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Sound Pressure Level (SPL) calculation

The application uses a usual data output from a SPL test , in this
case the result of a pump test. The measure instrument gives the
SPL for the respective octave band. Pump octave band pressure levels (S
The total SPL is calculated according the following equation

L =10⋅Log [ 10 +10 +10 +. .. .. .. 10 + ]

L1 L2 L3 Ln
10 10 10 10

The evaluation of the test data is made in the following table

Octave SPL SPL / 10 10^(SPL /10)
bande dB(A)
32.5 69.5 6.95 8,912,509
64.5 78.5 7.85 70,794,578 Motor
125 75.5 7.55 35,481,339
250 78.5 7.85 70,794,578
500 81.5 8.15 141,253,754
1000 81.5 8.15 141,253,754 Pump +
2000 79.5 7.95 89,125,094 Motor
4000 76.5 7.65 44,668,359
8000 73.5 7.35 22,387,211
Sum = 624,671,179
10*Log(Sum) = 88.0 dB(A)

Addition of Pump and motor SPLs Thus, the pump alone emits a total SPL th
distance of one meter, with a value of
Driver, assumed to produce 85 db(A)
SPL SPL / 10 10^(SPL /10) Pump and the motor together, produces a
dB(A) SPL measured at one meter of the unit eq
PUMP 88.0 8.8 624,671,179 SPLtot = 89.7
DRIVER 85.0 8.5 316,227,766
S= 940,898,945
Sum = 10*Log(S) = 89.7 dB(A)

Calculation of SPL, based on octave band test data

The application uses Sulzer infromation to calculate
the total sound pressure level.
Motor SPL, assumed to be 85 dB(A)
Data source
Sulzer. E23.021.503 (Rv 4) Calculation of pump acoustic
emission levels [dB(A) ].
April 06/2009
Offer. CHL.0141-PDX.07.0574-F1, Rev. 1 - Technical part
Application example, using Sulzer information
(Calculated data and Sulzer information are in agreement).

Since the theorical measurement considers only the SPL

of the pump, the contribution of the motor has to be
added. In a real world, is imposible to measure the
SPL of the pump only. In this application, the used data
is a computer result and therefore is posible to use a
"only pump SPL".
Rev. cjc. 02.06.2016

ave band pressure levels (See sheet Sulzer)

Note. The octave band pressure levels given,

corresponds to the case of a test where the
instrument has been set to a scale of
A-weigted values.

mp alone emits a total SPL that is measured at a

ne meter, with a value of 88.0 dB(A)

e motor together, produces a total

d at one meter of the unit equal to
[1] Sulzer. E23.021.503 (Rv 4) Calculation of pump acoustic
emission levels [dB(A) ].
April 06/2009
Offer. CHL.0141-PDX.07.0574-F1, Rev. 1 - Technical part




Microsoft Equation

Microsoft Equation
Sound Pressure Level [3]

The intensity of a sound wave is the amount of power in the wave per unit area and has units of W/m 2.
The intensity of a sound wave depends on how far we are from a source.
If we label that distance as R, then the sound intensity is
sound intensity = sound power / (4 pi R2)

This says that on the surface of a sphere centered on the sound source, all points get equal intensity
which agrees with our intuition.
The sound intensity is just the ratio of the sound power to the surface area of a sphere of
radius R (surface area of sphere = 4 pi R2), where R is the distance we are from the sound source.

We now have something that relates to our perception of loudness. This means that we should
introduce a logarithmic scale, once again. We talk about the sound intensity level
sound intensity level = LI = 10 log ( I / I0 )
with the reference intensity defined as I0 = 10-12 W/m2.

Both sound pressure level and sound intensity level are purported to measure the same thing:
the loudness of a sound that we hear. This means that they better be equal.
They are for the following reason. The sound pressure level can be written as
sound pressure level = Lp = 20 log ( p / p0 ) = 10 log ( p2 / p02)

The last step in the chain of equal signs makes use of a property of logarithms,
log( An ) = n log A. In the above equation, n = 2 and A = p / p0.
The next step to show the equality of sound pressure level and sound intensity level is to realize
that the intensity in a sound wave is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the sound wave.
This means that p2 / p02 = I / I0. The end result is that the sound intensity level and the sound
pressure levels are identical quantities!

