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HỌ VÀ TÊN: Nguyễn Văn Hoàng

MSSV: 207TC38602

Task 8. Practice analyzing and writing a report for the following table. You should
spend about 20 minutes on each task.
Topic 1: The table shows the proportions of pupils attending four secondary school
types between 2000 and 2009.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons
where relevant.

Secondary School Attendance

2000 2005 2009
Specialist Schools 12% 11% 10%
Grammar Schools 24% 19% 12%
Voluntary-controlled Schools 52% 38% 20%
Community Schools 12% 32% 58%

(Writing Task 1 Table sample. IELTS Buddy. Retrieved 24 March 2022, from

Write at least 150 words.

The table provides information about the percentage of attendance secondary

school types between 2000 and 2009.

Overall, Community Schools tended to increase most significantly over the years,
while Specialist Schools, Grammar Schools and Voluntary-controlled Schools
tended to decrease, in which Voluntary-controlled Schools recorded a significant
decrease most telling.

In 2000, Voluntary-controlled Schools accounted for the highest share at 52%,

making it the most attended type of high school. Second are Grammar Schools
with 24%, while the lowest are Specialist Schools and Community Schools with

Over the next 9 years, the proportion of students enrolled in Community Schools
has significantly increased year on year reaching 32% in 2005 and gradually
increasing to 58% in 2009 making it the most recognized type of high school the
most in 2009. Specialist Schools tended to decline significantly to 11% in 2005
and further to 10% in 2009, making it the least selective school of choice for all
three years. Grammar Schools also tended to decrease to 19% in 2005 and further
to 12% in 2009. In addition, the most significant was the sharp decrease in
Voluntary-controlled Schools Rate from 52% in 2000 and beyond down to 38%
and further down to just 20%, which makes it the second most ranked school

Topic 2: The tables below give information about sales of Fairtrade*- labelled tea
and pineapples in 2010 and 2015 in five European countries.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.

Sales of Fairtrade-labelled tea and pineapples (2010 & 2015)

*Fairtrade: a category of products for which farmers from developing countries have been paid an
official agreed fair price.

(IELTS Writing Task 1. English exam. Retrieved 20 March 2022/)

Write at least 150 words.

The table describes results of sales of Fairtrade*-labelled tea and pineapples in five
European countries between 2010 and 2015.

Overall, in the first table, sales of Fairtrade* labeled tea in the five countries all
increased over a five-year period, with France being the country with the biggest
increase in sales and the lowest being Norway. In the second table, sales of
pineapples labeled Fairtrade* in 5 years also tend to increase in 3 countries,
Austria, France, and Netherlands, while Norway and Germany have a downward
In the first table, France is the country with the highest growth in tea sales, from
2.5 million euros in 2010 to 21 million euros in 2015 and becoming the country
with the highest tea sales of the five countries. Austria followed with 8 million
euros in 2015, double that of 2010. The Netherlands also saw a significant increase
in sales from 2 million to 2.7 million euros, while Germany and Norway did not
show a rather small growth of 0.2 million euros and reached 3 and 2 million euros
respectively in 2015.

Compared to the second table, pineapple sales in Austria, France and the
Netherlands tend to increase by about 3 times. With its sales tripling from 16
million euros in 2010 to 48 million euros in 2015 it has become the leading country
in pineapple sales. In contrast, in Germany and Norway sales of pineapples have
been reduced by about half compared with sales in 2010 to 1.9 and 2 million euros
respectively in 2015.

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