Fastening System 300-1W (Patil Infrasyructure PVT LTD)

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No. 2016/CE-nI/BR/BLT New Delhi, Dated: O1l10/2019

Executive Director/ Track-II


Sub: F.astenitlg Systems for Ballastless Track

Ref: RDSO's Letter No.CT/EF/Global EOI-2OI7 lBallastless Track
dated 22.O3.2019

The lastcning system fur ballasliess lrack was under consideraticn in

Board for quite a while. Earlier, Board had approved the fastening sYstems
i.e. "Loarge-336 rail fastening system", "Double Resilient Base Plate
Assembly System", "Deikor Alt- l. fastening" and "Fastening System 336" vide
Board's letters No. 2OO9 lProj/MAS19l2 dt' 19.08.2011, No'
2003/ Proj. / B angalore I 2 I 2(Pt.) dated 07. 1O.2C 1 i, No. 2OO9l Proj . I MAS I 9 / 2
(Vol Ii) d,ated 12.12.2012 and No. 98/Proj. lDLllSOll [Voi. III) dated
24.O I.2O L3 respectively.

2. RDSO vide letter under reference above has sought Board's approvai
for fastening systems namely "sunrui GJ2 resilient Base Plate Assemblies
(GJ2)" and "Fastening System 3O0-1W".

3. Having considered the above, Board (ME) has approved the fastening
systems "sunrui GJ2 resilient Base Plate Assemblies (GJ2)" offered by M/s
Ked Sati Iron & Steel Rrt. Ltd., Kolkata, in associalion with M/s Luoyang
Sunrui Rubber & Plastic Science and Technolory Cc. Ltd., Luolra-ng, Herar,
China and "300- lW" offered by M/s Patil Rail Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.,
Hyderabad, subject to the following conditions:

a. The Metro Rail Administration (MRA) should verify the authenticity of

the system proposed to be used by them vis-d-vis the performance certifrcate
submitted by the offering firms during tender stage as per Para 4.1 (ii) of
"Procedure for Safety Certilication and Technical Clearance of Metro systems
Annexure C-2".

b. MRA need to ensure t}lat actual components us'ed in the fastening

system are matching with assembly drawing which has been examined by
\iF,,-*\ r'1
c. Before the fastening system is installed in the track, .MIiA Should
by_ conducting fresh tests from anilindependent
lltt 9*selves,
rlDolarory on sample selected by MRA, that the fastening system meets ttre
physical parameters requirements raid down in the
Certilication and Technical Clearance of Metro systems Annexure for safetjr
d. MRA needs to ensure and veri$r compliance to' the dimensional
o.lvarious pa-ram€ters oi comp-lete fastening assembly
lol*31...^ e*"
a'2 "" f.. of
Qvl of "Procedure for safety certification and rechnica,i clearance
Metro systems Annexure C_2".

e. MRA to ensure the compliance to all aspects of the performance

criteria as laid down in the "procedure for safetSr certification
Clearance of Metro systems Annexure C_2". and

f' MRA should arso satiss themserves the credentiars of the prospective
suppliers of the offered fastening system.

g' since the system w i be used in India for the first

time, as and when
used, this will be kept under rnonitoring of RDSO
for two years.

h. The repair anci. maintenance methods for the fastening

system shall be
detaiied in the Maintenance Manuar f.r ill;;tr;s
Track structure by MRa.

4. RDSO is advised to circulate the details of ail types

of approved
Fastening System for ballastless track consolidated
in one letter to all

Director Civil Engg.(pfg.l
Railway Board

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