Section 5 Student Discipline

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Student Discipline refers to the desired and/or expected norm of conduct for students in and out
of the campus.
Disciplinary sanction refers to the corresponding penalty or consequence for any violation of the
rules and regulations, guidelines and policies embodied in this Student Handbook.
University of La Salette is essentially a Filipino and a Catholic institution, therefore, all its
students in the exercise of their student rights and in the performance of their obligations, must
act in accordance with the principles, traditions, and ideals of the Salettinian community.
A student should endeavor to enhance the name and honor of the university by behaving in all
places and at all times as a worthy Salettinian. A student shall not use the name of the school
unless he/she is authorized by the University President or any authorized person acting in his
The wearing of the University prescribed uniform is compulsory. Students who are not in
uniform shall not be allowed to enter the school premises. A written permission from the Prefect
of Discipline (POD) shall be secured a day in advance for not wearing the prescribed uniform.
5.5.1. Every student must have the ULS Identification Card which must be worn properly
at all times inside the school premises otherwise he or she shall not be allowed to enter.
5.5.2. Loss of I.D must be reported within 24 hours to the office of the Department of
Student Services and Affairs.
The guard on duty must ensure the maximum safety and security of the academic community.
They may conduct reasonable searches on students, visitors, vehicles and personal belongings.
No vehicle owned by students shall be allowed to enter without an issued car pass from the
concerned office.
1. A class hour begins and ends with a prayer. Classroom prayer must be recited with
2. Respect, orderly and decent behavior and conduct shall be observed inside the
classroom at all times.
3. A student may be allowed to leave the room with the permission of the instructor
and/or authorized personnel of the university while the class is in session.
4. Students who wish to sit-in in a class must secure permit from the instructor.
5. Students are not allowed to stay inside the classroom if there are no classes.
6. Students are not allowed to attend classes if not in proper school uniform. It must be
observed that PE uniform shall be utilized for PE classes only.


