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By Arthur W. Leissa1 and Jae-Hoon Kang2

ABSTRACT: A 3D method of analysis is presented for determining the free vibration frequencies and mode
shapes of hollow bodies of revolution (i.e., thick shells), not limited to straight-line generators or constant
thickness. The middle surface of the shell may have arbitrary curvatures, and the wall thickness may vary
arbitrarily. Displacement components uf, uz, and uu in the meridional, normal, and circumferential directions,
respectively, are taken to be sinusoidal in time, periodic in u, and algebraic polynomials in the f and z directions.
Potential (strain) and kinetic energies of the entire body are formulated, and upper-bound values of the fre-
quencies are obtained by minimizing the frequencies. As the degree of the polynomials are increased, frequencies
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converge to the exact values. Novel numerical results are presented for two types of thick conical shells and
thick spherical shell segments having linear thickness variations and completely free boundaries. Convergence
to four-digit exactitude is demonstrated for the first five frequencies of both types of shells. The method is
applicable to thin shells, as well as thick and very thick ones.


Fig. 1 shows the cross section of an arbitrary shell of rev-
Three-dimensional (3D) vibration analysis of structural el-
olution with thickness h varying in the meridional direction f.
ements has long been a goal of those who work in the field.
The shell is generated by rotating the section about the y-axis.
Because of the inability to perform such analyses, it was nec- Its curvature is described by the curvature of its middle surface
essary to develop 1D (rod, beam) and 2D (plate, shell) math- (shown as the dashed curve in Fig. 1). A typical point P in
ematical models of such elements, each having serious limi- the shell is positioned by giving its meridional and circumfer-
tations and inaccuracies. However, with the development of ential angles, f and u, respectively, and by the distance z mea-
the digital computer in recent decades it has now become pos- sured along the normal to the midsurface. Thus, the shell sur-
sible to obtain accurate (i.e., almost exact) free vibration fre- faces are located at z = 6h/2. The ends of the shell (top and
quencies and mode shapes by 3D analysis, particularly for bottom) are determined by ft and fb, where the thicknesses
bodies of revolution. are ht and hb, respectively.
For bodies of revolution a 3D analysis may be greatly sim- The meridian line that generates the shell midsurface when
plified if the body is closed circumferentially, so that the dis- rotated is depicted in Fig. 2. This generating curve may be
placements are periodic in the circumferential angle u. Then prescribed either by a single equation
the modes uncouple by circumferential wave number n, leav-
ing a problem that is mathematically only 2D for each n. This r = r( y) (1)
fact has been utilized by some researchers to obtain natu-
ral frequencies for solid and hollow circular cylinders with
varying degrees of accuracy (Gladwell and Tahbilder 1972;
Hutchinson 1972, 1979, 1980; Gladwell and Vijay 1975;
Hutchinson and El-Azhari 1986; Singal and Williams
1988; Leissa and So 1995a,b; So and Leissa 1995; So and
Leissa 1998). Recently, an accurate 3D analysis of the vibra-
tions of hollow cones was carried out by Leissa and So
The analyses described above were for bodies of revolution
having straight-line generators, which simplifies matters con-
siderably. Moreover, the hollow cylinders and cones were lim-
ited to ones having constant wall thickness. The present work
extends the subject by considering hollow bodies of revolution
(i.e., thick shells) not limited to straight-line generators or con-
stant thickness. Indeed, the middle surface of the shell may
have arbitrary curvatures, and the wall thickness may vary
arbitrarily. A method of analysis is developed in generality,
and is demonstrated by obtaining accurate frequencies for
truncated conical and spherical thick shells with linearly
varying thickness.

