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Follow Up Email 
If you’ve sent your proposal and have not received a response after 24 hours;

● Send a short follow up email just to confirm they received your proposal.
● (Hellosign notifies you when they open the proposal email)

Hey (name),

I’m not sure my email came through. I just wanted to send a quick email to confirm you
received our proposal?

If there’s been no reply for 72 hours;

Hey (name),

Are you still interested in having us (insert goal)?

ex) Are you still interested in launching a facebook campaign that gets you leads at $3 each?

If you haven’t received a response for 7 days;

Hey (Name),

I don’t want to be “that guy” that’s constantly filling your inbox, but I haven’t heard back from
you… I was wondering if I should close your file for now because I have others waiting to sign


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