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Tutorial sheet 2

I-Discrete-time Fourier series

Exercise 1: Consider the signal x[n] depicted in Figure 1. This signal is periodic with period N = 4.
Give the definition of a discrete-time Fourier series and Calculate the coefficients of Fourier series
related to x[n].

Figure 1
Exercise 2: Determine the DTFS coefficients of the periodic sequence x[n] with one fundamental period
(Figure 2) defined as

Figure 2
II-Continuous-time Fourier series

Exercise 3
Calculate the Continuous Time Fourier Series (CTFS) coefficients for the periodic function
g(t ) shown in Figure 3

Figure 3

Exercise 4: Fourier spectrum

The exponential CTFS coefficients provide frequency information about the content of a signal.
However, it is difficult to understand the nature of the signal by looking at the values of the
coefficients, which are generally complex-valued. Instead, the exponential CTFS coefficients
are generally plotted in terms of their magnitude and phase. The plot of the magnitude of the
exponential CTFS coefficients |Ck| versus k (or kω) is known as the magnitude (or amplitude)
spectrum, while the plot of the phase of the exponential CTFS <Ck versus k (or kω) is referred
to as the phase spectrum.
Plot the magnitude and phase spectra of the signal g(t ) considered in Exercise 3.
III-Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT)

Exercise 5: Determine the discrete-time Fourier transform of the following signals.

IV-Discrete Fourier Transform

Exercise 6: Calculate the four-point DFT of the sequence x[n] of length N = 4, which is defined as follows:

Exercise 7: Calculate the inverse DFT of

Exercise 8: Calculate the four-point DFT of the signal x[n] considered in Exercise 6, using
the matrix representation for the DFT.

Exercise 9: Calculate the inverse DFT of X [k ] considered in

Exercise 7 using the matrix representation

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