Prof., Appl. Mech. Program, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH 43210.
Asst. Prof., School of Constructional and Envir. Syst. Engrg., Kyongju
Univ., Kyongbook 780-712, South Korea.
Note. Associate Editor: Mark Hanson. Discussion open until May 1,
2000. To extend the closing date one month, a written request must be
filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The manuscript for this paper
was submitted for review and possible publication on January 23, 1998. FIG. 1. Cross Section of Arbitrary Shell of Revolution with
This paper is part of the Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 125, Variable Thickness in Meridional Direction f and Positive
No. 12, December, 1999. qASCE, ISSN 0733-9399/99/0012-1365–1371/ Gaussian Curvature, and Curvilinear Coordinate System (f, z,
$8.00 1 $.50 per page. Paper No. 17617. u)


J. Eng. Mech. 1999.125:1365-1371.

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FIG. 2. Meridian of Middle Surface of Shell of Revolution

or by a set of parametric equations 5. Circular toroidal shell

r = r(f); y = y(f) (2a,b) b
r1 = a; r2 = a 1
where r and y = radial and axial components, respectively, in sin f
cylindrical coordinates; and f = aforementioned meridional where a = radius of the circular cross section; and b =
angle. radius of revolution.
Fig. 2 also shows the two principal radii of curvature, r1 6. Paraboloidal shell
and r2, of the middle surface, where r1 describes the curvature
in the meridional (r-y) plane, and r2 is in a plane normal to 2a 2a
the meridian. The latter is the distance along the normal from r1 = ; r2 =
cos3f cos f
the axis of rotation y to the middle surface, as seen in Fig. 2.
The radii may be determined from (1) as where a = focal distance of the meridian.
7. Ellipsoidal (or spheroidal) shell
[1 1 (r9) ]
2 3/2

r1 = ; r2 = r[1 1 (r9)2]1/2 (3a,b)

r0 a2b2 a2
r1 = ; r2 =
(a sin f 1 b2 cos2f)3/2
2 2
(a sin f 1 b2 cos2f)1/2
2 2
where the primes indicate derivatives with respect to y. Or they
may be calculated from (2) as where a and b = lengths of the semimajor and semiminor
axes, respectively.
[(r9) 1 ( y9) ]
2 2 3/2
r[(r9) 1 ( y9) ]
2 2 1/2

r1 = ; r2 = (4a,b) 8. Hyperboloidal shell

r0y9 2 r9y0 y9
2a2b2 a2
where derivatives are now with respect to f. r1 = ; r2 =
Eqs. (3) or (4) may be used to obtain the principal radii of (a sin f 2 b2 cos2f)3/2
2 2
(a sin f 2 b2 cos2f)1/2
2 2

curvature for various classical shells as follows (Tsui 1968; where a and b = lengths of the semitransverse and
Flügge 1973): semiconjugate axes, respectively.
1. Plate
The principal curvatures of the middle surface are x1 =
r1 = r2 = ` 1/r1 and x2 = 1/r2. The Gaussian curvature is k = x1x2. Al-
though Figs. 1 and 2 depict a shell having positive k, shells
2. Spherical shell (with midsurface radius, a) with negative k (e.g., hyperboloidal), or both positive and neg-
r1 = r2 = a ative k (e.g., toroidal) may be analyzed.
3. Circular cylindrical shell (with midsurface radius, a) ENERGY FUNCTIONALS
r1 = `; r2 = a
To analyze the free vibrations of the thick shell of revolu-
4. Conical shell (with constant f = f0) tion, the kinetic energy T and strain energy V will be devel-
oped in terms of displacement components uf, uz, and uu, taken
r positive in the directions of increasing f, z, and u (Fig. 1).
r1 = `; r2 =
sin f0 The kinetic energy is simply

J. Eng. Mech. 1999.125:1365-1371.

2 EV
r(u̇2f 1 u̇2z 1 u̇u)2rzrz df dz du (5)
uu(f, z, u, t) = Uu(f, z)sin nu sin(vt 1 a)
where v = frequency; and a = phase angle depending on the