Dear P105 students -- We have not yet talked about sound power, but these notes may still prove to be useful. You m

Sound Power and Intensity

There has been a major missing ingredient so far in our discussion of quantifying loudness, making the connection be

Sound Power
Sound always has a source. The source could be a musical instrument, people talking, a stereo system or a jet taking

Where does the sound energy come from? The answer is that some object has converted energy of a different kind in
We will introduce a logarithmic scale for sound power, just like we did for sound pressure, because our perception of s

sound power level = LW = 10 log( W / W0)

As with our defintion of sound pressure level, we are forced to first find the ratio of the sound power to some reference

Sound Intensity
We haven't yet made contact with loudness. To do so, we need a receiver of the sound energy produced from the sou

The geometrical shape that has all points equal distance away from a source is a sphere. The loudness we hear depe

sound intensity = sound power / (4 pi R2)

This says that on the surface of a sphere centered on the sound source, all points get equal intensity which agrees wi

We now have something that relates to our perception of loudness. This means that we should introduce a logarithmic

sound intensity level = LI = 10 log ( I / I0 )

with the reference intensity defined as I0 = 10-12 W/m2.

Both sound pressure level and sound intensity level are purported to measure the same thing: the loudness of a soun

sound pressure level = Lp = 20 log ( p / p0 ) = 10 log ( p2 / p02)

The last step in the chain of equal signs makes use of a property of logarithms, log( A n ) = n log A. In the above equat
nits of W/m 2. Sound power or acustic power P sound is the Intensity and Sound Power Level
The sound power is
energy transfered from a sound source . P sound=( 4⋅π⋅r 2 )⋅I
Since the power does not change
with the distance, for two distances
r 1 and r 2

al intensity
Sound power is a theoretical value that is (4⋅π⋅r 21 )⋅I 1 =( 4⋅π⋅r 22 )⋅I 2

not measurable . It is calculated and expressed Thus

I 1⋅r 21 =I 2⋅r 22
in watts. r 21
I 2 =I 1⋅ 2
A sound source produces sound power P sound (W ) r2
Log (I 2 )= Log( I 1⋅ 12 )
and this generate sound pressure fluctuations . r2
The sound power is independent of the distance, Log (I 2 )= Log( I 1 )+Log( 12 )
whereas sound pressure p (Pa ) is distance-dependent .
Log (I 2 )= Log( I 1 )+Log

Intensity Log (I 2 )= Log( I 1 )+2⋅Log

[] r1

The intensity I (W/m² ) of a sound wave is the amount

of power in the wave, per unit area, that will exist at a
Log (I 2 )= Log( I 1 )−2⋅Log
r1[] r2

and defining the sound pressure level

SPL=Log( I )
distance r (m) of the source .
For a full sphere propagation
SPL2 =SPL1 −2⋅Log 2

Psound =( 4⋅π⋅r 2 )⋅I []

Microsoft Equation
3.0 SPL1 −SPL2 =2⋅Log

ill prove to be useful. You may simply want to skip down to the section on Sound Intensity. All of the homeowork problems are still relevant

s, making the connection between the amplitude of the sound wave (sound pressure) and the qualitative notion of loudness. We have talked

stereo system or a jet taking off. Different sources produce sounds with different qualities such as pitch and timbre. What concerns us here

energy of a different kind into sound energy. Typically, there is some sort of mechanical motion, a vibration of some sort, so mechanical en
because our perception of sound loudness is logarithmic. We define the sound power level from a source as

nd power to some reference power level. In this case, the reference sound power we'll use is W 0 = 10-12 W. The "units" of sound power leve

nergy produced from the source. Before we get there, we have to ask the question where does the sound power produced from the source g

The loudness we hear depends on the ratio of the area of our sound collector to the total area of the sphere surrounding the sound source.

al intensity which agrees with our intuition. The sound intensity is just the ratio of the sound power to the surface area of a sphere of radius

hould introduce a logarithmic scale, once again. We talk about the sound intensity level

hing: the loudness of a sound that we hear. This means that they better be equal. They are for the following reason. The sound pressure lev

n log A. In the above equation, n = 2 and A = p / p 0. The next step to show the equality of sound pressure level and sound intensity level is
d Sound Power Level
ower is
π⋅r 2 )⋅I
wer does not change
ance, for two distances

=( 4⋅π⋅r 22 )⋅I 2

og( I 1⋅ 12 )
r 12
og( I 1 )+Log( )
r 22

og( I 1 )+Log

og( I 1 )+2⋅Log
[] r1

og( I 1 )−2⋅Log
r1[] r2

g the sound pressure level


1 −2⋅Log
2 =2⋅Log []
Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0

roblems are still relevant for Friday's quiz.

loudness. We have talked about sound at a particular point (in a room, on a city street, or near an airport listening to jets taking off) without

