Infinitive &gerund

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When do we use gerund or infinitive?

When we have to use a verb after another verb, or a certain kind of word, we
sometimes use an infinitive or a gerund. It often depends on the word that comes
before. Here you have a list of the main  situations in which we use infinitives or
Verbs that take gerund or infinitive with a change
of meaning
Forget to do something: Used to talk about things that we need to do, and we
forget to do them.

o I think we forgot to lock the door when we left. 

o Don’t forget to call me when you finish.

Forget doing something: It’s normally used in negative sentences. Used to talk
about memories; normally about things that we did in the past and that we will not

o I’ll never forget walking on that amazing beach for the first time. 

Remember to do something: Used to talk about things we need to do.

o He didn’t remember to turn off the heating after class. 

o Please, will you remember to close the windows if you leave?

Remember doing something: Used to talk about memories. We remember things

from the past.

o I remember eating on this same chair the day I graduated. 

o I remember mentioning the issue to Elisabeth last week.

Try to do something: When we try to do something, we make an effort to achieve
something that we maybe will or will not accomplish.

o Could you please try to be a bit less rude?

o I’ll try to convince him, but I’m not sure that’s going to change anything. 

Try doing something: Used when we have an objective and we try something as

an experiment to see if it helps us achieve that objective. We try something in
order to achieve an objective.
o A: “I need to sleep but I can’t.” B: “Why don’t you try drinking a glass of
hot milk?”
o I can’t contact Jane. I’ve tried calling her home number and also on her
mobile, but nothing. 

Stop to do something: Used when we stop doing an activity so as to start doing a
different one.

o We had been driving for hours, so we had to stop to eat something and go

to the toilet. (=We stopped driving in order to eat.)

Stop doing something: It means to finish doing something that we are doing.

o Could you stop biting your nails? 

o I need to stop smoking once and for ever. 



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➪ When the verb is the subject of a sentence.

o Reading on tablets and phones isn’t very good for your eyes.

➪ After a preposition.

o I’m tired of waiting. Let’s go home.

➪ After some verbs.

o I don’t mind waiting.
o She recommended visiting this museum.
Common verbs followed by a gerund
Some common verbs that are followed by gerund are: avoid, enjoy, finish, hate,
keep, like, love, don’t mind, prefer, recommend, spend time, stop, suggest,

Negative gerund
The negative form of the gerund is not + -ing.

o He enjoys not having to wake up early at weekends. 


➪ After the auxiliary verb do, does, did in negative sentences and questions.

o He didn’t say anything. 
o Does Tim work with you?
o I don’t believe you. 

➪ After modal verbs (will, can, must, should, might, may, etc.)

o You should come with us.

o I can’t play the guitar.

➪ After make/let +person 

o He made us wait for a long time. 

➪ After adjectives.

o It’s important to arrive early at the station.

➪ To express a reason or purpose (why).

o I went to Madrid to visit some family.
o I need time to study for the exam.

➪ After question words.

o I don’t know what to eat.

o I want to learn how to play the guitar.

➪ After some verbs.

o Don’t forget to call me.
o She seems to be distracted.

Common verbs followed by to  + infinitive

Some common verbs that are followed by to infinitive are: decide, forget, help,
hope, learn, need, offer, plan, promise, remember, seem, try, want, would
like, would love, would hate, would prefer, etc.

The negative form of to + infinitive

The negative form of to + infinitive is not to + infinitive.

o She decided not to enter the competition.

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