where r = mass density; the overdots denote time derivatives; initial conditions. The circumferential wave number is taken
and the integration is carried out over the domain V of the to be an integer (n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .) for a closed shell (0 # u
shell. The radii rz and rz needed for the volume element are # 3607) to ensure periodicity in u. Then (12) account for all
free vibration modes except for the torsional ones. These
rz(f, z) = [r2(f) 1 z]sin f; rz(f, z) = r1(f) 1 z (6a,b) modes arise from an alternative set of solutions that are the
same as (12), except that cos nu and sin nu are interchanged.
The strain energy of deformation is expressed in terms of
For n > 0 this set duplicates the solutions of (12), with the
the stresses fij and strains εij as
symmetry axes of the mode shapes being rotated. But for
(sffεff 1 szz εzz 1 suuεuu 1 2sf z εf z 1 2sfuεfu
n = 0 the alternative set reduces to uf = uz = 0, uu =
u z)sin(vt 1 a), which corresponds to the torsional
modes. The displacements uncouple by circumferential mode
1 2sz uεz u)rzrz df dz du (7) number n, leaving only coupling in f and z.
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The displacement functions are further assumed as

The well-known stress-strain equations of isotropic, linear

elasticity are
Uf(f, z) = hf(f, z) Aij fiz j (13a)
sij = lε 1 2Gεij (8) i=0 j=0

where l = En/(1 1 n)(1 2 2n) and G = E/2(1 1 n) = Lamé


parameters, expressed in terms of Young’s modulus E, and Uz(f, z) = hz(f, z) Bk<fkz< (13b)
< =0
Poisson’s ratio n; and ε [ εff 1 εzz 1 εuu.

Utilizing tensor analysis (Kang 1997) the 3D strains are


found to be related to the displacements by Uu(f, z) = hu(f, z) Cmnfmz n (13c)

m=0 n =0
εff = (uf,f 1 uz); εzz = uz,z (9a,b) and similarly for U*, where Aij, Bk <, and Cmn are arbitrary
rz u
coefficients to be determined, and h are functions depending
1 on the geometric boundary conditions to be enforced. For ex-
εuu = (uu,u 1 uf cos f 1 uz sin f) (9c) ample:

εfz =
2 Fuf,z 2
(u 2 uz,f)
rz f G (9d )
1. Completely free: hf = hz = hu = 1
2. Top end (f = ft) fixed, remaining boundaries free: hf =

hz = hu = f 2 ft
εfu =
1 1
(uf,u 2 uu cos f) 1
(9e) 3. Both ends fixed, remaining boundaries free: hf = hz =
2 rz rz hu = (f 2 ft)(f 2 fb)

4. Inner surface (z = 2h/2) fixed, remaining boundaries
1 1 free: hf = hz = hu = z 1 h/2
εzu = (uz,u 2 uu sin f) 1 uu,z (9f )
2 rz 5. Outer surface (z = h/2) restrained only in the normal
for arbitrary radii of curvature r1 and r2. direction, remaining boundaries free: hz = z 2 h/2, hf =
Substituting (8) and (9) into (7) results in hu = 1

{l(k1 1 k2 1 k3)2 1 G[2(k 21 1 k 22 1 k 23)
The functions hf, hz, and hu shown above impose only the
necessary geometric constraints. Together with the algebraic
polynomials in (13) they form function sets that are mathe-
1 k 42 1 k 52 1 k 62]}rzrz df dz du (10) matically complete (Kantorovich and Krylov 1958, pp. 266–
268). Thus, the function sets are capable of representing any
3D motion of the body with increasing accuracy as the indices
where I, J, . . . , N are increased. In the limit, as sufficient terms are
uf cos f 1 uz sin f 1 uu,u uz 1 uf,f taken, all internal constraints vanish, and the functions (13)
k1 [ ; k2 [ (11a,b) will approach the exact solution as closely as desired.
rz rz
The eigenvalue problem is formulated by minimizing the
uf 2 uz,f free vibration frequencies with respect to the arbitrary coeffi-
k3 [ uz,z ; k4 [ 2 ufz (11c,d ) cients, thereby minimizing the effects of the internal con-
straints present when the function sets are finite. This corre-
uz,u 2 uu sin f sponds to the equations (Ritz 1909)
k5 [ 1 uu,z (11e)
(Vmax 2 Tmax) = 0, (i = 0, 1, . . . , I; j = 0, 1, . . . , J ) (14a)
uf,u 2 uu cos f uu,f ­Aij
k6 [ 1 (11f )
rz rz
(Vmax 2 Tmax) = 0, (k = 0, 1, . . . , K; < = 0, 1, . . . , L) (14b)
For the thick shell vibrating freely in one of its normal (Vmax 2 Tmax) = 0, (m = 0, 1, . . . , M; n = 0, 1, . . . , N )
modes, displacement components are assumed as ­Cmn
uf(f, z, u, t) = Uf(f, z)cos nu sin(vt 1 a) (12a)
The functionals Vmax and Tmax are the maximum values of the
uz(f, z, u, t) = Uz(f, z)cos nu sin(vt 1 a) (12b) strain and kinetic energies in a cycle of vibratory motion, ob-