. What concerns us here is another difference between sources of sound: the amount of sound energy they produce. Sound waves, like oth

me sort, so mechanical energy is converted into sound energy. How loud a sound is depends on how rapidly the object converts energy into
units" of sound power level are in decibels. This is really a dimensionless quantity. We quote the sound power level in decibels to remind ou

roduced from the source go? The simple answer is, everywhere. Most sources of sound send sound waves out uniformly in all directions. W

unding the sound source. This motivates the introduction of another physical quantity associated with sound waves: intensity. The intensity

area of a sphere of radius R (surface area of sphere = 4 pi R2), where R is the distance we are from the sound source.

n. The sound pressure level can be written as

nd sound intensity level is to realize that the intensity in a sound wave is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the sound wave. This
to jets taking off) without worrying about how the sound is produced. Connecting loudness to the source of sound energy is important, bec

ce. Sound waves, like other waves, transport energy. For a sound wave, the amount of energy transported is proportional to the square of

bject converts energy into sound energy. So the relevant physical quantity to relate to loudness is the sound power produced by the source
el in decibels to remind ourselves that its a logarithmic quantity with a specific reference power.

niformly in all directions. What this means is that if we are a certain distance from a source of sound, say a jet taking off, we will hear the sa

es: intensity. The intensity of a sound wave is the amount of power in the wave per unit area and has units of W/m 2. The intensity of a sound

e of the sound wave. This means that p 2 / p02 = I / I0. The end result is that the sound intensity level and the sound pressure levels are ident
d energy is important, because as we know from our direct experience, how loud we perceive a produced sound depends on the distance b

portional to the square of the amplitude of the wave. We have indicated this amplitude as p, because it corresponds to the amount of pressu

er produced by the source, or the rate at which sound energy is produced versus time. Referring back to our earlier discussions, power is th
ng off, we will hear the same loudness sound independent of where we listen: either in front of the jet or behind the jet or to the side of the j

. The intensity of a sound wave depends on how far we are from a source. If we label that distance as R, then the sound intensity is

pressure levels are identical quantities!

epends on the distance between the source and our ear. Today, we'll quantify how loudness depends on the amount of sound energy prod

ds to the amount of pressure oscillation in the air caused by the sound wave.

er discussions, power is the time rate of change of energy and has units of Joules per second. We give a new name to this unit: 1 Watt = 1
e jet or to the side of the jet. The loudness of the noise we hear depends only on how far we are from the source of sound.

e sound intensity is
unt of sound energy produced and the distance between the source and our ear

me to this unit: 1 Watt = 1 Joule/second. The Watt is the unit of power.

Compare Sound power,  Sound pr

Sound intensity in a distance from th
"Sound Power Level SWL", "Sound Pressure level SPL", an
are different quantities which should not

Sound emission is defined as the sou

which is continuously emitted from a so
The total sound energy emitted by a
per unit time is the sound pow
All share as level the same unit of measure: the decibel (dB). The term "sound level" is commonly substituted for each
As characteristic impedance of air we use the round value Z = 400 N·s/m³ (Pa·s/m). Then the "sound level", that is the
the same as a decibel value.
The sound power or acoustic power is the sound energy constantly transfered per second from the sound source. A s
change if it is placed in a different room environment.
Sound power is a theoretical value that is not measurable. It is calculated and expressed in watts and as sound power
A sound source produces sound power and this generates a sound pressure fluctuation in the air. Sound power is the
the distance-dependent effect.

Conversion of Sound Power Level to S

At r = 1 meter distance, the sound pressure level (SPL) of a point source is 11 dB less th
full sphere propagation is given.

For Q = 1 (full sphere propagation) the sound power level is equal to sound pressure lev
from the source.

Conversion of Sound Level to Sound P


Sound power or sound power level has nothing to do with the dist
Thinking helps: A 100 watt light bulb is emitting constantly the same power.
That is really the case - no matter if in 1 m, in 10 m, or even in 100 distance.
These emitted watts don't change with distance. They stay in the source.
Sound power is the distance independent cause of this, whereas sound pressure is the distance-dependent effect.

Sound intensity, distance, and sound po



It is often stated that sound pressure level = SPL, sound intensity level = SIL and sound power level = SWL
are not comparable. SPL is measured in pascals = N/m2, sound intensity is energy measured in
W/m2, and sound power is measured in watts?

It is little known that the sound power level (without (!) distance r) is the same as the sound
pressure level and the sound intensity levelat full sphere propagation (Q = 1) at a distance
from the sound source r = 0.2821 m.

