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A. Introduction
In Mathematics, the study of progression deals with arithmetic progression,
geometric progression and harmonic progression. Progression is useful in solving some
kinds of word problems and their application to real-life situations.

B. Objectives:
In this Module, everyone is tasked to work on the following:
1. Identify patterns in nature and regularities in the world
2. Articulate the importance of Mathematics in one’s life
3. Argue about the nature of Mathematics what it is, how it is
expressed, represented and used.
4. Explain the significance of certain types of patterns
5.Demonstrate how certain patterns can be controlled to
achieved desired results
6.Express appreciation for mathematics as a human endeavor
7.Differentiate among arithmetic, geometric and harmonic
8. Determine the nth term of an arithmetic, geometric and of a
harmonic progression
9.Apply the principles in solving for the sum of n terms in an
arithmetic or geometric progression;
10. Obtain the arithmetic, geometric or harmonic means given
the first and last terms of the progression

C. Pretest Evaluation:
Solve the following problems.
1. Find the 18th term of the arithmetic sequence 3,10, 17, 24, …
2. Insert four arithmetic means between 9 and 29?
3. Find the last term of 1,3,5,7,9,… (n=50) ?
4. Find the sum of the first ten terms of the arithmetic sequence 3,6,9,…?
5. If a =3 and r = 2, find the fifth term?
6. Find the sum of the geometric series if a = 32, n = 8, r = ½ ?
7. What is the 7th term of the harmonic sequence whose 3 rd term is 4/3 and 5th term is 2/3?
8. Insert five arithmetic means between 9 and 23?
9. Find the sum of each arithmetic sequence with the given conditions:
a. n= 56 , a =100, L = -1 b. n=100 , a = 1, L = 2
10. Find the missing terms in each geometric sequence.
a. 2, 6, ___, ___, 162, ___ b. ___, -1, 2, -4, ___, ___

D. Learning Contents:

I. Sequence or Progression – is a set of numbers written in a special by application of
a definite rule. A sequence may be finite or infinite depending on its term. A
sequence is said to be finite if it has term and last tern. The sequence is said to be
infinite if it has a first term but no last term that is, it is “endless”. Each number of
the sequence is called a term. The first is called the first term, followed by the
second, third term, and so on.
Example of finite:
1. 1,3,5,7,9,11 2. 2,4,6,8,10
Examples of infinite Sequence:
1. 3,6,9,12,15, …,3n 2. 2,6,12,20, … n(n+1)
II. Arithmetic Sequence – is a sequence in which term is obtained by adding a constant
number dis called the common difference. In symbols, if a is the first term, and the
d, is the common difference, then the term of an arithmetic sequence can be
enumerated in the following manner:
Formula: L = a + (n-1) d
Where: L- last term, a - first term, n- number of terms, d - common difference
1. Determine whether the sequence is arithmetic.
a. -3, 2, 7, 12 b. 4, 8,16,32
a. Solution: Solve for the common difference: d = second term – first term
Or d = 3rd term – second term
d = 2- (-3) = 5, d = 7-2 = 5, d = 12 -7 = 5 ; Therefore the given in letter a is an arithmetic
2. Find the 12th term of an Arithmetic Progression; 5, 9, 13, 17
Solution: Solve for the common difference d = 2 nd term – first term = 9-5 = 4
L = a + (n-1)d = 5 + (12-1) 4
L = 5 + 11(4) = 5 + 44 = 49----answer
III. Arithmetic Mean
When three terms form an arithmetic sequence, the middle number is called the
arithmetic mean between the other two. In the sequence 2,4,6,8.., 4 is the arithmetic mean
between 2 and 6, 6 is the arithmetic mean between 4 and 8, 4 and 6 are the arithmetic
means between 2 and 8.
Formula: m = a + b
1. Find the arithmetic mean of 15 and 71?
Solution: a1 = 15, a3 = 71
a2 = a1 + a3= 15 + 71 = 43 --- answer
2 2
2. The arithmetic means between the 6 th and 9th term of an arithmetic sequence are 13.5 and 15.
What are the first and the 20th terms of the sequence?
Solution: From the given terms, we have a 7= 13.5 and a8 = 15. Solving for d and a1, we get
d = 15-13.5 = 1.5
a7 = 13.5 last term, solve for the first term
L = a1 + (n-1)d Solving for a 20
13.5 = a1 + (7-1)1.5 a 20 = a1 + (n-1)d
13.5 = a1 + 9 a 20 = 4.5 +( 20-1)1.5
13.5 - 9 = a1 a 20 = 4.5 +( 19)1.5
a1 = 4.5--- answer a 20 = 4.5 + 28.5 = 33 ---answer

Solve the following problems.
1. Find the last term (L) of the following arithmetic progression
a. 2,5,8, … ( n=50) c. -5, -2, 1, 4, 7,… ( n= 30)
b. -4, -7, -10 … ( n = 20) d. 4, 1, -2, -5,-8,… ( n= 25)
2. Find the common difference
a. 15, 10, 5, 0, -5
b. ½ , 0, -1/2
3. Insert the indicated number of arithmetic means between the two given numbers.
a. Three; 10 and -10 c. five, 4 and 40
b. Four, 3 and 18

