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1500 – 2000 Words

For each student the portfolio must cover the following:

● their contribution to the creation, development and realisation

● consideration of genre, structure, character, form, style and language

● successful communication of intentions

● health and safety issues.

Each student must include a response to the following questions.

● What was your initial response to the stimuli and what were the
intentions of the piece?

● What work did your group do in order to explore the stimuli and
start to create ideas for performance?

● What were some of the significant moments during the

development process and when rehearsing and refining your

● How did you consider genre, structure, character, form, style,

and language throughout the process?

● How effective was your contribution to the final performance?

● Were you successful in what you set out to achieve?

Portfolios may include any of the following elements:

● annotations and notes

● audio and/or video evidence

● annotated drawings and sketches

● annotated photographs

A portfolio covering:
 The creating and developing process (AO1 – 30 Marks)
 Analysis and evaluation of this process (AO4 – 15 Marks)

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