1 watt of sound power = 120 dB

Sound intensity at r = 0.2821 m: Pac = 1 watt / (4π × r2) = 1 watt, that means (4π × r2) = 1 and r = √(1/4π).
10 × log (1/10−12) = 120 dB
Sound pressure level SPL at 0.2821 m = SWL − (20 × log (r) − 11) = 120 − (20 × log (0.2821) − 11) = 120 dB
So how can they not be comparable?

The sound intensity level and the sound pressure level at a distance of 1 meter from the source
in a free field is 11 dB less than the sound power level of the source.
SIL = SPL = SWL − 11 dB or LI = Lp = LW − 11 dB.

Acoustic impedance of air Z0 = 400 Pa×s/m.

Sound pressure is not intensi

Differentiate: Sound pressure p is a "sound field quantity" and sound intensity I is a "sound e
often separated sharply enough and sometimes are even set equal. But I ~ p2.
Changing of sound power with distance

Important: The sound level should not be confused with sound power level! The dB values in sound pressure levels are always
however, the dB values in sound power level have really no relation to the distance from the sound source.

Question: How does the sound power decrease with distance"? Answer: "April fool - The sound power does not decrease (drop

However, levels of sound pressure and levels of sound intensity decrease equally with the distance from the sound source. So
from the sound source.
Thinking helps: A 100 watt light bulb has in 1 m and in 10 m distance really always the same 100 watts, which is emitted from t
Watts don't change with distance.

A frequent question: "Does the sound power depend on distance?" The clear answer is: "No, not really."

We consider sound fields in air which are described by the scalar quantity p (sound pressure) and the vector quantity v (sound

Sound power and Sound power level

To use the calculator, simply enter a value.
The calculator works in both directions of the ↔ sign.

Sound power Pac 

Pac = Pac0 * 10^(Lw/10)
Reference sound power Pac0 =
Sound power is neither room dependent nor distance dependent.

Direct conversion of sound pressure to sound intensity and vic

Simply enter the value to the left or the right side.

The calculator works in both directions of the ↔ sign.

Sound field quantity

Sound pressure p (air)


Reference sound pressure p0 = 20 μPa = 2 × 10−5 Pa      Refer

Specific acoustic impedance of air Z0 = 400 N·s/m3   Sound p

Sound field quantity

Sound pressure level Lp (SPL air)


Reference sound pressure p0 = 20 μPa = 2 × 10−5 Pa      Refer

The same "sound level" in dB at Specific acoustic im

While the sound pressure level in the air is matched with the sound intensity level when a reference sound characteristic imped
independent sound power level.

The same sound level at distance r = √(Q / 4π)


No surface near sound source; able to radiate

acoustical energy in all directions; full sphere
Sound source close to a flat surface; able to
radiate acoustical energy to half of a sphere (hemi)
Close to two adjacent flat surfaces perpendicular to
each other; able to radiate to one fourth of a sphere
At a corner; able to radiate acoustical energy to one
eighth of a sphere

Full sphere Q = 1                           Half sphere Q = 2                       Quarter sphere Q = 4              Eighth sphere Q = 8

For the practically occurring solid angle, we get the following relationships
between the sound power and sound pressure level:
For Q = 1 is LW = Lp + [20 × log10 (r)] + 11 dB (full)
For Q = 2 is LW = Lp + [20 × log10 (r)] + 8 dB (half)
For Q = 4 is LW = Lp + [20 × log10 (r)] + 5 dB (quarter)
For Q = 8 is LW = Lp + [20 × log10 (r)] + 2 dB (eighth)
Lp = medium sound pressure level at the envelope (hemispherical surface)
and for the most frequent case of radiation hemisphere r = 1 m: LW = Lp + 8 dB

Spherical Free Field Sound Propagation, Q = 1

The sound pressure in a spherical distance from a source

with a known sound power can be expressed as:

p = sound pressure in Pa = N/m2
ρ = density of air in kg/m3: 1.2041 kg/m3 at 20°C
c = speed of sound in m/s: 343.22 m/s at 20°C
Pac = sound power in W
π = 3.14159
r = distance from source in m
Q = directivity factor (spherical = 1, half spherical = 2)
directivity index - directivity factor - directivity coefficient

For a spherical sound propagation (Q = 1) at a distance of r = √(1/4π) = 0.2821 m

the decibel value of the sound pressure level is equal to the sound power level.