J. Eng. Mech. 1999.125:1365-1371.

tained by setting sin2(vt 1 a) and cos2(vt 1 a) equal to unity It is seen that the frequencies have converged monotonically
in (5) and (10) after the displacements (12) are substituted. to four significant figures in Table 1 and, for the reasons given
Eqs. (14) yield a set of (I 1 1)(J 1 1) 1 (K 1 1)(L 1 1) above, these are exact values to four digits. Values given in
1 (M 1 1)(N 1 1) linear, homogeneous, algebraic equations boldface type and underlined are the converged values for the
in the unknowns Aij, Bk<, and Cmn. For a nontrivial solution, smallest determinant sizes with which they are achieved. The
the determinant of the coefficient matrix is set equal to zero,
which yields the frequencies (eigenvalues). These frequencies
are upper bounds on the exact values, and approach the exact
values monotonically as the indices I, J, . . . , N are increased.
The mode shape (eigenfunction) corresponding to each fre-
quency is obtained, in the usual manner, by substituting each
v back into the set of algebraic equations, and solving for the
ratios of coefficients.
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As an example, consider the completely free, truncated con-
ical shell with linearly varying thickness described by the cross
section shown in Fig. 3. One of the defining dimensions used
is Rit, which is the radius r to the inner, top edge of the cone.
Using this, and requiring it to be positive, eliminates the pos-
sibility of overlapping corners along this edge.
Table 1 shows a convergence study made for a thick shell
(ht /L = 0.125, hb /L = 0.375) with considerable thickness var-
iation (ht /hb = 1/3), having a small opening at the top (Rit /L =
0.25) and an apex angle of 307 (f0 = 607). Fig. 3 is drawn
with this shape. Poisson’s ratio n was taken to be 0.3. Table
1 shows the first five nondimensional frequencies vLÏr/G
for two circumferential waves (n = 2) in the mode shapes. The
number of polynomial terms taken in the thickness z direction
is TZ = J 1 1 = L 1 1 = N 1 1, and the number in the
meridional f direction is TP = I 1 1 = K 1 1 = M 1 1. The
resulting order of the frequency determinant generated is la- FIG. 3. Cross Section of Truncated Conical Shell with Linearly
beled ‘‘DET ’’ in Table 1. Varying Thickness

