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APPLICATION NO.____________/2015

Anil Kumar Mithal s/o _____________ r/o ______________________


1. UPPCL Through EUDD … , Meerut

Application u/s 42 of Electricity Act.


1. That the applicant aged about ….. years, is a retired law

abiding person, leading a self contained peaceful life at his

residence on the address as above. The proof of residence is

attached herewith as Annexure A-1

2. That the applicant is residing at the abovementioned

address with his family, since the year ………. and he with

his family are the regular and sole occupant of the


3. That the applicant, at the abovementioned address had

through an authorized agency got a renewable solar

electricity plant of .. KW installed since .... 2019. The plant

was approved and connected for NET metering on

…….’2019. Annexure A-2.

4. That the plant has ever since …. ‘2019 as above, been

running flawlessly and the efficiency was also duly being

reflected by way of the electricity bills being forwarded to


5. That the applicant was very promptly making all

payments due as reflected through any & all bills raised to

him, with no arrears ever being reflected in bills from …

‘2019 to …..”2022. Annexure A-3 to A-6

6. That the applicant in the month of … ‘2022, has for the

first time ever and suddenly forwarded a bill of Rs.

……………. (Rupees Two lakh…… ) (Annex. ….) which

naturally was very disturbing & stressful for the applicant.

This unsettled him for days as the concerned officers were

either not available or unheeding and almost unwilling to

hear to the plight of the applicant. Only advise they had to

offer was “Pay the dues, and submit your complaint which

we shall see in due course”.

7. That it is also pertinent to reiterate that until …..2022

the applicant had neither committed a single delay, nor

default in the payment of all his dues.

8. That being shocked & dismayed, the applicant appealed

to all the concerned authorities but was not offered any

relief beyond segregation of his payment in certain

instalments. (Annex. …)

9. That the applicant much more aggrieved now with the

stubborn & arrogant attitude of the authorities requested

and then insisted for at least providing him the detailed

account and as to what has been the basis of coming to

such an exorbitant amount as in ‘arrears’.

10. That it has been communicated now with copies of certain

revised bills but all fabricated for the period from …. unto

…., though the original bills for the same period had been

paid long time back in totality and duly settled by us much

earlier. Nevertheless, based on such arbitrary hypothesis it

has been argued that due to certain system error, a surplus

of …………… units was supposedly taken as exported from

the solar plant and the bills being generated did not hence

show the actual consumption. This they say resulted in

giving us of an undue credit and the actual electrical

consumption of the corresponding period was hence

charged lesser than the legitimate due.

11. That even if the fabricated record and supposed theory

being projected be taken as on record, even from the

supposedly revised bills, it is very evident that the referred

surplus has accrued & appeared for the first time only in

the month of August ‘2021. (Annex … & …. ) Thus, it is

very obvious that the same surplus, if any, could not have

then been taken into consideration in the time period

preceding the said glitch.

12. That how can such blindfolded billing procedure be

adopted with retrospective effect of ………. Months and with

no accounting transparency is beyond comprehension. This

is akin to plain extortion.

13. That to revise the bills of the time period preceding such an

appearance, and to project any sum as in arrears for the

period, even while going by their own record – which I at

the cost of reiteration would humbly submit are not the

original bills but based on fabricated accounting done

much after the elapsed period, is nevertheless still an

absolutely faulty derivation.

14. That even when the genuineness of our submission was

pointed out and brought out so apparent to the authorities,

the department acting in hostility, abruptly disconnected

our power supply without serving any notice or responding

to our several pleas.

15. That to restore our power supply we had to under

compulsion pay Rs. ….. on date ……..(Annex….) which was

very graciously extended to us as an opportunity to make

part-payment of the amount we had all through been

contesting & emphasizing is not a legitimate due.

16. That howsoever, I have requested they are not willing to

share and divulge any details on the mechanism adopted to

fabricate the bills for the time period already elapsed by

over two years and that too even when the readings of the

meter they had physically recorded through their person

are now being altered.

17. That even going by the law of averages if the consumption

pattern & quantum of electricity over the last two years be

averaged , we have consumed …. monthly average Units in

the year 2020 , ……. monthly average Units in the year

2021 and ……….. monthly average Units in the year 2022

so far. This confirms beyond any iota of doubt, that even in

the ‘identified surplus period’ our consumption of electricity

has remained persistently un-wavered as the non-surplus

18. That all the above facts show that the applicant was a

diligent citizen. However, this very fact and his credibility

were all dealt with in a manner most demeaning, even

when he had approached all authorities from the SDO to

the MD for correction of his faulty bills. It appears now that

the department is not willing to set right the mistake,

which is even so starkly apparent and is on the contrary

bent upon pressurizing the applicant to any how pay even

the most un-justified and non-established bills raised by


19. That the applicant being so aggrieved is now turning to this

august redress mechanism for an early and amicable

settlement to his woes on merit.

20. That the



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