Aspect of The Game

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Nine players per team (Pitcher, Catcher, 1st Baseman, 2nd

Team Composition Baseman, 3rd Baseman, Short Stopper, Right Fielder, Left
Fielder, and Center Fielder)
The chief will start the game with a toss coin (whichever
Start of play team wins the toss coin may decides whether to they with
offense or defense)
Duration of the Game Nine innings for Baseball and Seven innings for Softball
The ball is “in play” if it is batted and lands on the fair
Ball “In” and “ Out” of play territory, it is a foul ball when it lands on the foul territory
behind the foul line.
When the play is temporarily suspended by the chief umpire
Time – out or at a request of a team to discuss strategy or respond to an
injured player.
Substitutions Replacing a regular player with a substitute.
• Batter unable to hit pitched ball that enter the strike zone
for 3 times.
Batter/Baserunner is out • Base runner is tagged with the ball before reaching the
• The batted ball is caught before it hits the ground.
Assault of an opposing player
Serious Offenses/Misconduct
Disrespecting officials
Overtime Extra inning is being played to break the tie.
Umpire, base umpires, scorer, and timekeeper (in case
Officials of the game
innings are timed)

Pitching is an important skill that puts the game to play. It is performed by a pitcher in baseball
and softball who stand at the pitcher’s plate.
Keep the front part of the right foot in contact with the side of the plate. Shift the weight to the
back leg and take a backward step.
Pivoting in Baseball - the front foot to turn parallel to the plate. Lift the left foot
Take a wide step with your left foot then release the ball.
After releasing the ball, continue the forward motion, with the throwing arm pointing to the target
It is an offensive skill used to hit or bunt the pitched ball using a bat done by the player to advance
to the bases and eventually leading to score a run or point. In this skill, you must consider also
the following elements: Grip, stance, stride and swing.
To get an effective grip, lay the handle of the bat across the fingers of both hands, then wrap your
hands around the bat. Don’t hold the bat in the palms, as this doesn’t allow you to flex and rotate
your wrists as well when you swing. Keep a light grip on the bat until the moment you contact
the ball to maximize your speed to it
Place your feet shoulder width apart or slightly wider. Your feet should be parallel to one another
and aligned direct under your shoulder. If you’re right handed, your left side should be facing the
pitcher, with your head pointed in the direction the ball will be coming from. If you’re left handed,
it will be your right side. Above all, your stance should be comfortable.
Place it where you stride when your front foot lands, open or closed. If you are not striding directly
back at the pitcher, you'll feel it under your foot immediately. If you can land in the same spot
with good alignment and direction back toward the pitcher, you have a better chance of hitting
the ball consistently.
The swing should begin with the hips, with the shoulders following closely behind. Try to stay
upright as you rotate so you don’t come off your axis. Once the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand,
step out very slightly with the front foot. Only move the foot 2-3 inches and be careful not to
come out of alignment in your core as you step. This will increase the power of your swing by
adding directional force to the motion of the hips and shoulders.
It is a defensive skill used to receive a thrown ball and batted ball.
It is the most basic skill in baseball and softball. Use in fielding the ball to a teammate to make a
play to a batter or base runner preventing them to advance to the next base or home plate.
Grip the ball across the seams with your index and middle finger. The thumb is under the top of
the other fingers.
Make a backward swing with bent elbows; lean forward in transferring weight to the left foot and
release the soft/baseball.
Raise the throwing arm up and turn the shoulder in the throw direction. The gloved hand points
toward the target. Raise the left foot and place all the weight of the body on the right foot.
Point the throwing arm down-forward, putting the feet parallel in a ready position during the
It is a very important skill that a player needs to master because it allows the player to advance
from one base to the next base or home plate.

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