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683 (EDU)

[ 19 HRGPKOW–D1S(N)20F ]

BA 1st Semester (New) Exam., 2019 (W)


[ GED S1-01 ]

( Principles and Theories of Education )

Full Marks : 80

Time : 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. (a) Answer the following questions in one or two sentence(s) : 1×8=8

t¡º¹ šøŗγèÒ¹ l¡üv¡¹ &i¡à ¤à ƒåi¡à ¤àA¡¸t¡ [ºJA¡¡ :
(i) Write the views given by John Dewey on social aim of education.
\> [l¡l¡üÒüì¯ [Åۡ๠Îà³à[\A¡ ºÛ¡¸¹ *š¹t¡ šøƒà> A¡¹à ³t¡à³t¡Î³èÒ [ºJA¡¡ú
(ii) Write two features of Indian heritage.
®¡à¹t¡ãÚ '[t¡Ò¸¹ ƒåi¡à í¤[ÅÊ¡¸ [ºJA¡¡ú
(iii) Write two principles of education for international understanding.
"à”z@¹àÊ¡öãÚ ¤å\àš¹à¹ ¤àì¤ ƒåi¡à íÅ[Û¡A¡ >ã[t¡ [ºJA¡¡ú
(iv) Write the psychological meaning of the word ‘value’.
‘³èº¸ì¤à‹’ Ŧìi¡à¹ ³ì>àî¤`¡à[>A¡ "=¢ìi¡à [ºJA¡¡ú
(v) Point out one difference between idealism and naturalism.
"àƒÅ¢¤àƒ "à¹ç¡ šøAõ¡[t¡¤àƒ¹ &i¡à šà=¢A¡¸ "àRå¡[ºÚàÒü [ƒÚA¡¡ú

/192 ( Turn Over )

( 2 )

(vi) What is experimental pragmatism?

š¹ãÛ¡o‹³¢ã šøìÚàK¤àƒ [A¡?
(vii) Write the name of a book written by Mahatma Gandhi.
³Òàuà KàÞê¡ãìÚ [ºJà &J> Nø”‚¹ >à³ [ºJA¡¡ú
(viii) Name the device used for teaching Arithmetic.
K[ot¡ [ÅA¡à¤îº ¤¸¯Ò๠A¡¹à "à[Òºà[¤‹¹ >à³ [ºJA¡¡ú
(b) Choose the correct option from the following : 1×4=4
t¡ºt¡ [ƒÚàγèÒ¹ š¹à Ç¡‡ý¡ [¤A¡¿ìi¡à ¤à[á l¡ü[º¯à*A¡ :
(i) _____ curriculum has given importance on the intellectual
attainment of the child.
_____ šàk¡¸yû¡³t¡¡ [ÅÇ¡ÎA¡º¹ ë¤ï[‡ý¡A¡ [¤A¡àÅA¡ šøà‹à>¸ [ƒ[ạú
(1) Activity-based
(2) Traditional
(3) Balanced
(4) Experienced

(ii) The national integration keeps members of a nation united through

the sharing of _____.
¹àÊ¡öãÚ Î}Ò[t¡ìÚ &J> ¹àÊ¡ö¹ >àK[¹A¡ÎA¡ºA¡ _____ \[¹Úìt¡ &A¡ìKài¡ A¡[¹ ¹àìJ¡ú
(1) a religious feeling
&i¡à ‹³¢ãÚ ³ì>஡ह
(2) an emotional attachment
&i¡à "àì¯[KA¡ "àƒà>-šøƒà>¹
(3) a mutual understanding
&i¡à šà¹Ñš[¹A¡ ¤å\àš¹à¹
(4) a good policy
&i¡à ®¡àº >ã[t¡¹

/192 ( Continued )
( 3 )

(iii) The idealist philosophy takes its root from _____ metaphysical
doctrine of universal ideas or truth.
"àƒÅ¢¤àƒã ƒÅ¢ì> ÒüÚ๠³èº [Åšàl¡àº _____ [¤Å«\>ã> Ît¡¸t¡à "à¹ç¡ ‹à¹oà¹
"[‹[¤ƒ¸à³èºA¡ ¤W¡>¹ š¹à NøÒo A¡[¹ìáú

(1) Socrates’


(2) Plato’s


(3) Kant’s


(4) Aristotle’s


(iv) Which philosophy states that ‘the individual is greater and more
important than the existence of man, nation and the world’?