TABLE 1. Convergence of Frequencies vLÏr/G of Completely Free, Truncated Hollow Conical Shell for Five Lowest Modes
a b c
TZ TP DET 1 2 3 4 5
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
2 2 12 0.8686 1.641 3.668 4.759 7.721
2 4 24 0.8062 1.491 3.277 4.025 4.925
2 6 36 0.8019 1.481 3.263 3.907 4.830
2 8 48 0.8018 1.480 3.261 3.897 4.824
2 10 60 0.8018 1.479 3.261 3.896 4.823
3 2 18 0.8205 1.606 3.633 4.755 7.637
3 4 36 0.7792 1.442 3.228 3.945 4.883
3 6 54 0.7762 1.435 3.217 3.801 4.796
3 8 72 0.7761 1.434 3.216 3.790 4.791
3 10 90 0.7761 1.433 3.216 3.789 4.791
4 2 24 0.8028 1.597 3.619 4.746 7.610
4 4 48 0.7650 1.427 3.213 3.918 4.870
4 6 72 0.7623 1.420 3.203 3.760 4.783
4 8 96 0.7623 1.418 3.202 3.751 4.779
4 10 120 0.7622 1.418 3.202 3.750 4.778
5 2 30 0.8022 1.595 3.616 4.746 7.603
5 4 60 0.7644 1.427 3.213 3.916 4.869
5 6 90 0.7618 1.419 3.202 3.757 4.782
5 8 120 0.7617 1.418 3.202 3.749 4.778
5 10 150 0.7617 1.417 3.201 3.748 4.778
6 2 36 0.8014 1.590 3.612 4.746 7.602
6 4 72 0.7639 1.426 3.212 3.913 4.868
6 6 108 0.7618 1.419 3.202 3.756 4.782
6 8 144 0.7617 1.418 3.201 3.749 4.778
6 9 162 0.7617 1.417 3.201 3.748 4.778
Note: For n = 2 with ht /hb = 1/3, f0 = 607, Rit /L = 0.25, ht /L = 0.125, and n = 0.3.
TZ = Total number of polynomial terms used in z or z direction.
TP = Total number of polynomial terms used in s or c direction.
DET = Determinant order.


J. Eng. Mech. 1999.125:1365-1371.

TABLE 2. Nondimensional Frequencies vLÏr/G of Com- four-digit convergence for the first five frequencies requires
pletely Free, Truncated Hollow Conical Shells with Linearly determinants of order 120–150. For TZ = 6, the largest value
Varying Thickness
of TP that may be used is nine, before numerical ill-condi-
ht /hb tioning is encountered with the ordinary algebraic polynomial
n Mode 1 1/3 0
trial functions of (13).
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) It is interesting to note that the solutions presented in Table
1 for TZ = 2, even when TP = 10, are inaccurate when com-
0(T)a 1 3.523 3.915 4.590
pared with the converged values for higher TZ. Nevertheless,
2 6.497 6.748 7.531
3 9.569 9.615 7.806 these relatively inaccurate solutions are much more accurate
4 12.670 9.738 10.554 than would be obtained from classical (thin) shell theory, and
5 12.804 12.795 12.382 also more accurate than solutions from a first-order shear de-
0(A)b 1 (4) 1.928 (4) 2.081 (3) 2.261 formation theory. The latter theory corresponds to I = K = 2,
2 2.956 2.993 3.023 but M is only unity, preventing thickness-stretch displacement.
3 3.650 4.117 4.648
The former has additional kinematic constraints between Uf,
4 5.518 5.643 6.160
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5 5.661 6.051 6.831 Uu, and Uz. Conversely, if three-digit accuracy is needed for
1 1 (5) 2.158 (5) 2.330 (5) 2.536 the frequencies, then Table 1 shows that TZ must be at least
2 2.965 3.064 3.234 four.
3 3.476 3.679 4.154 Extensive additional convergence studies were also made
4 5.168 5.409 6.045 (Kang 1997) for other circumferential mode numbers (n = 0,
5 5.348 5.783 6.275 axisymmetric and torsional; and n = 1) for the conical shell
2 1 (1) 0.6184 (1) 0.7617 (1) 0.9728
2 (2) 1.468 (2) 1.417 (2) 1.360 of Table 1, as well as for conical shells having other thickness
3 3.004 3.201 3.440 variations (ht /hb = 1 and 0). Convergence rates for all cases
4 3.696 3.748 4.051 were approximately the same as that seen in Table 1.
5 4.613 4.778 4.895 Table 2 presents accurate (four significant figure) frequen-
3 1 (3) 1.496 (3) 1.878 (4) 2.312 cies for three thickness variations: ht /hb = 1 (constant thick-
2 3.095 3.090 3.049
3 4.224 4.419 4.413
ness), 1/3 (the configuration of Table 1), and 0 (sharp edge at
4 4.791 4.979 5.139 the top). Other parameters are the same as were used in Table
5 6.137 6.473 6.495 1 (f0 = 607, Rit /L = 0.25, hm /L = 0.25, where hm = (ht 1 hb)/
4 1 2.508 3.127 3.693 2 is the average thickness, and n = 0.3). Data are given for
2 4.448 4.554 4.683 the axisymmetric, torsional, and n = 1, 2, 3, and 4 modes. It
3 5.439 5.799 5.772 is seen that the first two frequencies are both for n = 2 for all
4 6.497 6.759 6.569
5 7.572 8.143 7.789 three configurations, and that the lowest torsional frequency
for each configuration is at least the 12th frequency overall.
Note: For f0 = 607, Rit /L = 0.25, and n = 0.3. Numbers in parentheses
identify frequency sequences.
For thin circular cylindrical shells, numerous results in the
Torsional mode. published literature show clearly that the fundamental fre-
Axisymmetric mode. quencies typically occur at higher circumferential wave num-
bers, but that as the thickness increases, the wave numbers

