Read The Text and Answer The Questions

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Senior Pre-Intermediate Name:______________________

First Mid Term Exam Total:_____________/

E.F Pre-intermediate
Units 4b-7C

1- Read the text and answer the questions (10)

1 What does Cathy’s mum always want to buy her?

2 What did Cathy’s mum think of the red dress?
3 What did Cathy’s mum complain about?
4 What two problems did Cathy have at 5 o’clock?
5 What is the eBay dress like?

2-Complete the dialogue by putting the verbs in brackets into the

present perfect or the past simple.(8)
A _____________ (you / see) this film before?
B No, I 1 __________. What about you?
A I 2 __________ (see) it last year at the cinema.
B I 3 __________ (meet) the main actor a few years ago.
A Wow! I 4 __________ (not / meet) anyone famous.
B It 5 __________ (be) before he was famous. He 6__________ (go) to the
same school as my brother, Mark. Mark’s an actor, too.
A Really? 7__________ (he / be) on TV?
B No, he usually works in the theatre.
3- Write the past simple and past participle form of the verbs below(8)

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle

0- Speak ___________ ______________
1- Think ___________ _____________
2 Fall ___________ ______________
3 Drink ___________ ______________
4 Know ___________ ______________
5 Pay ___________ ______________
6 Sing ___________ ______________
7 Meet ___________ ______________

4- Choose 5 verbs from exercise 3 and write sentences using the past simple
or the present perfect (10)

5- Circle the correct form.(5)

1- When have you finished / did you finish your work?
2- I’m going to / ’ll see you at the cinema at six o’clock.
3- What did you do / were you doing for your last holiday?
4- Who did you see / saw at the post office?
5- Does your brother stay / Is your brother staying with you this weekend?
6- Megan always is / is always late to school.
7- I was sitting / sat on a bench when the bus arrived.
8- Mr King will meet / is meeting someone at four, but he can see you at three.
9- I don’t think it’ll snow / ’s snowing tomorrow.
10- We haven’t had nothing / anything to eat today – we’re really hungry.

6- Write the opposite verbs (6)

1- Arrive____________
2- Download__________
3- Pick up___________
4- Forget __________
5- Find __________
6- Lend __________
7- Write sentences using a noun or a verb +-ing and “is” or “are”.
Remember to use a MODIFIER (10)


8- Write a biography about someone you know (or someone who is famous)
and is still alive. Use the chart below as a guide (10)

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