Build trust, flexibility, and wellness.
6: What needs to happen before training on workplace bullying or other harassment

Look at the processes.

Attempted correct option Name it and accept it.
Survey the employees.
Review the mission statement.
7: You and a colleague are conversing about what makes up an inclusive culture. What
statement best describes an inclusive environment?

Attempted correct option Inclusive environments serve everyone.

Inclusive environments are anchored from the outside in.
Inclusive environments are a nonnegotiable balance.
8: What habit is recommended if you want to build safe work environments?

Ask others what their work schedule is.

Always be sympathetic with others.
Always be direct with others.
Attempted correct option Ask others how they like to receive and give feedback.
9: What needs to be in place for HR and management to support the cultivation of a
safe space?

The mission states the values of the company.

Attempted correct option The code of conduct is equitably written and imposed.
HR and management should be empowered to make final decisions.
10: You and your team have created a safe space. What happens next?

Include a success-safe plan.

Once it is created, that is enough.
Attempted correct option It should be updated frequently.
11: Olivia is responsible for helping to create a safe space at her workplace. What is the
first step she should take?

Attempted correct option Identify the values.

Identify the policies and procedures.
Identify the stakeholders.
12: Your manager has been building a cooperative culture that includes safe spaces.
What is the best definition of "safe space?"

a blue room or specific location

a workplace that is highly collaborative and free of risk
a designated room with features for privacy
Attempted correct option an environment free of bias, criticism, or potential
aggressive actions
1: Which of the following is not a recommended step to invest time in growing your

Commit to deliver something related to your strength.

Ask for a promotion.
Gather materials to develop strengths
Determine the time investment you will make.
2: When matching up your strengths with your confirmed job responsibilities, what's an
important thing to keep in mind?

If everything doesn't perfectly align, you should look for a new job.
There will most likely be a mix of items that match and items that don't match.
If you really enjoy your job, you can skip this step, because you are already satisfied in
your career.
List your strengths at random, whatever comes to mind first.
3: The goal of this course is _____.

to show you how to improve upon what you are already good at
all of these answers
to help you match your strengths with your day-to-day job duties
to take you down a path of self-discovery
4: The purpose of having someone you know give 360 degree feedback is so that _____.

you can gain a sense of what you need to improve on.

you can receive feedback from an anonymous source.
you can become more aware of your skills.
your friend can give you the answers that will make you happy.
5: What would NOT be a typical question to ask when assessing the gifts of a friend?

What comes easily to this person?

In what area does this person have above-average abilities?
What is something this person has to try very hard to be good at?
What are some things you wish you could do as well as this person?
6: What can you do to continually improve upon your strengths?

Pick a strength and assign an unwritten goal to it.

Set quarterly goals and create actions to support those goals.
Make one large, lofty goal and review it after one year has passed.
Set quarterly goals for your top five strengths and review them monthly.
7: What kind of question would you not find on this skill discovery worksheet?

What careers were you exposed to when you were growing up?
What was the focus of your education?
What jobs do you wish to hold in the future?
Who have your mentors been?
8: How do you know which of your strengths are the strongest over all?

By how much money you feel you can make with one.
By trusting your gut.
By randomly considering each strength and discussing it with others.
By listing and rating them.
9: If your current job isn't the best fit for your strengths, when is it recommend to look
for a new position within your current company ?

all of these answers

The transition time from moving from one company to another is very costly.
You already have value because you understand how your current company works.
Your employer is flexible and you are willing to make a change.
1: Does a busy lifestyle distract from learning?

It does not allow enough space

It crowds out love
It competes with good ideas
It destroys the emotional environment
2: What factor most influences the need for lifelong learning?

3: What task is a primary element of creating a learning inventory?

Create an organized list of learning experiences of all kinds throughout your life.
Create a matrix of successes and failures and the reasons for them throughout your life.
Create a detailed account of new opportunities and how they relate to old successes.
List the honors and awards you have earned throughout your life.
1: When is it better to have a phone conversation with a colleague?

when the topic involves an emotional conversation

when the information you need to convey is simple
when your colleague tends to be wordy in emails
when you need to ensure your colleague receives certain information
2: How can you best describe the "irony" of interpersonal communication in the
technology age?

The advances in technology actually increase the chances of miscommunication.

The technology age actually provides fewer ways for people to communicate.
The advances in technology have reduced the chances for miscommunication.
The technology age has led to lesser competitive advantage in having strong
communication skills.
3: You are brought onto a project team that has worked together for a few months. You
have ideas for how the team can work together more effectively. Is the first meeting the
time to speak or to listen?

It is the time to speak, so you can start moving the team in your desired direction.
It is the time to listen, because you are not in a position where you can add anything.
It is the time to listen and observe the team dynamic, and then you can contribute
later on.
It is the time to speak, because otherwise the team will wonder why you are there.
4: A great time to speak up in a group is when you have _____.
a reputation for great ideas
something to prove
no background information
relevant experience
5: When you're asking for a favor, it's first important to explain _____.

what the other person owes you

the penalty
the power dynamics
the context
6: In the business world, what is the most important aspect you can apply from having
knowledge of interpersonal communication?

Understand how to resolve problems resulting from miscommunication.

Be able to speak with individuals across various cultures.
Understand how to find your voice in meetings and presentations.
Be able to mitigate miscommunications before they happen.
7: To most honestly respond to adverse feedback and show you accept it, what should
you do?

Respond to the feedback immediately, to show the feedback was meaningful to you.
Respond to the feedback immediately, and present your side based on whatever the
feedback states.
Acknowledge receiving the feedback, and then respond after taking time to
digest it.
Pay less attention to the feedback, and instead aim your response at the person
providing it.
8: One of the best questions you can ask is, "What can I be doing that's most _____ right

high profile
big picture
9: If you're an introvert, you can communicate more effectively in meetings by using
this strategy.

all of these answers

Enlist a friend to help you get heard.
Email your thoughts to participants beforehand.
Create talking points to guide you.
10: When your boss is hard to pin down, the first thing to do is _____.

ask how she'd like to communicate

implement weekly meetings
email your questions to her
ask her boss for guidance
11: As you are speaking with a new client in person, you observe some odd facial
expressions. What should you conclude from this?

These are hints that the client would like you to change the subject.
These are cues that you should take as hints, along with other information.
These are cues indicating the client is not interested in what you are saying.
These are cues indicating the client is trying to decide whether or not to believe you.
12: As you are making a presentation to management personnel, nearly every
management attendee continually interrupts you. This is most likely occurring because

you are running over the allotted time for the presentation
it is your company's culture
it is an invitation for a one-on-one follow-up
the attendees lack interest
13: During a meeting you are conducting, one of your team members continually
interrupts. Before you respond angrily after the sixth interruption, what should you do?