TABLE 3. Convergence of Frequencies vaÏr/G of Completely Free, Spherical Shell Segment with Linearly Varying Thickness
TZ a TP b DET c 1 2 3 4 5
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
2 2 12 2.478 2.897 5.024 6.664 13.54
2 4 24 2.022 2.447 2.973 4.510 5.658
2 6 36 2.011 2.441 2.914 4.464 5.186
2 8 48 2.010 2.441 2.912 4.456 5.085
2 10 60 2.009 2.441 2.911 4.456 5.081
3 2 18 2.476 2.887 5.015 6.611 13.06
3 4 36 2.001 2.435 2.903 4.499 5.623
3 6 54 1.989 2.429 2.848 4.422 4.963
3 8 72 1.987 2.429 2.846 4.404 4.872
3 10 90 1.987 2.429 2.845 4.403 4.869
4 2 24 2.475 2.885 5.014 6.603 12.43
4 4 48 1.997 2.434 2.895 4.494 5.614
4 6 72 1.985 2.428 2.840 4.410 4.918
4 8 96 1.983 2.427 2.838 4.388 4.832
4 10 120 1.982 2.427 2.837 4.387 4.829

5 2 30 2.474 2.882 5.013 6.597 12.43

5 4 60 1.997 2.433 2.894 4.494 5.611
5 6 90 1.984 2.428 2.839 4.409 4.914
5 8 120 1.983 2.427 2.837 4.387 4.830
5 10 150 1.982 2.427 2.837 4.386 4.827

6 2 36 2.474 2.881 5.013 6.596 12.42

6 4 72 1.996 2.433 2.893 4.493 5.609
6 6 108 1.984 2.428 2.839 4.408 4.912
6 8 144 1.982 2.427 2.837 4.387 4.829
6 9 162 1.982 2.427 2.837 4.386 4.827
Note: For five lowest modes for n = 1 with ft = 307, fb = 907, ht /a = 1/10, ht /hb = 1/3, and n = 0.3.
TZ = Total number of polynomial terms used in z or z direction.
TP = Total number of polynomial terms used in f direction.
DET = Determinant order.


J. Eng. Mech. 1999.125:1365-1371.

TABLE 4. Nondimensional Frequencies vaÏr/G of Com-
pletely Free, Spherical Shell Segments with Linearly Varying

ht /hb
n Mode 1 1/3 0
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
0(T)a 1 3.448 3.668 4.142
2 6.241 6.385 7.003
3 9.115 9.200 9.526
4 12.03 11.91 9.973
5 14.97 12.11 12.65
0(A)b 1 (3) 1.879 (3) 1.809 (4) 1.647
2 2.132 (5) 2.163 2.267
3 2.727 2.688 2.737
4 4.708 4.617 4.529
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5 5.520 5.700 6.163