To keep the students informed of school affairs, bulletin boards are placed in strategic places, and
therefore, are for official use only. Announcements, posters or notices made by the students will
be posted on bulletin boards after the approval of the Dean of Student Services and Affairs.
Walls, doors, windows, columns, whiteboards, and fences shall not be used for posting
announcements, notices or posters.
For safety and security purposes, the university has set 9:00 PM as the curfew hour. No student is
allowed to remain inside the school campus after the curfew hour except for those students
residing in the dormitory and those who have permit from the Safety and Security Coordinator
with the endorsement from the Office of Student Services and Affairs.
Attendance in all school activities like retreat/recollections, all community masses, Foundation
Day celebration, student orientation, departmental activities, political campaigns, SEC election,
Alay sa Belen program, and STAMPS Day among others shall be mandatorily attended by
students to promote their holistic growth. Students who fail to attend these school activities shall
be penalized as follows:
First Offense - Letter of Warning
Second Offense and succeeding - Two hours community service
Violation of rules and regulations of the school may be classified as minor, serious and
grave offenses depending on the nature and gravity of the action.
5.10.1 The following are considered as minor offenses: Incomplete school uniform; Habitual non-wearing of valid school I.D; Habitual loss of I.D (third and succeeding losses); Improper grooming (short pants for male and female, earring for male
students, long hair for male students, untucked hair for midwifery and nursing
female students, plunging necklines, slippers/sandals, spaghetti dress, tube dress,
backless, sleeveless blouses and caps) Habitual tardiness; Habitual non-submission of excuse letters; Disruption of classes due to shouting, running and unnecessary noise
along the stairs and corridors; Improper classroom behavior Unauthorized use of cell phones, PSPs, tablets, laptops, and the like
during an academic function Violation of any provisions in Section 5.7. Improper use of classroom or school facilities and equipment; Littering inside the classroom or within the campus; Using vulgar and indecent language; Failure to perform assigned tasks required in school; Smoking inside or outside the university during an academic function; Loitering; Public display of physical intimacy; Unhygienic use of university facilities; Violation of Sections 5.8 and 5.9.; Any offense analogous to or similar in nature with the above mentioned
5.10.2. Disciplinary Sanctions for minor offenses: For first offense, the offender shall receive a written warning and shall
written apology to the concerned offended party. For second offense, a written reprimand shall be issued by the School to
the offender. For third offense and succeeding commission of minor offenses, the
offender shall be imposed of a penalty imposable for the first offense of the less
serious disciplinary sanction. (Sec.
5.11.1. The following are considered as serious offenses:
5.11.1. Refusal to present school I.D. when demanded;
5.11.1. Misuse of student or club funds;
5.11.2. Malicious dissemination of information on the reputation of a person;
5.11.3. Cheating or plagiarism; Cheating in any form shall not be tolerated and
both/all parties involved are liable to punishment. These are the forms of cheating: Copying from or voluntarily allowing another student to copy one’s
examination/test papers. In the latter case, both parties shall be held liable. Communicating with another student without permission from the teacher or the
proctor during an examination or quiz; Using any hidden “notations” on materials like:
a. palms or other parts of the body
b. on tissues or handkerchief
c. in books or notebooks opened during the test
d. on “codigos”
e. on the answer sheet prepared beforehand
f. in examination booklets/papers passed by one student to another
g. any other materials that may be used for cheating purposes. Using cellphones or any electronic gadgets; Leaking examinations, tests and/or quizzes; Deliberate glancing at a seatmate’s examination paper; Making reports, projects, assignments, and the like for another student.
5.11.4. Acts of disrespect to instructors, school personnel or peers;
5.11.5. Defiance against school authorities;
5.11.6. Brawls inside the university premises or outside the university during an academic
function or activity;
5.11.7. Selling goods, collecting or soliciting contributions without written permission
from the University’s administration;
5.11.8. Stealing;
5.11.9. Gambling in any form inside the campus or during any school activity;
5.11.10. Possession and/or distribution of indecent publication, pornographic materials in
any form (in print or stored in an electronic gadget);
5.11.11. Using and/or lending one’s school ID for somebody else’s use for any purpose;
5.11.12. Proselytizing;
5.113.13. Unauthorized representation of the university;
5.11.14. All other offenses which are analogous to the above and are deemed by the
university as less serious.
5.11.2. Disciplinary Sanctions for less serious offenses: For the first offense, the offender shall render community service for eight (8)
hours and the student is put under probation for 1 semester. For the second offense, the offender shall be suspended for not more than 20%
of the total class hours in a semester and the student shall be placed under probationary
status for the rest of his/her stay in the university. For the third offense and succeeding, the offender shall be dismissed from the
university. For violation of, the teacher/proctor shall handle the
particular case as he/she deems fit. For violation of and, using the hidden information material
shall be considered a serious offense because the material evidence implies determination
and/or some premeditation on the part of the student, the following penalty shall be
meted out: The student gets a grade of 50% in the quiz or test he/she was caught cheating.
If cheating is committed during the final examination the student automatically gets a
failing grade of 50% regardless of his/her grades in the class standing and quizzes in that
particular subject. A complaint duly signed by the teacher concerned, and any witness and
accompanied by all material evidence, shall be turned over to the College Dean and
Prefect of Discipline for further investigation. A student caught cheating in two or more subjects shall be classified as
undesirable and he or she shall be dismissed.
5.12.1. The following are considered as serious offenses:
5.12.1. Using an invalid school ID;
5.12.1. Carrying or possession of deadly weapons, firearms, explosives,
firecrackers within the university premises or during any school activity;
5.12.2. Vandalism of personal or school or visitor’s property;
5.12.3. Sexual harassment or acts of lewdness;
5.12.4. Hazing in any form, whether within or outside the school premises, and/or
recruitment of another student to join any unrecognized organization,
fraternity/sorority, and association;
5.12.5. Grave threats to inflict harm to the person of the offended party or to his
honor and property;
5.12.6 Dissemination of false information resulting to public disturbance like
cancellation of classes, stoppage of work and panic.
5.12.7. Threatening or preventing students or school personnel from entering the
school premises, attending their classes or discharging their duties;
5.12.8. Direct assault upon any member of the school community;
5.12.9. Kidnapping or being an accomplice to the kidnapping of any member of
the school community;
5.12.10. Possession, use and/or distribution of prohibited drugs;
5.12.11. Bringing and/or drinking alcoholic beverages inside the school;
5.12.12. Entering the school under the influence of liquor;
5.12.13. Bribery;
5.12.14. Forging signatures and/or tampering with official documents;
5.12.15. Voyeurism;
5.12.17. Inflicting physical injuries on another person inside or outside the
university during an academic activity;
5.12.18. Violation of any penal statute or of rules and regulations or of any valid
order of a competent university authority;
5.12.19. Conviction before any court for a criminal offense;
5.12.20. Hacking;
5.12.21. Dishonesty in words, in deeds, in official documents;
5.12.22. Sexual immorality like unlawful cohabitation, adultery and concubinage,
abortion, pimping, prostitution, promiscuity;
5.12.23. All other offenses which are analogous to the above and that are deemed
by the university as serious offenses.
5.12.2. Disciplinary Sanctions for grave offenses: The offender shall be dismissed from the University. Offenses committed under
5.13 For crimes committed by a student, the imposable penalty of which is life imprisonment or
death, he or she shall be expelled.
5.14.1. The categories of disciplinary administrative sanction for offenses or violation of
school rules and regulations which may be applied upon an erring student shall be as
WARNING. It is a written notice to the student that continuation or repetition of the
specified conduct may be a cause for further disciplinary action.
REPRIMAND. It is a serious or formal rebuke by a person in authority.
COMMUNITY SERVICE. It is a sanction that compels a student to render service to
the community for a specified number of hours. This sanction must be completed within
one month by the student-respondent after the school decision becomes executory.
SUSPENSION. It is a penalty which denies or deprives an erring students of attendance
in class for a period of not exceeding 20% of the prescribed class days for the school year
or term.
Preventive Suspension. A student under investigation of a disciplinary case which has an
imposable penalty of dismissal may be preventively suspended from entering the school
premises if the evidence of guilt is strong and the school head is morally convinced that
the continued stay of the student during the period of investigation may constitute a
disturbance of the normal operation of the school or it may pose a risk or danger to the
life of persons and a possible destruction of property of the school.
DISMISSAL. It is a penalty which excludes or drops the erring student from the school
rolls for being undesirable. A summary investigation shall be conducted and no prior
approval by the CHED is required in the imposition of the penalty.
EXPULSION. It is an extreme penalty on an erring student consisting of his exclusion
from admission to any public or private school in the Philippines and which requires the
prior approval of the Commission on Higher Education.
5.14.2. Other sanctions can be imposed by the school according to the discretion of the
Student Disciplinary Board such as:
a. Disqualification from honors/awards during graduation and/or attending a
b. Disqualification from holding or seeking any school position or leadership in
clubs or organizations.
c. Exclusion from any co-curricular activity.
Violation of rules and regulations, guidelines and policies committed outside the school premises
shall be treated in the same manner as those committed inside the school campus when the
student’s conduct is prejudicial to the reputation of the university.
The rules and regulations, guidelines and policies found herein are by no means exhaustive. As
time and situation/circumstances demand, the Student Disciplinary Board may promulgate other
rules and may add coverage of the corresponding offenses. The applicable rules and regulations
promulgated by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) shall be suppletorily applied.

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