Step back and ask yourself why you are being interrupted.
Tell the team member you do not appreciate the interruptions.
Tell the team member again that a Q&A will occur after your presentation.
Stop talking and let the team member take over the meeting.
14: Which of these is a sign of 'closed' body language?

all of these answers

crossed arms
hunched over
hands covering midsection
15: The first step in managing expectations is asking your boss about his/her _____

passion projects
past experiences
16: What is an example of the psychological term "leakage" pertaining to nonverbal
cues when you are talking to another person?

the person's eyes rolling as you are talking

the person's closed body language displaying nervousness
the person's face showing visible signs of contempt
the person's feet pointed toward the door when you are talking
17: Your office is in Chicago and your Southeast Asia office is in Okinawa, a twelve-hour
time difference. An urgent matter comes up in the middle of the afternoon. How should
you relay the information?

You should send an email, because your colleague will likely not appreciate a
phone call at 3:00 in the morning.
You should make a phone call, because the matter is urgent and your colleague will
You should send an email, because it gives your colleague a chance to digest the
information before responding.
You should make a phone call, because urgent matters cannot be properly stated in an
18: If your colleague is from a culture that values separation between the personal and
professional, you might consider _____.

sticking to business
inviting him out to dinner
suggesting a double date
asking about his family
1: Inspirational leaders should have passion and _____.

the resources to get things done

high self esteem
a clear vision
lots of charisma
2: What's a sign that you have been triggered?

all of these answers

You're being self critical.
Your emotions are bigger than the situation warrants.
You feel righteous or judgemental.
3: According to Dr. Amy Edmondson, what is psychological safety?

agreeing with the opinions of managers or leaders.

a shared belief that the team is safe for risk-taking
being universally liked by others
being shielded from things that are uncomfortable
4: _____ are often at the heart of conflicts.

Transparency and clarity
5: Meditating _____ changes the brain in a measurable way.

one time
three times
ninety times
twenty-five times
6: What is the best description of the "amygdala hijack?"

when synovial brainwave swamps the sensory centers

when the reptilian brain shuts down the higher level functions of the brain
when blood moving to the brain shunts away from amygdala
when you become overly fixated on a source of happiness or love
7: "Do to others as they would want to have done to them" is the _____.

Silver Tsunami
spiritual basis for EQ
Golden Rule
Platinum Rule
8: Which levels of developmental responsibility does a leader have?

all of these answers
1: Writing a summary of the experiences and best practices for managing a diverse team will
allow managers to _____.

keep the information in a safe file for future reference

explore ways to promote their own accomplishments
share with colleagues, future managers, or the HR department
2: More than anything else, _____ is the factor that distinguishes effective teams from
ineffective teams.

management support
3: Providing a creative space for team members will encourage them to feel like _____.

they can be promoted

they are contributing positively to the team
they are smart and valuable
their ideas will be implemented
4: What are the four cornerstones of diversity?

Acceptance, Behavior, Communication, and Understanding

Knowledge, Understanding, Acceptance, and Behavior
Understanding, Realism, History, and Acceptance
Communication, Acceptance, Practice, and Behavior
5: The _____ generation depends greatly on technology and now outnumber Boomers in the

Generation Y
Generation Z
6: What is the main purpose of an open-door policy?

to allow time for non-work activities to help team members feel comfortable to share with each
to make it easier for employees to schedule appointments
to learn something about your co-workers
to encourage discussions about feedback and suggestions
7: _____ training should be a regular team activity to ensure trust is not only sustained but
continues to grow.

Skills and certification

Behavior and diversity
Diversity and inclusion
Motivation and awareness
8: A team agreement establishes _____ for working together towards common goals.

unity and conduct

guidelines and conduct
credibility and trust
procedures and focus
9: In what order do the four stages of team development occur?

Forming, Storming, Performing, and Adjourning

Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing
Joining, Forming, Performing, and Storming
Forming, Joining, Performing, and Adjourning
10: Managers who practice self-monitoring use cues from others as guidelines for _____ their
verbal and nonverbal communications.

regulating and controlling

expressing and reinforcing
eliminating and correcting
stopping and changing
11: Subtle, unintentional discriminatory behavior against a member of a minority or
marginalized group is defined as _____.

12: Managers should convey to the rest of the team how embracing _____ is critical to the
team’s success.

diversity and inclusion

socializing and networking
holidays and parties
behavior and choices

Discovering Your Strengths 2018 Linkedin Answers Quiz 1

Question 1 of 1
In this course, the word “strength” refers to a combination of three things. What is NOT
a characteristic that comprises “strength?”

 Loves
 Gifts
 Goals 🗸
 Skills

Discovering Your Strengths 2018 Linkedin Answers Quiz 2

Question 1 of 2
In this course, a gift is best described as:

 Something that was difficult to do as a child, but you’ve improved somewhat at over
 Something that makes you say “I wish I could do this as well as you” to someone
you admire.
 Something that you would like to someday receive awards or public recognition for.
 Something that has always come easily to you, and that you do well with little effort.
Question 2 of 2
What happens when both you and a friend write down the same gift to describe you?

 You should ask your friend for one more idea so that you don’t have the same
 It’s time to contemplate your gifts a little longer and write down what comes to
 You can write the gift in the Multiple Mentions section. 🗸
 You can take the worksheet to a different friend to get a wider variety of answers.

Discovering Your Strengths 2018 Linkedin Answers Quiz 3

Question 1 of 3
What belongs in the Both column?

 This is where someone other than you indicates the same areas of improvement
that you mentioned about yourself in your worksheet.
 This is where someone other than you indicated different gifts than what you wrote
down about yourself on your worksheet.
 This is where you indicate when someone other than you mentions the same gifts
that you wrote about yourself on your worksheet. 🗸
 This is where someone other than you indicates the same goals and aspirations
that you mentioned about yourself in your worksheet.
Question 2 of 3
What kind of feedback question would give you the best insight into what a person
enjoys and values?

 What does this person dislike most about their current job?
 What kinds of objects or personal trinkets does this person have at their home? 🗸
 What kind of work does this person enjoy doing the least?
 What does this person wish they could improve upon?
Question 3 of 3
When your career is doing what you love, it can bring you a lot of things, but not
always _.

 persistence
 longevity
 money 🗸
 endurance

Discovering Your Strengths 2018 Linkedin Answers Quiz 4

Question 1 of 1
What is the purpose of the Multiple Mentions section?

 To discover your strengths.

 All of the above. 🗸
 To look for connections and patterns between your response and your friend’s
 To collect the information that came from the Both column.

Discovering Your Strengths 2018 Linkedin Answers Quiz 5

Question 1 of 2
Money is a helpful part of the strengths equation because _.

 it is the number one reason to go down a particular career path.

 money can inspire us to work harder
 it should not be used as a tool to make any decisions related to your career.
 it gives us an objective measuring stick which we can use to assess the value of
the strengths that we have. 🗸
Question 2 of 2
In examining the words and phrases in the Strengths Worksheet, you may notice
similarities in the three different columns. In this case, you should _.

 All of the above.

