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375 (EDUI

[ 17-HRGPT$C-D1S I

BA lst Semester Exam., 2OL7


I BED-M/P-o1(A) ]

( Principles and Theories of Education )

FYll Marks : 40
Time : 2 hours

The figures in the margin indimte full marks for the questions

1. Answer the following questions : lx4=4

sq-{ exns{ rRbR EBI Erc .

(a) What are the three poles of education?

fr$K frffit ffi< ft frr
(b) Who was the main supporter of individual aim of education?
<lffi fiffi q$j{ {E mcfs con qrRqr
(c) Who has formulated 'complete living' as an aim of education?
ft$r< t-T'f q<-{F{E ?r€E'< qw 6srn Ust<{ $R-cq?
(d) From which word the term 'curriculum'has been derived?
,og;q;q, .1qZh tqq&
Cfl{efi *fq< "1zil ?{(e.?

2. Answer any three from the following questions (each within 50 words) : 2x3=6
\r-q-{ elqTq{ fr corz-+ ffiBF t-g< frrc (aBch da :Tq-{ &s<o):
(a) How did Gandhiji deline education?
etffift T60 ftsT{ r$wt ft ?
(b) What is democracy?
E"rsE fr ?

l5t (Turn Ouer )


(c) Give the etymological meaning of schooi.

fiqfie{< $q+iftE-qq-d qd frr+ r

(d) What do you mean by balanced curriculum?

qrc"iHF{ {eE q'q'strT-ta
"nb-4-+ ft r

3. Answer any fito from the following questions (each within lO0 words) :

4x3= 12
\r-ffi exT{q{ fr rorm FR u€< fr?t-+ (gBeh )oo ryqq ftu<e):

(a) Write briefly on informal education.

q{Tbrfi$ fr{c{ Ws fr.r+ r

(b) Show the difference between liberal and vocational aim of education.
ftsK {fuTriq 6rsr q-s 1fu$ EsK ilq< <r<{r;r frft e-{s I

(c) Show your acquaintance with the educational heritage of India.

emq{ ffi-$ AFeqE h-cs qre"nqm tRuq q'rl} qEs r

4. Answer al:y one from the follou,'ing questions (within 3OO words) :

\56K elqTq{ fr cotz.q qtl< E\gq frE+ (am eoo xml frv-<v) :

(a) What should be the aim of education in democratic India? What are the
views of Indian Education Commission (1962t-66) in this regard?
trqEIE-"s en-'s3tr{ ft< ftrFr{ EsI ft
RKI Bfu? qq6s,4-s )be8-ss D{< FIsl
qtcslrq qt6Fl-(D-r<t flqN.ftfi frE+ r

(b) "Home has greater influence than that of school in socialization of a

child." Elucidate the statement.
'f'rs< THI&fr+-{q{ ffiqE ffi-+
T$ aq< qfts r" tffir
<€R frqr+ r

37s (EDq/sr ( Continued )


5. Answer axry one from the following questions (each within 4OO words) : 10

\5E< S-JT{q{ ft c+fC{ ..{tK Us< fr*t+ ( 8oo rlq< ftu<s):

(a) Enumerate the differences between formal education and informal

education. Write briefly on the scope of education.
\HSIFT frrr qr+ sqThFT frsTq Irqs erfi 'fid$Rfr t-csq <-E+ | fts6
{Rq-{< fi{el a.f{r r<?F

(b) What basic principles may be suggested for the curriculum of secondary
school level?
Hqrfr"s finrqr q{l-< {rT@r eisB< <tr< crwc{< TE Afrq 'K{-f fr< ftuRcq?


37s (EDU)/s1 HK7-20000

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