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Make a backward swing with bent

elbows; lean forward in transferring

weight to the left foot and release
the soft/baseball.

Raise the throwing arm up and turn

the shoulder in the throw direction.
The gloved hand points toward the
target. Raise the left foot and place
all the weight of the body on the
right foot.

Point the throwing arm down-

forward, putting the feet parallel in a
ready position during the game.

It is a very important skill that a

player needs to master because it
allows the player to advance from
one base to the next base or home

Pitching is an important skill that

puts the game to play. It is
performed by a pitcher in baseball
and softball who stand at the
pitcher’s plate.
It is the most basic skill in baseball
and softball. Use in fielding the ball
to a teammate to make a play to a
batter or base runner preventing
them to advance to the next base or
home plate.

Grip the ball across the seams with

your index and middle finger. The
thumb is under the top of the other
Keep the front part of the right foot Place your feet shoulder width apart
in contact with the side of the plate. or slightly wider. Your feet should
Shift the weight to the back leg and be parallel to one another and
take a backward step. aligned direct under your shoulder.
If you’re right handed, your left side
Pivoting in Baseball - the front foot should be facing the pitcher, with
to turn parallel to the plate. Lift the your head pointed in the direction
left foot. the ball will be coming from. If
Take a wide step with your left foot you’re left handed, it will be your
then release the ball. right side. Above all, your stance
should be comfortable.
After releasing the ball, continue the
forward it where
motion, withyouthestride when your
front foot
arm pointing lands,
to the open
target ball.or closed. If
you are not striding directly back at
It is an offensive skill used to hit or the pitcher, you'll feel it under your
bunt the pitched ball using a bat foot immediately. If you can land in
done by the player to advance to the the same spot with good alignment
bases and eventually leading to and direction back toward the
score a run or point. In this skill, pitcher, you have a better chance of
you must consider also the hitting the ball consistently.
following elements: Grip, stance,
stride and swing. The swing should begin with the
hips, with the shoulders following
To get an effective grip, lay the closely behind. Try to stay upright
handle of the bat across the fingers as you rotate so you don’t come off
of both hands, then wrap your hands your axis. Once the ball leaves the
around the bat. Don’t hold the bat in pitcher’s hand, step out very slightly
the palms, as this doesn’t allow you with the front foot. Only move the
to flex and rotate your wrists as well foot 2-3 inches and be careful not to
when you swing. Keep a light grip come out of alignment in your core
on the bat until the moment you as you step. This will increase the
contact the ball to maximize your power of your swing by adding
speed to it. directional force to the motion of the
It is a defensive skill used to receive hips and shoulders.
a thrown ball and batted ball.
In Chicago, Illinois, Bases: A softball “diamond”
on Thanksgiving Day, the earliest consists of four bases placed in a
soft ball took place at the Farragut square. The bases are 1st base,
Boat Club at a gathering to hear the
2nd base, 3rd base, and home
outcome of the Yale
University and Harvard plate.
University football game. When the
score was announced and bets were
Infield: The area around the
settled, a Yale alumnus threw a four bases, the surface of which
boxing glove at a Harvard supporter. is generally grass and packed
George Hancock, a reporter there, dirt.
called out "Play ball!" and the game Outfield: The grassy area
began, with the boxing glove beyond the infield.
tightened into a ball, a broom handle
serving as a bat. This first contest Foul lines: Two lines (first and
ended with a score of 41–40. The third base line) that distinguish
ball, being soft, was fielded fair territory from foul territory.
barehanded. A ball that hits the foul line is
Even called
parts fair.
of Canada began
participating in this sport. The only
Foul poles: Poles stationed at
difference was that no one called it
the end of each foul line to
by the same name, even though
everyone appeared fair territory
to adhere to the from
same foul territory for
regulations. Theballs hit over
the outfield
"diamond fence.
ball," "mush A ball
ball," and that
hits the
"pumpkin foulwere
ball" polebeing
is a home
used. run.
Walter Hakanson gave the word
"softball" box: BoxRecreation
a National marked with
near home plate that a
batter must stay within while
Pitcher’s mound: The raised
area in the middle of the
diamond from which the pitcher
throws the ball.
The softballs were 10-20 inches in In October 30, 1933, One of the
diameter. A fire man, Lewis Robber tournament's founders felt it was
ended something to keep his men time to have genuine rules to follow
busy so he marked a smaller field by after a successful competition in
the station. The smaller field would which 55 teams from throughout the
ensure way more action and offense United States played.
than baseball. He decided to limit
the games to seven innings. The international Softball federation
was formed. The Fédération
Girls were exposed to softball Internationale de Softball
through a high school. At West (International Softball Federation),
Division High School in Chicago, acts as liaison between more than 40
the first formalized women's team softball organizations of several
was created. Field hockey and countries. Headquarters are in
rowing were the only sports that Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
girls actually played, so this was
significant. This indicated a little There is Amazing opportunities,
more female independence. Colleges began awarding
scholarships as softball gained
To create and disseminate a uniform popularity and more young ladies
set of rules, a rules committee was began participating in it.
established. The committee later
grew in size to become the A women’s softball competition was
International Joint Rules Committee added to the Olympic Games.
on Softball, which eventually September 18,1996 In the world
evolved to include representatives of olympics softball had been entered
several organizations that support as a medal event. (The US womens
and sponsor softball. team had won all three events and
that was when the popularity of the
In Omaha, Nabraska the college sport increased.)
world series was played. The series
was a total of 32 teams of 8 different
regions. The two finalists were
UCLA vs. Fresno state. The winner
ended up being UCLA.
September 18, 2004 the Womens Playing field is the area where the
pro fastpitch softball leagues formed ball may be played and legally
four pro teams. fielded. It is bordered by a line on
both sides, extending from home
Softball is no longer recognized is plate to first going to second based
an Olympic sport. on the left side up and beyond on
the right side220 feet away, which is
The National Womens Softball
referred to as the foul line. It is the
Association has 113 member
fair region. The area of the field
countries, it have become very
bounded by the three bases is
popular. In the united stated over 25
divided into two halves. The area
millon people play. t has impacted
behind home plate, which is grassy,
many peoples lives.
is referred to as the infield. The
Softball rejoins the Olympic games outfield is so named. The bases that
as a sport. After an absence of many make up the diamond are separated
years, the sport of softball will make from one another by 90 feet,
its Olympic Games return at the including home plate. Behind the
Tokyo 2020 Games in 2021. foul line is the region known as the
foul territory. All batted balls that
Softball is played on a large grass goes over the fence is awarded
and dirt field. The field includes fair homerun. Other fields are variable,
territory inside the two foul lines and the outfield fences or the
and foul territory outside the foul amount of “foul territory”
A bat-and-ball game called softball A man named George Hancock
is played between two teams of ten created soft ball, he was a reporter
players each. Although there are for the Chicago board of trade and
several significant distinctions, it is that time it was called as “indoor
directly related to baseball. These baseball” but by the spring of 1888,
include the size of the ball, how the game had spread outdoors.
quickly it is pitched, the equipment,
and the size of the field. On a The first ever WCWS was held in
sizable field, two teams of nine or 1969 in Omaha, Nebraska and was
ten players each play softball. The sponsored by the Amateur Softball
infield has four bases. Association.

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