 Do the worksheet again so that your answers are more unique.
 Ask the friend who helped complete the worksheet for further clarification.
 Draw lines to connect the similar words or thoughts. 🗸

Discovering Your Strengths 2018 Linkedin Answers Quiz 6

Question 1 of 1
Focus is _.

 the strategic planning of your time around that which holds your interest the most.
 multitasking by using the strengths that you are best at.
 making a to-do list and not deviating from it.
 the strategic allocation of your time and attention on that which is most valuable. 🗸

Question 1 of 2
There are a few ways we can understand what is expected of us, especially in a
professional setting. Which of these is not one of them?

 A job description.
 Tracking your work responsibilities.
 Comparing what you do to others around you 🗸
 Directly asking your employer.
Question 2 of 2
There are many helpful things to do when you’re thinking about switching careers.
Which of these is not one of them?

 Telling your co-workers that you plan to quit. 🗸

 Researching careers online that align with your strengths.
 Making a list of jobs that match your strengths.
 Conducting informational interviews with people that have careers you are
interested in.

Discovering Your Strengths 2018 Linkedin Answers Quiz 7

Question 1 of 1
What’s one thing that’s true about successful leaders?

 They play to their strengths. 🗸

 They multitask to use their strongest skills all at once.
 They allow what is most valuable to them remain a mystery.
 They focus on the strengths of their subordinates, not their own.

Discovering Your Strengths 2018 Linkedin Answers FINAL

Question 1 of 9
Which of the following is not a recommended step to invest time in growing your

 Commit to deliver something related to your strength.

 Ask for a promotion. 🗸
 Gather materials to develop strengths
 Determine the time investment you will make.
Question 2 of 9
When matching up your strengths with your confirmed job responsibilities, what’s an
important thing to keep in mind?

 If everything doesn’t perfectly align, you should look for a new job.
 There will most likely be a mix of items that match and items that don’t match. 🗸
 If you really enjoy your job, you can skip this step, because you are already
satisfied in your career.
 List your strengths at random, whatever comes to mind first.
Question 3 of 9
The goal of this course is _.

 to show you how to improve upon what you are already good at
 all of these answers 🗸
 to help you match your strengths with your day-to-day job duties
 to take you down a path of self-discovery
These are Discovering Your Strengths 2018 Linkedin Answers

Question 4 of 9
The purpose of having someone you know give 360 degree feedback is so that _.

 you can gain a sense of what you need to improve on.

 you can receive feedback from an anonymous source.
 you can become more aware of your skills. 🗸
 your friend can give you the answers that will make you happy.
Question 5 of 9
What would NOT be a typical question to ask when assessing the gifts of a friend?

 What comes easily to this person?

 In what area does this person have above-average abilities?
 What is something this person has to try very hard to be good at? 🗸
 What are some things you wish you could do as well as this person?
Question 6 of 9
What can you do to continually improve upon your strengths?
 Pick a strength and assign an unwritten goal to it.
 Set quarterly goals and create actions to support those goals. 🗸
 Make one large, lofty goal and review it after one year has passed.
 Set quarterly goals for your top five strengths and review them monthly.
These are Discovering Your Strengths 2018 Linkedin Answers

Question 7 of 9
What kind of question would you not find on this skill discovery worksheet?

 What careers were you exposed to when you were growing up?
 What was the focus of your education?
 What jobs do you wish to hold in the future? 🗸
 Who have your mentors been?
Question 8 of 9
How do you know which of your strengths are the strongest over all?

 By how much money you feel you can make with one.
 By trusting your gut.
 By randomly considering each strength and discussing it with others.
 By listing and rating them. 🗸
Question 9 of 9
If your current job isn’t the best fit for your strengths, when is it recommend to look for a
new position within your current company ?

 all of these answers 🗸

 The transition time from moving from one company to another is very costly.
 You already have value because you understand how your current company works.
 Your employer is flexible and you are willing to make a change.
Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers Quiz 1
Question 1 of 2
Developing the ability to work seamlessly across cultures is about having all the right _.

 questions 🗸
 answers
 documentation
 knowledge
Question 2 of 2
What do you need to know before taking this course?

 that cultures differ across the globe, based on high and low contexts and seven cultural
factors 🗸
 the full history of the world
 why some countries use the phrase “God willing” and others don’t
 the specific differences between high and low context cultures

Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers Quiz 2

Question 1 of 1
In high context cultures, communication is _.

 detail-oriented
 quiet
 implied 🗸
 loud

Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers Quiz 3

Question 1 of 7
Taking time to build relationships, and thus feeling comfortable with fewer rigid rules
and policies, is indicative of a _ culture.

 universalist
 particularist 🗸
 individualist
 democratic
Question 2 of 7
Groups from high context cultures tend to work more , whereas groups from low
context cultures are often more .

 competitively; collaborative
 collaboratively; competitive 🗸
 efficiently; inefficient
 inefficiently; efficient
These are Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers

Question 3 of 7
Which time orientation is most effective in a business setting?

 monochronic time orientation

 none of these answers 🗸
 histrionic time orientation
 polychronic time orientation
Question 4 of 7
What is the best example of a culture with an internal locus of control?

 The people display a heavy reliance on astrology.

 The people have an entire channel on TV dedicated to predicting weather. 🗸
 The people generally leave things to fate.
 Everyone hangs a lucky rabbit’s foot from their rearview mirror.
Question 5 of 7
The toughest word to say in an indirect communication culture is _.

 no 🗸
 antidisestablishmentarianism
 maybe
 yes
Question 6 of 7
You visit an office and cannot immediately discern who is the boss. You notice that
people communicate openly, and that it seems like a pretty laid back atmosphere. What
are you most likely observing?

 high context
 high-power distance
 low context
 low-power distance 🗸
These are Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers

Question 7 of 7
The CEO of a firm asks a group of interns to present their suggestions on how to
improve organizational efficiency. This is most indicative of _.

 low-power distance
 low-risk aversion 🗸
 high-power distance
 high-risk aversion

Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers Quiz 4

Question 1 of 3
What is the purpose of assessing the situation before entering a cross-cultural
communication event?

 to prepare answers for any questions you may receive

 to know exactly what to expect from a different culture
 to evaluate your progress
 to raise your awareness of a new situation and collect new information 🗸
Question 2 of 3
_ is the most important influence on the course of a communication event.

 Individual temperament 🗸
 Locus of control
 High context culture
 Time orientation
These are Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers

Question 3 of 3
How can you measure whether you were successful in a cross-cultural communication

 Define success by whether or not the deal was completed.

 See if your business partner from the new culture is smiling.
 Define success by the terms of this new culture and your time orientation. 🗸
 Ask your boss if you did a good job.

Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers Quiz 5

Question 1 of 2
Based on Scenario 1, which question should Judy ask herself going into her
performance evaluation with Caroline?

 Is French culture task- or relationship-oriented? 🗸

 What should I wear?
 How much coffee should I drink beforehand?
 Can we do this over email?
Question 2 of 2
Based on Scenario 2, how can Bruno best measure his success in this transaction,
beyond whether or not he made the sale?

 by asking his boss back in Brazil

 by gauging how much the audience smiles
 by considering the level of ongoing contact with the British reps and the overall impact he
had on the two companies 🗸

Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers FINAL EXAM

Question 1 of 9
Which example best illustrates an internal locus of control?