Hemispherical Sound Propagation, Q = 2

The directivity coefficient Q depends on several parameters − the position
and direction of the source, the room or the surrounding area, etc.
The sound pressure level Lp can be expressed logarithmic as:
Lp = 20 log (p/p0) = 20 log ((Q ρ c Pac/(4 π r2))1/2/p0)
= 20 log (1/r (Q ρ c Pac/(4 π))1/2/p0)         (2)
Lp = sound pressure level in dB
p0 = 2 × 10−5 - reference sound pressure in Pa
Note: That for every doubling of the distance from the noise source,
the sound pressure level Lp, will be reduced by 6 decibels.

For a spherical sound propagation (Q = 2) at a distance of r = √(1/2π) = 0.3989 m

the decibel value of the sound pressure level is equal to the sound power level.

For point-like sources of sound, we get a spherical surface A.

Depending on the arrangement in space spherical segments are to consider:
Solid sphere - sound source anywhere in the room, Q=1
Hemisphere - sound source on the ground Q = 2
Quarter sphere - sound source on the wall, Q=4
Eighth sphere - sound source in the corner, Q = 8
Q = directivity factor and the area A = (4π × r2) / Q

Sound intensity I = sound power Pac / area A

Sound power Pac = I × A = I × 4π × r2.

Sound Pressure Level Calculator

Consider a source of sound and imagine a sphere with radius r, centered on the source.
The sound source outputs a total power P, continuously. The sound intensity I is the same
everywhere on this surface of a thought sphere, by definition. The intensity I is defined as the
power P per unit area A. The surface area of the sphere is A = 4π × r2, so the sound intensity
passing through each square meter of surface is, by definition:
I = P / 4π × r2.
We see that sound intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance away from
the source (1/r2):
I2 / I1 = r12 / r22.
But sound intensity is proportional to the square of the sound pressure, I ~ p2, so we can
p2 / p1 = r1 / r2. The sound pressure p changes with 1 / r of the distance.

So, if we double the distance, we reduce the sound pressure by a ratio of 2 and
the sound intensity by a ratio of 4: in other words, we reduce the sound level by
6 dB. If we increase r by a ratio of 10, we decrease the level by 20 dB.

When a point source emits sound (or an other form of energy) uniformly in all directions in a free field, it is spreading over the s
Directivity factor Q = 1.
The same amount of energy is spreading over a larger and larger area, therefore, the intensity will decrease.
The sound source is emitting all the time the acoustic power and stays there. The sound power does not decrease with the dist

Converting sound power level to sound pressure level

A noise source radiates power which is measured as the sound power level.
It is a characteristic of the source alone and is independent of distance. It is used to rate and compare different noise sources.
the source but at a distance from it.
The level of sound pressure is therefore distance dependent.
The level of sound power is not distance dependent.
The formula for converting sound power level to sound pressure level:
Lp = LW − 10 × log (Q / 4π × r²) in dB
For Q = 1 is SWL = SPL + [20 × log10 (r)] + 11 dB
For Q = 2 is SWL = SPL + [20 × log10 (r)] + 8 dB,
Sound pressure level = SPL or Lp in dB,
Sound power level = SWL or LW in dB,
Distance from the source to the measuring point = r.

W. T. W. CORY: "Relationship between Sound pressure and Sound

Power is like all energy quantities primarily a calculated value.

"Sound power" and "sound pressure" are two distinct and commonly confused characteristics of sound. They have a cause and
sound source, and is an absolute value. It is not affected by the environment. Sound power levels are connected to the sound s
indicated in decibels.
Lw = 10×log (P / P0) where:
The reference power is 10−12 watts (W), which is the lowest sound persons of excellent hearing can discern. Sound power is me
watts (joules per second).
Since sound measuring instruments respond to sound pressure the "decibel" is generally associated with sound pressure level
sound sources. Sound pressure levels vary substantially with distance from the source, and also diminish as a result of interven

Sound pressure levels are indicated in decibels. Sound pressure level (SPL) is
Lp = 20×log (p / p0), where:
The reference sound pressure is p0 = 2×10−5 Pa = 20 µPa. Sound pressure is a pressure disturbance in the air whose intensity
surroundings and the distance from the source to the receiver. Sound pressure is what our ears hear and what sound pressure

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Power Pac  Power
W/m²   | W  | W
 |  |
 Distance  Intensity
m  | m  | W/m² 
r   I 
 |  |


 |  |

 Intensity  Distance
W  | W/m²   | m
I   r 

Q=  |

 ↔  level LW 


 ↔  I (air)


 ↔  level LI

Equal so
und level r
factor Q distance dB
1 √(1/4π) = 11
0.2821 m

2 √(1/2π) = 8
0.3989 m

4 √(1/π)  = 5
0.5642 m

8 √(2/π)  = 2
0.7979 m

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