Johari Window Activity

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Name: Bumaltao, Danica Jane A.

Section: BSN1-W


The Johari Window is a framework for understanding conscious and unconscious bias
that can help increase self-awareness and our understanding of others. It is the creation
of two psychologists, Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham, who named the model by
combining their first names. It is composed of four quadrants in which people using the
framework can identify what they know about themselves and what other people know
about them. This results in four areas of understanding:
 Open area: information about you (attitudes, behavior, emotions, feelings, skills
and views) that you know about yourself and also known by other people.
 Blind area: information about you (attitudes, behavior, emotions, feelings, skills
and views) that other people knew but you are unaware of it.
 Hidden area: information about you (attitudes, behavior, emotions, feelings, skills
and views) that is known by you but other are unaware of it.
 Unknown area: information which are unaware to yourselves as well as others. 

Take time to reflect on yourself. Then write at least five (5) characteristics about
you in each quadrant.

Open Area Blind Area

I am a sensitive person and I I inspire people with the smallest

easily cry. things I do and without knowing, I
I love public speaking and I have become hope to some of them.
great communication skills. I usually overwork myself.
I support the LGBTQ+ community I am sometimes selfish or thinks
as I am one of them and because I about myself only.
respect people’s diversity. I am very picky and choosy about
I enjoy listening to the music of the certain things.
Korean pop group named BTS I am good at applying cosmetics.
because it comforts me a lot.
I am a competitive person and
loves challenging activities.

Hidden Area Unknown Area

I love writing fiction stories, I might be good at arts and might

especially ones that can make the have some creativity in me.
viewers cry. I might be unhealthy physically,
I don’t like being teased about my and most especially mentally and
physical appearance even if it’s my emotionally.
family because I lose confidence I might be someone who is not
easily. fully matured yet.
Though I have great I might be too giving sometimes
communication skills, I am not so that people abused my kindness
good at social interaction. I don’t that made me refuse to provide too
know how to start a conversation much to people now.
with people I just met. I might be too conscious and afraid
I sometimes want to be able to do of the perspective of other people
things I want to do as an adult about me.
without asking permission from my
I don’t like being shouted at
because I feel small.

What can you conclude from the information you have written above? Limit your
answer to 7 - 10 sentences only.
While reflecting on my self through this Johari Window, I have come to realize
a lot of things about my identity. Firstly, most of the things that I am and other people
are aware of are positive traits, views, beliefs and more while the description of myself
that only people around me are aware of are mostly negative. Those results show that I
only know my self in the better perspective and I should reflect more on what I do wrong
so that I can improve it. For the hidden area, I can see that I am not fully honest about
my self, even to the closest part of my life who are my parents. I am still afraid of what
they will say about me once I fully unleash who I am. That was also shown in the
unknown area wherein I have some past experiences and traumas that I think caused
me to not know my self completely. In conclusion, I still have to assess my own self
continuously so that I can completely understand who I am.

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