 A person is introverted and methodical.

 A person is “being” oriented and believes in fate and luck.
 A person is outgoing and optimistic.
 A person is “doing” oriented and believes that fate is of little importance. 🗸
Question 2 of 9
Your friend crosses in front of a red light, and a police officer notices. The officer stops
to question you. Which statement is most likely true?

 In a rules-based culture, the officer will treat you, your friend, and all other citizens
 In a rules-based culture, the officer will be flexible based on your friend’s circumstances.
 In a relationship-based culture, your loyalty will be with your friend. 🗸
 In a relationship-based culture, the officer will give your friend a ticket.
Question 3 of 9
Which statement best describes the difference between high and low context cultures?

 In a low context culture, people gesture more than in a high context culture.
 In a high context culture, people tend to communicate with detailed messages. In a low
context culture, messages are minimal and implicit.
 In a high context culture, messages are communicated with fewer words and more
nonverbals. In a low context culture, messages are communicated with explicit words. 🗸
 In a high context culture, people tend to speak more softly than in a low context culture.
These are Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers

Question 4 of 9
Assume you come from a monochronic, direct, and low-power distance culture. How
could you best start reaching out to and securing a new vendor in a culture very
different from your own?

 Dive right in and start introducing yourself to new people.

 Learn the timeline for the assignment and set realistic expectations, knowing that it may
take longer to establish connections in this new culture. 🗸
 Email your boss and say the assignment might be too hard.
 Try to close the deal with the first vendor you meet.
Question 5 of 9
What is the best definition of individual culture?

 It is a culture were people place importance on relationships.

 It is a culture where people prefer to be recognized individually and are more likely to make
decisions on their own. 🗸
 It is a culture that is likely to be a high context culture.
 It is a culture where people make decisions as a group but are comfortable acting
Question 6 of 9
Which statement about risk in a culture is true?

 Risk describes the degree to which people within a culture are comfortable with change,
innovation, and not following the status quo. 🗸
 Risk is related to the historical background of a country, and it is often restrained in cultures
with a newer history and traditions.
 Risk depends on the average age of a cultures’ working population. The older the
population, the more comfortable they will be with risk.
 Risk is related to the number of relationships built in the workplace, and it tends to be
higher in Mediterranean cultures.
These are Developing Cross Cultural Intelligence Linkedin Answers

Question 7 of 9
Which scenario best describes a monochronic workplace?

 agendas, procedure manuals, and a free flowing meeting space

 free flowing meetings and lots of open workspaces for collaboration
 reminder emails, water cooler chats, and longer lunches
 agendas, procedure manuals, and tight time management meetings throughout the day 🗸
Question 8 of 9
Which choice best differentiates between a direct and indirect communicator?

 Indirect communicators say no without hesitation and direct communicators generally have
trouble saying no.
 Direct communicators speak with conviction but are less likely to be succinct and to the
point when compared with indirect communicators.
 Direct communicators will hesitate to ask open ended questions. Indirect communicators
are more likely to ask yes or no questions.
 Direct communicators say what they mean and say it clearly. Indirect communicators may
gather more information by asking questions and offer suggestions for consideration. 🗸
Question 9 of 9
What is the definition of a high status culture?

 In a high status culture, it is preferred that you send a direct email asking for a face-to-face
 In a high status culture, formal communication style is preferable and professional job titles
matter 🗸
 In a high status culture, people refer to one another on a first name basis.
 In a high status culture, junior-level professionals take the lead in meetings, and older,
more experienced attendees are mere observers.

Creating Safe Spaces for Tough Conversations at Work

Quiz 1
Question 1 of 2
Noah understands that a tough conversation needs a safe space. What key elements
does Noah need in conjunction with conflict resolution to affirm cultural norms and clear
feedback loops?

 cohesion, trust, and togetherness

 fear, trust, and confidence
 respect, empathy, and trust 🗸
Question 2 of 2
Why is it important for someone to have a safe space when they are dealing with a
crisis at work?

 to free up more brain power to ward off any additional threats

 to allow the body to get through the flight, freeze, and fight mode
 to initiate critical thinking and creativity 🗸

Creating Safe Spaces for Tough Conversations at Work

Quiz 2
Question 1 of 3
What is the key component that gives a safe space credibility with employees?

 a plan
 a tough conversation
 a mission statement
 an institutional base 🗸
Question 2 of 3
Dylan is asked to start an inclusion program at her company. She thinks the company is
already doing a great job. What activity could Dylan consider for the inclusion program?

 Ethnic participation increases on a project.

 All groups participate in the decision-making process. 🗸
 Internal members of the tech community join a social event after a conference.
Question 3 of 3
Liam is asked to be a team member on a project but not as the lead. He feels excluded
and wonders about the inequalities preventing him from having the lead position. What
is this known as?

 intersectionality 🗸
 power dilemma
 inclusion
 culture journey

Creating Safe Spaces for Tough Conversations at Work

Quiz 3
Question 1 of 2
Which group has the best chance at a collaborative and open team culture?
 a remote team
 friends in the community
 supporters and allies who are safe space advocates 🗸
Question 2 of 2
You are a consultant helping a company to create a safe space and minimize
microinequities. What should you least consider when determining how quickly a safe
space can be constructed?

 key performance indicators 🗸

 DEI initiatives
 norms
 behavioral trainings

Creating Safe Spaces for Tough Conversations at Work

Quiz 4
Question 1 of 2
What is an indicator that psychological safety exists within your organization?

 Employees are taking interpersonal risk as a group. 🗸

 Employees are showing more innovative as a group.
 Employees are making more mistakes.
 Employees are trusting more in themselves.
Question 2 of 2
What fosters the development of many cultural norms within an organization?

 accessibility
 power and language
 what you do not see 🗸
 shared equity

Creating Safe Spaces for Tough Conversations at Work

Quiz 5
Question 1 of 2
Valerie is auditing the DEI program and reviewing the code of conduct. What should she
look for?

 It creates fun for employees.

 It has employee acknowledgment. 🗸
 It protects company teams.
Question 2 of 2
Which company would be able to create safe spaces for tough conversations?

 Company L values its people above everything. 🗸

 Company K values profits and shareholders.
 Company J values its products the most.

Creating Safe Spaces for Tough Conversations at Work

Quiz 6
Question 1 of 1
Akira is hired as a leader in a company that has safe spaces. What must Akira do to
build leadership capacity in this environment?

 Support and participate in tough conversations. 🗸

 Guide employees to work out challenges on their own.
 Put safe spaces in the top 10 list of to-dos.