ëA¡à>ìi¡à ƒÅ¢ì> ¤o¢>à A¡ì¹ ë™ ‘ëƒÅ, ¹àÊ¡ö, "à¹ç¡ ³à>åÒ¹ "[ÑzŒîA¡ ¤¸[v¡û¡¹ "[ÑzŒ l¡üv¡³
"à¹ç¡ P¡¹ç¡Œšèo¢’?

(1) Idealism

(2) Existentialism


(3) Pragmatism


(4) Naturalism


/192 ( Turn Over )

( 4 )

(c) Fill in the blanks : 1×4=4

Jàºã k¡àÒü šè¹o A¡¹A¡ :
(i) Pestalozzi was a great supporter of the _____ aim.
ëšÊ¡àº\ã _____ ºÛ¡¸¹ ³Òà> γ=¢A¡ "à[ạú

(ii) The word ‘school’ has originated from the Greek root ‘_____’.
‘[¤ƒ¸àºÚ’ (school) Ŧìi¡à ³èºt¡ NøãA¡ Ŧ ‘_____’ ¹ š¹à "à[Òìá¡ú

(iii) There are the three aspects of God which can be described as
Existence, _____ and _____.

#Å«¹¹ [t¡[>i¡à [ƒÅ "àìá [™ìi¡àA¡ "[ÑzŒ, _____ "à¹ç¡ _____ ¤å[º ¤o¢>à A¡[¹¤ šà[¹¡ú

(iv) Montessori devised _____ for providing exercises for sense training.
Òü[–ƒøÚγèÒA¡ šø[ÅÛ¡o [ƒÚ๠¤àì¤ ³ì–i¡á¹ãìÚ _____ Îò\å[º l¡üŠ±à¯> A¡[¹[ạú

2. Answer any five from the following questions (each in around 50 words) :
t¡º¹ šøŗγèÒ¹ š¹à [™ ëA¡àì>à šòàW¡i¡à¹ l¡üv¡¹ [ºJA¡ (šø[t¡ìi¡à šøàÚ 50 Ŧ¹ [®¡t¡¹t¡) :

(a) What is meant by bi-polar process of education?

[Åۡ๠[‡-šà[Û¡A¡ šø[yû¡Úà ¤å[ºìº [A¡ ¤å\àÚ?

(b) “School is a miniature society.” Interpret the statement.

‘‘[¤ƒ¸àºÚ &J> Û塉 γà\¡ú’’— A¡=àÈà¹ã ¤å\àÒü [ƒÚA¡¡ú

(c) Write few aspects of education based on philosophy.

ƒÅ¢>¹ "à‹à¹t¡ šø[t¡[Ë¡t¡ [Åۡ๠ëA¡t¡ì¤à¹ [ƒÅ [ºJA¡¡ú

/192 ( Continued )
( 5 )

(d) What type of subjects have received importance in existentialist

"[ÑzŒ¤àƒã šàk¡¸yû¡³t¡ [A¡ ‹¹o¹ [¤ÈÚγèìÒ P¡¹ç¡Œ ºà®¡ A¡[¹ìá?

(e) Write the views of Mahatma Gandhi on women’s education.

>à¹ã[Åۡ๠*š¹t¡ ³Òàuà KàÞê¡ã¹ ³t¡à³t¡Î³èÒ [ºJA¡¡ú

(f) What are the two aspects of Froebel’s educational philosophy?

óø¡ì¯º¹ íÅ[Û¡A¡ ƒÅ¢>¹ ƒåi¡à [ƒÅ [A¡ [A¡?

3. Answer any six from the following questions (each in around 120 words) :
t¡º¹ šøŗγèÒ¹ š¹à [™ ëA¡àì>à áÚi¡à¹ l¡üv¡¹ [ºJA¡ (šø[t¡ìi¡à šøàÚ 120 Ŧ¹ [®¡t¡¹t¡) :

(a) Write the features of activity curriculum.