4. Insert four arithmetic means between -4 and 8?

IV. Sum of a Finite Arithmetic Sequence

Formula: Sn = ( a+L )
Where: : Sn – sum, n -number of terms , a – first term , d- common difference, L – last term
Examples: 1. Find the sum of all numbers from 1 to 50?
Solution: Formula: Sn = ( a+L )
Sn = ( 1 + 50) = 25 ( 51) = 1275 --- answer
2. Find the sum of all multiples of 3 between 5 and 64?
Solution: The multiples of 3 from 5 to 64 from the arithmetic sequence 6,9,12,..,63. The
sum is 6 + 9+12+...63
Thus a= 6 , L =63 and d = 3
We use the formula L = a + (n-1) d to find the value of n.
63 = 6 + (n-1)3 57 + 3 = 3n
63 - 6 = 3n -3 60 = 3n
3n 60
57 = 3n – 3 =
3 3
n = 20 ----- answer
The sum of the multiples of 3 between 5 and 64 will be
Sn = ( a+L )
Solution: Sn = (6 +63) = 10(69) =690 ---answer

Solve the following numbers.
1. Find the sum of each arithmetic series
a. a= 1 , L = -20 , S10
b. a = 12 , d = 0.5 , S25
2. Find the sum of the odd integers from 1-50 ?
3. Find the sum of the first 20 positive even numbers?
4. Find the sum of all the multiples of 7 between 90 and 708?

5. To save for the class field trip Celia deposited P75 into her savings account on the first
week, P100 on the second week, P125 on the third week, and so on until she had
enough money for the trip, If it take her 12 weeks to save the target amount, how much
money did she save for the field trip?

V. Geometric Sequence and Series

A geometric sequence or geometric progression, is a sequence in which each term
after the first is obtained by multiplying the proceeding term by a nonzero constant.
This nonzero constant multiplier or factor is called the common ratio and is denoted
by r.It is also assumed that the first term is not zero.

The common ratio is obtained by dividing any term by the preceding term.
Formula: L = arn-1 , L-last term, a – first term, r- common ratio, n –number of terms
1. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 is a geometric progression
Solving for the common ration ; r = 2

second term 4 3 rd term 8

r= = = 2 r= = = 2
first term 2 second term 4

fourth 16
r= = =2
third 8

2. Find the common ratio and the 13th term of the geometric sequence, 5, -10, 20, -40,...
Solution: To solve for the common ratio
second term
first term
r= = -2

L = arn-1 = 5 ( -2)12 = 20,480

The terms between any two term non-consecutive terms of a geometric
sequence are called geometric means.
3. Insert four geometric means between : , _______, ________, __________, 288
Solution: a = 1/27 and L = 288
Solve for the common ratio using:
L = arn-1= 1 ( r )5
288 = 1 ( r )5 288(27) = r 5
7776 = = r5 √5 7776 = √5 r 5r = √5 7776 = r= 6 --- answer
Second term = First x r : a2 = 1 ( 6) = 2/9
Third term = second term x r : a3 = 1 ( 6)2 = 4/3
Fourth Term = 3rd x r
: a4 = 1 ( 6)3 = 8
Fifth Term = fourth x r : a5 = 1 ( 6)4 = 48
4. Therefore, there four geometric means: , 2/9 , 4/3, 8, 48, 288
5. Insert a geometric means between 54 and 24
Solution: solve first for the common ratio

L = arn-1

24 = 54r3-1
√ r2
r= 2/3
√ 4

24 54 r 2
= a2 = a1r = 54(2/3) = 36 ----answer
54 54
= r2

Solve the following problems.
1. State whether the given sequence is geometric or not.
a. 8, 12, 16, ... b. 1000, 100, 10, ... c. 2/3, ¾, 4/5, ...
2. Find the indicated term in each geometric sequence,
a. a1 = 3, r = 5; 7th term b. a1 = 8, r = 3/2; 6th term c. a1 = -3, r = -2; 10th term
3. In the G.P. 16, -8 , 4, -2, ... Find the common ratio and the 5 th term?
4. Find the 7th term of the G.P. 1, 3, 9, ...?

VI. Sum of a Geometric Sequence

Formula: Sn = a ( 1-r n)
where Sn - sum , a – first number, r – common ratio, n – number of terms

1. Find the sum of the first 50 terms of a geometric sequence where a = 3 and r = 2.
Sn = a ( 1-r n) = 3 ( 1 – 250) = 3.377 x 1015 ---- answer
1–r 1- 2
2. Find the 8th term and the sum of the first 8 terms of the geometric sequence, where 4 is
the Ist. Term and 108 is the 4th term?
L = arn-1
108 = 4r3
r3 = 108 = 27
3 3
= √3
r=√ 3
27 = 3
Solve for the 8 term
L = arn-1
L = 4(3)7 = 4 (2187) = 8748

The sum of the first 8th terms:
Sn = a ( 1-r n) = 4 ( 1 -38 ) = 4 ( 1 – 6561) = 4( -65600) = 13,120 ---- answer
1–r 1–3 -2 -2


i. Find the sum of the geometric series with the given information.
1. a = 16, r = ¼, L = 1/64
2. L = 192, n = 7, r = 2 3. a = 128, r = ½, n= 5
ii. Which term of the sequence is the underlined numbers : 8, 16, 32, ... 512?