Creating Safe Spaces for Tough Conversations at Work

Question 1 of 12
Tough conversations can be intense. What is a main reason that people avoid them?

 fear of success
 fear of tension
 fear of conflict 🗸
 fear of failing
Question 2 of 12
What is the best scenario for having more accountability that transitions people to
become upstanders?

 a greater network of members 🗸

 a dedicated network of mutual members
 a smaller network of members
Question 3 of 12
A culture can be free of microaggressions if the company is intentional _.

 with each circumstance

 among the management team
 from the beginning 🗸
These are Creating Safe Spaces for Tough Conversations at Work Answers

Question 4 of 12
Hans is hired to address inclusion issues at Rocker, Inc. What is the first action he
should take?

 Define his own biases as well as the company’s.

 Determine what justice means to the employees.
 Review the institutional base and ask critical questions. 🗸
Question 5 of 12
The Reid Company employees have helped to implement a strategy of policies and
governing principles. What will this institutional base do for the company?

 Build accountability, communication, and ownership.

 Build trust, accountability, and dependability. 🗸
 Build trust, flexibility, and wellness.
Question 6 of 12
What needs to happen before training on workplace bullying or other harassment

 Look at the processes.

 Name it and accept it. 🗸
 Survey the employees.
 Review the mission statement.
These are Creating Safe Spaces for Tough Conversations at Work Answers

Question 7 of 12
You and a colleague are conversing about what makes up an inclusive culture. What
statement best describes an inclusive environment?

 Inclusive environments serve everyone. 🗸

 Inclusive environments are anchored from the outside in.
 Inclusive environments are a nonnegotiable balance.
Question 8 of 12
What habit is recommended if you want to build safe work environments?

 Ask others what their work schedule is.

 Always be sympathetic with others.
 Always be direct with others.
 Ask others how they like to receive and give feedback. 🗸
Question 9 of 12
What needs to be in place for HR and management to support the cultivation of a safe
 The mission states the values of the company.
 The code of conduct is equitably written and imposed. 🗸
 HR and management should be empowered to make final decisions.
These are Creating Safe Spaces for Tough Conversations at Work Answers

Question 10 of 12
You and your team have created a safe space. What happens next?

 Include a success-safe plan.

 Once it is created, that is enough.
 It should be updated frequently. 🗸
Question 11 of 12
Olivia is responsible for helping to create a safe space at her workplace. What is the
first step she should take?

 Identify the values. 🗸

 Identify the policies and procedures.
 Identify the stakeholders.
Question 12 of 12
Your manager has been building a cooperative culture that includes safe spaces. What
is the best definition of “safe space?”

 a blue room or specific location

 a workplace that is highly collaborative and free of risk
 a designated room with features for privacy
 an environment free of bias, criticism, or potential aggressive actions 🗸
Question 1 of 3
You are explaining the process that occurs when a minority culture is expected to
adhere to the behaviors of a majority culture. Which term should you use?

 prejudice
 assimilation 🗸
 diversity
 inclusion
Question 2 of 3
You are considering some exercises for team building. What is the first factor that these
exercises should enhance?

 knowledge 🗸
 evaluation
 performance
 compatibility
Question 3 of 3
How does an open-door policy help with managing a diverse team?

 It encourages good communication. 🗸

 It prevents insecurity.
 It discourages conflict.
 It enhances status.

Question 1 of 3
Your team members are in conflict, focusing on their differences rather than on their
similarities. What can you do to help?

 Promote inclusiveness by recognizing team accomplishments. 🗸

 Assist the team with training and encourage routine feedback.
 Suggest that the team write a charter.
 Help the team establish boundaries.
Question 2 of 3
Your team has established SMART goals. What is the next step?

 Assign tasks.
 Begin a rapid execution to completion.
 Build an action plan. 🗸
Question 3 of 3
You are a team leader conducting a meeting. Team interactions start to devolve into
name-calling and resentment. What should be your first step in handling this situation?

 Confront the members privately.

 Intervene in the meeting. 🗸
 Refer the members to human resources.

Question 1 of 2
You have a team agreement in place, but two members still behave outlandishly at
times. What should you do?

 Encourage team members to use the agreement to police themselves.

 Use the team agreement in a private discussion of disciplinary action. 🗸
 Refer the matter to human resources.
 Dismiss those members from the team.
Question 2 of 2
In your interactions with one team member, you inadvertently lose your temper. How
should you proceed?

 Ignore the problem and move on.

 Ask for feedback and have a group discussion.
 Immediately correct yourself. 🗸

Question 1 of 4
During a break, a team member brings up a recent event that they think contributed to
team conflict. Which response would show you are interested, yet not inflame opinions?

 “Let’s have everybody express their opinions.”

 “I don’t think this is an appropriate topic for us to discuss.”
 “That’s an interesting situation, but I would like to know more facts before forming
an opinion.” 🗸
 “The participants were clearly in the wrong in that situation; it should have never
Question 2 of 4
You learn that one of your team members follows a religious movement with unique
practices and days of worship. What should you do?

 Allow the team member to take more time off than other members of the group.
 Ask the team member to give a presentation on their beliefs to the rest of the
 Conduct some research on the team member’s religion and its practices. 🗸
 Require the team member to work on the same schedule as the rest of the group.
These are Managing a Diverse Team Linkedin Learning Answers

Question 3 of 4
One of your team members is nervous about speaking up and offers a slightly rambling
suggestion for improving procedures. How can you best help this team member?

 Listen until the person is finished giving their suggestion. 🗸

 Interject gently and ask the person to write down their suggestion instead.
 Ask the person to stop and reflect further on their idea.
Question 4 of 4
A team member appears to be troubled about something. How can you help in a way
that builds trust?

 Take them to lunch and listen one-on-one. 🗸

 Alert coworkers to tread softly.
 Ask them to get help.
 Refer them to human resources.

Question 1 of 12
Writing a summary of the experiences and best practices for managing a diverse team
will allow managers to _.
 keep the information in a safe file for future reference
 explore ways to promote their own accomplishments
 share with colleagues, future managers, or the HR department 🗸
Question 2 of 12
More than anything else, _ is the factor that distinguishes effective teams from
ineffective teams.

 management support
 listening 🗸
 size
 declarations
Question 3 of 12
Providing a creative space for team members will encourage them to feel like _.

 they can be promoted

 they are contributing positively to the team 🗸
 they are smart and valuable
 their ideas will be implemented
These are Managing a Diverse Team Linkedin Learning Answers

Question 4 of 12
What are the four cornerstones of diversity?

 Acceptance, Behavior, Communication, and Understanding

 Knowledge, Understanding, Acceptance, and Behavior 🗸
 Understanding, Realism, History, and Acceptance
 Communication, Acceptance, Practice, and Behavior
Question 5 of 12
The _ generation depends greatly on technology and now outnumber Boomers in the

 Generation Y
 Millennials 🗸
 Traditionalists
 Generation Z
Question 6 of 12
What is the main purpose of an open-door policy?

 to allow time for non-work activities to help team members feel comfortable to
share with each other
 to make it easier for employees to schedule appointments
 to learn something about your co-workers
 to encourage discussions about feedback and suggestions 🗸
These are Managing a Diverse Team Linkedin Learning Answers

Question 7 of 12
_ training should be a regular team activity to ensure trust is not only sustained but
continues to grow.