A¡³¢ìA¡[–ƒøA¡ šàk¡¸yû¡³¹ í¤[ÅÊ¡¸Î³èÒ [ºJA¡¡ú

(b) What are the programmes to be taken in the schools in promoting

national integration?
¹àÊ¡öãÚ Î}Ò[t¡ [¤A¡àÅt¡ [¤ƒ¸àºÚγèìÒ ëA¡ì>A塯à A¡³¢ÎèW¡ã º’¤ šàì¹?

(c) How does value develop in the mind of the students?

áày-áàyã¹ ³>t¡ ³èº¸ì¤à‹ ëA¡ì>îA¡ [¤A¡àÅ A¡[¹¤ šà[¹?

(d) What are the different forms of naturalism?

šøAõ¡[t¡¤àƒ¹ [¤[®¡Ä šøA¡à¹ì¤à¹ [A¡ [A¡?

/192 ( Turn Over )

( 6 )

(e) Highlight the shortcomings of pragmatism.

šøìÚàK¤àƒ¹ yç¡[i¡Î³èÒ ƒõ[Ê¡ìKàW¡¹ A¡¹A¡¡ú

(f) Write the concept of ‘Karma’ as explained by Swami Vivekananda.

Ѭà³ã [¤ì¤A¡à>–ƒÒü ¤¸àJ¸à A¡¹à ">åÎ[¹ ‘A¡³¢’ (Karma)¹ ‹à¹oàìi¡à [ºJA¡¡ú

(g) Discuss Froebel’s educational principles.

óø¡ì¯º¹ íÅ[Û¡A¡ >ã[t¡Î³èÒ "àìºàW¡>à A¡¹A¡¡ú

4. Answer any five from the following questions (each in around 200 words) :
t¡º¹ šøŗγèÒ¹ š¹à [™ ëA¡àì>à šòàW¡i¡à¹ l¡üv¡¹ [ºJA¡ (šø[t¡ìi¡à šøàÚ 200 Ŧ¹ [®¡t¡¹t¡) :

(a) Show the difference between liberal and vocational aim of education.
What will you accept as the aim of education in the present society?
[Åۡ๠™å[v¡û¡¤àƒã ºÛ¡¸ "à¹ç¡ ¤õ[v¡³åJã ºÛ¡¸¹ šà=¢A¡¸ [>o¢Ú A¡¹A¡¡ú ¤t¢¡³à> γà\¹ ºKt¡
[Åۡ๠ëA¡à>ìi¡à ºÛ¡¸ NøÒoì™àK¸ ¤å[º "àšå[> ®¡àì¤?

(b) “Too much nationalistic feeling is harmful for the promotion of

international understanding.” Justify the statement.
‘‘"[‹A¡ ëƒÅìšø³¹ ">å®è¡[t¡ "à”z\¢à[t¡A¡ ¤å\àš¹à ¤õ[‡ý¡¹ šø[t¡¤Þê¡ã¡ú’’ ¤àA¡¸Åà¹ã¹ ™å[v¡û¡™åv¡û¡t¡à
ƒà[R¡ ‹¹A¡¡ú

(c) Evaluate the contribution of idealism in the theory and practice of

[Åۡ๠t¡à[wA¡ "à¹ç¡ ¤¸¯Òà[¹A¡ [ƒÅt¡ "àƒÅ¢¤àƒ¹ ¤¹R¡[o ³èº¸àÚ> A¡¹A¡¡ú

(d) Discuss the merits and demerits of Montessori system of education.

³ì–i¡á¹ã [ÅÛ¡à ¤¸¯Ñ‚๠P¡o "à¹ç¡ ëƒàÈγèÒ "àìºàW¡>à A¡¹A¡¡ú

/192 ( Continued )
( 7 )

(e) Explain the influences of existentialism in educational field.

[ÅÛ¡àìÛ¡yt¡ "[ÑzŒ¤àƒ¹ šø®¡à¯Î³èÒ ¤¸àJ¸à A¡¹A¡¡ú

(f) Differentiate between naturalism and pragmatism.

šøAõ¡[t¡¤àƒ "à¹ç¡ ¤àÑz¯¤àƒ¹ šà=¢A¡¸ [>o¢Ú A¡¹A¡¡ú


/192 20HK—13*

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