VII. Harmonic Sequence

The sequence whose reciprocals of its term form an arithmetic sequence is
called a harmonic sequence.
1. Find the 10th term of the harmonic sequence ½ , ¼ , 1/6, 1/8, …
The corresponding arithmetic sequence is 2, 4, 6, 8, … with a = 2 and d = 2. The 10 th term
L = a + (n-1)d
L = 2 + 9(2) = 20
Therefore the 10th term in the harmonic is 1/20
2. Insert three harmonic means between ¼ and 1/20.
Solution: The corresponding arithmetic sequence is 4, _______, _______,_______, 20
a= 4, L =20 substitute the value in the formula
L = a + (n-1)d 20-4 = 4d d=4
20 = 4 + (5-1)d 16 = 4d
16 4d
20 = 4 + 4d =
4 4
The arithmetic means a2 = 4 + 4 = 8, a3 = 8 +4 = 12, a3 = 12 +4 = 16
Get the reciprocal, hence the harmonic means are: 1/8, 1/12, 1/16
3. Find the first term of the harmonic sequence with 1/13 as the third term and 1/33 as
the 7th term:
Solution: The corresponding arithmetic sequence is : ___, ______,13,___,___,___,33
Solve for the common difference using 13 as first term and 33 as last term
Using the formula L = at(n-1)d Solve for the first term: L = at(n-1)d
33 = 13 + 4d a3 = a1 + (3-1) 5
33-13 = 4d 13 = a1 + 2(5)
4d = 20 13 – 10 = a
4 d 20
= a=3
4 4
d=5 Therefore a = ---- answer
Solve the following problems.
1. Insert four harmonic means between 5/3 and 5/11.
2. Find the indicated term of the following harmonic sequences.
a. 2/3, 4/9, 1/3, … 8th term

b. 3/5, 3/7, 1/3, … 7th term
E. Formative Test:
I. Solve the following problems, if possible show your solutions.

1. Find the 35th term in an A.P where the 4th term is 6 and d =5.
2. In an A.P. 36,39,42,… which term is 276?
3. Find d in an A.P whose 5th term is 18 and 39th term is 120?
4. Determine the term which has the value -38 in the arithmetic sequence 7, 4,1,-2,

5. Insert four numbers of arithmetic means between ½ and 1/32
6. The arithmetic mean between two terms of a sequence is -4. If one of the terms
is 17, find the other term.
7. Insert four arithmetic means between 4 and 19?

II. Find the solutions of the following problems.

1. Find the sum of the following progression
a. 2,5,8, ... ( n = 40) b. -4, -7, -10 ... (n = 30)
2. Find the sum of all even numbers between 79 to 197 ?
3. Find the sum of all the multiples of 7 between 90 and 708?
4. Find the sum of all even numbers between -19 to -179 ?
5. Mrs. Cruz gave her son P1000 on his 10 th birthday, and intends to increase this by
P200 each year. How much will the son receive on his 18 th birthday ?
6. Sarah gets a starting salary of P6000 a month, and an increase of P600 annually.
What will be her salary on the sixth year?
III. Solve the following problems.
1. Find the last term of the G.P. 1/64, - 1/32, 1/16 to 9 terms?
2. Find the 7th term of the geometric progression 1/8 , ½ , 2, ...
3. Write the first five terms of a geometric sequence whose first term is 2 and the
common ratio is 3.
4. Write the first 5 terms of a geometric sequence with first term is 6 and the
common ratio is 5.
5. Insert 2 geometric means between 6 and 16/9.
6. Find the sum of the geometric series with the given information.
a. L = 192, n = 7, r = 2 b. a = 128, r = ½, n= 5
7. Which term of the sequence is the underlined numbers?
a. 4, 12, 36, ... 2916 b. – 0.2, - 0.04 , - 0.008, … -0.000064
8. What is the first term of the harmonic sequence whose 2nd term is 6/7 and the
6th term is 2/3?

F. References:
1. Daligdig, Romeo M., Mathematics in the Modern World, Lorimar Publishing Inc.

2. Baltazar, Ragaso and Evangelista, Mathematics in the Modern World; C & E
Publishing, Inc. (2018)
3. Earnhart & Adina, Mathematics in the Modern World, C & E Publishing, Inc.
4. Romeo M. Daligdig, EdD Mathematics in the Modern World, Lorimar Publishing
Inc. 2019
5. Cengage, Mathematics in the Modern World,Rex Book Store, 2018


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