 Skills and certification

 Behavior and diversity
 Diversity and inclusion 🗸
 Motivation and awareness
Question 8 of 12
A team agreement establishes _ for working together towards common goals.

 unity and conduct

 guidelines and conduct 🗸
 credibility and trust
 procedures and focus
Question 9 of 12
In what order do the four stages of team development occur?

 Forming, Storming, Performing, and Adjourning

 Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing 🗸
 Joining, Forming, Performing, and Storming
 Forming, Joining, Performing, and Adjourning
These are Managing a Diverse Team Linkedin Learning Answers

Question 10 of 12
Managers who practice self-monitoring use cues from others as guidelines for _ their
verbal and nonverbal communications.

 regulating and controlling 🗸

 expressing and reinforcing
 eliminating and correcting
 stopping and changing
Question 11 of 12
Subtle, unintentional discriminatory behavior against a member of a minority or
marginalized group is defined as _.

 prejudice
 sexism
 stereotype
 microaggression 🗸
Question 12 of 12
Managers should convey to the rest of the team how embracing _ is critical to the
team’s success.

 diversity and inclusion 🗸

 socializing and networking
 holidays and parties
 behavior and choices

Creating a Culture of Change Linkedin Learning Answers

Quiz 1
Question 1 of 3
What are three of the characteristics of an ‘adaptive culture’?

 determination, competitiveness, and experimentation

 open communication, experimentation, and collaboration 🗸
 resilience, individual achievement, and clear hierarchies
 high IQ’s, resilience, and collaboration

Question 2 of 3
Which two beliefs make it difficult for people to adjust to change?

 A
o change is inevitable;
o avoiding the pain of changing something you’re used to will make you happier
in the long run
 B
o avoiding the pain of changing something you’re used to will make you happier
in the long run;
o change is only good in the short-term
 C
o things need to be permanent, and not change;
o change is inevitable
 D🗸
o things need to be permanent, and not change; 2. avoiding the pain of changing
something you’re used to will make you happier in the long run 🗸
These are Creating a Culture of Change Linkedin Learning Answers

Question 3 of 3
Over half of the companies that made up the Fortune 500 in the year 2000 no longer
exist today. The main reason these companies are no longer in business is that_____.
 there was too much government regulation
 their customer service was sub-standard
 their prices were too high
 they didn’t adapt to their changing business ecosystems quickly enough 🗸

Creating a Culture of Change Linkedin Learning Answers

Quiz 2
Question 1 of 2
How does a Network Leader lead?

 Casts a wide net to resource the best technology.

 Builds a strong network of go-to people across a variety of disciplines. 🗸
 Builds the most useful company Intranet.
 Uses the newest network applications to build the business.

Question 2 of 2
In today’s most successful companies, leaders are not expected to know everything
related to their jobs – instead they are expected to be learning agile and adaptable.
What are three of the related qualities these new leaders possess?

 quick-witted, risk tolerant, and collaborative

 collaborative, empowering, and vulnerable 🗸
 courageous, competitive, and infallible
 risk averse, vulnerable, and empowering

Creating a Culture of Change Linkedin Learning Answers

Quiz 3
Question 1 of 3
What three elements are required in order to communicate effectively about creating a
culture of change?

 marketing, communications, and events departments

 clarity, consistency, and transparency 🗸
 celebrity sponsors, credibility, and showmanship
 formality, precision, and high-quality videos
Question 2 of 3
In order to change the culture of a group or organization you need to involve the right
people. In most groups you need to involve both _ and _ leaders.

 formal; informal 🗸
 good; bad
 past; present
 executive; non-executive
These are Creating a Culture of Change Linkedin Learning Answers

Question 3 of 3
How can you encourage employees to adopt behaviors that support the culture

 Create incentives that directly reward the desired behaviors. 🗸

 Terminate all employees immediately who violate the new behavior code.
 Get the CEO to deliver a speech to all the employees in a Town Hall meeting
explaining the new behaviors.
 Develop catchy slogans, then post them on the walls and Intranet landing page.

Creating a Culture of Change Linkedin Learning Answers

Quiz 4
Question 1 of 2
What do you have to do first in order to design a reward system that supports the
culture change your organization is pursuing?

 Identify the behaviors associated with the desired culture so you can reward them.
 Have the Human Resources and Communications departments participate in a
‘Design Thinking’ workshop to come up with an attractive campaign.
 Work with the Compensation team to design a clever reward system.
 Get the Executive Management Team to approve additional funds for bonuses.

Question 2 of 2
What four factors have driven humanity to our current state of technological

 actions, results, rewards, repetition

 necessity, contemplation, experimentation, success
 scarcity, exploration, reasoning, innovation
 curiosity, experimentation, failure, persistence 🗸

Creating a Culture of Change Linkedin Learning Answers

Question 1 of 8
Once you’ve built your professional online social network, you need to maintain it by
managing it effectively. How can you best manage your professional online social

 Connect with as many people as you can find on the social network so that you can
build a huge and powerful network.
 Click ‘Like’ for everything that your connections post on their profiles.
 Contribute to it regularly by writing or sharing articles of professional interest,
commenting on others’ articles, and to acknowledging 🗸 professional milestones
like work anniversaries, promotions or new jobs.
 Intelligently critique the posts of people you don’t like.

Question 2 of 8
What are the two main reasons that many adults lose their innate sense of curiosity?

 A🗸
o 1) they become very comfortable in the world they know
o 2) venturing outside of that world seems to hold more risks than rewards
 B
o 1) things are not as much fun as they used to be
o 2) they become bored more easily
 C
o 1) they know more than they did when they were children
o 2) they don’t need to know more
 D
o 1) they become very comfortable in the world they know
o 2) they start to lose their memory

Question 3 of 8
What can you do to ensure that you truly understand and can practice what you learned
in this course?

 Teach what you learned to other people. 🗸

 Watch it at least five more times.
 Recommend it to your colleagues.
 Take the next course in the series.
These are Creating a Culture of Change Linkedin Learning Answers

Question 4 of 8
What does a company need to have in place in order to sustain a culture change over

 A company needs to have large cash reserves and low debt to sustain the culture
change over time.
 A company needs to keep its top executives in place to sustain the culture change
over time.
 A company needs to have great products and superior customer service to sustain
the culture change over time.
 A company needs to have a long-term strategy and vision to sustain the culture
change over time. 🗸

Question 5 of 8
We live in a time of accelerated change. Which of the following factors are the likely
cause of this?

 population growth, political instability, and technological advances

 population growth, increased global and social mobility, and technological
advances 🗸
 population growth, increased global and social mobility, and economic volatility
 climate change, increased global and social mobility, and technological advances

Question 6 of 8
The 70:20:10 model of learning and development proposes that 70% of a person’s
development comes from _.

 working on challenging assignments or projects 🗸

 working with a coach
 classroom training
 attending professional conferences
These are Creating a Culture of Change Linkedin Learning Answers

Question 7 of 8
When we seek out information that supports our beliefs, which is known as “_ bias”.

 validity
 confirmation 🗸
 hypothetical
 supportive
Question 8 of 8
A recent long-term study conducted by health psychologists concluded that _.

 stress is only harmful to your health if you believe it is 🗸

 major change is too stressful for most people
 stress will kill you
 change-related stress is more harmful than you think it is
Question 1 of 1
What do you call it when you develop others to maximize their potential?

 building relationships 🗸
 awareness of others
 self awareness
 self control


Question 1 of 1
Which is NOT an important goal in regard to feelings and EQ?