1 1 (5) 2.064 (4) 1.982 (5) 1.996
2 2.357 2.427 2.487
3 2.919 2.837 2.837
4 4.310 4.386 4.456
5 4.886 4.827 4.887
2 1 2.608 2.380 2.281
2 2.815 2.916 3.017
3 3.799 3.707 3.639
4 4.987 4.903 4.674
5 5.285 5.403 5.986
3 1 (2) 1.539 (1) 1.060 (1) 0.7130
2 3.304 2.896 2.580
3 3.333 3.464 3.518
4 4.880 4.880 4.787
5 5.487 5.355 5.078
4 1 (1) 0.8948 (2) 1.250 (2) 1.188 FIG. 4. Cross Sections of Spherical Shell Segments Corre-
2 2.739 2.273 (3) 1.580 sponding to Table 4 (hm /a = 0.2, ft = 30&, ft = 90&)
3 4.102 3.590 3.065
4 4.195 4.220 4.145
5 5.766 5.925 5.362 significantly different than those from 3D analysis. Very sim-
5 1 (4) 1.901 2.274 2.342 ilar convergence rates were found for the n = 0 (axisymmetric
2 3.723 3.389 2.498 and torsional) and n = 2 modes.
3 4.970 4.458 3.721 Additional, accurate frequencies are given in Table 4, not
4 5.326 5.114 4.842 only for the shell of Table 3, but for two others (ht /hb = 1, 0)
5 6.706 6.668 5.949
having the same ratio of mean thickness to shell radius (hm /a
Note: For hm /a = 0.2, ft = 307, fb = 907, and n = 0.3. Numbers in = 0.2). The three shells are depicted in Fig. 4. Unlike the
parentheses identify frequency sequences. hm is average shell thickness, frequencies for the conical shells (Table 2), where the first two
defined by (ht 1 hb)/2.
Torsional mode. shells were for n = 2, those of the spherical shells occur at
Axisymmetric mode. higher circumferential mode numbers (n = 3 and 4). Therefore,
Table 4 is extended to include n = 5, to guarantee that at least
the first several modes are included. It is also interesting to
decrease, and may be for n = 2, particularly when the ends note that, in contrast with the conical shell data, none of the
are free (Leissa 1973, pp. 63, 130); although this trend is not first five frequencies for the spherical shells occur for n = 2.
clearly established for thin conical shells. The 3D results of
Table 2, which are for thick shells, are in accord with this CONCLUSIONS
trend. A 3D method of analysis has been presented for determining
It is also interesting to note in Table 2 that, although the accurate free vibration frequencies and mode shapes of cir-
three shells all have the same ratio of mean thickness to length cumferentially closed, hollow bodies of revolution (i.e., thick
(hm /L = 0.25), a decrease of the thickness ratio from 1 to 0 shells). It could be extended straightforwardly to include open
typically results in increased frequencies. The one exception bodies, but circumferential periodicity of the modes would be
to this among the first five modes is Mode 1. lost, the sin nu and cos nu in the displacements being replaced
by algebraic polynomials, and the scale of the numerical prob-
lem would increase greatly.
The method has been shown to be applicable to thick shells
As a second example, one involving meridional curvature, having arbitrarily varying radii of curvature r1, r2 and arbitrary
a spherical shell segment having linearly varying thickness is thickness h variation. Numerical results were only presented
used. This is well represented by Fig. 1, with r2 = a, which for some truncated, thick conical shells (varying r2) and spher-
is the spherical radius (a constant). ical shell segments with linearly varying wall thickness. In
A convergence study is presented in Table 3 for the first five Kang (1997), the method was also demonstrated for ellip-
frequencies of n = 1 modes for a shell having ht /hb = 1/3, ft soidal, hyperboloidal, paraboloidal, and bell-shaped shells of
= 307, fb = 907, and ht /a = 0.1 (Fig. 1), with n = 0.3. The constant and linearly varying thickness. Although the method
convergence rate is seen to be approximately the same as that has the capability of analyzing accurately very thick shells,
for the conical shell (Table 1), requiring frequency determi- which 2D shell theories (thin or thick) cannot, it can also be
nants of order 96–150 for four-digit convergence of the first applied to thin shells, thereby determining conclusively the
five frequencies. Again, one observes that a thick (2D) shell accuracies of the shell theories.
theory, as represented by TZ = 2, yields frequencies that are This method is straightforward, but it is capable of deter-

J. Eng. Mech. 1999.125:1365-1371.

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