 Learn to feel your feelings.

 Learn to ignore your emotions. 🗸
 Learn to identify your emotions.
 Find appropriate ways to express your feelings.

Leading with Emotional Intelligence Linkedin Answers CHAPTER QUIZ 3

Question 1 of 1
An important window for emotional self control occurs when _.

 we are meditating
 we are under stress 🗸
 we are exercising
 we are feeling calm and positive


Question 1 of 1
Humans are wired for three main things: to survive, to belong in a meaningful
community, and to _.

 form meaningful bonds with others

 protect food and water
 work
 become our best selves 🗸


Question 1 of 2
For a team to achieve true collaboration or peak performance it must have _.

 physical and psychological safety

 a clear sense of purpose
 all of these answers 🗸
 trust and belonging
Question 2 of 2
How do ’emotionally intelligent’ leaders drive change?

 by creating rallying cries

 by strategically withholding ideas
 by using anger to motivate
 by challenging the status quo 🗸

Leading with Emotional Intelligence Linkedin Answers

Final Exam
Question 1 of 8
Inspirational leaders should have passion and _.

 the resources to get things done

 high self esteem
 a clear vision 🗸
 lots of charisma
Question 2 of 8
What’s a sign that you have been triggered?

 all of these answers 🗸

 You’re being self critical.
 Your emotions are bigger than the situation warrants.
 You feel righteous or judgemental.
Question 3 of 8
According to Dr. Amy Edmondson, what is psychological safety?

 agreeing with the opinions of managers or leaders.

 a shared belief that the team is safe for risk-taking 🗸
 being universally liked by others
 being shielded from things that are uncomfortable
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Question 4 of 8
_ are often at the heart of conflicts.

 Resolutions
 Triggers 🗸
 Questions
 Transparency and clarity
Question 5 of 8
Meditating _ changes the brain in a measurable way.

 one time 🗸
 three times
 ninety times
 twenty-five times
Question 6 of 8
What is the best description of the “amygdala hijack?”

 when synovial brainwave swamps the sensory centers

 when the reptilian brain shuts down the higher level functions of the brain 🗸
 when blood moving to the brain shunts away from amygdala
 when you become overly fixated on a source of happiness or love
Question 7 of 8
“Do to others as they would want to have done to them” is the _.

 Silver Tsunami
 spiritual basis for EQ
 Golden Rule
 Platinum Rule 🗸
Question 8 of 8
Which levels of developmental responsibility does a leader have?

 other
 all of these answers 🗸
 self
 organization
Question 1 of 3
Your largest client prefers to have all communication by email, even though the client
does not always reply promptly. What should you do?
 Continue using email, but follow-up with phone calls.
 Use the phone for time-sensitive communication.
 Continue using email to communicate with the client. 🗸
 Use the phone for brief questions.

Question 2 of 3
How should you best express gratitude to someone who has done a favor for you?

 Explain why the favor was important to you. 🗸

 Acknowledge the favor with a financial reward.
 Acknowledge the favor with a thank you.
 Explain why the favor is important to the person doing the favor.
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Question 3 of 3
You ask your colleague Li for another favor, since you have asked her for favors before
and she has complied. Why might Li be reluctant to help you this time?

 You have not built up a favor bank with Li.

 You present the favor as an urgent request.
 Li feels you have been taking her for granted. 🗸
 Li feels you are making a demand, rather than asking for a favor.

Interpersonal Communication Linkedin Learning Answers

Quiz 2
Question 1 of 5
What is meant by a meta-conversation with a supervisor, when you are taking the first
step in asking for guidance?

 It is a conversation regarding the best places to look for guidance.

 It is a conversation regarding the type of guidance you are seeking.
 It is a conversation regarding the scope and responsibilities of your job.
 It is a conversation regarding how you will have conversations. 🗸

Question 2 of 5
Once you have learned a project’s priority, which step should you take next to
effectively manage expectations?

 Seek time estimates from your supervisor.

 Know where the project falls in importance among other projects.
 Create time estimates for the project components. 🗸
 Understand the deadlines for every project component.
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Question 3 of 5
Why should you always share your opinion with management, even if you know
management will disagree?

 You can share your professional opinion, while excluding your personal feelings.
 You will feel better, and you can persuade management to adopt your position.
 You will feel better, and you will do your duty to the organization. 🗸
 You will do your duty to the organization, which protects you from being disciplined.

Question 4 of 5
It is your first meeting on a project team you have been added to. The project is a new
quiet-motor dishwasher. You worked on a similar product with your previous employer.
Should you talk or listen?

 You should talk, so you can establish your credentials with the new team.
 You should talk, because you have recent related experience that can help the
team. 🗸
 You should listen, so you do not appear like a know-it-all that will demean the
team’s efforts.
 You should listen, so you can get an understanding of the team’s dynamic.
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Question 5 of 5
A good strategy for asking your boss the right questions is to create a PowerPoint of
your project execution plan. What makes this a good strategy?

 It will get your boss’s buy-in for the plan that you have spent time writing down and
charting out.
 It lets you ask your boss whether you are missing anything, after doing the planning
work that is expected of you. 🗸
 It lets you ask whether there is anything your boss would like to see in your
execution plan.
 It will show your boss that you have established the project’s priorities.

Interpersonal Communication Lindin Learning Answers

Quiz 3
Question 1 of 7
You know you are going to receive a poor performance evaluation in your position as
department manager due to some problems that were beyond your control. What
should you do?

 Map out a worst-case scenario, with specific evidence of how others were to blame.
 Avoid preparing in advance, so your responses will be spontaneous and honest.
 Avoid the problems, and highlight your total performance over the evaluation
 Map out a worst-case scenario, with draft responses and an action plan. 🗸

Question 2 of 7
You are working with a international project team, and the timeline is slipping to the
point where deadlines might be missed. You need to communicate the situation to your
European and Asian teams while being sensitive to the cultural differences between the
teams. What is the best way to phrase the situation for the Asian team?

 We’re working hard, and I know this is a difficult timeline. 🗸

 The timeline is slipping, and we need to catch up.
 The project is in trouble, and it will not be ready on time.
 I’m becoming concerned about this project’s timetable.

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Question 3 of 7
Your US company’s culture is addressing both colleagues and friends by their first
names. This being said, should you address your higher-ranking Chinese regional
manager Huan by his first name?

 No; you will come off looking presumptuous and disrespectful. 🗸

 Yes; informality is desirable in most Asian cultures.
 Yes; employees in your company need to adopt your company’s US culture.
 No; you would have had to build a personal relationship with Huan first.

Question 4 of 7
Introverts typically have a tendency to freeze up when called on in a meeting. If you are
an introvert, how can you best avoid this?

 Avoid having the meeting moderator call on you.

 Try to be the first person to speak up.
 Take good notes during the meeting.
 Create a set of talking points before the meeting. 🗸
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Question 5 of 7
How can you proactively prepare yourself to be open for feedback?

 Make it a point to stop asking anyone for feedback.

 Stop paying attention to feedback from people at a parallel level to yours.
 Determine whose feedback you should pay attention to. 🗸
 Start by developing an immunity to unsolicited advice.

Question 6 of 7
You appoint an interruption monitor who informs you that your presentations are
frequently interrupted. How should you proceed with this information?

 Identify the individuals who interrupt you the most.

 Leave the presentations to another meeting facilitator.
 Set up brainstorming sessions prior to the meeting. 🗸
 Have the monitor shut down the interruptions.
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Question 7 of 7
How do business people in the United States and Canada view personal relationships
while conducting business?

 Personal relationships are secondary to the business that is conducted.

 It is important that business is being conducted fairly and ethically. 🗸
 Personal relationships must be established before business conversations take
 It is important that both parties leave the table knowing they have gained

Interpersonal Communication Linkedin Learning Answers

Final Exam
Question 1 of 18
When is it better to have a phone conversation with a colleague?

 when the topic involves an emotional conversation 🗸

 when the information you need to convey is simple
 when your colleague tends to be wordy in emails
 when you need to ensure your colleague receives certain information
Question 2 of 18
How can you best describe the “irony” of interpersonal communication in the technology

 The advances in technology actually increase the chances of miscommunication. 🗸

 The technology age actually provides fewer ways for people to communicate.
 The advances in technology have reduced the chances for miscommunication.
 The technology age has led to lesser competitive advantage in having strong
communication skills.

Question 3 of 18
You are brought onto a project team that has worked together for a few months. You
have ideas for how the team can work together more effectively. Is the first meeting the
time to speak or to listen?

 It is the time to speak, so you can start moving the team in your desired direction.
 It is the time to listen, because you are not in a position where you can add
 It is the time to listen and observe the team dynamic, and then you can contribute
later on. 🗸
 It is the time to speak, because otherwise the team will wonder why you are there.
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Question 4 of 18
A great time to speak up in a group is when you have _.

 a reputation for great ideas

 something to prove
 no background information
 relevant experience 🗸

Question 5 of 18
When you’re asking for a favor, it’s first important to explain _.

 what the other person owes you

 the penalty
 the power dynamics
 the context 🗸

Question 6 of 18
In the business world, what is the most important aspect you can apply from having
knowledge of interpersonal communication?
 Understand how to resolve problems resulting from miscommunication.
 Be able to speak with individuals across various cultures.
 Understand how to find your voice in meetings and presentations.
 Be able to mitigate miscommunications before they happen. 🗸
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Question 7 of 18
To most honestly respond to adverse feedback and show you accept it, what should
you do?

 Respond to the feedback immediately, to show the feedback was meaningful to

 Respond to the feedback immediately, and present your side based on whatever
the feedback states.
 Acknowledge receiving the feedback, and then respond after taking time to digest
it. 🗸
 Pay less attention to the feedback, and instead aim your response at the person
providing it.

Question 8 of 18
One of the best questions you can ask is, “What can I be doing that’s most _ right now?”

 helpful 🗸
 high profile
 big picture
 efficient

Question 9 of 18
If you’re an introvert, you can communicate more effectively in meetings by using this

 all of these answers 🗸

 Enlist a friend to help you get heard.
 Email your thoughts to participants beforehand.
 Create talking points to guide you.
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Question 10 of 18
When your boss is hard to pin down, the first thing to do is _.

 ask how she’d like to communicate 🗸

 implement weekly meetings
 email your questions to her
 ask her boss for guidance

Question 11 of 18
As you are speaking with a new client in person, you observe some odd facial
expressions. What should you conclude from this?

 These are hints that the client would like you to change the subject.
 These are cues that you should take as hints, along with other information. 🗸
 These are cues indicating the client is not interested in what you are saying.
 These are cues indicating the client is trying to decide whether or not to believe

Question 12 of 18
As you are making a presentation to management personnel, nearly every management
attendee continually interrupts you. This is most likely occurring because _.

 you are running over the allotted time for the presentation
 it is your company’s culture 🗸
 it is an invitation for a one-on-one follow-up
 the attendees lack interest
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Question 13 of 18
During a meeting you are conducting, one of your team members continually interrupts.
Before you respond angrily after the sixth interruption, what should you do?

 Step back and ask yourself why you are being interrupted. 🗸
 Tell the team member you do not appreciate the interruptions.
 Tell the team member again that a Q&A will occur after your presentation.
 Stop talking and let the team member take over the meeting.

Question 14 of 18
Which of these is a sign of ‘closed’ body language?

 all of these answers 🗸

 crossed arms
 hunched over
 hands covering midsection

Question 15 of 18
The first step in managing expectations is asking your boss about his/her _
 priorities 🗸
 passion projects
 deadlines
 past experiences
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Question 16 of 18
What is an example of the psychological term “leakage” pertaining to nonverbal cues
when you are talking to another person?

 the person’s eyes rolling as you are talking 🗸

 the person’s closed body language displaying nervousness
 the person’s face showing visible signs of contempt
 the person’s feet pointed toward the door when you are talking

Question 17 of 18
Your office is in Chicago and your Southeast Asia office is in Okinawa, a twelve-hour
time difference. An urgent matter comes up in the middle of the afternoon. How should
you relay the information?

 You should send an email, because your colleague will likely not appreciate a
phone call at 3:00 in the morning. 🗸
 You should make a phone call, because the matter is urgent and your colleague
will understand.
 You should send an email, because it gives your colleague a chance to digest the
information before responding.
 You should make a phone call, because urgent matters cannot be properly stated
in an email.

Question 18 of 18
If your colleague is from a culture that values separation between the personal and
professional, you might consider _.

 sticking to business 🗸
 inviting him out to dinner
 suggesting a double date
 asking about his family
 Question 1 of 3
Does a busy lifestyle distract from learning?
 It does not allow enough space
It crowds out love
It competes with good ideas
It destroys the emotional environment
 It does not allow enough space

 Question 2 of 3
What factor most influences the need for lifelong learning?
 conflict
 change

 Question 3 of 3
What task is a primary element of creating a learning inventory?
 Create an organized list of learning experiences of all kinds throughout your life.
Create a matrix of successes and failures and the reasons for them throughout
your life.
Create a detailed account of new opportunities and how they relate to old
List the honors and awards you have earned throughout your life.
 Create an organized list of learning experiences of all kinds throughout
your life.

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